Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 28, 1846, Image 1

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    11.TnGDO1 JOURAAL.
VOL. XI, NO. 41.
lic.a - za. as
The "Jou u gLi." will he published every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six mouths, $2 50.
No mibscription received for a shorter period than
sir months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid.
Advertisements dot exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
aj. V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act
as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Balti
more and Boston.
Philadelphia—Number 59 Pine street.
Bultimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal.
vert *Areas.
IV 4 eui'Yoric—Number 160 Nassau street
Boslon—Number 16 State street.
✓lt the old established cheap hat and Cap
Store, .No. 196 Market street, sec
ond door below Sixth, Pleilada.
WE extend a general invitation to the citizens
of Huntingdon and its vicinity, as well as to
all others, to our store. We have on hand a huge
and complete assortment of Hats and Cops of every
etyle and variety, which we are smiling full one
fourth lower than the usual,prices, namely :
Extra Superior Beaver Hats, from $2.50 to $350
a Brush a a 2.00 to 3.00
•. a Silk a 1.25 to 2.00
Moleskin" a 2.50 only.
Good Hats as low as $1.25 and upwards. Also,
a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur trimmed, glazed,
silk oil cloth, velvet and fancy Caps; lino Otter,
Shetland Fur Seal, Musk Rat, Hair Seal Caps, &c.
&c., at lower prices than they can possibly be had
elsewhere. From our extensive sales, we can sell,
for a stnallor profit than others can. Coll and be
satisfied, it is to your juiciest.
Merchants, Storekeepers, Flatters and others, who
buy to sell again, supplied on reasonable terms.—
Be mire and call at No. 196 Market Street, second
door below sixth Street. . •
Scptem'oer 2, 1846,
Steam Refined Sugar .Candies-121 cents
per pound, Wholesale.
_ _
TJ. RICHAIIDSON, No 42 Market street,
,• l'iticasscruia,' takes pleasure in informing
the public, that he still continues to sell his very
Superior Steam Relined Candy at the low price of
412.50 per 100 pounds, and the quality is equal to
any manufactured in the United States.
rte also otters all kinds of goods itt the Confec
tionary and Frail line at corresponding low prices,
as quick sales and small profits are the order of the
Call or send your orders, and you cannot fail to
he satisfied. Don't forget the number, 42 MAR
September 3, 1846.
Lewistown Money taken at Par I
ri)HE aubecriber has on hand Tilt lashing Ma
-1 chines, which ho warrants t o he good, and
cars them for sale very cheap. He will also re
pair Thrashing Machines, and furnish castings at
his shop in Allegheny street, opposite the stable of
the Pioneer Line of Boats, Huntingdon, on the
shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. He
would also remind his friends and the public gene•
rally, that he still carries on the coach and wagon
.making business in all its branches.
August 96, 1846—1 f
THE Commilnwealth of Penn
-1: A sy/vania, to ANN V Alt NS
Ws rrnos Abra
tarn Va ns, did on the 23d day of February 1846,
prefer his petition to the Hon. James Gwin, one of
Alto Associate Judges of the Court of Common
'Pleas in and for said county of Huntingdon, pray
ing ,
for the causes therein set forth, that he might
She divorced from the Benda of Matrimony, entered
'lnto with you the said Ann Yarns t We do there
'Wore command you the said Ann Yarns, as often
t hefore commanded, that riming aside all other busi
uess and excuses whatsoever, you be and appear in
your proper person before our judges at Hunting
don, at our Court of Common Pleas, there to be
held in and for said county on the the second Mon
" slay of November next, to answer the petition and
libel of the said Abraham Yarns, and to show
cause if any you have, why the said Abraham
Yarns your hnsband,ehould not be divorced front
the Bonds of Matrimony, agreeably to the sets of
the General Assembly in such case made and pro-
Hereof fail not. Witness the Hon. A.S.
rWilson, Esq—President of our said court at Hun
filogdon, tho 22d day of August, A. D. 1846.
ed Sept. 16,'46. JAMES STEEL, Prot'y.
ic Orphans' Court Cale.
1Y virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
331Iuntingdon county will be exposed to public
sole on Saturday, the 17th day of October next, at
1, ,o'clock P. M. the following described Real Eatato
o, John Kennedy, late of the Borough of Alexan
a,'Elee'd, viz: Three Lots of ground in the bor
gh of Alexandria, adjoining Lots of John Bis
bin, and the heirs of Thomas Lloyd, deed, being
Ws number 89, 90, and 91, in the plan of said
borough, having thereon erected two Log dwelling
, hlpoes and a log stable.
errris of Sale: One half of the purchaso mo-
IQ to be paid on confirmation of Sale—ono half
iste year thereafter with interest, to bo secured
ksilio bonds and mortgages of the purchasera.
, By the Court. JACOB MILLER, Clerk. b
. B. Persons desirous of purehasin'• can have
information by applying to Mr. Judith Ken
who resides on the premises, or to the sob
, .9, 1846-6 t. Administrators.
, , 4._
SA:VVORK of all deshriptions neatly executed
the Journal oflice.
TT7HEREAS, by precept to me directed, dated
%V at Huntingdon, the 2d day of September,
one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, under
the hands and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil
son, President of the Court of Common Pleas,
Oyer and Terminer and general jail delivery of the
20th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of
the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union,
and the Hans. James Gwin and John Stewart, Iris
associates, judges of the county of Huntingdon,
justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and de
termine all and every indictmentsand presentments,
made or taken for or concerning all crimes, whirls
by the laws of the State are made capital or felon
ies of death and othir offences, crimes and misde
meanors, which have been, or shall be committed
or perpetrated within said county, or all persons
who are or shall hereafter be committed or he per
petrated, for crimes aforesaid, I am commanded to
make public proclamation throughout my whole
bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of
Common Please and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Court House, in the borough of Hunting
don, on the second Monday (and 9th day) of No
vember next, and those who will prosecute the
said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them
as it shall be just, and that all justices of the peace,
coroner and constables within the said county, he
then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock
A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions,
examinations and remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices respectively appertain.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 2d day of September,
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-six, and the 70th year of American
Sliznitv's OFFICE,
ffillith/gl/0//, Oct. 10, 1846. 5
the by precept
Common to
P le a
s directed o f
county by
Judger of
of Huntingdon, bearing test the 2d day of Septem
ber, A. D. 1846,1 am commanded to make public
proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of Common Pleas will be held at the Court
House in the borough of H untingdon, in the coun
ty of H untingdon, on the third Monday (and 16th
day) of November, A. D. 1846, for the trial of all
issues in said court, which remain undetermined
before the said judges, when and where all jurors,
witnessos and suitors, in the trial of all said issues
are required.
Dated at Huntingdon, the 2d day of Fel,!ember,
A. D. 1946, and the 70th year of American Inde
&mitre% Omer,
Huntingdon, Oct. 10, 1946.
T " , ,E y g, . "0 . " , i .D b.- E m azals be Hr a , t, i A ,lN A E ' REAR
LINE, No. 292 Market street, Philadelphia, who
has just finished one of the largest and most com
plete assortment of FALL and WINTER Cloth
ing in the city, consisting of
Super Black Dress Coats, from • $lO to $l4 00
"Do Frock do " 10 to 14 00
Do Blue dress do " 10 to 14 00
Super WI Beaver hangup Costs from Bls 12 00
Do Cloth
Do brown Cloth do do 10 to 14 00
Pilot Cloth Bangup Coals, from 3to 500
Super blk Sock Coats, do 9to 13 00
Do brown Sack Coats, do Bto 12 00
Tweed Coats, do 3to 600
Union Cassimere Coats, do sio 600
01k Cloth Cloaks, do 10 to 18 00
Business Cloaks, do 6to 700
Black Cassimere Pants, do 4to 500
Do Fancy cassimero, do 4to 500
Satin Vests, do 2 50 to 4 00
Merino Vests, do 2to 400
Silk Velvet Vests, do 3to 460
Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING, may de
pend upon being suited in every respect, aso,ve are
determined not to be undersold by any competitor
in the business. All geode are purchased for
'CASH, which enables us to sell a little lower than
those who deal on the 'credit system; it being a
self-evident fact that the " nimble sixpence is bet
ter than the slow shilling." Don't forget Elie num
ber, -292 Markel street, Philadelphia.
oct6-3m M. TRACY.
Brooms, Buckets and Cedar Ware.
No. 63 North Third st. 2d door above Arch,
larn enabled this fall to offer an unusually large
assortment of the above articles. A lso—Willw
and French Baskets and Coaches, Wash Boards,
Matta, Clo'hes-pins, !Vest Boxes, Wood Pow's &
Trays, Boston Blinds, Sickles, Oil Paste Blacking,
Shoe Brushes, Clamps, Hand Scram, Wall Brushes,
Dusters, &c. and Wooden nate of every descrip
Country Merchants will take notice that as I am
now rmtnufacturing extensively, and receiving di
rectly front the Eastern Factories, I can furnish the
Full Trade with superior goods at prices greatly re
duced from what I havo hitherto been selling.
Sep. 16, '46.
Valuable Real Estate for Sale.
TILL be exposed to public sale on the pre
mises, on MONDAY, the 26th day of Oc
tober next, that valuable tract of Limestone land,
situate in Warriormark townshrp, in the county of
Huntingdon, and State of Pennsylvania, known as
the property of Samuel Spanogle, decd., bounded
by lands of John Spittler, Henry Spanogle, the
heirs of George Mong, deed. and others, containing
about 118 acres. of which about 70 acres are clear
ed, and in a good state of cultivation. The im•
provements are a two story dwelling house, a good
ham, with out-houses, p good orchard of fruit tree.,
and a never-failing spring of limestone water.
Said property must and will he sold. The terms
of sale will be made known on said day by
oct6-ts] Exr's of Ram!. S . potiogle, deed.
A. K. Cornyt,
TTORNEY AT LAW, Huntingdon, PB.
11 Office in Main street, near the old Court
House. octls-'43.
W. R. Cromer,
The following spirited song, written by the late
Major Ringgold, a short time previous to his death,
was furnished to the Feliciano Whig, by an olikei•
of the Army.
A fleet steed with a flowing mane,
A troop that follows fast,
That fills the wide and spreading plain,
And sounds the battle blast;
And sounds the battle blast, my boys,
While like an arrow bright,
Away the brave steed sweeps, he bears
The warrior to the fight.
O fora nice and gentle nag,
I've heard a fair one sigh,
But give to me the warrior steed,
His white crest arching high,
His white crest arching high, my boys,
His motion grand and free,
He sweeps along the boundless plain,
'Midst death and victory, my boys,
'Midst death and victory,
He sweeps along the boundless plain,
'Midst death and victory.
There's lightning in his flashing eye,
There's danger in his bound,
Hark to the trumpet, wartime brave,
The battles rages round,
The battle rages round, my boys,
The war-horse'charges free,
'rho field of battle is out own,
'Midst shouts of victory,
'Midst shouts of victory, my boys,
'Midst shouts of victory,
The field of battle is our own,
'Midst shouts of victory.
When the tyranny and bigotry of the
last James drove his subjects to take up
arms against him one of the most for
midable enemies to his usurpation was
Sir George Cochrane, a prominent actor
in Argyle's rebellion.
For ages a destructive doom seemed
to hang over the house of Campbell, en
veloping in a common ruin all who uni
ted. their fortunes. to the cause of the
chieftans. The same doom encompassed
Sir John Cochrane. He was surround
ed by the king's troops—long, bold, and
desperate was his resistance ; but at
length, overpowered by numbers, he was
taken prisoner, tried and condemned to
die upon the scaffold. He had but a
few days to live, and the jailor only
awaited the arrival of his death-warrant,
to lead him forth to execution. His fam
ily and relatives had visited him in prison
and exchanged with him the last, the
long, the heart-yearning farewell. But
there was one who came not with the
rest to receive his blessing—one who
was the pride of his eyes and of his
house, even Grizelle, the daughter of
his love.
10 to 15 00
Twilight was casting a deep gloom
over the grating of his prison house,
and he was mourning for a last look of
his favorite child, and his head was pres
sed against the cold, damp cell, to cool
the feverish pulsations that shot through
it like streams of fire,
when the door of
his apartment turned slowly on its un
willing hinges, and his keeper entered,
followed by a young and beautiful lady.
.Her person was tall and commanding,
her eyes bright and tearless, but their
brightness told of sorrow—sorrow too
deep to be wiped away, and her raven
tresses parted over on open brow, clear
and pure as the polished marble. The
unhappy captive raised his head as the
two entered.
"My child, my own Grizelle !" he ex
claimed, and she fell upon his bosom.
" My father, my dear father !". sobbed
the miserable maiden, and dashed away
the tears that accompanied the words.
" Your Interview must be short, very
short," said the jailor, as he turned
away and left them for a few minutes
"Heaven help and comfort thee, my
daughter !" added Sir John, while he held
her to his breast and imprinted a kiss
'upon her brow, " I feared that I should
die without bestowing my blessing on
the head of my own child, and that stung
me more than death itself ; but thou art
come, and the last blessings of thy
wretched father-"
" Nay, father, forbear !" she exclaim
ed; not thy last blessing! not thy last
—my father shall not die."
" Be calm, be calm, my child," ho re
turned. "Would to heaven I could com
fort thee, my .own ! But there is no
hope; within three days and thou and
all my little ones will be—"
Fatherless, he would have said, but
the word died on his lips.
" Three days," repeated she, raising
her head from his breast, but pressing
his hand, "three days, then there is'hope,
my father shall live'? Is not my grand
father with the confessor and the mas
ter of the king'? From him he shall
beg the life of his son, and illy father
shall not die:"
OCTOBER 28, 1840.
- "Nay, nay, my Grizelle," returned he
"be not deceived; there is no hope; al
ready the king has sealed the order of
My execution' and the messenger of
death is 'on his way."
• •" Yet' my father shall not—shall not
die !" she repeated emphatically, clasp
ing her hands together. "Heaven speed
a datighter's purpose," she exclaimed,
and turning to him said calmly, "we
part now, but we shall meet again."
" What would my child 1." inquired he
eagerly, and gazed anxiously upon her
"Ask not now," she replied, "my
father, not now, but pray for me and
bless me—but not with thy lase bles
He again pressed her to his heart, and
wept upon her neck. In a few minutes
the jailor entered, and they were torn
from the arms of each tither.
On the evening of the second day af
the interview we have mentioned, a
wayfaring man crossed the bridge at
Berwick, from the North, and proceed
ing along Marygate, sat down to rest
-upon a bench by the door of an hostel
rie on the South side of the street; near
ly fronting where what was called the
" main guard" then stood. He did not
enter the inn, for it was above his appa
rent condition ; being that which Oliver
Cromwell had' made his head quarters a
few years before, and where, at a some
what earlier period, James the Gth, of
Scotland, had taken up his 'residence,
when on his way to enter upon the soy
reignty of England. The traveller wore
a close jerkin, fastened around his body
by a leathern girdle, and over it a short
cloak of equally plain materials. He
wits evidently a young man; but his bea
ver was drawn down so as almost to
conceal his features. In one hand he
carried a small bundle, aqd in the other
a pilgrim's stilt Having called for a
glass of wine, he took a crust of bread
from his bundle, and after resting for a
few minutes, rose to depart. The shades
of night were setting in, and it 'threat
ened to 4e, a night of storms. The hea
vens were gathering black, the clouds
rushing from the sea, and sudden gusts
of wind Were moaning along the streets,
accompanied by heavy drops of rain,
and the face of the Tweed was "troub
"Heaven help thee, if thou intendest
to travel far such a night as this," said
the sentinel at the English gate, as the
traveller passed him and proceeded to
cross over the bridge.
In a few minutes he was over upon
the wide, desolate, and dreary moor of
TweedmOuth, which for miles presented
a desert of furze, fern, and stunted heath,
with here and there a dingle cover with
thick brushwood. Slowly he toiled over
the steep hill, braving the storm which
now raved with the wildest fury. The
rain fell in torrents, and the ivind howl
ed' as a legion of famished wolves, hurl
ing its doleful and angry echoes over
the heath:' Still the stranger • hurried
onward, until he had proceeded two or
three miles from Berwick, when, as if
unable longer to brave the storm, he
sought shelter amid some crab and bram
ble bushes by the way side.
Nearly an hour passed since he sought
this imperfect refuge, and the darkness
of the night, and the storm had increas
ed together, when the sound of a horse'S
feet was heard madly splashing through
the water along the road. The rider
bent his head to the blast. Suddenly
the horse was grasped by the bridle, the
rider raised his head, and the stranger
stood before him, holding a pistol to his
" Dismount or die !" said the stranger
ThO horseman, benumbed and strick
en with fear, made an effort to reach his
arms, but in a moment the hand of the
robber, quittin, the bridle, grasped the
breast of the rider, and dragged him to
the ground. He fell heavily upon his
face, and for several minutes remained
The stranger seized the leather bag
which contained the mail to the North,
and flinging it on his shoulders, rushed
across the heath.
Early on the following morning, the
inhabitants of Berwick wore seen hur
rying in groups to the spot where the
roberry had been committed, and were
scattered in every direction over the
moor, but no trace of the robber could
be obtained.
Three days had yet passed and Sir
John Cochrane had lived. The mail
which contained his death warrant had
been robbed, and before another order
for an execution could be given, the in
tercession of his father, the Earl of
Donald, with the king's confessor, might
be successful.
Griselle now became his constant com
panion in prison, and spoke to him words
of comfort. Nearly fourteen days had
pnssed since the robbery of the mail had
been committed, and protracted hope in
the prisoner became :more bitter than
the first despair. But even that hope,
bitter as ,it was, perished. The inter,
cessions of his lather has been unsuc
cessful, and the second time the bigoted
haughty monarch had signed the war
rant of his death, and within little more
than a day that warrant would reach his
" The will of heaven be done !" groan
ed the captive.
" AmeA!" responded Grizelle, with
wild vehemence; " but yet my father
shall not die."
Again the , rider had reached the moor
of Tweedmouth, and the second time he
bore with him the doom of Sir John
Cochrane. He spurred his horse to the
utmost speed, he looked before, behind,
and round him, and in the right hand he
held a pistol ready to defend himself.—
The moon shed a ghastly light across
the heath, which was only sufficient to
render desolation dimly visible, and it
gave a spiritual embodiment to every
shrub. He was turning an angle of a
straggling copse, when his horse reared
at the report, of a pistol, the, fire of
which seemed to flash in its very eyes.
At the same moment his own pistol flash-
ed, and his horse rearing violently, he
was driven from his saddle. In a mo
ment the foot of the robber was on his
breast, who, bending over him and bran
dishing a short dagger in his hand, said :
" Give me thy arms or die !"
The heart of the king's servant failed
within him, and without venturing a
reply he did as he was commanded.
" Now go thy way," said the robber
sternly, " but leave the horse with me,
and leave thy mail, lest a worse thing
come upon thee."
The man arose and proceeded towards
Berwick, trembling, and the robber
mounting the horse which he had left,
rode rapidly over the heath.
Preparations were making for the, ex,
ecution of Sir John Cochrane, and the
officers of the law waiting only for the
arrival of the mail arid the second death
warrant, to lead him forth to the scaffold,
j when the tidings, arrived that the mail
'had again been robbed. For fourteen
Idays the life of the prisoner would yet
be prolonged. He again fell on the neck
of his daughter, and said :
"It is said—the hand of heaven is in
" Said I not," replied the maiden, and
for the first time she wept aloud, "that
my father should not die V'
- The fourteen days had not passed
when the prison door flew open, and the
Earl of Donald rushed to the arms of
his son. His intercession with the con
fessor had been successful,and after twice
signing the death warrant for the execu
tion Of. Sir John, which had so often
failed in its place of destination, the
king had sealed his pardon.
He had hurried with his father from
the prison to his own house, his family
were clinging around him, shedding
tears of joy: but Grizelle, who, during
the imprisonment had suffered more thain
them all, was abSent. They were mar
velling with gratitude at the mysterious
Providence, that had twice intercepted
the mail and saved his life, when a stran
ger craved an audience. Sir John desi
red him to be admitted, and the robber
entered ; he was habited as we haVe be
fore described, with the coarse cloak
and jerkin, but his bearing was above
his condition. On entering, he slightly,
touched his beaver, but remained cover.
ed. "When you have perused these,"
said lie, taking two papers from his bo
"cast them into the fire."
Sir John glanced at then—startad,
and became pale--they were his own
death-warrants !
My deliverer !" he exclaimed, , 'how
shall I thank thee; how repay the sa
viour of my life 1 My father, my chil
dren, thank him forme."
The Earl grasped the hand of the
stranger, the children embraced his
knees. He pressed his hand to his (nee
and burst into tears.
"By. what name," eagerly inquired
Sir John, "shall I thank my deliverer 1"
The stranger wept aloud, and raising
his beaver, the raven tresses of Grizelle
.Cochratie fell on the coarse cloak.
" Gracious heavens 1" exclaimed the
astonished and enraptured father, "toy
own child—my saviour—my own Griz
elle !"
It is unnecessary to add more. The
imagination of the reader can supply
the rest, and we may add that Grizelle
Cochrane, whose heroism and noble
affection we have briefly and imperfect
ly sketched, was the grandmother of the
late Sir John Stewart, of Allenbank,
Berwickshire, and grand-mother to
Coutts, the celebrated banker.
There is a law in Holland which
obliges the government to bring up, at
its own charge, the seventh child of ev
ery family in which there are already
six living.
\V HOLE NO, 561.
11.WrI7L =unmans.
A Man and Wunum Killed, and a Mgld Dread
. fully Mangled!'
Frotn ,the Lancaster Union Nora take the
following accountof twainost brutal mur
ders, perpetrated in that city uu the 17th
On Saturday morning, the
.17th inst.,
a man named JOHN HAGGERTY, liv-
ing in South Queen street, in this city,
committed a series of MURDERS un
paralleled in the annals of our Common
wealth! Between 9 and 10 o'clock, af
ter shooting a horse in the street, near
his door, he went into the gun-smith shop
—near his own residence—of Mr. MEI.-
CHOM FORDNE an old and highly es
teemed man ; What took place we could
not ascertain, but a boy, a son of Mr.
Fordney, gave the alarm that his father,
mother and sister had been murdered by
Haggerty!. On going into the room we
witnessed one of the most horrid spec
tacks imaginable. Just inside the front
door of the shop, lay the old man, with
his brains battered out, and his legs
nearly eat off! At his side, but with
her head towards the back door, lay the
body of his wife, her brains also batter
ed out ; had near by was her child, five
and a half years old, with its scull bro
ken, and the brains oozing - therefrom
The floor and walls of the room covered
and bespattered with the blood and brains
of the unfortunate victims!
Fordney and his wife, it scorns, had
been killed instantly. The little boy
stated, in substance, that Haggerty gut
at his father with an axe, and while be
was killing him, his mother ran in t
interfere, when ho turned upon her and
killed her, and then struck the child on
the head with the axe I The child was
still alive yesterday morning. The foul
deed created intense excitement in our
V his
man Haggerty is a desperate Tel
low. He attempted to kill a man some
years since, named Weis, and was sent
'to the penitentiary for the offence. He
has committed many aggravated acts of
assault and battery upon several of our
citizens. For this last offence he has
been arrested and is now in prison.
Much excitement existed on Saturday,
and still exists, against High Constable
Brintnall, for—we shall call it by as
mild a name as possible—GßOSS NEG
LIGENCE—in not having had Hagger
ty arrested several days previous to this
outrage. He had a warrant for his ar
rest in his possession, issued on Mon
day last, by the Mayor, for ill-Usage to
his family or neighbors; and yet, know
ing his desperate character, hopermitted
him to run at large until he has most
cruelly murdered nearly a whole family!
ME BALTIMORE Bors.—The St. Louis
Legion, part of the discharged volun
teers, returned from Mexico a short time
since. Passing the hall in which they
were to be mustered out of the service,
I dropped in. From the conversation of
the Men, I soon learned that the Balti
more's Own had excited the admiration
of the b'hoys, and the fears of the timid.
I was muclr amused at the remarks whieh
incidentally dropped from time to time
from the men. An honest Hibernian,
speaking to a friend, said, in reply to the
interrogatory as to whether he had seen
any Mexicans—" the one; but, by may
cowl, I laid my two eyes on the Bahl
moor bias, and larks they are, indade. I
plidgo ye'z me honest word, whin they
couldn't get a fight out of a strhangcr,
They would go to work at one another
jist out of pure, fun, Och ! they are the
blies, and no mistake."
I asked a German, a member of the
company, what kind of men the Balti
more soldiers were 1 Ho looked at me
some time without replying, and then
heaving a long sigh, said, "Dey pe pad
like de debil." Poor fellow, I judged
front his manner that he spoke feelingly.
—Cor. Balt. Sun.
BITING A LANDLORD,-...1 say landlord"
said a man in the west to a tavern keep
er, " how many liquors can I get for two
'Ong bits,"
"Flt', said mine host." ,
" Well fork 'em over. Come lip boys
and drink,"
The liquoring completed, he pulls out
two worn out old bridle bits, which were
long enough, in all Conscience. It is
needless to sod• how savage the landlord
looked, When the customer walked cool
'rout, amid the shouts of the crowd.
formed by a gentleman living on the
eastern shore of Maryland, says a Wil
mington paper, that the slaves are rttri
ning away by whole families. In Sas
safras neck, which contains about twelve
square miles of territory, two hundred
have escaped within a year.
Why is a young woman tike n due
bill Because she ought to be "settled
oW fe ttttt n