Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 02, 1846, Image 2

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- I
lof this work, we append the opinion of ltime rendered him nearly ' insensible.-Im , N; and the reply of Mr. CLAY arc pub. river in a few days wills orders toy the Regulars at
the post to move forward to Monterey.
Huntingdon, Wednesday, December 2, 1810 .1 Rev. G. W. WILLIARD, Principal of the I He had just left the residence of his son,
' lished in the Lexington Reporter.
The Volunteers, when sick, ale the most help
ii.- - - --- -j H t • d i Academy:
tot mg o 1 the Hon. Chas. F. Adams, in Mount leaned
[ e extract the following paragraphs 1e.., miserable beings that can well be conceived ;
CO' AttentioWWiiiviteu to the legal Vernon street, in a state of health, when
"The work of Mr. Burrowes, entitled from the reply of Mr. Clay. They will to be sure they are not much better when they aro
Opinion of A. K. CORNYN, Esq., Counsel the gentleman with whom he was walk- well, yet a volunteer hospital, ria one of our officers
' State Book of Pennsylvania,' contain- be read with interest, as is everything
for the County Commissioners, published in oftheGeography,His-ing, suddenly perceived that he was la- very cogently expressed it, is rt perfect 11-1 upon
gan account , from the lips of that distinguished
earth. There are two men in one of the hospitels
boring under some severe affection ofl
in this paper. It relates to the assess- tory, Government, Resources, ',Ha noted ; Statesman.] now, who are dying by inches, victims of Nostalgia,
his limbs, and . was . ob a•
li ed to assist him
ments under the new law, and will be Citizens of the State, supplies a want- " If, indeed, (said Mr. Clay) their (the or home sickness. Medicine can do nothing for
interesting to tax-payers as well as use- •
: that has long since been deeply felt. It to prevent his falling.
He was conveyed back to his son's i ladies) kind wishes, in relation to the them ;
what they
will seem
saved et e t rhme
n , ed to die, n I do not
Many and
d the Regi•
i has often been a matter of regret that issue of the last Presidential election, IL
ful to Assessors.andreceived immediate medical I
n meatshavesuffered from this cause alone (a disease
;we leave had no work containing a fullhad been gratified, I have no doubt that -
aid. After a short time his conscious-' unknown among the Regulars) and severely, and
EU- Attention is invited to our adder- I and accurate account of our Common- lwe should have avoided some of those 1 t nds tu reduce serious consequences as it com
returned, and he was subsequently . . ,I . c F .
wealth in a condensed form that wasublic measures, sonant with evils plicate. other diseases,
tieing columns. The Real Estate offered Irelieved,andabletoand I )
suitable for a class book
in every respect . . .
num i
that difficulties may
for sale is valuable, and deserves the v. e are a
h to learn was not ceased- to our country, to whit you have ad- M' i o ,e a t
w r e r LI
a tt a
r little
G aarrai fearful sa
d the Government at
in our Schools and Academies. This distil We should have preserved, un-arise
attention of capitalists. want has now been happily supplied, by inimmediate danger. Mr. Adams
-, - ' rbed and without any hazard, peace h ead, The
home, which may deprive us cf our
-------- the timely publication of the above . work. s, we believe, about 80 years of age, . • ,
with all the world, have had too unliap- for the prosecution cautious old Genend has sho•vn great capabilities
ri - The attempt made by a cotta- a which he has hitherto ,
notwithstanding . ion of this very peculiar war, and it
The arrangement is natural, plain andwar with a neighboring sister repub- would be a shame to deprive all of a head in whom
spondent of the Pennsylvania Telegraph been able from the vigor of his consti- ;Ile
simple and cannot fail to interest theand, consequently, no deplorable they have confidence. And yet cliques are being
to bully the people in regard to their youthful reader. It furnishes a vast tureen to endure unreal' e
• tt d labor, like • ,
' waste of human life, of which that ' formed against him. All the Volunteer Majors and
a man in the prime of life. I Brigadiers would gladly gain laurels for themselves
movements on the Gubernatorial ques- amount of useful and interesting infor- which has been sacrificed, or impaired,
lion, meets with but little favor front t of ,
motion, such as every citizen of our LATER.—The Boston Transcript ,in an insalubrious climate, is far greater, to aid their future political ad, ancement as they
ore, many of then, piqued at the manner in which
State should be in possession of. I . have Friday evening has the followiug : I and more lamentable, than what has
any quarter. The U. S. Gazette and they have been treated. The Government ordered
examined it with pleasure and satisfac- "We are pleased to be able to inform ' been lost in the glorious achievements Geit. 'levier to give Gen. Patterson 5000 men, n
North American notice the attack made tion, and shall make arrangements to our readers that Mr. Adams was much l of a brave army, commanded by it skill-' large number of them Regulars, to advance upon
upon the Whigs of Philadelphia by the have it introduced into the Academy of more comfortable this morning, and that ' ful and gallant eneral. Tampico. Two Volunteer Brigadier Generals
obe nder him one of them, Gen. Pillon
would-be Dictator of Harrisburg, (be. which I have the charge. his physicians entertain strong hopes of; We should have saved the millions of
s w " a r s e ti t ie cele u brated engineer who built his fortifies
cause the Whigs of the city and county GEO. W. WILLIARD. his ultimate entire recovery. Itreasure which that unnecessary war lions at C emerge with the ditch inside. They soy
seen fit to elect delegates friendly to Huntingdon, Nov. 11, 184(1. has and will cost—an immense amount his idea was to induce the Mexicans to get inside
At a meeting of the School Directors , , —sufficient to improve every useful liar-also had the
and attack them I . fom , without. He
pli ,
Gen. Irvin,) in the true spirit. While
of Huntindon, held 30th inst., it was s.—The Boston physicians have got
ivrtoN . . her on the lakes, on the ocean, on the good taste to tell Gen. Taylor that he (Gen. I on,
they defend their undoubted right to u Id take Monterey with 100 men. A pretty gen-
a substitute for Mesmerism. Dr. Bige- Gulf of Mexico and in the interior, and " e
a u l to hazard our lives with! (;en Taylor has in
voice in the selection of a candidate,
is, lots,
low, of the Massachusetts Hospital, read to remove obstructions to navigation in formed e the Government that the movement is im
they utterly disclaim any attempts onall the great rivers in the United States. , practicable at present ; that he cannot spare the
and it is hereby a y dded to the list of books a on the 9th east., before the Boo
the part of Philadelphia Whigs to in- adopted for use in the public schools of tan, paper
• • •
Society for medical improvement, We should not have subverted a pat- ' iteguisr.; end, moreover, that if the Government
riotic system of domestic protection, intends keeping hint here ap ( ommander-in-Chief.
terfere with the action of the party in this District. From[ the minutes,] it must not issue orders to subordinate" without
lannouncing this discovery. It is a meth- fostering the industry of our own peo
the interior, on the subject. The at- GEO. TAYLOR, Sec'y. their passing through his hands; for, owing to the
led of mitigating pain in surgical opera- pie and the interests of our own coun
capture of the by the enemy, the orders to
tempted game of getting up a prejudice I Surgical Operation on Dr. Wagenseller. tions by the inhalation of certain ethers. try, the great benefits of which have Gen. Taylor were not received, and the first inti
in the country, against Philadelphia, The Pa. Telegraph says :—" We learn Dr. Morton, of Boston, first called his been practically demonstrated by expo-1
,nation the Commander-in-( hief received of such
will not be so profitable as some politi- by the Phil's papers, that on Saturday attention to it, and though a similar pro- alien cor th n e f vfirseinontaznprofninstiseelof
a en coa m erv i e s d in n i ;o r
... r a t
r t o e . q p u r i: igcoen.
cians may imagine. The truth is, in last, Dr. Wagenseller of Selinsgrove, the cess does not appear to have been entire- industry e le o y f foreign people and th g e in- an unmilitory procedure on thepartof government to
sending delegates friendly to IRVIN, Senator from Union, Mifflin and Juniata, ly unknown to the medical faculty in I tarsals of foreign countries, which has , w i erdtire Al t
angry. G ver u y e b re o l dv a th e a e t u h r a s s e ' il o ul de hi h s im ey e e x s tr a e h m ou e ;
Philadelphia is but acting in unison I underwent one of the most severe and former times, yet nothing like certainty brought, in its train, disaster and ruin ' I, is convinced of the impossibility of a forward
with the wishes of a large majority of dangerous operations known to Surgery. was obtained in the results of the old I
•to every nation that has had the tenter- movement just at ti t i lde e jime, with
s sucli a small numh
the party in the country—they are brat 'He had been suffering from a tumor upon methods. A great ninny experiments ' irto w t i ry
h it.Tlie
both ben t e h fi n cial tariff l of e
lie raised ter of
f o u'i ld "P ';:se u ll. has been heard to er so p y r t e h s a e t ur he w wl will
following, not attempting to lead, public '
I his left shoulder, which was caused by ofUnitedpeeppeople
never put his army in a position to be starved or
have been made with the new, however, the 1842,
I government the States out
opinion. a fall as he stepped from the packet boat of a condition of distress and ember- captured; and, moreover, that he cannot move from
in all of which the attempts to perform Saltine, with less than 10,000 men and proper trans-
ROBBERY.—Mr. John W. Thompson to the wharf, on his return home from important•
operations without in icting
was robbed on Wednesday night last, of , the Legislature last April. It appears pain on the patients, were completely a state t of hi gh financial and general pros- views to control him, and by his wealth being pee
$l5 in gold, while asleep in his room in that there was a compound fracture of Many of- ' parity,
in the statute book,
lled would now be standing, - nre- feet', independent of the Government, is not wit
successful. these are descri instead e of ling to be mode a cat's paw of, nor will he endanger
the Franklin House, in this borough. , his shoulder, yet the physicians of that y doing what
nett considm s improp nd
bed in Dr. Bigelow's paper. ' the fatal tariff of 1846, whose calam
ilrtioisrevieurvraeriausuy F f ' or the Cab o say do this, a
A small amount was also taken from the ' neighborhood, who were called in con- itous effects will, I apprehend, sooner or do that:but not quite so easy for others to do, how
• • The Sub Treasury.
pockets of Mr. Easton, sleeping in the ' saltation of the case, all agreed that later, he certainly realized. I
ever willing to harry out their plans. It is a lovely
We learn from Washington, says N. , All this, and more of what has since' system that the wise heads at home are pursuing,
same room. It is supposed the robber there was nothing but a bruise. The
Y.Express, and on good authority , that ' occurred, in the public councils, • was I and its peculiar beauty will be perhaps mare visible
had secreted himself under one of the consequence was that a tumor grew
the Administration intend to back out of ' fore t o ld , prior to that election. It was
beds, in the early part of the evening, as which was rapidly destroying his vital i denied disbelieved or unheeded •:and •
, .We have the Brazos, Matamoros, Reynosa, Ser
the Sub Treasury as soon and quietly as : ' .. •
Mr. Thompson locked the door previous powers, and would have proved fatal 'we now realize tine unfortunate CORSO- iment is as powerful as ever in the country
possible. The Secretary of the Tree.- qu ,tenses. But, both hi h•, d err
to retiring. The public should be on ',
had it not been taken away. p i osop 3 an pat- ' around. They con make drafts for provisions and
the look out for these scoundrels. sury, it is believed, will come before riotism e enjoin , that we should not in-
The operation was derformed by Dr. " men, they can levy taxes, and our people can know
of . and ' tprevent . t iftheyint
Congress for modifications of the act, &lige in unavailing regrets, as to the noshing it , RT, cannot
CO' The Mercer Whig recommends D. Gilbert, Professor of Surgery in Penn- incurable past. As a part of history in If we wish to
i make war on thepeople, we must
particularly in the specie clause. The ,
JOHN B. BUTLER, Esq., of Mercer coon- sylvania Medical College, and consisted . . . which it is embodied, we may derive :
c link e n, tovkaor
rho t : v 1: 0 1 1 1 ° 1 cl i tz i s t e i t i t e e p tl re c sc o n u c n e t country, where
m w e
excuse for the back out, is to be the ne- .
ty, for Clerk of the House of Represen- I inthe removal of the entire arm and
front it instructive lessons, for our future sad wish for peace. We nay destroy a dozen J
cessities of the war.
tatives, at the coming session. Mr. B. I shoulder, including one-third of the collar
and we ought to redouble our mica and it will not close the war.
Now, the Sub Treasury is as worthless exertions to prevent their being unprofit-i I suppose that you have been perfectly over
was the founder and former editor of I bone, and a large portion of the shoulder ,
1 blade. in peace, as in war. It is not fit for civ- ably lost." whelined with accounts of the battles at Monterey,
the “Whig." After these addresses, the company and every volunteer will be writing a glorification
We deeply sympathise with Dr. Wag- ilized man, and would not be adopted b yof himself and corpse. I understand that many
adjourned front the drawingthediningl
enseller in his trial and misfortune, and savages, if they knew better. Ridicule
room, wherea most st t i sumptuous tu ou s an ci of their officers assert that the city was taken by
hope that Inc will have a speedy recov- will soon kill the thing ; we need not bountiful dinner was served up, in the I ZiLluonrete:,:.j..hion%; honed
budge ed n°hi!rnogm saidti i the the chalk-pits 13L
cry of his health, and security from fur- waste argument upon,delightedl
best Kentucky to guests, where they had retired wearied and exhausted after
then danger and trial." Fatal Accident. among whom were, besides the distin- ' the first forward movement—nothing said about
guished guests from Tennessee, Mr. Gen. Hanir's move without orders one mile to the
[a - All right now between our friend The Hollidaysburg Standard says : ' Crittenden, Gov. Letcher, Capt. Rus- rear towards camp, and which had nearly stomped
of the Butler Democrat and ourself. In "A lad named William Porter, from ! sell, and Maj. Stevenson, of Frankfort, It u at it a n i, :: 3 „. l . l ,, li r i n e rc — e i n y tn a l i i ,j o g i s o ai' Ll u b : u o t „,, lb l i e n iP a l
the last number of that paper, the edi- Westmoreland county, near Leechburg, I the Baron Billow and Capt. Brauns, of his on the field, and the same was the case with
tor says : aged about 14 years, met with an un- Germany, Judge Arnold, of Canada, Mr. other Regiments. There is no denying that those
timely death at the head of Plane No. Middleton, of Virginia, and about twee- that did go forwa• d Inc hared with unusual courage
"Most willingly, friend Clark, will we
10, on the Portage railroad, on Tuesday ty other gentlemen, from Lexington. and bravery', that they were far superior to what
do you ' justice in the premises,' and re- might have been expected, that the Texans partieu
of last week. It appears ho was en- The Reporter says :
joiee at having it in our power to an- tarty behaved themselves with the steadiness o•
trounce your disclaimer. We did think gaged on a section boat, and jumped off I After the dessert was removed, some troops of the line; but to pretend to say that Monf
that the language of the Huntingdon I the forward truck—the velocity being so allusion was made to the recent Whig; tercy was taken by the volunteers ie perfectly pre-
Journal was strong, and rather squinted great at the time he fell, that he was victories, and Mr. Clay remarked that, ' posterons.
;it seine unfair proceeding of the nomi- I pitched under one of the cars, and crush- although it was not customary at his I
ed to death instantly. The body was Itable to drink toasts, he would, on this I MEXICAN AFFAIRS.
flitting convention of '44, in selecting a '
gubernatorial candidate ; but as the edi- brought to this place and decently in- occasion, so far deviate, as to propose : The resignations of Rejon as minister
terred." one, and requested the gentlemen to fill
for disclaims any feeling of the kind, we of foreign relations, and Pacheco as min
are bound to make the amende honorable, U.• General Worth reports that 460 I their glasses. Several of them, appear- ' inter of justice are confirmed: they are
and do it with cheerfulness." tug to anticipate that it would relate to succeeded byGenerals L f
a ragno and
. Mexicans were killed by his division of ' those victories, he said, stop,G
stop, en - Ladron de Genevan*. We think Santa
fly' The Butler Democrat, in noticing the army, 130 of whom were buried at tlemen, I must propose one, if possible, ' Anna's movements towards the acting
the movements of the people, in regard Mount Gillespie, the part of the city so •
still nearer my heart: I propose, "The President Sales, are not very pacific, as
' Ladies of Tennessee."
GEN. KEARNEY. —We learn that orders to the next Gubernatorial candidate, called in honer of the brave and lament- It I the state of San Luis Potosi has that
have drank with the greatest entliu
have been issued by the War Depart- says • ed officer whose name it bears, and • flounced against Sales, declaring that
" We have no doubt from what we A d
slam. n , after a suitable pause, Mr.l Santa Anna or some one appointed by
meat to Gen. Kearney, in which he is who was interred at that spot. , Clay observed : " Now, gentlemen, II
learn on this subject,ofall
that out the ~ him ought to assume the government.—
permitted with his staff, to return to the good names that hrive been presented, ACCIDENT.—John Riley was killed on ! will offer another sentiment, which I ' Several attempts have been made to as-
United States next spring, provided all Gen. IRVIN will likely be the choice. Saturday evening, near Schodack, New hope will be agreeable to you : " The sassinate Sales, and inn consequence of
things remain quiet in California. If he Gen. MARKLE being out of the way, we York, by the Boston cars. He was : b
recent eun signal n triumphs t of the Whigs—d repeated threats, he left the Capital on
are of . opii!ion that IRVIN is without a g
_. , _ may they
. con_ inu . e . an never the 25th ult. and proceeded to Tacubaya.
leaves at the time permitted. by the De- standing on the track,apparentlylook-I
end." It was received with a general'
rival in this county." Sales was escorted from tine city of Mex
partment he will probably reach here by ing at the train, and before the engine I burst of feeling. The company then re- ico, by the troops stationedat the
le Cap
the month of August next. His return Crawford County. turned to the drawing room, and, after ' ital. could be stopped, he was struck and , These will also remain with him
to the United States, however, will en- The Whigs of Crawford county held
killed instantly. ' coffee, retired. I
f us a life guard at Tacubaya.
tirely depend upon the state of affairs a meeting at Meadville on the 16th inst., • U.S. SENATotts.—Hon. George E. Bad- , ~ An account of the :ateinpton General
in California. for tine appointment of Delegates to the ED- At the late term of the Fairfield ger, whig, has been elected U.
laceen Sales 'a life was forwarded to Santa Anna
Whig State Convention, which after be- County Court, in Connecticut, a man ' ator from North Carolina, in pof ' by Express, to San l Luis Potosi, and he
Oa- The New York Tribune learns published the fo lowing :
ing organized passed the following res- was mulcted in $BOO damages for not 1 Mr. Haywood. Hon. Willie P. Man- .
from Washington that Senator Benton 1 '
elution as the voice of Crawford count •
v keeping his promise of marriage to a! gun, has also been re-elected for the 'I Gen. Santa ./Inna to Gen. .Ilmonte.
has given in his adhesion to the admin- ' term of six years from the 4th of March To his Excellency the Minister of War :
Resolved, That John McFarland and a y•
" • ld Hel Sundal
hadvisitedher every y
istration the condition of the new bar- I next. Sir—By the reception of your circular of the
D. A. Finney, Esqrs. be appointed del- evening, for about two years—thus ma- I lath inst., I hove learned with extreme r • t
egie that
gain being that his son-in-law, Lieut. ! [Ci.• The official despatches of General our foreign enemies, I •
egates to represent erawford count • • '
Y"l king his courtship cost about eight del- by ar cane of their disguised
Colonel Fremont, shall be appointed the Whig State Convention, with power I Taylor, of the taking of Monterey, are agents, attempted on the evening of that day, a se-
Governorl rs
a tin evening . ious outrage, from which it appears that they
of California. No less. to appoint substitutes in caseof inability , published. They are deeply interesting- endeavoring r to dispossess •
to attend, and that they be instructed to Explosion his excellency of the Rl
and Less of Life at Pittsburg. but do not vary materially from the tte.- preme executive power, which eitumstance gave
(D- J. W. Webb, editor of the N. Y. vote for and urge the •
nomination of Gen. In - counts we published. rise to a series of alarms, and would have produced
Courier and Enquirer, has been read out 'JAMES IRVIN, as the choice of this fore last, an explosion took place in the the most disastrous consequences, had it not been
of the Whig party by the Whig Young meeting for Governor.
foundry of Messrs. Alger & Holland,' AIarUDIA.—A letter from Monterey opportunely
reee.ceeilii discovered :it the moment, .
Men's Convention, which lately assem- QUITE LIKELY.—A Washington letter which resulted most calamitously. The , says—" The cowardice of Ampudia is Ilie confidence remaginYs i t i a n t n t iv ,e t: s a i ri a o l tt e y d and p t u h l::
bled in New York. That's the way to writer says: "Every Indian that comes boiler bursted, killing Mr. Holland and . now established beyond a doubt. So State, and conforming myself to the wishes of the
serve traitors. Mr. Webb opposed the to 'Washington costs the Treasury as a Mr. McClory, tearing off both their Supreme Government, I shall take good care that
lof I •
carefulwas ie his person, that it is it ia well preserved Ibe leave to amine youre
much :is a member of Congress, and in heads, and severely wounding two or
election of the Whig candidate for Gov- I nine i
cases out of ten, he is just as pro- , three others. 'Lite nouse was reduced he never once left h ouse wheal
error at the late election. 1 fitable." Ito a mast; of ruins. ' fir' , '
mg t a ts going .on." my command, that no other thought is given place
to here, except a hunting desire for revenge against
Departure of Major General Scott for the
Seat of War.
The Pennsylvania Inquirer of Satur
last, says :—" Gen. Scott and staff
have been ordered to Mexico, and passed
through this city yesterday for New
York. This movement has grown out
of recent advices from Mexico and the
head-quarters of the American army.—
The immediate destination of the Gen
is Tampico, but with large addition
al powers to control his action, when
on the ground."
Cameron was at Sunbury, Pa., on Thurs
day week last. He was on a tour for
the purpose of collecting some informa
tion in relation to the manufacture of
iron, which may be useful in the modi
fication of the tariff.
STATE BOOK OF PENNSYLVANIA.\ Illness of John Quincy Adams.
We have been furnished with a copy We regret to find the following pain
of the above named valuable work, re- ful intelligence in the Boston Advertiser
cently issued from the press, under the of Friday:
authorship of Tuos. H. BURROWS, Esq., The public will be pained to learn
formerly Superintendent of Common that the venerable JOHN QUINCY ADAMS
Schools, of Pa. In regard to the merits 1 was yesterday forenoon seized with a
.1 paralysis of his left side, which for a
. .
The magnificent vase, procured by the
ladies of Tennessee, for the Von. HENRY
CLAY, was presented to the distinguished
statesman, at Ashland, on the 12th inst.,
in the presence of a number of his friends.
Dr. M'Natav, of Nashville, was the gen.
tleman charged with the performance of
the pleasant duty. The speech of Dr
Interesting Letter from the Army.
The following letter is from an officer of New
York City, who is with our Army in Mexico:
[Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune.]
REYNOSA, Mexico, Nov. 2, 1846.
It is expected that Col. Belknap will
. be up the
OUT foreign enemy ; to fulfil our obligetions to the
country, ar.d to repel the suggestions of those who
endeavor to distract us from such noble objects.--.
I have the honor toreiterate to your Excellency my
consideration and high respect.
God and Liberty. Head Quarters, San Luis
Potosi, Oct. 23, 1846.
El Diario del Gobierno of Mexico, Oct.
27th, has the following paragraph ivhioh
the New York Sun translates :
It is said that the American steam
ers anchored at the Isle Verde have only
coal for a few days ; that the crews of
the squadron are mostly sick with the mi
scurvy, and that the government of the "'
United States have already spent seventy
five million dollars in the war. To de-
lay is a triumph on our part, as we have
before said;and if we are only fortunate
enough to hinder our enemy a little lon
ger by skirmishes, and other obstacles,
we shall soon see them retire from our
country." .
Accounts from Yucatan arc filled with
enthusiasm in the cause of Mexico.—
Rumors of an attempt to re.capture•
Monterey were circulating; but not
Mexican letters from Chihuahua speak -
despondingly as to the ability of the
State to resist Gen. Wool's forces.
The other items of news refer to dis
sentions, efforts to excite the people to
support the war, and the garrisoning of
Vera Cruz.
We append the following letter from
Vera Cruz, dated the 31st ultimo :
VERA CRUZ, Oct. 31, 1846.
A conducta arrived at Mexico, on the
20th inst. from Guanajuato, with about
$1,200,000, so that money was again
abundant there. Another has left San
Luis de Potosi on the 16th instant, for
Tampico, with upwards of a million, and
was to arrive at the end of the month.
The British sloop Electia has sailed to
Tampico, probably on purpose to receive
on board the specie for shipment. Two
private conductas arrived here from
with silver bars and about 200,
000 hard dollars.
At the middle of the month, private
letters from Mexico stated that Mr.
BANKIIEAD had offered the mediation of
England, and that Ministers had been
in session for two days to deliberate on 'I ,
the subject, but nothing further has
transpired since.
leans Times, extra, says :
A private letter was received yester
day from the city of Mexico, under dato
of the 30th ult., and forwarded to Vera
Cruz by special express mentioning that
the Mexican Government had Issued
three hundred letters of marque, accom- ,
panied with tho rights of citizenship
for the respective crews, and that ne
cessary documents would be transmit
ted by the British steamer Tay' to Ha
This information is said to bo unde.
niably authentic.
Official information had been received
at the city of Mexico on the 29th ult.
from San Luis Potosi, where Santa Anna
had taken up his headquarters, and was
concentrating his forces. It was an
nounced that he had about 20,000 men
with him, and had ordered the entire .
Mexican forces to meet him there, with*
a view of marching upon Gen. Taylor,
and crushing the American army. He •
had decided on abandoning Tampico,
without making any resistance ; sines
he has not a disposable force, sufficient
ly numerous, to garrison it at all points,
and by evacuating it, he shall strengthen
his own army and weaken Gen. Taylor's
who will be obliged to detach a 4onsid•
erable body of troops to take possession
lof it and hold it.
[Correspondence of the Native Eagle.]
BALTIMORE, November 24,
11 o'clock, nietrt,.....
Commodore Perry arrived at Tabasco
on the 25th of Oetober, and captured 10
vessels. The town refused to surrender.
Skirmishing then took place, in which
Lieut. Morris was killed. On the 27th
opened bombierdment, and in less than
an hour the town was almost demolished.
Mexican force 400 troops, 4 guns.—
Mexican loss unknown. Corn. Perry
subsequently abandoned the town, thu
force under his command being insuf.
cient to hold it. The steamer McLane
was aground.
Major Lear is dead. Gen. Wool does
not attack Monclova. It was reported
that one-half the Mexican troops had
declared for Santa Anna—the remainder
against him. All quiet nt this place.
The Wind Changed.
Speculation has received a ;event blow in ta.
late foreign news. Flour has certain! toadvance.—
Phila. Times, Loco.
When Flour " went up," it was the
glorious workings of the Tariff of '46,1
the farmers were told by the Locofoccl
editors. Now, flour having " ceased t(
advance," "speculation," not the Tacit .
of '46, is the cause, say the same Loco•
foco editors! The Farmer, in the mean•
time, can see which "way the wind
(D*. The foreign papers say that the
Pope intends to substitute imprisonment
for life for the punishment of death
which he wishes to abolish totally: