Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 30, 1846, Image 3
FROII MEXICOOther versions are given of the affair. . The fort begins to be an object of sus picion among the Vera Cruzanos, who Prows from California-4Mhz at ' seem to think it less formidable to the San Luis Potosi, dtc. &G. Americans than they did formerly. By the packet ship Norma, at New Accounts from Chihuahua to the 20th York from Havana, dates were received October, confirm the arrest of the Amer at Vera Cruz to the 3d inst., and city of icon traders, six in all, whose property Mexico Nov. 27th, Tampico 25th, Chi- was confiscated. James McGoffin, Henry huahua 27th, Monterey and Upper Cal- i Connelly and Mr. Francisco were the ifornia to Sept. 17th. principal victims,and lose large fortunes. The N. Y. Tribune says the war en- Mr. Connelly has been an old resident. grosses public attention, and in record- Several caravans of Mexican traders lug the efforts making to strengthen came down about the same time from Santa Anna's army, the editors and • New Mexico, who reported Gen. Kear newspaper correspondents generally a- nay's departure for California, and Col. grec that the last struggle is to be made , Doniphan's movement upon Chihuahua. at San Luis Potosi. No effort is app. I Five hundred men were equipped to re rent to prepare the public mind for ne- . sist the latter at El Passe del Norte, gotiations, except such as casual allu- ; where there is a fort which they were sions to the approaching session of Con- ' to occupy. gress, and the deliberations of that body Indian depredations continue in the upon the melancholy condition of the re- central and northwestern departments. public. The new government works sat- The "Yankees" were charged with being isfactorily. Arrangements for restoring in league with the savages. Gen. Armijo the State Governments to their former had been defeated by the Indians, losing positions under the Constitution of 1824, thirty men before he retreated. Porto have been completed in all the late de- Paz, in Lower California, was blockaded partments with great satisfaction to the in October by the U. S. corvette, which people. I made prizes of two Mexican schooners, The Legislature of Yucatan, hitherto i the Ramona and Julia. She then pro the last to hold out against revolutions,', ceedod to Guaemas (Guayaymasp and met and promptly ratified the re-annex- I ordered the commander to deliver two ation, and the restoration of the Consti- ! gun boats, which was refused, and on tution of 1824. Next in importance to the 7th October the U. S. commander the meeting of Congress was the glee- bombarded the city. tion of President. Santa Anna posi- We find no farther accounts of the tively declined the office, although some ' rumored insurrection at the City of An-1 of the States have petitioned Govern- ' gels, in which 150 Americans were said ment in favor of giving him dictatorial ,to have been massacred. We have re- : powers. All he aslts, or professes to , rious rumors of Santa Atoms movements, ask, is the title—" Benefactor of .11 is apparently intended to conceal his real Country." designs. One announces his retreat to Another change has occurred in the Queretaro, another puts hint on the road Cabinet, owing to time conflicting views ' to Mexico, a third sends him to Saltine, of the men in power. Don Antonio &c., &sc. Two large forts are going up Haro y Tamaoiz, Secretary of State, has ! to defend the road to the capital, one at been superceded by Don Juan N. Al- i Thiscala and the other at Santiago. dionte. The popular candidate for Pre- Our edvices by this arrival lead to sident is Ahnonte. He unites the masses only one conclusion—a desperate battle in his favor. Gen. Canalizo is reported is mbe fought at or near San Luis Po to have arrived at Vera Cruz in the tosi. Mexico will have thirty thousand steamer from England. Great enthusi- iof her best troops in that conflict, and acm is said to exist among the people ; the United States will probably have at in favor of the army and the war. ' least half that number. The Mexican Government has given Dr. Charles H. Oakley of the U. S. bonds for a loan to of $2,000,000, divi- Navy, direct from Monterey, Upper Cal ded as follows: $1,000,000, from the ifornia, brought papers,•and we find time Archbishop of _Mexico; $400,000 from following extract in the New York Her the Bishopric of Puebla; $250,000 from ale!. that of Gaudalajora ; $170,000 from Mi- _ choacan ; $lOO,OOO from Oajaca ; and [Front the Monterey Californian, Sep. 19.3 $BO,OOO from Durango. The U. S. frigate Congress, bearing News was received at the English • the broad pennant or Commodore Stock- Consul's office in Vera Cruz, on the Ist • ton, returned from the South on Tues instant, from San Luis Potosi, that a (my evening, the 15th inst. The Conn brigade of about 1,000 men from the .Ime- modore was warmly greeted by his 'at rium .11-my had deserted, with arms and merous friends here, and the Consul was baggage, to time forces under Santa An- • welcomed back again to Isis family. no. Through the same chaotic! it Wa S The U. S. frigate Savannah has been suited that a horrible typhus fever raged , got ready with all despatch for sea, and in the American Army, and this, con- i will sail to-morrow with sealed orders. pled with the numerous desertions, had I She has been in our harbor now several compelled Gen. Taylor to retire from lweeks, andweeks, her officers have won a very Saltine to Monterey ! These two last ! general regard. The vigorous policy of items are of course untrue. Captain Marvine, in the military police Accounts from San Luis praise the I of the town, has effectually prevented discipline and valor of the army. There all popular disturbance. The officers were 25,000 men, with 52 pieces of or- land crew of the Savannah will leave be tillery. 5,000 additional troops were , hind them a memorial of their activity expected daily. The magazines of pow- ! in the fort which has risen to stability der and the stores of balls and other I and strength ender their hands. We missiles are said to exceed belief. Every i wish them an agreeable cruize, and a piece of iron that can be found is con- I speedy return to their homes,from which vetted into pikes, or other deadly weaP - Ithey have been long separated. ons. In one storehouse alone, there are 1 The Congress, Savannah, and Erie, 200 mechanics working day and night, . i are extremely active in their prepare mounting guns and manufacturing not tions for sea. They will be off the first nitions of war. There are 500 more at of the week, to look to the protection of I work in the fortifications, which are be- eur commerce, and maintain the power i j „,,,, ing strengthened in every possible man- of the American ' flag. Vigor and aloe- ! --' ter. One thousand women, filled with . • ray are every where conspicuous. Thei enthusiasm in the national cause, had measures i of the Commander-in-Chief, come down to the camp front San ,suggestedDia by the crisis, are wide and o and Tlascala, to aid in making arti- !tangiblein their scope, and will be car-1 JULY , , les for tine soldiers. tied out with unreluxed efficiency. If Santa Anna had a grand review of ', we err not in our conjectures, the har- 1 the whole army on the 13th Nov. It is I bar of San Francisco will soon' be in a I , described as a magnificent pageant. Sol state of thorough defence, not only l overpowered was he by the boundless I I r aninst privateers, but any armed squad- enthusiasm which greeted him as he passed along the lines, that his feelings 1 • overcame him, and the tears rolled down , From the New Orleans Delta, Dee. 16. his swarthy cheeks, amid the prolonged I huzzas of the various regiments, and':, FURTHER NEWS. cries of " Victory or Death !" " God 1 It was our pleasure, yesterday, to hold and Liberty !" "Long live Santa An- a conversation with Dr. Wilson, of Col. SEPTEMBER, na !" "We will bent the Yankees this Woods' Texas Rangers. He is one of time !" &c. I the last persons from Monterey—having Provisions were pouring into the camp left there on the 25th ult. Sickness was I in imtnense quantities. Language is said abating in the camp, and the wounded, to fail in attempting a description of the generally speaking, were rapidly reco- OCTOBER, formidable preparations making at San vering. Gen. Butler was among those ; Luis. There, say the newspapers, will whose convalescence was most slow.— I the fate of Mexico be decided, and fur- Gen. Worth, with about 1200 men, was I ther resistance, it is said, will be use- at Saltillo, where he found very coin-1 less. Fears were entertained, however, fortable quarters. By the way, a good that even there the fortunes of war I story is told of old Rough and Ready, I NOVEMBER, would be against them, and accordingly who accompanied Gen. Worth's brigade we find preparations going on to defend to Saltillo, in connection with time march the road to the capital. to that place.. As they approached with- Santa .A.una's evacuation of Tampico in a few miles of it, they were met by al . ' is defended on the ground of his inabili- courier from the Alcalde, or chief Gov., DECEMBER, s ty to resist the vessels of war ; and that I cruet of the city, who presented to the! port beingone in which the yellow fever General a very formidable looking dis rages fiercely eigint months in the year,' patch. A halt was called, and the Ge the editors predict that it trill become a . ueral's interpreter was ordered to giro a grave for thousands of Americans, as it . translation of the document. It opened was for the invading Spaniards. with un expostulation of the injustice of Etssessissa.—The Boston Times re- Four sailors were taken prisoners from the war on the part of the Americans— ports the elopement of a Dr. Brooks, of an American vessel wrecked at Sotto ' :alleged that it wits prosecuted for the N. H., with tine wife of a friend i end named Vent°, Various accounts are given of purpose of conquest, rapine and phut- E. D. Davis, a printer. Tinesb rid the bu!nisig of the Mexican vessel of ' der—protested against the farther ad- caught the couple in Boston, and made war Creole, under the walls San Juan ranee of the General's forces—threat- Brooks give a thousand dollars, which d' Ulloa. he battlement of San Miguel cued him with the retribution that must ,he placed at the woman's disposal, and saw the United States boat approach the follow, and but the Gen. stopped ! then compelled the Doctor to send a like t home, fort, but mistook it for a boat from the the translator in the middle of a sea- sum to hia own family, of a British steamer, and made no alarm.— . tence, with—" Are you through, sir ?" eight children, Others allege that an alarm was given, " No," was the reply, " I have out read after seeing the and then returnedwi o and ie Lothario on his way but the officers of the fort would not , half it, yet !" . south, and the faithless wife travelling tire for fear of killing their own people, ' "0, I'll hear no more . " said the - northward, of it , Gen.; "March !" He ordered the bugler to sound the advance, and again the col• umn was in motion. The number of men fit for active duty at Monterey at the present time is about 3000. Of these, one regiment is quar tered in the city—the remainder are en camped at the Walnut Springs. A report circulated 'along. the Rio Grande that Santa Anna had challenged Gen. Taylor to meet him with 30,000 men in pitched battle, between San Luis Potosi and Saltillo. Rough and Ready replied, that so soon as he would have 10,000 efficient men 'under his command he would meet him anywhere, whatever might be the strength of his forces. A few days before Dr. Wilson left Monterey, an express arrived from Gen. Wool, at Monclova. It is not his pre sent purpose to join Gen. Taylor. Col. Harney and dragoons are at Chi huahua, into which they marched with , out firing a gun. They were cordially welcomed by the people._ The regular army at Monterey con duct themselves with great order and regularity; not so, always, with the volunteers. They and the Mexicans too often get into difficulties, and homi cides follow. On the day before Dr. W. left the camp, the body of a member of the Louisville Legion was found in a position which showed that he had been violently murdered. His comrades bu ried him. The next day, the doctor heard, when lie reached Camargo, they sallied out and killed several Mexicans. Ile farther heard, that for this, Gen. Taylor had ordered them back from the camp, with a strong reprimand, either to Lanares or Camargo. The 4th regi ment of Illinois volunteers, which had' marched from Camargo to Matamoros, on their way to Tampico, were ordered back, probably to take the place of the Kentucky Legion, or possibly to repel some threatened attack on Camargo. hatever the motive, they were at least ordered to countermarch from Matamo ras. There was a report at Monterey, ' that Gen. Ampudia had been tried by a military court at San Luis Potosi for Lis conduct at Monterey, and ordered to be shot. ALMANAC-1 1 0R 1847 C 4, it. Si `• Months, JANUARY, 1 2 3456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 FEBRUARY, 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3P MARCH, J. Hare Prowell vs. Isaac M'Lain. 456 7 8 2 10 3 i M'Millan for M'Caltan vs. Robt Moore's 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17exrs. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C. Coats vs. Hildebrand & States. 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 1 D. Hackadorn vs. Walters & Parsons.. _ , John M. Leech vs. Charles C. Ash. APRIL, MAY, 1 Conrad Yothers vs. Stun'. Fiches et al. 2 9 10 3 11 12 4 5 13 14 5 ' 15 8 1W. &A. Couch for Dor vs. Josiah Cun „gham. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 „i : Daniel M'Mahon vs. John IWAlahon. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Beers for Owens vs. Seeds & Stewart. „ George D. Hudson vs. James Long. 1 2 3 ” Hart, Cummings et al vs. Charles Sny -6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 der & Co. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 2t; Samuel Caldwell vs. George Davis. 27 '2B 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST, 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I'2 13 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MARRIED. In this borough, yesterday morning, by the Rev. George W. Williard, Mr. HENRY LOWER, of Williamsburg, Blair county, to Miss Susnx SWOOPE, of this borougll. On the 24th instant, in Alexandria, by the Rev. J. M'Kinney, Mr. LEVING STON ROHR, of Porter township, to Miss MARY WILSON of the former place. On the 24th inst., by the Rev. George W. Williard, Mr. BENJAMIN MEGAHAN, of Walker twp. to MISS MARY ANN LIEP HEART, of Hopewell township. On the 24th inst., by the Rev. Michael Bolinger, Mr. JAMES GOODMAN to Miss CATHARINE ANN NUMER, both of Hen derson township. On the 24th inst., by the Rev. Mr. White, Mr. J. G. W. Burns, of Williams burg, Blair county, to Miss MARGARET HARRIS, of Bedford county. On Tuesday 22(1 inst., by the Rev. Mr. Wrightmire, Mr. GEORGE HEwITT to Miss ELLEN RYLEY, both of Williams burg, Blair county. The Markets. PHILADELPHIA, DEC 24, 184.6 FLOUR—The export demand for Flour has be come limited and prices are barely supported. Sales of 1800 brls fair brands at $5 per brl for export-- sales for city use at $4,94 a 5,25, according to quali ty. To-day pokers generally ask $5, but there are sellers at $4,94. Rye Flour—Small soles at $3,75 a 3,81. Corn Meal has been in active demand. Sales of 3000 brls Brandywine at 83,623. and 3200 do Pa., at $3,50 per brl. GRAlN.__Soles of 11,000 bushels prime red wheat at $1,06, per bushel in store, and 3000 bulls only fair quality at $1 a 1,02--White is held at $1,09 a 1.14. Rye--No sales. Corn--Sales of 4000 bus. Penn's new yellow at 57 a 60 cts; and 5000 old while at 65 eta. Oats—Sales at 33 cts. IRON—Market quiet and prices firm--the stock being very light• TRIAL i.IIST, FOR LINt.r.tIRY TERM, 1811 FIRST WEEK, John Carver & Wife vs. Senn Mytom Nathaniel Kelly vs. Robt. Taylor et al. B. E. Mclinrtrie vs. Joseph Stewart. John Brewster vs. Cisney & Arthurs. Jane Jackson's admrs. vs. Dr. L. Shoen• berger. John Kratzer vs. Lyon, Shorbe & Co. Win. & A Couch vs. Edward Cox. A. W. Benedict vs. David Milliken. Thomas Bradford vs. Daniel Africa William Eden vs. David Woods. Samuel Cooke vs. George NV. Johnston. Pynn & Logan vs. Simon R. Meloy. McNally for Buchanan vs. Dennis Buoy. Wm. Scott's exrs. vs. John Jamison. H. P. Dorsey's heirs vs. Irvin & M'Cahan Thos. Morrow vs. R. M'Farland's heirs & Co. S. Berry vs. St. John's Church, Hunen Robert Speer vs. Wm. Buchanan. John Rudy vs. Leonard, Woods et al. J. Hare Prowell vs. Solomon Houk. SECOND WEEK. J. Hare Prowell vs. Urialt M'Lane. Weld & Jenks vs. Hunter & Wigton. Robert Speer vs. Matthew Truman. John Williamson vs. Johnathan R. Wil. son. 212 Acres of Patented Land for Two Thousand Dollars: T WILL sell at private sale, for the above price, I my SLATE FARM, situate within une mile of the village of Shade Gap, on the main road leading ham Chamberaburg to Huntingdon, con taining 212 acres, about one-half of which isclear ad, and well set in clover; a portion of it was well limed last rummer. The improvements are a good Double Log House, Hank Horn, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib; also, two good Orchards, one of which is grafted fruit. Iwo thousand dollars is the lowest I will sell for. Gne half to he paid in cash ; the balance in five years, without intereat, to be secured by bond and mortgage. The above is considered a great bargain, conse (Featly persons in want of such a property, will have to call soon. BRIDE X. BLAIR, [derail] Shade Gap, Huntingdon co„ Pa. P. S. I will sell my Store Stand reasonably, by applying soon—considered one of the best country locations in the county, B. X. B. 177 Chanibersburg Whig insert to [mount of $l, and charge this office. 'New Eslablishanent BOOT AND SHOE jiMXUF.deTORY ! /11HE undersigned would respectfolly inlortu the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity, that ho him again commenced • the manufacture of BOOTS SHOES, fe,%- at his New Stand, in Hill street, three doors above Gen. Wilson's office, where he will be happy to accommodate all who wish to be fitted at astonishing low prices, for CASH. Come on, then; he has n superior new stock of leather, selected with a view to the wants of all—men, women or children. Ho therefore re spectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends and the public generally. CHARLES S;BLACK. dee3o,lB-Iy. J 0 ti•VV 011 K of all descriptions neatly esti:iled at tits !soros' office. ZINCOURAGE HOME ZAMA ! ADAMS & BOAT'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON .MANUF./ICTORY, Opposito the Presbyterian Church, Huntingdon. T]IHE subscril'ers respectfully inform the public, I that they ore at all times prepared to execute any orders in their line of business, at the .hottest notice and on the most reasonable term,. • of.A. 0 20 r Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Dearborns, Wagons and Carts, made to order, of the best materials, end at rea sonable prices. Repairing of all kinds of vehicles, done on the shortest notice. t' Those wanting neat, cheap and durable sr tides in our line of business, nre respectfully re quested to give us a call, t1cc30;46.1y ADAMS & BOAT FARM AND MILL FOR SALES ISHE subscriber will oiler at public sale, ut the COURT HOUSE DOOR, in the borough of Huntingdon, on WEDNESDAY, the 13th day of January next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., a very value. ble property situate in Porter township, about a mile and a half front the borough of Huntingdon. There is about 700 acres of land belonging to said property, about 75 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, with an apple orchard of 80 trees thereon. The improvemenus aro situate on the Juniata river, and consist of a frame with two pair of French burrs, and one pair of country stones; a SAW MILL, a new Frame and Weatherboarded Dwelling House, two stories high, a Log Stable and other necessary out ): a ■ buildings.—The water power is excel : , lent, perhaps not surpassed by any in the " W t,lnte; and the Woodland borders on the "Big Dam," and is well timbered. There are three quarries of excellent I.imestone on the pre miser, and a Lime-Kiln on the border of tho Penn sylvania canal. Terms—One-half of the purchase money to be paid in hand, and the residue in two equal annual payments, to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. dee 16481 THOMAS NI, 1-1117 A K REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE, \\ - 11,1, be sold nt private sale, that well known valuable tract of land situate in Porter town ship, Huntingdon county, on the waters of the Lit tle Juniata finer, known as the property of Israel Cryder, decd., bounded by lands of t onrad Buck er, George Hyle, decd. and others, containing about 338 acres, of first rate land, about 220 acres of which are cleared. The improvements area large and commodious Two Story Dwelling House, .d a good stone asss. Barn, of a large sloe. Alas, a Wagon 111 • . Shed and ether out•buildings. The property also contains two large Orchards of Fruit Trees, and a first-rate Cider Mill, and several Springs of excellent Limestone Water. There is also erected on the same property a Woolen Fac tory or Fulling Mill, with all the necessary imple ments, which said Factory, together with about 25 twos of land adjoining the same, will be sold sep arate from tile other property, and the balance will be sold to suit purchasers, l'ersons wishing to purchase, will please call on the subscriber residing on the property, who will give all necessary information concerning the sale thereof. GEORGE S. CRIDER, decl6•6tl Surviving Ex'r of 1 Gryder, decd. REGISTER'S NOTICE, rOTICE is hereby given to all perscns con j.) cerned, that the following nnmed persons hove settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Huntington, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirmation and allowance at au Orphan's Court to be held at Huntingdon. in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 13th day of January next, viz : 1. Hance R. Campbell, administrator of James Campbell, late of Shirley township, decd. 2. Adorn Hagney, administrator. of Henry Ha guey, late of Walker township, decd. . . . . 3. Joshua Green, administrator cum. test. an steno, of Henry Weidensaul, late of Barree town ship, decd. 4. Samuel M•Vitty and Mary Myers, exectito:s of Daniel Myers, late of Shirleyshurg, decd. 5. Samuel Wigton, executor of Mary Ingraham, late of Franklin township. decd. 6. Philip Hooper, guardian of Andrew Kyler, of Cromwell township. JACOB MILLER, Register. RECIRTER ' S OFFICE, 3t Huntingdon, Dec. 11, 1846. 5 NOTICE. AN election will be held at the house of Peter 1. Livingston. on 'Tuesday, the 12th day of Jan uary next, for the pu , pose of electing one Presi dent, six Managers, and one Secretory and Tree curer, to manage the concerns of the J uniat a 13 idge Company, in the county of H untingdon for the en suing year. [d23.3t) JAMES GWIN, Sec'y. STRAW inurrEß. (rIAME to the residence of the subscritet in War iorsmark township, on the first day of Decem ber, a black and white spotted mooley Hearer, sup posed to be two years old past, given in us a alt ny on the firth day of December, A. 1). 1846. The owner is requested to collie and prove property. pay charges and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. ABRAHAM BRANSTETTER. dec16.31 EXECUTORS' JVOTIC E. Estate of Robert Logan, dec'd, late of Bar ree township. VOTICE is hereby given that LettersTestamett lV upon the last Will and Testament of said deceased, have been granted to the undersigned.— All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment immediately ; and all claims and de mands against the same to be presented, duly au thenticated for settlement, to CH ARLEA GREEN, JOHN LOGAN, Executor. R'S NOTIC E. Estate of Thomas Lloyd, late of Walker township, decd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin. istration upon the said estate have beets grant ed to the undersigned. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same are requested to present them dilly authen ticated for eettlement to JOHN GIVEN, JAMES MOORE, Administrators. dcel6-6L° ace23-6t] S. Steel Blair, % TTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa., I" Will attend attend to all business entrusted to his cars in Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana coun- ties, 5101-'46 PROCLAMATION, WH . E t R H E . . n A , S i g bi on p r e t c h e e p 2 t o t t o h d m a rr y d o i f r e i ted y dat ed r one thousand eight hundred and forty-eix, under the handui and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil son, President of the Court of Common Plea., Oyer and Tormirier and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and the Hons. Jamey Gwin and John Stewart, hie associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and de termine all and every indictments and presentments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the State are mode capital or felon ice of death and other offences, crimes and miatle; meigor e , which have been, or Orall be committed or parpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall hereafter be committed or be per pets med. for crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to make public proclamation throughout any whole bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Please and Quarter Senior's, will be held at the Court House, in the borough of Hunting don, on the second bloodily (and 11th day) of Jun. nary next, and those wino will prosecute the said prisoners, he then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, arid that all justices of the peace, coroner and conetables within the said county, be then and there in their proper persormat 10 o'clock A. H. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectively appertain. Dated at H untingdon, the 20th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred acd forty-six, and the 70th year of American Independence. JOHN ARMTAGE, Sheriff, SitEnirr's OFFICE, ? Huntivd Dec. 10, 1846. S ritocLaricA.Tzort: - --- A\ • 11EHE AS. by precept to me directed by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon. bearing test the 20th/day ofNovent ber, A. H. 1846,1 out commanded to make publiu proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick then a Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court House in the bormgh of Iluntingdun, in the coun ty of Hull ti gdon on the third Monday (and 16th day) of 'November, A. D. 1946, for the trial of all issues in mid court, which remain undetermined before the said judges, when and where all' jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all said issues are required. Dated at Huntingdon, the !loth day ofl%)vember, A. 1). ISM, and the 70th year of American lade pendence. JOHN ARM! I'AGE, Sheriff. Smattrr's OFFICE, Huntivdun, Dec. 10, 1846. Syrup of Horehound. ITANCE'S Compound Syrup of Horehound— fot the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast, Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, and all diseases aris ing from a disorder.d condition of the lungs or ne glected cold. TAKE TIME BY THE FORELOCK, It a piece of advice which is suitable to all sea sons, and applicable to all purposes; though there is no instance in which this piece of advice is more valuable than to persons who have a cough or cold. for if they m•glect what may op pear to them very trifling in the beginning, it may lead to inflamma tion of lungs, and finally consumption. To' all who have u cough, we would say, procure a bottle of Hance's Cosnpound Syrup of Horehound. This medicine it plcasuot to take, and it may save you years of suffering. Price 50 cents per bottle, or 6 bottles for $2 50. Prepared and sold by SETH S. HANCE, 106 Baltimore street, end corner of Charles and Pratt streets. octls-ly AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Hunting don ; Moore Sc Swope, Alexandria ; A. 0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch anan, Mill Creek; Spencer & Sarsaparilla or Blood HANCE'S Sarsaparilla or Blood pills.—Fire: pills in a box. Tha cheapest and best medi cine in existence. Every person who is subject to bilious fever, should purify their blood and system by using a box of the Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills. Persons raided with costiveness should try Haincu'is Sarsaparilla or blood pills. Young ladies and gen tlemen troubled with pimples on the face, should try the Sarsaparilla or blood pills. Singing in the ears relieved by Hance's Sarsaparilla or blot,' pills: Headache and giddiness cured by using the Sorsa pain's or blood pills. Drowsiness and general de. , bility curd by Hance's Sarsaparilla or blood pills. Dyspepsia can bo cured by using the Sarsaparilla or 1 blood pills. Persons who have taken considerable port'ms of mercury, and in consequence have pains in the ' alters, should use freely Hance's Sarsaparilla or blood pills. Persons in want of a pill that is purely vegeta ble, and is warranted not to contain a particle of mercury, should use the SARSAPARILLA OR BLOOD PILLS. Ty The genuine for sale by SETH S. NANCE. 108 Baltimore street, and corner of Charles and Pratt streets, Baltimore. oclls-ly AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer & Flood, Williamsburg; w . W. Buch• anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne r Shit.- leysburg. AU WILL it may Concern, WILL find by this notice that all ac counts contracted with the sub scriber, before the Ist of last November, must be settled on or before the Ist day of January, 1847 ; as I am determined to settle my accounts once n year. decl6-3t. JOHN N. PROWELL. .4DMIXISTIM7'OR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Stewart, deed, late of Henderson township. OTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istration upon the said estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons having claim. or demands against the same aro requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebt ed to make immediate pa) meet to deel 6-6t] DAVID SNARE, Admr. .11).31INISTRIIROR'S NOTICE. Estate of Eduard Hays, late of Shirley township, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istration upon the avid estate have been grant ed to the underaigned. All persons having claims or demands against the name, me requested to intik° them known without delay, and all persona indebt• ed, to make immediate payment to I decl6-flt•] ELIJAH MORRISON, Adair, Steam Umbrella Manufactory. .No. 104 .larket Street, Philadelphia. \ \V M . . u l a l .. t R h l e C.: improvements.ll lt RD N, i hoe oaedli appliedi addition to B :I. Steam i Power to the msnufacturo of UMBRELLAS, and i is enabled to sell them at very low prices. Merchants are invited to call and see his Worka end examine the assortment. roes 18-4 n