FROM MEXICO. IMPORTANT FROM THE ARMY, EV4CU..IITION OF SJILTILLO BY THE mExic.axs—saArTa Jura advD LaRGE FORCE dIT S.d.N* LUIS—GENER.IL TaIYLOR'S DE MJIND 0 dir THE .m - Exicaxs FOR CORN ../IND MULES—LT. GR.4H.RM'S DEXTH—OFFICIaL NUMB ER OF KILLED .nXD - WOUNDED. By the arrival of the Galveston, at New Orleans, the Picayune and Delta have received letters from Monterey, from the let to the 16th October. Lt. Graham, of the 4th Infantry, died on the evening of the 11th of October, universally lamented. The wounded, generally, are doing well. Hopes are entertained that Maj. Lear, of the 3d Infantry, may recover, although so ter ribly wounded. We are sorry to learn that fever and ague are beginning to prevail extensively in the army. The accounts we have from the troops in the valley of the Rio Grande are truly dis tressing. In the Matamoras Flag we have por tions of a correspondence between Gen. Taylor and the Governor of Monterey, in which the former gives an indication of the policy to be pursued in regard to the subsistence of the army. After the capitulation, Gov. Morales liacl a conversation with Gen. Taylor, and subsequently Col. Whiting, Q. M. General, addressed the following note to the Governor, with reference to the sub jects of that conversation: " Gen. Taylor orders me to address your Excellency upon various matters en reference to the conversation had with you the other morning, when visit * his camp. " He desires, in particular, that you will order the inhabitants of this pro vince to furnish mules for burden be tween this place and Camargo. Though we have a good number now employed, yet many more are needed. " He also charges me particularly to say to your Excellency, that you will request or command the inhabitants to bring in their corn, and deposit the same, to a considerable amount, in the city. It is necessary that this corn should be brought in, and it must be, by your Ex cellency's orders, or by force. If pro cured by the first means, it will be paid for at the same price the Mexican Go vernment allows ; if by the second, the owners may look to their own Govern. ment for redress. "You will please to inform one offi cially (we wish a speedy reply) what are •the current prices of transporting each mule load from Camargo to this city, and the prices which the Mexican Government have been paying for corn this season." To this note of Col. 11hiting, Gov. Morales replies as follows: " Since this Government had the pleasure of conferring with Gen. Tay lor, upon various subjects of importance, they have taken due measures to accom plish your desires relotive to the accu mulation of corn and removal of effects from Camargo, belonging to the Ameri can army. I have to inform you that corn will be furnished (as much as can be gathered) at $5 per mule load, and also mules for burthen as soon as they arrive from the interior, where they have been sent on business, but ordered to return forthwith, with the understand ing that the current prices for freight from this city to Cerralvo is two dollars and fifty cents per mule load; to Car mago $5;-to Cadareyta $1 50: the same to the estates of Dolores and Concep tion, which are below Cadareyta." " Such being the case, you will please signify the same to Gen. Taylor, adding at the same time, that it will not be ne cessary to use force in procuring the objects indicated, for there is no lack of desire to serve." In this reply of the Government to Col. Whiting, it will be seen that they do not state the price which the Mexi can government has been paying for corn, etc., but merely answers at what price it will be furnished our army ; at $5 per mule load. This is just double what the Mexican government pays; $2 50 per cargo being the standard price. So with the charges on burden mules. But the Government has our army in a tight place, and they are re solved to speculate on our necessities. Our worthy alcalde has sent him an ex ample, and probably given him his cue. The corn market here has been fore stalled by this worthy gentleman, who has purchased, all in the neighborhood, and fi'ed his price upon it. Such spec ulations by Governors and alcaldes will not long be allowed—they will or should be made to disgorge some of their accu mulations without pay. Col. W., however, looks upon the re ply of Gqv. Morales as satisfactory, and answers him thus: " Col. Whiting has the honor to ac knowl'edge the receipt of the satisfac tory note from Gov. Morales, dated yes terday, relative to corn and mules of bur den, and he has the honor to inform him that, for the, convenience of those who bring in corn, Capt. Sibley, the adjutant of Col.- W. in Monterey, will receive and pay -for all that is introduced on de posite, according to the price stipulated upon by Gov. Morales." On the..29th of September, the Gov ernor addressed Gen. Taylor the follow ing note : " Multitudes of complaints have been made to this Government against exces ses committed upon persons and prop erty of Mexicans daily, by the volun teers in the service of the United States, and I am this moment informed that three of our citizens have been killed by them, without pity or any reasonable motive, only because they possess the power to do so. Under such circum stances, it is impossible that society can remain in much security, as the most essential guarantees are wanting. I have the honor of making this known to your Excellency, hoping that measures will be adopted to put an end to such atrocities in future, and carry into effect the assurances given of protection to the people." On the Ist of October, Gen. Taylor addressed the following reply to Gov. 'Morales : " The communication of your Excql lency, dated 28th ult., relative to exces ses committed on volunteers, in the city of Monterey, was duly delivered. Some delay has oecurred in answering it, in order that I might communicate with the commandant of that post. "It is with sentiments of regret that I learn your just cause of complaint, founded upon the grounds stated by your Excellency. Your Excellency must be aware that it is no easy task to keep such men in subjection, and although my great desire is to maintain good or der, yet excesses have been.committed, but, I believe, none of grave character. The volunteers now in the city will be removed in a few days, and by their absence I hope that all cause of farther complaints will cease. In the mean time Brig. Gen. Worth will use all effi cacious measures to maintain order in the city. He is now invested with or ders to this effect. Your Excellency . must be aware that it is my desire to comply with the guarantees I have given in the name of my Government, relative to the security of persons and property." We are indebted to the Picayune and I Delta for the following extracts from , their correspondence, dated, Monterey : —The retailers of ardent spirits have nearly all been ferretted out and corn pelted to vamos or shut up shop. A' number of Mexicans have been murder- I ed in the outskirts of the city within the last two days, by some of the out laws who have attached themselves to the volunteers. Yesterday afternoon two Mexican officers, who were leaving the city, called on Gen. Worth. Soon after leaving him, and just after passing through the middle plaza, the orderly of one of them, who rode a short distance behind, was shot through the heart, by a discharged volunteer Ranger. The feel ings of the army were very much out raged by this diabolical act. The per petrator of the foul deed is now in limbo, and will, I trust, be hung. An order has just been issued by Gen. Worth di recting every person not belonging to the army, or who is not a citizen of the place, to report to his A. A. Adjutant General of Division within twenty-four hours. This will settle all irregularities, as, under this order, the discharged vol unteers will be obliged to leave the town , and vicinity. Sentinels are placed at every avenue leading to the town, on the Northern and Eastern sides, day and night, and are instructed to allow no person but commissioned officers to pass in and out, except by the street that leads to Fort Independence. The guard is necessarily very large. The ceremo ny of guard mounting is performed for the whole division at the main plaza.— This morning the division guard was as large as some of the regiments. The reaction that has taken place in the army, upon settling down quietly after so much fatigue and excitement, is really painful in its effects. There are few here whose hearts do not ache to see their homes and families. The weather begins to admonish us that winter is not far off. The mornings are quite cool, rendering overcoats, and even fires very comfortable. Everything begins to assume a quiet aspect in this region. The troops are entering into quarters for the next two mouths—the wounded are receiving every attention from the surgeons, and are placed in ex cellent rooms—the ammunition is nearly removed from the Cathedral, (a magnifi cent building outside and in) and reli gious services will soon be performed in it. The shops, billiard rooms, eating houses, and mechanic shops are open ing again. Families are returning, con fidence has taken the place of distrust towards us with the Mexicans, and I be lieve that a majority of the best people here are glad that our army has driven off Ampudia and his thievish soldiers. Lieut. Armstead, of the 6th Infantry, has just arrived from Washington with despatches for Gen. Taylor, but the in structions sent him are not known in the army. A mail which was sent from Camargo by a Mexican express rider for the army, about the 21st ult., and which, it is be lieved, contained important despatches for Gen. Taylor, besides many private letters, was taken by the enemy and con veyed to A►npudia, who received it on the day of capitulation. Whether the Mexican mail rider was killed, as is pre tended, or carried the mail of his own accord to Ampudia, is not known ; but certain it is that the mail is in posses sion of the enemy. After the Mexican army had retired to Saltillo, Gen. Tay lor hearing of the loss of the mail, sent a messenger to Ampudia and requested him to return the private correspondence. The self-appointed Postmaster General of our army replied, through ti Mr. Faul lac, that a mail bag had been taken and received by him, but that ho had for warded the bag to Santa Anna. Mr. Faunae, however, hoped soon to have the pleasure either of sending back the private correspondence or of bringing it in person. Santa Anna is at San Lois Potosi, but is doing nothing. He sustains Ampu dia in his late conduct. The fever and ague is spreading through the army at a fearful rate. A Scotchman who has resided for a long time in this country, showed me a letter this morning, dated at Monterey on the 18th ult., in which it is stated that the Governor of New Leon, with most of the families, had left Monterey and gone to a village in the mountains ; that all the Mexican forces had fallen back from Rinconada and Saltillo, and were moving on to San Luis Potosi— and that a Mexican who was carrying despatches from Camargo to Gen. Tay lor, had been captured between Marin and Monterey, taken to Saltillo, and there shot by order of Ampudia—the despatches being sent post-haste to San Luis Potosi, where it is said Santa Anna now is. Nothing certain is know of the future intentions of the Mexican Gen eral. Mexican traders affirm that all the troops are withdrawn from Saltillo, and ate concentrated at San Luis Potosi, at which place Santa Anna has arrived, and where they intend to administer to the Americans their long deferred but constantly threatened chastisement. I do not, however, place credence in these stories, as I have recently conversed with an American gentleman, a resident of Monterey, who arrived here a few . days since directly from San Luis. He informs me that the enemy are busily engaged fortifying the pass of Los Mu ertos, where they will desperately resist any approach to Saltillo. The northers that have prevailed here for some time, have had the good effect of allaying the fever, and bracing up those in the hospitals who were com pletely helpless from its effects. More than one half of those who were on the doctor's list two weeks ago, have gained sufficient strength to join their regiments and those left are recovering very fast. When the first norther came, it carried off most of those who were very low— but its good effects on others was very sudden. Two or three of the hospitals are now without patients, and the houses are about being turned over to their owners. Application was made to Gen. Worth, commanding the city, a few days since, for permission to publish an Eng lish newspaper, which was refused on the grounds of being in violation of the wishes of the Government at home. Some Mexicans arrived here on the 10th ult., who state that the citizens of Saltillo, objected to Ampudia's fortifying the town, and that lie would take up his march for San Luis Potosi as soon as he could procure pack mules. An express arrived here from Washington on the evening of the 10th ult. fifteen days from Washington, as I learn, with in structions to the commanding General to prosecute the war with renewed vigor; therefore we have every reason to be lieve, that as soon as supplies can be got here, the army will probably direct its attention towards Linares, as that town does not come within the line of the armistice. The following is from the Galveston News :—From Col. Davis we learn that the Mexicans have totally evacuated the whole country this side of San Luis Po tosi. The information has been derived from so many sources that there is no doubt of this fact. They left behind some forty dragoons to destroy fortifi cations that had been constructed at Los Muertos, a naturally strong and difficult pass on the road to Saltillo, and about five or six miles beyond the Rinconada. They have also dismantled Saltillo, des troying whatever might be of use to our army, and which they could not take away. Thus there is now nothing left for Gcn. Taylor to conquer but a barren region of rugged mountains and thirsty plains, affording neither water nor pro visions for the subsistence of man or beast, over a distance of two or three hundred miles to San Luis Potosi. The New Orleans Commercial Times, in referring to the letters of its corres pondent, says:— By far the most important information communicated by our correspondent is the fact, hitherto rumored, but now defi nitely ascertained, that the Mexicans are withdrawing from Saltillo, and will not attempt to defend that town, but will fall back on San Luis Potosi. If any doubt, whatever, existedof the accuracy of this intelligence, it will be removed when we state that we received yester day private advices from the city of Mexico, so late as the 25th of Septem ber, which state that Santa Anna had ' left the capital that morning with 2,000 cavalry and 1000 infantry, for San Luis Potosi ; and that positive instructions had been despatched to the army of the , North not to occupy Saltillo, but to re treat immediately to San Luis. The dictator had been utterly unsuc cessful in his attempts to raise a loan of two millions on a mortgage of the rev enues of the church, as the lien was con sidered by capitalists insecure, if not illegal. He then applied for $200,000, but could only raise $27,000, which was the sum total with which he started.— Hence, perhaps, the comparative mea greness of his military . escort. It was known in Mexico, at the last dates, that the American army had reached Mon terey ; Moreover, the best informed par ties in the capital were of opinion that the attack of our troops would be suc cessful, as the movement of Gen. Worth on the Saltillo road was fully understood, and its importance duly appreaiated. The official number of killed and wounded is 490. Affairs at Nauvoo, Illinois. A letter to the St. Louis (Mo.) Union says . !, _ _ _ In my last letter I intimated that His Excellency, Gov. Ford, had called out the militia of the State, and that he intended to take effective measures to put a stop to the foul spirit of mobocra cy which so long reigned in Hancock. He remained in Carthage during yester day, and while there had an interview with the mob leader, Gen. Brockman, who gave His Excellency to understand they felt justified in all their proceed ings, and were fully prepared to do the same again=that they were 'freemen,' and should do just as they thought fit under any circumstances ; in fact, he put the Governor at defiance ; told him the boys were on hand' at any time and at any hour. To-day, Oct. 28, His Ex cellency entered Nauvoo with about 200 men, 2 pieces of cannon, and a numer ous train of wagon, &c.; but the Gover nor's entree bore no comparison, in point of number, with that of Brockman. The 'same silent, desolate scene awaited the Governor, as the mobbers witnessed. There was no joy or pleasure depicted in the countenances of the people.— There was ridicule from groups of those friendly to the mob, among whom Brock man was the most conspicuous, for the bold and daring front he carried. It be ing late in the evening, His Excellency had not addressed the citizens as was supposed he would; but, it is said, he intends to place a strong posse in the city until the Legislature meets in Jan uary, and in the meantime to take such steps as will tend to redeem some of the past errors. The crisis has now arrived whether the laws are to be respected, or mob violence to be supreme. A short time will decide." J Com. John B. Nicholson, of the U. S. Navy, died at Washington on the 10th inst., aged 63. He was a native of Richmond, Va., and entered the Navy as a midshipman in 1805, on board the brig Hornet, then under the command of the late Corn. Chauncy. The Markets. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 13, 1846 FLOUR & MEAL—The market for Bread stuffs generally has been unsettled during the past week, and the scarcity of vessels tended to depress prices, and keep shippers from operating ; about 500 bbls Pour sold ou Saturday at $5 371 and after the receipt of the Steamer's news, a speculative de mand sprung up and 1000 bbls was taken at $5 50 ass 621, subsequently 1500 bbls sold at $5 75 ; the high rates however, checked the demand for a day or two, and the price again settled down ; 1200 bbls good brands sold at $5 621, and 3000 bbls fair at $5 50, including halves at the usual difference; the market closing quite dull, and factors nominally asking $5 50 for standard brands. Sales for city consumption limited and within the range of $5 50 as 6 for good and extra retailing brands. RYE FLOUR scarce, and held at s4+; the only sales are in a unroll way, at $44. Coax MEAL—The mar ket early in the week was nearly bare, and holders asked $4, subsequent transactions to the extent of 2000 bbls are reported at $3871 a $3 75, including a lot at $3 70 ; the price to day is $3 75. Exports of the week, 5981 bids Flour; 2550 bids Corn Meal, and 675 of Rya Flour. GRAIN—The receipts of Wheat are large, end prices somewhat unsettled; on Saturday some 8000 hush. Penn'a Reds sold at 110 c, and White at 118 a 119. Since the receipt of the Foreign News, 22,000 bushels sold at 115 a 110 c for Reds, and 125 a 118 c for Whites, nearly all for grinding ; the market has since declined, and to-day, about 20,000 bushels mostly Reds, were taken for shipment at 1061 a 109 c for White, afloat and in store; the sales were generally at 108 c for good and prime Reds. RYE—small sales of Penn's at 78 a 80c— , CORN in request in the early par t of the week, with sales of 15,000 bus. at 70e for good Southern yel low, and 72 a 75e for Penn'a; prices have since receded and sales made at 70c for Penn'a and 68c, for Southern. Oats in demand at steady rates.— Several cargoes of Southern sold at 32 a 33c, clo sing at the latter price. Exports of the week 13,069 bus wheat, and 17.169 bus corn. SEEDS—Not a great dual doing; sales of good and prima Clover, to a moderate extent, at $3 7 5 a $4. Flux-seed in lots brings 132 a 134 c. Tim othy vet) , dull at $2 a $2 25. IRON--The market continues firm, with a light stock of Pig, and sales in lots of 600 tons are re ported within the range of $24 a $2B for Anthra cite, $2B a $92 for Charcoal, 5 a sic for Boiler, and $75 a $BO for liar, all on tho usual credit. Steam Umbrella Manufactory. No. 104 Market Street, Philadelphia. WI. H. RICHARDSON, in addition/to vad. oils other improvements, has applied Steam Power to the manufacture of UMBRELLAS, and is enabled to sell them at very low prices. Merchants aro invited to call and see his Works, and examine the assortment. [novlB-4m ESTJITE OF JOH.OrRIMES, (Late of Cromwell tp., decd.) N°TICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istration upon the said estate have been grant ed to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the Caine, are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebt ed to make immediate payment to novlB-611 GEORGE SIPES, Admr. POUND, AN the street, in thib borough, a WALLET POCKE P BOCK, containing money, paper., &c., which the owner can tiara by calling at the office of H. K. NEFF. Huntingdon, Nov. 18, 1846, Cheap Prayer Books. AVERY neat and correct edition of the Prayer 11 Book, upon good paper, and well bound, may be obtained at the mores of T. Read ..Sc Son and Wm. Stewert, at the very low price of 20 cents per copy. [novlo.3t WAR WA It B. J. I{OtlGH, Gunsmith, would most respectfully inform the citi f zens of Huntingdon and vi cinity; that he has removed *4 to this place, and will be at all art times ready to accommodate Ay, those who may favor hilt o' with a call, in his line of business. He is fully pre- pared to do all work in its various branches, such as manufacturing and repair ing Guns, Pistols, &c., &c., of all descriptions, and at prices to suit the times: He trusts, by attention to business, to merit public patronage. His shop is on Bath street, a few doors south of the Exchange Hotel, where he would be pleased to see all Who may have anything to do in his way. Huntingdon, Nov.lB, 1846-3 m PMILIC BALE. WIZ, o h: t o h fi d e a r y e do of t D p o u c l e it s e a r I e n , e r t . Wednesday gleeio . P. M. on the premises, that well known House and Tavern Shied in the borough of Shirleysburg, in the present ocupancy of Dr. Isaac Clues ,. ton, as a public house, situate on Main ; I ; street, together with two lots of ground, 11 " being each 60 feet in font and 140 feet beck. The house is large and commodions, being 53 feet in front and 49 feet back, well calculated for a house of public entertainment, together with a store that lately underwent thorough repair at considerable expense, is now in complete older and very convenient; also a pump of excellent water at the kitchen door. The stabling is in good order and calculated to entertain twenty-five hers.. A further description of the property is deemed un necessary, as persons desirous of purchasing will no doubt view and judge for themselves. The terms of sale will be one-half the purchase money on confirmation of sale, and the remainder in two equal annual payments, without interest. novlB-31] JAMES M'ELHENY. Valuable Real Estate for Sale. lIIHE subscriber will offer for sale, on the pre- L on MONDAY, the 30th day of Nu % ember next, at public outcry, that valuable Patin, adjoining the town of Warrioismark, Huntingdon county, Pa., containing 115 acres more or less— one hundred acres of which aro cleared. and in a high state of cultivation, chiefly all under post and rail fence. There is 10 acres of timothy meadow, equal to any in the State. Also, on Ore Dank, of an excellent quality, now used and occupied by the Union Furnace Company—a large, commodious house, which has been used as a house of public en tertainment for the last 25 years—a large Darn, with necessary stabling for a Public Lin, Waggon Shed, Corn House, Carriage House, Straw House, • and all other necessary buildings, fixed up in the most convenient style. Also, Hilr a good Smith Shop, and Dwelling _ House attached to the property—also . . in good condition. Also, in the town, two Lots, with a stream of water running through them, with a Two Story House, Smith Shop, Stable, &c.. erected thereon, for which there can be an indisputable title given, A !so, on TUeSDAY, the lot day of December, I will sell on the premises, in Bald Eagle Valley, Blair county, Two Tracts of Woodland, contain ing 208 acres, more or less, of which 7 acres are in meadow, and yields an abundant crop of grass. There is a strong stream of water running through both Tracts of said land, with a new Saw Mill, three good Houses, a Bank Barn, &c., thereon erected. Terms made known on days of sale, when and where the subscriber will be prepared to show his papers and titles to any person or persons who wish to buy. Possession can be given on the first of April, 1847. THOMAS WALLACE. Warriorsmark, Nov. 11, 1846.31 REMOVAL. LEVI WESTBROOK . • W f O r i U e n L d l:) . inform cus tomers and the public 9 , generally, that he has „ , ,,,f, removed his Boot and "On Shoe establishment from his old stand in Main street, to the second 1 story of Judge Gwi n's new building in Bath street, near the Exchange Hotel, where he intends carrying on his former busi ness in all its various branches, and on a more enlarged scale. A continuance of public patronage is respectfully solicited. NOTICE.—AII persons knowingthem selves indebted to the undersigned, are requested to make immediate payment of at least a portion of their dues, and thus enable him to meet his heavy ex penditures for stock, hands, &c. ilov 18-31] LEVI WESTBROOK. Spruce Creek & Waterstreet Turn pike Company. THE Books will be opened to receive subscriptions of Stock of the said Company on Monday the 14th day of December next. at the house of Abra ham Moyer, at Waterstt eet; H. F. Haslet, Grays port, Colorain Forgo Office ; Samuel Jacobs, Grays ville ; and Samuel H. Stover, near Baileysville— At which time and places some of the Commis sioners will attend and receive subscriptions from all persons of lawful age, for the space of six days. H. 13. Mytinger, John S. Isett, David Stewart, S. If. Stover, J. P. Lyon. Martin Gates, Samuel Wigton, B. F. Haslett, James Travis, nov 11-If. Commissioners. EXEC UTORS' NOTICE. Estate of Martin Graffius, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary on the last Will and Testament of said deed, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, und those having claims against the same, are requested to present them duly authenticated, for settlement, to JACOB GRAFFIUS, JOHN GRAFFIUS, SAMUEL GRAFFIUS, novll-6t. Executors. WANTED, A COMPETENT TEACHER, to take charge 11. of a public echool, in the borough of Shirley. burg, on or about tho let of December next, By order of the School Director., novll-311 JAMES RAMSEY, Sec'y. David Blair, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDOX, PA H ANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable o•: Blood Pills, for purifying the blood. BALTliaoitE i July 29, 1843. This is to certify, that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the fireast and right arm, which I suppose proceeded front the impure state of my blood. I was recommended to take Hance's Sar saparilla or Blood pills, and after tagns one box, the pain was entirely removed from my',breast and arm. I found them extremely gentle in their operation, and would reeommend them to every person in want of a mild purgative. PATRICK ROCHE, No. 23 Conway street, between Howard and Eutaw. In purcaasing these pills let me add one word of caution. Always ask fot Hance's pills, and purchase of none but those advertised as agents, and if con venient, call and see the proprietor himself. For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore st. and corner of Charles and Pratt sts., Baltimore. Priee 25 as, per box, of fifty pills each, for Hance's genuine pills, or 5 for $l. [novlBy AGENTS-1% Read & Son, Hunting don ; Moore & SWoopt, Alexandria ; A, 0. Brown, Shirleysbutg & W. W, Bac annn, Mil Creek ; Spencer & Flood,Wil.. liamsburg. TTANCE'S Compound Syrup of Hore , 11 hound, for the cure of coughs, colds, consumption, spitting of blood, pain in the side and breast, bronchitis, croup, and all diseases arising from a disor dered condition of the lungs or neglect , ed cold. The following sonnet was ad dressed to the proprietor by a young lady who was cured of Consumption: Ho! ye who pant with failing breath, And pine away and die; Hance shall "put away" your death, And light anew your eye. How sweet it melts upon the tongue, How grateful to the breast ! A glorious theme for poet's song, Soothing his cough to rest: fiance! favored of the God's, art thou ; A blessing to thy race, Let laurels flourish on thy broiv, And wealth those laurels grace. When heroes are forgotten; kings Defunct ; or, ceased to rain ; Glory, for thee, shall flap her wings l Thou conqueror of pain. Price 50 cts. per bottle, or 6 bottles for *2 50. Prepared and sold by Seth S. Hance, 108 Baltimore st., and corner Charles and Pratt sts.. CnoirlBy AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer & Flood f Williamsburg; W. W. Bach. anon, Mill Creek; A. 0. Browne, Shir ieysburg. ciREAT BARGLA.IN-8-1- NEW GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER!! DR. WILLIAM SWOOIIi TTAS just received, and now offers to the pub lic, at his old stand in Main street, directly opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, as large a stock of .fI✓YD WINTER . GOODS as has ever been offered to the public in this place, and at cheaper prices than any other store in tho county. His assortment incomplete—having almost every article in the lino of business, among which are Cheap Cloths, Cassinetts, Flannels, Blan kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash meres, 4•c. Bf., at prices that cannot fail to please. (Or. The attention of the ladies is particularly invited to a large and beautiful selection of 1.-qu Cca CID C1:DC.4260 a which have been purchased with an eye single to their taste. Call and examine, and' judge for yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be pleased to see you. ALso—A general assortment of Gro ceries, Quecnsware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. &c. The highest I:rin:i paid for Country Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks to his former customers, and hopes by prompt at tention to business, and by selling a r.rr•rr.r curse nit than others, to secure an increase of public patronage. [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-tf Oita, Jewelry Establishment. THE subscribers beg leave to announce to the people of Acct this and adjoining counties, (70 that they have just received ' P. „ from Philadelphia, a splendid , v.,,,e;''.73latisortment of the finest and k 4 most fashionable jEws.Lar, which they hove opened out, and offer for sale on "JACOB JIILL)SIe.S . CORNER," in Market Square. The assortment consists of every variety of breast pins, finger rings, ear rings, bracelets, lock ets, guard keys, gold and silver pencils, silver thim bles, shirt studs, per knives of the finest quality, card cases, all varieties of visiting cards, note paper and letter envelopes, steel clasps for bags and purses, also silk and beads for making the latter article, spy glasses, razors, tooth and hair brushes, silk purses, pocket books, spectacles, table rind tea spoons, all kinds of fancy sealing wax, wafers and wafer stamps, segar cases, accordions, fancy boxes, perfumery, powder flasks, butter knives, steel pens of the best quality, Chapman's magic razor strops, violin strings, motto seals, wafers, pearl knives for folding and cutting paper, &c. &c. The above ar ticles will be sold to sail the times—very cheap! The undersigned have also purchased a sett of tools for repairing watches, which, when operated with by a person of science, cannot fail to give en tire satisfaction to all who sissy have the kindness to entrust them with their work. All clock and watch repairing dons with care and despatch—and warranted ! H. K. NEFF & BRO. Huntingdon Nov. 4-3 m _ Stray Cattle. ' A ME to the residence of the subscriber. resi 0# ding in Barren township, Hunting don' county, about the lest of Au gnat, five head of Cattle-3 cows ;7 1 . 1 .31,_ and 2 heifers. Also, about the rind die of Boptemher, three niore—of which two are cows, and one heifer. I desire the owner. to come furwginl, prove pro perty, pay charges. and take tnem away, otherwise they will he cold according to law. novll-30] SAMUEL MYTON, Jr.