Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 17, 1847, Image 1

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    .HIJ),TI.);--LPU - . JOURNAL.
VOL, XII, NO, 7,
REl' b 356 a.MM. o
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From the U. S. Gazette.
This is the hour that I love best
Of all the hours of day,
When, sinking slowly to his rest,
The day-god fades away;
When all so tranquil and serene,
The wind scarce breathes a sigh,
And here and there a star is seen
To twinkle in the sky.
Oh ! this sweet hour doth seem to me
Almost as if 'twere given,
'When from the cares of day set free,
To raise the thoughts to heaven ;
ror as I watch the distant sky,
That glows with many a star,
I think of that dear friend on high,
And that bright world afar.
I think of all the loved, the lost,
Who horn this world 'lath flown,
And with the ransatned heavenly host,
Surround the Father's throne.
Oft fancy waves her magic wand,
And 'mid the shade of night,
Those dear ones from the spirit land
Will g cet my ravished sight—
Or as the zephyrs voice I hear,
Sigh with a plaintive moan,
I often list with anxious ear
For some remembered tone,
Some voice that here forever still,
In rapturous strains of love,
Joins in the joyous songs that swell
The harmony above.
Ye are the Scriptures of the earth,
Sweet flowers fair and frail,
A Sermon speaks in every bud
That woos tho summer gale.
Ye lift your heads at early morn,
To greet the sunny ray,
And cast your fragrance forth to praise
The Lord of night and day.
Sown in the damp and cheer!. es earth,
Ye elu mber fur a while ;
Then waken unto glorious life,
And bid creution smile.
Thus when within the darksome tomb,
Our mortal flames shall lie,
The soul, freed from the bounds of sin,
Shall join the choir on high.
It is singular, but it is true, that su
perstition prevails in this day of know
ledge. It is an impossibility to reason
people out of the belief that the break
ing of a looking-glass ; the howling of a
dog ; the lowing of a cow at night, the
gnawing of an insect upon the wall, etc.
prognosticates the near approach of
death to some member of the family.—
After the death of a child, a parent, or
a brother, we have heard persons remark
with all sincerity—" I knew some one
would die—l was forwarned of it. I
heard a groan one day under the win
dow, and no one was there." We have
also heard the remark, after the death ,
of a friend—" I expected it—our dog
dug several graves in the yard, and these
were the signs of death." Foolish as
this language may appear, we hear it
time and again, especially from those
who live in the country, and are less
informed. These very persons who are
thus superstitious, had they lived in the
days of Mather, would have been firm
believers in witchcraft, ghosts and hob
goblins. And while they are thus delu
ded they are wretched. The barking of
every dog—the burning of every can
dle—the breaking of every glass, makes
them turn pale with fear. They are
warned of death in every breeze. Night
brings them but little repose. The death
tick may be heard, or they may be warn
ed of the grim destroyer in a terrible
Gen. Walstein, who lived in the sev
enteenth century, was singularly super
stitious, though he was brave and intre
pid on the field of battle. In 1625,
while planning one of his campaigns,
he sat up all night, as usual, on such oc
casions, to consult the stars. Sitting
by his window, but in contemplation,
he felt himself violently struck on the
back. Feeling that he was alone, and
his chamber door locked, he was seized
with affright. He doubted not this blow
was a messenger from God to warn him
of his speedy death. He became me
lancholy, but his friends knew not the '
cause. His confession, however, disco
vered the cause, and one of the pages of
the general confessed that, being intent
on playing one of his comrades a trick,
had hid himself in Walstein's apartment,
and, mistaking him for his friend, had
' struck him on the back. While his
master was examining the room, he
jumped out of the window. The con
fessor pledged his word that no evil
should befal the page, and felt happy to
be able to quiet the general. Great was
his surprise when he heard Walstein or
der the immediate hanging of the young
man. He would hear no words; the
gibbet was prepared, the page delivered
up, and the executioner provided. The
whole army, from principal officers to
the lowest in rank, felt indignant to•
wards the general, while the confessor
threw himself at the feet of Walstein,
begging for the life of the youth, but in I
vain. The page mounted the ladder,
and in a moment more the unfortunate
youth would have been in eternity,when
the general cried out—" stop !" and in
a loud voice exclaimed—" Well, young
man, have you now experienced what
the fears of death are I I have served
you as you have served me—now we
are quit." More dead than alive, the
poor youth descended from the gibbet
amid shouts of joy from the whole army.
Thousands of people suffer from their
superstitious notions, when, if the cause
of certain noises and signs were ex
plained, they would see at once how
foolish they had been. There is a na
tural cause for everything. The death
tick in the wall is from a little insect ;
unpleasant dreams arise from severe ex
ertion of over-heating. The faces and
forms we sometimes imagine we see be
fore us are caused by defects in our vis
ion. We have warnings enough of death
in the falling of the leaves; the decay
of nature, and the death of friends,
without making ourselves eternally mis
erable by our superstitions.
Con. Taylor
The unostentatious appearance of old
Rough and Ready, has never been more
happily described than in the following
paragraph by G. de L., in the N. York
Spirit of the Times :
" Winding down It hill, our column
was halted to let a troop of horse pass.
Do you see at their head a plain look
ing gentleman, mounted upon a brown
horse, having upon his head a Mexican
sombrero, dressed in a brown, olive-co
lored loose frock-coat, gray pants, wool
socks and shoes 1 From under the
frock appears the scabbard of a sword ;
he has the eye of an eagle, every linea
ment of his countenance is expressive
of honesty, and a calm, determined
mind. Reader, do you know who this
plain-looking gentleman is No. It is
Major General Zachary Taylor, who,
with his military family, and a compa
ny of Dragoons as an escort, is on his
way to Victoria. He never has around
him any of the "pomp and circumstance
of glorious war," but when the battle
rages, when victory hangs upon a thread,
when the bravest even dread the galling
fire, you will find foremost amongst them
all, that brave and gallant general,whose
presence alone insures a victory."
WELL ANSWERED.-A humorous fel
low, a carpenter, being summoned as a
witness on a trial for an assault, one of
the counsel, who was much given to
browbeating the witness, asked him
what distance be was standing from the
panes when he saw the defendant strike
the plaintiff. The carpenter replied,
" just five feet four inches and a half."
" Pray thee, fellow," said the coun
sel, " how is it possible that you can be
SJ exact as to the distance'
" I thought," said the carpenter, "that
some fool or other might ask me, so I
measured it."
ble occasionally lets off a joke that will
keep. He saw a fellow staggering about
the race track the other day, with more
liquor than he could conveniently carry.
"Halloo ! what's the matter now l"
said a friend whom the inebriated indi
vidual had just ran against.
" Wh—hic—why," said the fellow, so
drunk that he was hardly able to artic
elate, " wh—hic—why, the fact is a lot
of my friends have been b-b—hic —bet
ting liquor on the race to-day, and
they've got me to hold the stakes for them."
RECITATION.-" Class in 'rithmatic,
tale the floor," said the professor. "Ze
button, what is a unit 1"
"A unit, is a•a-"
" Next."
"A ewe-nit is a little bit of a female
feller founded on sheepses."
" Take your seats."
The following rich specimen of sar
casm and wit, is taken from a speech re
cently delivered by JAMES Fox, Esq., of
Dauphin county, in the House of Repre
sentatives, at Harrisburg. It is in re
ply to Mr. Hasson, the member from
Cambria. To appreciate it properly, the
parties should have been seen and heard.
Mr. Fox said—
A word more, Mr. Speaker, in regard
to my roley-boley friend from Cambria,
and I have done. That valient and re
doubtable second edition of Col. Pluck,
has indulged himself in denouncing the
Whigs and their principles thus:
" From the earliest period of the .dmir
ican Rivolution doun to the prisint time,
the Whegs have always been Tories.—
Their prenciples are idintified wid the
black-cockade Fideralists, and they have
nicer failed to exult in the victiries of
our innimies. In the county of Cambria
a Volunteer Company, composing 101
men, started fur Alixico, and there were
only sexteen Whegs en it."
I ask, sir, why is not the " represen
tative of the frosty sons of thunder,"
himself, now marching towards the bat
tle-field 1 I can easily imagine, from
the ginger pop patriotism of the gentle.
man, that lie could hot enter a company
as a private soldier, but I would have
supposed, from his enlarged proportions,
and comprehensive love of country, that
lie would tender himself to the Gover
nor of the Commonwealth, as a whole
Company, officers, privates and all, of
which he was Captain No. 1, of Compa
ny No. 2 !!
I fancy I can now see the gentleman
standing on the summit of some mighty
mountain in Cambria, robed cap-a-pie in
the soldier's garb, swelling with patri
otic indignation at the boldness of Mex•
scan braggadocia, his face rosy as a
summer's pepper, and suffused with a
compound of tears and other mucilagi
nous liquids, bidding a rapid adieu to
the culls and quagmires, the toads, frogs
and snakes of his own, his darling Cam
bria. Behold him tearing himself from
the scenes of his childhood, and march
ing with hurried steps to the field of
slaughter. Company No. 2, command
ed by Captain No. 1, is now on the
plains of Mexico ; his heart is in the
fray and eager for the fight." The mu
sic of the fife and drum are lost in the
hoarse thunder of the cannon's roar, the
beams of Heaven are partially obscured
by the dust and smoke of battle, when
the gallant Captain No. 1, of Company
No. 2, is seen emerging from the shan
tee or chapparel. Around his head he
wears a wreath of shamrock, over his
back is spanned a coat of scarlet, signi
ficant of his murderous intentions, his
breeches woven to the leg as though the
flesh had been melted and run into them,
on either shoulder floats a mackerel, in
his left hand he carries a brick-bat, and
in his right flourishes the mighty shille
lah. Thus sinned and equipped, strad
dled upon a mule, gorgeously caparison
ed, he enters the arena, and looks fierce
ly forth for the mighty Santa Anna him
self. " Heeds up, Captain No. 1,
tion Company NO: 2, count aff in sictions
qffoor, and march at whaling destancis
I for sexteen. Behould that luiberly spal
peen, Santa ./lnna, and follow your Gene
ral," and, darting for his rival, like a
true knight of the olden time, he strikes
the shield of the mighty chief. The as
tonished followers of the Mexican Gen-
eral recoil at the fearless courage of the
stranger soldier. "Git oot o' me rood.,
Olisther Santa 4nna, or I'll be the dith
of ye, shouts Captain .A^o. 1, of Compa
ny .No. 2. "Sur, I'm the decindint of
Teddy O'Toole; I was born in the town of
Limerick, in the county of Tipperary; I
am the ripresintatev' from Cambria coun
ty, and the right arm of the Dimmicratic
party of Pinnsylvany; I've thrn veiled a
thousand miles to see you, an by the un
decayed shens of St. Pathrick, and the
sthrawberry leps of Kate Killarney, but
I'll be the dith ov ye," and suiting the
action to the word, he rushed headlong
against his antagonist. It was a most
fearful and mighty attack. It combin
ed the enthusiastic energy of Falstaff;
the serene judgment of Quixotte and
the skill and strategy of an animated,
living, blood and bones, Jack o' Clubs.
Sir, it was irresistible, it staggered the
plumed warrior of the South, and both
riders fell to the earth. It was a dread
ful and most intensely interesting mo
ment. The palfrey of the gentleman
was seen darting across the plain, his
darling shillclah was flying through the
air like the stick of a rocket, and last,
though not least, the unmentionables of
the gallant, though unfortunate Captain
No. 1, of Company No. 2, were rent
asunder, and, like Cardinal Woolsey, he
was loft "naked to his enemies." Sir,
misfortune commands our pity and re
spect, and wo here drop. the curtain,
mentioning, however, that the latest ac-
counts from the seat df war, represent Chewing Tobacco in the Itotise of God.
the Captain as being totally bewildered, The following appeal to tobacco chew
and running to and fro like the affright- ers is taken from the Methodist Protest
ed sons of Jerusalem, and exclaiming, thit, published in Baltimore. We insert
in imitation of the Duke of York, at the it in the hope that it may arrest the at
battle of Bosworth, " horse, a horse/ tention i and improve the habits, of those
my laurels, my military laurels, for a in this community, who are addicted to
horse ; but if you've got no horse, I'll the highly censurable practice of chew
swap 'em for my jackass ing tobacco, and attaining the juice
sithile in Church :—Ed. Journal.
A word I would drop to the Church-going folk,
Of country and town, and not in a joke.
Now chewing tobacco and spitting the juice
In the House of tho Lord, can find no excuse,
But want of politeness, or rather of greet,
Or want of respect for the hallowed place;
Yet here it is practised by A, B and C,
And there it is followed by E, F and G.
You never need ask where these gentry sit,
Just look on the wall and you'll see by the spit t'
In dark filthy puddles it spreads on the floor,
Front the pulpit all round each way to the dour.
The scene is disgusting ! and hots , must you feel,
If in such a place, you're expected to kneel?
Yet often it happens these men are so good,
They bend on their knees while others have stood.
This done, they return to their labor again,
Still chewing their quid and spreading the stain.
A scandal to men ! a scandal to grace!
Here decency blushes and covers her face !
Do throw out your chew ere you enter the door,
And never so rudely behave any more;
But down with your cash for the sand and the soap,
And the horrible job of cleaning all up. E. H.
The value which the brave and humane
General Taylor sets upon the lives of
his soldiers, as manifested in his unwil
lingness to throw away fifty or a hun
dred of them, unnecessarily, in storming
Monterey, has suggested to a friend a
Characteristic anecdote of General Jack
son, strongly evincing the same trait in
that stern, valiant and unquestionably
sagacious commander, to whose memory
the circumstance does such honor that
we are happy to be able to present it to
the public, on the high authority of the
person to whom Jackson made the state
ment.—X. Y. Jour. Com.
" Our informant arrived at N. Orleans
on the fourth of February, 1815, (about
four weeks after the crowning victory
over the British,) and being an intimate
personal friend of Jackson, proceeded to
the general's head=quarters, and passed
nearly the Whole night in conversation
with him, and mainly upon the incidents
of the recent great battle: After nar
rating many of the circumstances of the
conflict, General Jackson said--• , I sup
pose you have wondered why I permit
ted the British army to retire from the
field and make good their retreat, with
out attempting to hinder or molest them,
after they had been so thoroughly crip
in their attack on our lines." His
friend replied—" No, General, I did not ;
because I knew you would not have ta
ken the course you did, without good
reasons." "Yes," said Jackson, "I had
good reason for my conduct. I knew
that my brave volunteers were invinci
ble in their patriotism, and that, behind
those breast-works, they could defend
themselves against the best troops in !
the world. But I knew that in the open
; field their want of military experience '
and discipline would expose them to the
terrible loss from the fire of the well
drilled veterans of the British army,
still capable of opposing several com
plete battalions to me. It is true, I ,
could have routed them and cut off their
retreat, and destroyed or captured their
whole force, but it would have been at!
the sacrifice of hundreds of my best vol
unteers—an unnecessary sacrifice, be- !
cause my success was complete without
it. I had done all that was to be desi
red. And then—tO think of throwing
away the lives of brave volunteers"—
said the old General, indignant at the
idea of such a wanton sacrifice—" my
brave Tennessee volunteers! many of I
whom, mere boys of 18 and 20, were
brought to me, at Nashville, from the
country by their parents, in some in-1
stances by their widowed mothers, who
said to me, Here General, is our only
son"—or, as sometimes, when one pa
rent brought three or four boys to me,
" Here are our sons ! Take them, and
make them fight for their country!—
Make good soldiers of them! But don't ;
expose them unnecessarily ! Take good
care of them, General!" "Why," con
tinned Jackson, "by the—l would'nt
give the lives of twenty of my brave
Tennessee volunteers for the whole Bri
tish Army."
A powerful expression of that gener
ous humanity which so well becomes
true courage, and of a just appreciation
of the value of the life of an American
citizen. And, much as we regret to re
peat, the characteristic profanity which
accompanied it, we aro reminded by its
associations, of that oath which Sterne
says, " the ascending spirit which flew
up to Heaven's chancery with it, blush
ed as he gave it in ; and the recording
angel as lie wrote it down, dropped a
tear upon the word, and blotted it out
We rejoice to know that Taylor, with
all of Jackson's successful courage, has
in no particular less than Jackson's hu
mane horror of the waste of his gallant
soldiers' lives, for the empty glory of
the extermination of a conquered and
retreating foe.
The Hibernia Steamship brought news
of the terrible ravages of Famine in Ire
! land. The English papers received at
i our office are full of heart rending de
tails of starvation and death. What a
, spectacle The granaries of this coun-
I try overflowing, the poorest living lux
uriously, speculators realizing fortunes
by dealing in wheat and corn, while the
curse of Famine is brooding over every
rood of land in poor Ireland.
The Freeman's Journal announces 1200
notices to foreclose mortgage on Irish
estates. According to a statement in
the same paper, out of a population of
8,000,000, 2,500,000 in ordinary times
are destitute, and the total cost of pro
viding for these is .£11,315,00. How
, it asks, "is this enormous sum to be
I paid by a country whose gross rental
amounts to only £10,000,0001"
To give some idea of the terrible dis
tress, we present a few startling details.
At Skibbereen, Ballydeliab, Scull, Cris.
tlehaven, Castletown, and other places,
ten or twelve funerals a day are common,
and collections are made in the churches
to provide coffins for the destitute.
The "Nation" heads a paragraph, "the
coroners too few." The coroners, it says,
in Mayo, begin to be too few to hold the
inquests. "Death by starvation," "Death
from utter destitution," are verdicts
which have become fearully frequent.
The Cork Examiner says, that in the
neighborhood of Castlebar, one meal of
cabbage a day is the only food of the in
In the neighborhood of Crookhaven,
says the same paper, a collection was
made on Sunday, to purchase a bier to
take the dead bodies to the grave with
out coffins; for so numerous had become
the deaths, the living are no longer able
to purchase coffins.
O'Connell, at the usual weekly meet
ing of the Repeal Aissociation, said that
the state of country was ten-fold worse
than one week before. The frost had set
in, and cold and hunger were doing their
work. In Connaught there were forty
seven deaths from starvation iii one week
—forty seven eases in which coroners
had rendered the verdict of " death from
The benevolent clergyman of the lit
tle parishes near Dunmanus Bay, said to
n special reporter "My dear sir, no des
cription that I could give would for a
moment adequately tell the misery,
wretchedness, and sufferings, of my poor
people. They are in the most frightful
state of destitution that can be possibly
imagined: They are living almost en
' tirely upon a description of sea weed
called mivawn, for they have long eaten
up whatever cabbage and turnips were
in the country !" &EON° CURIOSITY.—A few nights ago
"In a second house I visited in Ma- a well dressed person knocked at a door
crottm," says a special reporter, "I found in Dome street, Boston, and obtained a
no less than half a dozen members of a light to look after something which ho
family huddled together in a heap, corn- said he had lost on the sidewalk. Soy
gs, oral passengers, one after another as
posed of hay, straw, rushes, shavin
and God knows what, with no covering they came along, offered to assist him
whatever, save the rags that constitute in the search, and asked him what he
Br SAVING.—Be saving—not stingy.l their only habiliments. They were was looking for. He evaded a reply,
'There is a disposition to waste which obliged to throw themselves indiscrimi- and conjecturing it was something vain ,
should be strongly condemned. A mean, nately together, so as to keep warmth in able, the people loitered round to see it
miserly wretch we despise ; but a vast- I their attenuated frames." found. After an hour's search, the man
ing, prodigal, lazy spendthrift we morel The Cork Examiner contains a letter exclaimed that lie had got it! "What
than despise. Ho who will kick aside a signed N. M. Cummins, J. P., Ann-mount is it 1" cried several in a breath. " It's
nail, because he is too indolent to stoop Cork, addressed to the Duke of Welling- a cent, said the man, a little ashamed ; I
and pick it up, may see the day when ton. We give an extract: I went 15th I did'nt care anything about it, but I
he will be thankful for a nail's worth of instant to Skibbereen, and to give the wanted to see where the darn'd thing went
bread to eat. We never knew a pru- instance of one townland which I visited, to!"
dent, economical, saving man to come as an example of the state of the entire
to want ; but we have known scores of , coast district, I shall state simply what A GOOD ONE.—Prentice says there
individuals, born to wealth, who, by not I saw there. It is situated on the eastern are Whigs enough going to Mexico to
looking out for mills and dimes, have side of Castlehaven harbor, and is named Whip the Mexicans, and a sufficient
died in want and misery.—Port. Bub South Reen, in the parish of Myross. j number remaining at home to whip the
letin. Being aware that I should have to wit, locofocos.
WHOLE NO. 575.
ness scenes of frightful hunger, I provi
ded myself with as much bread as five
men could carry, and on reaching the
spot I was surprised to find the wretched
hamlet apparently deserted. I entered
some of the hovel . s . to ascertain the cause,
and the scenes which presented them
selves were such as no tongue or pen can
convey the slightest idea of. In the first,
six famished and ghastly skeletons, to
all appearatice dead, were huddled in a
corner on some straw,•their sole covering
what seemed a ragged horse cloth, their
wretched legs hanging about naked
above the knee. I approached in horror,
and found, by a low moaning, they were
aliVe; they were in fever—four children,
a woman, and what had once been a man.
It is impossible to go through the detail;
suffice it to say, that in a few minutes I
was surrounded by at least two hundred
of such frightful spectres as no words
can describe: By far the greater num
ber were delirious, either from famine or
from fever. Their demoniac yells are
still in my ears, and their horrible lina
ges are fixed upon my brain. My heart
sickens at the recital, but I must go on.
In another case, decency would forbid
what follows, but it Atust be told: My
clothes Were nearly torn off in my en
deavor to escape from the throng of pes
tilence around, when my neck-cloth was
seized from behind by a gripe which
compelled me to turn. I found myself
grasped by a woman with an infant just
born in her arms, and the remains of a
filthy sack across her loins—the sole
covering of herself and Labe, The same
morning the police opened a house on
the adjoining lands, which was observed
shut for many days, and two frozen
corpses were found, lying upon the mud
floor, half devoured by rats."
Amid ail this horrible desolation, the
Work of distilling rum from corn still
goes on:
The demand for fire arms is beyond
all calculation. Whatever else they
sacrifice, the Irish peasantry will have
arms. The restraints of law are fast
giving way. Robberies of all descrip
tions abound. The soldiers are con
stantly on the alert to prevent the plun
der of corn and flour by those whom
hunger has driven to desperation.
The Potato Crop.
Success in raising the potato in this
country is important, the more so now/
that the failure has become so general
in Europe.
The &lowing remarks, if acted upon,
will prevent the disease, and insure a
large and profitable crop. Select a good
clay soil (land previously limed always
preferred), plow and harrow the ground
thoroughly, which may be done most ef
fectually by using ; in addition to the
common, the subsoil plow, which not
only assists in pulverizing, but also in a
great measure secures the crop against
loss from very wet and dry seasons.—
When the potatoes are cut into pieces
of suitable sire for planting, having on
each piece a good germ, sift plaster over
them, and stir the pile with a shovel
until the raw parts of the potato become
coated, Which prevents bleeding, at the
same time invigorates and strengthens
the plant. Plant in drills as usual; pre ,
vious to covering, however, strew leach•
ed ashes, mixed with a small quantity
of lime, over the planting, at the rate of
a shovelful to each yard (more or less
according to the strength of the soil):
When the vines are about ten inches
out of the ground, spread over the hills
and vines a mixture of ashes and plas
ter ;—a man with a bag over his shoul
der containing this mixture, throwing it
right and left, will soon perform the
task. If the weather becomes wet, sul
try, or otherwise unfavorable to the crop,
it will be well to sow lightly over the
vines powder of sulphur, an article cer
tain of effect against mildew, and other
similar diseases of plants, and is also a
powerful stimulant to vegetation.—Smc- .
rican Farmer.