Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 10, 1847, Image 3

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[From the Pe. inquirer.]
Safe 4rrival of the Wrecked Volunteers
at Tampico—Health of Tampico—Sick
ness among the .Mississippi Troops—
Gen. Scott hourly expected at Tampico
—Movements 'of troops—Expected .11t
tack from the Rancheros at Matamoras
—Cdpeure of Cape's Borland, Gaines
and Clay, Confirmed—The Mexicans
Fortifying the Passes of the Road to
the City of Mexico.
WASHINGTON, March 2, 8 P. M.
New Orleans papers to the 23d have
been received by the Southern mail this
evening. They contain advices from
Tampico to the 13th, Galveston to the
18th, Brazos to the 16th, and Vera Cruz
papers of the 2d ult.
The Louisiana Volunteers wrecked
on board the Ondiaka are all safe, with
the exception of six, whom Col. De Rus
sy was constrained to leave behind.
No action had occurred between the
volunteers and the Mexicans, and they
reached Tampico in safety on the 9th,
in general good health, but much exhaus
ted by the forced march. Seven were
abandoned a feW miles from the first en
catnpment, being unable to march, and
it was found inipossible to carry them
through the sand on litters. One sub
sequently. overtook the main body, and
the remainder probably fell into th 6
hands of the enemy.
General SCOTT was hourly expected
at Tampico.
The sickness among the troops at
Tampico had been greatly exaggerated;
the general health was excellent. There
were about seven thousand men there
eager for action, but kept ignorant of
their immediate destination. It Was
presumed that Vera Cruz would be the
next point of attack, and the general
opinion was that they would leave Tam
pico before the close of February.
The St. Catharine was still off Tam.:
pico, with a portion of the New York
regiment on board.
Many of the officers had gone ashore,
but the men were not allowed to land.
Nothing had been heard from the Miss
sissippi troops, which were still on board
the ship Statesman, but at the last ac
counts they were suffering deplorably
from sickness.
High honors had been paid at head
quarters to the late Lieutenant David
Gibson, of the Second Artillery. He
was a native of Virginia, and a graduate
of the military academy at West Point.
Capt. Brown, of the steamboat Pion
eer, sent by General Patterson to the
succor of the volunteers wrecked in the
Ondiaka, returned to Tampico on the
7th. He reported that on reaching the
wreck of the Ondiaka and finding it de
serted, he had burned her.
The adventure of the Louisiana vol
unteers is particularly described in the
Picayune. The day they took refuge
on the beach opposite the wreck to es
cape a watery grave, they received visits
from several Mexicans in the character
of peasants and fishermen. From their
conduct and promises the volunteers
were led to expect assistance on their
way in transporting their stores,
These fellows were subsequently dis
covered td be spies, and on the same af
ternoon made their appearance with a
flag of truce front Gen. Cos, and de
manded an immediate and unconditional
surrender. Alarming representations
were made of swarms of armed Mexi
cans, sufficient to Out off all retreat.—
Gen. Cos declared his force to be eigh
teen hundred, when, in reality, he had
but nine hundred and eighty, all told,
the most of whom were raw recruits,
who had entered into the scheme in the
hope of gain and plunder.
Col, De Russey replied to this de
mand, but was not allowed admission
inside of Gen. Cos' lines. He was giv
en until 9 o'clock the next morning,
when the Americans were told they
must surrender or tight. That night
the camp-fires were lighted, but the
Americans marched atvay, leaving their
knapsacks and burthensome materials,
(which would impede their march,) ex
cept sufficient provisions to afford them
In twenty-four hours they had march ,
ed thirty-five miles, and riot an armed
Mexican was seen all the way to Tam
General Cos thought he had stationed
a sufficient force upon the road to cut
off retreat, and deprive the Americans
of all hope of succor, but Yankee perse
verance foiled him.
There was but about ninety service
able guns in the possession of the vol
unteers, the others having been lost in
getting ashore from the wreck. This
was one reason that Col. De Russv did
not wait to meet the expected attack.
Gen. Patterson was making extensive
preparations to rescue the volunteers
when they arrived.
Gen. Scott probably left the Brazos on
the 16th, on board the Massachusetts,
which was said to be waiting for him.—
Four companies of artillery, under Cap
tains Smith and Swartwout, and Lieu
tenants Shakleford and Vintor, acting
as his body guard.
The camp at Palo Alto has been dis
continued, and Gen. Worth and his staff
were at the mouth of the river, waiting
to embark.
All the troops were in motion, and
tars fourth and eighth infantry were on
board, as well as the first regiment of
riflemen. The second dragoons, Tay.
lor's light artillery, 'Col. Duncan's bat
tery, and some detichnients of recruits
were still ashore:
The roads between Camargo and Mon•
terey were almost impassable, on ac.
count of recent robberies.
The rancheros were gathering in all
quarters. At Matamoras thby were
petting an attack, The Plaza had been
fortified, and the city placed in a state
of defence.
The capture of Captains Borland,
Gaines and Clay, was confirmed:
Gen. Valencia had been relieVed from
the command of Vera Cruz, and his
place supplied by Gen. Vayguez. The
Mexicans were convinced that Vera
Cruz was to be the next point of attack,
and were busily engaged in fortifying
the passes of the road to the city of
The Merchants of Jalapa had been
called upon for a loan of four thousand
Nothing has been heard at San Luis
of Santa Anna's march.
At Tula and Jalapa they were on the
alert in expectation of the advance of
Gen. Scott.
[From the Noith American.]
.711 or's Particulars of the Capture of the
Kentucky Volunteers, by General Minor
Rumored movement of Santa ~Inna.
WASHINGTON, March 3, 1947.
A slip from the office of the 'New Or•
leans Picayune, dated on Wednesday
last, at 12 o'clock, contains tidvices from
Tampico to the 13th ult. The Tampico
Sentinel of that date contains an extract
from a paper of the city of Mexico of
the 2d ult., giving more full details of
the captme of the seventy Americans
by On. Minbn.
A letter in the Mexicans papers, dated
San Luis, Jan 27th, announces the arri
val of the prisoners, and rebukes the re
joicings which had been going on. The
affair is called a bloodless victory. Gen.
Minon's force was 2000 strong. The
stiine letter declares that the Americans
were surprised early in the morning at
a watering place.
The Sentinel states that many rumors
are diem with regard to the movements
of the Mexicans; raid it was supposed
with some truth. Santa Anna had mo
ved towards Monterey, and it is possi
ble that General Minon was in command
of the advanced guardi He is an excel
lent cavalry offider; and accompanied
Santa Anna en his return froin
The capture alluded to may rouse the
drooping spirits of the Mexicans. The
names of the seventy Americans are
published. Cassius M: Clay is among
them. There are in all, two Mdjorfl,
three Captains, one Lieutenant, three
Sergeants, and sixty-one privates.
One of the reports from the South is,
that the Mexican troops at Jalapa and
Tula, supposed to be under the immedi
ate command of Santa Anna, were pre
pared to meet Gen. Scott, and give him
[From the North American.]
Xnother Party of .dmericans Captured
by the Rancheros—Jl .Mexican Guide
killed by order of Gen. Minon as a Spy
—Mexican Troops leaving San Luis,
supposed to reinforce the garrison at
Vera Cruz.
WASHINGTON, March 4 , 6 o'clock.
, ,
By Southern mail of this evening
the Nov Orleans Picayune of the 25th
ultimo, has been received, containing
Brazos dates to the 18th.
The correspondents of that paper state
that the troops will leave there in three
days s.
The report made by General Minon,
states the number of Americans taken
prisoners by him to be 82 in all. besides
the Americans, there was a Mexican na
med Galeano, who had been with our
troops. Under the impression that he
was a guide or spy, he was immediately
put to the sword, although Gaines inter
ceded for his life.
Capt. Heady f of Kentucky, was also
captured tWo' days after Major Borland's
eonrimand, by a party of Ranchercis.—
The number of the party thus captured
is said to be 93, but this is uncertain.—
Their camp was surrounded in the night,
after being futigued by a march of forty
it is reported that Cassius M. Clay
projected an escape, by breaking through
the enemy's lines, but could not induce
the others to assent, the Mexicans great
ly outnumbering them
Hall Hoary, one of the Mier prison
ers, who had been acting as interpreter
with the Arkansas troops, had escaped
from the Mexican camp on Gaines'
It is stated in a letter dated San Luis,
27th ult., that a large Mexican force
marched from that place for Tanque de
la Vera, (the place where Gen: Minon
made his capture,) consisting of three
bodies of infantry, a brigade of cavalry
and foot artillery, with fourteen pieces
of heavy ordnance. Also, that in two
days another division would march,and
shortly afterwards the balance of the
force would leave San Luis.
From this it would appear that a blow
is to be struck in the direction of Sal
tillo. The address of Santa Anna, which
has been published, favors this idea.—
The opinions of our officers aro various
however, some favoring the' idea that
this display of troops on the other side
is but to . mask the real destination,
which they believe to be the city of Vera
tin Thursday the 25th ultimo, by the
Rev. William Tb Bunker, Mr. Roatitio
both of Huntingdon county.
On the 6th inst: in this lorough, Ro ,
BERT 16 HENDERSON, aged 24 years,
Pennsylvania itailroad Company.
PERS Patent bearing date the 25th day Of
February A. D. 1847 having been issued by
the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia, in pursuance of the provitions of an Act of the
General Assembly of said Comniohweelth, Minded
"An Act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Company,"
Notice is hereby gitien, That the iindereigned
being a majority of the acting Commissioner., have
and do hereby appoint a meeting of the subacribere
to the Capital Stock of said Company to be held
on Tuesday, the 30th day of March, A. D. 1847,
at 10 o'clock A. M., in the Room of the Board of
Trade, No. 28, Philadelphia Exchange, in the City
of Philadelphia, in order to organize said Compa
ny, and then and to elect thirteen Directors
of said Company agreeably td the pretiaiohs of bald
Act of Assembly.
Thomas Cope IF. M. Pettit
Rdbert Toland Geo: M. Stroud
David S. Brown H. M. Waits
James Magee Philip M. Pried
George W. Toland Hobert Flinn, Jr.
J. Fisher Learning Wm. Musser
H. R. lineass T. C, Roekhill
Geo. W. Carpenter John S. Cash
Elliott Cresson C, G. Childs
Robert Alleil Robert Steelt
Charles S. Wood C. Maealestcr
Hugh Campbell E. A. Penniman
John B. Myers Alex. Fullerton
A. G. Ralston Edward Sitar
Gideon Scull Archibald Wright
A. S. Roberts Henry Welsh
Wm. C. Patterson John M: AtWood
B. M. Hinchrnart A: I; Lewis
John Welsh, Jr. Nathaniel Trotter
Townsend Sharpless James Martin
Thomas Sparks John J, McCahan
Charles Humphreys Hugh Catherwood
John G. Miles A. P. Wilson
John McCahan.
March 10, 1847.
To the Court of Quarter Sessions of Hun•
tingdon county, at 4pril Session, 184 , 7:
T"petition of Joseph Forrest re
spectfully represents: That your
petitioner occupies that large and cortirnodious
house situated in the borough of Petersirerg; in the
county of Huntingdon, which is calculated for a
public house of entertainthent; and froiri its neigh;
borhood end situation is suitable as well as mices•
nary for the accommodation of the public end the
entertainment of strangers and travellers—that he
is *OO.lO With stabling and all conveniet,ces ne;
beggary for ihkentertalinnent of strangers anil
vellers—that 110 hid occbpied said house as a
censed inn from the Ist of April last past, and is
desirous of continuing the same. He therefore
prays the court to grant him a license to keep an
inn or public house of entertainment lit sdid
ant! he 0111 river gray, &e, lashEit
We the subscribers, crtitens of the borough of
Petersburg, in said county of Huntingdon, in
which the above mentioned house prayed to be
licensed is proposed to be kept, do certify, that Jo
seph Forrest, the above named petitioner, in a man
of good repute for honesty and temperance--that
he is well provided with house room, stabling and
conveniences for the lodging and accommodation
of strangers and travellers, and that such inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and
entertain stiancern and traveller..
Jno. R. Hunter, John Westbrook, R.
F. Hobbs, Daniel Updyke, Wm. C. Mez
Cauley, Roswell Wright, James Temple,
Geo. Updyke, Albert Owen, William P.
Hamilton, Henry Neville, Geo. Barker,
James Murphy. [mlo-3t
enzazrva SALM.
BY virtue of a writ of Plu. Vend. Exp. now in
my hands, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Huntingdon county, I willedl at the Pub
lic House of Joseph Hammer in. Hollidaysburg,
Blair county, on Wednesday the 24th day of March
next, at 2 o'clock P. M. the following described
property, viz:
All that lot of ground situate in the borough of
Gaysport, fronting 120 feet on the south•WOest aide
of Bedford street. and extending from said street
along Newry atrecet 190 feet to an alley, thence
along said alley 45 feet to a lot of Mrs. Longen
ecker, and thence along said lot 180 feet more or
less, to Bedford street—having a two story brick
dwelling house and a frame stable thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of John Lytle.
. .
shffe Office, Huntingdon,
March, 3, A. D. 1947.
J3Y virtue of two write of ;` lend E a p. in my
hands, I will sell at the Public House of Joe.
Hammer in Hollidaysburg Borough, on Thursday
25th day of March, instant, at 2 o'clock P. M. the
following described real estate, viz :
All that certain lot or parcel of ground situate
in the town of Duncanaville (Blair county) fronting
75 feet on the north side of the Turnpike Road and
extending beck 180 feet more or lets—bounded on
the west by a lot of Daniel Stayley, and on the east
by Water Street—having a good two vtory brick
dwelling house and a frame blacksmith shop there
on erected.
Seized and taken in execution, and to 3 sold as
the property of George F. Stover, dee'd—now in
the hands of Michael Stover and George M. Ayres,
his Executors.
Stiff% Office, Huntingdon, i
March 3, A. D. 1847.
Venitian Blind Manufacturer,
No. 12 JVorth Sixth Streets (a few doors
above Market St.) Philada.
- ETAS now on hand the largest and trios( fashion
able assortment able assortment of Narrow Stet end other
Venetian Blinds of any eetalilishMent in the Um.
ted State., which he will Bell, wholetale and re
tail, at the loweetyriCes.
The citizens of Huntingdon are respectfully so
licitetr to call on him before purchating diewhere,
as !leis ctmgdenf of Riving entire satisfaction to all
who may thus favor him with a call.-
Old Blind. Repainted and Trimmed' so as to look
equal to new.
Orders punctually attended to, and the Blinds
forwarded with despatch.
1004 mi B. J. WILL11)18.
, ..
Rettdiers altlrrchatidfite.
Clasaifidatiiiii of Retailers of MerChith
dize in Huntingdon county, by. the
" Appraiser of Mercantile Taxes," fOt
the yeat comnientitig on the first day
of May, 1847
, Amount
", "` Of License,
dlexandrid borough.
Bucher & Porter; 12 $l2 50
Gemmill & Porter ; . 13 10 00
Moore & Swoope, 13 10 00
Henry C. Walker, 14 7 00
Michael Sissler, 14 7 00
James Chtrk, 13 10 00
...-.-' - Blakely, 14 .7 00
B@r6 fiolOnship.
lattesMdgbire, 13 10 00
A.W. Graft &Ccn(liquor)l3 15 00
Benjamin Hartitan, 14 7 00
Couch; Reed & Co.; 14 7 00
Blair Madden, 13 10 00
Tho. R. lOrbisiin & eb.i 13 10 00
A. ,I, Wigtoli & Bros, 14 700
Samuel Isett, 14 7 00
Robert Speer; 14 . 7 00
James Heiidersh, 14 7 00
Benjamin Leas,
14 7 00
A 1 C: Binh' & 13 10 00
John S. Isett, 14 7 00
Samuel Isett, 14 7 00
Johh Harnish; 14 7 00
Ditinid Stewart SE Co., I'2 12 50
'Samuel Wigton, 13 10 00
Martin Gutes, 14 7 00
John H...Shoenberger, 12 12 50
Mipeinell, 1
Janice; tntriken, (liquor) 12 18 75
A. & E, Plummer ; 13 10 00
miiiikdh & Kessler ; 12 12 50
Wm. Buchanan, 14 . 700
Irvin, M'Cahan & Co., 13 10 00
Huntingdon Borough.
John N. Prowell, 13 10 00
Wm. Stewart, (liquor) 13 15 00
Fisher & M'Alurtrie, 12 12 50
Swoope & Africa, 13 10 00
B. E: &W. M'Alurtrie, 13 .Id 00
William Dorris, 13 10 00
Thos, Road & Son; 13 10 00
Jones & Simonton ; 19 10 00
George A. Steel, 14 7 00
James Saxton, 12 12 50
Marks Goodman, 14 7 00
Johnston & Long, 14 7 00
Georgo Hartley, 14 7 00
Jackson Township:
13 10 00
Hall & Rawle,
S. S. Cummins. 14 7 00
A. Creswell & Co. (liq.) 13 15 00
D. S. Bell, (liquor) 13 15 00
WillnunCouch, (fig.) 14 700
S. P. Wallace & Co. 13 19, 00
H. Steiner, 13 10 00
S. Hatfield & Son, 13 10 00
James Irvin & Co., 13 10 00
Shirleysburg Borough.
Allen 0. Brown, 13
the undersigned. citizens of the borough of
Htibtlngtion hereby certify, that the house noti
kept tie Peti:r Libirtsteitt, as tin Inn or 'l'ohern ill
said borough, id necehsery to dcconimodate the
pnbtic and entertain strangers and travellers, and
that the said Peter Livingston is of good repute
for honesty and temperance, and is well provided
with house room and other conveniences for the
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Wm. Stewart, C. A. Newingham, T.'
K. Simonton, Geo. Jackson, Thos. Fish- .
er, A. Carmon, James Saxton, Jno. Fock
ler, .I. Williamson, W. S. Arica' Wm.
A. Saxton, Geo. A. Steel, E. M. Jones,
Wm. Johnston. Jno. Cresswell, Jno. Ar- I
mitage. m3-3t
John Long, 13
John Lutz, (liquor) 14.
Henry Brewster, 13
David Fraker, 14.
Shirley ibwnship.
Samuel 1;1. Bell, 13
_ _
Madden & Blair,
Reuben Trexler's heirs, 14
- Likely,
Jas. Campbell, (liquor) 13
Simon Ake, 14
Given & Orlady, 13
Hunter & Co. Neff's Mill, 13 10 00
Hunter & Co. Petersb'g, 13 10 00
A. & N. Cresswell, 13 10 00
Benjamin F. Patton, 13 10 00
A. Stevens, 13 10 00
above named Dealers in Merchandize,
that I will attend at the Commissioners'
Office, in the borough of Huntingdon,
on Tuesday, the 13th day of April next,
for the purpose of hearing persons who
may desire to appeal from the above
classification, as to the amount of their
sales for the previous year.
. .
Those of the 12th class are estimated
to sell to the amount of $lO,OOO and less
than $15,000 ; those of the 13th class,
to the amount of $5,000 and less than
$10,000; those of the 14th class 0 an
amount less than $5,000. When liquors
are sold, fifty per cent. irl addition is
charged. W. S. AFRICA
Appr. of Mercantile To 7 xes
\ - V TILL be sold at the house of John Mocrtgom-
V ery, in the village of Cassville, in Cam twp.,
Huntingdon county, on
Saturday, the 274 day of March, 1847,
at 12 o'clock, all the right, title and interest oPJacob
M. Cover, of, u', or in; a certain tract or parcel of
land in Dublin township, Bedford county, suppo
sed to contain•abouf six hundred acres, more or
less; With re dwelling' house, barn, Grist-mill. Saw
mill, and other improvements thereon; about one
hundred' and'flfty acres more or less, cleated ; being
the same property owned and occupied for many
years by Wm. M. I arse, and from which he lately
removed. The purchaser will be required to pay
the purchase money in hand, or to give his Judg
ment Bond; with' approved security, payable in
three molithirwith Interest.
m3-3t] 4ssignees of Jacob.ll. Coven
I. Steel Blair,
ATTORNEY AT LAW , Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
Will attend attend to all business entrusted to
his care in Blair, Huntingdon- and Indiana coun
ties. siul3.lB
7 1 p the Court df Quarter Sessions of Hun:
ti leen minty, at aprii Siesion, 1847:
~HE petition „
pf Samuel Stcfey i s of
Jackson tpwriship i in de . eouhty of
H untingdop, respectlblly, shewo,th hat your pe
titioner is desiiotis keeping lipase hr
Weal ih the hotly he how occuldes, hbing 41 said
Jackson tthvhship, on the road leading rroni Pine
Grove to Lewialowh, and from Neff 6 mill, hjrwiiy
of Marblehead, to Lewistown—thaLlie lies
Jed himself With heataariries fur the Contegionce
and accommodation of strangers
He therefore prays pint Whoa to giant ha 0 R
emise 10 keep a house of publiC entertainment In
said hdttsb, and he will, &c.
We the undersigned, citizens of Jackson town
ship, hereby certify, that the house now kept by
Serneel :•teffey as an inn 00 tavern in Juckßin tp.,
le deceSsary to aceornmthlate the public; and enter;
fain strangers arid traVellei•s, and that the said Sam
uel Stefrey is of goat: repute for honesty arid teat
peratke. and is well prepared with house room and
Conveniences for the accommodation of strangers
and traVellere... .
George Wilson ; John Stain, John Pa.
gin, John Wilson, Lewis Evans, George
Rudy; Win. Mears; hilliain Goodwin,
Wm. D. Rankin, John McClelland, John
Dickey, Michael tleiniiriger, Rout.
son ; Henry Rudy, Mathias Lightner,
Jr„ John Biechdal. intlo-3t
To the Court of Quarter Sessions of Hun:
tingdon county, at .lprit Session, 1844:
frHE iletitinn of Alexander Carlnoh ; of
the librOugh and noUnty of hunting ,
don, respectfully represents: That he is desirous
of keeping an inn or tavern in the house now or ,
copied by hint, for the ensuing year—that said,
house Is sheeted in the borough slid county of
Huntingdon, oh the corner of the Diamond, iii
Main street and has been kept by hint as a public
house for many years past—that he is Well provi
ded with every necessary fur the aoccnitmodtnion of
the public and entertaining strang wit and travelers.
He therefore prays the the honoiablil Court to
graht him a license fur said purpose, anti he will
Over pray, &c. A LEXIt. RMON.
We the undersigned, ciliterui of the borough of
Huntingdon, and county of Huntingdon; de certi:
fy, that such inn or tavern above primed for by Al
exander Carmen, in the house oceiliied by him ei
an inn or tavern for many year.; ,net, Is necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain arrangers
and travellers, and that the said applicant is a man
of good repute for honesty Enid temperance, and id
well provided with WI& tooth and cenvenleecei
for the eccerntriddritiOh of strangers and travellers.
FtedariCk Krell, Geo, A, Steel ; Benj;
J, Kough, W. S. Hildebrand, C.
son, Wm. Steel, David Colestock,
Steel, Jno, Armitage, E. M. Jones, Pe•
ter Livingston, J. Williamson, C. Coots,
march 10,30
To the Court of QUarter SOssibns of Run,
tingdon county, at Jlpril Session, 1847!
IFtE petition of Peter Livingston, iif
I the borottgh of Huntingdon, in the
county of Huntingdon, re-peetfully reptesania I
That he is desirdbs of continuing to keep a public
house of entertainment, called an Inn or Tavern.
in the said borough, and that said Inn of Tavern it
necessary to accommodate the public, and enter
,' lain Strangers and travellers.
. _
10 00
10 00
10 50
10 00
7 00
10 00
„o • • THE CoMmonwealth of Pennsyl
-0,10 vault' to Ann Verne*, lute of the coon
ty aforesaid, Greeting: WHERE.,
" 4. lA, .F: Abraham Varnes did, on the seventh
• ~ . • day of March, 1846, present his Peti
tion and Libel to the Hon. James Gwin, one of the
Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
of the county aforesaid, praying for the conies
therein set forth, that he might be divorced from
the bonds of matrimony entered into with you, the
said Ann Varnes, and praying also a divorce for
further cause set forth in his amended Libel filed his
said Court at January term last past. We do
therefore command you, the said Ann Varnes that,
setting aside all other business and excuses whatso
ever, you be and appear in your proper person, be
fore our Judges at Huntingdon, at a Conrt of
( ommon Pleas, there to be hold for the said coun
ty, on the second Monday of April next, to ans Wei
the Petition and Libel of the said Abraham Yarn.,
and chew cause if any you have, Why the said
A brabarn Varna, your hUsbantl; should nut beat
vorced from the bonds of matritnorty, agreeably to
the act of Aresenibly in- such calm Made and provi•
ded=whereof fail not: Witness' the Hon. Abra
ham S. Wilson, Esquire, President of our said
Court at Huntingdon, the 20th day of January, A.
D. 1847,, JAMES STEEL,
7 00
7 00
15 00
7 00
10 00
m3-thi rrothonotary.
PENNSYLVANIA, Ihintingdon County, se:
I N the matter of the appeal, by William Entre
kin, from the decree of the Register for the Pro
bate of Wills and granting Letters of Adminiatra
lion; lh atfd for the county of Huntingdon, in ad
mitting to Probate an instrument of writing, pur
porting to he the Last Will and Testament of
James Entrekin, Esq., late of Hopewell township.
in said county of Huntingdon, in the State of Penn
sylvania, decd.,
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interest
ed in the Estate of the said James Entrekin, Eeq.„
deceased, directly or indirectly, that a Register's:
Court will be held at the Court House of the coun
ty of Huntingdon, ill the State of Pennsylvania, on'
the second Monday and 12th day of April. 1897,
for the purpose of hearing the appeal pf the said
William Entrekin from the decree of the Register,
admitting the aforesaid will of Janies Entrekin,'
Esq., to Probate, of which time and place all per
sons interested in the estate of the said James En
trekin, Esq., decd., aro notified and required to at
tend, to hear the judgment and decree of the Re.
gis ter'. Court in the premises.
febB-6w)JACOB MILLER, Register.
A LL persons hitereeted, are hereby ',edified, that
/1 Jacob Shinefelt, committee , of Min t•lilnefelr,
a - lunatic, has filed in the Pit,thonotaty's office of
Huntingdon county, hia account of the execution
of said trust, which will be presented to the Court
of Common Pleas of said county for confirmation
on the second Monday of April next.
m 3.112, Prothonotary.
LisT , f4rAzzi mot
Cotnitiohwealth 4 7 .
John CarVer & wife iq; Salit o uel Myton.
It. Wilson vs,McCrackens 'Sr
Aoki! Diekey's acimrs. is A: P, Wilson.
David McMuytkie vs Steiiitri 13,134,
W: Foster's exrs. vs W. CbtiA &
WhT, MNite its Preaket &
I: Fleck et at, VS A. J. Wigt
on et t ix
T: V. Benedict its ba•Vicl
hos. litadford.Vs Daniel Africa, Esq:
Pollock for carelhers Its Geo. Sipes.
ibhil Moor& is Wiggins & Cishey.
A. & N: Cressivell vs,J: Lontrenacre,jr:
G: Biekerstaff& *lfe.vs,Ffanch&Magee.
Saltine] Cald*ell is GeOrge Dftvis.
John Marks its DaVid Berrick.
John Morningstar vs Jtiiries.WilsoM
James Entreken i jr. vs Jacob Hess.
George Whittaker vs Danl. Whittaker;
Josiah Cunningham ts Charles Dar;
John S% PaitohWillatheVaarner.
Same Jbhn Geisinger.
Sainuel Cben vs Win. Hirst ; Esq.
Dorsey's heirs vs IrVitt &
Robert Spees Vs WM: Bubhnhah.
1 ,
Weld & Jenks . Vs Hunter & Wigton. i
John %%, illiam'aon vs J. IL Wilson.
C. S. black -Vs itihh N. Priatvell.
Conrad 'others vs Saint Fickes et al.,
Couch's for Duff Vs Josiah Ctin4ehttiii.
p, McMahan Vs John McMahan
gbot g e vs James Long.
Win. 11 , 1eClellatia vs John Bee,
, same Same.
J. Petmock'ii trustee vs David Burftet.
Wm. Ddrri's Vs Thos. Eldridge et al.
John litiorb Vs Jacob Leedy.
13firree i Grailius Miller, farmer. •
Crbmwell : Dtthirl Logah, farmer ; T.
E. Orbisoil, trier Chant John Rutter,
fartner ; Aaron Stains;
Ftanklinr John Williams, laborer,''
Harris Thompson, farmer. , . •
Henderson: D. Thompson, farmer; J.
Sli:ipsdn; far Mer ; Richard Plowman,
farmer' H: F. Newinghath;marchant ;
Asberry M'Cby, firiner ;* A. S. Harri
son, merchant; Jacob Goodman, farmer;
Thomas Foster, laborer.
jdcatiii : Sabina Mitchell, Thomas
bsbnrhi farmers,
Pbrar JOIm Piper, sr.', farmer.
Tell: PAL Morrow, farmer,
Nion : Levi Smith, farmer: •
Walker i Adam Hoffnian;'ehiiirmaker
Warrioraintirk : Oritllbt; farther.
West: Jon. Fdrrest; ihnkOper.
. .
Barree John Ce Davis, John Hagan,'
Robert Massey, farmers; Allen Greene,
cabinet maker
Crtlmtbell i Thos. Teague,' carpenter.
lheblin: Jonathan Cree, jti, Betija•
min Stitt, farmers.
Franklin r John Ebberts ; ibid. Ingram ;
fatmersf Win,' Bice, carpenter; George
W. Haugh ) miller; John S, Isett, iron•
Henderson : And. Allison, Jno. Catnp•
bell, Wm. McCartney, George Smith,
farmers; David Black, carpenter; Ben•
jamin Graffius, sinner; D. Snare, Estpi
justice of the peace; Adam Wttifel;'
I Hopewell: John Gant& (cif Math e w);
I Daniel Shultz,' faritiers.
Jackscin : Saitiuel B'eckels, Jas. Car.
mon, farmers; catpenter.
.111brris : Petdr Tippery, blackgmith..
Pbrter : Joshua Hicks, farmer ; Rob . :
ert Carmon,' innkeeper ; George 1Vilsol7;
carpenter : Geo. B. Young, silversmith.'
Shirley : Wm.llorrison;farmer ; Jas.'
Fagan, Carpenter..
Springfield Wm. Ramsey, E.• Ram
sty, farmers.
Tell: Stephen niters; farmer.
Tod: Henry Horton, J. W. Edwards;
I G. W. Baker, farmers.
Union : Thos. Irvin, Win.. Pheasant;
Walker : Wtn Corbin, Alex. Dean,
Jacob Hawn, farmers.•
WarKorsmark r Elijah Weston,
nego Stevens, farmers ; Thomas Elway,
tailor; N. W. Green, constable.
West : Samuel Mosser, farmer.'
Barree James Cay, Geo:Henderson,.
Thos. Stewart, farmers.
Cass : John R.' Goslieti, Henry Dell,
jr., farmers.
Cromwell: Stswirt, furmer ; B.
Blair, iroriniastdr.•
Henderson : Daniel Goat :nail, D. Ru
pert, farmers; T. Burchinell, carpenter;
H. P6Ater ; Wm. Johnson, mer
chant ;A. Willoughby, tailor ; G. W.'
Whittaker, printer '
• R. Read, grocer.
Hopethell : Jacob Wearer,• farmer.
lackson . : Jas. Cuminins, Henry Lee,'
Wm: McGill, fanners; Robert Porter,-
cabinet maker:
Niter elfilfetiter, farmei;
JaCob [Cough,. teitcil& ; J. P. Dean, plas-
Shirley : Robert Bingham, John Gar
ver, fdrniers; Samuel Bachus; piitter ;
James Clark, blacksinith.
Tell: James G'ill s Ord . , fanner.
I 7'ck :M. ChileOte, Miles Cook, J. P.
Snare, farMers.
Walker : Livingston Robb, faiMer.
Warriorsmark : P. Burket,' tanner ;
Jesse Muttersbaugh, saddler; . Jacob Ri
der, carpenter.
West : Isaae Ntif,•farMer.
W.' H. Cromer,