TROUX TUE ARMY. The steamer Edith arrived at New Orleans on the 2d inst. The news brought by her from from the Army is of the most important and exciting char acter, It was reported that on the 16th of December, an express from Gen. Worth, at Saltillo, arrived at Monterey, with intelligence that Gen. Worth had learned through his spies, that Santa Anna was within three days march of Saltillo, at the head of an army of 20,- 000 or 30,000 men. It was added that the•expresS bore a call upon Gen. Tay lor for reinforcements; but that the General and his staff had left Monterey two days before, to join his command at Victoria ; and that said command was two days in advance of him. General Butler, however, who had charge at Mon terey, immediately sent off despatches to Gen.. Marshall at Camargo, and to Gen. Patterson, at Matamoras, to send forward all the troops they could spare. It was added, that 'Gen. Patterson had left .Matamoras, only the day before the news reached that place, that it was nevertheless promptly forwarded to him, and that on receiving it, be started on his return, with a view of proceeding to Monterey. But we have seen a letter dated Matamoros, Dec. 23d, which men tions. the alarming reports with regard to Santa Anna's movement upon Saltillo, but discredits them. It was affirmed also ' that Gen. Patterson had not chan gedhis route towards Victoria, and that a portion of his troops had left that day. These statements, it will be seen, are conflicting ; and yet the accounts by the express are PO detailed, and have such' an air of probability, that they are at least calculated to excite apprehension. The. New Orleans Delta of the 2d, in alluding to the intelligence, gives the report that Santa Anna was at the head of 15,000 troops, and within four days of Saltillo--that en. Worth, unable to maintain his ground against such over whelming numbers, was slowly falling back in the direction of Monterey ; and that Gen. Taylor, in the anticipation of tin attack upon that city, was fortifying it on every point. This, it will be seen, differs from the other rumor, to the effect that Gen. Taylor had left Monterey for Victoria. The Delta gives yet another statement, thus : " From Mr. Fowler, a gentleman of this city, who came passenger in the steam propellor Virginia, and who left .Saltillo on the 17th ult., we have subse quently learned that, previous to his leaving, Gen. Worth's spies had come into camp and reported that Santa Anna was within three or four days' march of Saltine, and rapidly advancing, at the head of about 15,000 men. Gen. Worth immediately sent an express to Gen. Taylor, which reached him at Victoria at 11 o'clock, P. M. on the 17th ; and at 3 o'clock, A. M., the next day General Taylor despatched two regiments, the Kentucky and Tennessee volunteers, to reinforce Gen. I%Tortlt at Saltillo, inten ding to follow himself as soon as pos sible, with all his disposable force. Gen. Taylor felt confident of his loging able to arrive at Saltillo before Santa Anna could reach there. The whole force of Gen. Taylor would then amount to about 10,000 men, which he considered sufficient to cope with any force that Santa Anna could bring against him." . Gen. Scott arrived at the Brazos on the 28th ult. Later from the Army. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. By the Southern Mail we have later dates from the army, which reached N. Orleans by the arrival there of the steamship Alabama. She left the Brazos on the 3d, at which date there was no news of especial in terest from Saltillo, from which it was inferred that the danger of an attack was not so imminent as supposed, whet► Gen. Worth's express was despatched. The remains of Watson, Ridgely, and other Baltimoreans, had arrived at New Orleans. Lieut. Boyle, of Washington, died on the passage. The dates from Matamoras are to the Ist inst. Since the last dates rumors of battles—marches and countermarches Wool's column cut oft—Worth's divis ion driven back to Monterey from Sal tillo—that he and Gen. Taylor were shut up in Monterey, have prevailed. Gen. Scott and his staff left two days previous, in great haste, for Camargo.— In going up the river they met a steam er with a mail bringing intelligence that part of the corps of observation, belong ing to Santa Anna's army, had been near Parras, where Wool was, and that Wool had joined Worth at Sa ltillo. Gen. Patterson's division had crossed the river San Fernando five days pre vious, and would soon be at his desti nation. Gen. Taylor, it was thought, would no doubt return home as soon as Gen. Scott takes command. When Gen. Patterson reaches Victo ria all the passes to San Luis will be shut up. Advices have been received from Tam pico to the 30th ult.. Everything was then quiet and orderly. The rumors of attacks upon Tampico were considered as only Mexican tales. On the 20th of December, Corn. Perry, with several vessels, took possession of Laguna, and destroyed the guns & mu nitions of war found in the 'port and town. Coin. Sands, with two vessels, had ibeen left in charge. Off the Alvarado the Plississippi captured the Mexican schooner Amelia, and sent her to New Orleans. Purser Crosby had been killed on board the Viven, by accidentally falling from aloft. . Santa Anna has been declared by the new Congress, as duly elected Presi dent by the Republic. From a further examination of the files of Mexican papers, it appears that no direct action was had upon the sub ject of the war by the Mexican Con- gress. The Mexican papers convey a strong impression that San Luis is to be the great battle-ground of the war. Gen. Jessup and his staff, together with 240 sick and discharged soldiers, came passengers in the Alabama. STANDING COMMITTEES. The following are the standing Com mittees of the Pa. Legislature for the present session : SENATE. accounts.—Messrs. Carson, Benner, Smyser, Hill, Rich. Pensions and Gratuities. Messrs. Big ler, s' agonseller, Ross, Darragh, Boas. Judiciary.—Messrs. Sanderson, John son, Black, Williamson, Dimmick. Smyser, Mason, Cornman, Morrison. Banks.—Messrs. Crabb, Gillis, An derson, Darsie, Jordan. Education—Messrs. Black, Harris, Creac raft, Smith, Wagonseller. Roads & Bridges—Messrs. Hill, Rich, Pottieger, Carson, Hoover. Interna Improvements--Messrs. Gillis, Crabb, Johnson, Overfield, Harris. • .agricultural and Domestic .111anufac tures—Messrs. Morrison, Mason, Car son, Pottieger, Boas. Compare Bills--Messrs. Cornman, Hoover, Richards, Levis, Mason. Election District—Messrs. Levis, Rich ards, Benner, Boas,Dimmick. Corporations—Messrs. Johnson, Har ris, Hoover, Richards, Anderson. Vice Se Immorality—Messrs. Darragh, Pottieger, Smyser, Creacraft, Benner. Estates 4.• Escheats—Messrs. William son, Black, Smith, Dimmick, Creacraft, Finance--Messrs. Darsie, Bigler, Crabb, Ross, Sanderson. Private Claims for Damages—Messrs. Smith, Overfield, Darsie, Gillis, Corn ! man. Librabry—Messrs. Williamson, San. derson, Wagonseller. Public Buildings 4• Grounds—Messrs. Jordan, Overfield, Morrison. Retrenchment Sr Reform—Messrs. Rich, Hill, Jordan, Bigler, Levis. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ways 4. .Means—Messrs. Trego, Alli eon, Haly, Forsyth, Pumroy, of Mrcer, Ives, Jackson. Judiciary—Messrs. Bighorn, Haly, Knox, Edie, Fox, Leyburn, Patterson, Blair, Hasson. Claims—Messrs. Lawrence, Connor, Haymaker, McKnight, Ives, Reed and Souder. _ _ Sgriculture—Messrs. Gould, earner, Fansold, Sharp, Jacoby, Breidenthall, Graff. _ _ _ Pensions er Gratuities—Messrs. Pom eroy, (of F. ;) McAbee, Fassit, Lockhart, Daly, Philips, Perry. Domestic Manufactures—Messrs. Alli son, Dickinson, Krick, Bassler, Vleit, Ross, Sipes. accounts—Messrs. Connor, Mather, Colvin, Kaufman, Pearce, Sanborn, Bush. Education--Messrs. McCurdy, Bull, Anderson,Black, Pomeroy, (of F. ;) Dickson, ontelius. Vice .5. Immorality.—Messrs. Ladley, McMinn, Levan, Sharp, Jacoby, Rey nolds, Fernstcrmacker. .Militia System—Messrs. Harris,Burus, McAllister, Noble,Evans,Gebley,Myers. Election Districts—Messrs. Hunter, Bentz, Bowmen, Hilands, McMinn, Kin near. _ _ Banks—Messrs. Edie, Gratz, Piollet, McAbee, Sanborn, Kline, Mather. Estates k Escheats—Messrs. Knox, Blair, Wilson, Leyburn, Matthias, Has son, Kently. Roads Bridges—Messrs. McCurdy, Pooling, Louchlin, Shelby, Weller, Mc- Allister, Reynolds. Locagppropriations—Messrs. Don aldson, Thompson, Long, Wilson, Mor rison, Robins, Rupert. Corporations—Messrs. Matthias, Mor ton, Donaldson, Fox, Kinnear, Ludley, Worrell. Lands—Messrs. Patterson, McMinn, Westner, Burns, Bull, Gould, Morrison, Kerr. Compare Bills—Messrs. NI ackey,Tho mas, Bushell, Morton, Boughner. Printing—Messrs. Evans, Myers, Montelius. Library—Messrs. Fox, McCurdy Col vin. Inland Navigation and Internal Im provements—Messrs. Hilands, Trego, Evans, Westen, Clark, Gratz, Harris, Thompson, Knox, Hunter, Allison, Krick, Fernon. Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs. Pomeroy, (of Mercer. ;) Clark, Mackey, Levan, Robins, McCurdy, Klingensmith. [l::Alfred L. Pollard, the "nice young man" mentioned some weeks ago, as hay ing been " jugged" by the officers of jus tice, for the crime of bigamy, after hav ing a fair and impartial trial during the last week's court, at Lewistown, has been justly sentenced to imprisonment in the Eastern penitentiary at hard labor, for the term of two yonrs—Letvistoten Gaz, (From the Philadelphia Saturday Gleaner.] THE FINANCES OF PENNSYLVANIA. An Abstract from the Report of the State Treasurei. This is a document of more than ordi nary interest and importance, especially nt the present moment, when anxiety is felt as to the prompt payment of the semi-annual interest on the State Debt. The receipts during the last fiscal year, amounted to $3,529,057. Balance in the Treasury, Nov. 30th, 1845, $384,886. Total revenue, $3,913,943. Expenditures for the same' period, $3,529,254. Thus die balance in the Treasury on the 30th of Nov. 1846, was $384,678. The Treasurer states that during the year, the Treasury has not only been in a condition to meet all the demands upon it, including the interest on the public debt, but a portion of that debt has been discharged, viz: the sum of $246,816. The important result is also exhibited, that the receipts within the fiscal year, were equal to the expenditures, without regard to any sum in the Treasury at the commencement of the year. This is indeed a gratifying statement, honor able alike to the Commonwealth, the people and the State Treasurer. During the last two years, the taxes imposed have been cheerfully & prompt ly paid, no loans have been made, the public liabilities have been met, and the State revenues have increased. Col. Snowden estimates that the rev enues in all, for the present fiscal year, will amount to $4,026,178 ; while the expenditures will amount to but $3,447,- 058. And that thus, the balance in the Treasury on the 30th of November, 1847, will amount to upwards of $579, 000. The public debt is $40,739,577. During the year, the receipts from the public improvements amounted to $l, 357,203. The entire expenditures on the public works for the same period, $732,067. Net receipts, $625,135. This amount exhibits the actual re ceipts in payment at the Treasury, with out reference to the amount reported by the Canal Officers. The fiscal yenr closed on the 30th of November. The above aggregate of profits was applied, with the other revenues of the State, to the payment of the interest on the public debt, and the general expen ses of the State Government. The amount of relief notes in circu lation on the Ist of January last, was $1,031,664. The loans which are due, or will fall due in the current year, and for which no provision is made, except so far as the relief notes are provided for, amount to $3,438,030. There are thirty-seven separate loans, which compose the State Debt; and the Treasurer recommends that they be con solidated into a less number. Also that coupons should be attached to the con solidated or new stocks, should such be issued, and to the new transfers of the old stock. Also that these coupons be made receivable for all dues for the Com monwealth. With regard to the interest due in February, the Treasurer states that the matter will depend upon the amount of receipts for the present month of Jan uary; and he remarks that if a deficit should occur, the interest can he paid as on former occasions, inasmuch as a con siderable portion is not immediately de manded, and by proper measures, some of the accruing revenues mny be antici pated. He thinks, moreover, that a de ficiency at a particular period, cannot interfere with the general result as esti mated, namely—that for the year, the revenue, if faithfully collected, will not only .be adequate to the expenditures, but reduce the existing debt, and leave a balance in the Treasury, of $579,119. Tampico under Martial Law. The New Orleans Delta of the 30th ult. says :---" Capt. Hardy, of the Fehr. H. M. Johnson, from Tampico, on the 18th inst., informs our Reporter that Col. Gates, the commandant at Tampi co, had proclaimed the place to be tin der martial law on the 15th inst. On the 16th arms were distributed to all the American citizens in the place, in cluding captains of vessels in port and sailors. Col. Gates having had cause to suspect that the Mexicans had arms concealed in the place, instituted a search for them, and discovered about six hun dred stand and a quantity of ammuni tion ; about 300 of the muskets were found to be loaded. The whole mili tary force at Tampico on the 16th, amounted to from Bto 900 men. The steamship Virginia arrived from Brazos with 320 men of the Alabama regiment. The steam propellors, Tennessee and James Cage, arrived on the 18th inst., and proceeded up the river as the H. . 11. Johnson was coming out. They ap peared to have a number of troops— cavalry and their horses on board." " WHOSO SHEDDETH MAN'S BLOOD, BY MAN SHALL HIS BLOOD BE SHED."—Gener al Leslie Combs has lately received a letter announcing that the fiend O'Blen nis, who murdered his son two years ago, has at length met his deserts, hay log been shot by some Mexicans at Mat amoras, where he settled himself as a trader. Just before his death, he had murdered a gentleman named Townsend, who had a claim against him. CONCt RZIEII. Military matters has occupied the at- 1 tion of Congress principally, during the past week. The Army Bill, for raising ten additional Regiments of Regulars to serve during the war, passed the House on Monday of last week, by a vote of 171, to 24. During the discussion which arose upon this bill, Mr. Ficklin, a Loco foco member from Illinois, made a most disgraceful attack upon Gen. Taylor.— Notwithstanding the glorious achieve ments of Old Rough and Ready," this tory member of Congress had the auda city to commence an attack in his rear, by pronouncing him, in the halls of 'Con gress, incompetent to lead an army.— Not content with attempting to sully the fair fame of Gen. Scott, the Locofocos are now essaying to sear the fresh green laurels which encircle the brow of Old Rough and Ready. The political graves of these men are already dug and yawn ing to receive them. An effort was wade to engraft Mr. Polk's Lieutenant-General project upon the Military Bill in the House, but failed by a vote of 90 to 120 ! On Tuesday the death of Senator PEN NYPACKER of Virginia, was announced in both Houses, and the customary resolu- I tions passed. No other business was transacted. It is but a few days since the death of Senator Barrow was an nounced, and now we are called upon to record the demise of another distin guished member of the same body. On Wednesday, the House met and immediately adjourned to the Senate Chamber, to attend the funeral of Hon. J. S. Pennypacker, which took place at 11 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Slicer, Chaplain of the Senate, officiated. The ceremo , nits were exceedingly solemn, and the procession, consisting of the President, Heads of the different Departments, members of Congress, and others, very long. - On Thursday, in Senate Mr. Benton, from the Military*Committee, reported the bill, increasing the army ten regi ments, with amendments relative to the force to be employed. The amendments were adopted. Mr. Cameron moved that a section of land be given to every soldier who should serve to the end of the war, which was discussed by Messrs. Benton, Cameron, Clayt on, Badger, Corwin and Crittenden. The Army Bill was laid over until Friday,. . . . Mr. Dix was speaking in favor of the bill to create a Lieutenant General, when the Senate adjourned. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the Oregon bill, during the discussion of which Mr. Burt defen ded slavery and the South. Mr. Seaman reported a bill to prevent the importation of foreign paupers. WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. SENATE.-Mr. Benton reported a bill this morning, granting sections of land to the regulars in the army, as well as the volunteers who may serve during the war. Mr. Cameron opposed the bill, fearing that it would kill his amendment to the Ten Regiment bill—of feted yesterday. The Lieutenant General bill was then taken up, and Mr. Badger spoke in op , position to the measure, which he said was one of injustice to Generals Taylor and Scott. When Mr. Badger had concluded, Mr. Mangum moved, as a test question, to lay the bill upon the table, when his mo tion prevailed by 28 yeas to 21 nays. This defeats the proposition for the appointment of a Lieutenant General. THE GREATEST Jr , KE YET.—Under this head, the New York Herald has the following well merited thrust at a tad pole politician, who, it appears, cannot see any military capacity in General Taylor :—" It is the opinion of the Hon. Mr. Ficklin, of Illinois, that "Old Rough and Ready" has not conducted the war with true military skill—that the old soldier, without men or pontons, was at fault because he did not pursue the Mex icans across the Rio Grande, and cut the throats of every mother's son of them. We recommend Mr. Polk to make this Mr. Ficklin the Lieutenant General of the Army. The .i7larkels. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 15, 1846 rcorn Ann MEA L— There is no change to note • in the price of Flour, but ho,ders are firmer, and same refuse $4,75 per brl for fair brands; sales 9000 Luis standard and fair brands, for export, at $9,75. and a timer brand at $9.814. Rye non.— A small sale at $3.75 per brl. Corn of 1000 bets at $3.434 per brl. Wheat is inactive.—A sale of l'enn'a at 75 els. Co , n--None arriving by wider; sales of Penn's at 62i a 63 eta per bushel. Oats—Sales at 34 cts in store. [no.—Sales of 50 inns Blooms al $57.M0 a GO per ton. 6 months, in Pig irsill the sales have been Owned at steady rates. WHISKEY is scarce; sales of 200 brls at 23 eta, sales in hhJn at 2. its.—North American. MARRIED. On the 14th inst., in Walker town ship, by Rev. G. W. Williard, .2!r. A. ✓1!. HASLET to Miss MARY .11/ONDORF, both of this county. On the same day, by Rev. W. Bunker, .bh. AVM. MOUNINGSTAR to Miss MARY ANN PEIGHTAL, both of this county. . VA LUAU Lk' . TTANCE'S Sarsaparilla. Vegetable or REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE , Ja Blood Pills.—Fifty pills in a ixii, The cheapest and best medicine in ex. , BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' istence—for purifying the blood, remove .1) Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on Fri- ing bile, correcting disorders of the star Jay, the 12th 'ley of February next, at 10 o'clock. I !Ma and bowels, costiveness, dyspep , A. ‘i., the followin g described Real Estate of Ma i swimming in the head, &c. Per- Rodney McKinstry, late of Shirley township, decd. eons ofd full habit ; who ate sbbject to viz: headache; giddiness, drowsiness, and 187 acres firet-rate land, being meetly bottom, singing in the ears, arising from too and well calculated for either Meadow or Farm great a flew o f blood in the head, should land, with a lar g e and convenient Brick Dwelling Douse, Double Log Baru, vk nun never be without them, as many danger ;.';.• p ~ Shed, Corn Crib, and other out- ous symptoms will 6e entirely carried 44 :( buildings—a good youn g Orchard off by their immediaie utie. .'i' '..° cs' , ' of 'wait , fruit—a well of good Read the following wonderful aura g( Water at the door. There are about 100 acres of dyspepsia: ' lea " land ' I° of which "' meadow —the whale ,n a good state or , cultivat i on. This is to certify tha t my wife wart wa i afflicted with the Dyspepsia for 12 years; and tried both advertised medicines and Thomsonian, but without effect ; and my-* self attacked with blindness, and my head otherwise affected from hard drinking, so that I was apprehensive of fits ; and see ing HANCE'S SARSAPARILLA PILLS advertised, I went end got a box of them, which, to my astonishment, effected a cure of me and my wife both. I think them without a rival before the public. S. H. HALL, Albemarle st. near Wilk. For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Balti more st., and corner of Charles & Pratt sts., Balt.iner4-y AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Hunting don ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch anan, Mill Creek; Spencer & Flood,Wil liarnsburg. CIIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE has prov ed that, for the cure of coughs, colds, consumptions asthma, spitting of blood, pain and oppression of the breast,- there is nothing equal to Hance's Compound Syrup of Horehound. This medicine has now been in use for six years, during which time there has been a constant demand for it, and NOTICE. its popularity, instead of declining, lies TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.—I, beeen always on the increase. Thomas Walker, of Dublin township, Hunt-I During tuts time many new medicines higilon county, gave a prornisoiy not "f h an d to! have sprung up for the cure cf the above Eliza Curry, Ann Curry, James Curry sail Mathew complaints, some of which tasted only a Curry, for thirty-five dollars and stxty-eight cents, , bearing date March 1 Db, A. D. 1843. As I never few months, and others not as long ;but received value for the same. I hereby forward any Hance's Syrup has readily gone on gain- person or persona from taking an assignment of . ing favor with all classes of society, on , said note as 1 am determined not to pay the same til it has now become identified by many unless compelled by law, his families as a jy2o-30) THOMAh k WALKER: • REGULAR FAMILY MEDICINE: • mark. — ORPHANS' COURT BALE. To those who have never used the Compound Syrup of Horehound, this no- BY virtue of au order of the Orphans' Court or tire is particularly directed to as those Huntingdon county to me directed , the under- ! • • •• ave once experienced its signetl will offer at public vendee or outcry on the who n peculiar premises, on FRIDAY. the sth day of February. 11y happy e ff ects, any praise of its merits 1847, all that piece or parcel, or Tract of Land. I would be superfluous. situate in the township of Henderson on the I Price 50 cis. per bottle, or 6 bottles for $2 50. For sale by Seth S. Hance, Warm - pring Road about 4 miles from the bor . eugh o f Huntingdon, late the property Wm. inQ Baltimore st., and corner of Charles Jacob Stewart. decd— adjoining Land in the name of . '" and Pratt streets, Balt. fnov4l H IY liner Peter ,lioenberger. lands now or late, in the tenure of A. P. Knapp, containing, 1 AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; One hundred and twenty-four acres and one hon. Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; Spencer dred and eleven perches. with the usual allowance & Flood, Williamsburg; W. W. Buch of Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne, Shir- I i n l e a r c l " F n r . aro l e li ß e a re n " k ri li c ar c ti l . ed ' a lh C c a re bin is also n io n ‘ a .s T urg. good Orchard on the premiers. ! • . . Ale.), one whet Farm adjoining the above, con taining 197 acres, about 70 of which are cleared and in a go_d state of cultivation, and 10 acres are meadow. The above two farms are desirable situations, and the land susceptible of being made ;goal to any in the county, in point of fertility. They ore hand somely situated, being on the. Aughwick creek, about one mile fsom the borough of Shirleysburg, and about four from the canal. The State road front Chembersburg to Huntingdon passes through both. Terms of Sale—Onehird of the ptn•hase mo ney to be paid on confirmation : One-third in one year thereafter, with interest : the residue itmuedi ately after the death of the widow of said deceased the interest on the latter to be paid regularly to said widow during her natural life—end the ohole to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the pur chase•. Attendance will be given on tli, day of vale, and the property shown in the meat time. by jy2o-ts] SA IVFKb . ;:•TR Y. LAST NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned for fees, &c., as Sheriff of Huntingdon enmity, ore hereby notified that 'l'. H. CR i• 91ER Esq., uf Huntingdon, is authorized to receive payment of the same; and nil claims remaining unpaid on the 15th d..t/ of February next, wiil he placed into the kends of a Justice of 1:00 Peace and proceeded on according to law, jilt 19 ..:7-3t JOSRPH SHANNON - The terms of sale will be—one-half the pur chase money at confirmation of the sale, and the other half at the end of one )ear thereafter. DAVID SN iRE, jyl3-18 Admr. of Wtn. Stewart, decd. N. B.—At the same time arid place there will also be offered at public sale about twenty acres of grain in the ground—Wheat and Rye. Attention, Militia ! THE Enrolled Militia of the Third Regiment, P. M. will trite notice that an election will be held on SATURDAY. the 23,1 inst., between the hours of 10 . o'clock A. M. and 6 P. M., for the purpose of electing one Lieutenant Colonel for said Regiment in the room of Col. F. C. Furket, resigned. The first battalion will hold their elec tion nt the house of -- Mover. Waterfowl— the second battalion nt the house of John Nevltrg in the borough of Birmingham. Maj. John Znnt. myer will superintend first battalion: ‘laj. B. F. Bell, second. .1011 N IllillKer, B. Inspector 2J Bat. 10th Div. P, M Baum. Ism...cilia's Orem!, ? Walkettwille, 'entre en. Inn. 2. 1847. S SIMIINISTIMTOR'S NOTICE. Estatr of Jacob Lia 9, late of Tod tp.decd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of administration upon the said es tate have been granted to the undersign ed. All persons having claims or de mands against the same are requested to make them known, and all those in debted, will make immediate payment, to JONATHAN H. LIAS, jyl3.6t] ./Idministrator. .11D.MINISTRIITR NOTICE . Estate of adorn H. Hall, decd. NOTE IC to *hereby given, that letters of admin. ignition upon the said estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known, and all those indebted will make im mediate payment to SUSAN HAMMON. jyt - 3.6t) Executrix. 112(00117RASHO ZIONIE LABOR ! 1)4M% & 1310 A IPS C4RRIVIGE XXD WAGON .711.1 X. uFacTORY, Opposito the Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon. 9111 E subscribers respect fully inform the public, I that they ore at all times prepared to execute any orders in their line of business, at the drollest notice and on the most reasonable term, Carriages, Buggies, Wag. ons, Sleighs, Dearborn, u and Carts, ude to order of the best materiels, and at rea sonable prices. Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the shortest notice. • t• - •1'llose wanting neat, cheap and durable ar ticles in our line of business, are respectfully re quested to give us a call. dee3o:4B-1 y. ADAMS & BOAT. S. Sewell Stewart, ATTORNEY Al' LAW, Huntingdon, P..— Otßee in Main street, live doors west of Mr. Buoy's jewelry establishment. T. H. Cromer, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ITYWTTNIDON ‘ PA‘ Ax E have been permitted to copy the following letter from a lady of the highest re peel'. bility in Boston, to her eon, a young 'merchant. do ing business in Baltimore. The rtiele the old lady alludes to, we believe, lance's Hoarhound Syrup and Candy, which is doing wonders in the way of curing Asthma and Coughs—Ammo*. Dear Thomas, you know my affliction, The cold that I caught at a dance, So I beg you will MU) me a bottle Of Hoarhound. extracted by Hance. Mrs. Johnson, I dare say you knew her, And the story will sound like romance, Has been cured of her cough of lung standing, liy buying some Syrup front Hance. There's the dortor. too, bless the old fellow, For his health went atravelling in France, And came home to he clued of coneumption, And lays it to 11.rhound and Dance. Mrs. Martin, your father's first cousin, Lay two or three days in a trance, And the fl•st thing she said upon waking. Was •send for mune Hoarhound to Hance.' I yesterday sent for the Doctor, Who said I can sec at It glance, 'Chore s but one Mina' can cure your disorder, And that is some Hoarhound from !lance.' So you see. dearest Tom, my condition, If you would my enjoyment. enhance, Do not fail to forward to morrow, A Wilk of Syrup from Hance. Do not trust it by William nor Peter, For fear of some ugly minimum, For what shall I do, dearest Thome.. If I get not the Hoarhuund Irons Hance? Cone bottle for me, and another Don't forget to direct to your runts; They sell it at Sends', I rcckon, but be sure 'tis the genuine Hence. Mrs. Browa was hent deal., with coughing, But now she's a. straight as a lance ; And 11. e thane line helm wrought eke assures me, By taking the liourhound from Hance• As I went to the store but last Friday, Mr. Dunerman eyed me askance, And whispering said, 'Mrs. Davis, You must send for some lioarhound to Hance Mrs. l'itta who subscribes to the Mirror, In that J Lund encountered by chance, Very lucky, the filet adverttaement. Had been seen t our village from Hence. remain my dear Thomas, as ever, Your mother, i love's fond durance, And if you would keep me here, darling, Prays nd me the Hoarbound from Harm Ilance's Syrup and candy are for sale at 108 Baltimore street, Halt. jy9l AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg; • , Buch anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne, Shir. leysburg. DM LAIS TR4 TO R'S AIDTIC E. Estate of William Stewart, dec'd, late of Henderson township. xfoTICE is hereby given that letters of !admin. istration upon the said estate have been grant. ed to the undersigned. All persons having datum or demands against the same are requested to make thorn known without delay, and oil persons Indebt. ed to make immediate payment to DA 1) CHARS, Admr. k 1~