Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 23, 1846, Image 4

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DY virtue of sundry writs of Vend.
1.) Exp., Fi. Fa., Lev. Fa., in my hands,
I will sell at the Court House Door, in
Huntingdon, on Monday, 11th day of
January, A. D. 1847, commencing at 2
o'clock, P. M. of said day, for cash, the
following described Real Estate, viz :
All that certain tract, piece or parcel
of land situate in Tell township, Hun
tingdon county, containing 160 acres
more or less, adjoining Shade mountain,
lands of George Gooshorn, Nicholas
Gooshorn, John and William Gooshorn,
of which land about 150 acres are clear
ed, with a log barn, a dwelling house,
and other improvements thereon ; said
property was purchased by defendant
from Samuel Gooshorn. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of Christian Couts.
All the right, title and interest of
George W. Geer in a tract of timber
land situate in Jackson township, Hun
tingdon county, surveyed on a warrant
in the name of Thomas Ralston, and
containing 400 acres, be the same more
or less. Also, in and to another tract
of timber land, situate in said township,
adjoining the above, surveyed on a war
rant in the name of Thomas Russell,
containing 400 acres. Seized, taken in
execution, and to be sold as the proper
ty of George W. Geer.
All that small piece, parcel or tract
of land lying on the waters of the East
branch of stone creek, in Jackson town
ship, containing about 27 acres, be the
same more or less, about 7 acres of
which are cleared, adjoining lands of
Win. Stewart, Wm. McDowell's heirs,
Rawle & Hall, and others. Seized, ta
ken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Joseph Kyler.
- - •
All the right, title and interest of Wm
Nesbitt in and to a tract of land in Shir
ley township, containing aboutloo acres,
be the same more or less, bounded on
the north-east by the Juniata river, on
the south-east by land of Jonathan
Doyle, and on the west by Chestnut
ridge, being part of a tract heretofore
purchased by said Wm. Nesbitt from
Wm. Pollock, by articles of agreement,
and part of which is now in the occu
pancy of David Patterson, about 60
acres of which are cleared, with a story
and a half hewed log dwelling house
thereon. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of Wm.
Nesbitt, senior in a judgment with
John Doyle, decd., with notice to terre
All that one story brick building with
basement story, situate on Hill street,
between Hill and Allegheny streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, containing
in front on said Hill street - feet,
and in depth - feet, and the lot and
piece of ground and curtilege appurte
nant thereto. Seized, taken in execu
tion, and to be sold as the property of
the Rector,Church Wardens and Vestry
men of St. John's Church, Huntingdon,
and Charles B. Callahan, architect and
All that certain piece, parcel, or part
of a tract of land, situate in Barree
township, purchased by the defendant,
under articles of•agreement, from Rich
ard Cunningham, containing about 30
acres more or less, adjoining Richard
Cunningham's land, Solomon Hamer,
John Love and Leonard Steffy, about
10 acres of which are cleared, and a
two story plastered dwelling house, and
a small log stable thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Hans Hutchi
All the right, title and interest of
Adam Warefel in and to that certain lot
of ground lying on the north-western
aide of the great road leading through
Kishacoquillas valley in the town of
Roxberry, in Brady township, contain
ing about one acre of land, bounded on
the east by a lot of Paul Orlady, and on
the west by a lot of Jacob King, having
thereon erected a two story log dwelling
house and a blacksmith shop. Seized,
taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property of Adam Warefel.
. .
All that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in the town of Shaeffers
ville, Morris township, containing about
one-half an acre more or less, adjoining
a lot of John Shaeffer, on the west land
of John Shaeffer on the north and south
east, and the Lutheran church lot on
the north-east, having thereoN erected a
two story stone dwelling house and a
one story weather-hoarded building.—
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the proper!) , of Robt. Kinkead.
All that certain tract, piece or parcel
of land situate in Tell township, con
taining about 75 acres more or less, be
ing the same land devised by the last
will and testament of Jacob Gooshorn,
decd., to defendant, and charged in part
with payment of debt named in this
writ ;—said land adjoins George Goos
horn, Christian Coats, Abraham Hegie
and others, about 30 acres of which are
cleared, and having thereon erected a
two story log house and a barn. Seiz
ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Nicholas Gooshorn. I
All that sertain tract, piece or parcel
of land situate in Tell township, con
taining about SO acres more or less, ad
joining lands of A. P. Wilson, Esq.,
James Mitchell's heirs, Walter's heirs,
and others, about 40 acres of which are
cleared, having thereon erected a log
house and log barn. Seized, taken in
execution, and to be sold as the proper
ty of Samuel Parsons.
All that certain tract of land, situate
in Barree township, lying in Kyler's
Gap, near the waters of Stone creek,
containing about 200 acres of land, ad
joining lands of Abraham Zook, Philip
Silknitter, John McCahan and others,
having thereon a saw-mill, log dwelling
house, and a log barn. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty of Charles S. Ash.
All that certain tract, piece or parcel
of land situate in Jackson township,
Huntingdon county, containing 115 acres
60 perches and allowance, being part of
a tract of land granted to Matthias
Graeff by warrant dated 18th April,
1774, and conveyed by Thomas Blair to
S.tmuel Steffy on 10th August, 1841,
adjoining lands of George Steffy, Solo
mon Hamar, Thomas Blair's estate, and
others: of said land a small quantity is
cleared, and a couple of buildings there
And all that certain lot or small piece
or parcel of land situate in Jackson
township, containing about 11 acres
'more or less, 7 or S acres of which are
cleared, adjoining lands of Geo. Steffey,
George Riter, John Stein and others,
with a two story frame tavern house and l
a barn thereon erected. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the pro
perty- of Samuel Steffy, with notice to
terre tenants.
Huntingdon, Dec. 10, 1816. 3t
DY virtue of an order of the Grphans' Court of
D Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to
sale, by public vendue or oute , y, on the premises,
on Saturday, the :',Cth day of December next, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon a certain messuage, p'.an
tation and Tract of Land, situate in Tell township,
Huntingdon county, bounded on the north-east by
land of John French, on the east by land of Geo.
French, on the south-east by land of William Mus
ser, on the south-west by land now owned by Wm
Harper, and on the north-west by laud of Robert
t‘lair, containing about 300 acres, more or lees,
about 50 acres of which are cleared and cultivated,
with a Log Dwelling House and
[lt other improvements thereon erected
—late the Estate of Michael Trex
ler, of Springfield township, decd.
Terms of Sale—One-third of the purchase mo
ney to be paid on confirmation of the sale—one
third within one year thereafter, with interest, and
the remaining third to be paid at or immediately af
ter the death of Elizabeth Trexier, widow of said
Intestate—the interest of this residue or third part,
to he paid to said widow annually and regularly
during her natural life, by the purchaser—and the
whole to be secured by the bond and mortgage of
the purchaser. Lly the Court,
JAt 013 MILLER, Cik.
Attendance will be given, by the undersigned
Trustee, appointed by the Court to make side.
For any information, inquire of David Blair,
Att'y for the Estate.
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public
sale on Saturday, the 2d day of January, 1847, at
1 o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Es
tate of John Kennedy, late of the borough of Al
exandria, decd., viz : Three Lola of Ground in the
borough of Alexandria, adjoining lots of John Bra
bin, and the heirs of Thomas Lloyd, decd., being
lots No. 89, 90, end 91, in the plan of
said borough, having thereon erected
I t a P. Two Log Dwelling Houses and a Log
e .
- Stable.
Terms of Sale—One•half the purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of sale—one-half in one
yest thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgages of the purchaser. Fly the
N. B.—Persons desirous of purchasing,can have
any information by applying to Mr.. Judith Kenne
dy, who resides on the premises, or to the subscri
dec2-tri Ad miniatralors,
E'rTERS of administration having been grant
lied to the undersigned on the estate of Anthony
J. Stewart, late of Waterstreet deed., all persons
having claims against the estate are notified to pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement, and ail
those indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment.
The Commission and Forwarding business of the
deceased. will close with the exp;rstion of the prey
ent month, (November) and all peraons in account
with the estate, are partieutarly requested to make
a speedy settlement, as it is desired by those con.
cerned in the ortate of the deceased to have the
business and accounts settled up as soon as practi
The account books will remain in the came office
as heretofore.
Waters:red, Nov. 25, 1846.
Auditor's Notice.
rp FIE undersigned, having been appointedby the
Orphan's I nun of Huntingdon county, Audi
tor to marshal and distribute the asset. remaining
in the hands of David snare. Esq., administrator of
the estate of William Elder, late of Hopewell
township, in said county, deed, among those en
tit ed thereto, hereby gives notice to all persons tn• 1
terested, that he will attend to tho duties of hit
said appointment on Monday the 9th day of Jan
uary next. at t o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
at the office of David Blair, Esq., in the borough
of Huntingdon. when and where, all persons hav
ing claims against the said estate, are requi ed to
present them, properly authenticated, or be there
after debarred front coming in for a share of said
assets "
dec9'46-4t. JOHN REED, ✓auditor,
B. Steel Blair,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa.,
Will attend attend to all business entrusted to
lit, cars in blair, Huntingdon and Indiana coon
BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facial
in my hands, I will sell at the Court
House Door, in Huntingdon, on Thurs
day the 24th day of December inst., at
2 o'clock, P. M.:
All that certain tract of land called
"Juniata Farm," situate in Henderson
township, on the Juniata river, about 3
miles below Huntingdon, containing 184
acres 70 perches, and allowance, survey
ed on two warrants in the name of Jos.
Reed, (the several courses and distances
of which are laid down in the writ.)—
And a tract of woodland containing 109
acres and 108 perches, in the name of
Rebecca Smith, together with 33 acres
and 18 perches of woodland, part of a
survey in the name of Susannah Haines
—all adjoining each other, and compo
sing together one farm, (and now adjoins
Jacob Fockler, James Wilson and others)
—nearly all of the 184 acres are cleared
and cultivated, and a good house and
barn thereon.
By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facies,
at same time and place, I will sell—
A tract of about 212 acres, more or
less, of Ridge Land in Henderson town
ship, composed of parts of different sur
veys, being the land of Jacob Miller yet
undisposed of and not included in the
premises mortgaged to David McMur
trie, adjoining the above described land,
Adam Rupert, Martin Graffius, Jacob
Fockler and others—having about 30
acres cleared and a log house thereon.
Seixed and taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Jacob Miller.
Terms CASH.
Sheriff's Office, Dec. 3, 1846.
HAS just received, and now offers to the pub
lic, at his old stand in Main street, directly
apposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, as large a
stock of
as has ever been offered to the public in this place,
and at cheaper prices than any other store in the
His assortment iscomplete—having almost every
article in the line of business, among which are
Cheap Cloths, C assinetts, Flannels, Blan
kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash
meres, 4-c. 4.., at prices that
cannot fail to please.
ca. The attention of the ladies is particularly
invited to a large and beautiful selection of
reau -- accow• CcElp CID QUM a
which have been purchased with an eye single to
their taste. Call and examine, and judge for
yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be
pleased to see you.
ALso—A general assortment of Gro
ceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Caps, &c. &e.
The highest price paid for Country
Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks
to his former customers, and hopes by prompt at
tention to business, and by selling a LITTLE CHEAP.
as than others, to secure an increase of public
patronage. [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-tf
Xew Jewelry Establishment.
THE subscribers beg leave
to announce to the peopl e . of
this and adjoining counties,
that they have just received
from Philadelphia, a splendid
,Zl/4 assortment of the finest and
most fashionable .;xwxxer,
which they have opened out, and offer for sale en
Square. The assortment consists of every variety
of breast pins, finger rings, ear rings, brecelets,lock
els, guard keys, gold and silver pencils, silver thim
bles, shirt etude, pen knives of the finest quality,
card cases, all varieties of visiting cards, note paper
and letter envelope., steel clasps for hags and purses,
also silk and beads for making the latter article,
spy glasses, razors, tooth and hair brushes, silk
purees, pocket books, spectacles, table and tea
spoons. all kinds of fancy sealing-wax, wafers and
wafer stamps, segar cases, accordion., fancy boxes,
perfumery, powder flasks, butter knives, steel pens
of the best quality, Ohapman's magic razor strops,
violin strings, motto seals, wafers, pearl knives for
folding and cutting paper. &c. &c. The above ar
ticles will be sold to suit the times—very cheap!
The undersigned have also purchased a sett of
tools for repairing watches, which, when operated
with by a person of science, cannot fail to give en
tire satisfaction to all who may have the kindness
to entrust them with their work. All clock and
watch repairing done with care and despatch—and
warranted ! H. K. NEFF & BRO.
Huntingdon Nov. 4-Srn
B. J. KOUGH, Gunsmith, would most
respectfully inform the citi
zens of Huntingdon and vi
cinity, that he has removed
' • to this place, and will be at all
times ready to accommodate
those who may favor him
with a call, in his line of
business. He is fully pre-
I pared to do all work in its
various branches, such as
manufacturing and repair
ing Guns, Pistols, &c., &c.,
of all descriptions, and at prices to suit
the times. He trusts, by attention to
business, to merit public patronage.
His shop is on Bath street, a few doors
sloth of the Exchange Hotel, where he
would be pleased to see all who may
have anything to do in his way.
Huntingdon, Nov.lB, 1846-3 m
John Scott, jr.,
. ,
A TTORNEY AT LA W, Huntingdon, Pa.—
LI Has removed his office to the corner room of
Snare'a Row," directly opposite Fiaher & M'Mur
trie'ir. store, where he will attend with promptness
and fidelity to all buaineaa with which he may be
entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties.
Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1846.
David 81aii
2171 6 7T1N03M3v, rA.
-110 R the cure of Pulmonary Consump
tion, Coughs, Colds, asthma, Influen
za, Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Difficulty of
Breathing, Pain in the Breast or Side,
Spitting of Blood, Croup, Nervous Tre
mours, Ilooping Cough, tkc.
From the Christian Repository, Dec. 13, 1845.
We insert in another column an ad
vertisement of Messrs. Robison & Col
lins of this city, to which we take plea
sure in calling the attention of our rea
ders. We do this more especially from
the card of Bro. Barnes which is ap
pended to it. Bro. B. is a member of
the M. E. Church in good standing, and
those who know him personally, (as we
do) have the fullest confidence in any
statement he may give of the efficacy of
any medicine which he may have tested.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 20, 1845.
Messrs. Robinson, Collins 4- Co.—Being
afflicted last spring with a very severe
cough, with pain in my side and breast,
soreness and weakness of the lungs,
shortness of breath, loss of apetite, &c.,
I tried various remedies, but to no good
effect, my cough still continuing and
growing worse. Such was the distress
ing nature of the cough, that I could
not lie in bed night nor day, but was
obliged to sit up in my chair, and could
sleep very little at best ; consequently I
was wearing out very fast, till you very
kindly recommended Dr. Davis's Coin
pound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar,
the first bottle of which gave me relief,
checked my cough, loosened the phlegm,
caused me to expectorate freely, restored
my appetite, relieved the pain in my
side, healed the soreness of my breast,
and strengthened my lungs, causing me
to breathe freely. I have now taken ten
bottles ; it has entirely cured my cough.
I have gained considerably in flesh. I
think it a most valuable medicine, and
one that ought to be universally known,
that those afflicted with colds and coughs
may have a medicine both safe and sure
to cure, if taken properly. While taking
the medicine, I drank freely of molasses
and water, which I found excellent to
keep the bowels open. If this state
ment can be found of any benefit to the
afflicted, you are at liberty to make such
use of it as you may think proper.
No. 6 Bread street.
Price, $1 per bottle.
Robison, Collins, & Co., Phila'd., gen
eral agents.
For sale by THOS. READ & SON,
n0v25'46-6m. Huntingdon.
Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and
Wood Naphtha:
NFLAMM A rION of the mucous membranes
is the reau:t of some impression made upon
them by cold or other causes; hence Chronic, Ca
tarrh, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, re
calling in Consumption, Gastritis, diseased Liver
and Kidneys, Palpitation of the Heart, &c From
incontestible evidence. it is proved that Thompson's
Compound Syrup of Tar end Wood Naphtha is a
specific in these complaints—allaying irritation,
promoting healthy secretions, and removing the
existing cause of disease. Thousands have used
it, and can bear testimony to its efficacy.
Philadelphia, March let, 1846.-1 hereby certify,
that in consequence of t epeated and neglect
ed colds, my lungs became seriously af
fected, and for a long time I have
suffered with violent pain in
the breast. obstinate cough
and difficult expecto
ration, the sy mp
toms daily
increasing in vi
olence. I had re
course to various reme
dies, with no avail, until I used
SYRUP OF TAR, which effected a
permanent quirt before I had taken three bot
tles. E. EVANS. Fayette street, below Arch.
Principal office, N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce
Sold by Simonton & Jones, Huntingdon ;
M. Lindsey,'Hollidayeburg. Price 50 cts per bot
tle, or $5 per dozen. [dec2-6m
LINE, No. 292 Market street, Philadelphia, who
has Just finished ono of the largest and most com
plete assortment of FALL and WINTER Cloth
ing in the city, consisting of
Super Black Dress Coats, from $lO to $l4 00
Do Frock do " 10 to 14 00
Do blue drew; do " 10 to 14 00
Super MI Beaver hangup Coate from Bto 12 00
Do Cloth do do 10 to 15 00
.- .-
Do brown Cloth do do 10 to 14 00
Pilot Cloth Dangup Coals, from 3to 500
Super blk Sack Coats, do 9to 13 00
Do brown Sack Coats, do Bto 12 00
Tweed Coate, do 3to 600
Union Cassimere Coats, do sto 600
Blk Cloth Cloaks, do 10 to 18 00
Business ('locks, do 6to 700
Black Cassimere Pants, do 4to 500
Do Fancy outshoot's, do 4to 500
Satin Vests, do 2 50 to 4 00
Merino Vests, do 2to 400
Silk Velvet Vests, do 3to 450
Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING, may de
pend upon being suited in every respect,. we ore
determined not to be undersold by any competitor
in the business. All goods are purchased for
CASH, which enables us to sell a little lower than
those who deal out the credit system; it being a
self-evident fact that the .. nimble sixpence is bet
ter than the slow shilling." Don't forget the aura
her- .292 Market street, Philadelphia.
oct6-31n M. TRACY.
S. Sewell Stewart,
11 TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.—
Office in Main street, five doors west of Mr.
Buoy's jewelry establishment.
OltK of all dereriptione neatly executed
at the Journal office.
Sale of Valuable Real Estate.
THE subset ibers otTer for sale that valuable Real
Estate, Two tracts of land situate on the Banks
of the Little Juniata river, one mile below Birming
ham; One tract situate in INcrrioramark town
ship Huntingdon county, theother tract situate in
Tyrone township, Blair county, the River being the
line between the two tracts, and also the lino be
tween Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known
as the properly of Andrew Robeson, of Warriors
mark township, now deceased.
The mansion tract in %Varriorsmark township,
contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land,
about 100 acres cleared, end in a good state of eel.
ttvation, with three dwelling houses, a stole Barn
and a good apple orchard thereon.
The other tract in Blair county contains 400
acres of excellent timber land, with a house and
stable the, eon erected ; there is an Ore hank on
this tract, from which about 600 tons of Iron Ore
of an excellent quality ha. been raised. A large
port of this tract is good limestone land for farming.
On these two tracts are four situations for Forges
or Furnaces, perhaps the best sites in the State.—
There is a number of springs on the two tracts of
never failing water that keep the river free from ice
for more than a mile.
This last tract of land is all woodland and well
covered with timber.
One third of the purchase money to be paid on
hand, the residue in two annual payments, there
Any person wishing to purchase one or both
tracts will please call on David Robeson in Pleasant
Valley, or Jacob Van Tries in Warriorsmark.
sept3o4l. Executors.
Hollidaysbu g Register, inset t the above, till for•
bid. and charge Executors.
4t the old established cheap Hat and Cap
Store, ~Yo. 196 Market street, sec
ond door below Sixth, Philada.
E extend a general invitation to the citizens
of Huntingdon and its vicinity, as well as to
all others, to our store. We have on hand a large
and complete assortment of Hate and Cape of every
style and variety, which we are ceiling full one
fourth lower than the usual prices, namely :
Extra Superior Beaver lla;a, from $2.50 to $350
" Brush " " 2.00 to 3.00
Silk " " 1.25 to 2.00
Moleskin " 2.50 only.
Good Hate as low as $1.25 and upward.. Also,
a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed,
erlk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps; fine Otter,
Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair Seal Cape, &c.
&c., at lower prices than they can possibly be had
elsewhere. From our extensive sales, we can sell,
for a smaller profit than others can. Call and be
satisfied, it is to your interest.
Merchant., Storekeepers, Hatters and other., who
buy to cell again, supplied on reasonable terms.—
Be sure and call at No. 196 Market Street, second
door below sixth Street.
September 1, 1846.
I=OU.IN:a CM.C1a13%3' 4 - - 1 3 . M
No. 20 1 Market Street, one door above
Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia.
T M PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers i n DRUGS,
eines, Obstetrical I nstruments, Druggists Glassware,
Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c.
Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians,
supplied with the above articles on the most favora
ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or
derv. Every article warranted.
oept23. JAS. A. TURNER, hie of Va.
Cgri aci 0 ...Q U. 3 U (ZiZI. 2
254 Market Street, Philadelphia,
TTAVE constantly on hand every description of
J_lClothing, all of which are cut, trimmed ,and
mode in a manner not to be surpassed, and are war
ranted cheaper than the came quality of Goode in
any other establishment in the United Statch.—
Mao, every description of GENTLXMIIN'S FUR.
If II luso Goons at reduced prices. Those visiting
the city will find it to their interest to examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
sepl 304 y. BUCK & MOORE,
Brooms, Buckets and Cedar Ware.
No. 63 North Third st. 2d door above Arch,
T am enabled this fall to offer an unusually large
Isesortment of the above articles. Also—Willow
and French Baskets end Coaches, Wash Boards,
Malts, Clo.lies-pins, Nest Boxes, Wood Bowls &
Trays, 'Boston Blinds, Sickles, Oil Paste Blacking,
Shoe Brushes, Clamps, I-land Scribe, Wall Brushes,
Dusters, &e. and Wooden ware of every descrip
Country Merchants will take notice that os I am
now manufacturing extensively, and receiving di
redly from the Eastern Factories, I can furnish the
Fall Trade with superior goods at prices greatly re
duced from what I have hitherto been culling.
Sep. 16, '46.
THE subscribers would respectfully
inform their friends and the public
generally, that they have just received
and offer for sale opposite Read & Son's
Store, in Market Street, Oil, Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Drugs & Patent Medicines.,
Cheap for Cash or Country Produce,
Lewistown Money taken at Par I
THE subscriber has on hand Thrashing Ma
chines, which he warrants to be good, and
offers them fur sale eery cheap. He will also re.
pair Thrashing Medlin., and furnish castings at
his shop in Allegheny street, opposite the stable of
the Pioneer Line of Boats, Huntingdon, on the
shortest notice, and moat reasonable terms. He
would also remind his friends and the public gene
rally, that he still carries on the coach and wagon
making business in all its branches.
August 16, 1846—ti
il COMPETENT TEACHER, to take charge
of a public school, in the borough of Shirley.
burg, on or about the let of December next. By
order of the School Directors,
nov 1 1-31,) JAMES R.A MSEY, Seey.
A. W. Benedict,
A TTORNF.Y AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa..-
1 - 1 Office at his old residence in Main street, a
few doors west of the old Court House. He will
attend to any business entrusted to him in the sec.
oral Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties.
L 4 , IL Grafitts,
D ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens'
of Huntingdon county, and the pub:
lie generally, that they continue to carry on thd
Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Business ?
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they man
ufacture and constantly keep on hand every ded
cription of ware in their line, such as
22, 24, 26, 28, and 30 inches long.
Radiator Stoves, 2 sizes Coal Stoves for PEW.,
new and splendid Parlor Stoves for Wood, 3 sine
Egg Stoves ; also, Iron Roiling, for fronts of houses;
Cast Grates ' for cellar windows; Self Sharpening
Ploughs, right and left•handed; new .Dull' Plough
with cast and iron shear, and the lavingston•
Plough; Double Shovel Ploughs, for corn and
seeding in fall gi sin ; Copper Pumps, for Welk
any depth, with Tin inside and out; Forge Hans.
mere, from 5 to 16cwt.
New Cooking Stoves, of all kinds ;
also, 4 sizes of Coal Stoves,
also Stove-pipe and Stoves
All kinds of castings done for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines, Waggon Boxes,
Mill Gubgeons, and Hollow Ware, all of which is
done in a workmanlike manner. Also.
Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller,Presery
ing, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail.
Persons favoring this establishment with their
custom may depend on having their order. .
ted with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, lit ass and pewter taken in ex
change. Also, wheat, rye, corn and oats token
at market price.
C.C6coce)Diftuaagb 6t3ti cro Crca.
For sale by I. & H. GRAFIUS, Alex.
andria, Huntingdon county,
Pa., cheap for cash or
country produce, at
market price.
Tun 'Queen of the West is on improvement eta
Hathaway's celebrated Hot Air Stove. There haat
never yet appeared any plan of a Cooking Steve
that posseeses the advantages that this one has. A
much less quantity of fuel is required for any anal
of cooking or baking by this stove than by any
Persons are requested to call and see before they
purchase elsewhere.
To Porchasers—Guarantee.
The undersigned, agent of the patentee of the
Stove, The Queen of the West,' •inderstinding
that the owners, or these concerned for them, of
other and different patent Cooking Stoves, haws
threatened to bring suit against all who porch...
end use any of Guild's Patent Cooking Stove...
The Queen of the West'—this is to inform all and
every person who shall purchase and uee said Stove
that he will indemnify them from all costs or dam•
age from any and all suits, brought by other pa•
tentees, or their agents, for any infringement of their
pitents. He gives this notice so that persona nerd
not be under any fears bec use they have, while
consulting their own interests and convenience. se
cured the superior advantages of this 'Queen,' net
only of the West, but of the East.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Tee subscribers, doing business under the Ana
of I. Gratin. and Son, in Alexandria, Hunti i ngdrus
county, dissolved partnership by mutual consent otS
the 3d day of April last. All persons having ae•
counts with said firm will settle the same with I.
Grafius, up to the above date.
I. 011AFIUS & SON,
Alexandria, May 20, 1840.17
Carriage Manufactory.
~,TaOST RESPECTFULLY informs the
citizens of the borough and county of
Huntingdon, and the public generally, abd,
his old Wends and customers in particular.
that he still continues the
Coach lllahing Business
In all its various branches, at his old stand,
in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting
don, nearly opposite the "Journal" print•
iug office, where he has constantly on hand
every description of
Coaches, Carriages.
Bac:gift, Sleighs and
which he Will SELL LOW FOR CASH or
He would also inform the public that h•
manufactures and keeps constantly on band
all kinds of
made and finished iu the most durable kat,
improved style, by experienced wm k meth
The public are respectfully invited to call
and judge for themselves.
Huntingdon, Nov. 5. 1845—tf.
No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg.'
THE subscriber respectfully informs t he
citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring
counties, that he still continues to carry on
the above business in all its branches, all of
the best quality, sod as low as can be bought
any w hei e, for Cash.
His stock consists partly of Sale Leather,
Upper Leather, Call Skins, water proof
l qien i ' i s a Tl s o s rocc ß o i 'dle iV„m &c 'ent c.
Straights, Kid, Bindings,
Linings, &c. &c.
Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, *arable,.
glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, boot web.
cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham
mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slick hove,.
files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys.
jiggers, shoulder irons, shoe keys, seam
sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels.
heel slickers, shack wheels, collis, shoul
der sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip
pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gonges,,
pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c.
&c., and every thingelse in his line of busi
ness. Calland seebeforebuying elsewhere.
Feb. 11, 1846.
George Taylor,
TTORNEY AT LAW—Attends to practice
in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators'
accounts, Scrivening. &c. Office in the diamond,
three doom east of the n Exchange Hotel."
TUSTICE'S blanks of ill kinds for into at this