Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 25, 1846, Image 1

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VOL. XI, NO. 45,
Lo__s 4 co a.. naa as .
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BY . THE OLD swan.'
As frost upon the hills
In autumn's yellow day,
Memento of the corning
Of winter and decay ;
As a leaf in summer falling
On the green parterre,
Is that monitor to man,—
His first grey hair!
Grey hairs are meant for wisdom
And sober reverence;
Reject not, man, the teaching
01 their silent eloquence.
From the garden of thy thoughts
Pluck out the choking tare,
And take prudence by the hand
With thy brat grey hair.
Pause, lady, at the mirror,
Nor slightingly disdain
The little sign that telleth
Of beauty on the wane.
Oh ! hold not face and form
And vanities too dear,
And thou wilt not dread the sight
Of thy first grey hair.
Thy child will best become
Thy gems and costly gear;
Yea, men will praise thy wisdom,
And think thee still more fair,
Old-time shall be forgotten,
And cheated year by year,
If shame is but a stranger
To thy first grey hair l
I iVIN versus JENIFER.
Duri former session of Congress,
Messrs orwin of Ohio and Jenifer of
Maryland, were very intimate. The lat
ter like all Marylanders, believes the
"Eastern shore" is the Paradise of the
world, and he was in the habit as often
as opportunities offered, of "poking fun"
at Corwin about the Buckeyes' and the
State of Ohio generally. Corwin bore
this persecution patiently for awhile,
usually, however,returning shot for shot,
until one day while dining at the Pres
ident's, Jenifer came down upon him so
hard, that Corwin resolved to silence
him forever, so rising from his seat, he
remarked that he was not in the vein for
story telling, but he would relate an in
cident that occurred during the early
part of his professional career, in a Court
ouse in the interior of the State of
He said that the judge had just taken
his seat upon the bench, and a cause
was about to be commenced, when a very
white haired old gentleman came totter
ing into the court room, upon a cane in
either hand. The old man had been a
soldier of the revolution, and had come
in to procure a lawyer to prepare his pa
pers that he might receive his semi-an
nual payment. This service was always
of course, rendered gratis.
The papers, continued Mr. C., were
handed over to him, and after asking
some of the other necessary qustiona,
he inquired the age of the pensioner.
In a tremulous shrill voice, the old
man answered, " F-o-r-t-y-f-i-v-e."
"You do not understand me,
old gen
tleman, said Mr. C. " I wish to know
how old you are'!"
" I am f-o-r-t-y-f-i-v-e, young sir.'
.4 My dear sir, I do not wish to know
how old you were when you left the
service or when you entered it—but I
/ want to know how old you are now."
" I told ye forty-five.
Mr. Corwin then looked up to the
Judge (who was himself getting out of
patience) in despair, and his Honor ta
king the matter in hand, in a peremptory
manner remarked to the old gentleman :
" The Court cannot be detained in this
way—the counsel is endeavoring to ren
der you a gratuitous service and you
must not trifle with his time. Answer
his question directly—Now sir, how
old are you
" I sin forty-five, Judge," again shrill
ed out the old soldier.
"I will not bear this contempt any
longer," said the Judge- "If you do
not answer the question the next time it
is put, you shall be committed, aged as
you are. Now sir, again I ask, how old
are you 1"
" I am forty-five !" the old man provo
kingly repeated.
" Mr. Sheriff, take him to jail, the
Court will see whether that will do him
any good." The old gentleman was led
away, but just as he was going to the
door he raised up his head, and partly
turning around on his sticks, toward the
Court, said :
" Judge, the first 57 years of my life
lived on the Eastern shore of Mary
land ! You surely don't think God will
count them against me l"
Mr. Jenifer has not been heard to say
" Ohio" since.
The Man what was not born to be Killed by
a Shell.
During the bombardment of Fort
Brown, the besieged troops were obliged
to throw themselves flat upon the ground
every time a shell from the enemy was
fired at them. A shell exploded among
men in a standing position would be
twenty times more apt to kill them than
if they were close to the ground. A
knot of officers were standing together
for a moment one day, resting and chat
ting, when a look-out man gave the word
to dodge a shell. The officers were
down in an instant, Lieutenant H. pros
trating himself face downward, and look
ing over his shoulder. The shell came
fizzing down, close by them. "I won
der if she'll burst," remarked the wag
gish H; " she's a d—l of a long time
about it anyhow."
Hardly were the words uttered, when
a tremendous explosion replied to them,
and H's head went down like a lump of
lead. Pretty soon the pieces began to
fall, with a pattering sound, around
them. "Now we'll catch it," remarked
H., inclining his face a little upward,
but still lying close. " There it comes !"
said he, as he saw a large fragment des
cending rapidly, directly upon his back.
His comrades saw it, and thought, sure
enough, that poor H.'s time had come.
'Twas useless to dodge, for he might
roll himself directly in the way of it, so
he " lay and took it," as he remarked
afterwards. The piece hit him plumb
between the shoulders. "Hon!" grunt
ed H., and his friend sprang forward to
see if he was dead. "Are you hurt, HI"
"No," said he cooly, rising and shaking
his coat, "but a fellow might as well be
killed as scared to death !" It was a
clod of dirt that hit him, the shell hav
ing penetrated the ground in a hard
place, and throwing off the clods in
every direction.—N. 0. Picayune.
Get angry—fly into a passion about
nothing—jaw like the evil one, if you
please, and then come to yourself and be
a man. If there is a despicable, unhappy '
wretch on God's footstool, it is one of
your sulky d —s, who will not give you
a civil answer for a month after you have
displeased him. He is worse than a
brute. Tread on a dog's tail and he will
snap at you at once—the next moment
he forgets it, and is as loving as ever.—
Tread on the toes of a human hog and
lie will walk away and treat you like an
outcast for a twelvemonth perhaps.
Talk as you may against a quick tem
per, the 'possessor is an angel in compar
ison to the creature we have described.
He lets fly at once all he has to say and
that is the end of it. Ten minutes after
if you call upon him, he extends his
hand and exclaims—" What a fool I was
to get angry !"—and is as kind and as
sociable as ever.
The grouty cur says nothing, grits his
teeth, perhaps, and for years may be si
lently working against your interest.—
He never forgives—never forgets. He
goes mincing along—as stilt as a poker
—anj every opportunity he gets, unseen,
he will spit tobacco juice on your coat
or maim the trees on your premises.—
Port. Bulletin.
A Goon REFERENCE.—" Do you know
Mr. —1" asked one friend of another,
referring to an old gentleman who was
famous for his fondness for the extract
of hop.
" Yes sir, I know him very well"
" What kind of a man is he I"
" Why, in the morning when he gets
up, he is a beer barrel, and in the even
ing when he goes to bed, he is a barrel
of beer."
U- A dandy at a ball, in whisking
about the room, ran his head against a
young lady. He apologised. " Not a
word, sir" said the lady, " it is not hard
enough to hurt anybody."
Mr. Niles, of Lowell, in crossing over
the ferry at East Boston, had his pocket
picked of six manuscript sermons, not
one of which had been preached. His
regrets are only equalled by those of the
thief who probably imagined he had a
package of bank notes as his prize.
Dow, jr., the patent sermonizer of the
N. Y. Sunday Mercury, describes life at
twenty, in the following unique man
"My friends—at twenty we are wild,
wild as partridges. There is no such
thing as taming us; we ride that fierce,
fiery and headstrong animal, Passion,
over fences, ditches, hedges, and on to
the devil—leap the five-barred gate of
reason, without touching the curb of
discretion, or pulling harder than a tit
mouse upon the strong rein of judgment.
0, at twenty, you are perfect locomo
tives,•going it at the rate of sixty miles
an hour; your heart is the boiler—love
is the steam, which you sometimes blow
off in sighs—and hope, fear, anxiety and
jealousy, are the train that you drag.
At this season of life, you are filled
with the exhilerating gas of romance;
everything to you looks romantic, by
spells, even a jackass philosophizing
over a barrel of vinegar. You (both
girls and boys) now read novels till
your gizzards have softened into a sen
timental jelly, and settled into the pit of
your stomach. 0, I know how you feel !
—you feel as though you would like to
soar from star to star !—kick little plan
ets aside!—take crazy comets by their
blazing hair, and pull them into their
right courses—sit upon the highest peak
of a thunder cloud and dangle the red
lightning between your thumb and fin
gers, as a watch-chain—then dive into
the golden sunset sea, and sport with
celestial syrens—speed on, pull the nose
of the blackguard in the moon—ransack
all creation—knock a few panes out of
the windows of Heaven—and then flut
ter down as gently as a breeze, and find
the darling object of your love mending
stockings by moonlight ! That's how
you feel."
A Pet Leopard
In Davidson's " Trade and Travel in
the East," a work lately issued in Lon
don, we have a notice of a tame Leop
ard :
" While on the subject of wild animals
I may mention a leopard that was kept
by an English officer in Satnarang, du
ring our occupation of the Dutch colo
nies. This animal had its liberty, and
used to run all over after its master.—
One morning, after breakfast, the officer
was sitting smoking his hookah, with a
book in his right hand, and the hookah
snake in his left, wnen he felt a slight
pain in his left hand, and on attempting
to raise it, was checked by a low angry
growl from his pet leopard. On looking
down he saw the animal had been lick
ing the back of his hand, but continued
licking the hand with great apparent
relish, which did not much please his
master, who with great presence of mind
without attempting again to disturb the
pet in his proceeding, called to his ser
vant to bring him a pistol, with which
he shot the animal dead on the spot.—
Such pots as snakes nineteen feet long,
and full grown leopards, are not to be
trifled with. The largest snake I ever
saw was twenty-five feet long and eight
inches in diameter. I have heard of
sixty feet snakes, but cannot vouch for
the truth of the talk."
THE OLD INDIAN.—An old Indian while
hunting, came across a she wolf, prowl
ing along the edge of a dismal swamp.
Although, within rifle shot, he reserved
his fire, and chose rather to track her
to her den, where he captured three
cubs. The government was then pay
ing a bounty for wolf scalps; and ac
cordingly, scalping the cubs, he present
ed himself before the proper authorities,•
and pocketed the bounty money. For
years he followed up this system, selling
the scalps of the cubs, when presenting
himself one morning at the office of the
supervisors, the astonished, clerk asked
Is it possible there are so many
wolves in your country 1" " Yes," was
the laconic reply. "In the same swampl"
" Yes." " Did you ever see the old she
wolf 1" " Yes." " Well, it is she that
does the business—why don't you shoot
her 1" "Because me no get any more cubs
THE LAW OF LOVE.-It would take,
we think, a pretty long sermon to illus
trate the law of love, and point out its
application, more perfectly, or more for
cibly, than is done in the following an
Dr. Doddridge once asked his little
daughter, nearly six years old, what
made everybody love her '1 She said—
,4 I don't know, indeed, papa, unless it is
because 1 love every body."
ANSWERED.-" May a man marry his
deceased wife's sister 1"
If she says yes when the question is
popped, we hold that he may—and morp
than this, if she be young, pretty, ami•
able and accomplished, and necessary to
his happiness, we think him a ereat
fool if he don't.
From the Knickerbocker,
The sweetest girl of all I know
Is charming FANNY HALL ;
The wildest at a husking,
The gayest at a ball:
Her cheek is like a Jersey peach,
Her eye is blue and clear,
And her lip is like the sumac
In the Autumn of the year.
Canova never made a bond
Like her's so plump and fair;
Poor Raphael had been crazed with her
Madonna brow and hair:
And I'm inclined to think if Powers
Could tee her, he would grieve
To find a romping Yankee girl
Had beaten Mrs. Eve!
There's not a blemish in her form,
No fault about her face;
Sit down and gaze front morn till night,
You'll find her—perfect grace.
And then, to finish all, her voice!
Front the sweetest birds in Spring
You couldn't tell its warble;—but
From the Pennsylvania Inquirer.
We have been favored with a pamphlet
copy of an address recently delivered
before the Phi-Beta-Kappa Society of
Harvard University,by Charles Summer,
Esq. Its title is "The Scholar, the
Jurist, the Artist, and the Philanthro
pist," in allusion more particularly to
Pickering, Story, Allston and Channing
—all of whom have died within a short
period. We have seldom met with a
production purer in style, nobler in sen
timent, or more elevated in intellectual
tone. We have room this morning, how
ever, for only a single passage, but it is
especially appropriate to the present
time. After an eloquent allusion to Chan
ning, and the order of his philanthropy,
Mr. Summer proceeds thus to speak of
"The same spirit of humanity and
justice, which animated him in defence
of liberty, also inspired his exertions
for the abolition of the barbarous Insti
tution of War. When I call war an in
stitution, I mean the legalized, technical
war, sanctioned, explained and defined
by the law of nations, as a mode of de
termining questions of right. I mean
war, the arbitrator, the umpire of right,
the Ordeal by Battle, deliberately con
tinued in this age of Christianity and
civilization, as the means of justice be-
Veen nations. Slavery is an institution
sustained by our private municipal law.
War is an institution sustained by the
law of nations and the custom of man
kind. Both are relics of the early ages,
and have their root in violence and
And here the principle, already con
sidered, that nations and individuals are
bound by one and the same rule of right,
applies with unmistakeable force. Our
civilization brands the Trial by Battle,
by which justice in the early ages was
determined betwenn individuals, as mon
strous and impious ; and it refuses to
recognize any glory in the successful
combatants. Christianity turns from
these scenes of strife, as abhorrent to
her highest injunctions. And is it right
for nations qi
. to conue a usage, defined
and established Wn bode of laws which
is monstrous and impious in individuals'
The conscience answers, No.
It will be perceived that this view of 1
the character of war leaves undisturbed ,
that sublime question of Christian ethics,
—existing only in Christian ethics,—
whether the asserted right of self defence 1
is consistent with the meekness, the I
long suffering, the submission of Christ.
Channing thought it was. It is sufficient
that war, when regarded as an institu
tion, sanctioned by the law of nations as
a judicial combat, raises no such ques
tion, involves no such right. NN hen,
in our age, two nations, after mutual
preparations, continued perhaps through
many years, appeal to war and invoke
the God of battles, they voluntarily
adopt this unchristian umpirage of right,
nor can either side strongly plead the
overruling necessity, on which alone the
right of self-defence is founded. Self
defence is independent of law ; it knows
no law; it springs from the tempestuous
urgency of the moment, which brooks
neither circumscription nor Delay.—
Define it, give it laws, circumscribe it
by a code, invest it with form, refine it
by punctilio, and it becomes the Duel.—
And modern war, with its innumerable
rules, regulations, limitations and refine
ments, is the Duel of Nations.
But these nations are communities of
Christian brothers. War is, therefore,
a duel between brothers. In this light,
its impiety finds apt illustration in the
Past. Fait away in the early period of
time, where the uncertain hues of Poetry
blend with the serener light of History,
our eyes discern the fatal contest between
those two brothers, Eteocles and Polyn
ices. No scene fills the mind with deeper
aversion ; we do not inquire which of
; them was in the right. The soul says
in bitterness and sorrow, both were wrong,
and refuses to discriminate between their
degrees of guilt. A just and enlightened
public opinion, hereafter regarding the
feuds and wars of mankind, shall con
demn both sides as wrong, shall deem
all wars as fratricidal, and shall see in
every battle-field a scene from which to
avert the countenance, as from that dis
mal duel beneath the walls of Grecian
Cincinnati and Baltimore.
Here is a speck of internal war. We
take the following from the Cincinnati
Commercial :
We saw and conversed with Samuel
Myers, yesterday, who has just return
ed from Monterey, which place he left
on the 15th ult. He is the young man
who was shot in the chin, through the
mouth into the throat, at the storming
of Monterey. He belonged to the . Rifles,'
and volunteered from this city. He in
formed us that when he first felt the ball
he did not think he was seriously inju
red, although the size of it, we should
judge by inspection, (he has it with him)
was a little larger than the common sized
hickory nut, and lay there inbedded in
his neck !
Mr. Myers also assures us that he
stood next to the brave Con. WATSON
when he fell, and that he had twice call
ed to the Baltimoreans to come to the
charge! They refused ! ! andhe exclaim
ed "Cowards ! d-d Cowards !" and
ran to the charge WITH THE OHIO
The Baltimoreans actually did—says
this brave soldier, who is corroborated
by numerous letters received yesterday
—allow their leader to fall ! fighting
with strangers ! ! but, we see, with men
who appreciated him. The Ohio Vol
unteers actually took the advance of the
Baltimoreans, when it was meanly un
claimed, marching before them by the
side of their brave leader ! It now ap
pears plain enough why the Baltimore
ans accused the Ohio and Kentucky
Volunteers with showing the "White
Feather"—it was to cover, in advance,
the cowardice, compared with the
Ohioans, they displayed.
The Old World and the New
We attach very little importance to
the speculations of such journalists as
predict that Spain and France united,
will attempt to reconquer certain coun
tries in the New World. Nevertheless,
Louis Phillippe is full of ambition, and
if he had a little more youth on his side,
he might venture on some bold enter
prise. The N. Y. Sun says :—" There
is more pregnant matter to the peace of
Europe in the marriage of the Duke de
Montpensier to the Infanta of Spain,
than was generally supposed. Spain
wanted the counsel and alliance of some
important power, and now the apprehen
sion is that, united to the Orleans fami
ly of France, having brave and capable
young men as its leading members, and
a sagacious old king at its head, attempts
may be made to revive the faded glories
of Spain in attempts to reconquer its
ancient possessions in Mexico, Central
America, New Grenada, Equador, Ven
ezuela, Peru, Chili, the Argentine Con
federation, the Oriental Republic, and
Paraguay, which were once rich Span
ish territories, am' have been separated
by revolutions. Backed by the power
of France, whht cannot Spain accom
plish I A moderate land force, with the
support of the priesthood, would have
little difficulty in recovering Central
America. France desires to control the
Isthmus of Panama. Having subjugated
the northern republics of South Amen
ca, Peru and Chili could be reduced in
a short time. The Prince de Joinville
having married a Princess of Brazil,
has already induced that power to lend
its aid. Powerful expiditions, with the
aid of France, could be fitted out from
Cuba for operations in Mexico, and the
only check to these movements would
be the decided hostility of the republics
themselves, backed by the private en
terprise of the people of the United
States and the British Islands."
citizens of Jefferson County, Ky., where
Gon. Taylor was reared and educated,
have caused a massive silver pitcher to
be executed as a present to him. A
letter will be forwarded to Gcn. Taylor
advising him that the pitcher will be de
livered to his lady. It is a fit present
from the old friends of the -General to
their former neighbor.
ID- The Luzorne Democrat of last
week, in reference to the elections in
New York and New Jersey, says : "We
are in hopes when the full returns come
in from these States that they will give
a more cheering aspect to the democra
cy. If not, we are inclined to think
those p apers _ that attributed the defeat
of the Democratic party in this State to
the rain and storm, will have to give
some other cause for the result in these
WHOLE NO, 565.
The Death Bed of an Infidel
Some years ago, an individual, well
known and highly repected, in the reli
gious world, narrated in my hearing
(says Ford's Damascus,') the following
In early life, while with a college
companion ; he was making a tour on the
continent, at Paris his friend was seized
with an alarming illness. A physician
of great celebrity was speedily sum
moned, who stated that the case was a
critical one, and that much would de
pend upon a minute attention to his di
rection. As there was no one at hand
upon whom they could place much re ,
liance, he Was requested to recommend
some confidential and experienced nurse.
He mentioned one, but added,
"You may think yourself happy in
deed should you be able to secure her
services ; but she is so much in request
among the higher circles here, that there
is little chance of finding her disengaged:
The narrator at once ordered his car ,
riage, went to her residence, and much
to his satisfaction found her at home.
He briefly stated his errand, and re
quested her immediate attendance.
"But before I consent to accompany
you, permit me, sir," said she, " to ask
you a single question: -Is your friend a
Christian 1"
" Yes," he replied, " indeed he is—a
Christian in the best and highest sense
of the term : a man who lives in the
fear of God. But I should like to know
your reason for such an inquiry 1"
" Sir," she answered, " I was the
nurse that attended Voltaire in his last
illness, and for all the wealth of Europe,
11 would never see another Infidel die."
BEYOND TEE GRAVE•—The grave is a
world of gloom, dark and cheerless, with
no ray of light to ilium its night of hor
rors ; but a bettor philosophy teaches us
that that is not the end. That though a
cloud of darkness may gather around
the closing scene, and the pall of death
become the winding sheet of frail mor
tality—a brighter dawn begins to break
upon the soul's vast empire, while impe
rial thought links its fond immortality
fast to the immutability of the Eternal
THE HEART AND THE Swoßlit isre
corded of the Duke of Luxemb g that
on his death-bed, he declared that he
would have cherished more deeply the
memory of having given a cup of cold
water to one of his fellow creatures in
poverty and distress, than all the victo
ries he had achieved, with their scenes
of blood, desolation and death. An ad
mirable lesson is conveyed in this brief
expression of opinion.
HAVE BEEN !—The London Atlas tells us
that according to the Jewish authorities
Methuselah did not live as long as he
might have done had he attended to good
advice, for it is written that as he was
sleeping on the ground, when well strick.
en in years, an angel appeared to him,
and told him that if he would rise up
and build him a house to live in, the
Lord would prolong his life five hundred
years. Methuselah made answer that
it was not worth while for him to build
a house for so short a term." And so
he died before he was a thousand years
POTATOES.—The potato crop of Maine
has suffered but little by the rot this
year in comparison with last year. The
apprehension of the disease to the root,
however, prevented the planting of as
many as usual, and the yield, owing to
the dry weather, is not large. The epi
demic, if we may so call it, is evidently
passing away in this country, and will
in Europe. Probably this will be their
worst year, and it may be hoped that
they will have a better crop next year.
It began to be seriously felt first, we be
lieve, in the middle States of this Uuion,
and progressed Eastward. The recove
ry progresses in the same way. —Kenna
bec Journal.
07- Whenever you hear a young miss
lecturing her mother on gentility, con
tradicting her parents, pouting and com
plaining, whenever she cannot have her
own way, depend upon it she will make
a poor companion. In prosperity she
will never be satisfied—Lin adversity she
will despond and complain—in sickness
she will distress herself and all around
her. Never choose her for a compan
p-" Why mother almost every word
in John's letter is spelt wrong. You'd
not have me marry such a man, sure 1"
" La! child, I suppose that's the way
they spell in the place where he lives.—
There are different fashions in spelling
as well as in other things."
The Piqua, Ohio, Register, names
the Hon. Andrew Stewart, of Pennsyl
vania, as a candidate for the Presidency.