THE JOURNAL Huntingdon, IVednesday, October 21,1546. To ALL IN ARREARS.—We want money, and hope all our patrons who hate not yet paid us anything, will cash up im mediately. We have a great many ac counts of a year's standing, for adverti sing and job-work, which we hope will be paid previous to the November Court. Our capital will not permit us to extend nn indefinite credit. We therefore ex pect each one in arrears to consider this request as personally made upon him, and act accordingly. OD- We invite attention to a commu nication on first page, signed " Prudens" on the subject of Common Schools.— The subject is one of great interest; yet we do not feel authorized to endorse, unreservedly, the views presented by our correspondent. We arc quite sure they do not apply to the schools as at present conducted, in this borough, and beyond this, we are not sufficiently ac quainted with their management to give an opinion. To Correspondents. re. The Poetical effusions of ‘‘ ELIZA JANE have been mislaid during the elec tion excitement, and we ate unable to again lay our hands upon them. We regret this, as they were well worthy a publication. Lines by " G. P. H." cannot appear. The author should confine himself to prose, as his poetry is not at all read able. THE ELECTION being over, we will now be able to give our readers a greater variety. Well written essays on sub jects of general interest, will at all times be inserted with pleasure. Send In Your Names ! Now is the time to subscribe for News pspers. Every one should have some thing to read these long evenings, and nothing is more interesting or useful than a well conducted newspaper. We hope to receive large accessions to our list between this and the November Court, and a large number during the sitting of the court. Our friends in some of the townships, anxious for the suc cess of correct principles, are about rai sing clubs to take the Journal. M e like the movement, and hope it may be done in every township in the county. NOTlCE.—Subscribers are informed that no paper can be discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Printers can not be cheated out of their honest dues as easily as some people may imagine. When Post-masters return papers as "not lifted," the Law requires them to state the reason. When this is not done, /he notice is good for nothing. 0:7 «I er REPORTER" is the title of a very and spirited little sheet recently established at Allentown, Le high county, Pa. It is Whig in poli tics. re - " Will old Whig and antima.sonic Huntingdon be Democratic hereafter Ha ! ha !"—Clinton Democrat. The above interrogatory was put to us by our friend of the Democrat, in February last, by way of jeering us in regard to the Division of this county.— By a glance at our official returi:s the editor will have an answer to his glom tion. The editor of the Democrat must now allow us to put the following question to him: What has become of the Free Trade forces under " Young Rough and Ready" in" Little Clinton 1" "Ha ! ha!" Captain COULTER says they're "care/team pously" used up ! Is it true, ,Mr. Dem ocrat! "Ha! ha!" 17di CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT Blanchard's Majority 640. . _ The Tariff men of this district have achieved a most brilliant and triumph ant victory in the re-election to Con gress of Hon. JOHN BLANCHARD, by such a decisive and overwhelming majori ty. A few more votes would have given our candidate a majority in every county in the district—Wilson only receiving the paltry majorities of 75 in Centre and 32 in Juniata; while Blanchard has 254 in Huntingdon, 465 in Blair and :32. in Mifflin. The two latter not official. THE MARKETS.—FIour is selling in Philadelphia at $5 20 a $5 25, per bbl.. Wheat at $1 05 a 1 07 per bus'l. Rye 75c; Corn flat at 70e; Oats 30 a 83c. DEATH OF THE LATE BRITISH MINIS TEL—The Rt. Hon, Henry S. Fox, late her Britannic Majesty's Minister Pleni potentiary to the Government of the United States, died at his residence in Washington city, on Tuesday the 13th instant, after a protracted illness. OLD HUNTINGDON, :Cidls RIMOVIINS. TUE o: From the official table, given in ano tlier column, it will be seen that the ave rage majority for the Whig ticket is nbout 300, as stated in our last. Mr. Power has 636, and several of our can didates upon the county ticket lack but a few votes of 400; while one, Mr. Hutchison, has 411. Had the day been favorable, no one doubts but that our whole ticket would have averaged 600 —the Clay majority of 1844. This gratifying and truly glorious re sult is mainly attributable to the gallant conduct of our friends of the country districts. Nobly did they respond to the call made upon them to turn out and give character to old Huntingdon, as a firm and reliable Whig county. And in so doing, they have given in their em phatic condemnation of the British Ta riff of 1846, and the other ruinou's and wicked measures of the Polk adminis tration. Previous to the election, we assured our friends that nothing but a vigorous rally—on the part of the friends of Pro tection—was wanted to secure a glori ous victory in the county, district, and State ; that rally was made, and the pre diction has been most gloriously reali zed, as will be seen by the news from all parts of the State in this day's paper.— We most heartilycongratulate our friends of this county on the noble part they have borne in this great political revolution. —And while all credit is due to the Whigs in all parts of the county, those of Shirley and Franklin have covered themselves with glory. SHIRLEY has been redeemed. In 1844, this township gave Polk a majority of 4 votes; while on last Tuesday week, the friends of an American Tariff came out of the contest with a majority of THIRTY-SEVEN. All honor to the noble-hearted Whigs of Shirley ! They have been washed clean from Locofocoism and Free Trade. FRANKLIN township gave Clay a ma jority of 64 ; and, at the recent contest, the friends of Protection—not daunted by the rain—rolled up the decisive and truly creditable majority of SEVENTY in favor of Blanchard and the Tariff of 1842. The above two are the only townships that have increased their majorities over the Clay vote; but it will be seen that, notwithstanding the storm, the whigs have sustained themselves with great credit in the unwavering districts of ROXBERRY,UNION,CROMWELL, CASs, CLAY, SPRINGFIELD, TOD, MORRIS, PORTER,WAR RIORSMARK, BIRMINGHAM and MURRAY'S Rux. In HOPEWELL, we learn that the voters waited until noon, in the hope that it would cease raining; but by that time the streams were so high, they found it impossible to get to the polls. Had the day been favorable, the Whig majority would not have been less than 60. As it was, only 48 votes were polled. The turn-out in the county, under the circumstances, has been as good as could reasonably be expected ; and the whigs have the gratification of knowing that every candidate for whom they voted has been triumphantly elected. Huntingdon county has been proclaimed a Whig, county, and betrayed, but good old Pennsylvania has declared her firm mid unflinching adherence to the benefi cent, life-giving, AMERICAN TARIFF OF 1 &gig. VIR VICTORY In this State Juts been so overwhelm ing and complete, that we can scarcely find words to express our astonishment and delight. We felt quite sure that the Tariff Locofocos of Pennsylvania would never sanction the British Tariff of 1846, but did not expect Polk's Free Trade medicine to operate so speedily.— From all quarters the shouts of VICTORY !! at the condemnation of the British Tar iff, comes pouring in upon us. Well is it said by the North American, that— " the election results of Tuesday have come upon us like an avalanche of the popular might. Never was rebuke so loudly spoken—never was triumph more complete. No such political revolution was ever before known in this country." In the Northern part of the State the Loco Free Traders have been totally routed in their hitherto strong holds.— Northampton, Northumberland, Lycom ing, Clinton, Schuylkill, Columbia, Lu zerne and Wyoming, have been revolu tionized. Chester Butler, Whig, is elect ed to Congress in Columbia and Luzerne, by from Bto 900 majority. This dis trict gave Polk about 3000, in 1844. Wilmot, we learn, is elected by a small majority. TARIFF TRIUMPH! PENNSYLVANIA REDEEMED"' "CROW, CHAPMAN, CROW," A GRAND SALUTE FOR POLK'S NEAR NEIGHBOR !" A WHIG DELEGATION IN CONGRESS AND WHIG CANAL COMNISSIONER, WHIG SEN ATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. TUE BRITISH TARIFF CONDEMNED The Flag of the Free Traders hurled to the dust! Theßan ner of Protection floating in triumph over the Old Keystone The election of Tuesday last, says the Pennsylvania Telegraph, notwith standing the terrible rain and east wind has proved a total route, and terrible re buke to the Locofoco Free Traders, who so successfully cheated and swindled Pennsylvania in 1844. The enemies of the Tariff of 1842 have met with a Wat erloo defeat that will fall upon the Ad ministration like the artillery of Heaven in a clear sky. The friends of the Tar iff have been Triumphant! Gloriously Triumphant every where ! ! Not a district has yet been heard from where they have not obtained a victory over the British Tariffites, by greatly reducing their majority, if they did not defeat them. Even in Berks county, the" Gibralter of Locofocodom," where resolutions were passed in favor of the Tariff of 1846, and where the Locofoco majority has heretofore been little less than 5000, the majority for Foster, the Free Trade candidate for Canal Commis sioner is but seven hundred and forty. The cry of REPEAL has gone forth, and will be responded to throughout the Free States. The people have spoken, let the friends of Protection rejoice.— The avalanche of public opinion has fallen upon the base betrayers of Penn sylvania, and will not stop until it has I totally crushed and uprooted them from power. From the returns received there can be no doubt of the election of JAMES M. POWER, the Whig Tariff candidate for Canal Commissioner, by upwards of 8000 majority, and of the election of at least SIXTEEN, and perhaps TWENTY Whig members of Congress—a majority of the House of Representatives, and a majority of the Senate. The Whigs have as far as heard from GAINED FIVE Members of Congress —one in Bucks and Lehigh—one in Montgomery and Delaware--one in York and Adams, and one in Cumberland and Franklin, and one in Luzerne and Col umbia. As far as heard from, Congress stands as follows: 2 District—J. R. Ingersoll, Whig, 1 5 " Freedly, gain, " 1 6 " Hornbeck, gain, " 1 7 " Alcllvaine, " 1 8 " Strohm, 46 1 11 " Butler, gain, " 1 13 " Pollock, 44 1 14 " Eckert, cc 1 15 " Nes, gain, 44 1 16 •' Brady, gain, " 1 17 " Blanchard, " 1 18 " Stewart, " 1 20 " Dickey, " 1 21 ~ Hampton, ~ 1 24 " Irvin, 44 1 3 District—Brown, Loco, 1 4 , , C. J.lngersoll, " 1 9 " Strong, 44 1 10 '. Brodhead, " 1 19 " Job Mann, " 1 1 District—Levin, Native, 1 HUZZA FOR BERKS!—Berks coun• ty has elected a Whig County Commis • stoner. D- From all quarters we hear of a vast destruction of property by the storm on the day of the election. The shipping in the vicinity of Philadelphia suffered considerably. ID- The New York writers are dis cussing the question of precedence in a marriage notice. Should it be Mr.- to Miss -, or Miss - to Mr.l - think it should! We'll give them a touch - of that - same old tune, _ We'll give them a sight of that same old COON! PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. From counties already heard from, a list of which is given below, it will be seen that the Whigs have carried both branches of the Legislature, and that their majority on Joint Ballot will be very large. STATE SENATE. 1846, L. W. L. W. Holding over,t 13 8 10 11 Philad. county, 2 0 1 0 Montgomery, 1 0 0 *1 Barks, 1 0 1 0 Bucks, 1 0 0 *1 Schuylkil, Carbon, Monroe & Pike, 1 0 0 0 Northampton & Le high, 1 0 0 *1 Bradford & Tioga, 1 0 0 0 Lycoming, Clinton, & Centre, 0 1 0 1 York, 1 0 0 *1 Allegheny & Butler, 0 1 0 1 Erie, 0 1 0 1 22 11 00 00 tln addition to those holding over, there is 1 Native. * Whig gain. ID- The Senate will probably stand -18 Whigs, 14 Locos, and 1 Native. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 1846. 1847. L. W L. W. Adams, 0 1 0 1 Allegheny, 0 4 0 4 Armstrong, 1 0 0 0 Bedford, 2 0 2 0 Beaver, 1 1 0 $2 Bradford, 2 0 0 0 Bucks, 3 0 0 *3 Blair, 1 0 0 *1 Berks, 4 0 4 0 Butler, 1 0 0 *1 Crawford, 2 0 0 0 Centre & Clearfield, 2 0 0 0 Chester, 0 3 0 3 Columbia, 1 0 1 0 Cumberland, 2 0 0 *2 Cambria, 0 1 f 1 0 Delaware, 0 1 0 1 Dauphin, 1 1 0 12 Erie, 0 2 0 0 Fraklin, 0 2 0 2 Fayette, 2 0 0 *2 Greene, 1 0 0 0 Huntingdon, 1 0 0 *1 Indiana, 0 1 0 1 Jefferson, Clarion & Venango, 2 0 0 0 Lebanon, 0 1 0 1 Lehigh & Carbon, 1 1 0 0 Luzerne, 2 0 1 $1 Lancaster, 0 5 0 5 Lycoming,Clinton,&c2 0 1 $1 Mifflin, 1 0 0 *1 Montgomery, 3 0 1 *2 Mercer, 1 1 0 $2 Northumberland, 1 0 0 *1 North'n & Monroe, 3 0 0 0 Perry, 1 0 1 0 Phila. city, 0 5 0 5 " county, 8 0 8 0 Schuylkill, 2 0 0 *2 Somerset, 0 1 0 1 Susq'a & Wyoming, 2 0 0 0 Tioga, 1 0 0 0 Washington, 2 0 1 $1 Westmoreland, 3 0 3 0 Warren & M'Kean, 1 0 0 0 Wayne & Pike, 1 0 0 0 Union & Juniata, 0 2 0 2 York, 3 0 0 *3 67 33 00 00 $ Gain of 1 member. * Clear gain. l The Whig majority in the House will be from 10 to 20! PHILADELPHIA The Whigs have carried the city by an increased majority, and the Locofo cos the county. The Natives have elect ed their Sheriff Mr. Lelar, by a major ity of 135, over Deal, Locofoco. t! At an election for Mayor of Bal timore, held on V% ednesday last, the Locos succeeded by a small majority. GEORGIA ELECTION.—The Whigs have elected 5 out of the 8 Congressmen, at the recent election in Georgia. A whig gain of 1. FLORIDA ELECTION.—The few returns received from the late election in Flor ida are very favorable to the success of the Whigs. CANA L COMMISSIONER. POWER TRIUMPHANTLY ELECTED! 4rW _..„.,.. - kiC4l: c r• - • • Below we append the result, as far as ascertained, for Canal Commissioner.,,- Power will be elected by from 6 to 10,- 000 majority. Glory enough for one day. 1845. 1846. L. W. Foster. Power. Atlame, 1490 2080 - 753 Allegheny, 3813 4412 -- 2200 Armstrong, 1048 645 - 250 Beaver, 1705 1972 500 Redford, --- 2678 2812 83 -- Berke, 4837 1907 740 - . ___. _. • ... Blair, ..._ 760 Buck., 4123 3612 500 Bradford, 2936 2345 Butler, 1829 1869 rw, 300 Crawford, 1886 1362 --- Cheater,4Bo9 4420 500 Columbia, 2616 1158 50 Cumberland, 2444 2088 100 Cambria, 1110 638 300 Centre, 1890 1049 146 Clinton, 1755 464 180 Clearfield, 411 115 Clarion, 725 253 —•-- Carbon,ss4 124 —.— 1847. Dauphin, 1883 1534 496 Delaware, 1099 1289 278 Erie, 1103 1831 906 Elk, 98 28 Fayette, 2291 1885 260 Franklin, 2488 2762 800 Greene, 1376 544 Huntingdon, 2105 1851 630 Indiana, 1118 1501 1000 Jefferson, 358 228 Juniata, 880 543 Luzerne, 2226 1119 300 Lancaster, 4105 4881 2000 Lebanon, 1528 1816 500 Lehigh, 1944 1697 120 Lycoming, 1813 1237 637 Montgomery, 3926 2211 299 Mercer, 2272 2151 600 Monroe, 1138 193 Mifflin. 1544 752 200 M'Kean, 170 114 -- Northampton, 2728 1163 Northumbrd, 1640 812 449 Perry, 1616 690 19 ker.) Philad. 11921 3796 5574 Philad. city, 4256 5131 2000 Pike, 408 17 —___ Potter, 203 28 Somerset, 681 1306 Schuylkill, 2314 1172 484 Susquehanna, 1743 900 Tinge, 1183 489 Union, 1416 2015 rw, 1100 Venango, 7 i 2 259 Waehington, 3:88 2860 50 rw, Wayne, 943 516 0000 0000 Wyoming, 828 722 0000 100 W erten, 383 291 0000 0000 Westmoreland, 3261 1527 630 0000 York, 3187 2470 0000 200 119,510 89,119 H./IVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS FROM MAINE? _ ,_. - -ter- MAINE REDEEMED. The Free Traders Rebuked---Repeal of the British Tariff—The Voice of the People ! A Whig Governor, A Whig Senate, and a Whig louse of Representatives, TO CROWN THE VICTORY! The Boston Atlas brings ihegTratify ing intelligence of the utter route and defeat of Free Trade Locofocoism, in Maine, one of its strong, holds, and of the triumph of the friends of the Tar iff of 1842, on whose banners were in scribed, "PROTECTION To OUR OWN INDUSTRY," "Repeal of the British Tariff of 1846." It states that 47 Whigs to 45 Locofocos were elected to the House up to this week ; leaving 59 va cancies—that 32 Whigs to 42 Locos were chosen on the regular day of Elec tion, and that 15 Whigs to 3 Locos have been chosen at the Special Elections since ; and that of the Districts yet to come in seven gave majorities for Bron son (Whig candidate for Governor) over all others, thirty more of a majority against Dana (Loco,) and only twenty two majorities for Dana over all besides. Of the Districts which have elected since the regular day, not one that then gave Bronson a majority has failed to elect a Whig, while nine Whigs have been chosen from Districts that gave majorities against Bronson, and four from Districts which gave Dana a clear majority over all. Hence the Atlas very fairly concludes that the State will have a Whig Governor and Legislature thro' the year 1847. NORTH CAROLINA ALL HAIL! Whigs Gloriously Triumphant! ! Returns of the election for Governor in North Carolina have been received from all the counties, and show the fol lowing gratifying result. For Graham (Whig,) 43,486. For Shepard (Loco,) 35,627. Whig Majority, 7,859. In 1844 the Wliig majority for Gov ernor was only 3,153. Whig gain, 4,-706 Huzza for the Whig Tar iff of 1842 ! Dowu with the British Tariff 9f 180 !! FROM MEXICO, Correspondence of the Picayune. Mexican Army of rive Thousand on its way to attaek Gen. Hear ne,. A party of traders tatited tit Inde pendence on the 3d inst., With 15 days later intelligence from Santa Pe, having left on the 9th of September. They bring the following reports : It was currently reported when the company left, that five thousand men, the flower of the Mexican force, were on their way up from below, and near Chihuahua, to meet and attack Gen. Kearney, and that it was the General's determination to leave a sufficient number under the command of Col. Doniphan, of Clay, and take the remainder below, if possi ble, to meet Gen. Wool's division of ane army. The report still further is, that Gen. Paredes was on his way to Chihu ahua with fifteen thousand men to attack Gen Wool. If this be true, and it seems that credence was given to the report at Santa Fe, from letters received from be low, our western force will have some thing to do this winter. Our army at Santa Fe were garrisoning the post ra pidly, and a flag staff of pine, two hun dred feet high, was in course of erection to receive the stars and stripes that float so proudly over our land. Gen. Kear ney had his head-quarters at the Gover nor's Castle, and had given one or two splendid fandangoes. A large number of letters are in possession of the com pany, and will be in here to-morrow. If any farther news is received, I will let you know. IMPORTANT FROM MEXlCO.—Advices from. Mexico were received at New Or leans by the James L. Day, which ap pear of the utmost importance. The Picayune says, we are able to announce r most positively, that letters were receiv ed in this city by the Day, by a gentle man deeply interested in Mexican affairs, and from a very responsible foreign source in Matamoras, which say that Gen. Almonte has been appointed Pres ident of Mexico, ad interim, and Gen. Santa Anna generalissimo of the armies of Mexico ; and further, that Santa Anna was then engaged in raising and organ izing troops, intending to take the field in person in the North. This news will strike every one as important in various aspects, but it is especially so as it may bear upon the armistice granted by Gen. Taylor to Gen. Ampudia's forces, and again upon the dependence which the ' Government at Washington may have placed in the pacific intentions of Santa Anna. 7222 19,748 THE CAPITULATION.-A Washington letter writer says :—lt is still believed that Ampudia is not over brave—that when he sent out the white flag, he was scared out of his seven senses, and Would have been glad to have got off with his men, without a musket or an ounce of powder. Nay, farther, that if he had been peremptorily demanded to surrender at discretion, he would have done it, or in a few hours could have been driven to that alternative. It is thought that Gen. Taylor has suffered the Mexicans to escape when he had them in his grasp, and might jut as well have captured the whole of them, and sent them into the United States, as not. But instead of that, he ha sh given them sixty days to recuperate, at the end of which time they will be en abled to precipitate upon the invading army a swarm of " yellow skins" to the number of 40,000. Omo ELECTION. --The election for Governor, &c., took place in Ohio on Tuesday before last. We have received a few returns: COUNTIES. GOVERNOR. Bebb, Whig. Tod, Dem, Franklin, 50 Jefferson, 150 Madison, 40Q - Muskingum, 800 Cuyahoga, 700 - Lake, in part, 337 - Clark, 1000 - Perry, - 600 Licking, - 200 STEADIER GREAT BRITAIN.—CORENCra+ ble anxiety begins to be felt in conse quence of the non-arrival of this vessel at New York. If she left Liverpool on the 22d of September, she has been 25 days at sea, a rather unusually long pas : 4 sage for a steamer. She may have met with bad weather, which has injured her machinery. THE ARMISTICE.—Major Graham, U. S. A., was to have left Washington city with all speed, on last Wednesday mit lug, for Monterey, to carry to General Taylor orders for an immediate termi nation of the armistice granted to the llex leans.