SHERIFF'S SALE, DY virtue of sundry writs of Vendi ji tioni Exponas in my hands, I will expose to public sale, at the house of Joseph Hammer, Innkeeper, in Holli daysburg, Blair county, on WEDNES- , DAY, the 4th day of November, A. D. 1846, at one o'clock, P. M., the follow ing described real estate, viz : Lot numbered 150 in the plan of the town of Hollidaysburg, fronting 58 feet on the north side of Juniata street, and extending back 160 feet to Bank alley, —having thereon erected a three story brick tavern house, and a•large frame stable. Also, a certain tract of land contain ing 130 acres more or less, situate in Allegheny township, adjoining lands of Jacob Miller, Abraham Beahl, Elias Ba ker, and Henry Glass—about 50 acres of which arc cleared, and a log dwelling house and a small log barn thereon. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James R. Johnston. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Wil liam Orr, derived by him by purchase from Matthew Long and wife, in and to all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate in Tyrone township, con taining 147 acres, be the same more or less—about 115 or 120 acres of which are cleared, adjoining lands of Philip Bridenbaugh, Thomas Crissman, John Fleck and John Orr—being the same tract of land which Daniel Crisman died seized of, and which is now in the possession of the widow of the said Daniel Crissman, decd.—having thereon erecten a weatherboarded dwelling house, a log barn and other improvements, and a good apple orchard, Sc., thereon. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Orr. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of John Cooper, and also all the right, title and interest of James M. Cooper, in and to all that certain lot of ground numbered 68 in the plan of the town of Hollidays burg, fronting 60 feet on the southerly side of Allegheny street, and running back 180 feet to Strawberry alley, boun ded on the east by Albert Garber's lot, and on the west by John Gorley—hav , ing thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, and shop and stable. Seized and taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of John Cooper, and also as the property of James M Cooper ALSO, All that certain plantiition, tract, piece or parcel of land situate in the township' of Woodberry, containing about one hun dred acres of land, be the same more or less, about 75 acres cleared, adjoining lands of Michael Bowers, George Focht, George Snively and Tussey's mountain —haVing a two story dwelling house, partly log and partly frame, and a frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. Also, a small piece or parcel of 'land on Tusseys's mountain, in said township of Woodberry, containing 16 acres, be the same more or less, with a little clear ed land and some buildines thereon— adjoining George Focht, Peter Bittle and others. Seized and taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of Michael Boss ier. ALSO, All that lot of ground situate in the borough of Gaysport, fronting 120 feet on the south-west side of Bedford street, and extending from said street along Newry street 190 feet to an alley, thence along said alley 45 1-2 feet to a lot of Mrs. Longenecker, and thence along said lot 180 feet more or less, to Bedford st. —having a two story brick dwelling house and a frame stable thereon erect ed. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Lytle. ALSO, All that certain tract of land situate in the township of Huston, bounded by lands of William Marsden, Wm. Shift' ler and others, containing 150 acres more or less, about 70 or SO acres of which are cleared—having thereon erect ed two log dwelling houses and a log barn. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Hoover. ALSO, Lot No. 232 in the plan of the town of Hollidaysburg, fronting 60 feet on the northerly side of Blair street and ex tending back 169, feet to an ally, boun ded on the cast and west by Lots of John James—having thereon erected a small plastered dwelling house, one and a half stories high. Seized, and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of ines Lockwood. ALSO, Lot. No. 169 in the borough of Hol lidaysburg, fronting 60 feet on the east ern side of Juniata street and extend ing back 180 feet along Walnut street to an alley—thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and a stable. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Henry R. Shout°, deed, in the hands of William Shorno, his surviving Executor. AND ALSO, By virtue of sundry other writs of Venditiona Exponas in my hands I will expose to sale at the Court House door in the borough of Huntingdon, on Mon day the 9th day of November, A. D. 1846, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described Real Estate : All that certain lot of ground, num bered in the town plot of the bor ough of Alexandria, fronting 52 feet on the southern side of the Turnpike Road and running back 200 feet towards the Juniata river, bounded on the east by a lot of ground now owned by Henry Neff's heirs, and on the west by a lot of Dr. Johnston—having thereon erect ed a two story frame dwelling house and kitchen, and a two story frame build ing used as a work shop, and other im provements. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the propeaty of John Baker. ALSO, DAYTON, Feb. 11, '45. Mr. J. W. Whitomore:—Dear Sir:— As you are the regular authorized agent in Dayton, for the sale of "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," I take this method of making a statement of facts to you (which I hope may be published to the world) in reference to an almost miraculous Cure, wrought in my case by means of the above Invaluable Bal sam. Language fails to describe the salutary effect it produced and the great benefit I derived from its use. The citizens of Dayton and vicinity, well recollect, that on the Bth of August last, I received serious injury from the explosion of a cannon. A portion of its contents entered my right side and breast, and in all probability, some frag inents or splinters of the rant-rod passed through the , plura' and pierced the lungs. After the lapse of six weeks, I was attacked with a distressing cough and violent pain in my right side. Some ten days after this, when in a paroxysm of coughing, suddenly an ulcer broke, ALSO, ! and a large quantity of effensivematter, All that certain small piece, or parcel mixed with blood, was discharged, most of land, containing about three acres, of which found passage through the be the same more or less, lying on the opening of the wound : from this open cast side of Water street and fronting ing there' frequently passed a quantity on said street or Road, in the town of of air, supposed to issue from the lungs. Cassville, in the township of Cass, ad- . During all this time my sufferings were joining a lot of Elias Wilson on the ! almost intolerable. south, lands of Lewis Steever on the I My physicians, meanwhile, paid the east, on the west by laud formerly own.i strictest attention to me and did all in ed by the defendant—having thereon ! their power for my recovery. But with erected a two story frame or weather ; all their skill they could not reach the boarded dwelling house and two small I seat of distress, after the lungs had be frame buildings or shops. I come affected. I was visited during this ALSO, time by at least twenty physicians. A piece, parcel, or lot of ground lying It was now reduced to a certainty, southward of the town of Cassville, con- that inflammation of the lungs was rap . taining obout 10 acres, more or less, ad- idly taking place, and that this would joining lands of Robert Speer, James terminate my life in a short time, was Eutrekin, and a lot of Joshua Greenland, in the highest degree probable. Esq.—about 5 acres of which are clear- At this critical state, a messenger was ed and under fence. ' dispatched to Cincinnati, and a celebra- Seized and taken in execution, and to ted physician of that place was consult be sold as the property of Jacob M. I ed. When he was made acquainted Cover. with my situation, he remarked that ALSO, nothing could be done by medical aid, A tract, piece, or parcel of land, sit- if the constitution itself was not suffi uate on the waters of the East branch cient to throw off the disease. of Stone Creek in Jackson township, I My friends now despaired of my re- Huntingdon county, containing 'about , covery, and had no earthly ground of SO acres, be the same more or less, ad- ' hope to survive many days. Fortunate joining ands of Allen MeAleavy, Tho-I ly_ at this juncture I saw one of Dr. teas Smith, Joseph Reilly, and a lot of!Wistar's pamphlets, entitled "Family John Dearment, about 8 acres of which Medical Gazette" or treaties on Con are cleared—having thereon erected a sumption of the lungs, and had often two story frame dwelling house and a heardof dying men "catching at straws;" saw mill. I I felt like doing so myself. By the con- All the right, title, and interest, of Hugh Arters, in and to all that tract, piece, or parcel of land, situate between Chestnut and Stony Ridge. in Shirley township, adjoining lands of Henry. Rhodes, Henry Roberts and John Brews ter—containing about one hundred acres, be the same more or less, about 50 acres of which are cleared—having thereon a one and a half story log house, a log barn and other improvements. Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Hugh Arters. ALSO, All that certain tract, piece, or parcel of land situate in Hare's Valley, in Cass township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of John Miller, Henry Dell, Geo- Querry, and Jack's Mountain, containing about 300 acres more or less, about 100 acres of which are cleared—having thereon erected a small dwelling house and a stable. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Matthias Mil. ler. Seized and taken in execution, and to i sent of my phisiciank I sent to you for be sold as the property of Win. Stewart I a bottle of medicine described, viz : (of Mifflin county). " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," ALSO, which relieved me almost immediately. All that certain tract of land called After I had used some 5 or 6 bottles, I " Juniata Farm," situate in Henderson ; so far recovered as to be up and about. township, on the Juniata river, about 3 My cough ceased, and my lungs were miles below Huntingdon, containing 184 restored to a healthy state—all from the acres 70 perches, and allowance, sur- healing and balmy influence, and pow veyed on two warrants in the name of erful medical virtues of Wistar's Bal- Joseph Reed (the several courses and I sam. distances of which are laid down in the writ). And a tract of woodland con taining 109 acres and 108 perches, in the name of Rebecca Smith, together BD"' Read the following from Dr. Jacob with 33 acres and 18 perches of wood- Hoflinen, a physician of extensive prac land, part of a survey in the name of tice in Huntingdon county : Susannah Haines—all adjoining each Dear Sir :--I procured one bottle of other, and composing together one farm : Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, (and now adjoins Jacob Fockler, j ames lfrom Thomas Read, Esq., of this place, Wilson and others), nearly all of the ' and tried it in a case of obstinate Asth -184 acres are cleared and cultivated, and I ma on a child of Paul Schweble, in which a good house and barn thereon. many other remedies had been tried Seized and taken in execution, and to without any relief. The balsam gave be sold as the property of Jacob Miller. sudden relief, and in my opinion the ALSO,child is effectually cured by its use. All that certain tract of land situate Yours, &c. in Barren township, Huntingdon county, lying in Kyler's gap, near the waters 0, JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. 1 Dec. 23, 1841. Stone creek, containing about 200 acres The true and genuine 4 Wistar's Bal of land, adjoining lands of Abraham Look, Philip Silknitter, John McCalian sam of Wild Cherry' is sold at estab lished agencies in all parts of the Uni and others—having thereon a saw mill, ted States. Price $l.OO per bottle. a small log dwelling house, and a log , Sold by SANFORD & PARK, barn. Cincinnati, Ohio. Seized and taken in execution, and to Also, by Thomas Read & Son, Hun be sold as the property of Charles C. ting on; ;Vlrs.lllary Orr,Hollidaysburg; Ash. JOHN ARMITAGE, Sheriff Gemmill & Porter, Alexandria. . SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Important---to an concerned. Huntingdon, Oct. 10, 1846. A 1.1. those knowing themselves indebted to the . _ liundersigned, by note or book account, will LAST NOTICE. please coins forward and settle the same previous TH E undersigned, having finally determined to to the first of November next, as after that time leave this town, would by this last notice respect- , all such notes and accounts will be left in the hands fully i n f orm th ereo f s it p ersons w h o ere i n d e bt e d of a Justice of the Peace for collection, without to him for medicine and medical attendance, and respect to persons. request them to call without delay and settle their CHARLES S. BLACK. accounts. ! Sep. 9;1846. J. R. LUDEN. George Taylor, Huntingdon, Sept, 2, 1846. P. S. A it corn which remain uneetred at A TTORNEY AT LAW—Attends to practise in the Orphans' Court, stating administrators' the end of next November Court, will be left in the account., Scrivening, dm Office in the diamond, hands of a Justice of the Peace, for collection. J. B. L. three doors east of the " Exchange Hotel." feb2e...'44 A.W. Benedict, : S. Sewell Stewart, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— ! Office at his old TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon. Pa.— residence in '.Hain street, a I few doors west of the old Court House. He will V Office in Mein street, live doors west of Mr. attend to any business entrusted to bun in the see. : Buoy's jewelry establishment. end Courts of Huntingdon and adjoining counties. TUS'I'ICE'S blanks of all kinds for sale at this apr30248 0 offivo. Diseases of the Lungs and Breast. ANOTHER ASTONISHING CURE. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, AL WAYS TRIUMPHANT ! CURE .FOLLOWS CURE! IN ITS ONWARD VICTORIOUS CA- REER ! Yours truly, CHARLES R. SMITH. REGIST22.II MOWN, NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons concerned, that the following named persons have settled their ac counts in the Register's office at Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for. Confirmation and allow ance at an Orphan's Court to be held at Huntindon in and for the county of Hun tingdon, on Wednesday the 11th day of November next, to wit : . _ 1. William Caldwell, acting Admin istrator of the estate of Thomas Lloyd, late of the Borough of Huntingdon, deceased. 2. Joseph Moore one of the Exec utors of the last Will and Testament of Robert Moore, late of the Borough of Huntingdon, deceased. 3. John G. Rutnberger, Administra tor of the estate of George Rumberger, late of Warriorsmark township, deed. 4. William Buchanan, surviving Ad ministrator of the estate of George Bu chanan, late of Hopewell township, deceased. 5. Henry Isenberg, Administrator of the estate of Enoch Isenberg, late of Porter township, deceased. 6. John Stewart, EXecutor of the last Will and Testament of John Stewart, late of Jackson township, deceased. 7. Henry B. Mytinger, Administrator of the estate of Lewis Mytinger, Jr., late of Water Street, Huntingdon county, deceased. 8. James Logan, Administrator of the estate of William Logan, late of the Borough of Petersburg:, deceased. JACOB MILLER, Register. REGISTER'S OFFICE, Huntingdon, Oct. 10, '46. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 1)Y virtue of an order of the Orphan? Court of I Innungdon county, will be exposed to public sale on Friday, October thirtieth. at the house of Sinuel Steffy, Innkeeper, in Jack son township, Eight Tracts of Unseated land, late the property of Jacob K. Neff dee'd, situate in said township; One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry Cation; One con taining 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of David Stewart ; One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of A. Johnson ; One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Hugh Johnston; One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry West; One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Thomas McCune; One containing 420 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of James Dean ; and ono containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of John Adams. a One half of the purchane money to be paid on the confirmation of the sales respectively, and the residue within one year thereafter, with interest, to he secured by the bond and mortgage of the pur- chaser. By the Court, JACOB Mil .LER, Clerk. Attendance given by JOHN NEFF, acpt3o•te. Executor. Sale of Valuable Real Estate. rpHE subsci lbw. offer for sale that valuable Real Estate, Two tracts of land situate on the Banks of the Little Juniata river, one mile below Birming ham; Ono tract situate in Warrioramark town ship Huntingdon county, the other tract situate in Tyrone township, Blair county, the River being the line between the two tracts, and also the line be tween Huntingdon and Blair counties, well known es the property of Andrew Robeson, of Warriors mark township, now deceased. The manaicn tract in Warrioramark township, contains 200 acres of excellent limestone land, ' about 100 acres cleared, and in a good state of cul tivation, with three dwelling houses, a stoke Barn and a good apple orchard thereon. The other tract in Blair county contains 400 acres of excellent timber land, with a house end stable the , eon erected ; there is an Ore bank on this tract, from which about 000 tons of Iron Ore of an excellent quality has been raised. A large port of this tract is good limestone land for farming. ! On these two tracts are four situations for Forges ! or Furnaces, perhaps the best sites in the State.— There is a number of springs on the two tracts of never failing water that keep the river free from ice for more than a mile. This last tract of land is all woodland and well covered with timber. Ono third of the purchase money to be paid on hand, the residue in two annual payments, there after. Any person wishing to purchase one or both tracts will please call on David Robeson in Pleasant Valley, or Jacob Von Tries in Warriorsmark. DAVID ROBESON, JACOB VAN TRIE S , sept3o-tf. Executors. Hollidaysburg Register, inset t the above, till for. bid, and charge Executors. LEA.I HER, MOROCCO AND FINDING STORE. No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg. THE subscriber respectfully informs the ci , izens of Huntingdon and neighboring counties. that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branchl i p of the best quality, sod as low as can b ght anywhere, for Cash. His stock consists partly of Sole Leather, Upper Leather, Calf Skins, water proof Kip, Harness Bridle,&c. &c. Morocco, omen's Straights, Kid, Bindings, Linings, &c. &c. Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, sparables, glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, boot wel , , cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slick hones, files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys, jiggers, shoulder irons, shoe keys, seam sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels, heel slickers, shank wheels, coil's, shoul der sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gonges, psttent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c. &c., and everything else in his line of busi ness. Call and see before buying elsewhere. WM. L. PEIPER. Feb. 11, 1846. MONIST WANTED. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber by note or Book account, after six months, are respect fully requested to make pay.nent at or before the next November Court. Those neglecting this notice may expect their ac counts to lie left in the hands of a proper Wile., for eolleetton. Money I must have and can give no further indulgence. kluntinsdon, Sep. 9, 1846. COME THIS WAY! Carriage Manufactory. HENRY SMITH lIWST RESPECTFULLY informs the Kam' citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, and the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its various branches, at his old stand, in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting don, nearly opposite the Journal" print. ing office, where he has constantly on hand every description of • Coaches, Carriage:, rQ I Budgies, Sleighs and Dearborn's, which he will SELL sow FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. He would also inform the public that be manufactures and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of C 11 .1 1 12 S made and finished iu the most (tumble and improved style, by experienced workmen. The public are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves. HENRY SMITH. Huntingdon, Nov. 5, 1845—tf. .UFFINGTON I-7-- T. W. B S Cheap Grocery and Queens ware store. No. 20 North Second st., Harrisburg, Pa. THE subscriber offers for sale, at the low est cash prices, a well selected stock of GROCEI{ILS, Among which are the following: Green and Black "teas; Rio, Lva, and St. Domingo Gal • fee; Loaf, Ltnp, Crushed, Pulverized, and Brown Sugars; Syrup, Sugar House and N. Orleans Molasses; Sperm, Whale and Fish Oil; Prunes in Jars, Chocolate, Cocoa, Hams, Dried Beef, Mackerel and Shad, Herring, &c. ALSO, for sale, a general assirtment. of CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSW ARE, ligether with a great variety of ankh s iu his line of busint ss, all of which he is deter mined to s,ll at the lowest prices. CHEAP GOODS ! ITI I HE store of , Stevens, Snyder & Co." will be kept open for a few days, and the stock, consis ting of almost every article of inerehantlize brought to the country, will, during that time, be retailed at cost prices. The goods must and will be sold; and those who wish to purchase will make money by giving the establishment an immediate call. GEO. TAYLOR,? DAVID BLACK, 5 Assign". scpt3o-tf. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by tnc Or phans' Court of Huntingdon count•, to examine and decide upon the exceptions to the .Administra lion account of Peter Hoffman, Administrator of Peter Hoffman, dec'd, late of Walker township, hereby gives notice that he will attend, for that pur pose, at the Register's office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 7th day of November, 1846, at o'clock P. M.; when and where all persona inter ested may attend, if they see proper. sept3o-4t. JOHN REED, Auditor. HARRIS, TURNER & IRVIN, WHOLESALE 1Z1RV0Ct3.(15.13 4- 0:3 No. 201 .Market Street, one door above Fifth, North Side, Philadelphia. M PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, j MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Patent Medi cines, Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Window Glass. Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &c. Druggists, country Merchants and Physicians, supplied with the above articles on the most favora ble terms. Strict and prompt attention paid to or ders. Every article warranted._ JOHN HARRIS, M. D., JAS. A. TURNER, late of Va. WM. IRVIN, M. D. sept 23. Ran Away ROM the subscriber on Sunday night the 13th F inst., Jolla ROTHROCK, an apprentice to the Tin hheet-iron and Stove business. Said John is about 19 yenta old, 5i feet high, dark hair, a little curly, and has a very slovenly appearance. All persons are cautioned against employing, trusting, or bar , boring him as the Law will be used against any one so doing. Any person delivering said John to me shall be rewarded with an old soddening-iron worth about a shilling. sept 23 6t. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Estate of John P. Carmon, deceased. ETTERS testamentary having been granted to I j the undersigned, on the above named estate, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present them properly authen ticated for settlement, and all those indebted to make payment immediately, to MARTHA CARMON, Executrix. sept2:3•6t. Shetes Dagnerrian Dooms. MR. SHEW would respectfully announce that helms fitted up rooms at No. 117 Baltimore street, with a light expressly adaptde to taking Da guerreotype miniatures, upon the moat approved Ho would especially call the attention of country operators to his facilities for furnishing Daguerreo type Aapparatus, Plates, Cases and Chemicals of the very best quality, and as cheap as any establish ment in the United States. Baltimore, May 27, 1946.-4 m. Y.- - -taCq...5....Ca . C33. 2 BUCK & MOORE, 254 Market Street, Philadelphia, HAVE constantly on hand every description of Cluthing, all of which aro cut, trimmed and made in a manner not to be surpassed, and are war ranted cheaper than the same quality of Goods in any other establishment in the United States.— Also, every description of GENTLEM.'S Fant ail nano Goons at reduced prices. Those visiting the city will find it to their interest to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. aopl3o-Iy. BUCK & MOORE. S. Steel Blair, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hollidaysburg, Pa., Will attend attend to all buainess entrusted to ins care in Blair, Huntingdon and Indiana court• ties. aprB-'46 Sohn Scott, jr TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, Pa.— IA Has rsmoved his office to the corner room of "Snare'. Row," directly opposite Fisher & M'Mur- We's store, where he will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may be entrusted in Huntingdon or the adjoining counties. Huntingdon Sept. 23, 1846. D. BUOY ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY, I. 4' H. Grafius, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens of Huntingdon county, and the public generally, that they continue to carry on the _ _ _ Capper, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business, in all its branches, in Alexandria, where they manufacture and constai.tly keep on hand every desct iption of ware in their line; such as New and Splendid Wood Stoves 22, 24, 26, 23 and 30 inches long. RIIBIA7'OR STOVES. 2 STZES.COAI,STOVES FOR PARLORS, NEW AN SPLENDID PARIplt STOVES FOR WOOD--THREE • SIZES . EGG STOVES-4180, IRON RAILING for front of Houses-- CAST GRATES for cellar win dows--SELF SHARPENING PLOUGHS, right and left handed--NEW BULL PLOUGII,with cast and iron shear. and the LIVINGS roN PLOUGH--DOUBLF, SHOVEL PLOUGHS for corn and seeding in fall grain—COPPER PUMPS, for wells any length, and Tin inside and ont— FORGE HAMMERS, from 5 to 16 cwt. New Cooking Stoves of all kinds,and Also four sizes of Coal Stoves, ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVES FINISHED All kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG ON BOXES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW WARE; all of which is done in a workman like manner. • Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pre serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale, wholesale and retail. Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on having their orders executed with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at market price. Alexandria, May 20, 1846. " QUIIIEN OF = WEST" CMClDaDatfira For sale by I. & 11. GRAFIUS, Alex andria, Iluntingdoo county,Pa., cheap lor caA or couotry produce at the market price. The "Queen of the West" is an im provement on Ilathaway's celebrated llot Air Stove. There has never yet ap- peared any plan of a Cooking Stove that possesses the advantages that this one has. A much less quantity of fuel is i.e.; quired for any amount of cooking or ba king by this stove than by any other. Persons are requested to call and see before they purchase elsewhere. May 20, 1896. To Purchasers--Guarantee. • THE undersigned agent of the Pattente e, of the Stove, " The Queen of Me West," unierstonding that the owners, or those concerned for them, of other and different patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against all who purchase and use any of " GUILDS PATENT COOKINC STOVK —The Queen of the Il'est." Now this is to inform all and every person who sisal purchase aid use said Stove that he will inl demnify them from all costsor damage, from any and all suits, brought bye ther Paten tees, or their agents, for any infringment of their patents. lie gives this notice so that persons need not be under any fears because they have, while consulting their own inter ests and convenience, secured the super for advantages of this " Queen" not only ut the nest, but of the Last. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. May 20, 1846. Dissolution of Partnership. The subscribers doing business under the firm of I. Grafius & Son, in Alexandria, Huntingdon comity, dissolved partnership by mutual consent on the 3rd day of April last. All persons having accounts with said firm will settle the same With I. Grafius,up to the above date. _ • I. GRAFIUS 8c SON, Alexandrii,lVlnv 20. 1846. 11111VN STOWE. ho IR.nls Great Bargains? Dr. Wm. Buroope, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun tingdon and vicinity, that he has lately re turned from the city of Philadelphia with an entire NEW STOCK of Goods, which he offers for sale a few doors east of the new Presbyterian Church and directly opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, Main street. He is fully determined to SELL C EA PER than any establishment in Huntingdon, or further, than any in Huntingdon county.— The stock consists of a general assortment of WM. B. ZEIGLER. SPRING, SUMMER and WINTER DRY-GOODS ; such as Broad Cloths of various colours; Cassimeres single and double milled ; a good as sortment of Vestings , Sattinettes and Flannels; all descriptions of Woollen & Summer goods; consisting in part, of Silks, Lawns, Shawls, Ginghams, Calicoes, fialsarincs, Bal sarine Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Hosiery, Mus'in, Suspenders, Rib bons, Linens, Checks, Tickings,Sun shades, Parasols, Summ r Goods , men and boy's wear ; Also, a carefully select ed assortment of Queensware, and Hardware, Composed cf iron, Steel, Saws, Scythes, SiCkles, Hammers, Axes, Nails, Traces. Shovels, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Knivettc , Forks, Shovels & Tongs, Looking Glasses, etc., etc. ALSO, Groceries : Such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas. Tobacco, Oils, (fish and Sperm,) Molasses of different qualities, Fish. &c. &c. articles kept at this store will be disposed of on very reasonable terms for CASH, or in exchange for all kinds of coun try produce. l Re hopes that persons before purcha sing elsewhere, will give him a call. Huntingdcn, May 27,1846. David Blair, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers