Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 04, 1846, Image 2

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Huntingdon, Wednesday, November 4, 1816,
The great Whig and Tariff victory
recently achieved in this State, should
be considered by all the friends of Pro
tection but the beginning of what can
be made a successful and benificial ter
mination. To effect the repeal of the
ruinous British Tariff law of '46, it will
only be necessary for the friends of the
' llow up the advantage
gained—to work per
e time arrives when
orially, dismiss the
t Administration that is
Ltional difficulties upon
we nll
The next great struggle in this State,
therefore, in furtherance of this great
and patriotic object, will be the election
next autumn of .a Tariff Governor of
Pennsylvania. As candidates for this
post, a number of true and tried friends
of the American cause have been men
tioned, among whom stands conspicuous
the favorite son of this Congressional
District, Gen. JAMES IRVIN. And
without disparagement to any of the
worthy gentlemen named, we believe
that in him are to he found concentrated
all the essentials requisite to secure
another triumphant and glorious Tariff
victory. The qualifications of Gen.
Irvin, no good Whig, who has any knowl
edge of the man, will question ; and as
to his claims to a nomination, we believe,
(in common with those whom our paper
represents,) that at this time, they stand ;
paramount to all others. Of this we are
forcibly reminded by an excellent arti
cle in the last Pa. Intelligencer, showing
that in the last Whig Gubernatorial
Convention, in sixteen, out of the twenty- '
two ballots, Irvin had a large plurality
of the votes ; and that on the last bal
lot, by a union of two strong interests,
(Markle and Banks) he was only defeated
by five votes—the vote standing Markle
69, Irvin 64. The conduct of Gers. l
Irvin, subsequent to this nomination, is
known to all. No Whig in the State la•
bored harder or with better effect for the
election of his successful competitor,
than himself; and we believe that none
felt more heart-felt sorrow at his defeat.
In view of these circumstances, and
with the firm conviction upon our mind
that Gen. Irvin is as available if not the
most available man upon whom the Whigs
and Tariff men of Pennsylvania can
unite, we feel with our neighbor of
the Hollidaysburg Register, like urging
his nomination upon the party. And we
also feel warranted in premising, that in
the event of Gen, Irwin's nomination in
March, "Old Huntingdon" will roll up a
majority at least two hundred greater for
him in October, than can be secured for
any other man in our ranks,
Relying, then, upon Gen. Irvin's claims
and qualifications—his great private
worth and popularity as a man, and his
unwavering principles as a Whig and
friend of the American policy of Pro
tection, we look with confidence to the
Convention in March, to snake him the
standard bearer, of what cannot fail to
be a victorious party in October, let our
opponents select whom they ►nay to car
ry for them the Black Flag of Free
NEW Goons.—By reference to another
column, it will be seen that Dr. Wm.
Swoope has received a fine assortment
of Fall and Winter goods, which he
promises to sell cheaper than they can
be procured elsewhere. We advise all
to give hint a call. Those who adver
tise, invariably sell the cheapest. .
We invite attention to the adver
tisement of H. K. Neff & Bro.'s New
Jewelley Establishment, in our columns
this week. Their assortment of Jewellry
is of the latest style, and evidences great
card as well as excellent taste, in its se-
I t em. As a mechanic, Mr. H. K. Neff
is unsurpassea in his line by any in this
vicinity. in 'Wit, the Nefl's are every
way worthy the (woe of the public, and
we therefore bespeak for them a liberal
Lucxx Co.os.—Three printers are run
ning for Congress in .Massachusetts. As
a matter of course, they are i.vhole-soul
ed, talented fellows. well worthy of .at.
From the news which we publish to
day from the army, it will be seen that
Santa Anna is already in the field with
a large force. From this and other rea
sons, great apprehensions, are beginning
to be entertained for the fate of General
Taylor, and the brave soldiers under
his command. The leading Journals of
the country are beginning to speak out
on the subject with considerable warmth.
They urge that further troops should be
called into the service at once, to rein
force Gen. Taylor, and that thus this
disgraceful and expensive war should be
terminated by one or two effective blows.
In regard to Santa Anna's intentions in
returning to Mexico, the Administration
have been most successfully duped.—
It will be recollected that Mr. Polk, just
previous to the adjournment of Congress,
asked for an appropriation of two mil
-1 lions of dollars to purchase a peace with
Mexico, and that the measure was only
defeated by Mr. Davis retaining the floor
until the hour for adjournment arrived.
Had the appropriation been carried, sub
sequent events render it almost certain
that Santa Anna would now have had
'two millions of our own money to aid
him in prosecuting the war, on the part
of Mexico, against us. We are saved
j this mortification and expense, however,
by the foresight and wisdom of Honest
John Davis, U. S. Senator from Massa
; chu setts.
[rj- Hon. JAMES COOPER has been spo
ken of in connection with the Speaker's
chair of the House of Representatives.
Although we should dislike to lose Mr•
C. from the floor, where he never fails
to enliven and lend interest to the de
bates, yet we should, as a Pennsylva
nian, feel proud to see the Speaker's
chair occupied by a gentleman of Mr.
Cooper's conceded abilities and great
legislative experience. The influence
he would weild upon the legislation of
the session, could not fail to be of the
most salutary character.
burg American recommends Hon. CHAS.
S. GIBBONS for Speaker of the Senate,
at the next session of the Legislature.
The selection of Mr. G. or Mr. DARSIE,
of Pittsburg, either,would suit our taste;
and we think, advance the public inte
serve by the last Miltonian that one half
of that well established and excellent
Whig Paper is offered for sale. It is
now published by John and Robert M.
Frick, Esqr's—the latter wishing to re
tire. This is certainly a fine chance for
any enterprising young man desirous of
entering into the arduous, but withal
pleasant business of editing and publish
ing a country paper. We know of no
more desirable establishment in the
middle or Northern portion of the State
(the Huntingdon Journal excepted) than
the Miltonian.
Address, R. M. Frick, Esq., Milton Pa.
ber has been received. Although we do
not believe in the country press indis
criminately puffing into notoriety city
papers and periodicals, when at the same
time they may not be worthy of it, yet
we feel bound to say that this work is an
exception to many of its class of peri
odicals, and worthy the patronage of the
lovers of Literature. The number be
fore us, excels any of its cotemporaries
in point of rending matter.
fp- The State election in New York
commenced yesterday—closing in the
city the same day and continuing two
days in the country. From the storm
and rain we have had for a few days
back, a total route to the Free Traders
may be confidently looked for in the
Empire State. we shall have some re
turns before our next issue.
pt‘" The attention of those wanting
Hardware, is invited to the advertise
ments of Franciscus & Bro., Lewistown,
Pennsylvania. Their assortment, we
are informed, is very large, and their
prices extremely low.
MuLTUM IN EIRVO.—The Philadelphia
"Keystone" regards their "defeat as a
glorious thing for the Democracy of this
State. It will purify the party, and God
knows it needed purification !" This is
the language of a Democratic paper.
Destruction of the Reservoir near 11°14
day sbu rg,
We learn by the Stage driver from
Hollidaysburg, who left that place on
yesterday morning, that the Reservoir
near that borough has been almost co
t:only destroyed by the high water.
We have been kindly permitted by I
David Snare, Esq., of this place, to copy
the following interesting letter from his
son, Win. Snare, (now in the American
army under Gen. Tayor,) received by
him on Monday evening last. It gives
one of the most interesting and satisfac
tory descriptions of the great contest
at Monterey we have yet seen, and will
be the more interesting to the people of
this county, on account of its coming
from the pen of one of their own brave
and patriotic young men :
MONTEREY, (Mexico,) Sept. 27, 1846,
p.m FATHER—The great battle which I stated
in my last would take place at Monterey, is now
over, and we have again come off victorious. The
victory is more glorious than that of Polo Alto. It
is•unparalleled. When you hear of the difficulties
wo contended with in conquering them, you will
wo.ider bow it could have been done.
Our army encamped near Monterey on the 19th
inst., and while there, there were several shots fired
f ant the enemy's cannon at us, (but out of their
reach,) thinking they would bell' e tie before we
would make an attack on them. On the 20th our
army were marched in three divisions to their posi
tions, for the attack of Monterey next day. The
2nd division, to which I belong, was commanded
by Gen. Worth, a very brave officer; and the other
divisions commanded by Generals Twiggs and But
ler. While our division was marching, and hav
ing been compelled to pass near one of their butte
ries, on account of mountains, to get to our posi
tion, they fired at us several times, which killed one
of our officers. In the night of the 20th, part of
our division, which consisted of Regulars and Tex
an volunteers, charged on one of their batteries sit-
noted on a hill 400 yards high. The object of at-1
tacking them in the night was to get out of reach
of their cannon before they could see us. We got
about half way up the hill before they heard ue .
'fire firing was commenced on both sides, and kept
up rapidly for a short time; but as we advanced,
which we were determined to do or die, the Mexi
cans began to flinch and retreat (having every ad
vantage they could wish,) to another fortified place,
about 500 yards farther off, leaving their own bat
teries for us to fire on them, which we done. Af
ter a few hours' firing, they were driven out of that
place to another largo hill, where they had a large,
strong castle.
Trio next night the remainder of our division
proceeded to that hill as the others done, and drove
them from it into their castle, after an hours' firing
with small arms. While in that position, the ene
my fired grape end canister out of their castle, but
with no effect, Firing kept up on both sides, with
small at ins, until we hauled a howitzer up the hill,
which was done by means of ropes.
We made a breast work out of their sand bags
to protect our artillery after it was planted; and one
shot fired at the enemy, made them run for the cas
tle about as fast as the grape shot flew over our
heads. Our artillery then fired several rounds into
their castle, which knocked them from their guns;
their assembly was sounded, and they run from the
castle a short distance into town, where they form
ed and marched into their fortified square. While
the above was going on, the other divisions drove
the enemy from sevr rat batteries, and took posses
sion of their forts. The artillery of our division
fired on the town, and cleared the way so that wo
could advance to the first houses. We broke into
their houses, which was protection against their
firing; we then cut our way through the walls of
every house, until we got within musket shot of
them in their square. The firing was then com
menced, and kept up constantly until 10 o'clock on
tho 24th, when Gen. Ampudia, hoisted the white
flag. The firing of course then ceased ; a Council
of War was held, and Ampudia agreed to march
off with his army, taking 6 pieces of artillery and
their small arms; and not to make war against the
United States a second time—which was done.
The Mexicans had about 10 or 12 batteries
placed on large hills, which were a natural fortifica
tion around the town. The town itself is a fortifi
cation ;—the houses are built so that they can fire
off them with perfect safety. They have been for
tifying this place ever since they beat the Spaniards.
Twenty thousand of them were in battle against
our nine thousand, and all would not do. They
marched from here honor-stricken. There aro but
few men killed in the 2nd division, to which I be
long. I, with many others, made narrow escapes.
The way the balls flew over our heads for several
days was a caution. There were 3or 400 men
killed in the other divisions while they were charg
ing the Mexican Forts. It is difficult to state the
exact number killed. There are two thousand
Mexicans killed and missing; three hundred of
whom were killed by our shells tin own into their
The 'Penn volunteers deserve great credit in this
bottle. They volunteered, on all occasions, to lead
off at the mouth of the enemy's cannon. They
are sorry it is over; they want to pay the Mexicans
off in their own coin
• • •
• • • •
Your., &c.
To make a readable paper for a'
certain class of persons, you must have
at least two dirges, one poem on " the
last rose of summer," or " the first ja
ponica of spring ;" eighteen articles
headed " atrocious," four " horribles,"
eight " heartrending occurrences," forty
" murders," seven " distressing acci
dents," two " awful visitations of Di
vine Providence," five " elopements in
high life," twenty " deaths," forty-five
" marriages," together with the full par
ticulars of five cases of the latest "Crim
Con." and a " vivid portrait of the fork
that belonged to the knife that 14Iucclee
vunger assassinated Colonel Molasses
reported in Washington that a Cabinet
Council has decided upon an immediate
attack upon Vera Cruz, by a combined
movement of our army and naval forces.
It is farther stated th'at despatches to this
effect arc already on their way
(Ei• In Birmingham, England, steel
pens are manufactured at one cent per
dozen !
[From the North ilmerican.]
COMING 111117211.
The next contest in this State will de
termine the Choice of a Governor. The
present incumbent has, in all things,
met the expectations of his supporters;
he is personally popular with his par
tizans, and cannot be Agfsated in the
Democratic Convention. out exciting
a spirit of resentment among his frienff
that must arouse an organized and suffi
cient opposition to defeat any other Dem
ocratic candidate. Should, however, a!
compromise like that of '44 be resorted
to in order to escape discomfiture, the
Whigs must look, and anxiously too, to
their own policy. Those are not friends
who sing lullably songs of assured tri
umph. No single swallow makes a!
summer—no single political triumph a
secured ascendency. Pennsylvania is
still hard fighting ground. The recent
election ascertains that the Whigs may
succeed in electing their candidate : but
if that result leads to intoxicating confi
dence, arrogant expectations and false
hopes in our ranks; if it induces the
nomination of a feeble candidate and the
adoption of an indiscreet policy; our
cup of triumph is spilled and lost in the
ground, before it has touched our lips.
Such truths may not be palatable, but
they are wholesome. All is well, if the
present advantage be followed up with
increased exertion and stimulated ac
tion. But we may anticipate a regath-
ering of the foe, fresh effort, redoubled
.excitement, large expenditures of money I
and more vigorous exertions of official
influence. These must be met ; and not
in any false and intoxicating confidence.
We must hold all that we have at the
point of the weapons which won it.—
The next contest is one to win, by vig
orous effort, success for the party, and
not one merely to determine who shall
enjoy the triumph. The Whigs of Penn
sylvania have suffered too much already
from a permature struggle among them-'
selves for unachieved honors. The last
Gubernatorial nomination crushed the
hopes of the State and nation : we must
learn wisdom from experience, or go on
giving, by our disasters, experience for
the use of others. We trust that no
efforts will be made to forestall popular
action in the choice of a candidate.—'
So far as the primary and spontaneous
indications may be relied upon, it seems
that GEN. IRVIN, the majority candi
date unhappily defeated in the Conven
tion in '44, is the choice of the Whigs
of the State. If such be the fact, (we
hope that the simple statement will not
be misconstrued into an expression of
opposition to any other Whig,) it is to
be desired that no attempts will be made
to anticipate their action or defeat their
wishes. GEN. IRVIN, as a patriot with
no pulse that does not heat for his coun
try—as a statesman whose elevated and
sagacious intellect reeognizes no ambi
tion apart from the triumph of Whig
Principles—as a man whose active pri
vate virtues endear him to all who know
him, will certainly be, under present au
spices, an invincible candidate. In say
ing thus much, we merely chronicle the
evidences of popular sentiment. We
speak for the party and its principles,
independent of all the cliques and fac
tions which have so often,
in defeating
the popular will, involved the party in
defeat. All that is required to give per
manence to the Whig triumph, is respect
for the will of the people ; and we are
confident from every developement that
has reached us that this will not be want
ing in the action of the party.
11.7- A law passed by the Legislature
of Maine, at its lest session, provides,
under heavy penalties, that no patent
medicines shall be sold without a label
setting forth concisely the names of all
the ingredients or simples of which such
medicine is composed, and the propor
tion of each.
For the sake of humanity, we hope
that the " congregated wisdom" of Penn
sylvania will "do likewise" at the next
session of the Legislature. Were it
adopted, we think it would call forth
from a certain class of drones other
means of obtaining a livelihood, than
the vocation of manufacturing and vend
ing " patent medicines."
(Er- A Sabbath Convention has been
called at Lewistown, to meet in that
place on the 10th instant. The adop
tion of measures to promote the better
observance of the Sabbath, is the object
of the meeting. A christian as well as
a patriotic purpose.
terfeiter was caught on the 26th ult. near
Franklin, Tenn. and carried to Nashville,
who had between six and ten thousand
dollars in fraudulent money, with other
matters pertaining to the trade, in his
saddle-bags—evidence so full and clear
of his villainy, that he concluded not to
put the civil authorities to any trouble,
but went to jail without the formality of
a trial. He is an Italian, and stated that
he had cleared $ll,OOO in good money,
last year, as his share of the profits.
MARINE CAMELS.—The Washington
Union says that no contract has been
made with Gen. Taylor for marine cam
els to transport the U. S. ships of war
over the bar at Tampico.
A New Plan to Capture San Juan de tllloa.
Mr. John Wise, the celebrated iErial
voyager, suggests an extraordinary plan
for the capture of the formidable castle
of Vera Cruz. In a letter to the Lan
caster Republican, he says:
"Although the plan I shall propose
may seem novel to the many, still a brief
detail of it, I think, will satisfy the most
incredulous of its efficacy. In the first
place, it will require the construction of
a balloon of common twilled muslin,_ of
about one hundred feet in diameter. This
machine, properly coated with varnish,
will retain its buoyancy for many days
or weeks. It will be capable, when in
flated, to raise over 30,000 pounds. Say
20,000, independent of its own weight,
net-work, car, and cable. The process
of inflation may be accomplished on land,
or on board a man-of-war at sea, as cir
, ciimstances may require. The car to be
loaded with percussioned bomb-shells
and torpedoes to the amount of 18,000
ponds, which will leave 2,000 pottnds
: for ballast and men. Thus it will be
ready to be placed in a position for dead
ly action, in a very short time. The
cable by which it is to be manwuvred,
may be at least 5 miles long, so that the
balloon at a mile of elevation, would leave
the vessel, or land position,
which act as
the retaining point, out of the reach of
the Castle guns, and under the cover of
our own batteries. The man-of-war bal
loon, hovering a mile above the Castle,
like a cloud of destruction, would be en
tirely out of danger of the enemy's guns,
since they could not be made to bear at
an object immediately above them. The
position of the balloon, as to height and
distance from the retaining point, could
be easily maintained by keeping a pro
per eye to its ballasting. As it would
become lightened by the discharge of
shells and torpedoes, an adequate quan
tity of gas can also be discharged. If a
gun from the Castle could be ever made
to bear upon the war balloon, it would
soon be silenced by the rapidity, preci
sion, and certainty with which the dead
ly missiles could be showered down upon
them. With this curial war ship, hang
ing a mile above the fort, supplied with
a thousand percussioned bomb shells, the
Castle of Vera Cruz could be taken with
out the loss of a single life to the army,
and at an expense that would be compa
ratively nothing to what it will be to take
, it by the common mode of attack."
A Tradition Verified—lnteresting.
Lieut. Emory, of the U. S. Topo
graphical Engineers, one of the officers
attached to the staff of Gen. Kearney,
has furnished a long statement to the
Washington Union, graphically describ
ing scenes in the far West, and giving a
detailed account of the march of the ar
my from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fe,
and the taking of that place and New
Mexico by Gen. Kearney. Lieut. Emo
ry says that on the 20th August, the
chiefs and head men of the Puebla In
dians came into Santa Fe to give in their
adhesion to Gen. Kearney, and to express
their great satisfaction at his arrival.
This large and formiable band arc among
the best and most peaceable citizens of
New Mexico. They, early after the con
' quest, embraced the forms of religion,
and the manners and customs of their
then more civilized masters, the Span
iards. Their interview was long and in
teresting. They expressed what was a
tradition with them, that the white man
would come from the far East and re
lease them from the bonds and shackles
which the Spaniards have imposed, not
in the name, but in a worse form than
slavery. They, and the numerous half
breeds, in whose veins flow their blood,
are our fast friends now and forever.
Three hundred years of oppression and
injustice, have failed to extinguish in
this race the recollection that they were
once the peaceable and inoffensive mas
ters of the country. The day of retri
bution has now come, and they have
their revenge.
taw (Ala.) Whig states that Bryant
Hines, who, in December last, ran off
with about 60 negroes, mortgaged to
the State Bank of Alabama, has been
captured in Florida, and lodged in Green
county jail, to await his trial for the
penitentiary offence. Forty-two of the
negroes were found in his possession,
and are on their way back to Alabama.
ELOQUENCE.—The light of the lamp
was dying away in the socket, the mid
night clock swung heavily aloft, and its
brazen tones sounded loudly on the fro
zen air. It was the hour disembodied
spirits walk, and when murderers, like
the stealthy wolf, prowl for their prey.
The lonely watcher shuddered as he
heard a slight noise at the door. Big
drops stood on his pale brow—the door
gently opened, and in came—a strange
ID The N. Y. Evening Mirror says :
Silk over coats " all buttoned down be
fore," will be the prevailing fashion with
the ladies the coining winter.
Correspondence of the Pa. Inquirer.
The steamship Galveston, Captain
Wright, arrived yesterday afternoon
from Brazos St. Jago and Cameral), by
way of Galveston. She has relieved
our citizens from the painful suspense
which they have been in for some days.
Our advices from Monterey come down
to the 6th of October. The city is in
quiet occupancy of our troops.
The evacuation is described in the let
ters of our correspondent. After peru
sing the letters we have received by the
Galveston, and talking freely with sev
eral military gentlemen, it gives us pleas
ure that we have no corrections to make
in the first report we gave of the battle
of Monterey.
Here follows the order of Gen. Tay
lor, congratulating his officers and men
on the victory of Monterey.
The report of the death of C o l. M c .
Clary, of the Mississippi volunteers, is
unfounded,—he was improving. Lieut.
Dilworth, of the First Infantry, has died
of his wounds. Lieut. Graham, of the
Fourth Infantry, was still alive, and
hopes were entertained that lie would
recover. The death of Mr. Herman S.
Thomas, of Harford County, Md., will
be deeply felt in his native State. He
had joined McCulloch's Rangers, to see
actual service, and fell in storming the
second height. Capt. Owen, formerly
Lieut. of the Baltimore battalion, left
Monterey on the 6th of October, and
furnishes the Picayune with many in
teresting details. He says the American
loss in three days actions is set down at
500 killed and wounded. W e have no
list of killed and wounded.
There are several letters from Ken
dall. The steamer Col. Harney, with
government stores, was lost, with 15
lives, on the 12th ultimo, at the mouth
of the Rio Grande. An express had ar
rived at Monterey, that Gen. Wool,
with 3500 men, was to leave San Anto
nia 28th Sept. for Chihuahua.
Xonterey, Sept. 29th 5 o'clock, P. X.
An express rider has this moment ar
rived from Sautinas, which place he left
this morning. It is only a day's ride
this side of Saltillo, and he states on
the authority of a Mexican, that Santa
Anna arrived at that place yesterday
morning or the evening previous, and
immediately commenced fortifying the
place with vigor. He had no less than
13,000 men with him, which, added to
those which left here under Ampudia,
will swell his army to over 20,000 men.
Report further has it, that he is to
erect works and batteries at Rinconada
—the limits of our lines by the 60 days
truce. If all this should prove true, the
army may have more bloody work to do
than ever. One thing is certain, Santa
Anna was hourly expected here, whey
General Taylor reached this,
and many
think that Ampudia's reason for wishing
to return, was the fact that he found
himself to a degree surrounded. After
the success of the 2d Division, he was
anxious to form a junction with his
master, on the best terms he could make.
We shall know more about the matter
in a day or two.
The following excellent suggestions,
in regard to the duty of the Whig mem
bers of the next Legislature, we clip
from the last Pa. Telegraph. We hope
to see them adopted and acted upon.—
The People expect it :
From our knowledge of the views
and principles of the Whigs, who will
have a majority in both branches of the
next Legislature, we predict that the
session will be a very short one, and
will not extend over two months, about
half the time usually spent by the Loco
focos. This will not only be a saving
to the Commonwealth of fifty thousand
dollars or more, but be of great advan
tage to the business of our public works,
and all those engaged or interested in
them. The appropriations will be made
at an early day, and every facility grant
ed to have them in readiness at the earli
est moment for use.
We know that the Whigs will not
only be in favor of a short session and
an early adjournment, but they will be
found ready to go to work upon the or
ganization of the Legislature, and not
as has usually been the case, delay the
most important duties of the session un
til the latest day. All important meas
ures should be brought forward at the
earliest moment, and no commits e
should be allowed to sleep upon an
matter referred to them. The Peop le
send their representatives here to work,
and we know that the Whigs are anxious
to conform to the wishes of their con
stituency. We are therefore confident,
as we have before stated, that the ses
sion will not last over two months, and
that all the business necessary to be
done, can be accomplished by that time.
This of itself would be a reform worthy
of the cause, and of those who have
achieved the victory over Free Trade
PAuEnts.—lt is stated that Gon. Pa
redes, ex-President of Mexico, has ar
rived at Havana, as an exile, unattend
ed. He has probably gone there to take
tianta Anna's place in the cock-pit.