Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 20, 1847, Image 4

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Insensible Perspiration. I
T H'preceding figure is given to rep
the insensible perspiration.—
It is the great Evacuation for the impu- j
cities of the body. It will be noticed
that a thick cloudy mist issues from all
parts of the surface, which indicates i
that the perspiration flows uninterrupt
edly when in health, but ceases when
we are sick. Life cannot be sustained
without it. It is thrown off from the
blood and other juices of the body, and :
disposes by this means of nearly all the
impurities within us. The language of
scripture, " in the blood is the life."— I
If it ever becomes impure it may be
traced directly to the stoppage of the
" insensible perspiration." Thus we
see all that is necessary when the blood
is stagnant or infected, is to open the
pores and it relieves itself from all im
instantly. Its own heat and vi
are sufficient, without one particle
of medicine, except to open the pores
upon the surface. Thus we see the folly
of taking so much internal remedies.—
practitioners, however, direct their
efforts to restore the insensible perspira
The Thompsonian, for instance,
steams ; the Hydropathist shrouds in j
wet blankets; the Homoeopathist deals'
out infintissimals ; the Ailopathist bleeds 1
and doses us with mercury, and the
blustering Quack gorges us with pills.
I have had physicians, learned in the I
profession, I have had ministers of the
Gospel, Judges of the Bench, Aldermen
end Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest
erudition, and multitudes of the poor,
use it in every variety of way, and there
has been but one voice—one united,
universal voicesaying, " M'Allister
your Ointment is good."
CONSUMPTION.—It can hardly be cred
ited that a salve can have any effect
upon the lungs, seated as they are with
in the system. But if placed upon the
chest, it penetrates directly to the lungs,
separates the poisonous particles that;
are consuming them, and expels them
from the system. I need not say that
it is curing persons of Consumption con
tinually, although we are told that it is
foolishness. I care not what is said, so
long as I can cure several thousand per
sons annually.
HEADACHE.—The salve has cured per
sons of the Headache of year's stand
isg, and who had it regularly every week,
so that vomiting often took place.
Deafness and Ear ache are helped
with like success.
COLD FEET.—Consumption, Liver Com
plaint, pains in the Side or Chest, falling
of the hair, one or the other, always
accompanies cold feet. It is a stirs sign
of disease in the system to have cold
The Salve will cure every case in
Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Liver
Complaint, Sore Throat, Bronchitis,
Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, Chest Dis
eases, such as Asthma, Oppression,
Pains, also Sore Lips, Chapped Hands,
Tumors, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous
Diseases, and of the Spine there is no
medicine known probably so good.
BUR \s.—lt is the best thii - tg in the
'world for Burns, (Read the directions
around the box.)
Pimples on the face, .Masculine Skin,
Gross Surface.—W hen there is grossness
or dull repulsive surface, it begins to
soften until the skin becomes as smooth
and delicate as a child's.
Woams.—lf parents knew how fatal
most medicines were to children taken
inwardly, they would be slow to resort
to them. Especially ' mercurial lozen
ges,' called medicated lozenges,' ver
mifuges," pills,' &c. The truth is, no
one can tell, invariably, when worms
are present. Now let me say to parents,
that this salve will always tell if a child
has worms. It will drive every vestige
of then► away. (Read the directions
around the box.) There is prObably no
medicine on the face of the earth at
once so sure and so safe in the expul
sion of worms.
OLD SORES.—That some sores are an
outlet to the impurities of the system,
is because they cannot pass off through
the natural channels of the Insensible
r inspiration. If such sores are healed
up, the impurities must have some other
outlet, or it will endanger life. This
salve will always provide for such emer
RHEUMATISM.—AImost every ease cu
red with this ointment.
FEVERS.—In all cases of fever, the
difficulty lies in the pores being locked
up so that the heat and perspiration can
not pass off. if the least moisture could
be started, the crisis has passed and the
danger is over. The all-healing oint
ment will is all cases of fevers almost
instantly unlock the skin and brings !
forth the perspiration.
We ld cases of Scald Head that
e have cureL. _
defied every thing known, as well as the
ability of fifteen or twenty doctors.—
One man told us he had spent WO on
his children without any benefit, when a
few boxes of the ointment cured them.
CORNS.—Occasional use of the oint
ment will always keep corns front grow
ing. People need never be troubled
with them if they will use it.
As a family medicine, no man can
measure its value.
Sole proprietor of the above Medicine.
Price 25 ets. per box.
CAUTION.—As the All-Healing Oint
ment has been greatly counterfeited, we
have given this caution to the public
that no ointment will be genuine unless
the name of James M'Allister or James
M'Allister & Co. are written with a pen
upon every label.'
cti 1 y. 9.9 -16
\k rsold
t t
o p f r l i a v n a d te s s i te a ,
e that
p w o e r l t l e
rktnorwrwnnvaluable .
ship. Huntingdon county, on the waters of the Lit
tle Juniata iver, known as the property of Israel
Cutler. decd., bounded by lands of r onrad Ruch.-
cr, George Hyle, decd. and others, containing
about 338 acres, of first rate land, about 220
acres of which are cleared. The improvements
are a large and commodious Two Story
Dwelling House, and a good `tone
▪ Barn, of a large size. Also, a W'agon
▪ -
Shed and riser out buildings. The
property also contains two large Orchards of Fruit
Trees and • a first-rate Cider Mill, and several
t-prings of excellent Limestone Water. There is
also erected on the some property a Woolen Fac
tory or Fulling Mill, with all the necessary imply
tnents, which said Factory, together with about 22
acaes of land adjoining the same, will be sold alp.
*rate frets t e other property, and the balance wil.
be sold to suit purchasers,
Persons wishing to purchase, will please call or ,
the subscriber residing on the property, who wit!
give 'rl! necraa,ry inf,ritation concerning the sal,
decl6-61] ring. Exr. of I. Cryler, deed
MHE undersigned would respectfully inform the
1 citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that he
has again commenced
the manufacture of
Wei • 1461614 SII s,
at his New Stand, in
Hill street, three doom above Gen. Wilvon's office,
where he will be happy to accommodate all who
wish to be fitted at astonishing low prices, for
CASH. Come nn, then; he has a superior new
stock of leather, selected with a view to the wants
of all—men, women or children. He therefore re
spectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends
and the public generally.
Estate of Edward Hays, late of Shirley
township, deceased.
OTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin.
istration apse the said estate have been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons having claims
or demands against the some, we requested to make
them known without delay, and all persons indebt
ed, to make immediate payment to
dee 16-61..) ELIJAH MORRISON, Admr.
Estate of Thomas Lloyd, late of Walker
township, decd.
?NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin
j. upo t the said estate have been grant
ed to the undersigned. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims against
the same are requested to present them duly authen
ticated for settlement to JOHN GIVE ,
deti23.6t) Administrators.
Estate of Robert Logan, dec'd, late of Bar
ree township.
NoncE is hereby given that LetteraTestamen
tary upon the lout Will and Testament of said
deceased, have been granted to the undersigned.—
All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to
make payment immediately ; and all claims and de
mands against the seine to be presented, duly au
thenticated for settlement, to
dccl6-6t.• Executors,
QUANTiTY of merchantable Parley, if de
livered 'won. will be taken at the Alexandria
Brewery, for which a fair prire will he given.
Alexandria, Nor. 25, 1846-6 w•
John Scott, jr.,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, p a .—
Has removed his office to the corner room of
Snares Row." directly opposite Fistter 8c M'Mur
trie's store where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all business with which he may be
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties.
Huntingdon Sept. 23,1846.
Steam Umbrella Manufactory.
. 101, Market Street, Philadelphia.
\V N . 1 .0
n H o .
t E h
e l C r
i t i l n . l 4 a ß o
v D e b m '
, i h n a s s d a d v i t i t% t
s o
te v a s i r n i
Poor to the un mnfacture of UMBRELLAS, and
is enabled to sell them at very low prices.
Merchants are invited to call and see his Works
and examine t h e assortment. [nov 18.4 m
S Steel Blair,
TrORNEIi Al' LAW. Holliday/..a, Pa..
Will attend attend to all hi:sinesa entrusted to
him carein Noir. Ilnuii i , g d on arid Indiana corm
tufty. uprB-'46
S. Sewell Stewart,
A TTORNEY AT LAW. Huntingdon, Po.—
Ottiee in Nlisin street. flee doors west of Nlr.
Buoy's jewelry establishment.
T. H. Cromer,
Sale of Va!noble Real Estate.
rpm E suttee ibeua offer for este that valuable Beal,
1 Estate, 'two tracts of laud gnome on the Banks
of the Little Juniata river, one mile below binning-'
horn; One %rad situate in V% arriorsmark town.
ship Huntingdon county, the other tract situate in
1 yrone township, Blair county, the River being the
line between the two tracts, and also the line be-1
tween Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known
as the property of Andrew Robeson, of Warriors
mark township, now deceaecd.
The marlin. tract in Warrioremark township,
contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land,
about 100 acres cleared and in a good state of cub
Ovation, with three dwelling houses, a stet.° Barn
and a good apple orchard thereon.
The other tract in Blair county contains 400
acres of excellent timber land, with a house and
' stable the eon erected ; there is an Ore bank on
this tract, from which about 600 tone of Iron Ore
of an excellent quality has been raised. A large
port of this tract is good limestone land for farming.
On these two tracts are four situations for Forges
or Furnaces, perhaps the best sites in the State.—
l'here in a number of epringe on the two tracts of
never failing water that keep the river free from ice
for more than a mile. _
This last tract of land is all woodland and well
covered with timber. .
One third of the purchase money to be paid on
hand, the residue in tw•o annual payments, there
after. . . .
Any person wishing to purchase one or both
tracts will please call on David Robeson in Pleasant
Valley, or Jacob Van 'Pries in Warriormark.
sept3o-tf. Execulors.
Hollidaysburg Register. inset t the above, till for
bid, and charge Executors.
.3t the old established cheap Hat and Cap
Store, .A o. 196 Market street, sec
ond door below Sixth, Philada.
II 7 E extend a general invitation to the citizens
V of Huntingdon and its vicinity, as well as to
all others, to our store. We have on hand a large
and complete assortment of Hats and t. aps of evety
style and variety, which we are selling full one
fourth lower than the usual prices, namely :
Extra Superior Beaver Hats, from $2.50 to $350
Brush " " 2.00 to 300
Sulk .. .. 1.25 to 2.00
Moleskin „ 2.50 only.
Good Hats as low as $1.25 and upward. Also,
a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed,
silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps; fine Ott er ,
Shetland Fur Seal. Musk Rat, Hair Seal Caps, &c.
&c., at lower prices than they can possibly he had
elsewhere. From our extensive sales, we can mall,
for a smaller profit 1.11.1 others con. Call and be
satisfied, it is to your interest.
Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and othera.who
buy to sell again. supplied on reasonable terms.—
lie sure arid call at No. 190 Market Street, second
door below sixth Street.
September 1, 1E46.
. M%17(M . 13'M 7 a' 3 0
./Vo. 201 Market Street, one door above
Fifth, .Yorth Side, Philadelphia.
IM PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS,
MEDICINES, I HEMI Al-S, Patent Medi.
eines, Obstetrical I nstrumcnts. Druggists Glassware,
Window Glass Paints, Oils. Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favora
ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or
ders. Every article warranted.
sept 23. JAS. A. TURNER, h.te of Va.
Ztl- (SL.T-SZ:;iCOLI. 8
254 Market Street, Philadelphia,
TlTEconatantly on hand every description or
11Clothing. all of which are cut. trimmed and
made in a manner not to be surpassed, and are war
ranted cheaper than the same quality of Goods in
any other establishment in the United States.—
Mso, every description of Gslart.Estaa's Fun-
NI. at,. GOODS at reduced prices. Those visiting
the city will find it to !heir interest to examine our
stock before purchasing elsevi here.
sept3o-Iy. BUCK & MOORE.
Brooms, Buckets and Cedar Ware,
No. 63 North Third st. 2d door above Arch,
am enabled this fall to offer an unusually large
assortment of the above articles. Also—Willow
and French Baskets and Coaches, Wash Boards.
Matte, Clo'hes-pina, Nest Hoses, Wood fowls &
Trays, Boston tilinds, Sickles. Oil Paste Blacking,
Shoo Brushes, Clamps, I land Scribe, Wall Brushes,
Dusters, &c. and Wooden ware of every descrip
Country Merchants will take notice that as I am
now manufacturing extensively, and receiving di
rectly from the Eastern Factories, I can furnish the
Fall Trade with superior goods at prices greatly re
duced from what I have hitherto been selling.
yep. 16. '46.
t - IHE subscribers would respectfully
I inform their friends and the public
generally, that they have just received
and offer for sale opposite Read & Son's
Store, in Market Street, Oil, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Drugs & Patent Medicines. ALSO,
Cheap for Cash or Country Produce.
Letvistown*Money taken at Par!
ri , HE subscriber has on hand Th , aching Ma
j chines, which he warrants to be goal, sod
offers than for sale very cheap. He will also re
pair Thrashing Machines, and furnish castings at
tie shop in Allegheny street, opposite the stable of
the Pioneer Line of Hosts. Huntingdon, on the
shortest notice, rind most reasonable terms. He
would also remind his friends and the public gene
rally that he still carries on the coach end wagon
making business in all lira bratiehea.
August IS. 1846-11
A COMPETENT TEACHER, to take charge
Li of a public school. in the borough of Shirley.
burg, on or about the tat of December neat. By
artier of the School Directors,
nnv I 1.30 JAM E 8 R l MSEY, Sec'y.
George Taylor,
TTORN EY Al' EA W--Attends to mortice
in the Orphans' Court, elating ailiiiinimmors'
necounta, Serivening tire. Office in the diamond,
three doom coat of the „ exchange Hotel."
T'ICEVR' " 8 . a t L " D wirg EZlßL 'o lS be l I h D ad aIIIMONjE.REAR
LINE. No. 29 2 Merkel street, Philadelphia, who
has Just finished one of the largest and most com
plete assortment of FALL and WINTER Cloth
ing in the city, consisting of
Super Black Dress Costs, front $lO to $l4 00
Do Frock do 10 to 14 00
Do Itlue dress do " 10 to 14 00
Super kik Beaver bangup Coats from Bto 12 00
Do Cloth do do 10 to 15 00
Do brown Cloth do do 10 to 14 00
Pilot Cloth Dangup Coats, from 3to 600
&Ter blk Sack Coate, do 9 to 13 00
Do brown Sock Coats, do Bto 12 00
Tweed Coats, do 3to 600
Union ( assirnere Coats, do sto 600
Blk l loth Cloaks, do 10 to 18 00
Business ( !oaks, do 6to 700
Black ( assimere Pants, do 4t• 500
Do Fancy cassitners, do 4to 500
Satin Vests, do 2 50 to 4 00
Merino Vests, do 2to 400
Silk Velvet Vent., do 3to 450
Gentlemen in want of ( LOTHING, may de
pend upon being suited in every reapect, an we are
determined not to be undersold by any compet:tor
in the business. All gooda are purchased for
('ASH, which enables us to sell a little lower than
those who deal on the credit system; it being a
self-trident tact that the nimble sixpence is bet
ter than the alow shilling.' Don't finwel the num
ber- 292 Market street, Philadelphia.
oct6-3m M. TRACY.
HAS jugt ,ecvived and now offers to the pub
lic, at his old stand in Main street. directly
opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, as large a
stock of
as has ever been offered to the public in this place,
and at cheaper price. than any other store in the
His assortment incomplete—having almost every
article in the line of huainese . among which are
Cheap Cloths, C assinetts, Flannels, Blan
kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash
meres, cS•c. at prices that
cannot fail to please.
cy. The attention of the ladies is particularly
invited to a large and beautiful selection of
eIEI UZI 2ia (ID CZD Ciabn a
which have been purchased with an eye single to
their taste. Call and ea amine and judge for
yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be
pleased to ore you.
ALSO - A general assortment of Gro
ceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Caps, &e. &c.
The highest price paid for Country
Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks
to his former customers and hopes by prompt at
tention to business and by selling a I.llrt.a cuKAP-
Ea than others, to secure an increase of public
patronage. [Huntingdon. Nov. 4-tf
'lca, Jewelry Establishment.
.... THE subscribers beg leave
~,,.. to announce to the people of
-,-•• ,Ite this and adjoining counties,
00 'A that the% have just received
a a 1-'`.• from Philadelphia, s splendid
' 5 4
y 1 47i,' , :z; assortment of the finest and
0 ita, :__—_,.../. most fashionable .isvextnr, ;
which they have opened out, and otter for sale on
. JACOB MILLE It'S CORNER," in Market'
Square. 'Fite assortment consists of every variety
of breast pins, finger rings, ear rings, bracelets, lock-
ets, gum.] keys, gold and silver pencils, silver thim
bles, shirt studs, pen knives of the finest quality,
card cases, all varieties of visiting cards, note paper
and letter envelopes, steel clasps for bags and purses,
also silk and beads for making the latter article,
spy glasses. razors, tooth and hair brushes, silk
purses, pocket books, spectacles, table and tea
spoons, all kinds of fancy sealing-wax, wafers and
wafer stsmps. segar Cores, accordions, fancy boxes,
perfumery, powder flasks, butter knives, steel liens
of the best quality, Clinprnan's mugic razor strops,
' violin strings, motto seals, wafers, pearl knives for
folding and cutting paper. &c. &c. The above ar
ticles will be sold to suit the times—very cheap!
The undersigned have also purchased a sett of
tools for relishing watches, which, when operated
with by a person of science cannot fail to give en-
I tire satisfaction to all who may have the kindness
to entrust them with their work. All clock and
watch repairing done with care and despatch—and
warranted ~ 11. K. NEFF & BRO.
! Huntingdon Nov. 4-3 m
IV Alt ! Mi' Alt I
B. J. KOUGH, Gunsmith, would most
respectfully inform the citi
zens of Huntingdon and vi
cinity, that he has removed
,v i to this place, and will be at all
, times ready to accommodate
j)t , those who may favor him
IF 'i, with a call, in his line of
' t , , business. He is fully pre
' pared to do all work in its
various branches, such as
I manufacturing and repair
ing Guns, Pistols, &c., &c.,
of all descriptions, and at prices to suit
the times. He trusts, by attention to
business, to merit public patronage.
His shop is on Bath street, a few doors
south of the Exchange Hotel, where he
would be pleased to see all who may
have anything to do in his way.
Huntingdon, Nov.lB, 1846-3 m
syrup of Horehound.
TIANCE'S Compound Syrup of Horehound
rj fot the cure of Coughs, Colde, l onsumption,
Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast.
Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma and all diseases aria.
ing from a disorder.' condition of the lungs or ne-
glected cold.
I. a piece of advice which is suitable to all sea.
sons, and applicable to all purposes; though there
is no instance in which this piece of advice is more
valuable than to persons who have a cough or cold,
for if they n.•glect what may al pear to them very
trifling in the beginning, it may lead to inflamma
tion of lungs, and finally consumption. To all
who haves cough, we would any. procure a bottle
of Hance'. Compound Syrup of Horehound. This
medicine is pleasant to take, and it may save you
years 01 buffering.
Price 50 cents per bottle, or 6 bottles for $2 50.
Prepared and sold by SETH S. HANCE, 108
Baltimore street, end corner of Charles and Pratt
omits. ortls-ly
I 0 I 0.. it of all deacriptiona neatly executed
%) at Ike Jammed office,
H. Grafins,
ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
n of Huntingdon county, and the pub
lic generally, that they continue to carry on the
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business,
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they man
ufacture and constantly keep on hand every des
cription of ware in their line, such as
22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 inches long.
Radiator Stoves, 2 sizes Coal Stoves for Pallor',
new and splendid Parlor Stoves for Wood, 3 sizes
Egg Stoves; also, Iron Roiling, for fronts of houses;
Cast Grates, for cellar windows; t-elf-Sherpening
Ploughs, right end left-handed; new 'Bull' Plough
with cast and iron shear, ond the 'Livingston'
Plough; Double Shovel Ploughs. for corn and
seeding in fall g airs; Copper Pumps, for Well.
any depth, with Tin inside and out; Forge Ham
mers, from 5 to Ilievvt.
New Cooking Stoves, of all kinds ;
also, 4 sizes of Coal Stoves,
also Stove-pipe and Stoves
All kinds of castings done for Forger, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines, Waggon Boxes,
Mill Gubgeons, and Hollow Ware, all of which is
done in a workmanlike stunner, Mao,
Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Preserv
ing, and Ten Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail.
Persons favoring this establishment with their
custom may depend on having their orders execu
ted with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, h ass and pewter taken in ex
change. Also, wheat, rye, corn and oats taken
at market price.
lac•collmaua=. Ctcri)ercp e
For sale by I. & H. GRAFIUS, Alex
andria, Huntingdon county,
Pa., cheap for cash or
country produce, at
market price.
Tan 'Queen of the West is an improvement on
Hathaway ace rb uted Hot Air Stave. There has
never yet appeared any plan of a Cooking Stove
that possesses the advantages that this one has. A
much leas quantity of fuel is required for any ain't
of cooking or baking by this stove than by any
Persons are requested to call and see before they
purchase elsewhere.
To Purchasers—Goterattlee.
The undersigned, agent of the patentee of the
Stove. .The Queen of the West.' underetanding
that the owners, o. those concerned for them, of
other and different patent Cooking Stoves, hare
threatened to bring suit against all who purchase
and use any of Guild's Patent Cooking Str
The Quecu of the West'—thin is to inform all and
every person who shall purchase and use said Stove
that he will indemnify them from all coats or dam
age from any and all suits, brought by other pa
tentees. or their agents, for any infringement of their
p items. He gives this notice so that persons need
not be under any fears bee use they have, while
consulting their own interests and convenience, se
cured the superior advantages of this 'Queen,' not .
only of the West, but of the East.
Dissolution of Partnership
Tee subscribers, doing business under the firm
of 1. Grafius and t•on, in Alexandria, liuntingdon
county, dissolved partnership by mutual consent on
the 3d day of April last. All persona having ac
counts with said firm will settle the same with I.
Grafius, up t the above date.
Alexandria, May 20, 1846-1 y
l'hompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and
It Naphtha:
INFLAMMATION of the mucous membranes
is the result of bones impression made upon
them by cold or other causes; hence Chronic, Ca
tarrh, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re
sulting in Consumption, Gastritis diseased Liver
and Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, &c From
incontestable evidence. it is proved that Thompson's
Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha is a
specific in these complaints—allaying irritation,
promoting healthy secretions, and removing the
existing cause of disease. Thousands have used
it, and can bear testimony to its efficacy.
Philadelphia, March let, 1946.-1 hereby certify,
that in consequence of. t epeated and neglect
ed colds, my lungs became seriously af
fected, and for a lung time I have
suffered with violent pain in
theb east. ulaqinstecough
and difficult expecto
ration the symp
loins daily
increasing in vi
olence. I bad re
course to various reme
dies, with no avail, until I used
:SYRUP OF *1 AR, which effected
permanent es e before I had taken three bot
tles. E. VANi. Fayette street, below Arch.
Principal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce
Sold by Simonton & Jones, Huntingdon; 3,
M. Lindsey, Hollidaysburg. Price 50 etc per bot
, the, or $5 per dozen. [dec2-6m
T ETTERS of administration having been grant-
Jed to the undetsiuned on the estate of Anthony
J. Stewart, late of Waterstreet, dec'd., all persons
having claims against the estate are notified to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement, and all
those indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment.
The Commission and Forwarding husinessof the
deceased, will close with the expiration of the pres
ent month, (November) and all persons in account
with the estate, are particularly requested to make
a speedy settlement, as it is desired by those con
cerned in the estate of the deceased, to have the
business and accounts settled up as soon as practi
The account books wilt remain in theorem office
as heretofore.
W aleralreet. Nnv. 25. 1546.
A. W. Benedict,
A TTORNF.Y AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Office at hie old residence in :Main tweet, a
few doors west of the old Court House. He will
attend to any bueiness entrusted to bun in the sev .
oral Court. of Huntingdon and adjoining counties.
TUSTICE'e blank. of all kinds for rate et thi.
VOR the cure of Pulmonary Consul's,-
tion, Coughs, Colds, asthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Di ffi culty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous. Tr..
mours, Hooping Cough, Brc.
From the Christian Repository, Dec. 13, 1841.
We insert in another column an ad
vertisement of Messrs. Robison & Col
lins of this city, to which we take plea
sure in calling the attention of our rea
ders. We do this more especially from
the card of Bro. Barnes which is ap
pended to it. Bro. B. is a member of
the M. E. Church in good standing, and
those who know him personally, (as we
do) have the fullest confidence in any
statement he may give of the efficacy of
any medicine which he may have tested.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20, 1845.
Messrs. Robinson, Collins 4. Co.—Being
afflicted last spring with a very severe
cough, with pain in my side and breast,
soreness and weakness of the lungs,
shortness of breath, loss of apetite, &c.,
I tried various remedies, but to no good
effect, my cough still continuing and
growing worse. Such was the distress
ing nature of the cough, that I could
not lie in bed night nor day, but was
obliged to sit up in my chair, and could
sleep very little at best ; consequently I
was wearing out very fast, till you very
kindly recommended Dr. Davis's Com
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar,
the first bottle of which gave me relief,
checked my cough, loosened the phlegm,
caused me to expectorate freely, restored
my appetite, relieved the pain in my
side, healed the soreness of my breast,
and strengthened my lungs, causing me
to breathe freely. I have now taken teu
bottles ; it has entirely cured my cough.
I have gained considerably in flesh. I
think it a most valuable medicine, and
one that ought to be universally known,
that those afflicted with colds and coughs
may have a medicine both safe and sure
to cure, if taken properly. While taking
the medicine, I drank freely of molasses
and water, which I found excellent to
keep the bowels open. If this state
ment can be found of any benefit to the
afflicted, you are at liberty to make such
use of it as you may think proper.
No. 6 Bread street.
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & geu•
eral agents.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
n0r25'46-6m. Huntingdon.
COME Tins u Ay
qUI LI `ZI Lalll
Carriage Manufactory.
- ‘l - 1 1 / 2k OST RESPECTFULLY informs tks
iiKlicitizens of the boil ugh and county of
Huntingdon, and the public generally, a. el
his old friends and customers in particular.
that he still continues the
Coat% _Making Business
to all its various branchts, at Lis old stand.
in Main Street, in the borough of H utitiug
don, nearly opposite the " .I, , urnal" print•
iag office, wht re he has constantly on hated
every description of
- Coaches, Carriages.
_ Buzgies, Sleighs anii
which lie will SELL LOW FoR CASH 4.r
He would also inform the public that ha
manutactures and keeps constantly tat hand
all kinds ut
made and finished iu the most durthle sad
improved st le, by experit tired w oik nun.
The public are respectfully int itt d to call
and judge for themselves.
Huntingdon, Nov, •
No. 29, North 2nd street, Harri3burg.
THE subscriber respectfully informs that
citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring
counties, that he still continues to cat ry i n
the above business in all its branches, all of
the best quality, and as law as can be bought
anywhere, for Cash.
His stock consists partly of Sole Leather,
Upper Leather, Calf Skins, water proof
Kip, Harness Bridle &c. &c.
Men's Morocco, Bridle, &c.
Straights, Kid, Biodingf,
Linings, &c. &c.
Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, sparablra.
glass-paper, boot-cord, bristlt s, boot wel.,
cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham
mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slit k
files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys,
Jiggers, shoulder irons, hoe keys, seam
sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels,
heel slickers, shack wheels, collis, shoul
der sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip
pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gunge*,
valeta peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c.
&c., and everything else in his line of busi
ness. Call and see before buying elsewhere,
N't, M. L. PEIPER.
Feb. 11, 1846:
Steam Refined Sugar Candies-123 cent
per pound, Wholesale.
T J. RICHARDSON, No 42 Market street,
, PIMA AELPIII•, takes pleasure in informing
the public, that he still continues to sell his very
Superior Steam Refined Candy at the loot price of
$:2.50 per 100 poundJand the quality is equal to
any manufactured in the United States.
also offers all kinds of goods in the Confec•
lionary and Fruit line at cortesponding low price.,
as quick sales and small profits are the ordtr of the
Call or send your order., and you cannot fail to
be satisfied. Don't forget the number, 4 MAR•
Ssptimilmf 1, 1141