SHORT SESSION. BY LXST EVENING'S Since the election in October last, [Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal.] which resulted in giving the Whigs a Election of State Treasurer. majority in both branches of the Legis. Dian Sin—The members of the Sen lature, the Whig press have been unan- I ate and House went into Convention to mous in the recommendation that the day s for the purpose of electing a State present session should be a short one. Treasurer. The following is the result: The policy and almost absolute necessi- Banks had '72 votes. Snowden, 55 " ty of this suggestion appeared to be con- Sherlock, (Native) 1 " [D ceded by all. It is true, that the amount - We return our sincere thanks to Yours, &c. S. s those of our patrons who have, during saved to the Commonwealth in one sea the last week, voluntarily come forward sion, will not be very materially felt, but Santa Anna and the American Desert the precedent will be most salutary, and I itnd planked down to us the "one thing A letter from Montereyto the N er e s W needful," in a business point of view. result in an immense saving to the Com- Orleans Bee, notices the arrivalat San It makes us feel better, and elevates our monwealth. If the present Legislature opinion of human nature materially. It' goes to work in good earnest, and journs say by the middle of March, the ad also causes us to look do4n upon the few miserable, theiving spe.cimens of human- one that succeeds it will not dare to pro ity, who have taken our paper for more tract their sitting much beyond that pc than a year, and then either sent it back riod, unless extraordinary circumstances marked " refused," or left for parts un- should arise. known, without paying their dues to We hope that the people will keep an eye upon the legislative proceedings, and tempt. The are informed that, although us, with renewed and redoubled con hold to strict account every member that y they have cheated us, the devil will have is instrumental in unnecessarily delay his due. And should they leave this ter- ing the business. This is frequently restrial sphere without rendering to the done by long spcches, calling the yeas printer some satisfaction, they will be and nays on unimportant questions, and marked as "refused" an entrance into a factious opposition to the will of the happiness above, and turned over to the majority. We happened to be at the tender mercies of his Satanic Majesty Capitol for a few days, and thought we with as little ceremony as we now erase could discover, on the part of the Loco. their unworthy names from our books. foco members, a disposition of this kind. Neither can they succeed in this world We say to them beware: you may pre -it is morally impossible. We have a vent a short session, but on your heads case in point. A wealthy friend of ours, will rest the responsibility. The peo p in a neighboring county, took our paper le have discrimination enough to know for about eleven months—just to encour- where to lay the blame, if their wishes age us—and then sent it back without in this matter be thwarted; and rest as surd, they will mete out to the guilty remitting his dues. At the last elec- 1 I tion he was a candidate for an impor- their reward. They will not much longer pay taxes to be thrown away for ' tent office ; and although the balance of the Whig ticket prevailed throughout, the mere amusement of dishonest public he was most ingloriously defeated.— servants. From the bottom of our soul we re- But we do not wish to be understood sponded amen! to that decision of the as desiring to shift from the majority people. And our prayer is, that such any of the responsibilities under which they stand before the tax-payers of the men may always meet with similar suc cess. Commonwealth. They are the represen- THE JOURNAL. Huntingdon, Wednesday, January 20, 1847, We do not wish to apply any portion. of the above to those unable to pay for their papers. We are always willing to furnish our paper to the honest poor man, and grant him any indulgence he may desire, when he honestly informs us of his situation. Our remarks are only intended for dishonest sneaks, that no thing but the terrors of the law prevents from being public thieves. DAVID BLAIR, Esq.—The speech de livered by this gentleman, in the House of Representatives, on Saturday last, in favor of the American Tariff of 1842,. and opposed to the British Bill of '46, is spoken of by the press as a very able and eloquent effort. We hope Mr. B. will write out his speech, so that we may be able to lay it before our readers. EDITORIAL CONVENTION.—We hope the project of holding an Editorial Conven tion, as originally proposed by the Hol lidaysburg Standard, may not be aban doned. We have recently conversed with a number of our editorial brethern, who think that Saturday, the 6th of March next, would be a very proper time. What say all concerned to this 1 The Locofocos of this county held a meeting on Tuesday night of last week and appointed Gen. A. P. Wilson their delegate to the State Convention, with out instructions. We do not know how the General feels towards Mr. Shunk, but recollect well that he was decidedly a "one term" man in regard to Mr. Blanch ard last fall. ec:r The Native Eagle is informed that we never asserted that the " Killers" and "Bouncers" were Natives, and therefore have no "erroneous impressions" to cor rect. To the Hollidaysburg Standard and Huntingdon Globe, ,belongs the credit of politically classifying the vol unteers from Pennsylvania. O :71. W. BREWER, Esq., formerly editor of the Globe of this place, has become editor of the Anthracite Gazette, Pottsville, Pa. Mr. B, has eschewed Locofocoism, and says he will conduct the Gazette on independent grounds. Success to you, old neighbor. Oa- Hon, John Blanchard, John Mor na- We rejoice to learn that John Q. rison and David Blair, Esq'rs., each, have Adams' health is improving. The Bos our thanks for numerous favors during ton Courier says, "we saw him at church the past week. yesterday, looking apparently as well as The Whigs of Pittsburg achieved I he has for the last four or five years." another triumph on Tuesday last, in the W HIG STATE CONVEZ.TION.—Luzerne, election of their candidate for Mayor by Northumberland, Clinton, Cambria and a majority of 600. Allegheny city also ilndiana counties, have recently appoint went for the Whigs by 286 majority, 1 ed delegates in favor of Gen. Irvin. York and Cumberland in favor of Mr. Cooper, and Allegheny for Walter For ward, • 0:7.' Hon. John Banks has received the nomination of the Whig members of the Login!elf/ for State Treasurer, tatives elected by the Whig party, and that party expects them to faithfully carry out their wishes. The Whig press in urging the propriety of a short ses sion, only reflects the true sentiments of those for whom they speak. We say, then, the majority have it in their pow er to render unavailing the efforts of the Locofocos to retard the work of reform. , When suggestions of a salutary nature come from the minority, let them re ceive due consideration ; but when it is manifest that they are attempting to re tard the business by frivolous pretexts and factious movements, let the majori ty apply the curb. If this courst., be adopted, and adhered to, there will be no difficuly in bringing the present ses sion to a close by the middle of March. Let the Whig members, then, see to it, that this be made a short, working ses sion, and they will receive as their re ward the thanks and further confidence of an oppressed and tax-ridden people. a - Does the Hon. John Blanchard take the Huntingdon Globe 1 If not, he is informed that the last number of that paper cautions him against sending any more " Tory Documents" into his dis trict, under no less a penalty than being denounced by that paper as a " traitor" to his country. The Globe does not specify the objectionable documents, but we presume it refers to Polk's message and Walker's report—wherein the for- rater unblushingly admits the "treason" of having allowed Santa Anna to return home to lead the Mexicans army on to battle against the American forces, un der Gen. Taylor—and the latter recom mends a TAX upon the POOR MAN'S TEA and COFFEE. These being the only "tory documents" that has been sent out by Mr. 8., he will have to be careful, if he desires to avoid the awful denunciations of the Globe, to send no more copies of these offensive, "tory documents," into this district. 11:7- The Locos of Phildadelphia city and county have appointed delegates to the State Convention in favor of Shunk. This, says the friends of the Governor, settles the question of the nomination in his favor. Luis of the first American deserters from our Army. It says that they presen ted their several orders • for money to Sitnta A nna, when he informed them that he had not enough funds to feed his own soldiers, They were worn down by travel, hungry, and without the means of getting a living, so they concluded as a last resort, that they would join his army. When they applied to him for permission to go into the ranks, he re plied that they ivould leave him should lie get into a tight place. They affirm ed to the contrary, when Santa Anna plainly told them that any man who would desert one army would desert an other, and he wanted nothing to do with such men. And so they left him—men who had been seduced off under the bright promises of command and money, denied even the privilige of earning their bread in the ranks of the enemy. The beauty of it is, that neither the French nor English residents will give them work or food, and they would no doubt give their right hands to be back in Uncle Sam's ranks. No less than 46 were met on the road from San Luis to Saltillo." Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and Means enquire into the expediency of bringing in a bill supplementary to the act of 22d April, 1846, entitled "An act to provide for the reduction of the public debt :" repealing so much of said act as makes book accounts and moneys due on contracts subject to taxation. • Mr. Blair has also reported the fol lowing acts : I A further supplement to the act erect- James M. Power, Esq., the new- ing Blair county. ly elected Canal Commissioner, took his A bill to incorporate the Huntingdon seat in the Board on Tuesday last. One and Broad Mountain Railroad Company. of the first acts in the way of reform, The time of the Senate was taken up says the Harrisburg Telegraph, was the to-day in rending local bills, among which was one reported by Mr. Morri son of Thomas L. Wilson, Esq., son to incorporate a Railroad and Iron to he Secretary, in the place of David Company in the county of Blair. Mitchell, Esq. Mr. Wilson held this The Speaker laid before the House office formerly, and was a good officer. this morning a communication from the State Treasurer, in answer to the reso- ID- A volunteer for Mexico, who left lution of the House, calling upon that Augusta, Georgia, a few days ago in the officer for information in regard to the cars, was killed by having his head ability of the State to meet the Februa crushed between the cars and a water- ry interest. The Treasurer thought the interest tank. Iwould be paid—(although a deficit might exist on the first of February)—by the adoption of proper measures on the part of the State Treasure;. Mr. Ladley introduced rt resolution instructing the ConunitteejaWays and Means to bring in a billiptitlirßizing the sale of the public wor a of this Cott - monwealth. 'fills resolution received the opposi tion of the Locofocos, but was adopted by a party vote—yeas 55, nays 41. The people have already decided by an over whelming vote, in favor of this measure, but their wishes have been thwarted by . ILocofoco I,lation. A resolution call ing for aMb of votes cast upon the RD - The damage occasioned by the sale of the public works, has been admit recent freshets in the Sciota, Miami, and ed. • Mad Rivers (0.) is set down at about A resolution was introduced by Mr. two millions of dollars ; over one mil- Knox, requesting the Committee on Vice Ilion of bushels of corn have been swept and Immorality to enquire into the pei brnging in illaltering ex from the Sciota Valley alone. The whole the law o of f last s year requiring alteri certain country was inundated. townships of this Commonwealth to de ! cide by ballot whether intoxicating li toxicating liquors shall be sold, so as to extend and apply to the whole Common wealth. Messrs. Ed ie, Hasson and Mackey op posed the resolution. The latter said he was in favor of temperance reform, but by grasping at too much, we might lose all—and frustrate the progressive refor mation now going on. This House had hitherto granted to every section of the State requiring it, every reasonable aid to"abolish the profuse use of ardent spi rits, and is still ready to accede to the wishes of any other section of the State, when such wishes are made known. At this time there was no petition before the House, and he thought no good could be derived front premature action., Mr. Mackey did not wish to be misun-I derstood on this subject. He would pay the strictest regard to any petition sent to this House on this or any other sub ject, and go as far as any man to effect the abolition of any vice in the commu nity, consistent with his duty and the will of his constituents. His present station demanded this. He thought that the resolution before the House went too far:. it required a general state law, where we had no evidence of such a call. The balance of the morning was taken up in the discussion of resolutions in structing our Senators and requesting A letter writer at Santa Fe, on the 18th of November, states that Col. Price's regiment is stationed at that place for the winter, and that great sick ness prevailed among the troops. There has been as many as seven deaths a day. Kr The Legislature of Delaware has elected Prestly Spruance U. S. Senator from that State, in the place of Hon. Thomas Clayton. The new Senator is a decided Whig. Da - It has been ascertained that the amount, in small sums, sent to Ireland from New York alone, during the last year is $BOB,OOO. During the last sixty days $175,000 were sent out. This I speaks volumes in favor of the warm heartedness of the Irish. OD.. Mr. Newton, Whig, is said to be elected to Congres to fill the vacancy in the Arkansas delegation, caused by the resignation of Col. Yell, Locofoco, who is at present with the division of the U. S. Army, under command of Gen. Wool. Shocking Accident—Seven Men Kiiled, A dreadful accident occurred on the Reading Railroad on Thursday,by which seven men were instantly killed, by the explosion of the boiler of the engine.— They were standing on the platform near the engine at the time of the explosion, and all were instantly killed. So violent was the explosion, so imtnense its power, that one corpse was found at a distance of 400 yards from the train, while an other was blown through the boughs of a large and lofty tree.—Daily Intelligen cer. GEN. SCOTT.—The Washington Union says " A letter from Major GEneral Scott, our Repesentatives in Congress to use now commanding all the land forces in their efforts to repeal the Tariff of 1816, Mexico, dated December '2B, from Bra- 1 and substitute in its stead the American zos Santiago, states that he should leave Tariff of 184'2. The Locofocos, during the next day via Matamoros and Comer- this discussion, have thrown off the go, in search of official news, by which mask, and boldly sustain the Free Trade he should be governed accordingly.— bill of 1846. Referring to the reports of the move- Mr. Cooper (Speaker) made a most ment of the enemy, he states that, in effective and truly eloquent speech in the meantime, events may take him to behalf of the protective policy. S. Monterey ; and that, " if Santa Anna be on the offensive, he must be repulsed." PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE, synopsis of the Legislative proceedings up to the adjournment on Wednesday. Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal. On Thursday Mr. Cooper concluded his HARRISBURG, Jan. 14, 1846. able speech on the Tariff, after which The business of the session is now Mr. Knox took the floor. Nothing else fairly under way, and the petitions of the of general interest transpired in either people asking for legislation on various (House. . subjects, pouring in in great numbers. The following is taken from the Daily l : A large number are being presented ask- Intelligencer ing to have the law, giving the people l the right to decide by ballot whether Ispirituous liquors shall be sold, extend led to various counties. The people of your neighboring county, Blair, are ask ing for the incorporation of a company to manufacture Railroad and other iron. A bill in conformity with their petition has already been reported. The resolutions of thanks to Gen. Taylor and the American army, have passed both Houses unanimously. They are as follows: Resolved, That the thanks of this Le gislature be presented to Maj. General Zachary Taylor, for the prudence, skill and bravery with which he has thus far conducted the war with Mexico. Resolved, That this Legislature fully appreciates the suffering, services and patriotism of the troops in Mexico, reg ulars as well as volunteers, and tenders to them its hearty thanks for their gal lantry and good conduct. Resolved, That the Governor be re quested to transmit copies of these reso lutions to Major General Zachary Tay lor. On yesterday your representative, Mr. Blair, introduced the following im portant resolution, which was agreed to, viz : • A correspondent has given ne above n FRIDAY, Jan. 15. HOUSE. --The Tar2ff.—The Tariff re solutions came up in order. Mr. Knox having the floor proceeded in some general remarks as to what had been said on the merits of the resolu tions. He endeavored to reply to Messrs. Blgham and Cooper, who had advocated the passage of the resolutions. He was opposed to the resolutions, and argued against them. Mr. Leyburn took the floor when Mr. Knox sat down. He referred briefly to the result of the late election in his own county (Schuylkill), which had formerly given heavy majorities, from 500 to 1000 in favor of the so-called Democratic par ty ; and considered the change which the late election evinced, a decided expres sion in favor of the Tariff of 1842. He made some further remarks of a very sensible character, in relation to the two Tariffs. Mr. Hasson spoke against the resolu tions, and made some sweeping asser tions against the Whig party; declaring in amount that that party always took sides against this country when a con troversy between it and another nation arose. Mr. Klingensmith made some remarks of a very practical nature in relation to the operation of the Tariff of 1842, in his own county, tending to show its be neficial effects upon all classes of com munity—the farmer and laborer in par ticular. He declared that he, with others of his party, had told the people of his county that Mr. Polk would not disturb the Tariffof 1842; and that he was bound to stand by it. It suited his constituents and accorded with his own views. His remarks were listened to with deep at tention, and were highly applauded for their independence and spirit—Mr. K. being a democrat, and coming from a de mocratic county. Mr. Bigham replied in a very severe way to Mr. Hassan. He thought it queer that a foreigner, whose brogue betrayed his origin and his principles, should stand up here and throw out such foul 'imputations upon American citizens ! Mr. B. continued in this strain for some time, castigating most unmercifully the member from Cambria, Mr. Hasson. Mr. Blair took the floor, and made a few remarks, when he gave way for an adjournment. . . _ On Saturday the nomination of candi- l our camp, which is about four miles be dates for State Treasurer were made in low the city—on the same ground upon both Houses. In the Senate the follow- which the British were encamped at the ing.gentlemen were nominated : John .battle of New Orleans, and where the Banks, Thomas Nicholson, James Ross Yankees, under the command of old Snowden. Hickory, gave them a complete and final In the House, James Ross Snowden, drubbing, something similar to the ono John Hanks, .J. Ball, T. Nicholson, we intend giving the " magnanimous " F'. Parker, Joseph Ritner and L. Shus- , Mexicans in a short time. ter. The weather here is about iid is about as mil.. The discussion on the T4lri was con- lasitis in Huntingdon in the month of tinned in the House. The I . .gencer ' May ; and were it not for the frequent says : Mr. Blair finished his r arks in 1 showers of rain with which we are vis favor of the resolutions. li ivery 1 ited, we should be able to pass the time is fine, and his arguments wer list- away pleasantly ; but our camp being on ably strong. His speech is admon low ground, it gets very soft, and ren al] hands to have been a very five. ders it rather unpleasant. National Appropriation Bills. ' It is generally believed that we shall A remain here until about the 10th inst., By the following letter, which we Hind tvhich is contrary to the wishes of near in the Baltimore American, it will be ly every man in the regiment—all being seen that the expenses of the Govern- anxious to know something of the reali ment are amounting to a snug little sum ties of war, and also to avenge the death o of money; and at a time too when the of their countrymen who have already fallen in the battles of Palo Alto, Re- British Tariff is curtailing the revenue, secs de la Palma and at Monterey, and & the detectable Sub-Treasury is throw- whose bones are bleaching on the plains ing the financial operations of the coup- of Mexico. try info the most beautiful confusion My friend Mr. Ellis, of your place, and sapping the credit of the Govern , took very ill while coining down the ment : 1 river, and is still unwell ; however he is recovering fast. He was attended to as well as he possibly could be under the circumstances, and wanted for nothing which could be procured for him. Messrs. Condo and Woods, also from old Hun tingdon, joined the Jackson Blues of Pittsburg, and are here, in fine spirits, eager to reach the field of battle. lam very sorry that I cannot go on and name other representatives from my native county, particularly after the demonstra tion made by the young bloods on the evening of my departure. I have just been notified that I shall be called on guard in about twenty mina utes, and consequently must draw this imperfect epistle to a close. However, I shall do so with the consciousness of having at least attempted to discharge the duty I owed to my friends: If I should be so fortunate as to reach Mex ico,you may expect to hear from me again. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 1847. The appropriation bills reported in the House this morning from the Com mittee of %% ays and Means, amount in the aggregate, to nearly forty millions of dollars; and it is supposed that those which are to follow will swell the amount to fifty-five or sixty millions. The amount of the Army bill is $29, 538,704,25. Of this sum there is for the pay and subsistence of officers and men ; transportation of troops ; purchase ,of horses, mules, &c. ; ordnance and ordnance stores; manufacture of arms,' 8;c. &c., for the army proper, $6,813, 373 25 ; for the pay, subsistence, ord nance, and transportation and supplies I for the volunteers, $17,932,331 ; and to supply deficiencies in the existing ap propriations for the pay, travelling al lowance, transportation and supplies of volunteers, under the act of the 13th of May, and joint resolution of the Bth of August, $4,793,000. The amount of the Navy bill is 141,- 920,204 49, of which $2,500,000 is for the increase and repairs of vessels; $469, 417 for improvements on Navy Yards ; 41275,000 for the Dry Dock at Brooklyn; and $320,546 for the support of the Marine Corps. - . The amount of the Indian appropria tion is $1,179,324, of which $124,000 is for fulfilling the recent treaty with the Cherokees, and $llO,OOO for that with the Pottawatamies. The bids for the public printing for the next session were opened this morn ing by the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House, and the contract has been awarded to the Albslny Argus junto. Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal, ringres. liiivtgmums. CAMP NEAR N. ORLEANS, J an. 1,1846. FRIEND CAPTAlN—According to pro. mise, after having struck our tents upon the field, I set myself down in tent No. 1, with a board upon my knees, and a pen which is about equivalent to a sharp stick, in my fingers, to write you a few • ' lines, if you will allow me to use that word in speaking of this homely scrall. This being New Year's Day, our boys have generally left the camp to enjoy themselves in the best way they can, and I concluded to attend to a duty I owe to my friends in old Huntingdon, as I don't expect to find myself alone soon again. We left Pittsburg on the 22d ult., on board the boat St. Anthony, in company with Capt. Binder's corps of German Ri. fie. The boat we found very comforts ble, and the Captain a very clever fellow. IThe fare was rather poor, as the officers , put us down to the rations of a U. S. soldier immediately on going aboard. We reached Cincinnati on the 24th, where the companies were formed and marched through the principal streets of the city. Our spirits were somewhat revived by the smiles of the fair daugh ters of the "Queen city of the West," who crowded the doors and windows on either side of the streets through which we passed, cheering us on by their sweet est smiles, and the waving of their pearl white 'kerchiefs. Cincinnati is a beau tiful city, and may well be termed the "Queen city of the West." For its 10. . cation, plan, architecture, its inhabitants, and everything connected with it, it is calculated to make it the most pleasant and beautiful city in the Western coun try ; and it will also compare with any of its sisters of the West in a business point of view. We reached Louisville, (Ky.) on the 25th, where we also marched through the streets. To be brief, I will just say, that were I seeking a residence• in the valleysof the Ohio or Mississippi rivers, either Cincinnati or Louisville would be my choice—Louisville coining next to Cincinnati in my estimation. We did not stop at any other towns worthy of note, until we reached New Orleans, having passed through Memphis, (Ten. nessee) and several other towns, in the night. 1 cannot say anything favorable of New Orleans, except that it is one of the greatest business places in the Uni ted States. It is a very filthy place, - and the atmosphere will sicken a Northern man immediately upon inhaling it. We were permitted to go ashore at New Orleans, where we remained a few hours, when we were again called on board, and proceeded down the river to Please remember me to my friends in old Huntingdon, And I shall ever remain ' Your obedient servant, W. THOMPSON WILSON. D- The Legislature of Ohio have taken measures for the removal of the remains of Gen. Thomas L. Hamer from .41exia, to the soil of Ohio, at the ex pense of the State. BABIES.-" A baby in a house," says Tupper, " is a well spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link be. tween angels and men." r