II IJ \l l I ...„ . q_ . _ . l)_p____) - _ .. olj R NAt. BY JAMES CLARK :] VOL. XI, NO. 42. 'U a CIDVPMILIG6c. The "Jounisat." will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if pnid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. (17 V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act 04 Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements in Philadelphia, Now York, Balti more and Boston. OFFICES: Philade/phia—Number 59 Pine street. Ballimere—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal. sort streets. New York—Number 160 Nassau street. Boston—Number 16 State street. POETICAL. • For the Huntingdon Journal. SUNSET. I love to stand alone and view 'The Heaven's bright and varied hue, As slowly sinks the setting sun, His fixed, unvarying journey done; i On gentle streams reflecting fire, Painting with gold the village spire, O'er Nature throwing mellow light, Until at last it fades to night. The sportive flocks row seek their home, 'No more the verdant hills to roam; The herds now leave the grass-clad plain, .And seek their quiet homes again; The swift-winged swallows cease their flight, • To pass at rest the peaceful night ; The shepherd seeks his cottage door— His daily care and labor o'er; 'the busy wife attends with care, The frugal supper to prepare; White dancing on its father's knee, A smiling, rosy boy you see. '!'he humble, healthful supper o'er, To God above their praise they pour— One song to Him who ruled " the past," And all retire to rest at last. To deep with careless hearts they go, That sleep earth's „ rich one's" never know. . I would that thus it were my lot, To live in some wood-shaded cot, 'Mid rural joys this life to spend, Shared with some dear and constant friend. ficX.rixonore, Po. Z. MISCET,LANEOUS. THE HEROIC LOVER; olt, THE BOASTER HUMBLED 111 TRADDItiII W. 111E11311.P. The desire to do evil is not so often engendered by want or created by the • mad hallucinations of deep affliction, as it is made by the heart—the black heart, which is its own destroyer; and which, enclosed in a well clad form, or render ed more apparent to the superficial eye by an outward show of rags, is all the same—a bad monitor, prompting to crime and sowing the seeds of wretchedness wherever the soil of human weakness, or worldly credulity offers an unbroken surface to. the wicked seedsman. The owner of a black heart never escapes consequence of his derelictions.— Sootier or later the wrath of offended 4iisfice prostrates the unfortunate crimi nal, and leaves to those who have been spared the curse of natural depravity, a • dreadful monument of warning. Black is the heart that can frame a woman's ruin; doubly dyed in wicked nesii is the mind that, regardless of the li6liest human obligations, can falsely, o by inuendo, and disingenuous insinua tion, soil the name of a virtuous female. SUch hearts and minds are legitimate prey—their eradication, the meed of duty, and a heavenly task. With swelling veins and quickening pulse, have we often listened to the fol lowing tale of retributive justice, rela ted by a venerable South Carolinian. In a small village, in a State that Ma rion has rendered famous, dwelt a young man of property and position, named Saunders. With every blessing that renders life aught but a burthen, Saun ders was the most restless, unhappy and unamiable person in town. His whole study was deceit—his pleasure the gam ing table—his delight the pursuit of fe niale loveliness. No character was pure f as far as this licentious man was con cerned. By the force of his social po sition, he gained access to the best soci ',eV? and seemed on terms of the greatest hitinittcy with all the ladies in the vicin ity. ; and as he was prepossessing in per sonal appearance, and gifted with an in tellect which ranged far beyond the or ' dinary estimate of talent, his company was sought by many a fair demoiselle • and dame. Notorious for his wicked „propensities, he ought to have been bhuane4 by every thing that bore the imprint of humanity ; but there is some thing unaccountable in the foibles and ,whims of poor human nature; and as the moth flutters about the flame after Its wings are singed, so act we in things 'human. In every village there are always more belles than one, as well as rival factions in favor of males, who claim the right to lead the fashions, and set the tastes and opinions of the miniature communi ty of which they form a part. By the gad-flies, and would-be-gay fashionable people, all that Saunders said and did, was emulated. He drank wine until it got the better of him—consequently he and his companions often became intoxi cated. He gamed deeply ;so did his as sociates. All his vices were copied, while his few minor virtues (spears of grass in a desert of sand) were suffered to remain unnoticed. The sensible por tion of the inhabitants despised him, and pointed to a poor young lawyer named Wright, as the model of a moral, honest, industrious, well-meaning man, whose heart was in the right place, and in the horizon of whose future were stars of brilliant promise. As a natural con sequence, Saunders hated Wright, and urged his companions to insult himwhen ever the proceeding would be a measure of safety. These insults, up to the time ' to which we are about to refer, had been few, for several reasons, viz : The par ties rarely met, inasmuch as Wright never frequented the village pot-house, and of course did not join the numerous extravagant pleasure parties made up by the wealthy enemies. The most of his leisure time was spent at the cottage of a beautiful young girl whom he ardently loved, and whose condition in life, hum ble as his own, offered no obstacle to their union. Saunders had never been able to make the acquaintance of Mary, although he had, at a dinner, publicly sworn to accomplish her ruin. She had always manifested disgust of his char acter. His name had never passed her lips, save when coupled with an expres sion of dislike for him. " Saunders can vanquish any girl in the village save Mary Buridon,"was the common assertion, jestingly made,when his gallantries were brought up as mat ters of conversation. Thus matters stood in December, of 18— It was a cold—a bitter night. The snow was unusually deep for that re gion, and the frosty air pierced all the woollen the careful and thrifty house wives could heap upon their sons and husbands. in short, the weather was so cold, that a sleighing party, compo sed of Saunders and his clique, had abandoned their project of going out, and settled themselves comfortably be fore the broad and comprehensive fire place in the bar-room of the village tavern. " Hurrah ! To the ladies who were to have gone with us to-night," said Saunders, merrily raising a glass of punch to his lips. The toast was drunk uproariously, and the noise had hardly subsided, ere the door opened to admit young Wright. Had a congreve rocket entered the room, greater astonishment could not have been , depicted on every countenance. Glasses were unceremoniously set down, and in quiring glances were rapidly thrown from one revelier to another, so palpa ble that Wright must have noticed them. However, he very quietly took his sent at a tenantless table, in a dark corner of the apartment, and then disencumbered himself of all his outer travelling gear. " Landlord," said he, " I have never been here before, and my unlooked-for appearance, for my own sake ought to be accounted for. I have attended the Cir cuit Court, about 10 miles distant, and walked the whole way back. Almost frozen, I thought to get here, what I can not obtain at my lodgings,a cup of mulled wine." Silently the landlord executed the or der. Wright pulled some documents from his pocket, and without noticing any one, began to read. In a few mui utes the revellers recovered their equili brium, and called out for more liquor. "As this weather would delight an Icelander, but is rather out of place here, suppose we make a night of it 1" bawl ed one of the Saunders toadies. " Agreed !" shouted the voices unani mously. " Aire ! we can go to bed when we are tired of each other's company," re marked Saunders. " Only one event can make the night endurable here—the appearance of a pret ty woman"—said.a burly roue at Saun ders' right. " Now to sting this misanthrope fool yonder," whispered Saunders. He con tinued in a loud voice—" Woman, pshaw! There is but. one woman in this village that is worth a thought." " Who is she V' chorussed the bac chanals. "Mary Buridon." "She's invulnerable," said one. "She has no heart. She is utterly bereft of soul and sentiment." "No soul ! No sentiment I" exclaim ed Saunders. " There you are mista ken. Not many hours since I met her near her father's house, and had quite an interesting tree-a-trim as her French- CORREOT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED BY 'MUM HUNTINGDON, PA., NOVEMBER 4, 1846. man of a parent would say. Before I left her she honored me with a kiss !" "A kiss 1" was the general interrog atory shout. Wright's face blanched as white as the paper in his hands, but he said no thing. "He's romancing," said the burly roue ; " don't believe a word of it." "On my soul and honor, I speak the truth," responded Saunders, emphat ically. "Perjured villain !" ejaculated a deep, but tremulous voice behind him. " Who spoke 1" fiercely demanded Saunders. " I did 1" said Wright ; calmly ad vancing to the centre of the apartment. " Did you apply those words to me, sir I" inquired Saunders. "I did." " Then you are a scoundrel and a coward, and I will have your heart's blood." Everybody rose sobered from the ta ble, and gathered around Saunders.— Wright was the first to speak. "You have told me what you will do ; Now listen to me. You have dared to lie to the discredit of a virtuous young lady—her name has been bandied about by your drunken companions, as if she were a creature as vile as yourselves.— You have profaned that name in a low and disgraceful manner, and unless you repair those injuries, you shall be pun ished." "Punished 1" almost yelled the liber tine. " Punished !" said Wright firmly.— " Unlets you now, and at once confess yourself a liar, and retract what has been spoken, you shall give me satisfac tion." . I will not retract, and I cannot fight you." " Why not 1" • . "Because you are not equal to me in social position—because you gave the first insult, and I do not choose to re cognise it from one beneath me." A death like silence pervaded the apartn3.ent. Every man's breath was drawn with a hissing sound through his clenched teeth. Wright reflected a mo ment and then, while his eye gleamed with passion, he asked, in husky tones, "will you fight 1" "I will have nothing to do with you. For the language you have used, I will have my revenge when and where I can get it." "Miserable coward, take that !" ex claimed Wright, throwing a brimming tumbler of hot punch full into Saundcr's face. "Enough !" muttered the latter be tween his clenched teeth. " I have chan ged my mind. Name your time and place, I accord you that privilege." "The time now!—the place HERE !- the Weapons THERE !" replied Wright, as he produced a brace of pistols. The company stood aghast. They had trampled on a man whom they had mis taken for a milksop ; and he had proved a lion in courage, as well as a Napoleon in firmness. • " This may do very well for bravado," said Saunders' burly friend ; " but you do not pretend to say that we should turn this place into a slaughter house." "Hark ye !" said Wright, in a man ner which showed that he was weighing every word, "for years this man has carried dismay and misery into the peace ful family circle. Month after month he has followed the pastime of tradu cing the character of unprotected fe males. He has at least villified the only one I love on earth ; she who is to become my wife. I know well enough that un less this slander is formally retracted she is ruined in the estimation of at least half the community. All the hap piness 'I hope to enjoy upon earth is centered in her purity. If lam killed her fate will not be more deplorable than at present. Therefore, Mr. Saunders must retract, or I will fire upon him." Mute inquiries were exchanged—in decision and fear were marked on each face. Saunders mechanically outstretch ed his hand and took one of the pistols, looked around the room as if for advice, and then replacing the pistol on the table, said, "I am in the hands of my friends." "Fight as I propose," said the burly man. Without seeming to fully comprehend the remark, Saunders nodded assent, and ‘N right immediately agreed to set tle the matter in any method the roue might suggest. "'this, then, is the plan : You shall each fire at that spot in the wall opposite. He who strikes nearest the centre shall have the first fire nt his antagonist at six yards." • The echo of the last words had scarce ly died away before Wright fired at the mark. Breathlessly they waited for the smoke to clear away. "He is an inch wide of the spot," said the burly man coolly. " Now Saun ders, it is your turn." With trembling sinews Saunders rai sed his arm and fired. A crash of glass followed the report. He had missed the wall and shattered the window three feet wide of the spot indicated. " Gentlemen, stand apart !" exclaimed Wright. They all gathered behind him, leaving the enemies w;'h about the space of six yards between them, and face to face. "Mr. Saunders, your life is mine by all the ties of honor, but I waive my right to take it, provided you retract your false assertion. "No," groaned Saunders, "I dare not do that. Murder me if you will—l can not disgrace myself." "Some one count three," was Wright's rejoinder, "and I will fire when he is done." ," One ! two!" "Do not say THREE !" shrieked the coward, falling on one knee, and shield ing his head with outstretched hands. Do not say three! I defamed her—l' retract—She is as pure as my own sister!" Without saying another word Wright left the tavern. The next morning, un able to bear his humbled condition there, &mars departed from the village, and his companions, deprived of their leader, settled down in a very short time into respectable members of society. Wright and Mary became man and wife—of course. The old gentleman who rela ted the subject of this sketch afterwards saw Wright on the floor of Congress. There is no wrong so skillfully wrapt in rphistry, or protected by the machi nations of the individual who commits it, but must at some period meet the avenging stroke, while he who persists in right must surely meet his merited I reward. THE PRINTER. The Printer is the most curious being living. He may have a " Bank and quoins," and yet not be worth a cent— have SMALL cars, and have neither wife nor children. He may be making im pressions without eloquence ; may use the ley without offending, and at the same time be telling the truth; while others cannot stand when they set, he can set standing, and even do both at the same time; have and use furniture, and yet own no dwelling ; may make and put away pi, and never see a pie, much less eat it during life; may press a good deal, and not ask a favor; may handle a shoot ing iron, and know nothing about a cm non, gun or pistol ; he may move the lever that moves the world, and yet be as far from moving the globe as a hog with his nose under a molehill ; spread sheets without being a housewife; he may lay his form on a bed, and yet be obliged to sleep on the floor; and use the dagger without shedding blood, and from the earth handle the stars; he may be of a rolling disposition, and never desire to travel; he may have a sheep's foot and not be deformed; he most al ways holds a stick, but it is not wood ; never be without a case, and know no thing about law or physic; be always correcting his errors, and grow worse every day ; have em-braces without hav ing the arms of a lass thrown around him ; distribute the metallic all around him daily, and be as close-fisted and un charitable as the veriest miser ; have his form locked up, and still be free from jail, watch-house, or any other confine ment; his office may have a hell in it, and not be such a bad place after all ; he may be plagued by the devil, and be a Christian of the best kind. And what is stranger still—be he holiest or dis honest, rich or poor, drunk or sober, in dustrious or lazy—lie always stands up to his business. DEFINITION.—An investigation was held the other day by the directors of a school, into the conduct of some of the teachers towards the scholars. Among the witnesses examined, was a bright little fellow about 10 years of age, who was asked whether he thought his teach er was "partial 1" "No, air, he ar'nt," he answered promptly enough. " Do you know what partial means 1" " Of coath I cloth," said the young rogue, quite indignant at this imputation upon his intelligence. " Well, what is it 1" Vy, if he wops all the boys like thunder, and wops 'cm all alike, I does'nt call that 'partial,' (loth you 1" SCIENCE.-" A frog," says Professor Pump, "is an amphibivous hanimal, as wot !jokers on cold water, and conse kvcntly invented the tee-total society. He always walks with a jump, HE does ; and when he sits down has has to stand up, HE has. Being a lover of native me lodies, he gives free concerts every night, HE does, himself. He perwides "music for the million," which has been so call ed because it is usually heard in a mill pond. He is a %varmint wot hain't so bad when briled un a ,riddle, no sir-cc!" THRILLING ACCOUNT OF THE BURNING OF THE TRUITON. The following letter, written to Bish op Doane, by Commander Engle, of the U. S. Steamship Princeton, gives a thril ling account of the burning of the ill fated brig Truxton. The extracts from Coin. Engle's letter commences when the Princeton arrived off the bar, in sight of the wreck: " I stood in, and anchored in five fathoms water; as close as I could ap proach with safety, and where I could send a shot through and through her, and throw my shells on shore, if neces sary. I immediately sent Lieut. Boggs on shore with a flag of truce. He cross ed the bar of Tuspam, through a surf that would cause the stoutest heart to quiver; at times his boat was almost on end. Still, by his guidance, she cross ed it like a duck. " I directed Boggs to inform the com manding officer on shore, that I would permit no one to visit the brig until my boats had been on board ; and that if he fired on them I would land and attack him. Boggs then pulled for the brig. The surf was so high lie could not get on board, so he returned to the ship. That night the wind blew; it stormed and rained. Next morning I took a boat, went in and examined the bar, sounded round and about it, and found the surf too high to send the boats. Towards mid-day it cleared up, the swell went down, and the surf appeared less angry. At the desire of the officers, I manned the boats; with directions; if there was the least danger, not to cross. Our boats are first-rate, and my officers' second to none. They pulled in with the boats. I directed Lieut. Boggs to lead, Lieut. Rowan to follow, and Past Midshipman Stiles to remain at the out er edge of the surf, to assist, in case of accident, the crossing boats. The boats closed, and the officers consulted at the • entrance of the surf. Lieut. Boggs said ' —"I can cross !" Lieut. Rowan said— ' "I'll follow!" I was at the mizzen top. ' My glass was on Lieut. Boggs. At times his boat could not be seen. Need I tell you of the anxiety I felt at this moment' ' In an instant, an officer at my right cried out, "Rowan is capsized!" His boat was struck by a sea on the larboard • quarter, and broached. Another sea and another knocked her over, and over and over; and once I looked on all as lost; ' for few men escape a capsize in a surf. I knew by examination, that the current in the river was strong enough to carry ' out the boat. For this reason I sent a ; third boat to lie at the edge of the surf. ' The men clung to the boat. At the first roll, sonic were caught under her. Lieut. ' Rowan cheered his men, and one .of ; them in particular assisted him. They drifted out. I saw them receiving . aid from the third boat. I maimed other ' boats, and sent them to their assistance. " Well, the question now was, 'who were lost V I was in great distress. To lose men in a fair fight is expected ; but to lose them by surf and sharks, is horrible. I sent a small boat, and di rected the officer, in case Rowan was safe, to pull off his hat and cheer ; and if all was safe, to throw up both hands. Could there be a nobler sight, than a gallant officer with hat off, and arms ex tended to Heaven, as a signal of safety, informing his shipmates, at the distance of a mile and a half, that all were safe ? My heart was not in my body. It was in my neck mid choking inc. I lay down in the top, till I recovered myself. Our yards, rigging and top, were full of men, silent as dentin, until I gave the word, are safe.' God only lcnows how, for some of them could not swim. The surf was so high, that the third cutter could not go to hem, but had to wait till the current drove the boat and crew through it, seaward. There were six teen on board each boat. " And where is Boggs all this time I He got safely through; hint before he could get his boat seaward he was within pistol shot of about 50 men, with mus kets ready to receive Where is the white flag V said he.—Search was made, but none to be found. Who has a white shirt Our sailors dress in blue. I have,' said the boatswain, who stands about six feet two inches, built in proportion, a splendid looking fellow. In a moment, a fathom of it was stream ing from a boat hook. Boggs pulled up boldly, and jumped ashore, shook hands with the officer, and told him that he came by order f the Captain, to thank him for his kindness to the crew of the Truxton; and to say to him that Inc would not fire on the shore, unless he fired on ins ; if he did, lie would laud and go up to Tuspam, a town six miles up the river. Boggs then pulled for the brig, but could not board her, so he re turned to the ship. The officer on shore told him, that lie thought three bouts rather too many to come on shore with a flag of truce. So 1 thought myself ; particularly, an as each boat had 32 rEDIToR _v Nu PROPRIETOR WHOLE NO. 562. pistols, 16 bowie knives, and 16 carbines on board. " The next day, at meridian, I sent two boats under command of Lieut. Boggs, with directions to board the brig; and, if she was not bilged, to send down, and throw overboard, her yards, for us to pick up, as they floate d then to set her on fire. He inch shells with I the 52d of Augu: stein to stern. . I never saw! IVI7, which were below', flew, and the flame an hour or so, away giTenirr main and mnintopmast, headlong into the feduning surf! Then all eyes wore on the fore mast, which hung on for upwards of an hour longer, when it followed. Fine spars! which had assisted it bringing the remains of the gallant Porter from a Mahomedan to Christian country; to rest, under the flag he had fought for so nobly." The 119.11 that, the Mule Kicked, Many are the anecdotes and stories which our volunteers tell, the scene of which has been the Rio Grande, and many yet remain to be told. The fol lowing good one was yesterday related to us, says the New Orleans Delta, by our friend, Sewell Taylor :—On a cer tain starless night, in the latter part of July, two volunteers—living editions of Damon and Pythias, so sincere were their friendships, so mutually strong were their attachments—were sitting on some lumber in the neighborhood of Sewell's (the Sutler's) tent. They had given pretty strong proofs during the day of their abhorrence or the water of the Rio Grande in its primitive state, by mixing with it a liberal component part of Sewell's brandy, which, as Burns says, made them " unco happy." They sat there for a considerable time, and talked of "old times" and new times— of times past, present and to come—of the indomitable courage and invincible pouter of the United States volunteers, and of the cowardly, craven Mexicans. Indeed, from the mood they were then in, "they could," as they expressed it, "walk into Ampudia and his whole pu sillanimous host !" One of them had occasion to with draw for a few minutes, and after making in advance due apology for his tempo ' rary absence, he assured WI; friend that little time would elapse before he would rejoin him. Not returning, however, as soon as his friend thought he should, the latter "putout" too, Be who first left, soon, in a zigzag course, returned ; but instead of going up to where him self and friend had been sitting, he ap proached to where a vicious Mexican mule was haltered. , "Come, Bill," said he, laying his hand on the hind quarter of the mule, "let us go to our tent." " Wee-ee-ee," cried the mule letting fly the left hind leg at him, striking him in the abdomen, and sending him on the broad of his back in among the neighboring chap parral. After recovering, he picked himself up, and adVancing again towards the mule, said, " Look here ; Bill, this is d—d shabby conduct ! I wouldn't treat a Mexican so, letting alone an old comrade. If you have any spite against me, just say so, and I'm your man ; but don't strike a fellow that way, with the butt end of your musket in the dark.— I. tell you, I felt that lick just as if a dragoon's horsehad kicked me. Come, now, no more of that—let us shake hands"—and again he went up within kicking distance of the mule. " Wee-ec-i-ee," growled the mule, and again lie gave the intruder a kick, which laid hint flat on the ground. "Murder ! murder !" he cried, " I'm shot—l'm stabbed—he has run his bay onet through ine—he has broken my head with the butt end of his musket— I'm shot—l'm killed ! Guard! Rounds ! Grand Rounds !" Attracted by tho ,noise, a crowd in stantly gathered round ; lights were brought, and the Great Kicked was piitked up out of the chapparrul. Two of his ribs only were found to be broken, and his friend and comrade, Bill, was Elie lirst to render him assistance. Of course, although he could not at the time be made to believe it, it was at once seen that his enemy in disguise wns the peevish mule, and not his friend and comrade-soldier, Bill. fl We saw a hot roast goose in Gra• • vier street, yesterday, says the New Orleans Delta, and, like the pig spoken 'of in the nursery tale, which cried out, " who'll eat me'!" no one seemed anxious I for a slice of it. Reader, this indiffer ence will be understood when wo say ; that it was a tailor's goose ! D - 11l qualities arc catching, as well as diseases, and the mind is. at least as much, it not a good deal more, liable to infection than the body. [tll sight I)urst raters After
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