Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 21, 1846, Image 3

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EL Shocking Murder.
The Cincinnati Chronicle says that
much excitement prevailed in that city
on Monday last, in the neighborhood
of Third and Main streets, in conse
quence of a brutal murder which had
been committed there the night before.
The murdered man, whose name was
Edward Byington, with a friend, was
'going from the St. Charles Exchange
along Third street. When they came
to Main street they met several Balti
moreans, among whom was a man by
the - name of Church. When they met
some one from the latter company call
ed .out to clear the path for Baltimo
reans, and bragging that they could
whip any Buckeye. Byington express
ed a willingness to try strength with
them, as he was a Buckeye. An en
counter ensued, and Byington seized a
small cane which belonged to his friend,
and was about to use it when Church
stepped up with a drawn knife and stab
bed him twice, once in the side, and
once in the stomach. Byington, after
he was stabbed, chased his opponents
across the street, where he fell. Church
was taken by the police and held for
examination before the Mayor."
AnvicaTisz.—lf Benjamin Franklin
were now living, says the Daily Chron
icle, we should find him writing some
such sentiments as the following :—The
way to make money plenty in every tra
der's pocket, is to advertise. Keep your
articles before the public eye, and you
are sure to find a quick sale. This is
the advice of all those who, of late years,
have made money and retired from bu
siness. Who knows what you have be
hind your counters, in your back shops,
or before your doors even, unless you
make some display in the papers 2 Re
member this, ye who have goods for
sale, and act accordingly. Our word
for it, you will sooner dispose of your
articles, and business will be always
lively at your stores.
is a city in the interior of China called
Sou Tchou, which has a population of
five millions within its walls, and ten
millions within a radius of four leagues
around. Mr. Hedde, a French mission
ary who had visited it, is given for au
thority for this statement. It is the
greatest silk market in China.
CAPT. FREIONT.—The St. Louis Re
veille of the 6th inst., says :—We heard
a rumor yesterday, that Capt. Fremont
and his party had arrived at Indepen
dence, Mo.
ID- It is announced that N. P. Wil
lis, Esq., is about to become connected
with the New York Tribune, its lite.
rary editor.
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Sub-Treasury Beauties!
The St. Louis New Era says that, at
Fort Leavenworth a vast amount of due
bills have been executed by the Quarter
master, in payment of wagons and other
articles purchased by him for the Uni
ted States. This is another species of
government paper, used as a substitute
for money. This is one of the shifts
the government officers are driven to
for want of money. When payment is
made in such stuff, every thing will of
course cost the government double price.
The Locofocos have been constantly de
claiming against paper money, but they
will soon have so many kinds of paper
currency afloat that it will be difficult
to tell what to call it. These notes is
sued by the Quarter master will be sub
jected to a heavy discount if they are
cashed, and of course the government
will have to pay much higher prices for
those things that it is compelled to buy.
The amount of this stuff about Fort Lea
venworth is said to be very large.—
Where are the mint drops'! Where is
the hard currency 1 This surely is a
soft administration !
(13' The fashion of wearing straps to
pantaloons, we believe, is mainly going
out of fashion, but it seems from the
following extract from the last report of
the New York Mirror of Fashion, that
the ladies are adopting it themselves.—
That paper says:
64 Until quite recently, we anticipated
much pleasure in describing the accept
able styles for ladies' dresses, because
we supposed they would never adopt
straps. But you cannot imagine our as
tonishment at noticing a very elegant
lady on horseback, with a strap attach
ing a most classical foot to her panta
filled with passengers, fell over Cald
well's Hill, near Washington, Pa., a few
days since. The driver and Mr. Moses
of Louisville, Ky., who were riding out
side were horribly mutilated. Mr. M.
had both his legs crushed, and one will
have to be amputated. The driver had
his erm crushed to a jelly, and is so se
verely Injured in the spine and abdomen,
that his lentil is certain. The other
passengers escaped unhurt.
A DUE*,.—The Commercial Times
mentions that a duel took place in New
Orleans, on the 3d inst., between Dr.
Thomas and Mr. F. P. Lo Beau, both
old and respected citizens; weapons,
small swords. "We regret to learn,"
says the Times, " that the former re
ceived a very severe wound in the right
side, which gave rise to serious appre
hensions regarding the result."
ALlVidSti BUT NOT QUITE ,—A curious
affair occurred in Owego, N. Y., last
week. A young man named Brown,
came all the way from Cleveland, Ohio,
for the purpose Of nutfrying a young
lady of the village. Sunday was the
time appointed. The guests were invi
ted and every thing requisite attended to.
Saturday night the family retired early
that they might feel the better the next
day. But alas for the hopes of Mr.
Brown! When the next day came it
was ascertained that the young lady bad
been mysteriously spirited away. On
Saturday night, between the hours of
11 and 12 o'clock, when the Family were
hushed in sound repose, a young man
of the place, named Conkling, who for
a year past had entertained an itching
desire for the young lady's heart and
hand—a desire which it turns out was
not unreciprocated—proceeded to the
residence of the fair one, and without
disturbing either the parents or the lover,
prevailed upon her to accompany him to
Athens, where they were married. Oo
the following Monday they returned
home. The jilted lover left the same
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The New York Convention has
determined upon the following:
That all feudal tenures, of every de
scription, be abolished ; saving and re
cognizing, however, all rents and services
certain, which at any time heretofore have
been lawfully created or reserved."
The italic part was an amendment to
the original report, proposed by Mr.
Simmons, and agreed upon by a large
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THE NEW POPE.—An English letter
writer says that the new Pope is con
tinuing to work his wonders in Italy.—
He may be set down as the first since
the days of the Apostles, who has
wrought a miracle, for it certainly is
one, to see everybody so pleased with
Rome. Several of his less liberal cardi
nals and friends, have remonstrated with
him, saying the people would by and by
ask him for a new constitution if he
continued his indulgence—his reply
was, "and if they should—ought I not
to give it them if it would make them
happier 1" That is the kind of talk,
and all the crowned heads will have to
come to it, and then the thirty thousand
acres of Windsor hunting grounds will
be divided into farms !
Cuprous.—A person in Texas, suffer
ing from the fever of that country, had
been vomiting incessantly for 48 hours.
A cup of very hot water was given to
the patient in mistake for warm water,
to ease the stomach, which was drunk
off, when the sickness and vomiting were
instantaneously relieved.
"WE ARE THE SAINTS."—Most of our
readers have probably heard the story
of the founders of Connecticut, who, in
order to furnish themselves a justifica
tion for disposessing the Indians of the
soil they had set their hearts upon, met
in solemn council, and passed the fol
lowing resolutions :
I. Resolved, That God's heritage be
longs to the Saints.
2. Resolved, That this is God's herit
3. Resolved, That . we are the Saints !
ED Harper, the murderer of Mere
dith, has broken jail and escaped. This
was done by the assistance of his wife;
being in the habit of visiting him, fur
nished him with an augur, a rope, and
one of her dresses. Hanging some of
her clothes against the wall, knowing
they would not be touched, she contriv
ed to work out the mortar and bricks
therefrom, carrying them out daily, con
cealed about her person. None ever
thought of examining her. The result
was the escape of her husband.
News FROBI NAUVOO.—By the last ad
vices from Nauvoo, we learn that the
Temple had not yet been sold. The
Anties having every thing in their own
way, of course will act accordingly.
The Mormons in the vicinity are repre
sented as being in a most pitiable con
(g:r Queen Vie's income amounts to
two millions five hundred thousand dol
lars yearly. This is $48,076 per week,
$6,862 per day, *282 per hour, $4 70
per minute.
fr)- Gov. PRATT, of Maryland, has ap
pointed Thursday the 26th day of No
vember to be observed by the people of
that State as a day of Thanksgiving, &c.
COL. WATSON. — Appropriate demon
strations of respect for the memory of
Col. Watson, who was killed at Monte
rey, are being made by the citizens of
The Mormons and the Mayor of St. Louis,
We notice with pleasure that Peter G:
Camden, Esq., the Mayor of St Louis,
has issued a very humane and christian
card, calling for aid on behalf of the
suffering Mormons, who have sought
refuge in that ay. We copy its lead
ing paragraph, and embrace the occa
sion to say that the whole spirit of the
movement does infinite honor to the hu
manity and the heart of the worthy
"In the recent expulsion and fight of
the Mormons from Nauvoo and its vicin
ity, many of the poorest, most friendless
and helpless, have been left behind.—
Whatever may be thought of their pe
culiar religious tenets—whatever prej
udices may be entertained ageittst them,
religiously or politically, they Eire hu
man beings—our fellow creatures, and
their appeal is for help to save many
sick and destitute women and children
from the sufferings incident to the win.
ters of this climate. How or why these
unfortunates are in their present condi•
tion, there is no time now to inquire.—
The season cannot be changed or stayed
to favor the naked, hungry, and house•
less; and it should suffice, that we have
the highest authority and encouragement
for believing it is always more blessed
to give than to receive.'"
A PANTHER SHOT.—On Friday last T
James Robinson, a lad of this place,
while out hunting for pigeons, and when
about a mile from the village, came with
in some eight or ten feet of a panther,
and having nothing but a fowling piece,
was, as one would naturally suppose,
somewhat frightened, and took to his
heels. He however repaired to a neigh
bor, Mr. John Kibbee, and acquainted
him with the fact, who, in company with
Robinson and a younger brother, (after
having procured two rifles) set out in
search of the animal. A short period
only elapsed before the little dog which
they took with them got on track and
treed the panther. When our young
hunters came within some forty yards
of their dangerous foe, they fired and he
fell. Yet so fearful were they that he
might do them some injury, and to make
assurance doubly sure, they continued
to fire at him until trembling had ceased.
Our young heroes then shouldered their
prize and brought him to the village.—
Johnstown (N. Y.) Rep.
Shocking Casualties.
The Pennsylvania Telegraph Extra,
says :—Last night, the house occupied
by Mr. Daniel Garner, about 5 miles
above Harrisburg, was consumed by fire,
supposed to have originated in the shop
adjoining, together with Mr. Garner,
his wife and four children, the oldest of
whom was about 10 yrers. Mr. G. was
a German, and a worthy industrious
A lad from Hollidaysburg, name not
known, who was a driver of a boat, was
drowned at the lower lock last evening.
News has reached here that six men
were drowned in the Susquehanna, be
low Greensburg, this forenoon, about 10
o'clock. One of them was a son of Mr.
Joseph Corbet. They were on a flat in
the river, which was upset by some
flood wood which was running.
TREASURE FOUND.—The Barnstable
Patriot says that two men belonging to
Nantucket, discovered on the shore of
that island a few days since after an un
usually low ebb tide, a cask, the head
showing itself a little above the surface
of the water, and which, on extricating
it from its bed, found it to contain 5,000
Spanish dollars. It is thought to be a
part of the cargo of a brig wrecked at
that place fifteen years ago.
D- The people of Louisville are
about establishing a regular line of pack
ets between that city and Pittsburg.—
Several of the most responsible mer
chants of that place have given their
countenance and aid to the enterprise.
D. The New York Courier and En
quirer announces the determination of
its editor not to sustain the nomination
of Mr. Young as the Whig candidate
for Governor of that State, upon the
ground that Mr. Y. is "Anti• Rent."
The Courier and Enquirer declares that
it will not oppose Mr. Y. in the canvass.
That is well as far as it goes ; but the
influence of such a paper would be felt
in the affirmative.
vine Whig of the 6th inst., says :—A
bout 200 sick volunteers, belonging to
the First Regiment of Tennessee troops.
arrived in this place on Wednesday last,
We are told that the Most of them are
considerably the 'worse for wear,' while
a few can hardly be expected to survive
On Thursday the 13th inst. i by the
Rev. Wm. T. Bunker, Mr. JtidEs iion-
NINO and Miss NANCY PEIGHTAL i bmh of
Barren township, Huntingdon county.
_ -
On Wednesday morning the 7tli inst.
by Rev. Andrew Jurdan, Mr. JOSEPH M.
STEVENS, of Petersburg Huntingdon co.,
to Miss NANCY MeCtiLLOCN, of Tusca
rora Valley.
On Tuesday the 13th instant, Mrs.
year of her age.
The deceased was for several years a
resident of this place; but in April last
moved with her husband to Barree twp.
in this county.
For some time previous to her leaving
town she had been in a delicate state of
health ; and on the occasion of her re
moval, the weather being inclement, she
caught fresh cold which brought on pul
monary consumption ; and from that
time she was rapidly hurried away.
For the last four years of her life the
deceased was a member of the Regular
Baptist Church of this place, and adorn
ed her life by a godly walk and conver
sation, convincing to all around that her
citizenship was in heaven.
A crucified Saviour, as revealed in the
gospel ; was her hope ; and that hope an
imated her spirit while her body was
fast wasting away under the influence
of a mortal disease,
Her's was a hope centering in God
as the object and source of all good;
and which led her implicitly to trust in
the righteousness of an Almighty Sa
viour, so that a few days previous to her
death, while indulged with the bright
prospect of a blessed immortality, she
exclaimed With St. Paul, " for me to
;ive, is Christ ; to die, is gain." Her last
moments were peaceful and happy. She
had an easy struggle with the enemy,
and we doubt not an abundant entrance
into the kingdom of rest ; for, like the
morning star, she appeared to sink away
in the light of heaven.
She has left a husband, two small
children, and a deeply afflicted Church
to mourn her loss, but their loss is doubt
less her eternal gain. Her remains were
brought to this place and interred, to
sleep until Gabriel's trump awakes her
slumbering dust.
1 . Thou art gone to the grave ; but we will not de
plore thee,
Though sorrows and darkness, encompass the
tomb ;
The Saviour has passed, through its portals before
And the lamp of his love, is thy guide through
the gloom;
Thou art gone to the grave ; but we will not de•
plore thee,
Since God was thy Ransom, thy Guardian, thy
He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore
And death has no eting since the Saviour has
On Saturday night, 17th inst., at the
residence of her brother in Dublin twp.,
this county, of fever, ELIZA JANE BLAIR,
only surviving daughter of the late John
Blair, Esq., deceased.
"'Tis difficult to feel that she la de ad,
Her presence, like the shadow of a wing
That is just lessening in the upper sky,
Lingers upon us. We can hear her voice,
And for her steps welisten, and the eye
Looks for her wonted coming with a stronger,
Forgetful earnestness. We cannot feel
That she will no more come—that from her cheek
The delicate flush has faded, and the light
Dead in her soft blue eye, and on her lips,
That was so sweetly pure, the dew
Of the damp grave has fallen. She was !tw i t]
Only as sisters are. Who could feel
While looking upon youth and health, as hers,
That it would so soon perish ! Tt is like
The melting of a star into the sky
While you are gazing on it, or a dream
In its most rapturell sweetness rudely broken."
Y virtue of Two writs of Levari
Facias in my hands,
I will sell at the
Court House Door in Huntingdon, on
Monday, 9th of November, 1846, at 2
o'clock, P. M., . _
All that certain Furnace Stack 27 feet
square, commonly known as Rebecca
Furnace, situate in Barree township on
a tract of land, having erected thereon
said Furnace Stack, Rebecca Forge and
other buildings, adjoining lands of Jacob
Zook, Martin Orlady, James Magill and
others, containing 375 acres more or
less, and the lot of ground and curtilege
appurtenant thereto.
Seized and taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Benj. Hart.
man, John Love, Wm. & Andrew Couch,
Wm. & Thomas Reed and J. B. Cottle,
owners or reputed owners, and Samuel
Fickes & Co. contractors.
All that certain two story fratne build
ing situate on Market street in the new
addition of the Town of Saulsburg, now
known as Cassville in the county of
Huntingdon, containing in front on said
street 40 feet and in depth 16 feet and
the lot or piece of ground and eurtilege
appurtenant thereto.
Seized and taken in execution . and to'
be sold as the property of Mary Mc..
'Cerdle, and Alexander MeCardle.
J---- • _
USTICE'S blanks of all kinds fbr sale at this
0 . 14 , ZO h lt ur Kz i f o a il l i l c d e escriptions neatly executed
THE stibscribers would respectfully
1 inform their friends and the public
generally, that they havejust received
and o ff er for sale oppgsitt Read & Son's
Store, in Market Streel l Oil; Paints, Dye
Stuffs, Drugs and Patent Medicines; and
also, Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots,
Shoes ; and Caps, &c.
Cheap for Cash or Country Produce.
ritlltte /JAZZ.
HE following littielibeti Real Dante, lute the
property of Henry P. Thrtety. th Ed:. will he
offered et public sale, et !bar Cdutt Botto6, in the
borough of Huntingdon, on I4'EnritBbA the
12th day of November, at 111 o'clock, A. M. tiz:
Three lots of ground in the hotnugh of Minting
don, laying east of the old Court Mahe, adjoining
each other, and fronting on Alleghchp and Mats
ket streets, on which are erected a large abbe (1.44.
ling house, kitchen and other buildings. AlSo, El
frame dwelling house, stable. carriage -house. Arc,
with a well of good water. The above lots ;01 he
divided if desired by purchasers, on the day of
Also, a lot of ground In the borough of Alexan
dria, fronting on the turnpike and Main street. oil
which is a well built double brick dwelling house,
well finished ; also a stable and other improvements.
with a well of water.
Also, a tract of land situate ill 'lint township,
Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Mrs.
Morrison and others, containing about 152 atres;
about 40 of 107111 eh are cleared and in a good Hale
of cultivation, with a (livening 'tense thereon. The
remainder of the iron is catered With valnabla
The terms will be—one-third of the purcimo
money oh confirmation of the sale, the remainder
in three equal annual payments, with interest, for
which bond and mortgage will be required.
Guardian of Grecnboiw and Henry P. horsey.
Syrup of Horehound.
TTANCE'S Compound Syrup of liorehound- , —.
fot the cure of Coughs. Colds, Consumption,
Spitting of Blood, Pain in the Side and Breast,
Bronchitis, Croup, Asthma, and all diseases aria ,
ing from a disordered condition of the lungs or ne
glected cold.
Is a piece of advice which is suitable to all sea
sons, and applicable to ell purposes; though there
is no instance in which this piece of advice is more
valuable than to persons who have a cough or cold,
for if they neglect what may oypear to them very
trifling in the beginning, It may lead to inflamma
tion of lungs, end finally constimption. Tu all
who have a cough, we would say, procure a bottle
of Hance's Compound Syrup of Horehound. This
medicine is pleasant to take, and it may save you
years of suffering,
Price 50 cents per bottle. or 6 bottles for $2 50.
Prepared and sold by SETH 8. HANCE, 108
Baltimore Street, and Corner of Charles and Pratt
streets. octls-ly
AGENTS—T. Read & Son, Hunting
don ; Moore & Swoope, Alexandria ; A.
0. Brown, Shirleysbarg ; W. W. Buch
' anan, Mill Creek; Spencer & Flood,Wil
Sarsaparilla or Mood Fillet.
HANCE'S Sarsaparilla or Blood pills. —Pirrr
pills in a box. The cheapest and best medi
cine in existence. Flyer 3 , [imam who i. 'OFct tv
bilious fever, should purify their blood and system
by using a box of the Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills.
Persons afflicted with costiveness 'Mould try Hancc's
Sarsaparilla or blood pills. Young Indies and gen
tlemen troubled with pimples oh the face, should
try the Sarsaparilla of blond pills. Singing in the
ears relieved by Hanee's Sarsaparilla or Wool pills.
Headache and giddiness cured by using the Sarsa
parilla or blood pills. Drowsinese end general de
bility cured by Planer's Sarsaparilla or blood pills.
Dyspepsia can ha cured by using the Sarsaparilla or
blood pills. Persons who have taken considerable
portions of mercury, and in consequence have Nina
in the bones, should use freely liatico's Sarsaparilla
of Mood pills.
Pertains in want of a pill that is purely +Tots
ble, and is warranted not to contain a particle of
mercury, should use the .SARSAPARILLA OR
Z- The genuine for sale by SETH S. HANCE.
108 naltirnore claret, and corner of Charlet. and
Pratt streets, Hattimore. octls- ly
AGENTS—T. Bead & Soh, Huntingdon;
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria; Spencer
& Flood, Williamsburg; W. W. Buch
anan, Mill Creek; A. 0. Browne, Sltir
LI. persons indebted to C. Snyder & en., Ste
il_ yens, Snyder & Co., or to C. Snyder, contin
uing the business of the latter firm since its dissolu
tion, are hereby notified that unless payment be
mode to, and discharges or receipts oblainsil from
the undeisigned, or one of them, oeforc the lot day
of November next, their several accounts will be
left with a Justice of the Peace for collection.
The books &c. are in the possession of George
Taylor, with whom persons wishing tO make pay
meet, may call.
Assignees of C. Snyder & Co., Slibene, Snyder
& Co. &e.
Oakridgo Female Seminary.
Thin is a Family School into which only about
12 boarder., and with ohe or two exception., no
day acholars, aro admitted l a peculiar feature which
oilers unusual facilities for the cultivalion of proper
religious aentiments, ns well as for mutual improve ,
meet. The assistant teachers are from the Piitifield
and Mount Holyoke Female Seminaries of Mama.
the location of tho school is elevated, beautifol
healthful, and half a mile from Gettysluirw. 1111
course of studies is as extensive as at env other In
stitution, end the terms as low.
The next session will commence Nov. 2.
Parents who are Reeking a suitable school fur thei
daughters, can obtain further information by appl
cation by tatter or otherwise to the Principal,
Professor H. H A UPT,
Gettysburg. Adana county, l'a
BUCK . ilk 11141POR E.
.Mitrket Street, Philadelphia,
LFAVii constantly on hand every description
jClothing, all of which are cut, trimmed or
made in It manner not to ho surpnewet and are wu
ranted cheaper than the'sanie quality of Goode
any other eatahlialunent in the United ..4tai,•,-
Also, every description of tiliorrt.smax 'a Ft ,
74 It 111,40 Goon. at redueeti prieee. Those vieitil
the city will and it to their interest to examine o
stack before purchasing siwcm here.
acid:3o4y, BUUK. & MQOItE,