Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 18, 1846, Image 2

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, November 1'
11:7- Our subscribers in the borough
of Huntingdon, who have, as yet, paid
us nothing, are requested to do so imme
diately. We must have money to se
cure a winter supply of paper, and meet
other necessary expenses.
A Word to Postmasters.
Complaints by our subscribers of not
receiving the "Journal," have become
so frequent, that we are led to believe
there is great carelessness on the part of
some of our Postmasters. We feel con
fident that the neglect is not with the
Postmaster at this place; and we also
feel quite sure that our papers are all
regularly mailed, and that no subscriber
is forgotten. We therefore call upon
the Postmasters throughout the county
to attend faithfully to their duty, or we
shall have to look into the matter. We
cannot afford to have our busines injur
ed through the carelessness of public
officers. "A word to the wise is suffi-
Q - The communication signed "X,"
in answer to an article in the last Penn
sylvania Telegraph, signed "PENN," can
not appear. Whatever State organs may
conceive to be their privilege and duty,
we can never consent to open our col
umns to attack faithful and leading
Whigs. The insinuations against the
qualifications of Gen. Irvin, contained
in the Telegraph article, can do him no
injury, as Gen. I. is impervious to any
attacks of this kind. Thc si atithor of
"Penn," we venture to assent, is,.only a
Whig when it is made his,intersteto be 1
so; and we do not feel like holding Mr.
Cooper responsible for What may be said
by such imprudent and over-zealous
friends. Our friend "X" need have no
apprehensions as to the resirlt of the
March Convention, for the " signs . * the
times" indicate that the nomination of'
Gen Irvin is by no means problematical,
Board of County Commissioners. "
The newly elected County7ConOis
sioners, ROBERT CUMMINS and VAI`OI4.
TEAGUE, Esqrs., were sworn in antl,,en:t
tered upoi4, the duties of their offices nn
Saturday, the 7th inst. The Board now
consists of Messrs. Miller, Cummins
and Teague. We think we hazard no
thing iffi saying that a more efficient
Board of.,,qomthissioners was never or
ganized in ihrientitity of Huntingdon.
The retiring Commi'Oinner, M. CIIII.-
COTTE, Esq., was a useful 'and efficient
member of the Board, Atia.carries with
him into retirement, the kindest wishes
of all who had any official transactions
with him during his term of office.
CENTRAL RAILROAD.—The bill autho
rizing a subscription, on the'part of the
city of Philadelphia, to the Central Rail
road, passed finally. The U. S. Gazette
of Saturday last says that, after: a long
discussion on Thursday night, the bill
finally passed Select Council, with a few
slight amendments; which were imme
diately concurred in by Campton Coun
cil. . .
{7 The Philadelphia liiquirer of the
sth instant, says : Gen. Irvin arrived
in town the night beforetlast, and took
lodgings at the Columbia House. A lead
ing, distinguished and warmhearted
Whig, he has many and cordial friends
in this city."
The proprietor of the Philadel
phia Saturday Inquirer announces that,
on the Ist of January next, the name of
that paper will be changed to "Phila
delphia Saturday Gleaner," and publish
ed at the low price of one dollar per
Kr Hiram Brower, Esq., has disposed
of one-half ,of the tiebon Courier to
John W. Killinger, Esq. We hope that
the expectations of friend Killinger, as
an editor, may be fully realized.
pa- Our friend of the Clinton County
Whig has raised to his mast-head the
name of Gen. JAMES IRVIN, and is
advocating his claims to the Gubernato
rial nomination with great zeal and abil
We are indebted to Scott's Week
ly Paper for an Extra containing the late
Foreign news.
ID- Michael Dan Magehan has left
Cambria county, and taken up his abode
in Pittsburg. A dead loss to the citi
zens of little Cambria!
A fire broke out in a stable belonging
to Mr. David Snyder, of this borough,
about 10 o'clock, on Saturday evening
last ; which, owing to the active exer
tion of the firemen and citizens, was
prevented from doing any farther injury
than partly consuming the stable and
the hay which it contained.
It is almost certain that it was the
work of an incendiary, as those who
first saw the fire state that it commenc
ed in the hay-mow. And Mr. Snyder
says that neither himself nor any of his
family were at the stable daring the
evening. _ _ _
The stable is surrounded by valuable
property on all sides, and had the weath
er been dry and windy, nothing could
have prevented this from being a most
terribly destructive fire.
We have never witnessed more effi
cient exertions at a fire, in any town out
of Philadelphia, than are made by the
citizens (including both sexes) of Hunt
ingdon. We are not sure, but the ser
vices of the ladies are the most valua
ble, as they go to work actively, at
once, without confusing the operations
by their noise; while, from the clamor
I kept up by some of the gentlemen on
these occasions, one would suppose that
they expected the destructive element
to be conquered by the means used in
part by General Taylor's army to whip
the Mexicans, viz : most tremendous
"hollering." For the future, we move
that this mode of attack be abandoned,
for the more efficient one of quietly "ra
king" this alarming domestic enemy by
an unceasing stream of cold water.
ED- Our friend of the Butler Demo
crat does us injustice, when he intimates
that we have exhibited a willingness to
disparage Gen. Markle, for the purpose
of advancing the interests of Gen. Ia-
VIN. If any thing we have ever pub
lished favors that construction, we can
say that, it was an inadvertence; as
we will yield to no Whig in the State,
in our .admiration of the gallant old
Hero of Mississinewa. And while we
havebeen, in our humble way, trying to
advocate the claims of Gen. Irvin, we
have, sedulously avoided disparaging
remarks in regard to those of any of the
other excellent Whigs that have been
named in conection with the office of
Gclvetrior. , In krecent article we spoke
,Gen. Irvin being defeated, in the last
Whig Gubernatorial Convention, by but 5
votes, and that by the union of two strong
interests. We did not impugn the mo
tives of those interests, or intend any
reflection upon either Gen. Markle or
Judge Banks, by the remark. On the
contrary, we always did believe that the
friends of Judge Banks voted, for Gen.
Markle on that occasion, because they
conscientiously believed him the most
available candidate. We have never
published anything which could lead
any one to suppose that we thought they
were influenced by any other motives.
We deprecate as sincerely as does the
editor of the Democrat, the publication
of anything calculated to distract or di
vide the Whig party, and we believe we
have thus far been entirely innocent of so
doing. Will the Democrat do us justice
idthe premises I
Contemplated Attack on Alvarado,
We have just been favored, says the
Pa. Inquirer, with the following extract
of a letter dated United States Frigate
Raritan, off Vera Cruz, Oct. 9th :
"It is the intention of Commodore Connor to
attack the Fortification at the mouth of the Alvarado
River, about 25 miles from our present anchorage,
in the course of a few days. This may be relied
upon, as the boats, officers and men are all selected,
and are ready at a moment'. warning. The fort
mounts 24 pieces, of from 18 to 24 pounders. The
water is so shoal in tho neighborhood, that we can-
not get within attacking distance with our large yes
eels, and hence we are compelled to have recourse
to boats. Warm work may be expected."
CD.- The Evening Post, a leading loco
foco paper in New York, thus speaks of
the locofocos elected to the Assembly
from that city :
" Out of the whole sixteen candidates
there are scarcely six who are not either
so incompetent that they cannot write
five lines of English correctly, or so bad
in character that we would not trust
them to collect for us a debt of $25.
This is what we know."
ry- Intelligence from Scotland gives
frightful accounts of the famine in the
Highlands. The potato crop had totally
failed, and many families exist entirely
upon shell-fish.
CANAL TOLLS.—The receipts on the
public works of this State for 11 months
of the present year, ending on the let
inst, amount to $1,163,913 54, being
an increase of $86,056 57, over the cor
responding period of last year.
From the following letter, which we
find in the last Westmoreland Intelligen
cer, it will be seen that Gen. Markle de
clines a re-nomination for Governor.—
The letter is just what might be expect
ed from the brave and patriotic old sol
dier, and will be read with interest by
every Whig in the State
MILL GROVE, Nov. 10, 1846.
Editors of the Westmoreland Intelligencer.
GENTLEMEM :-Obseroing that a number of the
Whig papers throughout the State ate discussing
the subject of selecting a person to be placed in nom
ination by the Whig party in Pennsylvania, as a
candidate for Governor at the ensuing election;
and, as numerous applications have recently been
made, by many of my friends, both itt person and
by letter, requesting permission to use my name in
connexion with that honorable office, I embrace this
opportunity of expressing through the columns of
the Intelligencer, my heartfelt thanks to those who
have heretofore interested themselves in my behalf,
and who still continue to give ample proof of their
kindness and sincerity, and, whose zealous and dis
interested friendship shall over be held by me
amongst the most grateful remembrances of my
My consent, upon a former occasion, to become
a candidate for the Executive chair, was, after much
earnest solicitation by my friends, reluctantly yield
ed ; with the object, an they honestly indulged the
hope, of furthering the principles held by the Whig
party in our State: and although their expectations
were not fully realized in the event, yet, the gener
ous support which I received was esteemed by me
as an indubitable expression of popular favor.
Many circumstances unite, however, at the pres
ent time, in determining me to withhold my con
sent to become a candidate for nomination before
the Whig Convention to be held at Harrisburg in
March next ; and I therefore, respectfully decline
the proffered honor. But, although I have thus
declined the kind solicitations of my friends, to be
come personally interested in the approaching can
vase, I shall not cease however, to use my best ex
ertions in support of the nominee of the Whig
The principles held by the party with whom I
have long had the honor to be connected, arc iden
tified with the best interests and prosperity of the
country ; and, although for a time, those principles
may have to yield to measures subversive of the
general welfare, yet the late demonstrations of the
PEOPLE in Pennvylvania, Maryland, New York.
Now Jersey, and in other States, furnish good
grounds of hope, that, the ruinous policy forced
upon the country by the present national Adminis
tration will be but short lived. Gentlemen :
Very Respectfully yours, &c.
A True Paragraph.
From an article in the last Butler
Democrat, on the subject of the next Gu
bernatorial nomination of the whig party,
we clip the following truthful paragraph:
" But these journals, which give such
side wipes to Gen. MARKLE, have their
favorite man, and in him they suppose
all things combine to make him the man
for the crisis. Well, they cannot set a
higher value upon the talents and patriot
ism of Gen. lavix, than we do, but if
they expect to gain favor with him, by
attempting to disparage Gen. MARKLE,
we can only say that they have mista
ken their man. GEN. IRVIN would not
accept the best office in the Oft of the peo
ple, if it were to be attained at so great a
sacrifice as the unspotted character of the
patriot MARKLE. We know the reputa
tion of Gen. km: well, and could speak
of acts of nobleness on his part unpar
alellcfl in the history of Pennsylvania,
and perhaps entirely unknown to the
editors referred to."
Taylor's conduct towards Gen. Worth
at Monterey, considering the peculiar
circumstances in which the latter was
placed, will be perhaps as much appre
ciated by the high minded as the man
agement of the whole affair of the three
days will be esteemed by men of mil
itary judgment. The subject is alluded
to in something of an off hand way by
a Washington correspondent of the
New York Herald :
" To our mind, there is not a prettier
incident in'bll the campaign than this.—
Eminently honorable and chivalric as
has been the deportment of every offi
cer and soldier (with scarce an excep
tion) of the army, we like this "oppor
tunity" given to Worth, and the way in
which he " embraced it," better than
any thing that has been done, because
it is so conspicuously creditable to the
discriminations of old Zack, the bravery
of Worth, and the glory of our arms.
The Maysville (Ky.) Eagle, alluding
to the various reports concerning Gen.
Butler's conduct at Monterey, relates
the folloying incident:
" Although politically opposed to Gen. Butler, we
have the utmost confidence in his personal conrage
and chivalric bearing; and regard the imputation of
cowardice thus cast upon him as destitute of foun•
dation. We have long known him by reputation,
though not personally, and have yet to hear from
those who know him best, the first suspicion of un
soldier-like conduct. But a few weeks since an old
soldier, who served with Butler in the last war, en
tertained us, while we were preparing his pension
papers, with an account of Butler's gallant conduct
throughout the war. "I tell you," said he, as he
closed, "I am a good Whig, and didn't vote for
him for Governor, and never would, because he's a
Democrat—but there's no braver man than Billy
Butler on the face of the earth."
Oz:r The Lewistown Gazette says that
R. RUSH FRANKS, Esq., of Lewistown,
will be a candidate for Transcribing
Clerk of the House of Representatives;
and that ffm. T. Wiison, formerly of
this place, will be a candidate for the
office of Doorkeeper of the same body.
Both these gentlemen have our best
wishes for their success.
The election was held in Massachu
setts on the 9th inst., and the resnit is
worthy of the descendants of men who,
in other days, evinced their devotion to
American interests at Concord, Lexing
ton and Bunker Hill. The British Ta
riff of 1846 receives no countenance at
their hands. The ENTIRE DELEGA
TION to Congress is WHIG ! Winth
rop, in Boston, has a majority of 2,987
over all others. In three districts there
was a failure to elect. The vacancies
will be supplied by good Whigs.
Gov. BRIGGS (N hig) is re-elected
by from 10 to 15,000! There will be
no Locofocos in the State Senate—the
Whigs having elected the ENTIRE
FORTY ! To the House, so far as heard
from, the Whigs have elected 80 mem
bers, the Locos 6, and the Liberty men
2. There can be no mistaking the mean
ing of such a result.
lowa, too, is coming! The first elec
tion was held in this State on the 26th
ult. The far-off State is, in the earli
ness of its existence, treading in the
true political path, and the voice of her
people is made known in favor of Whig
doctrines. The Whigs, there, have done
nobly—and the result is, that in all pro
bability, they have elected their Gover
nor, Mr. McNight, and a majority to
both branches of the Legislature, which
secures the election of two WHIG U.
S. SENATORS, for six years.
The result of the election in this State
is not yet fully ascertained; but the be
lief is, that it has gone Locofoco, by a
largely decreased majority.
The election in this State, held on the
10th inst., has resulted in the election
of a Whig Congressman and a Whig
majority in both branches of the Legis
lature, which secures the re-eiection of
a Whig U. S. Senator.
The Locos have elected their Gover
nor, Mr. Thorp, owing to some local
pa- The returns from the interior of
New York, indicate that the new Con
stitution has been adopted by the Peo
ple by a very large majority.
NEXT CONGRESS.—The Whigs will have
a large majority in the next Congress—
a cotemporary thinks not less than . 3o.
A few weeks ago, the Washington Union
figured out a large majority for the Lo
As the "Democratic Arch" tumbles
to pieces under the pressure of Free
trade and the British Tariff; the Whig
Pyramid rises in beautiful proportions,
fair to look upon, and making glad the
hearts of all true friends of American
• lOWA.
MONTEREY.—Lieut. Little of the U.
S. Infantry, writes thus to his friends
in Baltimore, of the beauty of Monte
rey :—This is indeed a most beautiful
place, and some of the gardens almost
come up to my idea of Eastern magnifi
cence. They abound in delicious fruits,
and we revel in oranges, pomegranates,
grapes, &c. The view from one of the
hills is one of the finest sights I ever
saw. The valley in which this town is
built, extends for nearly thirty or forty
miles, and looks like a beautiful garden.
GEN. VEGA.—The Washington Union
confirms the recent statement, that Gen.
Vega is to be exchanged for Capt. Car
penter and the crew of the Truxton ;
and says that our Government has agreed
to the exchange, and that Gen. Scott has
issued orders for the release of Vega and
his officers.
ALL Losr !—The Carlisle Volunteer
says in the last election the Locos "lost
all but honor." Upon which the Car
lisle Herald hints that the "honor" was
lost before the election, when the Kane
letter was promulgated,and banners were
waved for the Tariff of 1842.
[Reported for the Journal,]
Court of Quarter Sessions.
The following Commonwealth cases
came before the Court last week, and
were disposed of as follows :
William Couch, indicted for not keep
ing the shute of his dam in navigable
order. Plea, not guilty. Verdict, not
guilty, and that Martin Orlady is the
prosecutor and shall pay the costs.
Samuel Peightal, indicted for an as
sault and battery on John Hight, in Bar
ree township; true bill. Plea, not guilty.
Verdict, not guilty, and Wm. R. Smith,
the prosecutor to pay the costs.
Nathaniel G. Chilcote, indicted for a
misdemeanor—secreting property to save
it from execution, in Springfield town
ship ; true bill. Plea, not guilty. Ver
dict, not guilty, and the county to pay
the costs.
Nathaniel G. Chilcote and Alexander
Richardson, indicted for secreting prop
erty, &c. ; true bill. Plea, not guilty.
Verdict, not guilty, and the county to
pay the costs.
James McKean, indicted for the lar
ceny of four saw-mill saws, the property
of John McComb, in Union township ;
true bill found at last August Sessions.
Plea, not guilty. Verdict, not guilty,
and the defendant to pay the costs. The
Court received the first part of the ver
dict and rejected the latter part, the jury
having no jurisdiction over the costs.
Henry Sturtsman, indicted for Mali
cious Mischief, in breaking a window of
the dwelling of Dennis Buoy, in Hunt
ingdon ; true bill. Plea, not guilty.
Verdict, guilty. Sentence, that he pay
a fine of $l.OO, costs of prosecution,
and be confined in the Jail of the county
for ono week.
Walker's Financiering,
The following paragraph from a letter
of the Washington correspondent of the
Baltimore American, presents the hon
esty and financial talent of the great
champion of Free Trade and Low wages,
in a striking light.
I must ask your attention also to
the Quarterly and Monthly statements
of the Secretary of the Treasury, and
recommend the most careful vigilance
to the monetary transactions of the Gov
ernment. The official paper affects to
recommend a most rigid observance of
the Sub-Treasury law, but in making
the heaviest payments of the Govern
ment the law is not observed at all. The
Army are paid not in gold and silver,
but in bank notes, in drafts upon distant
cities, which they cannot convert into
specie, or in Treasury notes bearing
one mill interest per annum, for which
nobody at a distance from a loan office
or a Custom House will give specie or
specie funds in exchange. The law of
Congress does not require this, and it
lhas been done in the foolish anticipation
of making these notes a currency. But
in the month of September and a part
of August, of the notes issued under
the act of July 224 1 4;1,953,000 were
received back, into The Treasury, and of
the entire issues at this rate of interest,
' but few can remain long outstanding.—
, From the monthly statement of the
Treasurer one would suppose that the
Government had abundant means at corn
mand,and yet it is notoriously delinquent,
at the least, in the prompt payment of
its obligations. If Congress is just to
the country and to itself it will, among
its first acts, make a most rigid over
hauling of both the Treasury and War
learn from the officers of the steamer
Mendota, which boat arrived last even
ing, that the steamer Sam Seay, from
this port, laden with flour, &c., and
bound for New Orleans, struck a snag
about 4 o'clock last Sunday afternoon,
at the foot of Dogtooth Bend, and sunk
in a few minutes nearly to the top of
the wheel house. No lives were lost,
and the passengers were taken off by
the steamer Matamora. The books and
papers of the office, and part of the cabin
furniture, were got out, but the boat and
bargo will be a total loss. The snag
struck the boat in the bow, and raked
her for twenty feet, tearing off her bot
tom planks, and she sunk so suddenly,
that her passengers had barely time to
reach the hurricane roof. When the
Mendota left her on Monday, she had
settled, and at the stern the hurricane
roof was just above the surface of the
water ; forward, the water was three or
four feet deep on the cabin floor. The
boat, we learn, was owned principally
by Captain Greenlee, her commander,
and was insured in Pittsburg for eight
thousand dollars. The diving bell,
which lay at Fort Pitt, a short distance
above, was sent to her, to try and get
out the machinery.—St. Louis Lepub
OUTRAGE.—The Philadelphia Spirit of
the Times says :—‘, On Friday evening
last, between 7 and 8 o'clock, and just
before the night train of cars arrived at
the head of the Inclined Plane at the
Schuylkill, the rope was very fortunate
ly discovered to have been cut in two.
We fail to find language sufficiently
strong to express our abhorrence of the
wretch who, for the purpose of gratify
ing a malevolent disposition, or for any
other cause, could so far forget his duty
as a citizen and the cause of humanity,
as to jeopardize the lives of hundreds of
unoffending citizens. We learn that the
rope appeared to be cut with an axe."
From Scott's Weekly Paper.
KET, &c., &c.
The steamer Britannia arrived at Bos
ton on the Bth, from Liverpool, whence
she sailed on the 20th ult., after a stormy
passage of 171 days.
As usual, the telegraphic wires were
severed by the speculators, but the agent
in Boston was not to be deterred by this
accident, but despatched a special ex
press on to New York, which arrived
simultaneously with the telegraphic des
The intelligence is highly important
in a political as well as a commercial
point of view.
The deplorable condition of Ireland
engrosses public attention in the British
Islands. The famine continues to spread
over that unfortunate country. Diseases
of a malignant type are also adding to
the horrors of the scene.
Indian corn has advanced 2s. on the
Bonded flour has advanced ls. per
barrel, since advices per last steamer.
The price of grain is rapidly rising
in all the European ports, and supplies
for Great Britain, as well as for the
continent, must come from the U. States
and Canada.
A rumor has been prevalent during
the week, and seems to gain ground
rather than otherwise, that the English
government has in contemplation to open
the ports for the admission of all kinds
ofgrain, duty free.
England is getting corn from Van Die.
man's Land.
The repeal of the malt tax is agi
The money market is depressed, par
tially in consequence of the prospective
withdrawal of bullion to America.
The marriages of the Queen of Spain
and her sister have been consummated
without producing anything more seri
ous than protests from England and one
or two European powers, against the al
liance with France.
The Epoque expects to see the oppo
sition acting as in the case of Texas.—
It adds—" In the affair of California, as
in the affair of Texas, the interests of
France and England are identical, and
the two governments, we are convinced,
will act therein with the same under
standing as has for the last six years
presided over their relations."
The enteute cordiale between Franco
and England is at an end. Henceforth
the two powers move independent of/
each other. France joins Spain with a
view to the re-conquest of Spanish Ame
The Steamer Great Britain lies in 12
feet water between two rocks. It is
thought this noble vessel will not sus
tain much more damage than she already
has. Hopes are entertained of getting
her off:
Mr. Bancroft, the newly appointed
Minister from the United States, in the
room of Mr. McLane, accompanied by
his lady, has arrived in London, from
New York.
Lord A g in, the new Governor Gene
ral of Canada, it has been stated, will
take his departure for. Canada next month
—but up to Oct. 19th, nothing had been
officially announced.
The Steamship Cambria from Boston,
arrived at Liverpool on the 14th of Oc
Cotton has advanced full three-eights
of a penny per pound on an average.—
The Liverpool market closed with an 1
upward tendency. Orleans 41 a 6d, and
Mobile 41 a 61, are the extreme quota
tions for ordinary and fair qualities.
The Journal de Havre says the French
frigate l'Andromede, and sloops of war
Blonde, Pylade, Mercere, and steamer
Tonnere, under the command of Admi
ral Laplace, are bound and will soon
sail for the Gulf of Mexico.
In relation to the intended expedition
against some of the South American re
publics, the Journal de Havre states that
all the forces yet raised by Gen. Flores,
consist of some 500 Spaniards and exiles
from Quito and Guayaquil, but that many
thousands of Irish are expected to join
11,.. STRAYED OR STOLEN, from the
premises of the subscriber, on or about
the 13th of October last, a likely appren
tice named PENNSYLVANIA. Had on at
the time of the departure, a complete
drab suit of clothes, somewhat the
worse for wear. There were also in his
pockets sundry promises to pay, mostly
due in England, of no possible use even
to the owner. A reward of SO per cent.
in coal and iron will be paid for the re
turn of the delinquent, before April next.
Secretary of State.
Eagle of a late date, says :- 46 We learn
from a gentleman who came up the
river with several officers of the Ohio
Volunteers, that it was rumored at Car
mar, just before the officers left, that
Maj. Gen. Patterson has ordered the ar
rest of Brig. Gen. Marshall, and direct
ed Col. B. Peyton to leave Carmago im
D.- "Worth" makes the man, ..Impu
dio the fellow," is a new reading of an
old line,