Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 10, 1847, Image 4

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    PIIILADELPIIIA ADVERTISEMENTS. I Sale at Valuable Real Estelle.
rpi I E inflow beta offer for sale that valuable Real
.HOVER'S FIRST PREMIUM INK, ' bstate, Io tracts of land aituate on the Banks
' of the Little Juniata river, one nide below hirining- •
AO. S 7 ham ; One trust situate in 1A arriorsmark town.
ship Huntingdon county, the other tract situate in
North Third Street, Philadelphia. Tyrone township, Blair county, the River being the
/THE celebrity of the INKS inonufscturcil by the , line between the two tracts, and also the line be
subscriber, and the extensive Pilled conse q uent twven Huntingdon and h lair counties, well known
upon the high reputation which they have attained an the property of Andrew Robeson, of Worrinrs
not only through the United States, but in the West mark townainP. now Ilecnaried.. .
Indies and China, has induced him to make every The niOnSiCn tract in Wurriorsmark township,
necessary arrangement to supply the vast demand contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land,
upon his establishment. He ie now prepared, about 100 acres cleared and in a good state of cul•
with every vatiety of Black, Blue rind Red Inks, titration, with three dwelling houses, n stone Barn
Copying Ink. Indelible Ink, and Ink Powder, nll and a good apple orchard there"'
prepared under his own personal superintendence, The other tract in Blair county contains 400
so that purchasers may depend upon its superior acme of excellent timber land, with a house and
quality. stable the con erected;there is an Ore bank on
HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, a su • this tract, from which bot 000 tons of Iron Ore
perior article for mending Glass, China, C a bi ne t of on excellent quality has been raised. A large
Wore &e.. useful to every housekeeper, being a part of this tract is good limestone land for farming.
whi.e liquid, easily applied, and not affected by or On these two tracts are four situations for Forges
dinary heat—warranted. or Furnaces, perhaps the best sites lir the State.—
C 6. Pamphlets containing the numerous testi. There is a number of springs on the two tracts of
monials of men of science and others, will he fur • never failing water that keep the river free from ice
:tithed to purchasers. for more than a tulle.
For sale at the Manufactory, 'Wholesale and Ile- This last tract of land is all woofland and well
tail, No. 87 Muth Third Street, opp,i:e Cherry covered with timber.
street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH HOVER, I One third of the purchase money to be paid on
jy27:'47-y] Manufacturer. hand, the residue in two annual payments, there-
DRUG S! DRUGS ! DRUGS! I An person wishing to purchase one or both
tracts please ;all on David Robeson in Pleasant
THOMPSON 0. C R.:Hi/FORD Valley, or Jacob Van Tries in Warriorstnark.
, 1
Ab. 40 .111arket Street, Philada. ; sept3o-tf. Executor,
OFFER ; far sale a large stock of P:esh Drugs, ' Hollidaysburg Register. inset t the above, till for-
Medicines and Dye Stuif , , to which they call ' hid , and charge Executors.
the attention of Country Merchants and Dealers . GREAT BARGAINS!
visiting the city. . -
Coach, Cabinet, Japan, Black, and other Var- ' NEW GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER!!
niches, of a superior qualify. Also, XX ltie and
Red Lead, Window Glass, Paints and Oils--cheap. DR. WILLIAM SWOOPE
or than ever. 1 UAS just t cceived, and now oilers to the pub
r'.. T. & C. are also proprietors of the Indian : 11 lic, at his old stand in Main street. directly
Vegetable Balsam, celebrated throughout their own opposite the residence of Mts. Allison, as large a
and neighboring States no the best preparation for stock of _
..........._ _ _
......_ _
. ._ .. ..
the cu ;of Coughs, Colda, Astiun;. the. Money F✓ILL ..dXD WINTER GOODS
refunded in even• instance where no benefit is re-' as has ever been stirred to the public in this place,
ceived. jan27.6ut I and at cheaper prices than any othet store in the
at the old establish?d cheap Hat and Cap:
Store, No. 196 Market street, sec
ond door below Sixth, Philada.
WE extend a general invitation to the citizens
of Huntingdon and its vicinity, as well as to !
all others, to our store. We have on hand a large !
and complete assortment of Hats end Caps' of every
style and variety, which we are sealing full one-.
fourth lower than the usual prices, namely :
Extra Superior Beaver Hats, from 12.50 to f 350
" Brush " 2.00 to 3.00
Silk " " 1.25 to 2.001
Moleskin" " 2.50 only.
Good Hats as low as $1.25 end upwards. Also,
a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed,
silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps; fine Otter,
Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair Seal Cape, &e.
&c., at lower prices than they can possibly be hod
elsewhere. From our extensive sales, we can
for • timelier profit than others can. Call and be
satisfied, it is to your interest.
Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and others, who
buy to sell again, supplied on reasonable terms.-
13e sure and call at No. 196 Market Street, second
door below sixth Street.
September 1, 1846
No. 201 Xarket Street, one door above
Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia.
TMPORTEES and WholesaloDealersin
MEDICINES, 11EMI: ALS, Patent Medi
cines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists - Glassware,
Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, arc.
Druggists. country Merchants and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favora
ble terms. Strict and prompt attentions paid to or
ders. Every article warranted.
aept23. JAS. A. TURNER, Lie of Va.
Steam Refined Sugar C'andies-123. cent
per pound, TVholesale.
J. RICHARDSON, No 92 Market street,
i'IIILAAELPIIIA, takes pleasure in informing
the public, that he still continues to sell his rely
Superior Stenm Refined Candy at the low price of
$12.00 per 100 pounds, and the quality is equal hi
any manufactured in the United States.
also offers all kinds of goods in the Confec
tionary and Fruit line at cortesponding low prieee,
as quick sales and small profits are the order of the
C all or send your orders, and you cannot fail to
ba sati4fied. Don't forget the number, 4 MAR
September /. 1940
Brooms, Buckets and Cedar Ware.
1.1/ HOWE,
No. 69 North Third st. 2d dour above Arch,
lam enabled this fidltOofieit; unusually large
assortment of the above articles. Also—Willow
and French Baskets and Coaches, Wash Boards,
Matte, Clothes-pins, Nest Boles, Wood Pawls &
Tray., Boston Minds, Sickles, Oil l'aste Blacking,
Shoe Brushes, Clamps, I land Seribg, Vt'all Brushes,
Dusters, &c. and Wooden Ovate of every descrir,-
Country Merchants will take notice that no i arn
now mlnnfacturing extensively, and receiving di
rectly from the Eastern Factories, I can furnish the
Fall Trade with superior goods nt prices greatly re-
duced from what I have hitherto been selling.
Sep. 16. '46.
';2".1 -- .3C. 2
BUCK t Inottitc,
254 Market Street, Philadelphia,
TIAVE constantly on hand every description or
Clothing. all of which are cut. trill...a and
made in a manner not to be surpassed, and are Ivor
ranted cheaper than the same quality of Goode in
any other establishment in the United States.—
Also, every description of Gox•rL►atxo's Pen-,
xu lIINO Goons at reduced prices. Those visiting
the city will find it to their interest to examine our
stock before purchasing else. here.
sept3o-I v. BUCK & MOORE.
at his New , in
Hill street, three doors above Gen. Wilson's stand office,
where he will be happy to accommodate all who
Steam Umbrella Manufactory. wish to be fitted at astonishing low price., far
No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia. CASH. come on, thew; he has a superior new
WN. H. RICHARDSON, in addition to vnri mock of leather, selected with o view to the wants
sue other improvements, has applied Steam of "men or children , lie therefore re-
Powe to the in.nufactme or UMBRELLAS, and Tactfully solicits the patronage of his old friends
is enabled to sell them et very low price.. • and the public generally.
Merchants are invited to call and see his Works • CHARLES S. BLACK.
and examine the assortment, ram 18.4 m
His assortment iscomplete—having almost every
article in the line of business, among which aro
Cheap Cloths, Cassinetts, Flannels, Blan
kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash
meres, tST. 4., at prices that
cannot fail to please.
_ .
ir:r The attention of the ladies is particularly
invited to a large and beautiful selection of
1. - . V E.9 - a ctia , cz) ca) ca. 2 as
which have been purchased with an eye single to
their taste. Call and examine, and judge for
yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be
pleased to see you. _
Also—A general assortment of Gro-
ceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Caps, &c. &c.
The highest price paid for Country
Dr. S. would most respectfully tender hie thanks
to his former customers and hopes ny prompt at
tention to business, and by selling a LITTLE ell EAP
ER than others, to secure an increase of public.
• [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-tf
Xew Jewelry Eslabliblemeati. JOHN F. MILLER,
THE subscribers beg leave DAN lEL TEAGUE,
to announce to the people of ROBT. CUMMINS,
this and adjoining counties, I
• that the, have just received I JY27-3tl Com missioners.
'from Philadelphia, a splendid I CONsIJ IIIPTION CIL RA BLE.
assortment of the finest and
most fashionable jEWI , I.IIY,
which they have opened out. end offer for sale on
Square. The assortment consists of every variety
of breast pins, finger rings, ear rings, bracelets, lock
ets, guard keys, gold and silver pencils, silver thim
bles, shirt studs, pen knives of the finest quality,
card cases, all varieties of visiting cards, notepaper
and letter envelopes, steel clasps for bags and purses,
also silk and heads for making the latter article,
spy glasses, razors, tooth and hair brushes, silk
purses, pocket books, spectacles, table and tea
spoons all kinds of fancy sealing wax, wafers and
wafer stamps, segar cases, accordions, fancy boxes,
perfumery, powder flasks, butter knives, steel pens
of the best quality, Chapman's magic razor strops,
violin strings, motto seals, wafers, pearl knives for
folding and cutting paper, &c. &c. The above ar
ticles will be sold to suit the times—very cheap!
The undersigned have also purchased a sett of
tools far repairing watches, which, when operated
with by a person of science, cannot fail to give en
tire satisfaction to all who may have the kindness
to entrust them with their work. All clock and
watch repairing done with care and despatch—and
warranted ! H. K. NEFF & BRO.
Huntingdon Nov. 4-3 m
W AI Ilt:11VAllt:
B. J. ROUGH, Gunsmith, would most
respectfully inform the citi
i e H n i s t
‘ o , f
that H i n i t ) i e n f ., d a
on n r
e a m n d o
v t e ' i d
sfiil-.0 to this i place, and will be at all
times ready to accommodate
those who may favor him
with a call, in his line of
business. He is fully pre
pared to do all work in its
various branches, such as
wa ,
ge. manufacturing and repair
ing- Guns, Pistols, &c., &c.,
of all descriptions, and at prices to suit
the times. He trusts, by attention to
business, to merit public patronage.
His shop is on Bath street, a few doors
south of the Exchange Hotel, where he
would be pleased to see all who may
have anything to do in his way.
Huntin,lon, Nov.lB, 1846-3 m
riniE undersigned would respectfully inform the
citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he
hasagnin commenced
the manufacture of
WAIN — 14
dec3o,4 6-1 y.
THE Hing
den c i I :I d l e ] g here ne d ci gTe n t: i n " o k ti e n ee o rs d t
hu e t a n r t
inhabitants, the owners and agents of reel and
personal p °petty, taxable for county and state
purposes and the Innkeepers who have been re-
turned according to law, within the county of
Huntingdon, that an appeal for the benefit of all
persona interested will be held for the several
townships within said county, between the hours
of ii o'clock, A. M. and 3 I'. M.. as follows:
For the township of Warriorsmatk, at the
school-house in the town of Warriorsinark, on
Monday, the 15th day of February.
For the township of Franklin, at the house of
George W, :Vattern, on Tuesday, the 16th day of
Per the township of Morrie, at the house of A.
L. Moyer, on Wednesday, the 17th day of Feb
ruary. . _
For the township of Porter, at the house of Ho.
ben Cannon, on Thursday, the 18th day of Feb
For the township of West. at the house of Jo
seph Forrest, on Friday. the 19th day of February.
For the township of Barree. at the house of Jos.
Livingston, on Saturday, the 20th day of Feb
eor the township of Jackson, at the house of
John Hirst, on Monday, the 22d day of Feb.
For the township of Henderson, at the Com
missioners' Office, on Tuesday, the 23d day of
Feb nary.
Fur the township of lA'alker, at the house of
Jacob McGahey, on Wednesday, the 24th day of
For the township of Hopewell, at Philip Gar
ner's_ school-house, on Thursday, the 25th day of
For the township of Tod, at the house of Geo.
Keith, on Friday, the 26th day of February.
For the township of Cass, at the school-house
in Cassvtlle, on Saturday, the 27th day of Feb
F - or the township of Clay, at ihe bous •of Joshua
Shore, at the Three Springs, on Monday, the Ist
day of March.
For the township of Springfield, at the school
house near - Madden, Esq., on Tuesday, the
tld lay of March,
For the township of Cromwell, at the house of
David Etnier, on Wednesday. the 3d day of March
For the township of Dublin. at the house of
Mathew Taylor, on Thursday, the 4th day of
For the township of Tell, at the schoolhouse
I ear Nicholas Gooshorn, on Friday, the sth day of
For the township of Shirley, at the house of
Dnvid natter, ou Saturday, the 6th day of Mnrch.
For the township of Union, at the school-house
near John Hampson, on Monday, the Sib day of
M arch.
For the townehip of Brady, at the school-house
near Milliken's store, on Tuesday, the 9th day of
When and where all pe. sons who consider them
selves aggrieved by the triennial assessment or val
uation of their property, professions, occupations,
rk..e,. are hereby notified to attend and state their
g ievances if they think proper.
The Uommtssioners, toe the information of all
concerned, state that they are bound by law not to
make any allowance or abatement in the valuation
of any real estate in any other year than that in
which the triennial assessment is made, excepting
where buildings or other improvements have been
destroyed subsequently to such triennial assess
7'hompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and
Wood ✓i'aphtlea:
TNFLAMMA PION of the mucous membranes
I is the result of some impression made upon
them by cold or other causes; hence Chronic, Ca
tarrh, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re
sulting in Consumption, Gastritis diseased Liver
and Kidneys, Pe Ipitation of the Heart, &c From
ineontestible evidence, it is proved that Thompson's
Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha is a
specific in these complaints—allaying irritation,
promoting healthy secretions, and removing the
existing cause of disease. Thousands have used
it, and can hear testimony to its efficacy.
Philadelphia, March Ist, 1546.—1 hereby certify,
that in consequence of repeated and neglect
ed colds, my lungs became seriously af
fected, and for a long time I have
suffered with violent pain in
the b east.obstinstecough
and difficult expecto
ration the syrup
toms daily
increasing in vi
olence. I had re
course to various reme
dies, with no avail, until I used
SYRUP OF TAR, which effected a
permanent cu e before I had taken three bot
tles. E. riVAN4. Fayette street, below Arch.
Principal office, N. K. corner of Fifth and Spruce
Sold by Simonton & Jones, Huntingdon
M. Lindsey, I I ollidaysburg. l'rice 50 chi per bot
tle. or $6 per dozen. [dec2-6m
No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg.
subscriber respect' oil) informsthe
citizens ut Huntingdon and neighboring
counties. that he still continues to carry en
the above business in all its branch,. s, all iit
the best quality, :aid as low as can be bought
anywhere, for Cash.
His stock consists partly of Sole Leather,
Upper Leather, Calf Skins, waterproof
n ti s a ri i i % tis i s i.,,, li en rid le , Bc „m c . en W t c .
Straights, Kid, Bindings,
Linings, &c. &c.
Shoe-thread, wholesalt or retail, sparables,
glass-paper ' boot-cord, s, bent
cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives. ham
mers, awl Irifts, brushes, colts, slick bones,
files, rasps, instep leather, breAs and keys,
jiggers, shoulder iri ns, she , ' keys, seem
sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels,
heel slickers, shat k wheels, coil's, shoul
der sticks, long sticks, nice sure straps, nip
pers, pincers, pooches, peg floats, goners,
pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c.
&c., and every thing else in his line of huffi
ness. Cannot' see before buying elsewhere.
Feb. 11, 1846.
Sohn Scott, Jr.,
TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Has removed his office to the corner room of
Snare's Row," directly opposite Fisher & M'Mur-
We's store where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties.
Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1846.
From the 10th day of January, D. 1846, up to, and including, the
Bth day of January, JI. D. 1847.
Years. Collectors. Townships.
1836 D. N. Carothers, Cromwell,
1837 John Stonebraker, Franklin,
1839 Abraham Henry, Barree,
1840 George Kelly, Dublin,
Thos. W. Robeson, Frankstown,
John Hampson, Union,
1841 James Leonard, Barree,
1842 Joseph Oburn, Barree,
Samuel Pheasant, Union,
1843 James Hutchison, Allegheny,
John Conrad, Franklin,
James Lynn, Springfield,
John Kratzer, Snyder,
David Parsons, Tell,
1844 Thomas Wilson, Barren,
James Harper, Dublin,
John B. Riddle, Frankstown,
Anderson Harvey, Franklin,
Jas. M. Kinkead, Morris,
John Huyett, Porter,
Samuel M'Kitistry, Shirley,
John M'Math, Tell,
Adam Keith, Tod,
Win. Chilcote, Union,
A. B. Sangaree, Walker,
1845 John M'Cartney, Allegheny,
Jas. A. M'Cahan, Blair,
John R. Hunter, Barree,
Asa Price, Cromwell,
Robert Speer, Cass,
Robert Peterson, Dublin,
Geo. W. Mattern, Franklin,
John Brumbaugh, Hopewell,
George Wike, Huston,
Joseph Dysart, Hollidaysburg,
John Oaks, Jackson,
William Reed, Morris,
Collins Hamer, Porter,
William Shaver, Shirley,
Benedict Stevens, Springfield,
Conrad Heck, Tyrone,
Wm. S. Lyons, Tell,
John Myerly, Tod,
Geo. W. Hazzard, Union,
Benjamin Bowers, Woodherry,
W in: Myton, West,
Andrew Freaker, Walker,
1846 Charles Cowden, Barree,
James Deever, Cromwell,
Jacob Crotsley, Cass,
Michael Barndollar, Clay,
John H. Blair, Dublin,
John Zantmyre, Franklin,
Samuel R. Boggs, Henderson,
John Russell, Hopewell,
Robert M'Burney, Jackson,
William Hileman, Morris,
Jacob Kough, Porter,
George Bowman, Shirley,
George Taylor, Springfield,
Jacob Hegic, Tell,
Henry Houpt, Tod,
James Hampson, Union,
Wm. Hutchison, Warriorsmark,
Samuel Ewing, West,
John Osborn, Walker,
William Reed, proceeds of sale of an estray,
Commissioners' sale of old Journals,
County Tax on Unseated Lands,
Road "
School 66 it
Redemption money of unseated lands paid in since last
John Armitage, Sheriff; fines and jury fees,
Collectors of 1845, interest on balances of State tax due
and unpaid on the second day of January last,
Balance in the Treasury at last settlement, received of
Geo. Taylor, former treasurer,
Attorney General and others, on criminal prosecu•
tions, $ &75 89
Grand and traverse jurors, crier, &c., 3,126 37
Constables making returns, advertising Spring elec.
Lions, &c., 354 48
A ssessors,
Judges, inspectors, and clerks of elections,
Road and bridge viewers,
Inquisitions on dead bodies,
Sundry persons, premiums on wolves, 'wild cats and
William Bell,
Alexander Knox, jr.
Mordecai Chilcote (1846 and part of 1815),
John F. Miller,
Jacob S. Mattern,
Seth R. M'Cune,
W. S. Africa, Clerk to Commissioners and Auditors,
Theo. H. Cremer,
William Lewis,
James Clark,
Robert Stitt, in full, for bridge built over the Little Ju
niata river, at Union Furnace,
James Burk and James Entreken, for building bridge
across the Raystown branch of the Juniata river, in
Hopewell township, in full,
Robert Madden, on account of bridge across the Little Ju
niata river, near the mouth of Spruce creek,
James Burk, on account of bridge at Alexandria,
James Burk and Daniel Keech, on account of bridge
across the southern branch of the Juniata river, in
Franklin township,
Wm. Taylor, on account of bridge across the Raystown
branch of the Juniata river, in Hopewell township,
James Saxton, for 9 tons of coal delivered at the Court
John Ker, for firewood delivered to Jailand Court House.
Jane Reim; for washing for prisoners,
Mary Gibson, sweeping and scrubbing
Court Muse,
George Jackson, for boarding the jury in
the; caseof the Commonw — ealth i:s. Jas.
Bailey, at August T.,
George Jackson, for boarding the Wil
liamsburg company of volunteers, call
ed here by the Sheriff at the execution
of M'CrilTerty,
William Drennin, for planting trees in
front of the Court House,
Isaac Lyninger and Lewis Snyder, for
making a paper ease for the office of the
Register and Recorder, and painting,
Isaac Lyninger for painting fence in front
of the Court House,
Isaac Lyninger, for a ttotlin for the burial
of James M'Cafferty,
Isaac Woolverton, for putting tt pump in
the well, and repairing the gallows in
the jail yard, „,
David Blair, counsel to Commissioners, 1845,
Same, part of 1846
A. K. Cornvn, do do part of 1846,
Francis B. Wallace, P. M., postage,
Sundry persons, ret'undedttixes and costs
of tirieated lands sold at Treasurer's
John Shaver, late Sheriff, balance of bill,
Alex. Knox, jr., for Purdon's Digest,
Sundry persons, for stationery, candles
and blanks for assessments and dupli•
Sundry persons, cutting wood, shovelling
snow, and repairs to Jail and Court
Sundry persons for election boxes,
Sundry supervisors, road tax on unseated
Sundry school treasurers, school tax on
unseated lands,
Sundry persons, redemption money of un
seater) lands,
James Steel, Prothonotary and Clerk of
Sessiims, fees, and for furnishing sta
tionery for the Court,
James Steel, for three dockets,
Anicunt overpaid by collectors on county
tax, applied by Treasurer to the pay.
ment of the state tax, on the final set-
tlement of their duplicates,
John Rend, for recording Treasurer's bond
and appointment,
Joseph Law, Treasurer, costs of suits
against delinquent retailers, paid by
John Armitage, Sheriff, summoning ju
rors, boarding prisoners, &c.,
Interest on balance of state tax, due from
the county, for the year 1845, paid to
State Treasurer, as per his receipt,
Treasurer's commission on $24,852 24., at
14 per cent,
Balance in the Treasury,
In testimony of the correctness of the above ac•
count, we have hereunto set our hands this Bth day
of January, A. D. 1847.
attest -W. S. AFRICA, Clerk,
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Huntingdon
county, do hereby certify, that we have examined the
drafts of the commissioners of said county, and the
receipts for the same, for the past I"-ear, and find a
balance in the Treasury of eight hundred and fifty
two dollars and fifty cents.
Given under our hands this Sth day of January, A.
D. 1847.
256 35
220 00
Huntingdon, January S, 1847—feb34w
30 '29
316 07
$13,038 76
Real Estate,
Horses and Cattle,
Moneys due on mortgages,
judgments, &c., 607,275 00
Foreign stocks and invest
Excess (above $300) of
household furniture,
Aggregate subject to a tax
of 3 mills per dollar, for
State purposes,
Pleasure carriages,
Excess (above $200) of
trades, occupations and
Aggregate subject to a tax
of 1 per cent. for State
Excess (above $200) of emoluments of
office subject to 2
per cent. tax for
State purposes,
Domestic stocks not subject to State tax,
Trades, occupations and professions of
the value of $2OO, and under, not sub-
ject to State tax,
Total valuation of property taxable for
county purposes-18 cts. per $lOO, $5,513,592 OD
840 00
450 00
Sta g es taxable for State purposes alone,
3mills per dollar, $1,200 00
225 00
700 00
No.of Watches-Ist class $lOO each, H.
4t '
2d " 75 44 67.
l 4 3d 44 50 44 14.
Amount of tnx levied and assessed for use
of the Commonwealth, for 1847, $16,398 75
Amount of county tax assessed for the
year 1847,
48 37
29 75
20 00
20 00
55 00
4 , 7 50
24 00
60 12
20 00
5 00
44 25
40 00
23 00
17 00
7 40
2 51
8 00
39 50
29 'i
11 56
37 00
77 81
241 14
131 47
tl6 86
162 37
2 26
15 75
261 20
15 76
372 78
852 50
$13,038 76
13,480,517 00
210,741 00
3,050 00
6,275 00
$5,307,861 00
$14,957 00
19,275 00
34,232 00'
1,800 00'
33,217 00
136,482 00
9,924 46