try JO ihr ) . 1 • ti 4 1- 0 BY JAMES CLARK :] VOL. XI, NO. 34. %:Paavirmsl3. The "Jounivei." will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. , No subscription received for a shorter period than x months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rearages aro paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be conduit cd, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. POETICAL. For (ho Journal. HOME. Oh ! I think of my homo 'mid tho vines and the _ flowers, Where I sported so gaily in childhood's bright hours; When nothing then burdened my innocent heart, But some beautiful thought that bid sorrow depart. Oh, I think of the groves that encircled the hill That sloped gently down to a bright little rill, There dripping in coolness all sparkling and bright, Brought down the pale moon en its bosom of light On its green mossy banks I have sat there and sung. When the flowers to the stream the bright dew drops flung, And twin'd the palo flowers in the locks of my hair, That so lightly floated on the floods of blue air. My laugh rung loud 'mid the bright dewy bowers, 'lf I touched but n spray there fell quite a shower; So happy was I with the loved ones at home, That my heart was all gladsome, for sorrow no'er come. But my mother was there with her love and her smiles, So happy woo I when she gazed on her child ; But she sickened in Autumn, and died with tho flowers, That covered her windows in Summer's bright hours. Oh, how soon would I now all my footsteps retrace, Could I bring back the friends that dwelt in that placo, Could I wander again 'mid those bright dewy bow- ers, Where I sported in gladness in childhood's bright hours. Y.LIZA asas. HOLLIDAY/M/11G, August 25, 1846. TO AN ABSENT WIFE. BY GEORGE D. PRENTICE morn—the sea-breeze seems to bring Joy, health and freshness on its wing— Bright flowers, to me all strange and new, Are glittering in the early dew— And perfumes rise from every grovo As incense to the clouds that mit Like spirits o'er yon welkin clear— But I am sad—thou art not here. 'Tie noon—a calm, unbroken sleep Is on the blue waves of the deep— A soft haze like a fairy dream Is floating over wood and stream— And many a broad magnolia flower, Within its shadowy woodland bower, Is gleaming like a lovely star— But I am sad—thou arC afar. 'Tie eve—on earth the sunset skies, Are painting their own Eden dyes— The stars come down and trembling glow Liko blossoms in the wave below-- And, like some unseen sprite, the breeze Seems lingering 'mid these orange trees, Breathing its music round the spot— But I am sad—l see thee not. 'Tis midnight—with a soothing spell The far tones of the ocean swell &ft ay amother's cadence mild Low bending o'er her sleeping child— f Awl on each wandering breeze are heard The rich notes of tho mocking bird In many a wild and wondrous lay— But I am ard—thou art away. I sink in dreams--low, sweet and clear, Thy own dear voice is in my cur— Around my cheek thy tresses twine— Thy own loved hand is clasped in mine— Thy own soft lip to mine is pressed— Thy head is pillowed on my breast-- Oh, I have all my heart holds dear— And I am happy--thou art hero. ENNUI.—It was a foolish philosophy which believed in ennui as an evidence and means of human perfectability ; the only exertions which it is capable of pro ducing arc of a subordinate character. It.may give to passion a fearful intensity, consequent on a state of moral disease; but human virtue must be the result of far higher causes. Tho exercise of principle; the generous force of puri fied emotions ; cheerful desire and wil ling industry, are the parents of real greatness. if we look through the va rious departments of public and intel lectual action, we shall find the mark of inferiority upon every thing which has sprung from Ennui. In philosophy it might produce follies of Cynic oddity, but not the sublime lessons of Pytha goras or Socrates. In poetry it may produce effusions from persons of quah sty, devoid of wit; but it never could have pointed the satire of Pope. In mechanic arts it may contrive a baloon, but never could invent a steamboat. in religion, it stumbles at a thousand points in metaphysical theology, but it never led the soul to intercourse with heaven, or to contemplate divine truth.—anthra cite Gazette. Irp The rot is doing considerable dam• .age to the potato crop in various parts MISCELLANEOUS. TILE TRAITOR ARNOLD. A writer in the New Haven Palladium gives some of the closing incidents in the life of this remarkable man—as re markable for his bravery as his treach ery—which, though not new, may be interesting to our readers. The writer says: The close of Arnold's ignominious ca reer was characterized by the loss of caste and the respect of every body. A. succession of personal insults and pecu niary misfortunes followed his treason, and deep abiding retribution was fully meted out to the degraded culprit long before he died. An elderly lady, of cultivated mind, resides in Massachusetts, whose early social intimacy with Arnold and his family, at St. John's, New Brunswick, gave her peculiar opportunities for know ing many details concerning the close of his miserable career. Subsequent to the termination of the Revolutionary war, and after the perpetration of various atro cities against his countrymen, Arnold went to England and received a com mission in the British army. He was frowned upon by the officers and every where received with contempt, if not indignation. Various public insults were offered to him, and in private life he was the object of perpetual scorn. Soon after, Arnold threw up his com mission in the army in disgust, and re moved to St. John's. He there engaged in the West India trade, becoming as notorious for his depravity in business as he had been before false to his coun try ; his integrity was suspected at va rious times, and on one occasion during his sudden absence, his store was con sumed, upon which an enormous insur ance was effected. The company sus pected foul play, and a legal contest was the result. During the trial popu lar odium against Arnold increased, and manifested itself by a succession of mobs, and the burning of him in effigy. During this painful scene, his family were greatly distressed, and the lady to whom allusions has been made, and who resided near Arnold's house, was requested to go and pass that trying in terval of time with them. That request, in the fair hand writing of Mrs. Arnold, until recently was in my possession, as well as a copy of a satirical handbill, describing Arnold's life, hundreds of which were circulated among the popu lace during his trial. Mrs. Arnold, in her note, says, " the General is himself to-day," meaning that lie bore the in sults with his usual firmness ; but she was alarmed herself, and wished for the presence of some female friend during the painful scene which followed. The proof was not enough to con demn Arnold, but there was enough de tected of foul play to vitiate his policy. From that time the situation of Arnold, at St. John's, became even more uncom fortable, and that of his family distress ing. Mrs. A. was treated with great kindness, but he was both shunned and despised. She was a lady of great de licacy and refinement, with a mind cul tivated by more than ordinary care, and of course, her sufferings were rendered acute by the imputations against her husband's integrity, aside from his trea son. They shortly left St. John's and went to England, where Arnold became lost to the public eye, and died in de gradation and obscurity. There is a moral connected with the history of Benedict Arnold which should be deeply impressed upon the youth of this country. He was headstrong, dis obedient and vindictive in early life, and often painfully wounded a mother's heart. In mature years, the same cha racteristics were visible, strengthened by power, and rendered perilous by the absence of moral principle and self-con trol. He died as he lived, a man of un governable passions, destitute of integ rity, deeply depraved, and without ever having openly repented of his heinous offences. A TOAST OF THE TALLEST KIND.—At the late celebration of the 4th of July, in the parish of Caddo, the following toast was given: Woman--:Heaven's best gift to man— his Pandora, or casket of jewels—his confectionary shop or stick of rock can dy—his otto of roses, or sugar coated pill—her presence Isis best company= her voice his sweetest music—her smiles his brightest moments—her kiss the guardian of his innocence—her arms the pale of his safety—her lips his most faithful counsellors—her bosom the soft est pillow of his cares. "Girls, d'ye hear that, "His otto of roses!" Oh, Moses!—Delta. His casket of jewels!" Ugh !—oli, crickee! "Dont touch me, or I'll 'go " us the powder acrid to the CORRECT PRINCIPLES-SUPPORTED fly TRUTH, HUNTINGDON, PA., SEPTEMBER 9, 1846. TEMPERANCE SPEECH. BY . " THE RAZOR STROP MAN." Almost every one has either seen or heard of Henry Smith, the "Razor Strop Man." He is a ntiblb, whole soul ed fellow, always ready to sell a " razor strop," or preach a Temperance lecture. The following extract from one of his speeches, is a fair sample of his ready wit and unique style of argument: . . " When 1 was it drunkard, not only was my • wife and myself half starved, but my old cat was also reduced to a perfect skeleton. And not only that, but she grew quite wicked, and became an out and out old thief. " Cause whyl Why, she couldn't get enough to cat at home, so she went prowling and stealing among the neighbors. "Every once in a while, I'd hear the neighbors cry out, "Cuss that Smith's cat, she's stole my meat—cuss that Smith's cat she's stolen my fish—and case that Smith's cat she's drank up all my milk." Bat why didn't she stay at home and catch mice and live on them, says you ; reason enough, say I, for our mice couldn't get crumbs of meat and bread like sober men's mice can, so they had to live on the recollections of what they used to eat before their master be ' came a drunkard, and at last they got so thin and scrawny that fifty of theni wouldn't fill the old cat's hollow tooth. "But when I reformed, things took a different turn. Smith's table had plen ty of fish and meat on it, and Smith's mice had plenty of crumbs, and grew nicely, mid Smith's cat had plenty of mice, and didn't have to steal the neigh bor's fish and meat any. more. No, sir, my mice were fat and plump, and my old cat was spry and active, and didn't take fifty to make a Meal anther. No sir-se. The old cat would catch two mice, and these two was as much as she could eat at one meal, and when she cat them, she would lie down and go to sleep; and after a good night's rest she'd wake up in the morning with the plea sing satisfaction of knowing that the nice, fat plump mice were not all, but there were a "few more left-of the same sort." EMPLOYMENT. It is dangerous for a man of superior ability to find himself thrown upon the world without some regular employment. The restlessness inherit in genius, being thus left undirected by any permanent influence, frames for itself occupations out of accidents. Moral integrity some times falls a prey to the want of a fixed pursuit, and the man who receives his direction in active life from the fortu itous impulse of circumstances, will be very apt to receive his principles like wise from chance. Genius under such guidance attains no noble ends ; but re sembles rather a copious spring convey ed in a falling aqueduct, where the waters continually escape through the frequent crevices, and waste themselves ineffectually on their passage. The law of nature is here, as elsewhere, binding, and no powerful results ever ensue from the trivial exercise of high endowments. The finest mind when thus destitute of a fixed purpose, passes away without leaving permanent traces of its existence; loosing its energy by turning aside from its course, it becomes as harmless and inefficient at the light ning, which, of itself irresistible, may yet be rendered powerless by a slight conductor.—./Inthracite. Gazette. RATIIER COOL, We heard a good sea yarn lately, which, as we never saw it in print, we think will be now to our readers. Com modore Dallas, one of our ablest and most experienced naval commanders, having been appointed to the command of a spmdron, his flag-ship was lying in one of our ports preparatory to sail ing,. A fresh water sailor, who had shipped as a seaman, was on board, but owing to the absence of the Commodore, he had never seen his commander, and did not know him. Getting strapped for tobacco, he went to one of the men and said, "I want a chaw o' tobacco very bad, and I don't know what to do for it." "Do you'!" replied the man to whom he addressed himself, who was one of that class of mischievous persons deno minated a practical joker, "do you? Well, go to that old fellow that's just come aboard, and ask him ; he'll give you some, for he keeps all the tobacco." The " old fellow" to whom lie was directed, was no less a personage than Commodore Dallas himself; but the greenhorn, ignorant of this, went up to him, and slapping him on the shoulder, said in the usual rough, sailor-like way, when addressing only their equals, "I say, old chap, give us a chaw o' tobac co, for I'm most starvin' for one; I ai'itt had one for a week." 'l'l►e Conunodore was taken all aback by this tattwital mode of addres.3, itud, looking at the man, he asked him, "how long have you been in the service V' " Only six days," replied the man, still unsuspecting of his error. " And have you had no tobacco yet 1" asked the Commodore. " No," he replied, " not tiCe first chaw since I've been aboard." The Commodore hauled out a hunk of tobacco from his pocket, and cutting oil a piece gave it to him. " Now, do you know who I am I" he asked. " No," was the reply. "Well, I'm Commodore Dallas, the commander of this vessel." " You don't say so!" exclaimed the man, who was now in. his turn taken all aback, and felt slightly fearful of the consequences of his familiarity; but re covering his self-possession in a mo ment, he replied with true sailor bold ness, "well, you've got an infernal good berth of it !" The old Commodore, tickled at the joke, forgave him, quickly guessing that the mistake was not a wilful one, but originated by some of the practical jokers aboard of the. ship. He, how ever, ordered that after that, tobacco should be distributed among the men every day. ADULTERATION OF WINES.--1t is said that when George the Fourth was in the high and palmy days of early dissipa tion lie possessed a very small quantity of remarkably choice and scarce wines. The gentlemen of his suite, whose taste in wine was hardly second to their mas ter's, finding. it was not demanded, thought it was forgotten; and, relishing its virtues, had exhausted it almost to the last bottle, when they were surpris ed by the unexpected command, that the wine should be forthcoming at an entertainment on the following day. Consternation was visible in their faces. A hope of escaping discovery hardly existed; when one of them, as a last re source, went out in haste to a noted wine-brewer in the city, numbered a non; his acquaintance, and related his dilemma. "Have you any of the wine left for a specimen'!" said the adept. , 6 Oh, yes, there are a couple of bot tles." " Well, then, send me one, anti I will forward the necessary quantity in time. Only tell me the latest moment it can be received, for it must be drank immedi ately." The wine was sent; the hilarity was disturbed by no discovery of the ficti tious potation, and the manufacturer was thought a very clever fellow by his friends.--Redding on Wines. "QUALIFICATIONS." The following anecdote, in relation to a distinguished citizen of our neigh boring county of Centre, we find embod ied in a lengthy article, with the above caption, in a late number of the Dimas burg Star. This anecdote has never before met our eye in print, although we have frequently heard it related ver bally. The Star says: "We know of no anecdote which comes in with more propriety, on the present occasion, than that which is re lated of Judge Huston, late an Associate on the Supreme Bench of Pennsylvania —a station which he filled with so much honor. It is related of him, that when a young lawyer he appeared as counsel for one of his clients in Centre county, (his own place of residence,) at the Philadelphia Bar. He was then un known to the Court, as also to all the members of that Bar. His appearance was so plain and unostentatious, that he scented more like a farmer who had just come from his plough, than one who had made the law his study, and whose mind was adorned with Literature. The case in which he stood as counsel, was of some importance ; and the Court on asking for the counsel to advocate the cause, was pointed by the client to Mr. Huston. This, it is said, gave rise to some giggling among the lawyers, and even the Court, not seeing in his appear ance the requisites of a lawyer, drop ped some hints that he might not be qualified. The trial went on, and in the progress of it, it was soon .discov eyed that Mr. Huston was not the illit erate person for which he was taken.— But when he closed in a speech of sonic length for his client, then shone forth the force and splendour of his eloquenc, ss also the extent of his legal attain ments. The whole bar, as well as the Court, stood mute with astonishment; and he who at first seemed a fit subject for laughter, became an object of gen eral admiration. Mr. Huston triumph antly carried the cause for his client, and so of drove the Philadel• phia lawyers from the ground which they had taken, that there was not a foothold left to stand upon." Maj. Jones' first and last drink of 'Body WitLia.' RELATED 13V lIIMSELF After gwine up as far as Youtaw street, in Baltimore, and takin' a look at the Youtaw Hotel, what'S 'bout as big as Noey's ark, I crossed • over and cum down on t'othcr side of the street, look ing along at one thing and another, till I got down almost to Charles street. By this time I begun to be monstrous dry, and as I heerd tell a good deal about the sody water what they have in the big cities, I thought I'd try a little at the fust place whar they sold it. Well, the fust doctor's shop I cmn to, had a Body water sign - up, and in I went to git sum. Scs I,'" I l a vitnt a drink of yol sody water, sir." "What kiwi of syrup will you have," ses he, putting his hand on a bottle of molasses. "I don't want no syrup;" sea I, " I want sody water." "Alt !" sex he, " you want extra so- dy." And with that he took a glass and put some white stuff in it, and then held it under the spout till it was full, and hand ed it to me. I put it to my head, and pulled away at it, bat never got sich an everlastin' dose afore in my life. I got three or four swollen.; down before I be gun to taste the dratted stufl; and you may depend it liked to killed me right tied in my tracks. It tuck the breath clean out of me, and wen I cunt to my self, my tang felt like it was full o' IA:- tiles, and my stuntick like I'd swollered a pint of frozen sopcsuds, and the tears was . runnin' out of my eyes in a stream. I drapp'd the glass and sported the rest out of my mouth quit:keen litenin', but afore I could git broth to speak to the chap that was standin' behind the coun ter, a starin' at me with all his mite, he ax'd me if I was'nt well. 6 , Well, thunder and litenin'!" ses "do you want to pizen me to death, and then ax me if I'm "Plzen!" ses he. " Yes," ses " pizen ; I axed you fur sum soy water, and you gin me a dose bad enough to kill a boss!" "1 gin - you nothin' but plain 04," ses he. 4 , Well, scs I, " if that's what you call sody water, I'll he dadfetelied, if I'll try any more of it. Why, it's worse nor login turnip juec, stew'd down six gal- lons into a pint, cooled all' in a snow bank and mixed with a hurricane." Jest then the bilin' hot steam cum up into my throte, that like to blow'd my nose out by the roots. Ses he, Maybe you ain't used to drinkin' it without syrup." "No," ses I, "and what's more, I ne ver will be." "It's much better with sassyparilla or gooseberry syrup," ses he. " Will you try sum with syrup '1" " No, I thank you," ass 1, and I paid him a thrip for the dose 1 had and put out. A Modest. Fish-Yarn, BY STRAGGLER. In :trargling from port to port, we naturally light on things wonderful and interesting ; and are thrown in the mix ed web of society's strangest material. Not the last place in the world for heat and fun, is the " biler deck" of a high pressure when the thermometer is A 96 in the shade. We were sailing on the Mississippi in June, on an up-river craft. Bhe was crowded with passen gers, above and below, and loaded to the guards, and downward bound. Although "Junefulness" seemed scattered along the banks, the most appropriate expe rience to those aboard the craft was hot fulness, and that to the highest notch. The passengers would shift from the larboard to the starboard side to keep in the shade, and throw open their collars to catch each little mite of breeze that accidenttlly floated up the rive•. The forenoon was passed as agreeably as the comfort of the craft would allow, but the afternoon was likely to be a hot and dull drive. The lower deck was strew ed with foreign emigrants en route for the new Republic. For awhile the cab in passengers were kept alive by their jabbers, dances, &c., but the voice of the Captain crying—" Back her !" ac companied with sudden jar, sprang every man to his feet. " Wrong shootc—stuck fast—won't get off till a rise—out of the channel !" muttered the Captain. "Stuck fast" at the head of Island 14, with nothing to eat and the Mississippi for licher !--thermometer fifty degrees above high water mark, mid no way of getting to the shade ! Presently a fresh breeze struck up, a cloud floated over the still, just to rave all the passengers a nap._ [T T, 'l'he Catholics of Lowell, Mass , have parelosetl a lor, church, formerly owned I.y the 11 let hodist,, for their OWII 11:4'. It Will irrvnuootila '2OOO 'I 1,. I‘l..mean \V. "dl a Lit ";111 hands alt," ordered thy Captain. Now " the pilot at; 1,1 i (.10. I p:DIT01: I . i'i;.,c1:11:1,), WHOLE NO. 551, get bottom upwards," droned n frri.:ll Patrick. For three lone hours did the passen gers and the crew do their prettiest to get her off; but uo tea il. The captain swore, had freight rolled far and aft;— still our gallant boat hung fast. This was the time for a portrait painter— long sighs, cross looks, and wry laces, etc. Strewn over the deck lay many a weary soul gaping like a smothered chicken. The evening was wearing oil slowly, and the prospect of laying there 111101 ,a boat cotthLhe haiied, b1aw.,4634 the remaining sparks of life, until some one threw out a banter— "Two to one on the chap that can give the biggest fish story !" " I takes that," replied the man With a white hat. Fish stories one, two, three, and four, were told with great eclat by their re spective spinners,. " said Charley W., a dry 100k 111.ff, little fellow, with narrow brim hat, harp toed boots, sack coat, and keen voice, well gintlemen, fish stories are titurfjll plenty jilt now; but none of 'em's lighten rod to u . spree I was into myself when 1 was :t boy." Ott with it—hoora (.'.barley;" join ed all the passet ,, J.r, " Well, the old hosa, that is " dad" used to have a Woe hole in the creek.-- Durk' fishin time, he'd quarter us boys in the field to grub and hoc and 'tend the crap, and he'd slide out to the blue hole to fish. None of us knew where he was gone till one day I slipped oft and follered hint. He went plum dash to the hole, and there he'd set and ketch fish for hours and throw 'eat bark itt the creek for amusement. So I Bits in with the old boss to let me go a lishite I digs the bait the over night, to keep from botheration in the mornin. Bright and early I gethered my pole and math. for dad's blue hole. Well, when I frit, than, I found I'd forg ot my bait, and 1 didn't know what to do next. I felt for soft spots to see if I could find anything to bait with, but drot me if there was a cricket in a hundred yards of the hole. It wouldn't do to give it up—down on a big rock I scats myself witlt my studyin' cap on my head, a considerin' how I'd best git the bait. After I'd thought over every thing, I felt of my heel.— Good ! says I, "now I'll have it," I takes out my knife,. cuts off a piece o' my heel, baits my hook, throws it out; and before it touched the water, a big Salmon jumped up and caught it. I know'd it 'ad keep Mc more'n consider able busy to cut off one bait at a time, and I cuts the Salmon up for bait, fixes my line and a place to sit, rolls up my sleeves, and then if I knows myself I goes it. I drapped in my hook, ca chug went the cork, and out come a Simon six feet long. Don't jump so, it's a fact. The things bit so fast that twenty men couldn't a kept 'count of 'um. They' tried how fast they could bite. They jist rolled out—my pole went up end down so fast that you couldn't a seed it, the hook left a :streak of fire after it, it whirled 'rotund so. I baited my own hook, took off the fish, and in one horn and a quarter from the commencement, I caught nineteen hundred and twenty Simons, each. three feet long, parked them to the nearest town, and sold them for a dollar a piece." Such 'muslin of straps was never seen Every chap jumped clear of the drib, and our boat floated off the bar like a skeered deer—fact. SQUEEZING TUE IIANI.—Ono of our humorous exchanges says: Squeezing the hand, with some persons, is rut it Hy equivalent to a declaration of love; is truly surprising. We ►mist take hold of a lady's hand as we should a hot po tato, afraid to give a squeeze, lest we should burn our lingers. Very line, tru ly! Now, it was our ancient custom to squeeze every hand we got in our clutch es, especially a fair one. And the ladies may rest assured of this, that a man who will not squeeze their hand when he gets hold of it, does not deserve to have such a hand in his possession, and that he has a heart a thousand times smaller than the eye of a cambric nee dle. j) " Willy," said a doting parent at the breakfast table, to an abridged edition of himself, who had just entered the gra - tinnier class at the High ;.e110,,1, " Willy, my dear, will you pass the but to 1" Thertainly, thin—it Wit hcs me to porthe anything. Butter ith common subtlinnt ice, neuter gender, agreeth with hot buckwheat eoliths, and ith governed by thugar houth molatheths understood." .