THE JOURNAL. Huntingdon, Wednesday, March 10, 1847, a/' See Fourth Page , try- We are indebted to the Hon. Dan iel Webster, for a pamphlet copy of his speech delivered at Philadelphia, in De cember last. O Thanks to the following Congress men for their favors : Messrs. Ramsey, Pollock, Stewart, and Hudson, of the House of Representatives, and Messrs. Corwin, ‘‘ ebtter, and Cameron, of the Senate. [E7.- Messrs. Blair and Morrison will accept our thanks for their attention. Q:7- For Army News, see another col umn. RELIEF FOR IRELAND AND SCOTLAND. A meeting was held on the evening of the 6th inst. at the new Court House, in this borough, for the purpose of adop ting measures to raise contributions in grain and money, for the destitue poor of Ireland and Scotland. The meeting was organized by appointing the Hon. JAMES GWIN, President, and JntiN G. MiLEs, Esq. Secretary. Resolutions were offered, and adopted, recommending that meetings be held in each township on the 19th inst. preparatory to a general County meeting to be held in this bor ough, on the first Tuesday of April court week. A committee was also appointed, for the purpose of waiting upon the cit izens of the borough, We hope that none will refuse aid to this noble object —and that all will give freely, to suc cour these unfortunate people. Of all the nations on earth, none are more wor thy our charity than the sons of Erin, and the bonnie people of the " land o' cakes." See proceedings in another column. THE WEEKLY NORTH AMERICAN comes to us greatly improved in appear ance, and double the size of the old form, at the rate of $2 per annum, in advance. The number before us contains several comical engravings, illustrating the do ings of " the powers that be" at Wash ington. The gentlemanly editors of the North American are not of that class of jour nalists who are continually puffing them selves into notoriety, by the most down right falsehoods ;—their sheets—both daily and weekly—speak for themselves, and want no other recommendation to commend them to patronage than a mere perusal. A specimau copy can be seen at this office. TEA AND COFFEE.—The attempt, on the part of the Administration, to im pose a tax on tea and cotfe, was again rejected, on the 27th ultimo, by a vote of 91 to 83. Q} The remains of Lieut. Woods were interred on last Monday week, at Lewistown, with military honors. A committee of ten from our State Legis- lature were present. Us- In to-day's paper will be found the Trial and Jury Lists for the April Term of Court. Uy- A collection was taken in the Rev. Mr. FIELD'S church on Sunday last for the starving Irish. We did not learn the amount collected. [1:)'.- Birmingham Lodge, No. 152, of the I. 0. 0. F., was, on Thursday last, dedicated to the service of the order.— A strong delegation from this place was in attendance. 0:7 - The Whig State Convention, to nominate candidates for Governor and Canal Commissioner, met at Harrisburg yesterday. Whoever may be the choice of that Convention will be triumphantly elected. Stick a pin there! 8 : ) .- Thomas H. Benton has been ap pointed a Major General of the army after failing in hi Lieutenant General project. Small favors thankfully re ceived. OD— See the advertisement of B. J. Williams in to-day's paper. Air. W. evidently sells his goods at reduced rates—from the very fact that he adver tises. Q - The act authorizing the opening of a certain alley in our borough has been passed by the Legislature. The State Legislature adjourns on the 15th THE THREE MILLION BILL-SLAVERY TRI. OMANI! The bill giving Polk $3,000,000 to make peace with Mexico has finally been passed, without the Wilmot Proviso, and is now the law of the land. From re cent indications it was made quite evi dent that Polk would whip into its sup port the Northern " dough-faces" who proved recreant to their duty and to their country. Not half the Locofo cos who voted for the Proviso were sin cere in doing so; but they understood the voice of the North on the subject, and were compelled to give it their sup port to save themselves from utter dam nation ! But what is the object of this $3,000,- 000 ? Is it to buy peace or to purchase territory 't The constitutionality and expediency of such an appropriation is very doubtful ; but in God's name, we say, give him the money—place at his disposal anything that may tend to bring about au honorable peace—to check this unholy and unrighteous war. But we ask that this money will not be used to make Slave territory out of that which is now Free. This is not asking too much. The true friends of Freedom cannot ask less. But the Wilmot Proviso has been re jected in both branches, and who knows to what use this money may be pervert ed? It cannot be understood otherwise but that the view now is to purchase territory, and place the chain of slavery around it. The proviso was defeated by nearly a party vote—and as the views of the party in power arc so well known on the subject, we can hardly look for anything else. And all this in this en lightened age! Freemen of the North, how long, after the warnings you have had, will you permit this accursed traffic Ito exist ? It is in your power to check its progress, if your representatives but obey your commands; but no, they have been unfaithful to their trust—recreant to their duty—and are no longer worthy the name of Freemen. The President may purchase territo ry, if he chooses ; but we will have quite a different Congress from the one just adjourned, to say to what uses it jshall be appropriated. If peace be pur -1 chased, the Senate must ratify the Trea ty—and the territory acquired must be organized by the concurrence of the House. The next Congress must deter mine whether or not Slavery shall cross the Rio Grande. Friends of Liberty ! Be Ready! " Ha, ha, ha, such a nominee." As " Old Frank Shunk," of the Trappe ! Well, Shunk is again nominated, and we may now expect to hear, through the Locofoco press of his " noble qualities," his "honesty," his "integrity," and all that, until the very day of his political funeral, which will take place on the day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-stven. P. S. What does the Globe think of the nomination CLOSE OF TILE SESSION. --In allusion to the close of the last session of the Twen ty-Ninth Congress, the National Intelli gencer says that " with the exception of adding ten regiments to the Army, and a provision for borrowing less money to carry on the war than the Government will want for that purpose before Con gress meets again, the mass of the indis pensible business of the session is yet on the tables of the two Houses." The following conondrum was sent us through the post-office, with a request that we answer it. We "come down" to the request, and acknowledge our incapacity to do so. We handed the matter over to our devil, however, who volunteered an answer, which will be found below : " Why is gun-cotton, in a modified form, called pistol-cotton 1" " Evidently because it can't be called anything else !" EXTRA SESSION.-A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer says : " The supplemental revenue bill having failed, the chances of an extra session are in creased, as it is generally admitted that, should the war go on, the Government will be out of funds long before the first regular session of the next Congress." [D-- We acquit the Union Star man of wilful plagiarism, on the ground of his total ignorance of the courtesies that are due, from one another, to the corps editorial. Oz:r Congress adjourned on the ld in. stant, which was the best act of the ses- LOCOFOCO STATE CONVENTION We learn from the Pa. Telegraph that this body assembled at the Court House in Harrisburg, on Thursday last, and or ganized by appointing Hon. WILLIAM BEATTY, of Butler county, President, with a large number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries. After the credentials were settled, a resolution was offered that the nominee for Governor should have two-thirds of the votes of the Con vention. This raised a debate, during which Gov. Shunk received some severe admonitions, and the Convention was told that he was not the candidate of the people. The motion was laid upon the table by a vote of 93 to 30. The Con vention then proceeded to ballot for a candidate for Governor, when Gov. Shunk was re-nominated on the first bal lot, receiving 106 votes, Judge Eldred 14, Henry 1). Foster 5, and 5 scattering. For Canal Commissioner, the Conven tion nominated, on the sth ballot, Mor ris Longstreth, of Montgomery county, a thorough-going friend of Gov. Shunk —the administration thus having things all their own way. • Resolutions eulogizing Gov. Shunk for " his long public services," (he hav ing been in office about forty years) and "his inflexible adherence to the cardi nal principles of modern Democracy"— rotating from one office to another—du ring his "long public services," were adopted, after some amusing speeches from the minority delegates. REMEMBER, That Senator Turney, of Tennessee, in a defence of the administration, avows that the war with Mexico result ed directly from the annexation of Texas. That Senator Calhoun avowed the ob ject of annexation to be the perpetuity of the institution of SLAVERY. That the same Senator Calhoun has also expressed the opinion that the war was entirely unnecessary, and provoked by the President's secret order for the advance of our army to the Rio Grande, —a measure which he must have known would lead to hostilities. Therefore, by the admissions of the various parties to the act of annexation, it appears that the original cause of this war, was a plot for the extension and permanent establishment of human sla very; and that the immediate cause was the single, responsible act of James K. Polk. On whom, then, asks the U. S. Ga zatte, rests the responsibility of the blood treasure, and suffering, expended in this protracted contest 1 From Washington. The following is from the telegraphic despatch of the North American of the 4th inst. : WASHINGTON, March 4. Major General Benton, it is said, will either be assigned to the chief command of the army, or else decline his appoint ment. MeFsrs. Houston and Rusk were both offered appointments as Major Generals at the last hour of the session, but decli ned. The intended renewal of the attempt to impose a duty on tea and coffee was given up, when the bill to admit books imported by literary institutions free of duty was defeated. There are many members here yet, including some from Pennsylvania, but they will probably leave in the cars this evening. General Ramsey has been confirmed as Colonel of the Pennsylvania and Vir ginia Regiment ; Captain Johnson of the Army, as Lieutenant Colonel ; Messrs. Hunter of Carlisle, and Morgan of Brad ford county, as Majors ; Lieut. Lewis Carr promoted to a Captaincy, and as signed to the command of a company. DESERVED COMPLIMENT.—The North American, of the Ist inst, contained a card signed by a large number of the Whig Senators and Representatives in Congress, recommending that paper to the Whig party throughout the country, as the best advocate and exponent of Whig principles extant. We are right glad to see the North American properly appreciated. ffD- The New York Tribune has a table showing the amount collected in the United States for the Relief of Ire land to be about two hundred and four thousand dollars. ID-Hon. MORRIS LONGSTRETII of Mont gomery county, has been nominated by the Locofocos as their candidate for Ca nal Commissioner. (D- Mr. Clay will be 70 yearsof age on the 12th day of April next. lla- It is expected that boats will com mence running on the canal during the present week. LETTER FROM HARRISBURG, Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal, HARRISBURG, March 6, 1847 JAMES CLARK, ESQ.-SIR :-A large number of petitions have been presen- ted the present session, praying that some measure or measures may be adop ted on the part of our Legislature, which may induce Congress to abolish Slavery in the District of Columbia. The com mittee on Retrenchment and Reform made a report on Monday on this sub ject. It is as follows: WHEREAS, By the constitution of the United States no powers were conferred upon the Federal Government to inter fere with or to establish or sustain the institution of slavery, but said institu tion was left entirely with the States in which it existed to be maintained or es tablished in each State according to the will of the people thereof : AND % HERE- As, The people of the free States under our Federal compact possess the same unqualified right to be exempt from the expense and guilt of upholding said in stitution as the people of the Slave States have to continue it ; AND WHERE- As, Congress by law, approved 27th of February, 1801, adopted the slave laws of the State of Maryland and made the law over the district of Columbia, by which a portion of the human family i are now held there as property, and by force of which laws a commerce is now carried on there in the bodies of men, women and children, thereby involving the people of the free States (whose rep resentatives refuse to repeal said laws) in the guilt of the traffic of human fled► ; AND WHEREAS, The countenance of sla very and the traffic in human flesh at the seat of our general Government, is a reproach on our free institutions, and at war alike with the dictates of reason and the principles of religion ; There fore, Resolved, That our Senators in Con gress and our Representatives be re quested to use their influence for the re peal of such parts of any and all acts of Congress which sustain slavery or the slave trade in the District of Coltpnbia. The bill creating the new county of Lackawiinna out of parts of Luzerne passed the Senate on Monday and it has been signed by the Governor since. On the same day the State Treasurer in formed the Senate that the interest on the State debt, which fell due on the first of February, was paid, and there remained on that day an available bal ance in the Treasury of $53,586,89. The bill incorporating the Cumber land Valley Bank, and the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Erie, passed through the House this week ; and the Reading Savings' Bank was killed, as was also, the bill creating the new counties of ; Penn and Madison out of parts of Berks. The bill providing for the repeal of that part of the law relating to the sales of unseated lands, as requires the County Treasurers to advertise the sales of those lands in two papers of the city of Phila. was passed finally on Friday. These sales, by this bill, will now be advertised. in the counties in which the lands are located, which will require the non-res ident owners to subscribe for these pa pers. This is an act of justice to the country papers which has long been withheld. Judge Bell was yesterday confirmed as an Associate Judge of the Supreme Court. He was severely handled by Mr. Gibbons, the Speaker of the Senate— all of which he deserved, and a little more. He was zealously defended by Mr. Bigler. The act incorporating the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail Road Com pany, which provides a sinking fund for the payment of the State debt, was up several times in the Senate, during the week, but no definite action had on it. The most interesting occurrence ofl the past week, that has transpired in our goodly borough, was the convening i and the business of the Democratic Con vention which assembled on the 16.-1 You have doubtless heard of the labors of that body. The Convention was full, 1 and respectable in appearance and tal-i ents. It was pretty harmonious, and yet infinitely boisterous. The President is an odd character. These traits exhibit ed themselves strongly during his occu pancy of the chair, and in this exposed position, they appeared very ridiculous, and give rise to any quantity of turbu-i lence and merriment. He is either to tally ignorant of parliamentary rules or entirely indifferent to them. His deci sions were very erroneous, at least most of them, but pertinaciously adhered to; and by means of his resolute firmness, compelled a compliance to them. They were always lunglied at, but had to be obeyed. Respected they were not. Not withstanding all this, he made a tolera ble President, and perhaps the best that could be selected to manage the " upro rious" democracy. The opposition to Shunk was small in number, but the most talented portion of the Convention. McCauley of this county, introduced a resolution which required the votes of two-thirds of the Convention to nomi , I nate. This motion ke supported in a • speech not destitute of argument, and full of fun. The Shunkites tried to put him down, but lie was too many for , them. H. B. Wright of Luzerne, made ' an able speech in favor of the resolution. He was replied to by Reah Frasier of Lancaster, in a very feeble way. J. F. Cox, the CONSISTENT anti-mason of Sons !lerset, used up poor Frasier, and then A. Porter Wilson of your county, also give him a number of sly stops in under spots. But it would not do; the reso lution was voted down, 30 to 93. Be fore this debate occurred, a hard contest had been settled between old Jeff Heck man of Northampton, and Senator Over field of Monroe. The latter claimed a seat in the Convention as the delegate from Monroe, and the former was spokes man for another claimant. After saying plenty of hard timings of each other, Mr. Ovefmeld had to knock under. The appropriation bill has been under consideration in the Senate for several days. Numerous amendments have been proposed, but none have yet been adopt ed, changing very materially the fea tures of the bill. The debate on some of these propositions occupied the ses sion of this morning. The Governor sent in a message this mornin g , re-nominating John M. Fors‘ ter, Esq., as the President Judge of the Chester and Delaware district. Some think he will be confirmed. I hope so. I have known many worse lawyers and worse men placed upon the bench. He has always stood fair in this community both as a lawyer and a citizen. The re monstrances sent in against him come from disappointed applicants. At least this inference is a natural deduction from the information and intimations which have been given to me on the subject. The bill to elect Prosecuting attor flies and Deputy Surveyors finally pass ed the House this morning. It was strenuously opposed by the Democratic members, which was only another evi dence of the consistency of the mana gers of that party. This is clearly a democratic measure, and in some of the other States is considered one of the best evidences of Democracy, but that democracy does not suit Pennsylvania. In this State this measure does not mm ister to the ambition and cupidity of the leaders of the incorruptible democracy, but in other States where it does, it is the best kind of democracy. This mod ; ern democracy is a queer thing. It is i suited to all circumstances when money 1 and honors can be made out of it. The Senate, on yesterday, confirmed Judge Bell as an Associate Judge of the Supreme Court. J. Pringle Jones' nom ination, to fill the place once held by Judge Banks, will meet with some op position, whether very serious or not, I cannot tell. His want of experience is objected to. The delegates to the V big State Con vention are coming in by degrees. The Convention will be full, and its proceed logs watched with deep interest. My convictions as to the results have not been changed since I intimated to you some time ago that there could be no doubt about the nomination of Gen. IR VIN. On the contrary, I have since seen numerous additional evidences to confirm these convictions. SPY. THE WILMOT PROVISO. The Three Million Bill having passed the Senate—the Wilmot Proviso strick en out—we fear that the train bands of the Administration will succeed in buy ing or hectoring the lower house into submission. This apprehension is war ranted ; for although the convictions of the House have been so repeatedly and solemnly expressed, that an abandon ment of them will be a treason to truth' and honor, yet we have too many instan ces of the subserviency of the majority in that body to place the slightest reli ance upon it. The object of the bill is to bribe the Mexican authorities into granting a peace which the nation will disown, and conceding to us new pas ture fields for the cultivation of human cattle. Such a peace will be worse than the worst war, and may be the parent of many wars. The bill as amended is a distinct proclamation of the determina tion of the government to effect the ex tension of slavery and the multiplication of slave States, to an extent that will secure the subjugation of the freemen of the land to the policy of the Locofocos 1 of the South. We have already said that the North would wall the rights of the South around with warm and fraternal hearts, and perish rather than permit the slightest of their privileges to be invaded ; but the conquest or acquisition, by a frau dulent compact with the arch miscreant of Mexico, of territory for the express and sole object of extending slavery tin der the auspices of the nation, cannot and will not be submitted to. The Lo cofocos of the country have, however, determined upon the experiment. So be it. We are ready for the issue before the people. We dare them to meet us at that tribunal. Let them not dream that the question will be encountered in the pulling and tremulous spirit hereto fore manifested. The season of doubt has passed, and the dominion of "dough faces" is over forever. We declared, long since, that were this outrage upon the nation attempted, it would he met with a determined, united and ceaseless resistance. If the Locofocos are deter mined to raise this issue, in the face of all efforts on our part to avoid it, why "let them come on ; we are armed." P. S. Our apprehensions have already been realized. It will be seen by our Congressional report that the three mil lion bill has been passed without the proviso. We can scarcely regret it, for it secures an early and overwhelming rising of the freemen of the land against the abominations of the party now in power.—Norelt dmerican of Thursday. IRELAND fir, SCOTLAND. At a meeting of citizens of the Bor; ough of Huntingdon held, on public no• flee, at the Court House, on Saturday etening the Gth March,lB4.7, for the pur• pose of adopting measures to raise con tributions for the relief of those who are suffering for want of food, in Ireland and Scotland, the Hon. JAMES G being called to the Chair, and Jour; G. MILES, Esq., appointed Secretary, the following Preamble & Resolutions offer• ed by Milliam Orbison, Esq. were adop ted. WHEREAS, authentic information has been received in this country, that owing to a failure of crops in Ireland and Scot. land and partially in other countries of Europe, a destitution of food particular ly in Ireland and some parts of Scotland prevails to such an extent that many— men, women and children—are literally starving to death. __. . . ANT). - WHEREAS, it becomes us as a christian people in this land of plenty, so highly favored by a kind and benefi cent Providence, not only to sympathize with our suffering brethren abroad, but also to evince the sincerity of our sym pathy by Contributing to their relief, so far as we may be enabled through the munificence of our bountiful Creator.— Therefore ; litsbrAitn, That in order to our acting efficiently in this interesting matter, a committee of six be appointed to solicit contributions in grain, flour or money, to be forwarded to such persons in the city of Philadelphia, as may be author ized to receive the same, and that donors be requested tO designate to which of the countries (Ireland or Scotland) they wish their contributions to be sent—and further, that said committee be and are hereby authorized to transmit donations in such manner as they may deem most expedient, defraying the expenses of the transmission of flour and grain contrib uted, out of monies that may be recei ved. RESOLVED, That it be, and is hereby recommended, to the citizens of the sev eral townships throughout the county, to meet on the 19th instant, or at such other time as they may think proper at their several places of holding township meetings, for the purpose of adopting measures to raise contributions for the object herein before mentioned—and that it be further recommended that a Coulity meeting, be held at the Court House on the Tuesday evening of the first week of next April court, to adopt further measures, if deemed necessary, to facilitate the raising and transmission of contributions for the object afore said. ‘N hereupon, the following named gen , tlemen were appointed by the Chair, a committee for the purposes mentioned, viz : George Taylor, Thomas Burchinell f James Saxton, David McMurtrie, Peter Swoope, and David Snare, to which, on motion, were added the officers of the meeting, James Gwin, and John G. Miles: On motion, ordered that the Editors of public papers in the County, be re quested to publish the proceedings of this meeting in their respective papers. JAMES G WIN, Chairman. J. thio. MILES, Secretary. GEN. TAYLOR.—We learn from a pri vate source, worthy of credence, that Gen. Taylor is far from being satisfied.. with the recent changes made in the dis position of the forces in Mexico, and that, although now busily engaged in prepa rations for a march into Zacatecas, it is probable he will soon quit the country, or in other words, resign his command. It is also said that the Department having treated him with very little cere mony, he has written to the Secretary a letter, which, if published, would be a curiosity. In it he has spoken his mind freely and bluntly. We do not know what credit to at tach to these statements, but they come directly and from a source which imparts to them a strong degree of probability the writer having many opportunities of obtaining correct information.—Nortii .1m erican. fT- The Three Million Bill—the Wil mot Proviso stricken ont—passed both branches of Congress, on the 3d inst. We have had beautiful Spring weather for the last three or four days.. The alarkels. PHILADELPHIA, March 6, 1847: FLOUR AND MEAL—The export demand' for Flour has been moderate; sales of several parcels at $6, for standard and fair brands ; scraped at $5,621. To ar rive, sales of 5 a 6000 brls at 5,56 a 5,50 To-day, sales of 800 brls at $6 ; 1500 brls at $5,871, and 1000 brls supposed at $5,94. Some Brandywine at $,6,12i and 500 half brls at $8,371 per pair.-- Most holders ask $6 for present deliv ery. Rye Flour—Sales at $4,75, and to arrive at a fraction up. Corn Meal --Considerable sales at 4,50 for present and future delivery. GRAlN—Wheat is more enquired for. Sales of 3000 bush els at $1,25 a 1,30 for good and prime Penn'a red, to arrive • sales of 10,000 bushels at $1,25. Rye—Sales of Pa. at 80 a7B cts. Corn has slightly de clined—Sales of Penn'a round yellow at 90 cts, weight ; since flat yellow at 86 a 861 cts, delivered ; Jersey yellow at 81 and Southern at 83 a 81 ets. all measure. Oats—Sales of Southern at 40, and Penn'a at 44 cts. to arrive.