Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 11, 1846, Image 3

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The brig Cybellt I pt. Merrill, arri
ved at Savannah on e 29th ult., bring
ing advices from Havana to the 20th,—
We are indebted to the Savannah Geor
gian for extras, containing the accounts
of the effects of the dreadful Gale of
the 10th ult. The recent gale experi
enced all along the Southern Coast, was
also felt with much violence at Havana,
and did considerable injury to the city,
and to the shipping in port. It was one
of the most severe gales that has been
experienced at that Island for many years
To Mr. Wells, the mate of the brig
Mohawk, wrecked at Havana in the gale,
who came passenger in the Cybclla, we
are indebted for the following particu
lars :
During the hurricane the city was very
dangerous from large sheets of lead and
tile pots blown down from the tops of the
houses ; these lay about in every direc
tion, and were in many instances carried
by the wind to a great distance. The
beautiful Palmetto end other trees which
adorned the Garernoro Square, were
broken and torn down, even the lamp
posts, &c. The wind was strongest
about nine,o'clock, at which time it shift
ed suddenly to the N. W. and blew with
terrific violence. The air was filled with
dense clouds of 'spoon drift' on salt spray,
which it was impossible to face. This
spray was carried for half a league into
the country, and deluged the houses, en
tering the crevice and flooding the streets
The surf and spray was seen to dash
high over the lanterns of the light house
on the Moro Castle.
Many houses were blown down or
unroofed, and among them the Tacon
Theatre, which was partially unroofed
and received other damage. The streets
were nearly deserted, except by occa
sional detachments of soldiers, ordered
to different posts, to give assistance
where it was needed.
The beautiful Passao, the fashionable
drive of the citizens, suffered in its
shrubs, trees, plants, and after the hur
ricane, many were forcibly detained to
assist in moving the rubbish and ruins
from the streets. An occasional pedes
trian might be seen flying faster than he
appeared willing to go, borne by the ir
resistible force of the wind, which
swept through the long, narrow streets
with incredible force.
But the wharves presented the most
disastrous spectacle—ships, barques,
brigs, and schooners, some crowded on
top of the others, three tier deep, sunk,
wrecked, dismasted, or totally crushed
to pieces, with the owners, captains and
sailors, gazing upon the scene of des
truction. Some vessels known to be in
the harbor previous to the hurricane,
have disappeared, and their fate left to
conjecture. A a nothing could be seen,
a furlong's length, owing to the shower
of spray and drift which filled the air,
and as the wind blew nearly into har
bor, they could not have gone out, but
the sad spectacle of masts, spars, yards,
and pieces of wrecks which strewed the
harbors, proved that they must have
drifted into each other and sunk or gone
to pieces. The numerous men of war
were driven ashore and dismasted.
It is not known bow many lives were
lost, but bodies were seen floating in the
) harbor in the different dresses of sea
men in the merchant and naval services.
The brig Mohawk, from New Found
land, went ashore at Punta Fort, and
was exposed to the heaviest part of the
hurricane. The crew escaped by the
lines being let down from the fort to the
wreck, by which they ascended to the
walls of the Fort.
News from the interior stated that
the sugar crops were very much injur
ed, and in many instances ruined. A
continuance of fine weather might re
.such as was not totally lost ; the
coffee plants were also seriously dam
aged. The gale towards Cardenas was
not quite so violent.
Fears were entertained regarding se-'
veral vessels which sailed the day pre
ceding the hurricane.
The Governor had issued permission
to such as had their houses damaged, to
rebuild with Wood—a privilege hitherto
denied them under such circumstances.
••His Excellency was seen riding with
his suite the day following the hurri
cane, to estimate the damage done. He
'was every where received with marks
.of respect by the citizens.
The captain of a brig, whose name we
did not learn, died on the 13th, from
wounds received during the gale.
The hurricane commenced about 12
o'clock on the 10th, and was at its
height at 9 o'clock on the 11th.
Capt. Merrill reports the following
vessels sunk, ashore, dismasted, &c., at
Havana, in the hurricane of the 10th ult.
The barque Rapid, of New York, sunk
at her anchors, has been got up, and
would load in a few days for N. York.
Barque lowa, of Baltimore, went
ashore—was got off after discharging,
with little injury.
Ship Madeline, of and from N. York,
arrived on the 9th, sunk next day, and
would be sold.
Ship Child Harold, of N. York, Cros-
by, from Guayaquil, badly damaged--
was taking in cargo of sugar for New
Ship Kludara of New York, will be a
total loss. S he was a new ship, about
16 months old. _ _
Ship Madeline, Shankland, of Phila
delphia, just arrived from New Orleans
Brig Echo, Smith, of Newport—sunk.
Brig Lisbon, of Newport, injured
about $lOOO.
Brig Mohawk, Crocker, sunk—cargo
and vessel total loss—was sold for $4OO.
Brig Oak had been ashore on the
rocks—lost her fore-mast and main-top-
Brig Willinoket, of Boston, badly da
maged, having had her stern knocked
off, probably would be condemned.
Brig Titi badly damaged,—had her
side stoved in and fore top-mast ; was
repaired, and would sail in a few days
for New Orleans.
Brig Cumberland, of New York, bad
ly injured, and was condemned.
Sehr. Planet, Jacobs, sunk, condemn
ed, and sold for 4310.
Seim Merchant, of Charleston, Rean,
Capt. Crosby, of the ship Childe Ha
rold, died at Havana, on the 13th ult. of
inflammation of the bowels.
The brig Maria L. Hill, of Dennis,
Capt. Chase, from Georgetown, D. C.,
bound to Kingston, Ja., went down in a
gale of wind on the 16th ult., in lat. 30,
lon. 72. Captain and crew were taken
off by Capt. Sprague, of the brig Smyr
na, and carried. into Havana.
The editors of the Georgian have
been favored with the following letter,
which gives some additional particu
HAVANA, Oct. 17, 1846
We have to announce with deep re
gret, that we have again been visited
with a terrific hurricane, far more des
tructive in its effects upon the shipping
in the harbor, than that of 1844. It
commenced on the evening of the 10th,
and lasted until 11 o'clock the next day.
Out of 104 sailing vessels, steamers and
vessels of war in our port, all but 12
have been sunk, wrecked, dismasted, or
otherwise severely injured ; besides
which, 40 or 50 coasting vessels were
destroyed. In the city and environs,
the injury to the buildings, trees, &c.,
has been immense, and many lives have
been lost. The accounts from thecoun
try are as yet incomplete in the informa
tion, and vary a great deal. In some
districts the damage both to the sugar
cane and the buildings on the estates
has been immense; in others it has been
somewhat lighter. The total diminution
of the crop in consequence of this calam
ity, will no doubt be very considerable,
though we have not data enough as yet
to make an estimate. Much will also
depend on the weather we have for some
weeks to come.
The greater part of the Coffee crop
has perished, and almost all the planta
tion trees have been rooted up, and
fields of rice destroyed, whereby much
suffering will be occasioned, and imports
of provisions from abroad will be requi
red to a greater extent.
Our Government have published an
order permitting small foreign vessels
suited for the coasting trade, to be trans
ferred to the Spanish flag. Such vessels
should be of light draught, with a good
capacity for storage.
No announcement has yet been made
of any reductions of duties upon articles
of necessity. It is doubtful if any relief
will be afforded in that way.
Brig Venezuela, Fowler, lost both
masts close to the deck. _ _
A French frigate went ashore but
will probably be got off with consider
able damage. Also, a French sloop-of
war was driven ashore on the morning
of the 11th, and will be a total loss, and
a French man-of-war steamer much dam
aged, being dismasted,
A Spanish man-of-war brig, sunk at
her anchors, and will be a total loss,
one went ashore, and 3 were slightly in-
The steamers Montezuma and Guad
aloupe are ashore.
The Havana Prices Current, of the
18th ultimo, in summing up the list of
disasters to the shipping, gives the fol
lowing result :
Ships sunk, 11 ; dismasted, 4 ; much
damaged, 8 ; safe, 4 ; total, 27. Brigs
sunk, 19; dismasted, 12 ; much dam
aged, 14 ; safe, 4 ; total, 49. Schrs.
sunk, 7 ; dismasted, 3 ; much damaged,
2; safe, 1 ; total, 13.
Steamers lost, Natchez, Tacon, Vil- 1
lanueva. Coasters sunk, upwards of 45.
had been received at Havana, from Ma-'
tanzas, which represents the gale to'
have been very severe, but not so des
tructive to the shipping. Although
every vessel in port was driven ashore,
they were got off without much damage,
with the exception of the Nicholas
Brown, of Providence, and schr. Gen.
Warren, which are considered as totally
lost. The latter was to have been sold
on the 19th ult
The American barque Merlin, Good
hue, which cleared on the 9th, for
Cowes, was still in port, and was one of
those that drifted ashore.
[D- A villain lately entered the room
of Senator CoRWIN, at the Pearl street
House, Cincinnati, by means of false
keys, and robbed him of his gold watch
and 4427 in money.
Ashland and its Occupant.
The Philadelphia " North American"
contains several letters from its popular
correspondent, " INDEPENDENT," dated
at various points in the West. One
comes from Lexington, Ky., the home
of " HARRY OF THE WEST," and tells of
.dshland and its Occupant." Speaking
of the Tariff Mr. CLAY said :
" Let the question be between the
Whig Tariff of 1842 and the Democratic
Tariff of 1846. One is a positive good
which the people have felt—the other
will as surely prove a positive evil,
which they have yet to realize. Let
your cry be RESTORATION," and so,
remarks the correspondent, in God's
name say I, and so I hope will every
Whig from Maine to Texas, until our
standard is once more unfurled ilLvictory
from the east portico of the IVpitol.
IWe want no modifications—no compro
mise—no half-way schemes. The true
and fair policy of Protection is to assist
the infant manufactures that are now
struggling for existence as they were
when the first act of Congress was pas
sed. We know that old established in
stitutions with large capital, immense
resources and the ability to apply every
improvement in machinery, can, on a
particular class of articles, submit to a
slight reduction, which, if applied to
other branches of industry, would not
only overwhelm them in ruin, but tend
to fix a monopoly in the hands of wealth.
Let us have a fixed and tangible idea,
such as the comprehension of the work
ing man can grasp—such as he will un
derstand by the difference in the price
of his daily labor under the two systems.
That is to be found in our Whig Tariff,
which the Locofoco Administration that
Pennsylvania put in power has uprooted.
Let our cry then be—zzsrozAnoN—
Ren►ains of Commodore Decatur.
The remains of the late Commodore I
Stephen Decatur were removed from
Washington on Tuesday 27th ult., to
Philadelphia, where they were received
with appropriate ceremonies and re-in
terred with military and civil honors, in
the grave yard of St. Peter's Protestant
Episcopal Church. A monument is to
be erected over them. The re-interment
took place from the residence of Major
Twiggs, at the Navy Yard, on Thursday
29th ultimo. The funeral procession
consisted of the Volunteer companies of
I the city and county ; the Reverend Cler
gy, the Officers of the Army Navy, and
Marine Corps, and the Officers of the
Militia, not on duty, with their respec
tive corps, the Pensioners at the United
States. Naval Asylum, and seamen who
have served under the deceased Commo
dore ; the Judges of the United States
and State Courts, the Mayor, Recorder,
and civil authorities of the city and
adjoining districts, the Society of the
Cincinnati, of which the deceased was
a member, the Ship Masters of the port,
and citizens.—Christian Chronicle.
KEEPING SHADY.—The worthy patri
arch of the Washington Union is very
oblivious and mysterious about the re
sult of the New York election. He says:
" We publish the returns as rapidly
as we receive them. They are, of course,
at first vague and unofficial. We shall
wait patiently for the returns. We may
not be able to ascertain the result, until
we have returns from the distant coun
ties of New York, which may not arrive
before Sunday."
Somehow, the mails arc every back
ward in conveying to the official organ
important news. The Magnetic Tel
egraph, too, is of no use to the Union.—
It cannot ascertain the result.—Daily
To ova READERS.—Among our adver
tisements published this day, the reader
will discover additional evidence of the
great value of Wistar's Balsam of Wild''
We allude to the testimonial of John
Wimer, in reference to the remarkable
recovery of Mrs. Wimer, from an al
most hopeless consumptive disease.
The genuine Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry is wholly an innocent prepara
tion—contains rare medicinal virtues—
and is now prescribed by many of our
most skilful physicians. Persons pre
disposed to consumption have used it
with the happiest success; also for bad
coughs originating from violent colds, it
is a sure and speedy remedy, and is now
used by the most intelligent families of
our country. Sold by T. Read & Son,
Huntingdon. Price $1 per bottle.
0:7- The New Orleans Delta defines
a kiss to be a gentle concussion of the
lips, the sensation produced depending
altogether on the magnetic influence na
turally pervading the parties kissing.
CONSOLING—VERY! — To receive a let
ter, postage unpaid, expecting a remit
tance, but finding a dun!
Spruce Creek die Waterstreet Turn
pike Company.
I 11HE Books will he opened to receive subscriptions
of Stock of the said Company on Monday the
14th day of December next. at the house of Abra
ham Moyer, at Waterat. eet, R. F. Haslet, Grays
port, Colerain Forge Office ; Samuel J acobs, (3 rays
ville ; and Samuel H. Stover, near Baileysville—
At which time and places sonic of the Commis
sioners will attend and receive subscriptions from all
persona of lawful age, for the apace of six days.
John B. My tinger, John S.lsett, David Stewart,
S. H.: , lover, J. P. Lyon. Martin Gates,
Samuel Wigton, IL P. Heiden, James Travis,
new 11-tf. Commissional.
The alarkets.
FLOUR & MEAL—The market for Breadetuffs
has stiffened since the close of lest week, and hold
er. of Flour realized on advance of 6 a 123 c. the
bbl; sales up to Wednesday inclusive reach some
0500 bide at ss3l} a $5 37$ for standard Western
and Penn'a brand., all taken for export, mostly at
the latter price, including 1500 bids condemned at
$4 25, and good and extra brand. at $5 50 $5 75 ;
subsequently the want of further news from Eng
land limited transactions in some measure, and
smut 5000 bbls sold at $5 31$ a $5 375, princi
pally to-day at the highest rate, including good
brands at $5 44 a $5 50—the market closing with a
tolerable degree of firmneva at $5 37$ for standard
brands, with fair receipt. Free .ales are making
for city consumption at $5 37$ ass 30 for fair and
good blonds, $5 75 a $6 is paid for extra and fancy
family flour. CORN M Ext., the demand has impro
ved, and the week's asks have been fully 5000 bids
Penn'a at $3 50 a 3 60, mostly at the latter price.
RTE From, scarce and a few small lots sold at $4:
Exports of the week 8824 Ws flour, 1448 bids
corn meal, 100 bbls rye flour, and 100 bbls ship
GRATN—The demand for wheat has improved.
and receipts of the last few days large. Sales early
in the week of about 20,000 bushelanearly all Penn
sylvania redo at 103 a 106 c ; White 110 a 115 c,
and prime Southern 100 a 103 c. 41, ithin the last
two days upwards of 25,000 bushels.sold at impro
ved rates; prime Reds 109 a 110 c. and White 115
a 117 c, including a choice lot a t 1 18c. Some hold
era prefer storing. Ryx—Small lots of Penn'a sell
on arrival, at 78c. Corers—The market has been
depressed for the past week, and several cargoes
Southern Yellow sold at 62 a 66; White 65c; old
and new mixed 60c; Pa brings 66 a 67; OATS in
requCst at improved rates, and sales of 18 a 20,000
bushels, mostly Southern, are reported at 30 a 33c,
closing at the latter price. Exports of the week
1 8609 bushels Wheat, and 12,87Td0 Corn.
SEEDS.—Free sales of Flaxseed, and about 25-
,00 bushels sold at 130 a 133 e. Cloverseed meets
with more enquiry, and sales range at $3 50 a $4
las in quality. Timothy, no sales, we quote at $2 a
IRON.—The market for all kinds more firm, with
the prices of common quality a little up, and stocks
getting light ; wo are advised of sales of 800 tons
chiefly Pig at $24 a $29 for Anthracite, and $2B a
$32 for Charcoal; small sales of Boiler Plates 5 a
s#c; Bar $75 a $80; American Sheet $l4O, and
Russia 12 a 13c44111 an time.
On Wednesday, the 4th inst., by the
Rev. D. McKinney, Mr. U. J. JONES to
In Philadelphia, on the 29th ult., by
the Rev. James L. Schock, Mr. J. KNABB,
editor of the B. & S. Journal, to Miss
ELLEN C. ANDREWS, of Philadelphia.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
fPHE subscriber will offer for sale, on the pre
mises, on MONDAY, the 30th day of No
vember next, at public outcry, that valuable Farm,
adjoining the town of Warriornmark, Huntingdon
county, Pa., containing 115 acres more or less—
one hundred acres of whirls are cleared, and in a
high state of cultivation, chiefly all under post and
rail fence. There is 10 acres of timothy meadow,
equal to any in the State. Also, an Ore Bank, of
an excellent quality, now used and occupied by the
Union Furnace Company—a large, commodious
house, which has been used as a house of public en- 1
tertoinment for the last 25 years—a large Barn,'
with necessary stabling for a Public I.rti, Waggon
Shed, Corn House, Carriage House, Straw House,
and all other necessary buildings, fixed up in the
most convenient style. Also, a good Smith Shop,
and Dwelling House attached to the property.
Also, in the town, two Lots, with a at. earn of
warer running through them, with a Two Story
House, Smith Shop, Stable, &c. erected thereon,
for which there can be an indisputable title given,
Also, on TUESDAY, the let day of December,
I will sell on the premises, in Bald Eagle Valley,
Blair county, Two Tracts of 'Woodland, contain
ing 209 acres, more or less, of which 7 acres are
in meadow, and yields an abundant crop of gross.
There is a strong stream of water running througlt
both Tracts of said land, with a new Saw Mill,
three good Houses, a Bank Barn, fire., thereon
Terms made known on days of sale, when and
where the subscriber will be prepared to show his
papers and titles to any person or persons who
wish to buy. Possession can be given on the first
of April, 1847. THOMAS WALLACE.
Warriorsmark, Nov. 11, 1846.31
HAS just teceived, and now o ff ers to the pub
lic, at his old stand in Main street, directly
opposite the residence of Mrs. Alneon, as largo a
stock of
as has ever been offered to the public in this place,
and at cheaper prices than any other store in the
His assortment is complete—having almost every
article in the line of business, among which are
Cheap Cloths, C assinetts, Flannels, Blan
kets, Coatings, Cloakings, Cash
meres, at prices that
cannot fail to please.
cCr The attention of the ladies is particularly
invited to a large and beautiful selection of
„77 g ,
which have been purchased with an eye single to
their taste. Call and examine, and judge for
yourselves, and if we cannot please, we will be
pleased to see you.
ALso—A general assortment of Gro
ceries, Queensware, Hardware,
Boots and Shoes, Hats,
Caps, &c. &c.
The highest price paid for Country
Dr. S. would most respectfully tender his thanks
to his former customers, and hopes by prompt at
tention to business, and by selling a LurTLE cutup
' ea than others, to secure an ittcreaso of public
patronage. [Huntingdon, Nov. 4-If
Estate of Martin Graffius, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen
tary on the hurt Will and Testament of said
dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All
persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate
are requested to nook° immediate payment, ar•.d
those having claims against the same, are requested
to present them duly authenticated. for settlement,
nov 11-61. Executors.
A COMPETENT TEACHER, to take charge
ti of a public school, in the borough of Shirloye
burg, on or about the let of December next. By
order of the School Directors,
noell-at] JAMES R MSI.; Y, Soey.
An Act to provide fur the Reduction of the Pub ,
lic Debt, approved April 22, 1846.
To assmasonis.
rpHE following sections of the act entitled "An
1 Act to provide for the redaction of the Public
Debt," approved 224 April, 1845, are published
by the Commissioners of Huntingdon county, for
the information of the several Assessors
St c. 3. It shall hereafter be the duty of each
assessor within this commonwealth, at the time of
making the eamessmente in his ward, borough or
township, to require every person, every firm and
partnership, and the president, secretary, cashier or
treasurer of every company or corporate body sub
ject to taxation therein, to deliver hint a statement in
writing, or partly printed and portly written, shew
ing the aggregate amount of money duo and owing
by solvent debtors to such person, partnership, firm,
company, or corporate body, whether on mortgage,
judgment, decree, bond, note, contract, Agreement,
accounts and settlements in the orphans' courts and
courts of common pleas, and other accounts, ex
cepting executory contracts and agreements, where
possession has not been delivered to the vendee,
under such contracts or agreements, and excepting
notes, contracts, or accounts for work or labor done,
and bank notes, whether payable on demand, or at
say specified time, past, present or future, or whe
ther the time of payment be specified or not, arid
whether containing art agreement to pay interest or
not, whether written or verbal; and also the amount
of all shares or stock held or owned by such per
son, company, firm or corporate body, its any bank,
institution or company, now or hereafter incorpo
rated in pursuance of any law of any other state
or government, and all public bonne or stocks what
ever, except those Matted by this commonwealth,
and all money loaned or invested on interest in any
other state, and the several items aforesaid, cornpo.
sing such aggregate: Provided, Thin this section
shall not be continued to require any statement of
notes discounted or negotiated, or held by cny bunk
ing institution.
Ssc. 4. Each person, the president, secretary,
or treasurer of each company, anti Some member of
each firm or partnership, front whom statement may
be required under the pre,cdtng sections shall,
within fifteen days after being so required by the
assessors respectively, make out and deliver to such
assessor the statement or statements aforesaid; and
the person making such statement or statements
shall certify, over his proper signature, that the same
is true and correct: and if any such person, mem
ber of a firm or partnership, or officer of such com
pany or corporation, shall refuse or neglect to fur
nish such a statement as is required by the provis
ions of this act, the assessor she!! proceed to make
out, from the best means ho may be able to obtain,
a statement or statements of money or stock spe
cified in the preceding sections, owned by such per
son, film, partnership, company or corporation.
Sec. 5. In • case any person, company, firm or
corporate body, shall not exhibit and set forth in
any statement made in pursuance of this act. the
the full aggregate amount of his, her, their or its
money and stock, as required by the preceding sec
tions of this act, such person, company, firm or cor
porate body, shall forfeit and pay a sum of one hun
dred I 'onus. which shall be recoverable by any per
son suing for the same in the name of the com
monwealth, us debts of like amount are by law re
coverable; one-half of which sum when so recov
ered, shall be paid to the proper county treasurer.
for the use of the commonwealth, and the other
half to the person at whoseinstance such suit shall
or may be commenced and prosecuted to recovery ;
and nothing in this act shall be construcd to require
that any statement hereinbefore mentioned. shall
exhibit more or other facts than the whole or aggre
-1 gent amount of the money or stock specified in the
; said preceding section.
"gKe. 6. Each assessor shall, at the time he is
required to make return to the County Commis
sioners of other property assessed by him, make re
tut n of the statements received and mode by him,
in pursuance of the provisions of this act •
And in case any person, any member of any firm
or partnership, any president, secretary, cashier or
treasurer of any company or corporate body, shall
refuse or neglect to make any statement as hereinhe
fore required, the county commissioners shall add to
the amount returned by the proper assessor, of mo
ney and stock as aforesaid, owned by any such per
son, company, firm or corporate body, an amount
equal to fifty per centum thereon, and shall then
proceed to levy the tax aforesaid, upon the whole
amount thereof.
Huntingdon, Novr. 4,1846.3 t
To Assessors,
The principal Assessors of the sever-
al Townships within the county of Hun
tingdon, elected at the Spring Election
held in March last, are requested to at
tend at the Commissioners Office, on
Monday the 9th day of November next,
to receive their blank book, and instruc
tions•for making the approaching trien
nial assessment.
oct2B-t 1.
.1 - ew Jewelry Establishment.
THE subscribers beg leave
to announce to the people of
ir„ -
a this and adjoining counties,
(.$) that they have just received
from Philadelphia, a splendid
assortment of the finest and
A _ most fashionable JEWELRY,
which they have opened out, and oiler for sale on
JACOB 1111LLE WS CORNER," in Market
Square. The assortment consists of every variety
of breast pins, finger rings, car rings, bracelets, lock
ets, guard keys, gold and silver pencils, silver thim
bles, shirt studs, pen knives of the finest quality,
curd cases, all varieties of visiting cards, note paper
and letter envelopes, steel clasps for bags and purses,
also silk and beads for making the latter article,
spy glasses. razors, tooth and hair brushes, silk
purses, pocket books, spectacles, tablo mad tea
, spoons, all kinds of fancy sealing wax, wafers and
wafer stamps, segar cases, accordions, fancy boxes,
perfumery, powder flasks, butter knives, steel pens
of the best quality, Chapman 's magic razor strops,
violin strings, motto seals, wafers, pearl knives for
folding and cutting paper. &e. &c. The above ar
ticles will be sold to suit the times—very cheap!
The undersigned have also purchased a sett of
tools for repairing watches, which, when operated
I with by a person of science, cannot fail to give en.
I tire satisfaction to all who may have the kindness
to entrust them with their work. All clock and
watch repairing dune with care and despatch—and
warry,led ! H. K. NEFF & BRO.
Huntingdon Nov. 4-3 m
Stray Cattle.
CAME to the residence of the subscriber, real
, , ding in Berme township, Hunting
ti t don county, about the lest of Au
\'4 t )
. gust, fi ve head of Cattle-3 cows
‘l lllll . l ‘ and 2 heifer.. Also, about the mid
dle of September, three more—of which two are
cows, and one heifer. _
I desire the owners to come forward, prove pro
perty, pay charges, and take tnern away. otherwise
they will be sold according to law.
no , 1-30 J SAMUEL MYTON, Jr.
ed that, for the cure of coughs, colds,
consumptions asthma, spitting of hood,
pain and oppression of the breast, there
is nothing equal to Hance's Compound
Syrup of Horehound.
This medicine has now been in use
for six years, during which time there
hss been a constant demand for it, and
its popularity, instead of declining, has
beeen always on the increase,
During this time many new medicines
have sprung up for the cure of the above
complaints, some of which lasted only a
few months, and others not as long; but
Hance's Syrup has readily gone on gain
ing favor with all classes of society, un
til it has now become identified by many
families as a
To those who have never used the
Compound Syrup of Horehound, this no
tice is particularly directed to, as those
who have once experieficed its peculiar
ly happy effects, any praise of its merits
would be superfluous.
Price 50 cts. per bottle, or 6 bottles
for $2 50. For sale by Seth S. Hance,
108 Baltimore st., and corner of Charles
and Pratt streets, Balt. [novl-y
AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Huntingdon;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer
& Flood, Williamsburg; %.% Buc h •
anan, Mill Creek ; A. 0. Browne, Shir
HANCE'S Sarsaparilla Vegetable or
Blood Pills.—Fifty pills in a box , —
The cheapest and best medicine in ex
istence—for purifying the blood, remov
ing bile, correcting disorders of the stt?
mach and bowels, costiveness, dyspep
sia, swimming in the head, &c. Per
sons of a full habit, who are subject to
headache, giddiness ; drowsiness, and
singing in the ears, arising from too
great a flow of blood in the head, should
never be without them, as many danger
ous symptoms will be entirely carried
off by their immediate use.
Read the following wonderful 'cure of
This is to certify that my wife was
afflicted with the Dyspepsia for 12 years,
and tried both advertised medicines and
Thomsonian, but without effect ; and my
self attacked with blindness, and my head
otherwise affected from hard drinking, so
that I was apprehensive of fits ; and see
advertised, I went and got a box of them,
which, to my astonishment, effected a
cure of me and my wife both. I think
them without a rival before the public.
S. H. HALL, Albemarle st. near Wilk.
For sale by Seth S. Hance, 108 Balti
more st., and corner of Charles & Pratt
sts., Balt. [nov4-y
AGENTS-T. Read & Son, Hunting
don ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A.
0. Brown, Shirleysburg ; W. W. Buch
anan, Mill Creek ; Spencer & Flood,Wil
Bridge Proposals.
SHE undersigned, Commissioners of Hunting
don county, will receive proposals at their of
fice in Huntingdon, up to Friday, the 13th day of
November next, for building the following bridges:
One across Aughwick creek, at the place where
the public road, leading from Orbisonia to Chester
Furnace, in Cromwell township, crosses the same;
and one across Sideling Hill creek, where the public
rood crosses said creek, leading from Three Springs
to Fort Littleton, near Robert Madden's mill, in
Springfield township. The plan and specifications
can be seen at the Commissioners 011141
oct2B•tl] Commissioners,
Coach Ware.
`ATE have just bought at the New Haven Feig
n twice. our Full supply of Coach Ware,
which we will sell for cash, as low as can be pur
chased in the eity. It consists in part of
6ilver and Bross bands at $1; Dashers $2 37 ;
Curtain Frames 18ic; Spring steel 7c per lh, with
a large and full assortment of coach ware of all
kinds. couch maker's tools, &C. at the Hardware
store of PRA N CISCUS 8c BRO.
Lewistown. Pa..oct2ll-31
j ) Planes, double Iron, at $4 50 per wit.
Sash do boxed screw arm $2 50 do
Plinnel. Ploughs, Ogee, Ovalo, Beads, &c., always
on hand, and for sale at the Hardware store of
Lewistown, Pa.-oct2B-3t
PALL and gee our stock of Saddlery and Ead•
Vi dice. :Paola.
1 and 13 inch Roller buckles, at 75c per gross.
No. 18 Straining Webb. at $2 25 per bolt. Splen
did black Mounting, with bright wood haines, at
$1 50. Silver and brass do. Cotton girthing at
68c per bolt—always on hand, and for sale by
Shoemakers Attention.
T FATHER, LEATHER.—SoIe Leather, war
-1..4 ranted good, at t 6.3 e. per lb. Hemp do., 22c.
Morocco de.; Kip do.; Sheep Skins; Binding do.
Pegs at 9 cts. per quart—all bought in New York.
Also, all kinds of Skoeinakerte Kitt, Files, French
Kitt, &c., which we will sell lower than the lowest.
Lewistown, Pa.oet2B-3t
f CABINET MA KE RS---14. Table Hinges, 55c.
per dozen. do at 60c per doz. I do at
65c pa doz. Mahogany knobs, 2 inch, 25c per
doz. Till locks, 25c per sett, with all other arti
cles used in their lino cf . business.
Lewistown, Pa.-oet2B-3t
No. 6 Wood Screws, at 26c per gross.
1 8 do 33 do
1/ 9 do
1i 'I do
2 11 do 62 do
For sale who/caul° and retail al the Hardware
Lewistown, Pa.-oct2B-31.
BOXNS TIN; 500 Ilia. Lon wile, No. 8 and
t) 9 (all other Nitre in proportion), at 9c per lb.
Iron mile, Turned Jo, Lettered plater, Tin, at the
store of FR NCI:A:US & BRO.
Lewistown, racoct:2B.3t
90 do
57 do