IIti)TUNGDO'N JOURNAL. BY JAMES CLARK :] VOL. XII, NO. 10. aa The "Jou mut." will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than •ix months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rearages are paid. Advertisernents not exceeding one square,will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be con tinued, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charg ed accordingly. T'. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to ac as Agent for this paper,to procure subscriptions and advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Balti more and Boston. OFFICES: Philadelphia—Number 59 Pine street. Baltimore—S. E. corner of Baltnnore and Cal. vert streets. Nets York—Number 160 Nassau street. Boston—Number 16 State street. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS, STEAM IRON RAILING FACTORY, BUDGE ROAD, Above Buttonwood Street, Philada. A 'l' this establishment may be found the greatest IL variety of Plans and beautiful Patterns of IRON RAILINGS in the United States, to which the attention of those in want of any description, and especially for Cemeteries, is particularly invi ted. The principal part of all the handsome Railings at Laurel Hill, Monument, end other celebrated Cemeteries in the city and county of Philadelphia, which have been so highly extolled by the public press, were executed at this manufactory. A large Wareroom is connected with the estab lishment, where is kept constantly on hand a largo stock of ready-made Iron Railings, Ornamental Iron Settees, Iron Chairs, ;tow style plain and orna mental Iron Gates, with an extensive assortment of Iron Posts, Pedestals, Iron Arbors, &e. Also. in grcat variety, Wrought and ( ast Iron Ornt meets, suitable for Railings and other purposes. . _ . . The subscriber would also s t at e that in his Pat tern and Designing Department he has employed some of the best talent in the country, whose con stant attention is devoted to the business--forming altogether one of the most complete and systematic establishments of the kind in the Union. ROBERT WOOD, Proprietor. Ridge Road, above Buttonwood et. Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1847—gm HOVER'S FIRST PREMIUM INK. NO. S 7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. HE celebrity of the INKS manufactured by the I subscriber, and the extensive soles consequent upon the high reputation which they have attained not only through the United States, but in the West Indies and China, has induced him to make every necessary arrangement to supply the vast demand upon his establishment. He is now prepared, with every variety of Black, Blue and Red Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, and Ink Powder, all prepared under his own personal superintendence, so that purchasers may depend upon its superior quality. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, a su perior article far mending Glass, China, Cabinet Ware, &c., useful to every housekeeper, being a while liquid, easily applied, and not affected by or. dinary heat---warranted. rry• Pamphlets containing the numeroue testi monials of men of science and others, will be fur nished to purchasers. For sale at the Manufactory, Wholesale and Re tail, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH HOVER, jy27:17-y] Manufacturer. IRON COMMISSION HOUSE, HE undersigned continue the Iron Commission T busines, for the sale of all kinds of IRON, at No. 109 Xorth, Water Street, Philada. Their long experience in the Iron Trade, and their extensive acquaintance with consumers and dealers throughout the United States, gives them the advantage of obtaining the highest market prices. And their business being confined exc'u eively to the Iron trade, enables them to give it their entire attention. c - All consignments will receive prompt attention. .. [feh24-6in] ORRICK & CAMPBELL, No. 109 Water at., & 54 N. Wharves, Philads. DRUG SI DRUGS! DRUGS! THOXPSOX 4 CR.,III7ORD, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 40 Market Street, Philada. OFFERi for sale a large stock of Fresh Drugs, Medicines and Dye Stuffi, to which they call the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers visiting the city. Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var nishes, of a superior quality. Also, Vl hite and Red Lead, Window Glass, Paints and Oils—cheap er than ever. T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout their own and neighboring States as the best preparation for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &c. Money refunded in evety instance where no benefit is re seived. [Philadelphia, jen27•Gm Browns, Buckets and Cedar Ware. iIIiANLY ROWED No. 63 North Third st. 2d door above Arch, Pm LAII EL rat Ao lam enabled this fall to offer an unusually large assortment of the above articles. Also—Willow and French Basket. and Coaches, Wash Boards, Malts, Clothes-pins, Nest Boxes, Wood liowls & Trays, Boston Blinds, Sickle., Oil l'aste Blacking, Shoe Brushes, Clamps, Hand Scribe, Wall Brushes, Dusters, &c. and Wooden ware of every descrip tion. Country Merchants will take notice that as I am now Inlntifacturing extensively, and receiving di• rectly from the Eastern Factories, I can furnish the Fall Trade with superior goods at prices greatly re• duced from whet I have hitherto been selling. Sep. 16, '46. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT BARGAINS IN HATS & CAPS, at the old established cheap Hat and Cap Store, No. 196 Market street, sec ond door below Sixth, Philada. - vu - E extend a general invitition to the citizens V V of Huntingdon and its vicinity, as well as to all others, to our store. We have on hand a large and complete assortment of Hats and Caps of every style and variety, which we ore selling full one fourth lower than the usual prices, namely Extra eupertor Beaver Hats, from $2.50 to $350 Brush " " - 2.00 to 3.00 " Silk " " 1.25 to 2.00 Moleskin" 2.50 only. Good Hats as low as $1.25 and upwards. Also, a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed, silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps; fine Otter, Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair Seal Caps, &c. &c., at lower prices than they can possibly be had elsewhere. From our extensive sales, we can sell, for a smaller profit than others can. Call and be satisfied, it is to your interest. Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and others,who buy to sell again, supplied on reasonable terms.— He sure and call at No. 196 Market Street, second door below sixth Street. GARDEN & BROWN. SeptenMer 1, 1846. LINN, SMITH di. CO., (Successors to Potts, Linn 4 . Harris,) WHOLESA LE DRUGGISTS, No. 213 b Market Street, Philada. ▪ EEP constantly on hand a full assortment of ▪ Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Surgical Instru ments, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Window Glees, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, &c. &c., all of which they offer to country merchants, and others, on the most advantageous terms. All orders, by letter or otherwise, filled with the greatest care and despatch. CLAUDIUS B. LINN, HORACE P. SMITH, feb 17-6m] ALEANDER MORGAN. HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE UDI:I3U7CM.M-Y2M3MO No. 201 Market Street, one door above Fifth, North. Side, Philadelphia. TM PORTE RS and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Patent Medi cines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c. Druggists, country Merchants and Physician., supplied with the above articles on the most favora ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted. JOHN HARRIS, M. D., sept 23. JAS. A. TURNER, lute of Ye. 1 WM. IRVIN, M. D. CHEAPEST IN Tim WORLD. Steam Refined Sugar Candies-121 cents per pound, Wholesale. JJ. RICHARDSON, No 42 Market street, • PHILAAELPHIA, takes pleasure in informing the public, that he still continues to sell his very Superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of $ 2.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality is equal to any manufactured in the United States. t -.4e also offers 01l kinds of goads in the Confec tionary and Fruit line at corresponding low priees, as quick sales and small profits are the order of the da t all or send your orders, end you cannot fail to be satisfied. Don't forget the number, 4 MAR KET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. J. RICHARDSON September I, 1546, CD3MaC)LII:M2(3I2- 2 BUCK k itIO4IRIE, 254 , Market Street, Philadelphia, HAVE constantly on hand every description of Clothing, all of which aro cut, trimmed and made in a manner not to be surpassed, and are war ranted cheaper than the same quality of Goods in any other establishment in the United States.— Also, every description of GENTLEMEN ' s Fort xi, also Goons at reduced prices. Those visiting the city will find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. sept3o- y. BUCK & MOORE, Steam Umbrella Manufactory. .A'O. 104 :Market Street, Philadelphia. WM. H. RICHARDSON, in addition to vari ours other improvements, has applied Steam Power to the mlnufacture•of UMBRELLAS, and is enabled to sell them at very low prices. Merchants are invited to call and see his Works and examine the assortment, [novlB-4m Soho Scott, jr., A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.- 11 Has removed his °Rice to the corner room of „ Snare's Row," directly opposite Fisher 8c M'Mur trie's store, whore he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may he entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties. Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1840. George Taylor, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Attends to practice 1.1 in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators' aecounts, Seasoning. &c. Oliico in the diamond, three doors east of the "Exchange Hotel." feb2B-'44 A. W. Benedict, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Offico nt his old residence in !Main street, a few doors west of the old Court House. He will attend to any business entrusted to hint in the sev eral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties. S. Steel Blair, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa., 11 . Will attend attend to all business entrusted to his care in Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana coun ties. aprB-'4B 3. Sewell Stewart, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Office in Main street, five doors west of Mr Buoy's jewelry establishment. USTICE'S blank. of all kinds for sale at thi. J CORRECT PRINCIPLES—SUPPORTF:b BY ThIITH HUNTINGDON, PA., MARCH 10, 1847. POETICAL. DAILY WORK. BY CHARLES MACKAY Who lags for (head of daily work, And his appointed task would shirk, Commits a folly and a crime: A soulless slave— A paltry knave— A clog upon the wheel of Time. With work to do, and store of health, The man's unworthy to he free, Who will not give, That he may live, His daily toil for daily fee. No ! Let us work! We only ask Reward proportioned to our task; Wo have no quarrel with the great No feud with tank— , . With mill or bank— No envy of a lard's estate, If we can earn sufficient store To satisfy our daily need; And can retain For ago and pain, A fraction, we are rich indeed. No dread of toil have we or ours; We know our worth, and weigh our powers t The more we work the more Win ; Success to Trade! Success to Spode! And to the corn that's coming in! And joy to him, who o'er his task Remember's toil is• Nature's plan; Who, working, thinks.— And never sinks liie independence es a man ! Who only asks for humble wealth, Enough for competence and health ; And leisure when his work is done, To read his book By chimney nook, Or stroll at setting sun,. Who toils as every man should toil For fair reward, erect and free: These are the men— The best of men— These are the men we mean to be! MISCELLANEOUS. DAM= WITIC A MADMAN. A TRUE NARRATIVE I was once called upon in my senior year to watch with an insane student. It had snowed all day, but the sun had set with a red rift in the clouds, and the face of the sky was swept in an hour perfectly clear. The all-glorious arch of heaven was a mass of sparkling stars. Greyling slept, and I, wearied of the cold philosophy of the Latin poets, took to my " Book of Martyrs." It was a description in the harrowing faithfulness of the language of olden times, painting almost the articulate groans of an impaled christian. The walnut faggots had burnt to a bed of bright coals, and I sat gazing in to it, totally unable to shake off the fear ful incubus from my breast. The mar tyr was there—on the very hearth— with the stakes scornfully crossed on his body ; and as the large coals cracked asunder and revealed the brightness within, I seemed to follow the nerve rend ing instrument from hip to shoulder, and suffered with him pang for pang, as if the burning redness were the pools of his fevered blood. " Aha !" It struck on the ear like the cry of an exulting fiend. I shrunk into the chair as the awful cry was repeated, and looked slowly and with difficult courage over my shoulder. A• single fierce eye was fixed upon me from the mass of bed clothes, and, for a moment, the relief from the fear of some supernatural presence was like water to a parched tongue. I sank back relieved into the chair. There was a rustling immediately in the bed, and starting again. I found the wild eyes of my patient fixed steadfast. ly upon me. He was creeping steadily out of bed: his bare foot touched the floor, and his toes worked upon it as if he were feeling his strength, and, in a moment, ho stood upright on his feet, and with head forward and his pale face livid with rage, stepped towards me.— I looked to the door, he observed the glance, and in the next instant he sprang over the bed, turned the key, and dashed it furiously through the window. " Now," said lie. "Grayling!" said I. I had heard that a calm and fixed gaze would control a madman, and with a most difficult exertion I met his lower ing eye, and we stood looking at each other for a full minute like men of mar ble. " Why have you left your bed I" I mildly said. " To kill you," was the appalling an swer ; and, in another moment the light stand was swept from between us, and he struck me down with a blow that would have felled a giant. Naked as he was, I had no hold upon him, even if in muscular force I had been his match, and without a minute's struggle I yield ed; for resistance was vain. His knee was upon my breast, and his left hand in n►y hair ; and he scorned by the trein , ulousness of his clutch to be hesitating whether he should dash out my brains on the hearth. I could scarce breathe with his weight upon my chest, but I tried with the broken words I could corn mand, to move his pity. He laughed as only a maniac can, and placed his hand on my throat. Oh, God ! I shall never forget the fiendish deliberation with which he closed those feverish fingersl "Greyling, for God's sake, Greylingl" " Die, curse you !" In the agony of suffocation I struck out my arm and almost buried it in the fire on the hearth. With an expiring I ' thought I grasped a, handful of red hot coals, and with my remaining strength pressed them against his side. " Thank God !" I exclaimed with the first breath, as my eves recovered from their sickness, and I looked upon the familiar objects of the Chamber once more. The madman sat crouched like a whip ped dog in the farthest corner of the room, gibbering and moaning with his hands upon his burnt side. I - felt that I had escaped by a miracle. The door was locked, and in dread of another attack, I threw up the window, and to my unutterable joy, the figure of a man was visible upon the snow near the out-buildings of the college. It was a charity student who had risen before day to labor in the wood yard. I shout. ed to him, and Greyling leaped to his feet. " There is time yet !" said the mad man ; but as he came to me with the same panther like caution as before, I seized a heavy stone pitcher standing in the window seat, and hurled it at him with a fortunate force and aim. He fell stunned on the floor. The door was burst open at the next moment, and call ing for assistance, we tied the wild Mis sourian in his bed, bound up his head and side and committed him to fresh watchers. • * * * * * We have killed bears together at Mis souri salt lick since then; but I never see Wash Greyling with a smile on his face without a disposition to look around for the door. PRETTY GOOD, Who is the author of the following we know not. It was found in an old news paper that looked as if it was printed when Adam was a boy : _ Sambo was a slave to a master who was constitutionally addicted to lying. Sambo being strongly devoted to his master, had by dint of long practice, made himself an adept in giving plausi bility to his master's largest stories. One day when the master was enter taining his guests in his customary man ner among other marvellous facts, he re lated an incident which took place in one of his hunting excursions. " I fired at a buck," said he, "at one hundred yards distance, & the ball pass ed through his left hind foot, and through his head: just back of his ear." This evidently producing some little doubt in the minds of his guests, he call ed upon Sambo to corroborate him. " Yes, massa i " said the almost con founded slave, after a moment's . hesita tion, "me see de ball hit 'im. Jes as massa lif up de gun to he eye, de buck lif up him foot to scratch him ear, an massa's ball go through him foot an' head at de same time." The guests were perfectly satisfied with Sambo's explanation, and swallow ed the whole without further hesitation; but when his guests were gone, Sambo ventured upon his master's good humor so far as to remonstrate. "For mighty sake, massa, when you tell a nudder sich a big lie, don't put urn so far apart; me hab deblish hard work for get um together." A New Fashioned hat. The Baltimore Clipper says :—A few days since, a passenger in one of our railroad cars, having paid his devoirs to Bacchus too earnestly, fell into a doze on his seat. In his dodging to and fro, his hat fell oft; when he commenced groping on the floor for it. Unfortu nately his hand came in contact with a spittoon, plentifully supplied with to bacco juice. Mistaking this for his hat, after considerable difficulty, he succeed ed in grasping and raising it, when he turned the whole contents on the crown of his head, supposing that he was re placing his hat. The unsavory liquid, and the universal roar of laughter which ensued, awoke the inebriate to con sciousness, when he shook the spittoon from his head, and cried out in a rage, " Who the d—l spit tobacco juice in my face—none of your tricks upon tra vellers." The scene was highly amus ing, and should be lithographed for the benefit of those who " rise up early in the morning to take strong drink." PRINCE MURAT. The Boston Post has a long letter from Tallahassee, Florida, in which oc- I LET HIM FALL. curs the following notice of a natural- The following amusing adventure 3 ized citizen, whose name, when borne given by a correspondent writing from by his father, made softie noise in the Buflitlo i actually took place in the town world : of Al—, in Ohio, two years ago. It "Among the prominent citizens of would have made even the late Isaac, Florida we find a live prince, the son of Hicks, laugh at a solemn ''Seventh-day' s Murat, King of Naples. Prince Achille meeting. "Farmer —, had tWo daugh- Murat is a singular genius. Inheriting tern, very interesting young ladies, yet all his father's courage, but little of his in their teens, who were quite romantic chivalric love of glory, he has settled in their notions. Their father was an I down on a plantation, the quiet citizen aristocratic member of the Baptist I and speettitot of the affairs of the world. church, and of course was very,partic ' Various anecdotes are related of him. ular as to the "company" his girls The Prince once fought a duel. He should " keep." Now it happened that came on the ground with his surgeon, these two pretty girls became acquain and took his station smoking a cigar. ted with a couple of young bucks, clerks He quietly puffed, slid when the word in an adjoining village, and, to use a corn was given lie fired, The unfortunate' mon phrase, "took quite a shyin' to 'em.'! , Floridian, his antagonist, was shot and To this the old gentleman was very much fell. Murat's surgeon, seeing his em- opposed, as lie intended to match his ployer bolt upright, ran to assist the' daughters himself. But "'twas no use . ' fallen. The prince, who had a little fin- talking to them; while week after week ger cut nearly off by the other's ball, wore away, and found the young men called to his surgeon—" What for you constant visitors. At length, in order you go there ? See you, doetair„" hold- to enforce obedience, the old man found ing up his finger dangling by a bit of himself driven to the necessity of lock skin, "1 want you cut my finger off. ing up his foolish children, who had Let him, poor devil, go. He got what presumed without his consent to fall in he come for. I pay you von hundred love with a couple of poor tradesmen.— dollars to come here to cut bullet out of The sweet girls were accordingly con my body, if that rascal shoot him in. fined on Sunday afternoons in the back Let him pay for his own carving. If he bed room in the second story, which not satisfied, I give him another ball, i fronted the barn yard ; a very romantic just so soon as you can cut off my fin- "look out." Under the window was a ger." pile of stones, which had been left after But one ball did satisfy his antagonist repaiting the cellar-wall in that corner. and they retired. The Prince is fond of I For two or three successive Sabbath hunting, and he goes in for the profits of I evenings, the usual period of visiting the field and moor. Nothing that swims their inamoratas, the lovers had climb the water, flies the air, crawls or walks ed, by means of the sheets of the bed, the earth, but that he has served upon I which were let down front the window his table. Alligator steak, frogs' shins, by the heroic girls, up to the apartment boiled owls and roasted crows are found lof their imprisoned lovers, and from palatable ; but there is one animal that i nightfall until rosy morning did revel in the Prince don't like. The buzzard is the "ambrosial delights of love's young one too many for him. "I try him fry 2 " I dreams." But this clandestine court -1 try him roast ; I try him stew ; and II ship could not be continued without be make soup of him, but the buzzard is ' ing at last discovered. One lovely Sab not Boot. I have no prejudice against ' bath, just at twilight, the father, coming him, but I cook him every way, and then from the barn, thought he saw something Ino like him." Buzzard soup ! think, rather ominous hanging out of the back of that It takes a Frencoman to de- window so he walked noiselessly around velope the res,...rces of a new country ! to ascertain the "'nature of it." There hung the fatal " flag of surrender ;" and the old man giving It a slight jerk, com , tnenced the ascent. He was lifted gen tly from off his feet, and felt himself gradually "rising in the world." 'Twas a very heavy weight, the daughters thought ; and to tell the truth, it was a corpulent " body corporate" at which they were hopefully tugging away.— But lo! his head has reached the win dow sill ; and now, just as his old white hat appeared above the window, his affectionate daughter "dropped him like a hot potato;" and ; With something like the "emphasis of a squashed apple dumpling," the old men came in instant contact with mother earth; while the two knights of tape and scissors, who were not far off enjoying the scene, "made hasty tracks from the settlement" —leaving nothing behind them but bod ily misery, horrer-stricken damsels, and their own coat-tails streaming on tho night air !"—Knickerbocker. Anecdote of Dr. Nott, of Union College. On the evening preceding Thanksgiv ing, not many years ago, two students left the Colleges, with the most foul in-' tent of procuring some of the Doctor's fine fat chickens that roosted in a tree adjoining his house. When they ar rived at the spot one ascended the tree, while the other stood with a bag ready to receive the plunder. It so happened that the doctor himself had just left his house, with the view of securing the same chickens for his Thanksgiving din ner, The rogue under the tree hearing some one approaching, immediately stole away, without notifying his companion, among the branches. The Doctor came up silently, and was immediately salu ted from above as follows: "Are you ready 1" " Yes," responded the Doctor, dissem bling his voice as much possible. The other immediately laying hand on the old rooster, exclaimed—" Here's old Prex, will you have him V' ' "Pass him along," was the reply,and he was soon in the Doctor's bag. " Here's Alarm Prex," said the all unconscious student, grabbing a fine old hen, "will you have her 1" "Yes," again responded the Doctor. "Here's son John, will you have himl Here's daughter Sal, take her," and so on, until he had gone regularly through naming chickens after the Doctor's fa mily. The old man then walked off in one direction with the plunder, while the student, well satisfied with his night's work, came down, and streaked it for the colleges. Great was his astonish ment to learn from his companion, that he had not got any chickens, and if he gave them to any one, it must have been to Dr. Nott. Expulsion, fines and disgrace, were uppermost in their thoughts, until the' next forenoon, when both received a po lite invitation from their President, re questing the presence of their company to a Thanksgiving dinner. To decline was impossible ; so with hearts full of anxiety for the result, they wended their way to the house, where they were pleas antly received by the old gentleman, and with a large party were soon seated a round the festive board. After asking a blessing, the Doctor rose from his seat, and taking the carving knife, turned with a smile to the rogues, and said—" Young gentlemen, here's old Prex,. and Marin Prex, son John, and daughter Sal," at the same time touching successively the respective chickens—. to which shall I help you V' The mortification of his students may be imagined. [EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO, 580, ANECDOTE: THE WAY THEY PULLED THEM UP, AND A KNOCK-DOWN ARGUMKNT.--Ther Poughkeepsie Telegraph states that two mechanics, one a Whig and the other a Locofoco, were arguing the other day on the subject of the Tariff' and protec tion until at length the Whig exclaimed, "you say then, you are against protec tion, and go with Polk for Prude Trade." "Yes I do," says the Loco, for I don't believe in the doctrine that helping rich manufacturers helps us at all, nor do I want to see any more factories io the country." " Well said the Whig, if you oppose manufacturing because some men engaged in that business us well as fur ming and trading are rich, let me ask you one or two questions. Suppose Vm. Davis, Matthew Vasser and James Hooker should determine to build a fac tory in this town, to cost two hundred thousand dollars, and go on and lay out the money, who would get it '1 Why the mechanics and laborers the Most of it. Suppose they should then put it in oper ation and pay out five hundred.thousand dollars a year to the hands employed in it, where would the money no 1' " What the hands didn't save, would go to mer chants and mechanics in town, and the farmers around." Now take your own party ground, and instead of having any factories built and put in operation in this country, all that business is curried on in England, who would get the mo ney paid out by the owner then 1" The Locofoco paused, and—vanquished. la The Legislature of Delaware has passed a law submitting the question of "License or no License" to the people of that State. [l:7' The price of fire-wood at Sal tillo, Mexico, ranges from $35 to $4O per cord.