Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 30, 1846, Image 2
THE JOURNAL. I '♦ Huntingdon, Wednesday, December 30, 1846. THE WAR. From the news published in another column, we are led to believe that the prospect of a speedy peace with Mexico is not at all flattering. The greatest activity appears to prevail among the Mexican people, and great enthusiasm seems to be felt among them in regard to carrying on the war. Santa Anna, Mr. Polk's peace agent, appears to be very popular with his troops, and all in dications favors the belief that he in tends making a very formidable demon stration at San Louis. We certainly tope for peace, but can as yet see nothing but war in the prospect. Next Governor, " How stands the chance of our old friend, Gen. IRVIN, for a nomination 1" is a question almost daily propounded to us by our Whig friends from the country. We answer, as fair as his most sanguine friends could desire.— Gem IRNIN will undoubtedly be the Whig and Tariff candidate, and will therefore as certainly be Pennsylvania's next Governor. The State Convention will consist of 133 delegates, fifty-five of whom have already been appointed. Of these, 44 are understood to be in favor of Gen. Irvin, 8 in favor of Mr. Cooper, and 3 doubtful. The counties yet to ap point will not materially vary this pro• portion. TREASON The last Globe charges " treason" upon all who dare call in question the propriety of the Mexican war; but for gets to make one word of comment upon the treasonable conduct of Jas. K. Polk, in sending Santa Anna home to Mexico, to unite his distracted countrymen, and then to lead them on to battle against the American Army. It forgets, we say, to tell its readers, about this treasonable transaction. And who can deny but what Mr. Polk has done so I—and who will deny, that in doing so, he either acted the part of a fool or a traitor 1 The Globe can take for its "worthy Democratic Chief Magistrate" which ever horn of the dilemma is best suited to its taste." Severe Gale—lujury to a Church. QThe Baptist Church in Duncans ville, Blair county, was unroofed and the gable end blown in, during the severe storm of wind on Sunday last. The congregation were at service in the build ing at the time ; and although several were injured, we are pleased to learn that no lives were lost. The names of the injured are—Mrs. Burbank & daugh ter, the former receiving a severe cut in the face—the latter her arm broken; Melinda Stehley severely bruised, de priving her of reason ; Charlotte Stover, also much bruised and one of her ancles broken. The damage to the church is said to be considerable. We received the above information verbally, but have no doubt of its correctness. The sufferers have our sincere sympathy. CONFLAGRATION AND Loss OF LIFE.- We are informed by a gentleman from Tod township that, during the last week, while Mr. Wm. Houck, of that town ship, was absent from his house, it took fire from causes unknown, and together with his wife—the only inmate—who was old and infirm, was burnt to ashes before assistance could be rendered. Mr. H. at first hoped that his wife had gone to some neighbor's house, but imagine his feelings when, lifter a search, he found her bones among the ruins! U Capt. Samuel D. Karns, says the Pittsburg American, has been appointed Sutler to the First Regiment of Penna. Volunteers. Although we regret to lose the Captain, we are exceedingly well pleased with his appointment to any post which will be of advantage to him. [D- Proposals will be received by the Managers of the Lewistown and Tusca rora Bridge Company, until the 16th of January next, for the erection of a bridge across the Juniata, at Lewistown. We state this for the benefit of bridge-build ers. D- Hon. John Blanchard has ou r thanks for recent favors. TEA AND COM3E. In regard to the propositions of Messrs. Polk and Walker, to lay a tax upon tea and coffee, the Philadelphia Sun holds the following language :—" Grown by habit into a necessary of life, because cheap and within the range of all—why should these comforts of our temperate population be torn suddenly from them, by a heavy taxation, which will, per haps, influence thousands to resort to I whiskey, as a substitute for them 1 Have statesmen so little ingenuity—have they so little principle—so little shame—so little humanity, as to belie all their pro fessions of "free trade"—and love for the people—by selecting for taxation, two articles that are so necessary to the virtue and comfort of our population 1 If they have no consistency as politi cians—they ought to have the common humanity that glows in every bosom, not dead to the sympathy of sound hearts. On what principle do they act 1 Caprice, we know, is a feature of absolute power —but caprice seldom seeks to gratify whims, by cruelty. Are there Iko other objects for taxation—no objects of luxury I —no objects that are evil in their tenden cies, and frightful in their consequences, and which would not only better bear to be taxed, but which to tax, would benefit the whole country 1 Why not impose a tax on distilleries, instead of tea and cof fee 1 Why not tax rum, whiskey, brandy, and other forms of poisonous beverage, instead of the sweet plant of China, that never rises to the brain, and the aromatic berry of Java, whose medical virtues are like balm to the worn and wearied sys tem 1 Are they governed by a desire to cause as much suffering and zoo to hu manity, as bad laws, conceived in the spirit of fiends, can inflict upon men 1 Where is the generous impulse, the wise counsel, the lofty views that ought to characterize the Christian Statesman of a great Republic 1 Alas ! for the people who have such rulers ! that they cannot mingle one feeling of the soul with the cold calculations of a selfish head, prone to reckless schemes of desperate ambi tion. Thank God ! Power is still re sponsible in this country to the people. We have yet a free press, and bold hearts, who will repel oppression and expose the errors of government to the understand ings of the people—and their guilt to their resentment, their judgment, and their verdict. Clerk of the House. The Daily Chronicle says " We understand that David Fleming, Esq., , of Harrisburg, will be a candidate for Clerk of the House of Representa tives of Pennsylvania, at the next ses sion of the Legislature. Mr. F. is known to us as a gentleman of distinguished ability, well acquainted with the duties of the office, and we are certain he would make a very efficient and popular offi cer. He is peculiarly fitted for this re sponsible post, and not wishing to dis parage the claims of other candidates, one or two of whom are our personal friends, we are of opinion that lie is one of the most capable among the candi dates named for the clerkship." We cheerfully and advisedly endorse all that is said in the above, as regards Mr. Fleming. "Cameron Guards." The above is the title of the new com pany formed in Harrisburg, and not Go vernor's Guards, as stated in our last. The roll of this company contains 118 names. The officers are of the very best material in the place—young, ar dent and daring—equal to, and ready for, any emergency. They are com posed of the following gentlemen : Captain—E. C. First Lieut.—P. H. McWilliams. 2d. Lieut.—D. J. Unger. 3d Lieut.—l. S. Waterbury. We congratulate the above named gentlemen (in each of whom we recog nize a former friend) on their success. And it is almost needless to add, that they have our heartfelt wishes for their safe and speeedy return to the domestic and social circles, of which they now at the call of their country, take their leave. They left Harrisburg on Saturday last, en route for Pittsburg, there to be mustered into service in the 2d Regi ment. [D.- The Globe calls the Baltimore Sun a neutral paper. It is " one more of the same sort" as the Philadelphia Ledger, and owned by the same men ; professedly neutral, but really one of the rankest free-trade Locofoco papers in the country- (I- The Washington (Pa.) Reporter records no less than three cases of death from intemperance, in that vicinity, and all under the the most appalling circum stanecs. First Regiment of Volunteers. The First Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers was mustered into the ser vice of the United States, last week, at Pittsburg. The election for field officers resulted as follows : FOR COLONEL. F. M. Wynkoop, 310 W. F. Small, 306 A. L. Roumfort, 253 E. Trovillo, 16 FOR LIEUT. COLONEL. Samuel W. Black, 452 R. K. Scott, 282 J. G. Moorhead 144 FOR MAJOR F. L. Bowman, 491 J. C. Brown, 334 G. C. McClelland, 23 Jno. C. Gilchrist, 20 Alex. W. Foster, 1 Col. Wynkoop is a member of the Pottsville company; Lieut. Col. Black, of the Pittsburg Blues ; and Major Bowman, of the Wyoming Artillerists. They are all excellent officers, and will do credit to the regiment. Col. Wynkoop has appointed Lieut. Alex. Brown (from Capt. Hill's Com pany) Adjutant. Corporal J. Egbert Farnum, (from Capt. Nugle's Company) of Pottsville, Sergeant Major. Edward Havilland (from Capt. Scott's Company) of Philadelphia, Quarter master Sergeant. The officers and companies composing the first Regiment, left Pittsburg in steamboats, for New Orleans, on the 21st and 22d inst. Pennsylvania Again Ready. The services of the following compa nies have been tendered and accepted, to compose the 2d Regiment called for from Pennsylvania, to serve in the war against Mexico, viz : Columbia Guards, Danville, Capt. J S. Wilson. Cambria Guards, Ebensburg, Capt James Murray. Westmoreland Guards, Greensburg, Capt. John W. Johnston. Fayette Volunteers, Uniontown, Capt. E. F. Roberts. German Grays, Pittsburg, Capt. V Gutzwiler. Cameron Guards, Harrisburg, Capt E. C. Williams. American Highlanders, Cambria co., Capt. J. W. Geary. Reading Artillery, Reading, Capt. T. S. Loeser. National Rangers, Philadelphia, Capt. C. Naylor. One company in the interior has been accepted, but has not yet answered. It will probably march. Loss of A PALLET SHIP.—The Phila delphia Packet Ship, Thomas P. Cope, was struck by lightning on the 29th ult. on her way from Philadelphia to Liver pool. Every effort was made to extin guish the fire, but in vain. Ship and cargo proved a total loss. Passengers and crew saved. This vessel belonged to T. P. Cope & Co., Philadelphia, and is spoken of as one of the finest ships belonging to that city. V-The Philadelphia North American says that the Commissioners of Spring Garden have passed resolutions to sub scribe for 2000 shares in the Pennsyl vania Railroad. Kensington, we learn, is about to follow suit. Tall Company The Harrisburg Argus says :—" The 'Cameron Guards,' of this place, have in their ranks some of the 'tallest kind' of soldiers. One of the men measures six feet five and a-half inches, and we understand there are about twenty-five in the company who will measure over six feet in height." CANAL COMMISSIONEII.-It will be seen by a resolution which we publish, that the Whigs of Union county have de clared in favor of Wm. TWEED, Esq., of Northumberland county, as the next Whig candidate for Canal Commission er. A better or more available candi date could not be selected. BRIGADIERGENEHALS.—The prominent candidates for the command of the Penn sylvania, New York, and Massachusetts brigade, are—Gen. Cadwnlader, of Phi ladelphia; Gen. Ward, of West Ches ter, and James Watson Webb, of New York. Ot- A meeting of the friends of the Central Railroad was held in Lewistown on the 22d inst. Dr. J. B. Ann presi ded. Jas. K. Kelly, Esq., addressed the meeting; after which committees were appointed to solicit further subscriptions to the stock of this great enterprize. JOHN C. REYNOLDS, of M'Vey town, Mifflin county, has been appoint ed Surgeon, and THOMAS C. BUNTING, of Philadulphia, Assistant Surgeon, of the first Pennsylvania Regiment. SAN JUAN lr ULLOA. The North American says : " This fortress must be taken. Its acquisition is important in many points of view.— Regarded as impregnable, its conquest must dissipate the confidence which in spires Mexican resistance. The nation that Can take Vera Cruz may dictate terms to Mexico ; and it is policy to as sail her in her strongest hold at once, rather than linger out a war of outposts. Vera Cruz, as the door of Mexico, opens the heart of the empire to our armies.— It should be taken, and it will be ; for, though said to be impregnable, there is no resistance which a greater power may not overcome, and there is nothing im possible to American energy. We only ask that the Administration should do its duty. Let the preparations be pro portioned to the enterprize. If more money, more men be required, they can be had for the asking. The country de mands that its quarrel should be so pros ecuted as to avert defeat or dishonor; and speaks not of lives or dollars on a subject involving the national honor.— San Juan must be taken ; and the vic tory—for the effort must not fail—will close the war. We know that the enter prise demands energy and expense; we are aware that this Western Gibralter is considered impregnable: but there is nothing impossible where the resolute will is present. The American honor demands the capture of this port ; and the adminis tration, should it cost millions, is bound to achieve it. There is no party oppo sition upon such a question ; all that we, as Whigs, have and are, is offered to the country in its present crisis. Our doc trine is that no post is impregnable, no duty impossible ; and the past assures us that what man can do, Americans can do. Vera Cruz may be won. In the words of Beaumont and Fletcher, .4 Woll■ of brass resist not A noble undertaking ; nor can vice Raise any bulwark to make good the place Where Virtue seeks to enter: Then i; fall In such a brave attempt, were such an honor That Brutus, did he lire again, would envy." Union County We clip the following from among the resolutions adopted at a Whig coun ty meeting held in Union county : Resolved, That we have undiminish ed confidence in that great American statesman, Henry Clay, and that it is with unfeigned regret we behold his in valuable services withdrawn from the councils of the nation. Resolved, That as Americans, we feel proud of the gallantry of our army, both Regulars andVoluunteers, and that, from the coolness and courage manifested in the hard-fought battles with the Mexi cans, we need fear no foreign foe. Resolved, That with such men to lead our Armies as Scott, Taylor and Worth, they are invincible. Resolved, That Gen. JAMES IRVIN of Centre county is just the man Penn sylvania needs to fill the Executive chair: That with him at the helm, the ship of State would soon right herself, our enormous taxation be diminished, and State prosperity again gladden us; —and that we pledge OLD UNION for 1500 majority for Irvin, if he is nomi r.ated. On motion of H. W. Snyder, Esq., the following resolution was read, and unan imously adopted : Resolved, That the delegates now elected, be instructed to present the name of W about Tweed, of Northum berland county, to the State Convention, as the candidate for Canal Commis sioner. STATE CONVENTION The Whigs of Bradford county have appointed M. C. Mercer & J. 0. Adams, delegates to the Harrisburg Convention, and adopted resolutions in favor of Gen. James Irvin. The Whigs of Butler county have ap pointed Samuel A. Purviance, Esq., Sen atorial, and Maj. G. W. Reed the Rep iesentative delegate to the March Con vention, with instructions to support Gen. James Irvin, for Governor, and Capt. Samuel D. Karns, for Canal Com missioner. The Whigs of Lebanon county have appointed Joseph Gleim, Respresenta tive, and recommended John Killinger, as Senatorial delegate to the March Con vention, instructed to support Hon. Jas. Cooper, for Governor. WILL NOT RETURN TO THE SENATE.- Speaking of the prevalent rumors of an intention to send Mr. Clay back to the U. S. Senate, the Frankfort Common wealth, a leading and influential Whig journal, says: " We think it very cer tain that the proposition has been made without the least knowledge or desire of that distinguished statesman ; for we have strong grounds for the opinion that his views and purposes, in reference to his return to that illustrious body, arc now precisely what they were when, some years ago, he formally and solemn ly bade farewell to that theatre of his former renown." ID- The tolls on the Ohio canals this year amount to more than $128,- 000 over last year. - ----- Congressional Proceedings. lands to Arkansas, is aid of public im (From the Phila. Daily Chronicle.] provements. WASIIINGTO, Dec. 21, 1816. Bills were reported from the finance committee, establishing branch mints in New York and Charleston. the Senators from Texas, and Messrs. _. The Senate then adjourned over until SENATE.—Messrs. Houston and Rusk, Bright and Butler, appeared in their ._. 1 ;Monday. seats to-day. HOUSE.—The resolution offered by Mr, C. J. Ingersoll yesterday for terminating introduced. . A number of bills and resolutions werel, Mr. Barrow o ff ered a reso l u ti o n. went into a committee of i wa T s h p e os H tp o o u n se ed stateinquiry, ,v 1, „Jcalling he uponset nn i lr of y i r c e e s r i President tilt:- the .10. i le on the President ' s Message, and Mr. Gordon mad e li a speech in de fence of the war, i r. Root followed N a li n l d ia. ni t s o o co fo n r un c t op ii i c e a s te o i r y i a t n h y Sa c n o t r a r A e s t p i I o : , .; and pronounced the war unjust and un dence on the subject. necessary. Mr. Bowlin alsoma de a : ldd speech, which cone tt e the debat e . in the "onion." exi ll )lU u n a n E tio — n M ii r i . r G eg e a n r t d ry to mnde some a p re er m a The committee then rose and the Mr. Brodhead, of Pa., offered a reso d the House adjourned over until Monday. a o r n i t , t s l lTreasurycti lotion, calling t o st a u t p e o I n , p t o h n e ‘ S v e h c ß r t et a a i i IMPORTANT FROM SANTA FE.—The St. ' rides of , Louis Union has received a letter front T i t i p e o u r t ot " , I s t e e r d e u f t u i s e e s d s t % o -o u s rules, l u d sp b e ez i e t d h u e ce— 1 Santa Fe, dated October 28th, which anti the resolution was not received• contains late and important news in re- Mr. Thomson, of Muss., offered arcs- 1 lotion to our traders. The substance olution,declaring our readiness for pence' of the news is, that a letter reached So "1hOell: M , rocco a small town, about "00 miles Ng ' and will pay from the traders, calling on Col. war. The House refused to suspend the . r ei Mexico is, ald the expenses she is ill of the tlle Doniphan to send troops on for their rules, and this rather extraordinary res- protection. It is also stated that there olution could not be acted upon. , were from 1200 to 1500 Mexican troops Considerable discussion then took at Del Passo, and that within four days place, on the bill for the admission of they could reach the camp of the Am er.e lowa into the Union. ' icon traders, who have goods there to , the amount of $600,000. Col. Doniphan WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. : did not do anything towards relieving SENATE.—Mr. Rusk, of Texas, offered ' the traders, but Col. Burgwin, who com a resolution instructing the Military' mended the U. S. dragoons stationed Committee to enquire into the expedien- : about 75 miles from Santa Fe, as soon cy of increasing military posts in the as he received the intelligence, mounted Army ; and also instructing the Corn- and left for the camp of the traders.— mitten on Post Offices and Post Roads, ' Col. Burgwin has about 200 men under to examine into the propriety of making his cotnmand, but they are poorly equip arrangements for transporting the Mail pod. A letter from Messrs. Owett and to the Army. , Ault, states that Doane, Maguffin, Mc- A bill was reported, establishing the Maui's, Valders and Ginfullis, have all general pre-einption sale of mineral been taken prisoners, and sent to Chi lands belonging to the United States. ' huahua. Mr. Barrow's resolution, offered on A GALLANT EXPLOIT.—The Norfolk Monday, calling upon the President for : Herald says that the achievment of information as to whether he had sent Lieut. Parker in burning the Mexican agent to Havana to consult with San brig Creole under the guns of the fa taan Ana, &c., was postponed till next Tuesday week. mous Castle of Vera Crux, will compare Mr. Sevier offered a resolution, enqui- with any on record in the annals of na ring into the expediency of such a bold and daringenterprise smacks construct- vat warfare. The very conceptions of ing a Railroad from Missouri to the Col- , umbia river. i of heroism,and the attempt to carry it HOUSE.—Mr. Martin offered a resolu- . let- . auto execution decidedly marks the hero. lion to allow Volunteers to receive The vessel for perfect security, was made tern and papers free of postage. A sus fast to the wall of a stone battery, brist pension of the rules was refused. - , ling with the engines of death and de. The House then went into Committee struction to any foe that might dare to , approach it; yet this gallant young offi- Messrs. of the Whol e. orse and Martin, each spoke cer, with his no less gallant associates, M passed midshipmen Rogers and Hyn in defence of the President's course of , son, and five brave tars of the brig So policy, in regard to the war. mers, did approach it in an open boat, A message was received from the in defiance of its death-dealing and an- President to-day, in answer to the reso- ' b u r n t h e r, the vessel ; lotion of Mr. Davis, calling for copies burnt her, and brought off the crew pil ot* orders issued to Generals Taylor & Kearney, and Commodore Moat and soners! Let it be admitted that all this Stockton. The President declares his was done under cover of night, still the approval of temporary, but not of sera!,- credit is not diminished ; for a fortress lisped governments, being organised in so well manned, and with a hostile force the territories conquered by them. always in its front, could not upon any rational calculation be supposed to be capable of being found any moment off WAsnixGTox, Dec. 23. . i f ts i guard. The naval officers at Nor- SENATE.—Mr. Breese reported a bill o.k—and there are some of them cape to organise a territorial government in , ble, from their own experience, of up- Oregon. predating such an achievement—pro nounce it a brilliant affair. Lieut. Park- Mr. Dickenson reported a bill, rola er hails from Pittsburg, Pa. ting to the U. S. District Court of New : York. Mr. Semple introduced a bill, relin- Louis PHILLIPPE'S INCOME.---Lottis quishing the National Road to the States Phillippe has an immense private for through which it passes. , tune; the nation allows him £500,000 Mr. Atherton made a report against per annum, besides £40,000 for the printing the memorial of the Society of Count de Paris, and a large allowance Quakers, remonstrating against the . for the Duchess d' Orleans. He has Mexican war. Upon this a debate arose, 13 or 14 magnificent palaces at his dis in which Messrs. Davis, Crittenden, pose], besides Neuilly and the Chateau Clayton, and others participated, which . d' Eu, which are his own private prop resulted in the motion being laid on the ' erty. He is entitled to all the firewood i table. I and timber cut in the royal forestal House.--Mr. Martin reported a bill to which are of immense extent. Since organise the territorial government call- ! his accession to the throne, he has deni ed Minsota• ved, it is stated, upwards of £5,000,000 Mr. Douglass reported a bill to orga- sterling from this source, equal to .' 25,- vise a territorial government in Oregon. ! 000,000. The House then went into Committee : CHINESE WOMWoman are no of the Whole on the state of the Union. where so inhumanly used as in China. Mr. Bailey had the floor, and was Women in China are not permitted to speaking, but was interrupted' in his re- stir out of doors, except the wives of the marks by Mr. Davis, who rose to make lower orders, and these toil at laborious an explanation. Mr. Bailey said Mr. tasks, indolent husbands the while sit- Davis could explain out of doors. A Ling quietly by smoking their pipes! In very warm discussion then ensued be- the country they even draw the plough, tween the two members, which ended while their lazy helpmates drive them! in Mr. Bailey calling Mr. Davis a liar, when the Speaker interfered Sudden Deaths. - i The Harrisburg Telegraph of Wed- WAsaimroN, Dec. 2.1. : nesday last, says: SENATE.—J. M. Clayton presented a • "Yesterday an elderly woman named ; petition from men of all parties, pray- her house. She was engaged in her Went; suddenly dropped down dead in ing that Congress should use speedy and ! usual domestic duties at the same time, efficient means for terminating the war with Mexico, and securing an honorable ! and gave no indications of the approach peace. Mr. Clayton said he coincided ; ing dissolution. with the objects aimed at by the memo- ; This morning the Hon. Wm. M'Lean rialists, and would do all in his power I former Associate Judge of Adams coun tto co-operate with them, but he could ; ty, but of late years a clerk in the office see no way to obtain a peace but by !of fighting out the war. He would there- in the Auditor General, while engaged fore vote all the means asked for by the purchasing marketing, suddenly fell down, and was taken to the Washington government. He thought the idea that any party in this country was opposed i Hotel, where he soon expired, without exhibiting any signs of consciousness. to the government to be absurd. No pulse could be discovered after ho The committee on the Judiciary re- fell.' ported the House bill for the admission STEAM TYPE SETTER.—Another inven. of lowa without amendment. 1 tion, and to the newspaper profession Mr. Yulee moved an amendment to I the most astounding of all, has just been prevent the diversion of the lands grant- brought into successful operation in this ed for public improvements to any other city. We allude to Clay & Rosenberg's purpose. Steam Type Setting Machine, which, by After some debate the amendment was ! the aid of two men and three boys, can voted down by a vote of 40 to 2, and ; put up as much printed matter as ten the bill finally passed. compositors can do by tho present aye. Mr. .A thley introduced a bill to grunt tem.