Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 11, 1846, Image 2

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, November 11, 11116.
A HINT.—We have discovered that to
lend exchange papers, is a losing game,
and will therefore have to discontinue it.
Any of our friends are welcome to pe
ruse them, however, by calling at our
OD'. For an account of the dreadful
storm at Havana, see opposite page.
Da- No further news from the Army
up to the time of going to press.
Ott - The November Term of our Court
commenced on Monday last, which has
given our town quite an animated and
lively appearance.
LARGE APPLE.-I. Grafius, Esq., of
Alexandria, has shown us an apple from
his orchard, which exceeds, in size, any
thing of the kind we have ever seen. It
measures 13i inches in circumference,
and weighs 181 ounces. This appears
to be a great season for big apples and
big Whig majorities. Who can beat
the above 1
The Central Railroad,
The Common Q. u mils of Philadelphia
have passed the Bill authorizing the city
to subscribe $1,800,000 to the stock of
the Central Railroad. The Bill now
awaits the action of the Select Council.
Oz:r Mr. WEBSTER 1S to address the
Whigs of Philadelphia on the 2d of De
cember, a complimentary Dinner having
been tendered him by his friends in that
B:7- The Washington correspondent
of the Philadelphia Ledger, says that
Mr. Buchanan is about to publish a let
ter expressive of his views on the Tariff'
Question. The late Tariff Thunder in
Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and
New York has, we suppose, waked the
old Federalist up to a sense of his duty.
It is high time.
Da- The New York Tribune was the
only Whig paper in the City of New
York that supported the election of the
Whig candidate for Governor, JOHN
YOUNG. The result must therefore be
very gratifying to its talented editor,
Horace Greely, Esq.
DREADFUL FIRE.—We learn that on
the 24th ult., a fire broke out at Ship
pensburg, Pa., which destroyed about
40 houses, leaving some 90 families
without a shelter. During the fire, the
firemen got up a quarrel, in which two
persons were killed, and several wound
ed. The names of the former were
Samuel McClure and Hamill.
IN PENNSYLVANIA, the election day was
stormy, and the vote fell off; the result
was a Whig triumph. In Florida, elec
tion day was fair and the vote increased :
the result was like unto the former.—
Neither State was ever before carried by
the Whigs in an even State election.—
If the rain beat the Locos of Pennsylva
nia, what is the excuse for Florida ?
erty Party" arc about to establish a
newspaper at Washington, to operate on
a great scale. John Q. Adams, Mr.
Giddings, and all the great spirits, are
said to be interested. The plan is to
raise a fund by subscription, of $20,000
a year, for three years,which it is thought
will be sufficient. A considerable por
tion of this large sum, we are told, is
-already pledged.
OD- Senator Hannegan, of Indiana,
figured conspicuously in a late riot at
Attica, on the Wabash and Erie Canal,
in that State. The valiant Senator
knocked one young man into the canal,
and floored another who was attempting
to drag the half drowned man from the
water. It is intimated by those who
know him, that the Hon. Senator is in
his element, while in a spree of this
ton (Pa.) Detnocrat and Argus says that
A man named Krantz has been commit
ted to the county jail, for shooting Hen
ry Ent with a pistol, from the effects of
which ho died next day. The parties
were playing cards in the cabin of a ca
nal boat near Freemansburg; they got
into a quarrel, and Ent drew a knife,
when Krantz fired on him twice.
ID - The Legislature of Rhode Island
on the 29th ultimo, elected John H.
Clark, a United States Senator for 6
years, from the 4th of March next.
The following gentlemen have been
suggested as candidates for the various
posts named :
For Speaker of the Senate—Messrs.
Gibbons and Crabb, of the city; and Mr.
Darsie, of Allegheny.
For Clerk of the Senate—Messrs. Zei
lin, of Delaware; Brandebury, of Car
lisle ; and Hamersly and Cochran, of
For Sergeant-at,drms of the Senate—
D. McClure, Esq., of Lewistown.
For Speaker of the House—Messrs.
Cooper, of Adams ; Trego, of Philadel
phia; Bigham and McCurdy, of Alle
gheny ; and Edie, of Somerset.
For Clerk of the House—Messrs. Fle
ming, of Harrisburg; and Duffield, of
For State Treasurer—Messrs. Watts,
of Carlisle; Ash, of Philadelphia; Dun
lap, of Erie ; Sanderson, of Lebanon;
Nicholson, of Beaver ; and Smith, of
ID- The editor of the Lancaster Union
and Tribune complains of the early ac
tion of the County Committees of Hun
tingdon and Dauphin counties, in refer
ence to appointing delegates to the Gu
bernatorial Convention ; and intimates
that it "smells" like placing "themselves
in a position to bore for office." We have
always thought that independent coun
ties could take the responsibility of at
tending to their own business, in their
own way, and at such time as best suit
ed their own convenience, without hav
ing their motives impugned or be sub
jected to the insults of the uninterested.
When the County Committee of Hunt
ingdon desire the advice of the editor
of the Tribune, they will doubtless ad
vise him of it. Until they do so, modesty
would seem to dictate that it be with
In regard to "boring" for office, we
can only say, that our member elect has
not received a "bore" of this kind from
any one of his constituents ; and we
can therefore assure the Tribune that
the hungry ones of Lancaster need fear
no competition, in that line, from this
Convicts brought out of 'Prison to Vote.
The New York Herald, of the 4th
inst., says that, in that city, Justice'
Merritt, Capt. Boudinot and Assistant
Capt. Buck, of the 3d Ward, and a posse
of officers, arrested in house No. 12,
Howard, near Elm street, one of the as
sistant keepers of Blackwell's Island,
named Robert McLaughlin, (a Locofoco
bully,) together with twelve men, said
to be convicts from the Island, whose
term of service had not yet expired.
1 They acknowledged having been brought
off the Island for the purpose of voting,
and on being brought to the 3d Ward
Station House, Alderman Benson was
sent for. He examined the prisoners,
and committed them to prison for farther
examination. In the course of the day
the Deputy Keeper, McLaughlin, was
brought up before Judge Edmonds on a
writ of habeas corpus for a hearing, but
he was remanded for farther examina
No Volunteers Yet
We are sorry to find by the following, Letter writers who appear to know,
which we copy from the Washington state that as soon as Gen. Taylor shall
Union, that no more volunteers have receive his orders from Washington,
been ordered out yet. The course of he will move forward to Saltillo, and
the Government in this matter is indeed thence, fight or no fight, to San Luis
extraordinary. Gen. Taylor has been Potosi. Monterey, where the General
ordered to march to Saltillo with an ar- I was at last dates, appears to be not more
my of something like ten thousand men, than 200 miles S. W. from Camargo, on
while the best accounts authorize the be- the Rio Grande. Saltille' l is in Coahuila,
lief that lie will be encountered at that I S.W. from Monterey—distance less than
place by Santa Ann, with an army of at 100 miles. San Luis Potosi is the capi
least 15 or 20,000. Nevertheless, Sec- tal of the State or Province of the same,
rotary Marcy refuses to call more troops and is N. E. from Saltillo—distance
into the field. What does he mean 1 about 300 miles. It is less than 100
"We cannot undertake to say what I miles from Tampico. San Luis Potosi
the War Department may think it best is the point at which it is said the troops
to do and when to act ; but we hazard iof Mexico were ordered to centre. If,
little in saying that no decision has yet I
been made—no additional volunteers ! then, Gen. Patterson, with his command
have yet been called out." i of volunteers, has been ordered to Tam
pico, he will have some enemies in front,
and Old Rough and Ready to back him.
the Baltimore Battalion were leaving the
barracks at Washington city, for - the
seat of war, a flag was made for them,
and Lieut. W. D. Porter, of the Navy,
(whose brother had been butchered by
the rancheros,) presented it to the bat
talion with a speech. Col. Watson re
plied that it should not be surrendered
while he had a life to defend it ; and one
of the sergeants, an old sailor, said that
it should never be cut down while he
had an arm to protect it. They have
redeemed their word ; for Watson has
sacrificed his life, and the sergeant has
given the Mexicans an arm ; but the big
flag is floating over the captured city.
We take the following, in regard to
the true cause of the late political rev
olution, in this State from the North
American, one of the ablest papers in
the State. It covers the whole ground,
and we cannot see how any one, who is
not politically blinded, can mistake the
causes which induced so large a portion
of honest democrats to vote with the
Whigs on this occasion. The Amer
ican says :
~ The administration prints continue
to speculate upon the causes of their
Pennsylvania discomfiture. It is the
privilege of defeat, but is carried to a
most ridiculous excess. But they are
t not so anxious to explain the defeat, as
to vindicate their own frothy and con
temptuous vauntings. All this is vain
and idle. They built their promises
upon an insulting estimate of Pennsyl
vania intelligence. They had played
I the juggler and been discovered; and
yet believed that they could renew the
trick and triumph. They had been guil
ty of a bold and brazen falsehood, backed
by pledges of personal honor, and had
been exposed ; yet they believed that
they could mumble over the same pro
fessions and promises and be borne with.
They had betrayed the known interests,
and violated the known principles of
Pennsylvania, warred against her hard
working yeomanry, and prostrated her
industry and hopes. They had lowered
the revenue and quadrupled the govern
ment expenses ; they had determined
the Tariff question against Pennsylva
nia by the votes of Texas ; and entered
into a league with the South for the ad
mission of eight additional Mexican
slave States, in order to bow down the
free North forever. Is not all this suffi
cient to explain the vote of Pennsylva
nia? Misfortune llows the wrong, as
darkness the ni but the evil doer
has over a thous theories to explain
the calamities whic ' his own misconduct
has occasioned. The plain truth of the
case is, that the administration took
Pennsylvanians fosefools, and only erred
in mistaking their own reflection in the
mirror of party for that of the Keystone."
Gen. Parade&
We mentioned, last week, the arrival
of this distinguished personage at Ha
vana. Bermuda papers of the 20th ult.
state that he arrived at those islands the
day previous, on board the British pack
et Thomas. Probably Havana has had
enough of Mexican ex-Presidents and
cock-fighting. He is en route for Eng
land, to invest some money in the Eng
lish funds. These Mexican Generals
are great in their victories ov er Ham
mon, if not over the Americans. The
Bermudian of the 24th ult., says:—
" Among the passengers which .visited
these islands, by the Thames steamer,
en route for Europe, was Gen. Parades,
late President of Mexico. He was re
leased from confinement in the Castle of
I Perote, with the view to his departure
from the country. The General lost no
time in bidding Mexico farewell ; he
embarked on board the steamer, taking
with him an immense quantity of specie,
in dollars. Respect was shown the dis
tinguished exile upon his visiting our
shores. In addition to other appropri
ate civilities, the troops were turned out
to do him honor. The General was
deeply sensible of the courteous atten
tion lie received."
Gen. Taylor's Movements,
SEVERE WIPE.--Some Loco-Foco man
ufacturing establishment in Massachu
setts has sent Mr. Polk a handsome pock
et-handkerchief. It was entirely unne
cessary, as Pennsylvania, Ohio, New-
Hampshire, Maine, and Georgia have
given the poor man wipes" enough al
ready.—Louisville Journal.
ID— New-York sends him a "wipe"
large enough for a winding-sheet.—Tri
ED. A Secret Society, entitled "Sons
of Liberty," has been organized in Lou
isville, Ky., and other Western cities,
for political objects. What they wish
to accomplish is not stated.
.07 11,
• 1
The result of the election in N. York,
which took place on Tuesday, of last
week, is as cheering to the cause of
Protection as its most ardent and en
thusiastic friends could desire. Nobly
have the Whigs of the Empire State re
sponded to their brethren in Pennsylva
nia, in behalf of Northern Labor and
Northern Rights. The fate of the Brit
ish Tariff of 1846 is sealed! We should
not now be surprised to see it repealed
by the very men who enacted it. In
deed, if they have any respect for the
will of the People, as expressed at the
late elections, they cannot do otherwise.
In the language of a cotemporary—" So
unequivocal a condemnation of any mea
sure ever adopted by any administration,
was never before witnessed, and they
must be worse than madmen who would
adhere to it now. THE TARIFF OF
I 542 must be restored. Let the cry
go forth in the language of Mr. CLAY
The following returns from all the
counties in the State except five, we take
from the New York Tribune. Those not
heard from will not vary the result :
Majorities for Governor Compared.
1846. 1844.
Young Wright Fillmore Wright
Albany, 2914 25
Allegany, 500 554
Cayuga, 529 333
Chataque, 1952 2122
Chemung, 240 823
Chenango, 250 373
Columbia, 890 442
Clinton, 250 398
Delaware, 1500 1275
Dutchess, 400 37
Erie, 1450 1842
Essex, 600 558
Fulton &Ham.l2s 104
Genessee, I'2oo 1452 I
Greene, 300 594
Herkimer, 741 1541
Jefferson, 300 770
Kings, 562 239
Livingston, 1450 1029
Lewis, 560 425
Madison, 200 237
Monroe, 1300 1101
Montgomery, 400 462
New York, 5022 3340
Niagara, 413 526
Oneida, 1300 821
Onondaga, 250 512
Ontario, 900 843
Orange, 350 750
Orleans, 211 250
Oswego, 300 714
Otsego, 1300 1418
Putnam, 500 771
Queens, 200 293
1 Rensseaer, 1800 597
I Richmond, 155 27
Rocklund, 400 893
Saratoga, 500 ' 203
Schenectady, 50 75
Schoharic, 500 559
Sullivan, '2OO 238
Suffolk, 600 921
Steuben, 800 1242
St. Lawrence, 2000 1489
Tioga, 300 568
Tompkins, 100 220
Ulster, 100 52
Warren, 290 420
Washington, 1550
Wayne, 150
Westchester, 100
Wyoming, 1153
Yates, 200
Total, 25797 14510 13648 13611
Young's maj. 11,287. Wright, in '44,
had 9,963.
Whig nett gain, 21 2501!
_ .
Of the Congressmen elected, 23 are
Whigs; '7 Locos; 3 Hunkers; 1 doubt
ful. This is a gain of 14 members for
the Whigs.
The Senatorial election has resulted
thus far, as follows :-5 Whigs and 2
The returns of Assemblymen thus
far, show the election of 57 Whigs; 34
Locofocos ; 5 Hunkers ; 10 Anti-Rent
The Tribune thinks that Mr. Fish,
the Whig candidate for Lieut. Gover
nor, is likely beaten.
One of the Whig Canal Commission
ers elected, and probably both.
The New Constitution, it is thought,
has been carried in the State, although
badly beaten in the city-20,000 against
Equal Suffrage to colored persons has
been rejected by a large majority in the
The election in this State was hold on
the same day as in New York. The U.
S. Gazette says that the returns from
New Jersey are of an unexampled cha
racter. The Whigs have outdone them
selves, and rolled up majorities so large
as to exceed all previous efforts. They
have done gloriously, and have cast light
even into the dark spots of Locofocoism
in the State—battered down its defences
and left it almost utterly despoiled.
The Whigs have elected four out of
the five members of Congress, viz :
Ist District—James G. Hampton, Whig.
2d " Wm. A Newell,
3d " Joseph E. Edsell,.loco.
4th " John Vandyke, whig.
sth " Dudley S. Gregory, whig.
The Whig gain on the popular vote,
compared with 1844, is 4,579.
The Whig majority in the State Sen
ate is 5 ; in the House 19—making a
majority of 24 on joint ballot. Last year
it was but 9. This secures the election
of a Whig U. §. Senator. Well done,
" Jersey Blues."
A Teetotal Country
Among the published laws of the city
of Oregon, we find the following :-
1. If any person shall hereafter im
port or introduce any ardent spirits into
Oregon, with intent to sell, barter, give
or trade the same, and shall offer the
same for sale, trade, barter, or gift, he
shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars
for each and every offence, which may
be recovered by indictment, or by trial
before a justice of the peace, without
the form of pleading.
2. If any person shall hereafter sell,
barter, give, or trade any ardent spirits
of any kind whatever, directly or indi
rectly, to any person within Oregon, he
shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty
dollars for each and every such sale,
trade, barter, or gift, to be recovered by
indictment, in the county court, or be
fore a justice of the peace, without the
form of pleading.
3. If any person shall hereafter estab
lish or carry on any manufactory or
distillery of ardent spirits in Oregon, he
shall be subject to be indicted bfore the
county court as for a nuisance; and, if
convicted, he shall be fined the sum of
one hundred dollars, and the court shall
issue an order to the sheriff directing
him to seize and destroy the distilling
apparatus, which order the sheriff shall
Reading Out.
The Free Traders of Pennsylvania are
still in a terrible ferment about the re
sult of the late election. V. ell do they
know they are hurt, but scarcely know
where the blow came from; and in their
tribulation, they cut and slash right and
left. One attributes the defeat to the
rain!—another to Gen.Cameront—anoth
er to Gov. Porter!—another to the Har
risburg argus!--and others to causes ad
infinitum ;—and, in their despair, they
have commenced the work of "reading
out" those who are suspected. General
Cameron and the Argus are to be anni
hilated forthwith. They have trans
gressed beyond redemption, and are to
be excommunicated and thrown without
the pale of the party.
Poor fellows—they are to be pitied.—
They have made up their minds to offer
themselves a sacrifice upon the altar of
FREE TRADE, and all who are not
willing to be impaled with them, are to
be denounced as traitors to Democracy !
Honor and thanks, say we, to those true
friends of the Tariff of '42, who have
the independence to defy the dictation
of corrupt and servile party leaders,
throw off the shackles of party ; and
vote to maintain the true interests of
the country. The friends of Protection
in Pennsylvania can defy the Free Tra
ders. Their defeat at the late election
is but a priming to what it will be next
fall. Their miserable policy never can
obtain the least foot-hold in the old Key
stone. The voters know their interests
and dare maintain them.—Penn.
more City Court on Saturday, sentence
of death was pronounced on the negro
Joseph Alexander, convicted on Tuesday
last of murder in the first degree, in kill
ing a colored boy, a fellow servant, nam
ed Washington Shepherd. His Honor,
Judge Brice, delivered the sentence in a
brief but impressive manner. He re
minded the prisoner that he had been
convicted by a jury of his country of one
of the most barbarous and shocking
murders which had ever been tried, and
for which he was soon to suffer upon the
gallows. During the sentence the pris
oner manifested the utmost composure,
and frequented assented to the remarks
of the Judge by nodding his head, and
exclaiming "Yes, sir."
Srrow.—On the 17th and 18th ultimo,
Snow fell at Montreal to the depth of 2
feet ; and all along the Lakes as far as
Buffalo, several inches deep.
, r
Agreeably to the call of the County
Committee, delegates from the several
districts of Huntingdon county met in
County Convention in the old Court
House, on yesterday, at 2 o'clock, P.
M., and organized by appointing J.
SE WALL STEWART, President ; JAR,.
BOGGS and Wm. HeTcnisoN, Vice Presi
dents ; John W. Watson and William H.
Peightal, Secretaries.
Thirty-five delegates appeared and
took their scats.
After the President had stated the ob
ject of the Convention, a motion was
made, that they now proceed to ballot
for a Representative Delegate, to repre-,t:l
sent Huntingdon County in the State
Convention, to be held in March next,
to nominate candidates for Governor and
Canal Commissioner. The following
persons were then nominated, viz :
Hon. John . Ker, Walker; John Wil
liamson, Esq., Huntingdon ; Jas. Clark,
A ballot was then had, and upon cast
ing up the votes it appeared that James
Clark, of Huntingdon, had a majority of
all the votes cast, and was therefore de
dared duly elected Representative del- ,
eget° for Huntingdon county, in said
The following resolution was then
offered and adopted by acclamation :
Resolved, That the Delegate just ap
pointed, be instructed to support the
nomination of Gen. JAMES IRVIN, of
Centre co. for Governor.
On motion, Hon. John Ker and J.
Sewell Stewart, Esq., were appointed
Conferees, to meet those that may by,
appointed by Blair and Bedford counties,
to appoint a Senatorial Delegate—with
instructions to vote for one pledged to
the support of Gen. Jas. Irvin.
On motion, the following preamble
and resolutions were adopted by accla
mation :
WHEREAS, the recent successes of the
Whig party have convinced us that it is
only necessary to persevere in ordc , r to
insure the repeal of the Tariff of 1846,
and the restoration of that of 1842, and
to secure to the country generally its
wonted prosperity and happiness : there- ,
Resolved, That the late election has
put it beyond the possibility of a doubt,
that the people of Pennsylvania are in
favor of the Tariff of 1842.
Resolved, That in the selection of a
candidate by the whigs, to fill the Gu
bernatorial chair for the next term, es
pecial reference should be had to the
soundness of his views . in relation to
the protection of our domestic industry.
Resolved, That we recognize in Gen.
JAMES IRVIN, of Centre county, the
man who is peculiarly identified with
this subject ; who exerted a command
ing influence in its passage, when it re
quired the utmost exertions of its friends
to keep it from falling to the ground; and
the man to whom the people of Penn
sylvania are looking to sustain this'great
measure in the hour of its greatest calafn
Resolved, That the Tariff men of Hun
tingdon County are undividedly for him,
for the office of Governor in preference
to all other candidates.
On motion,
The following gentlemen were appoint
ed the County Committee for the ensu
ing year
A. W. Benedict, Esq., Huntingdon.
J. W. Thompson, 44
John Read, 46
Jacob Snyder,
A. H. Bumbaugh,
A. Allison, Henderson township.
Ed. Orbison, Cromwell
James M'Guire, Barree
J. P. Dewees, Tod
J. M. Stevens, Petersburg.
Joshua Greenland, Cassville.
James Clarke, Birmingham.
John Swoope, Alexandria.
Isaac Woolverton, Roxberry.
The Convention then adjourned.
(Signed by the officers.)
fl The next Legislature of Ohio.
have to elect a Treasurer of State, \
Secretary of State, a Director of the
Ohio Penitentiary, a Judge of the Su
preme Court, vice Reuben Wood, a reg
ister of the Maumee Land Office, and
some 50 Associate Judges.
The Next Presidency.
You will see;
Old Zaccheus he
Will climb the tree
To the Presidency.
There! We have perpetrated the first
poesy upon Gen. Taylor, in connexion
with the presidency. It istrue we stole
a part of it from the " Primer." But
that is all the better. It will be sooner
learned by heart among the
Dayton Transcript.