PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS, HOVER'S FIRST PREMIUM INK. NO. S 7 North Third Street, Philadelphia. THE celebrity of the INKS manufactured by the subscriber, and the extensive sales consequent upon the high reputation which they have attained not only through the United States, but in the West Indies and China, has induced him to make every necessary arrangement to supply the vast demand upon his establishment. Ho in now prepared, with every variety of Black, Blue and Red Inks, Copying Ink, Indelible Ink, and Ink Powder, ell prepared under his own personal superintendence, so that purchasers may depend upon its superior quality. HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, su perior article for mending Glass, China, Cabinet Ware &c., useful to every housekeeper, being a white liquid, easily applied, and not afketed by or dinary heat—warranted. r;. Pamphlets containing the numerous testi monials of men of science and others, will be fur. nished to purchasers. For sale at the Manufactory, Wholesale and Re tail, No. $7 North Third Street, opposite Cherry street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH HOVER, jy27:'4l-y] Manufiicturer. DIM. 13 s DRUG -9 I DRUGS! THOMPSON CR.IWFORD, iiyivoLus tLE DRIJGGI% Yo. 40 .Market Street, Philada. nFFERi for sale a largo stock of F, esh Drugs, 1„,) Medicines and Dye Stuff., to which they cull the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers visiting the city. Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var nishes, of a superior qualify. Also, While and Rod Load, Window Glass, Paints and Oils—cheap er than ever. T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout their own and neighboring States as the best preparation for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bce. Money refunded in every instance where no benefit is re ceived. [Philadelphia, jan27-6m GREAT BARGAINS IN HATS AND CAPS, qt the old established cheap Hat and Cap Store, No. 196 Market street, sec ond door below Sixth, Philada. E extend a general invitation to the citizens of Huntingdon and its vicinity, as well as to all others, to our store. We have on hand a large and complete assortment of Hats and Caps of every etyle and variety, which we are selling full one-1 fourth lower than the usual prices, namely Extra Superior Hoover Hats, from 32.50 to $350 .. Brush " " 2.00 to 3.00 .. Silk " .. 1.25 to 2.00 4 Moleskin .. 2.50 only. Good Hats as low as $1.25 and upwards. Also, a complete stuck of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed, silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps; fine Otter, Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair Seal Caps, &c. &c., at lower prices than they can possibly be had elsewhere. From our extensive sales, we can sell, for a smaller profit than others can. Call and be satisfied, it is to your interest. Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and others,who buy to sell again, supplied on reasonable terms.— Be sure and call at Ho. 196 Market Street, second door below sixth Street. GARDEN & BROWN September 1, 1846. HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE No. 201 Market Street, one door above Fifth, Abaft Side, Philadelphia. IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealersin DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Patent Medi cines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Windom Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &e. Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians, supplied with the above articles on the most favors. ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted. JOIIN HARRIS, M. D., sept 23. JAS. A. TURNER, vie of Va. W M. IRVIN, M. D. OBSIAPROT EN THE WORLD. Steam Refined Sugar Candies-I'2i cent per pound, Wholesale. T J. RIdHAADSON, No 42 Market street, PIIILAAELPIIIA, takes pleasure in informing the public, that he still continues to sell his very Superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of $12.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality is equal to any manufactured in the United Stales. He also offers all kinds of goods in the Confec tionary and Fruit line at cortesponding low prices, as quick sales and small profits are the order of the day. Call or send your orders, and you cannot fail to Ir.srtirfi ed. Don't forget the number, 4 MAR KET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J. J. RICHARDSON September 1946. Brooms, Buckets and Cedar Ware, MANLY ROWE, No. 63 North Third st. 2d door above Arch, PAI LADEL.I A. T am enabled this fall to °Big an unusually large jaseortment of the above articles. . and French Baskets and Coaches, Wash Boards, Matte, Clo'hes-pins, Nest Bo4es, Wood Howls & Trays, Boston Minds, Sickles, Oil Pasta Blacking, Shoe Brushes, Clamps, l I and Scribe, Well Brushes, Dusters, &c. and Wooden ware of every descrip tion. Country Merchants will take notice that as I am now manufacturing extensively, and receiving di rectly from the Eastern Factories, I can furnish the Fall Trade with superior goods at prices greatly re duced from what I have hitherto been selling. Sep. 16. '46. .W - .2.Q 1- -L - SZ3I. - 0.1(23. 2 DUCK & 1111410nE, 251_Market . Street, Philadelphia, . HAVE constantly en hand every description of Clothing, all of which are cut, trimmed and made in a manner not to be surpassed, and are war ranted cheaper than the sante quality of Goods in any other establishment in the United States.— Also, every description of GssrxsiexN's Fyn stt ;it No Goons at reduced prices. Those visiting the city will find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. sept3o- Iv. BUCK & MOORE, Steam Umbrella Manufactory. .Ao. 101. Market Street, Philadelphia. ATTM. H. RICHARDSON, in addition to yeti 'y one other improvements, has applied Steam Power to the ininufacture of UMURELLAS, and is enabled to cell them at very low prices. Merchants are invited to call and see his Works and examine the assortment, [non ift.4m H. Cremer, ATTORNEY AT LAW irrYnmitoN, rA. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY. I. 4. H. Grafius, ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens IL of Huntingdon county, and the pub ic generally, that they continue to carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business, in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they man ufacture and constantly keep °Oland every des cription of ware in their line, such as NEW, SPLENDID WOOD STOVES, 22, 21, 26, 28, and 30 inches long. _ . . „ Radiator Stoves, 2 sizes Coal Stoves for Peilore, new and splendid Parlor Stoves for Wood, 3 sizes Egg Stoves ; also, Iron Railing, for fronts of houses; Cast Grates, for cellar windows; Self-Sharpening Ploughs, right and left-handed; new Dull' Plough with cast and iron shear, and the 'Livingston' Plough; Double Shovel Ploughs, for corn and seeding in fall 0• ain ; Copper Pumps, for Wells any depth, with Tin inside and out; Forge Ham mers, from 5 to Ificwt. _ _ New Cooking Stoves, of all kinds ; also, 4 sizes of Coal Stoves, also Stove-pipe and Stoves finished. All kinds of castings done for Forges, Saw mills and Threshing-machines, Waggon Boxes, Mill Gubgeons, and Hollow Ware, all of which is done in a workmanlike manner. Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Prescry ing, and Tea Kettles, for sale, wholesale and retail. Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on having their orders execu ted with fidelity and despatch, Old metal, coppir, b ass and pewter taken in ex change. Also, wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at market price. " QUEEN Or THE WEST" CZE) - I:.MtiEbag,__T For sale by I. & H. GRAFIUS, Alex andria, Huntingdon county, Pa., clieap for cash or country produce, at market price. _ . Tun 'Queen of the Wee► is an improvement on Hathaivay's celeh.ated Hot Air Since. Thero has never yet appeared any plan of a Cooking Stove that possesses the advantages that this one has. A much less quantity of fuel is required for any am't of cooking or ba'ting by this stove than by any other. Persons are requested to call and see before they purchase elsewhere. To Purchasers—Guarantee. The undersigned, agent of the patentee of the Stove, , The Queen of the West,' understanding that the owners, or those concerned for them, of other and different patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against all who purchase and use any of •Guild's Patent Cooking Stove— The Queen of the West'—this is to inform all and every person who shall purchase and use said Stove that he will indemnify them from all costs or dam age from any and all suits, brought by other pa tentees, or their agents, for any infringement of their p itents. He gives this notice so that persons need not be under any fears bec..use they have, while consulting their own interests and convenience. se cured the superior advantages of this 'Queen,' not only of the West, but of the East. ISRAEL GRAMS. • Dissolution of Partnership THE subscribers, doing business under the firm of 1. Grafius and Son, in Alexandria, Huntingdon county, dissolved partnership by mutual consent on the 3d day of April last. All persons having ac counts with said firm will settle the same with I. Grafius, up to the above date. I. GRAFIU3 & SON Alexandria, May 20, 1840.1 y sale of Valuable Real Estate. ry HE subsc.ibets offer for sale that valuable Real I Estate, Two tracts of land situate on the Banks of the Little Juniata river, ono nib below Birming ham; One tract situate in Warriorsmark town ship Huntingdon county, theother tract situate in Tyrone township, Blair county, the River being the lino between the two tracts, and also the line be tween Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known as the property of Andrew Robeson, of Warriors mark township, now deceased. The mansion tract in Warriorsmark township, contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land, about 100 acres cleared, and in a good state of cul tivation, with three dwelling houses, a stone Barn and a good apple orchard thereon. The other tract in Blair county contains 400 acres of excellent timber land, with a house and stable the eon erected ; there is an Ore bank on this tract, from which about 600 tons of Iron Ore of an excellent quality has been raised. A large part of this tract is good limestone land for farming. On these two tracts are four situations for Forges or Furnaces, perhaps the best sites in the State.— There is a number of springs on the two tracts of never failing water that keep the river free from ice for more than a mile. This last tract of land is all woodland and well covered with timber. One third of the purchase money to be paid on hand, the residue in two annual payments, there after. Any person wishing to purchase one or both tracts will please call on David Robeson in Pleasant Valley, or Jacob Van Tries in Warriorsmark. DAVID ROBESON, JACOB VAN TRIES, Executors. eept3o•ti. Hollidaysburg Register, inset t the above, till for• bid, and charge Executors. John Scott, fr., A TTORNEY AT LA W, Huntingdon, Pa.— _LI Has removed his office to the corner room of "Snare's Row," directly opposite Fisher & 111'Mur trie's store, where he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all htrsiness with which he may be entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties. Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1846. A. W. Benedict, A TTORNF.Y AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Office at his old residence in Main street, a few doors west of the old Court House. He will attend to any business entrusted to hits in the sev eral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties. S. Steel Blair, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Will attend attend to all business entrusted to his carom Moir, Huntingdon and Indiana coun ties. aprB-'46 George Taylor, ATTORNEY AT LA W--Attends to practice /i in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators' accounts, Scrivening, &c. Office in tire diamond, •broe - doors east of the "Exchange Hotel." feb2B-'44 TON-WORK of all descriptions neatly executed j at the Journal office. TUSTICE'S blanks of all kinds fur ealo at this a office. LISIT"OP MALANOZIS Outstanding on the Duplicates of the fol lowing named Collectors : County Tax. Stale Tax. 1840 Samuel Robeson, Allegheny, $466 33 George Kelly, Dublin, 2 60 1841. James Leonard, Barree, L Bl 60 $2OB 56 ~,r4 1842. Josiah Clossin, Antes, 103 81 73 16 1843. Michael Bassler,Woodberry, 281 48 771 76 1844. John M'Math, Tell, 124 37 Peter Bittle, Woodberry, 78 73 A. B. Sanger.. Walker, 23 69 184.5. ' John R. Hunter, Barren, 93 10 Robert Peterson, Dublin, 23 46 J. Brumbaugh, Hopewell, 54 87 tßenj.l3owers, Woodherry, 89 11 . - 1846. 'Charles Cowden, Barree, 386 94 540 78 *Jacob Crotsley, Cass, 78 64 104 22 *Michael Bernd°llar, Clay, 58 12 37 03 *John 11. Blair, Dublin, 248 29 1-314 87 'John Zontmyer, Franklin, 727 74 834 20 .S. R. Boggs, Henderson, 496 76 884 98 "John Russell, Hopewell, 376 04 1 - 377 36 'Robt. Mcliurney, Jackson, 462 80 f3O 79 • Wm. Hileman, Morrie, 424 96 1-603 21 Jacob Kough, Porter, 918 42 281 55 'George Bowman, Shirley, 294 10 .1.80 84 •George Taylor, Springfield, 101 81 123 81 'Jacob Hegie, Tell, 160 10 101 25 Henry Houpt, Tod, 175 02 . . "James Hatnpson, Union, 98 76 145 20 Hutchibon,Worriormark, 48 30 aml. Ewing, West, 593 59 827 17 Odium, Walker, 367 35 1165 32 $7,212 10 $6,632 85 * Since paid in part. t Since paid in full. Of the above named Collectors, those Previous to 1845 are in the hands of the Sheriff'. [feblo-3w GREAT BARGAINS! NEW GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER!! DR. WILLIAM SWOOPE HAS just received, and now offers to the pub lic, at his old stand in Main street, directly opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, as large a stock of FILL ./I.ND WINTER GOODS as has ever been offered to the public in this place, and at cheaper prices than any other store in the county. His assortment incomplete—having almost every article in the lino of business, among which are Cheap Cloths, Cassinetts, Flannels, Blan kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash ineres, sc. 4.., at prices that cannot fail to please. c - the attention of the ladies is particularly invited to a large and beautiful selection of Z.VeIaMC& , 27 (ma:l6m i , which have been purchased with an eye single to their taste. Call and examine, and judge for yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be pleased to see you. ALso—A general assorttnent of Gro ceries, Queensware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. &c. The highest price paid for Country - Produce. Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks to his former customers, and hopes by prompt at tention to business, and by selling a LSTTLC C.AP. sit than others, to secure an increase of public patronage. [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-tf CONSUMPTION CURABLE. Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha: NFLAMMA PION of the mucous membranes is the result of some impression made upon them by cold or other causes; hence Chronic, Ca tarrh, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re sulting in Consumption ; Gastritis, diseased Liver and Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, &c. From incontestible evidence, it is proved that Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha is a specific in these complaints—allaying irritation, promoting healthy secretions, and removing the existing cause of digerati°. Thousands have used it, and can bear testimony to its efficacy. FARTHER PROOF !! Philadelphia, March Ist, 1846.-1 hereby certify, that in consequence of repeated and neglect ed colds, my lungs became seriously af fected, and for a long time I have suffered with violent pain in the b: east, obstin ate cough and difficult expecto ration, the eymp tome daily increasing in vi olence. I had re course to various reme dies, with no avail, until I used THOMPSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR, which effected a permanent eel e before I had taken three bot tles. E. EVANS, Fayette street, below Arch. Principal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets. Sold by Simonton & Jones, Huntingdon; M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg. Price 50 etc per bot tle, or $5 per dozen. [dec2-61n LE A 1 HER, MOROCCO AND FINDING STOR E. No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg. THE subscriber respectiull)infortusthe citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring counties. that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches, all of the best quality, and as low ascan be bought anywhere, for Cash. His stock 'consist. partly of Sole Leather, Upper Leather, Calf Skins, water proof Kip, Harness Bridle, _Bcc. Pcc. en's Morocco, Women's Straights, Kid, Bindings, • Linings, &c. &c. Shoe•thread, whoresale orretail,sparables, glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, boot web, cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slick bones, files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys, jiggers, shoulder• irons, shoe keys, seam sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels, heel slickers, shmk wheels, collts, shoul der sticks, long sticks, tnessure straps, nip pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gonges, pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c. &c., and everything else in his line of busi ness. Calland seebeforebuying elsewhere. Mt M. L. PEIPER. Feb. 11, 1846. Z. Sewell Stewart, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— Oflico in Main street, Jive doors west of Mr Buoy's jewelry establishment. RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY, From the 10th day of January, .4. D. 1846, up to, and including, the Bth day of January, .4. D. 1847. Receipts. Years. Collectors. 1836 D. N. Carothers 4 1837 John Stonebralter, 1839 Abraham Henry, 1840 George Kelly, Thos. W. Robeson, John Hampson, 1841 James Leonard, , 1812 Joseph Oburn, Barree, Samuel Pheasant, Union, 1843 James Hutchison, Allegheny, John Conrad, Franklin, James Lynn, Springfield, John Kratzer, Snyder, David Parsons, Tell, 1844 Thomas Wilson, Barree, James Harper, Dublin, John B. Riddle, Frankstown, Anderson Harvey, Franklin, Jas. M. Kinkead, Morris, John Huyett, Porter, Samuel M'Kinstry, Shirley, John M'Math, Tell, Adam Keith, Tod, Wm. Chilcote, Union, A. B. Sangaree, Walker, 1845 John M'Cartney, Allegheny, Jas. A. M'Cahan, Blair, John R. Hunter, Barree, Asa Price, Cromwell, Robert Speer, Cass, Robert Peterson, Dublin, Geo. W. Mattern, Franklin, John Brumbaugh, Hopewell, George Wike, Huston, Joseph Dysart, Hollidaysburg, John Oaks, Jackson, W illiam Reed, Morris, Collins Hamer, Porter, William Shaver, Shirley, Benedict Stevens, Springfield, Conrad Fleck, Tyrone, Wm. S. Lyons, Tell, John Myerly, Tod, Geo. W. Hazzard, Union, Benjamin Bowers, Woodherry, Wm. Myton, West, Andrew Freaker, Walker, 1846 Charles Cowden, Barree, James Deever, Cromwell, Jacob Crotsley, Cass, Michael Barndollar, Clay, John H. Blair, Dublin, John Zantmyre, Franklin, Samuel R. Boggs, Henderson, John Russell, Hopewell, Robert M'Burney, Jackson, William Hileman, Morris, Jacob Kough, Porter, George Bowman, Shirley, George Taylor, Springfield, Jacob Hegie, Tell, Henry Houpt, Tod, James Hampson, Union, Wm. Hutchison, Warriorsmark, Samuel Ewing, West, John Osburn, Walker, William Reed, proceeds of sale of an estray, Commissioners' sale of old Journals, County Tax on Unseated Lands, Road " ~ School " Redemption money of unseated lands paid in since last settlement, John Armitage, Sheriff, fines and jury fees, Collectors of 1845, interest on balances of State tax due and unpaid on the second day of January last, Balance in the Treasury at last settlement, received of Geo. Taylor, former treasurer, Expenditures, Attorney General and others, on criminal prosecu• tions, ' $ 575 89 Grand and traverse jurors, crier, &c., 3,126 37 Constables making returns, advertising Spring elec. tions, &c., 354 48 Assessors, 465 16 Judges, inspectors, and clerks of elections, 590 06 Road and bridge viewers, 176 00 Inquisitions on dead bodies, 38 92 Sundry persons, premiums on wolves, wild cats and foxes, 478 75 COMMISSIONERS— William Bell, 52 50 Alexander Knox, jr. 28 75 Mordecai Chilcote (1846 and part of 1845), 138 00 John F. Miller, 173 50 AUDITORS— Jacob S. Mattorn, 22 50 Seth R. M'Cune, 22 50 W. S. Africa, Clerk to Commissioners and Auditors, 300 00 COUNTY PRINTING—John Penn Jones, 74 00 Theo. H. Cremer, 27 87 William Lewis, 30 00 James Clark, 127 25 BRIDGES- Robert Stitt, in full, for bridge built over the Little Ju niata river, at Union Furnace, James Burk and James Entreken, for building bridge across the Raystown branch of the Juniata river, in Hopewell township, in full, Robert Madden, on account of bridge across the Little Ju niata river, near the mouth of Spruce creek, James Burk, on account of bridge at Alexandria, James Burk and Daniel Keech, on account of bridge across the southern branch of the Juniata river, in Franklin township, Wm. Taylor, on account of bridge across the Raystown branch of the Juniata river, in Hopewell township, MISCELLANEOUS- • James Saxton, for 9 tons of coal delivered at the Court House, John Ker, for firewood delivered to Jailand Court House, Townships. Cromwell, Franklin, Barree, Frankstown, Union, Barree, $13,038 76 435 00 700 00 840 00 450 00 225 00 700 00 48 37 29 75 Jane Keim, for washing for prisoners, Mary Gibson, sweeping and scrubbing Court House, George Jackson, for boarding the jury in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Jas. 13alley, at August T., George Jackson, for boarding the Wil liamsburg company of volunteers, call ed here by the Sheriff at the execution df M'Cafferty, William Drennin, for planting trees in front of the Court House, Isaac Lyninger and Letvis Snyder, for making a paper edse for the office of the Register and Recorder, and painting, Isaac Lyninger, for paintifig fence in front of the Court House, Isaac Lyninger, for , a coffin for the burial of James M'Cafferty, Isaac Woolverton, for putting a pump in the well, and repairing the gallows in the jail yard, David Blair, counsel to Commissioners, 1845, Same, part of 1846, A. K. Cornyn, do do part of 1846, Francis B. Wallace, P. M., postage, Sundry persons, refunded taxes and costs of unseated lands sold at Treasurer's sale, John Shaver, late Sheriff, balance of bill, Alex. Knox, jr., for Purdon's Digest, Sundry persons, for stationery, candles and blanks for assessments and dupli- cates, Sundry persons, cutting wood, shovelling snow, and repairs to Jail and Court House, Sundry persons for election boxes, Sundry supervisors, road tax on unseated lands, Sundry school treasurers, school tax on unseated lands, Sundry persons, redemption money of un seated lands, James Steel, Prothonotary and Clerk of Sessions, fees, and for furnishing sta tionery for the Court, James Steel, for three dockets, Amount overpaid by collectors on county tax, applied by Treasurer to the pay ment of the state tax, on the final set tlement of their duplicates, John Read, for recording Treasurer's bond and appointment, Joseph Law, Treasurer, costs of suits , against delinquent retailers, paid by him, . John Armitage, Sheriff, summoning ju rors, boarding prisoners, &c., Interest on balance of state tax, due from the county, for the year 1845, paid to State Treasurer, as per his receipt, Treasurer's commission on $24,852 24, at 1i per cent, Balance in the Treasury, In testimony of the correctness of the above ac count, we have hereunto set our hands this Bth day of January, A. D. 1847. J. F. MILLER, DANIEL TEAGUE, ROBERTCUMMINS, . . .attest —W S. AFRICA, Clerk. We, the undersigned, Auditors of Huntingdon county, do hereby certify, that we have examined the drafts of the Commissioners of said county, and the receipts for the same, for the past year, and find a Wane° in the Treasury of eight hundred and fifty. two dollars and fifty cents. Given under our hands this Bth day of January, A. D. 1847. L. G. KESSLER, WM. HUTCHISON, GEO. WILSON, .duditors Huntingdon, January 8, 1847—feb3-4w TRIENNIAL ASSESSMENT OF HUNTINGDON COUNTY-1817. Value. $4,480,517 00 210,744 00 Real Estate, Horses and Cattle, Moneys due on mortgages, judgments, &c., 607,275 00 Foreign stocks and invest- ments, Excess (above $300) of household furniture, Aggregate subject to a tax of 3 mills per dollar, for State purposes, -- -$5,307,861 00 Pleasure carriages, $14,957 00 Excess (above $200) of trades, occupations and Professions, Aggregate subject to a tax of 1 per cent. for State purposes, Excess (above $200) of emoluments of office subject to 2 per cent. tax for State purposes, Domestic stocks not subject to State tax, Trades, occupations and professions of the value of $2OO, and under, not sub ject to State tax, Total valuation of property taxable for county purposes-18 eta. per $lOO, $5,513,592 00 Stages taxable for State purposes alone, 3 mills per dollar, $1,200 00 No. of Watches-Ist class $lOO each, 36. 44 2d 1. 75 .. 67. 44 3d . 1 50 4 , 14. Amount of tax levied and assessed for use of the Commonwealth, for 1841, $16,398 75 Amount of county tax assessed for the year 1847, 20 00 20 00 55 00 47 50 24 00 60 I'2 L 2O 00 5 00 44 25 40 00 23 00 17 00 7 46 127 52 2 57 8 00 39 50 28 77 11 55 37 00 77 81 .241 14 131 47 36 86 162 37 2 25 15 75 261 20 15 76 372 78 852 50 $13,038 76 Commissioners' 3,050 00 6,275 00 19,275 00 34,232 00 1,800 00 33,217 00 136,482 00 9,924 46