Haw siromm. 11 /to Wants Great Bargains? Dr. Wm. Swoops, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun tingdon and vicinity, that he has lately re turned from the city of Philadelphia with an entire NEW S 1 GCE of Goods, which he offers for sale a few doors east of the new Presbyterian Church and directly opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, Main street. He is fully determined to SELL CO/RAPER than any establishment in Huntingd o n, or further, than any in Huntingdon county.— The stock consists of a general assol Meld of SPRING, SUMMER and WINTER DRY-GOODS; such as Broad Cloths of various colours; Cassimeres single and double milled .; good as sortment of Vestings , Sattinettes and Flannels; all descriptions of Woollen & Summer goods; consisting in part, of Silks, Lawns, Shawls, Ginghams, Calicoes, Ralsari nes, Bal. sarinc Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Hosiery, Muslin, Suspenders, Rib bons, Linens, Checks, Tickings, Sun shades, Parasols, Summer Goods, for men and boy's wear ; Also, a carefully select ed assortment of Queensware, and hardware Composed of Iron, Steel, Saws, Scythes, Sickles, Hammers, Axes, Nails, Traces. Shovels, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Knives & Forks, Shovels & Tongs, Looking Glasses, etc., etc. ALSO, Groceries : Such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Tobacco, Oils, (fish and Sperm,) Molasses of different qualities, Fish, &c. &c. AIl articles kept at this store will be disposed of on very reasonable terms for CASH, or in exchange for all kinds of coun try produce. V-He hopes that persons before purcha sing elsewhere, will give him a call. Huntingdon, May 27,1846. WAR WAR ! STORM WAR!! In Texico, Mexico, and Origonico! GREAT EXCITEMENT!! Latest arrivals of Spring and Summer Goods, At the Cheap Cash Store of JOEIN N. PROWELL, Directly opposite Wallace's hotel, Hunt. ingdon, I'enn'a. A Splendid assortment of LADIES' and GEN TLEMENS' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of CLOTHS of every des cription, Cassimeres, Vestings, Satinetts, Sheetings, Tickings, Linens, Checks, Ginghams, Calicoes, Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Balsarines, Balsarine Lawns, Shawls, Hosie ry, Ribbons, Suspenders, Table Diapers, 4.c. Also, Groce ries and Quecnsware, In short everything that is necessary for the wants of the public. As his stock has be en selected with an eye single to the interests of the community, persons would do well to call and examing his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, he still hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. N. 11,—He would wish to be distinctly un derstood, that he can sell a Nile cheaper titan any store up town. All you have to do to satisfy yourselves of this fact is to give us a call. All kinds of marketing, such as Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Wool, Rags, &c., taken iu exchange for goods. May 27, 1845. Administrators' Notice. Estate of JOHN KENNEDY. dee'd, late o the Borough of Alexandria. None Eis hereby given that Letters of Administration on said Estate have been granted to the undersigned.-- All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make pay talent without delay; and those having claims or demands against the same, arc requested to present them properly authen ticated, to GEO. B. YOUNG, ROBERT CARMON, August 12, 1546. Administrators, PLUMBE NATIONAL DAGUER RIAN GALLERY AND PHOTO. GRAPIIERS FURNISHING DE. POTS ; Awarded the Gold and Silver Medals, Four First Premiums, and Two Highest Honors, at the National, the Massachu setts. the New York, and the Pennsylva nia Exhibition, respectively, for the most splendid Colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ever exhibited. Portraits taken in exquisite style, with out regard to weather. Instructions given in the art. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at the lowest cash prices. New York, 251 Broadway; Philadel phia, 136 Chestnut St.; Boston, 75 Court, and 58 Hanover Sts.; Baltimore, 205 Bal timore St.; Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue; Petersburg, Va., Mechanics Hall; Cincinnati, Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St.; Saratoga Springs, Broadway; Paris, 127 Vieille Rue du Temple; Liverpool, 32 Church St. June 24, 1846. Bolling Cloths. 9i , HE subscribers have just received a large and general assortment of BOL TING CLOTHS, from the most approved Manufactories, which they will sell low for cash, and warrant to answer the purpose. CARSON Sc WNALTGH 10N. Mercersburg, Franklin county, May 6, 1846. 5 a-ERgONS wishing to purchase any kind of WOOLLEN Goons, will find that they can he had at very reduced prices; at almost cost, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOHN N. PROWELL. Huntingdon, Nlarch 11, 1846. EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM. m ELF., GREATEST II A RGAINS IN ready made clothing arc to be had at M. TRAMS Old Established l'ionecr Line, No. 292 Market street, Philadelphia; who has just finished one of the largest and most complete assortments of Spring and Summer Clothing in the city, consisting of SuperDlack Cloth Dress Coats, from 810,00 to $14,00 " " " Frock " 10,00 to 14,00 44 Blue 44 Dress " 11,00 to 14,00 Superfine Habit Cloth 8,00 to 10,00 Cashmerette " 7,00 to 9,00 " Tweed " 4,00 to 5,00 " 2,50 to 3,50 Croton 4 , 4,00 to 5,00 .4 French Cassimerc Pants 4,00 to 6,00 ~ Fancy Drillings ~ 2,00 to 3,00 Fine Satin Vests, from 2,25 to 3,00 Extra fine Satin Vests, from 3.50 to 5,00 Marseilles 1,00 to 2,50 Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Cloaks, from 13,00 to 18,00 SHIRTS, COLLARS, SUSPENDERS, STOCKS, &c., &c. All garments at this establishment ;we warranted both in fit and qnality of work manship ; they are all got up expressly for the retail trade, consequently more care is taken in the selection of the goods as well as the style of cutting. The proprietor of the establishment is a practical tailor (hav ing served a regular apprenticeship to the business) and has none but practical work men in his employ. Gentlemen in want of CLOTHING may depend upon being suited in every respect, as we are determined not to be undersold by any competitors. All goods are purcha sed for CASH, which enables us to sell a little lower than those who deal on the credit system, it being a self-evident fact that the " nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." Also, always on hand an extensive assort ment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. M. TRACY, No. 292 Market Street, Philadelphia, April 29, 1846. PerNion, Land, and Ganeral .agency At Washirgton, _ _ _ Ulm on 10th st,, .5 doors north of Penn. avenue. MORGEI M. PUILLIPS, late of r the Treasury Department, will attend to the prosecution and collection of claims before Congress and the several Executive Departments of the Government; such as pre-emption and other land claims; claims invalid, navy, revolutionary, widows, and half-pay pensioners ; for revolutionary ser vices, whether for commutation, half-pay, or bounty lands; for services during the last war; to the settlement of accounts of dis bursing or other officers of the Government; to the interest of bidders for contratts ; ob taining remission of lines or forfeitures for alleged violations of the revenue laws; col lecting of private claims; and all business brought before Congress or the public offices requiringthe services of an agent. Charges will be moderate, varying accor ding tothe nature of the business. All let ters must be post paid. G. M. P. will also attend to the sale and renting of houses, lots, &c., collection of rents, negotiating loans, &c. He has the pleasure of referring, amongst others, to the following persons: Major General Winfield;Soott, United S. Army. Brigadier General Nathan Towson, Pay master General U. S. Army. Brigadier General George Gibson, Com missionary General U. S. Army. Hon. A. K. Parris, Second Comptrollerof the Treasury. Hon. John W. Davis, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Hon. Simon Cameron, U. S. Senate. Messrs. Gales & Seaton, Washington. James G. Taliaferro, Harrisonburg, La. Hon. H. S. Kauffman, Texas. Washington, May 13, 1846. Steam Turning Shop AND LATH MILL. THE subscribers having entered into co partnership, under the Firm of John and W. R. Baker, in carrying on the Steam Tur ning Shop and Lath Mill in Alexandria, would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to do all manner of turning in wood, also, Iron Shafts from 10 to 700 lbs. Cabinet Makers can be supplied with all kinds of turning. Chairmakers by sending their patterns can besupplied with Chair Bottoms, Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagonnu kers by sending their patterns can be supplied with Hubs, and fellows, of any size and thickness and whatever wood they choose— plastering lath furnished at the shortest no tice, and all at the lowest market prices.— Persons at a distance wishing to furnish their own stuff, can have it hauled a vay and delivered without extra charge. _ JOHN BAKER, W. R. BAKER, Alexandriadan. 28, 1846-tf. LEA 7 HER, MOROCCO AND FINDING STORE. No. 29, North 2nd sired, Harrisburg. THE subscriber respectfully informsthe citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring counties, that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches, all of the best quality, and as low as can be bought anywhere, for Cash. His stock consists partly of Sole Leather, Upper Leather, Calf Skins, water proof Rip, Harness Bridle, &c. &c. Men's Morocco, Women's Straights, Kid, Bindings, Linings, &c. &c. Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, sparables, glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, boot web, cork soles, lacers, awl blades, kniyes, ham mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slick bones, files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys, jiggers, shoulder irons, shoe keys, seam. sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels, heel slickers, shank wheels, coil's, shoul der sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gonges, pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c. &c., and everything else in his line of busi ness. Call and seebefore buying elsewhere. W M. L. PEIPER. Feb. 11; 1846. IN RI CM i'.: MEL al Ir TO RXEI .I T La W. HtINTINQDON, PA IMPORTANT T 9. ALL.COUNTRY HOUBMEPERI34O You may be sure of obtallig, Tiii • at all times, pure and highly 11a -111 vored By the single pound or larger quantity, at the Pekin Tea Company's Warehouse, 30 South Second Street, between Market and Cheanul Streets, Philadelphia. Heretofore it has been very difficult, in deed, almost impossible, always to obtain good Green and Black Teas. But now you have only to visit the Pekin Tea Company's Store, to obtain as delicious and fragrant Tea as you could wish for. All tastes can here be suited, with the advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. June 24, 1846. Ai. Card. CLEMENS & BAKER, Wholesale Druggists and Ilfanu facturera of Copa Varnish; also, sole Agents fur the Franklin Window Glass Works. IirtAVING been long engaged in the man -44 ufacture of Copal Varnish, as well as other kinds, we are now prepared to offer to purchasers an article which in quality can not be surpassed in the Union. Alsc, receiving weekly, from the above celebrated works, Window Glass of every size. Constantly on hand, a full assortment of White Lead of the most approved brands; together with a large stock of Drugs, Med icines, Paints, Oils, Indigo, Dye Stu ff s, Col ors, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Dutcls Metal, Cam els' Hair Pencils, Paint Brushes, Pallet Knives, Ste., comprising every article in this line. All which will be sold at the lowed possi ble prices, by CLEMENS & BAKER, No 187, North 3d st., one door above Wood, Philadelphia. Sept. 10, 1845. Sheuts Daguerrian Rooms Mr. Show would respectfully announce that ho has fitted up rooms at No. 117 Boltzmore Street, With a light expressly adapted to taking Daguerreotype Miniatures, Upon themostimproved system, He would especially call the attention of country operators to his facilities for furnishing Daguerreo type Aapparatus, Plates, Cases and Chemicals of the very best quality, and as cheap as any establish ment in the United States. Baltimore, May 27, 1840.--4 m. ISAAC rzsman, ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal business as may be en rnsted to him . Dec. 20, 1843. A. It. CORNYN ATTORNEY AT LAW—HuniingdonPa. Ofli e in Main street, two doors East of Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House. S. SEW= STEWART, AT713314 , MT ItaWD HUNTINGDON, Pll. Office in Main street, three doors west of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry stablishment. A. W. MINEDICT, ATTORNEY AT LAW—HUNTINGDON, Pa.—Office at his old residence in Mair street, a few doors West of the Court House. A. W. B. will attend to any bu• siness entrusted to him in the several courts of Huntingdon and adjoiningcoum ties. April 30, 1845 .—tf. GEORGE TATLOR, ✓lttorney ✓!t Law.--Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra tors accounts, Scrivening, &c.—ollice in Dimond, three doors East of the " Ex change Hotel." feb?B, '44. 308 N 'WILLIAMSON Having re turned to Huntingdon county, hasre-com menced the practice of LAW in the Borough of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at• tend to all business entrusted to his care.— Hc will be found at all times by those who may call upon him, at his office with Isaac Fisher, Esq., adjoining the store of Thos. Read & Son, near the Diamond. Huntingdon, April 30, 1843. o. ovaria unualua o ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., Will attend to all business entrusted to his care in Blair, Huntingdon, and Indiana counties. Hollidaysburg, April 8, 1846. CALVIN BLYTIID, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VILL practice in the several Courts of the City and County of Philadel phia. His office is at No. 35, South FOURTH St., between Chesnut and Walnut streets. l'hiladeldhia, Oct. 1, 1845. JOHN SCOTT, JR. arITTOR3 alr .LaW; ______ HUNTINGDON, PA., Will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which ho may be entrusted in Hun tingdon or the adjoining counties. His office is the one formerly occupied by James Steel, Esq., nearly opposite Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon March 11, 1846. rfirtV DAGUERRIAN ROOMS No. 1 10 Chesnut street. Philadelphia. T. B. Straw, who has been operator and conductor of the Plumbe Daguerrian Gallery for years past, having opened rooms at the above place, would invite all to examine his specimens. PeWect colored likenesses guaranteed at $1 50. Constant and full supplies of Apparatus, l'lates, Cases, Chemicals, and everything used in the business, for sale at the lowest rates, wholesale and retail, and all warrant. ed good. lifibol JPlanufacturers. THE subscribers would inform their for mer customers that they have recently re ceived at their establishment in Chambers burg, a large quantity of MACHINE CARDS, and will keep, as heretofore, a full supply of the very best quality. Call and examine fur yourselves. A New Patent Wind Mill for cleaning Grain. THE subscribers having purchased Culp's Patent for the counties of Hun tingdon, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata, would avail themselves of informing the Farmers that it is the greatest improve ment ever made on Fanning Mills;for simplicity, cheapness, and durability ;here is none to equal it, and as for cleaning speedily and well, it alike surpasses all others. We manufacture in Williamsburg, Blair county, where we will always have them on hand, and will receive and attend to orders promptly. We will haul the Mills through the above mentioned district during the ensu ing season. HUYETT & GARVIN, We, the undersigned, having the above named Mills in our own practical use, and having tried them well, we fully con cur ►n the above statement. David Ake George Ake David Good Wn►. Ake Samuel Rhodes M. Brenaman Williamsburg, March 25, 1846—Gm. WILLIAM D, PARRISH, No. 4, North sth st., 2 doors above Market PHILADELPPIIIA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Paper, Rags, School Books Blank Books and Stationary. HAVING considerably increase his facil ties for business, now offers to country mer chants, on still more favorable terms than formerly, a complete assortment of Writing, Printing and Wrapping Papers; also P igured Wall and Curtain Papers, and Window Shades of a great variety of patterns, which he can sell at manufacturers' prices. Also, Bonnet Boards, White, Blue and Brown ; and all the Ssandard School Books, Blank Books, and Stationary in general, at thelow st Wholesale prices. Rags Rags Rags Cash paid for Rags in any quantity, or Rags taken in trade for goods at the lowest cash prices. Country merchants are par. ticularly invited to call. Printers of country newspapers supplied with their paper low for cash, by applying at WILLIAM D. I'ARRISH'S Paper and Rag Warehouse, No. 4, North run street, 2 doors above Market street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, August 20th, 1845. COME THIS WAY! Carriage Manufactory. ZIMINATC MINN UST RESPECTFULLY informs the 41AL-citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, and the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its various branches, at his old stand, in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting don, nearly opposite the " Journal" print• lag office, where he has constantly on hand every description of Coaches, Carriages, - ' 4. . 4 . Sleighs and • —osessigitatED Dearborn's, which he Will SELL LOW FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. He would also inform the public that he manufactures and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of C II if 1 It 8 , made and finished iu the most durable and improved style. by experienced workmen. The public are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves. HENRY num. Huntingdon, Nov. 5, 1845—tf. Carpctings, Floor bloths, &c., Al Me" Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawberry Sired, Philadelphia. ___ _ _ VE would call the attention of persons in want of New Carpet, &c. to the fact of our being enabled to sell goods at very low prices, because, in our present lo cation, our rent and other expenses are very light ; and we oiler for this season an excel lent assortment of Carpetings, • Beautiful Imperial, Ingra in, and Venetian o every variety. Also, Floor Oil Cloths, From 2 to 24 feet wide, cutto fit rooms, halls, &c. and Hearth Rugs,Table Covers, Floor Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, &c., wholesale or retail, nt the lowest prices. 87. A supply of low priced carpets, from 31 to 50 cents per yard, always on hand. ELDRRIDGE & BROTHER, No 41, Strawberry street, one door abovc Chesnut st. near Second st. Sept. 10, 1845. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL PREMIUM HAT STORE. BERTRAND ROSS, No. 120 Chestnut St., south side, 4 doors below Fourth st., PIIILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he has re fi tted and opened the above establishment, where he is_pre pared at all times, to furnish Bea ver, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manufactured in this country. Also, a su perior quality of Caps, for officers of the Army and Navy, together with Dress, 'Ri ding and Sporting Caps : a new and splen did style of Childrens and Boys' Caps, with a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La dies. Jnst received, per Steam Ship Great Western, the approved style of LADIES' RIDING HMS; also, a beautiful assort ment of Childrens' French Cups. I am determined that my hats, in point of beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of any other Establishment in any City in the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1845. usTlccs , Blanks of all kinds, for sale WO at this Unice. 'ALLISTEtt , s ALL-MiALING QXNTIVIENT. INSENSIBLE PERSPIRATION. MHE preceding figure is given to repre sent the insensible perspiration. It is the great Evacuation for the impurities of the body. It will be noticed that a thick cloudy mist issues from all parts of the sur face, which indicates that the perspiration flows uninterruptedly when in health, but ceases when we are sick. Life cannot be sustained without it. It is thrown off from the blood and other juices of the body, and disposes by this means of nearly all the im purities within us. The language of scrip ture, "in the Blood is the life." If it ever becomes impure it may be traced directly to the stoppage of the "insensible perspi ration." 'Thus we see all that is necessary when the blood is stagnant or infected, is to open the pores and it relieves itself from all impurity instantly. Its own heat and vital ity are sufficient, without one particle of medicine, except to open the pores upon the surface. Thus we sec the folly of ta king so much internal remedies. All prac titioners, however, direct their efforts to restore the insensible perspiration. The Thompsonian, for instance, steams ; the Hydropathist shrouds in wet blankets; the Homoeopathist deals out infintissimals ; the Ailopathist bleeds and doses us with mer cury, and the blustering Quack gorges us with pills. _ _ _ - . -- To give some Idea of the amount of the Insensible Perspiration, we will state that the learned Dr. Lewenhock ascertained that five-eights of all we receive into the stomach passed off by this means. In other words, if we eat and drink eight pounds per day, we evacuate five pounds of it by the Insensible Perspiration. This is none other than the used up . particles of the blood, and other juices giving place to new and fresh ones. To check this, therefore, is to retain in the system five• eights of all the virulent matter that nature demands should leave the body. It is by stopping the pores that overwhelm mankind with coughs, colds and consump tions. Nine-tenths of the world die from diseases induced by a stoppage of the Insen sible Perspiration. Let me ask, now, every candid mind, what course seems the most reasonable to pursue, to unstop the pores after they have been closed? Would you give a physic to unstop . the pores ? Or would you apply something that would do this upon the sur face, where the clogging actually is? And yet I know of no physician who makes any external application to effect it. Under these circumstances I present to physicians and all others, M'ALLISTER'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT, or the florid's Salve. It has flower to restore perspiration on the feet, on the head, around old sores, upon the chest, in short, upon any part of the body, whether diseased slightly or se verely: It has power to cause all external sores, scrofulous humors, skin diseases, poisonous wounds, to discharge their putrid matters, and then heals them. It preserves and de fends the surface from all derangement of its functions. The surface is the outlet of five-eights of the bile and used up matter within. It is pierced with millions of open ings to relieve the intestines. Stop up these pores and DEATH knocks at your door.— It is rightly termed all-healing, for there is scarcely a disease, external or internal, that it will not benefit. I have used it for the last fourteen years for all diseases of the chest, consumption, liver, involving the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare before Heaven and man, that not in one single case has it failed to benefit when the patient was within the reach of moral means. I have had physicians, learned in the profession, I have had ministers of the Gos pel, Judges of the Bench, Aldermen and Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudi tion, and multitudes of the poor, use it in every variety of way, and there has been but one voice—one united, universal voice —saying, . 6 M'Allister your Ointment is good." CoNsussTtoas.—lt can hardly be credited that a salve can have any effect upon the lungs, seated as they are within the sys tem. But if placed upon the chest, it pen etrates directly to the lungs, separates the poisonous particles that are consuming them, and expels them trom the system.— I need not say that it is curing persons of Consumption continually, although we arc told that it is foolishness. I care not what is said, so long as I can cure several thou• sand persons annually. HZADACHE.—The salve has cured per sons of the Headache of 12 year's stand ing, and who had it regularly every week, so that vomiting often took place. lleatness and Ear Ache are helped with like success. COLD FEET.—Consumption, Liver Com plaint, pains in the Side or Chest, falling Willie hair, one or the other, always accom panies cold feet. It is a sure sign of dis ease in the system to have cold feet. The Salve will cure every case In Scrofula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Liner Complaint, Sore Throat, Bro lltt chi tis, Broken or Sore Breast, Piles, a. Chest Diseases, such as Asthma, Oppres sion, Pains, also Sore Lips, Chapped Hands, 'Tumors, Cutaneous Eruptions, Nervous Diseases, and of the Spine there is no medicine known probalAy so good. Bunt's.— It is the best thing in the world for Burns, (Read the Directions around the box.) Pimples on the Pace, Masculine Skin, Gross Stujitec—W hen there is grossness, or dull repulsive surface, it begins to soften until the skin becomes as smooth and deli cate as a child's. Wo parcatv, kiicw liuw „. most thedlctiies 'were' to clifldrens token ie. .viardly, they . would be glow to resort t them. Especially "mercurial lozenges,” called 'medicated lozenges,' vermifuges: 'pills,' Bcc. The truth is, no one can tell invariably, when worms arc present. Noll let me say to parents, that this salve wil always tell if a child has worms. It will drive every vestige of them away. (Read the directions around the box.) There probably no medicine on the face of tkl earth at once so sure and so safe iu the pulston of worms. OLD SoßEs.—That some sores ore sm outlet to the impurities of the system, is because they cannot pass off through the natural channels of the Insensible Pei spira tion. If such sores are healed np, the purities most have some other outlet, or it will endanger life. This salve will always provide for such emergency. RuEumAnsm.--Almost every case cilt4, with this ointment. FEVERS.—In all cases of fever, the ditn-; culty lies in the pores being locked uti sb that the heat and perspiration cannon pass off'. If the least moisture couhlbe started, the crisis has passed and the danger is over. The all-healing ointment will in all cases of fevers almost instantly unlock the skin and brings forth the perspiration. SCALD HEAD.—We have cured cases that actually defied every thing known, as well as the ability of fifteen or twenty doc tors, One man told us he had spent ssod on his children without any benefit, when a few boxes of the ointment cured them. Coans.—Occasional use of the Ointment will always keep corns from groWing. Peo ple need never be troubled with them if they will use it. As a family medicine, no man can meas ure its value. JAMES M'ALLISTER & CO. Sole proprietor of the aboye Medicine.-- Price 25 cents per box. CAUTION.---As the All-ttesling Ointment has been greatly counterfeited; we have given this caution to the public that "no ointment will be genuine unless the name of James M'Allister or James Mc Allister & Co. are written with a pen upon every label." Acxwi—JAMES SA TON, Jr., Hun ti ngdon. July 29, 1846. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY. I. 4 H. Grafius, MESPECTFULLY inform the citizens i4IN4 of Huntingdon county, and the public generally, that they continue to carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business, in all its branches, in Alexandria ; where they manufacture and constantly keep on hand every descriptionof warm theirline; such as New and Splendid Wood Stoves 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long. RIIDIA7'OR STOVES, 2 SIZES COAL STOVES FOR PARLORS, NEW AND SPLENDID PARLOR STOVES FOR WOOD--THREE sltEs EGG STOVES—J/4o IRON RAILING for front of douses-- C AST GRATES for cellar win dows-.SELF SHARPENING PLOUGHS, right and left handed--N EIV BULL PLOUGH ,with cast and iron shear, and the LIVINGSTON PLOUGH—DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOUGHS for corn and/ seeding in fall grain—COPPER PUMPS, for wells any length, and Tin inside and out-- FORGE HAMMERS, from 5 to 16 cwt. New Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and Also four sizes of Coal Stoves, ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVES FINISHED A II kinds of castings clone, for Forges, Saw mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG ON BOXES, STILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW WARE.; all of which is done in a workman like manner. Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pre serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale, wholesale and retail. Persons favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on having their orders executed with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at market price. Alexandria, May 20, 1846. "QUEEN OF THE WEST" CD3cocz)Lwicao EZitIcE)WcD,,, For sale by I. St H. GRAFIUS, Alex andria, Huntingdon county,Pa., cheap for cash or country produce at the market price. The "Queen of the West" is an im provement on Hathaway's celebrated lint Air Stove. There has never yet ap peared any plan of a Cooking Stove that possesses the advantages that this one has. A much less quantity of fuel is re quired for any amount of cooking or ba king by this stove than by any other. Persons are requested to call and see before they purchase elsewhere. May 20, 1896. To Purchasers—Guarantee. THE undersigned agent of the Pattentec, of the Stove, The Queen of the West," understanding that the owners, or those concerned for them, of other and different patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against rill who purchase and use any of " GUILDS I'ATENT COOKINC STOVE —The Quceu of the West." NOV. this is to inform all and every person who sisal purchase and use said Stove that he will ins demnify them from all costsordamage, from any and all suits, brought by other Paten tees, or their agents, for any infriugment their patents. He gives this notice so that persons need not be under any fears because they have, while consulting their own inter ests and convenience, secured the superior advantages of this "Queeti"not only of the nest, but of the East. ISRAEL GRAFIUS May 20, 1846. Dissolution of Partnership.. 'The subscribers doing business under the firm of I. Grafius & Son, in Alexandria, Huntingdon county, 'dissolved parti,rshii, by mutual consent on the .stAtlay of ,lpttf last. All persons having accounts with said firm will settle the same with I. Grallus,up to the above date. _ I CR AVIUS cSON AL:il:lL;J.lll . .iy 1646. F