- _ Huntingdon, Wednesday, September 9, 1846. ' Whig Candidate for Canal Commissioner, JAMES M. POWER, OF MERCER COUNTY, CONGRESS JOHN BLANCHARD, of Centre county, 189EMBLY : DAVID BLAIR, of Huntingdon COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ROBERT CUMMINS, Jackson tp. 3 yrs. DANIEL TEAGUE, Cromwell tp. 2 yrs. AUDITORS LEONARD G. KESSLER, for 3 years GEORGE WILSON, for 2 years. WILLIAM HUTCHISON, for 1 year. - 117- The communication of "A Whig" cannot appear at this time. We respect the source from whence it comes, but doubt the policy of its publication. Af ter the Oetober election, the author can have the use of our columns, to bring before the people the name of his favor ite for the Presidency; and may com pare his claims and qualifications with those of other candidates proposed. We hope our friend will see the propriety of this arrangement. THE LATE JUDGE KENNEDY.-4 meet ing of the Huntingdon bar was held a few evenings since, and resolutions of regret, at the loss sustained by the pro fession, adopted. We have not been fa vored with a copy of the proceedings, which accounts for their non-appear- LEWISTOWN BANK.—This institution has suspended payment for the present. Its doors closed upon creditors on Thurs.. day last. Rumor says it will resume in a few days. We would advise note holders not to sacrifice their money, as we have no doubt of the ability of the Bank to redeem its issues ultimately. Congressional Conference. The Conferees, from the counties com posing this Congressional District, met at Brown's Mills on the Ist inst., and unanimously re-nominated the Hon. JOHN BLANCHARD. Through the inattention of those hav ing them in charge, we are without the proceedings, but learn from the confer ees from this county, that every thing passed off in the most harmonious man ner. The nomination of Mr. Blanchard cannot but be hailed with delight by every Tariff man in the District. No one among the Pennsylvania delegation, was more faithful or untiring in his ex ertions in behalf of the interests of his constituents, than the representative from this District. Let there then be a "long pull—a strong pull—and a pull altogether" for Honest John Blanchard, by all in favor of the REPEAL of the present British Tarifl; and the restora tion of the beneficent law of 1842, and his re-election will be secured by such an overwhelming majority as will say to him, in language not to be misunder stood, " Well done, good and faithful servant." Let then "BLANCHARD and REPEAL," be the watchword of the People of the 17th Congressional Dis trict, until the 2d Tuesday in October next. HEALTH.—The citizens of no town in the State enjoy more uniform good health than do we of Huntingdon. Al though we are not blessed with a great .‘ rush" in a business way, we can and should be very thankful for this great est of all the blessings of Providence— uninterrupted good HEALTH. rp The books of subscription to the stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad are again open in Philadelphia. The U. S. Gazette informs us that several hun dred shares were subscribed on the let inst. 1:17' THE WEATHER has been unusu ally warm for a week past, for Septem ber. We have also been visited by se veral very severe storms; and from all quarters, we hear of great destruction of property by wind and lightning. FOREIGN News.—lt will be seen, by reference to the news by the Britannia, t business in Europe has been much proved by the passage of the "late act" the American Congress•--the British ' ToritT 15,1.;. THE GLOBE STILL AT ITS OLD TRICKS. From what was said in the columns of the Globe, during the pendency of the British Tariff Bill in Congress, we were somewhat disposed to believe that the new editor was about to rise above the trammels of party, and take an in dependent stand in defence of the inte rests of Pennsylvania, in defiunce of the dictates of party leaders and Executive whippers-in." But the last few num bers of that paper have shown us the ut ter folly of that anticipation. No soon er had Father Ritchie, through the Col umns of the official organ at Washing ington, proclaimed to the world the Polk Free Trade triumph, and made his call upon the faithful to stand fast, than our neighbor of the Globe dropped the weapons of his rebellion to to the Brit.. ish measure, and set about •to try his hand at the old game of Deception, so successfully played in 1844, by the I Globe and its Locofoco allies all over I the State. For this purpose he throws open the columns of his paper to a set of volunteer scribblers, who LIE profes sionally—who follow no industrial pur suit that can in any way be directly ef fected by low duties ; and who have all their lives occupied the degraded posi tion of being the mere tools of aspirants to high places. These men, as may be presumed, are utterly devoid of all hon esty ; and for the purpose of attracting attention from their palpable falsehoods and misrepresentations, boldly attack the veracity of those whose duty it may be to strip them of their deceptive gar ments, and show them up to the world in their true colors. Those are the cha racters that figure in the last number of the Globe, and who attack our veracity as a public journalist. There is a vein of ill-concealed bitterness running through every article directed at us in the last number of that paper. This bitterness, no doubt, arises from the fact that the Journal stands high above the reach of its volunteer falsifiers. We refer back with pride and satisfaction to the files of this paper during the cam paign of 1844, and ask every candid reader to compare it with a file of the Huntingdon Globe for the same year, and they will find every assertion made in the Journal as to the position of par ties on the Tariff, and other great ques tions which agitated the country, ful filled to the letter; while, on the other hand, they will find that time has given the lie direct to almost every position as sumed by the Globe. We can therefore inform the whole motley crew, that their attack upon our veracity falls harmless at our feet. We as cordially despise their gratuitous assertions as we do the authors of such infamous and malicious attacks. The editor of the Globe is informed, in conclusion, that he would perhaps have done his party as much service, and himself infinitely more credit, if he had excluded these scribblers, who have vol unteered to lie him out of his dilemma, altogether; as we have only to point to the old files of the Globe, where these same men figured in days gone by, to extract the venom from all their sickly asseverations. In the language of a co temporary—" Fable tells us of one who warmed a serpent in his bosom that stung him ; but no fiction ever dared to imagine that he repeated the senseless experiment. Let them come on—we are armed." JUNIATA COUNTY.—We have not re ceived the Juniata Times of last week, but learn from those who did that the Locofocos of that county, in Conven tion, passed resolutions in favor of "Polk, Dallas, and the Tariff of 1846." Thus have the Locofocos, in four of the counties of this district, been already whipped into the party traces, and de clared their "undiminished confidence" in the men who have done all in their power to destroy the labor and prosper ity of Pennsylvania. Mechanics and Laboring men! can the leaders of this party longer deceive you out of your votes? CENTRE COUNTY.—The Whigs of Cen tre county nominated their county tick et last week, and passed resolutions in favor of Gen. James Irvin for Governor. We should like to publish the ticket, and extract some of the excellent reso lutions adopted, but the "Whig" con taining them has been mislaid, and we are unable to lay our hands upon it. The Whig conferees of Dauphin, Lebanon, and Schuylkill counties met on Wednesday last, and unanimously no minated George N. Eckert of Schuylkill, as their candidate tor Congress. An ex cellent selection. Attempt at Deception Exposed! CANAL COMMISSIONER. The Globe of last week publishes from the Democratic Union, the " Issue in October next," (which is now going the rounds of the Tariff papers of the State, and which places Mr. Foster in his proper place—on the side of Free Trade—and James M. Power, the can didate of the people, on the side of Pro tection, and in favor of the REPEAL of the present British bill,) with com ments, taking exception to the issue presented, and attempting to DECEIVE the people into the belief that the con test for Canal Commissioner has nothing to do with the Tariff question at all; and further states that Wm. B. Foster is in favor of "modifying the bill of '46, so l far as the great interests of Pennsylva aia are concerned." Where the editors of the Union are known, it is unneces sary to deny any assertions they may choose to make, as our readers will re collect the extract we published some time since , taken from the editorial columns of that paper, in June, 1844, in which the editors declared, on the au thority of a "near neighbor of Col. Polk," that he was in favor of the Tariff I act of 1842. But as this new deception of the Union is likely to gain some noto riety, by being published in its echoes all over the State, we will give an ex tract on the subject from the Harrisburg dirgus, one of the few locofoco papers of Pennsylvania which still maintains its consistency an the Tariff question; and which the Locofoco Free Trade leaders have, as yet, been unable to whip into the party traces. We hope our neighbor will not forget to publish this extract also, as his readers should be allowed a little truth, along with the columns of FALSEHOOD and DECEPTION which is weekly served up for them in the columns of the Globe. The Argus, in reply to the Union, says: ..The Democratic Union of last week contained a very able article, urging the re-election of Wil liam B. Foster, jr. To the object of that article we take no exception; but believing that our neigh bors have been imposed upon, we must pretest against the attempt to make Mr. Feeler occupy a false position on the Tariff question. We believe such an attempt to be contrary to his wishes. He is too honorable and high-minded to DECEIVE the people of Pennsylvania. He has not been backward in avowing his opinions on the various subjects that agitate the public mind—and 04 none are his sentiments better understood than these he entertains on the subject of a Tariff. At the meet ing of the last Congress, it will be remembered that the Argus took ground against the views of thee& ministration at Washington, on that subject. We were influenced in the course we took, by a desire to present the views of the Democratic party in Pennsylvania, as we believed them to exist. The action of the Democratic members in the Senate and House of Representatives of our own Slate, and in Congress, proves that we, at that time, re presented the views of the party correctly. Mr. Foster was among the few hero, (we say few, for at that time the whole Free Trade party of the State consisted of a minority of Me men in Dike nn :he hill,) who took occasion to fin.l fault with us for our couree, and openly D E FENDED the proposed measures of the party at Washington. In the views he then expressed, we believed him to be honest. He was from Bradford county, and his opinions were most ably argued and carried out by Messrs. Webb and Piollet in the House of Repre sentatives of the State last winter, and by the Hon. David Wilmot, in Congress. We found no fault with him, because we were willing every man should enjoy his own opinions; but we are not willing now to sco him misrepresented—and there fore say the Union is doing Mr. F. injustice by placing him in a position that he dues not wish to occury. For ourselves, we cannot see what the Tariff has to do with the election of Canal Com missioner, and we were desirous that it should be kept out of the canvass, but as Mr. Foster's indis creet friends aro disposed to introduce it, we hove determined to place him in his true position. We now say, anti can safely appeal to every man that has ever heard Mr. Foster speak on the subject, and they are not a few, that he was an OPEN OP PONENT OF THE TARIFF OF 1842, anti an advocate and defender of the views expressed, on that subject, by the organ of the administra tion at Washington. What his views now are, as to the tariff of 1846, we do not know, us we have not had the pleasure of a chat with him since the passage of the act, but presume he bas not changed—as Ito is a firm and consistent man." It will be perceived by the above, that the issue presented by the Whigs is the true one, and that Wm. B. Foster is the FREE TRADE candidate. Let the peo ple remember that this is taken from a paper that is at this time supporting Mr. Foster's election, and whose name stands at its mast-head. Dare the edi tor of the Globe gainsay the authority I THE BETTER TARIFF MEN.—The Lo cofocos of Adams county have nomi nated Joel B. Danner, Esq., for Con gress, in the place of the Hon. Moses McLean. The leaders were opposed to the -nomination of Mr. McLean, on ac count of his vote in Congress against the British Tariff of 1846. Another strong evidence of their better Tariff principles. ID- The Clinton Whig, since the re turn of friend Coulter to its editorial control, is one of the most spirited Whig papers in the interior of the State. Lay on "Will," you're on the right track. fl - The Whigs of Philadelphia city and county have nominated Thomas M. as their candidate for Sheriff: Dauphin County We are indebted to our friend of the Pa. intelligencer for an Extra, contain• ing the proceedings of the Whig county convention of Dauphin. The following ticket was put in nomination. Assentbly—James Fox, Esq., Theo. Gratz. Prothonotary—John Zinn. Com missioner—John Shell. Director—Sam uel Neidig. Auditor—Benj. Buffington. Coroner—Henry Fox. Colin McCurdy, Esq., Geo. Bergner, and P. Martin were appointed conferees with instructions to support Dr. N. Eck erd, of Schuylkill county, for Congress. We are personally acquainted with the gentlemen composing the above Ticket, and can only say that our Whig friends of Dauphin have been very for tunate in their selections. The candidate for the Assembly, Mr. Fox, nominated in the place of John C. Kunkle, Esq., (known all over the State as the eloquent representative from Dau phin for the last two sessions,) is scarce ly, if any, the inferior of his " illus trious predecessor ;" and we may there fore again expect to hear frequently of the eloquent efforts of the "gentleman from Dauphin," during the setting of our next Legislature. Mr. Kunkle, we understand, declined a re-nomination on account of a great press of professional business. "SPIRIT or ANARCIIIIVP Under this imposing caption, the last Globe makes a most pathetic appeal to the "friends of LAW AND ORDER," to come forward and save the Locofoco Free Trade Party from—gentle reader, can you imagine what? If you cannot, we will tell you—from the interference of the laboring men of their party—those who earn their living by the labor of their hands, and who the Locofoco lead ers of Pennsylvania deceived into the support of James K. Polk—from any interference in the public meetings of that party; as all such interference is calculated to disturb the harmony of the Free Traders, and is likely to prevent the ruffle-shirt leaders and office-holders from passing complimentary resolutions in favor of "Polk and Dallas, and the British Tariff of 1846." The Globe copies from the Doylestown Democrat, an avowed opponent of Protection, to sustain its position, that "anarchy and confusion is abroad in the land," an ar ticle, charging the Whigs with having interfered with a quiet, well-disposed meeting of pious Locofocos, who assem bled in Reading, a short time since, for the purpose of giving in their adhesion to the " late ace of Congress," and to defend Mr. Dallas from the " ruffian at tacks" of the mechanics in the work shops of that enterprising borough.— The Reading Journal also copies this as tounding article from the Doylestown paper, headed with the startling words —"Reign of Terror"—"Brutal Outrage" —" Mob of Federal British Tories," &c. &c., and says: " 'Phe abova article condemns itself. A more shameful, barefaced, infamous falsehood, from be ginning to end, we seldom ever recollect to have seen even in a Locofoco paper. We need not say to the people of Reading and Berke county, that there in not one word of truth in it. It is well known here, and con be proven, and will be proven if any Locofoco editor dare gainsay it, that the workingmen from the Depot were, with one or two exceptions, all democrats, men who voted for Polk, Dallas. and the Tariff of 1842—that they were led on by Democrats, and backed by some of the moat ' distinguished leaders of that party in this borough; that they were entirely unarmed ; that they made use of no threat. whatever, drove no one from his seat; beat nobody, hurt nobody, and k tiled nobody; that they offered their resolutions, after the regular resolutions of the meeting had been adopted, in a respectful manner, sustained them by argument, and passed them by honest democratic voles. All I Otis can be proven, and will be, by democratic tea -1 timony, if necessary. There is not a Locofoco in the borough of Reading, or county of Berke, who was present at the meeting, who will dare to assert that the article from the Doylestown Democrat is not conceived and uttered in falsehood from begin ning to end." Yes, the " Reign of Terror," to the supporters of the Locofoco British Ta riff; has commenced. The laboring men are awaking to their true interests—and the deceivers of Pennsylvania are quak ing with terror. We can inform our neighbor of the Globe, and his Free Trade allies, who are now supporting and defending the British Tariff of 1846, that American laborers are not to be frightened from asserting their rights, by any hideous yell it may please the minions of Jas. K. Polk to set up. This " reign of ter ror" to the Free Traders is likely to continue until all the friends of Ameri can Labor will be found rallying under the banner of " REPEAL," and until our rulers at Washington shall acknowl edge and respect the rights of the "toil ing millions" of this country, by wiping the British Tariff Law from the Ame rican statute books. c - Sec firer rage for a variety of nii.:crllaucuus much Mr. Dallas. "No act of general policy, as it ap pears to nie," hays Mr. Dallas to the Ha gerstown Committee, "was ever more distinctly condemned by the suffrages of the great body of the American peo ple, than the Tariff of duties on imports passed by the Whig Congress of 1842." Mr. Dallas continues: " That a change of the Tariff was in volved, directly and unequivocally, in the popular verdict rendered in favor of James K. Polk, was obvious to all who did not strangely and wholly miscon ceive the pervading character of the great political trial. That trial might seem superficially a struggle for men; but in reality and in substance, it was a strug gle for fundamental doctrines and lead ing measures. While yet in progress, both parties so thought, and so repre sented it; the Whigs, earnestly and tmi versally ; when it closed, the country had but to consult the ballot-box, in or der to find, with other equally important conclusions, a sentence •passed against the Tariff of 1842, which, without vio lently departing from the fixed law of our institutions, could not be reversed or evaded." The above will show the laboring men of this country, if any further evidence is needed, the utter folly of relying upon any promise which may be made by the Locofoco leaders, in regard to an amend ment of the Tariff law of 1846, so far as they are concerned. Mr. Dallas claims the election of 1844 as a decided ver dict against the Tariff of 1842, al though he declared to the people, from his own door steps, after the election, that that act "would be safe in the hands of Mr. Polk." The Globe is still harping on the vote of " Jarnagiri," who we some three weeks ago denounced for having obeyed the instructions of the Locofoco Legis lature of Tennessee, and puts at us the following interrogatory : " Can the editor of the Journal tell his readers why it was that this same consistent Whig Senator refused to vote on the engrossment when he was as much bound by his " instructions" then as he was when he voted in the affirmative on the final passage of the bill I We can tell the effect produced, which we suppose will answer the same pur pose, viz : That of giving Mr. Dallas the casting vote and thereby showing him up to the world in his true colors ; and also of showing to the good people of this county, that the Huntingdon Globe not only lied for Polk, but that it lied for Dallas too, by asserting that they were in favor of the Tariff of 1842, as that paper did in 1844. Satisfied with the explanation, neighbor I The Locos of Montgomery coun ty, at their late county meeting, passed the following resolution : Eno!NKr), That the administration of our excel• lent, worthy Chief Magistrate, JAMES K. POLK, under the difficult and trying circumstances in which he has been placed, meets our hearty, entire, and unqualified approbation; and as Pennsylvanians we feel a just and honest pride in JAMES BU• CHANAN, whose eminent abilities have contrib• uted so much to its support. The above is but a fair specimen of what the Locofoco leaders are doing in almost every county meeting held since the passage of the Tariff of 1846. They arc occasionally thwarted in their attempts at supporting Mr. Polk and his British Tariff, by the " interference" in their political caucuses of the Laboring men of their party, who have too much american spirit left, to laud Mr. Polk for favoring the Pauper Labor of Europe, in preference to that of his own coun tr Our neighbor of the Globe should not forget to give his old friends in Mont gomery a rap over the knuckles for abandoning the Tariff of 1842 ! ! ABSURD.—Perhaps the most impu dent of all the humbugs circulated by the free trade press, says the Lancaster Examiner, is the assertion that the whigs are endeavoring to create a panic for the purpose of deriving political advantage from it—in other words, that half the business men of the country are in a conspiracy to ruin themselves in order to have the satisfaction of fathering their losses upon the government. Is it possible that any sane man can be made to believe that our large manufac turers would shut up their establish ments, and submit to the positive loss of all the interest of their money invested in buildings, machinery, &c., besides all the profits derivable from their business, merely to spite the administration I Would such be the course Of • griping monopolists 1 Yet for the purpose of prejudicing the operative against his employer, the locofoco press do not hesi tate to propagate such statements, hav ing such a low opinion of the sagacity of the working man, that they suppose he will swalkp the palpable itb%tirdity. SCRIBBLINGS AND SCISSORING& ( . 1- The Legislature of Maine has en acted a law, prohibiting the sale of li quors in that State, wholesale or retail, under heavy penalties. Da- The Liberty men have nominated J. Potts, jr.,for the o ffi ce of Canal Com missioner o this State. HARD Tijnns.—The volunteers in the Army of Invasion complain bitterly at the exorbitant exactions of the sutlers. One poor fellow, troubled in spirit, says: " It's pretty tough, I tell you—wages only seven dollars a month, whiskey from one to two dollars a gallon, and other necessaries of life in the same pro portion." The President has ordered the sale of about ten and a half millions of acres of public lands in Wisconsin, Ar kansas, lowa, Missouri, Mississippi and Florida. 0:!T The friends of the Hon. J. J. Crit tenden, and the Hon. Garrett Davi s , have tendered them a public barbecue at Frank fort, Ky., on Saturday, the 12th inst. (r ;;.- A wag, lately describing an ele phant, remarked that the sagacious ani mal took care never to be robbed, for he always carried his trunk before him. LAW IN CANADA.—A Montreal paper says, no man can leave his house after dark, or go half a mile out of town in broad day, without a feeling of uncer tainty whether he Will ever return alive. O Jealousy is sometimes so much stronger than self-love, that many per sons would rather hear themselves abus ed than another eulogised. DROWNED.—The Hairisburg Argus says: s _ _ An inquest was held on Wednesday last a week, on the body of a man named Henry Thoman, which was found float ing in the Susquehanna, a short distance above the water-house. It is supposed that he was accidentally drowned whiles bathing. gp- A bill was recently introduced into the Legislature of Mississippi, al lowing females over 14 years of age, the privilege of voting upon the question of granting licenses for the sale of intoxi cating drinks. A steamboat is now daily passing from Wilkesbarre to Pittston, on the North Branch canal. INSANE.—Seven of the convicts at Sing Sing have been pronounced insane, aris ing, it is said, from the effects of impris onment on the mind. DUEL.—The N. Orleans Delta, of the 20th ult., says: " An 'affair of honor' came off, on the opposite side of the river, on Sunday, between two of our city bloods—weap ons, small swotds—wounds, slight, bu t t reciprocal. ID- Among the Members elect to the North Carolina Legislature are Edward Stanley, Kenneth Rayner, and Wm. H. Washington, widely known and esteem ed as Whig members of Congress in other days. re The President has commenced issuing paper money—in immense quan• titics. This is what he means by hard currency ! la- Wm. Sawyer, the sausage-eating member of Congress from Ohio, has been dropped by his loco friends, and Wm. Armstrong nominated in his stead. OtT It is said that the culture of tea has been introduced into France with flattering prospects of success. ID- It is Stated that in 26 of the prin cipal Medical Colleges in the U. States, 4,265 students attended the lectureS dur ing the course of 1845-46, and that of this number 1,256 graduated this year. The ranks of the profession are certain ly filling up. ()a- The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says that the pub lication of the Daily Globe will be re vived in the course of six months, and that F. P. Blair, the former editor, will preside over it. D. Nearly 30,000 acres of farm lands in Fairfax county, Virginia, are held by Pennsylvania and Northern settlers. MORMON TROUBLEB.—We learn from a gentleman who came passenger on the New Haven from Keobuk, that matters wore about reaching a crisis at Nauvoo, when he left that city. The " old citi zens," as the mobists call themselves, were to have entered Nauvoo yesterday, destroyed the Temple, and driven out all the citizens friendly to the Mormon-- Deputations had been sent to the Mor mons in lowa and Wisconsin, request ing their return, that the city might be more effectually defended. The new citizens, with their Morthon allies, will number about two thousand fighting men. It was thought that a conflict was una voidable.—St. Louis Union. MILITIA ELECTION.—The election held on last Saturday week to elect a Lieu. tenant Colonel for the 4th Regiment, P. M., in the room of James R. Johnston, resigned, resulted as follows: Hollidaysburg. Williamsburg. G. W. Hewit, 34 93 • Joseph S. Stufil, 110 21 Win. W. Jackson, 140 8 Electing Mr. Jackson by a majority of 17 over Mr. Stufli, and 21 over Mr. Hew•it.