Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 26, 1846, Image 2
THE JOURNAL. HUNTINGDON Wednesday, August 26, 1846. Whig Candidate fur Canal Cornmiseioner, JAMES M. POWER, OF MERCER COUNTY. CONGRESS: JOHN BLANCHARD, of Centre Co. (subject to the nomination of the Whig conferees.) AESENIFLY : David Blair, Bsd., of fluntingdoO. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Robert Cummins, of Jackson, for 3 ram. Daniel Tague, Esq., of Cromer% 2 years. AUDITORS: L. G. Kessler, of Brady, for 1 years. Geo. Wilson, of tell, for 2 years. Wm. Hutchison, of Warriorernark, yeal. Congressional Conferees.—JunnF. KER, of IValker, Joel Hearer, of Porter, and Jon' WU: MANSON. 13sq., of Huntingdon, who are to meet the Conferees of the other counties in this district, at Brown's Mills, on Tuesday the Ist of September nest, at 3 o'clock, P. M. ILTCirculaie the Documents., = a The " Journal" will be furnish, ed to subscribers for three months at FIFTY C ENTS, in advance. We make this proposition for the accommodation of those who may desire a paper until after the elec tion. rj. Our regular subscribers will confer a favor upon us, by inentioning the above proposition to their neighbors. Mr• Sindson's Speech. On the first page of to-day's paper will be found e portion of one of the speeches of the Hon. Coo.. Hunsosr, of Mass., delivered in the lower House of Congress at its late Session. The subject—the WussT Taanx—is one in which every rarmer in the country feels a deep interest. The speech dis plays great research and labor on the part of its au thor; and the conclusions drawn by him, front the facts, seem irresistable. Now that the British Corn Laws have been repealed, and the British TarifTof 1846 has become a law, the truth of the speech will be tested by experience. We have commenced the publication of the speech, under the beliefthat ;mono will neglect to read a production of such general interest. Our Ticket. We aro pleased to find that our nominations are well received in all parts of the county ; and we can assure our readers that the whole ticket will receive the unanimous support of the INhig party, as well as many of the dcc, ived and betrayed voters who in 1844 believed a lie and cast their sulrereges for Polk and Dallas, in the hope that they would sus tain the Tariff of 1842. The Hollidaysburg Standard, a Locofoco paper, opeaks of our candidate for a seat in the Legislature ■s follows : " Mr. Blair is a very estimable man, a lawyer or very respectable talents—and should he be fortu nate enough to be elected, his constituents, who may happen to go to Harrisburg, will have no reason to be ashamed of their representative." The Polk & Dallas Ticket. With a single exception the candidates on!tho Locefoco Antt•Toriff ur British Tariff ticket would be unobjectionable were it not for the abominable principles of their party, which they of course cher ish. It is time that poor injured and insulted Penn sylvania should teach her Southern oppressors that her interests and her feelings are not to be trifled with any longer; and no part of the State has more reason for teaching this lesson than Huntingdon county. The majority against this ticket ought to be overwhelming, so as to speak in thunder tones of condemnation, to those in power ; arid help to swell the universal cry of REPEAL !" IVlcConnellstown sand. We neglected to state in our last, that our town was visited by this band on the first week of the August Court, and that the citizens were much delighted with their music. It is hoped they will pay us many more such visits, and eliven our town with their performances. cr: i . Our neighbors of the Globe publishes uncon nected paragraphs against the Tariff of 1846 as too protective, parpurting to be extracts from Whig papers published in Georgia. We cannot say whether these extracts are genuine or whether they are for4eries ; but from the knowledge we have of the honesty of Locoforo editors, we think there is no harm in cautioning the people against further falsehood and deception. We do not know that our neighbors have no scruples about inserting the word Imeofoco for Whig, or vice versa, if it suits their purposes. Sua-TnEAsen rms.—The Sub-Treasury bill hav ing become a law, the President is rewarding his partisans by making all he can of them Sub-Trea surers. After awhile many of them will be found looking out fur a new Texas! 7 A singular diseaeo is prevailing among the colored people in the neighborhood of Rockville, Md. attacking rho victims suddenly and without any previous indications of its approach. No white person fins yet been affected by it "Progressive Democracy." We rarely meet with so complete a tissue of it/moth/emits es the last number of the Globe present. Truly, the passage of the British Tariff 1511 of 1.646, by the Locofecos, et the behests of the "%atter Twill man" and Sir Robert Walker, has placed the Locofoco editors in Pennsylvania into a very awkward position. A portion of them are still for the Tariff of 1842 and denounce the British act of 1846 ; another portion of them go for the British Tariff of 1816, but have not the "nerve" to decry tho Whig Tariff of 1842; while yet another portion have the hardihood and impudence to denounce the Tariff of 1842 and deny that it was put in issue in the campaign of 1844, and these latter ore the champions of Mr. Pulk's ‘• better Tarifl;" the British Tariff of 1846. But as yet we have been unable to ascertain the " position" of our neighbors of the Globe. True, that paper has been mit against the British Tariff; it has published and commended the resolutions of the Locofoco county convention—which resolutions do not declat e for the Tariff of 1842, but in favor of an amendment to the Tariff of 1846; it finds fault with the Whigs for expressing great favor for the Whig Tariff of 1842, and argues that the Loco focoa alone aro it, true friends ; and then, to cap the climax of its absurdities it copies the following paragraph from the Union Times, a rank Locofoco paper, and reCOMlllentls it as " EXCELLENT ADVICE" not only to all " good Democrats" but also "to the cooler portion of the Whig party." Hear it : " WAIT A I.HTLE LONGER."—To our friends see say, bold firm. Let the first blast pass ever you. Let the new bill be tried fairly. Donut !re led by the estimates and prophecies of the Whigs , into the ranks of the enemy. Be calm—be true. A little patience, and a very little time, and we shall see the country settling down calmly in support of the new ineasu, eof the Government. At all events, I do not condemn before a trial. " Wait a little lon ger."—Union Timer. Attend to that, ye " good Democrats" and "cooler Whigs !" HoLI, You were deceived, hut don't mired that, stick to your party. " 1,1, THE FIRST BLAST PASS OVER TOT." Vote for us once more—tree, there is a chilling, a des tructivo " blast" coming; but It: it pass over you for it is democratic, and you cannot now repulse that "first blast;'' do as you will, it must prostrate you, so just let it " pats Over you." 1.1:t Tat NEW MILE HE Palate TRIED." Don't raise your voices against it now, but learn that for bad Democrats and crazy Whigs. Wait a hate longer." "Do NOT BE LED Hy THF.Y.sTistitss Lan PitOPSP EMS or THE WHIGS INTO Tan. RANKS or -rug arsamr." Oh the rascally lying British Whigs, your enemies, how they are setting with open jaws to catch and devour you. Remember how we saved you front them in 1844. They weer good clothes, have fine furniture, and live in splendid houses. Just think of that, and you must hate them. Don't it make your "goof democratic" and your "cool Whig" blood boil in your very veins? "BE c•cm—ex Turn" Don't let Mat blood get too hot; let that " first blast" cool it. Don't be terrified. Stand up to the panic ; "be true" to your party, right or wrong. Never go with the hive. vitar cyrri.v. TINE, AND WE 01111.18. TOE EMMERT. I rirrLiao DOWN CALMLY IN SUPPORT OF .rot: NEW MEASURE OF THE GovERNMENT. Have patience," a very little time," and FREE TRADE will be the settled policy of the country. This is 'the now measure of the Government ;" it is the 31;17 EU TARIFF of n better Tariff in in than Henry Clay; mind that in what wo told you in 1844. " A very little time" and free trade and democracy will go hand in hand in Pennsylvania as they do now in the South and West; and then, when the country has " settled down calmly in sup port of this now measure of the Government" you will hear ol no more Tariff resolutions at our meetings; no more democratic Tariff speeches; and then progressive democracy will have progressed so far in the North that neither bad democrats or crazy 'Whigs Can trouble it. Just give it a trial. Don't condemn it now. Don't kick out of the traces yet. " Wait a little longer." "Off with their heads." For two or three weeks past wo have rendered our neighbors of tho Globe valuable assistance in denouncing and oven e.reommunicating that traitorous Whig with Isocofoco principles, Senator JARNAGIN, of Tennessee, pretty much such al better Tar iff man" as James K. Polk, of the same State, for voting in favor of the British 'tariff of 1846; and it is hopes! we are not presuming too much upon their LIBERALITY and INTELLI GENCE when we "call" upon our neighbors of the Globe to as.vist us in. thundering anathemas at Senators ALLEN, BENTON, CALHOUN, CAM, Hors- TOO, and the balance of the 28 Locofocoa who voted in the same way with Jarnagin. The Globe has wasted columns of ink and paper upon the traitor nue Jarnagin, but has not given one fire yet at the other dignitaries named and their colleagues. Jarnagin could not have defeated the Tariff, but he could have voted against it, in violation of his instructions from a Locofocro Legislature. In this' way he could have made the vote a tie again ; and GEORGE M. DALLAS could have had the pleas ure of voting once more in favor of the odious British Tariff and against his own country. We have exhausted our own vocabulary in de nouncing the traitor Jarrragin ; and we therefore hope the Globe will excuse us frorn filling our paper with the denunciations of that great pillar of the Whig press, the U. S. Gazette and other indignant American Whig presses. But if the Globe men can point us to any Locofoco denunciations against Messrs. Case, Allen, Houston and the ether British Tariff men, or against ‘r Polk and Dallas too" we have no objections against publishing " a few."— We would do this by way of change, just for the novelty of the thing; but really we are getting tired of the stale indignation towards Jarnagin alone. The Girard Bank, Phiadelphis, has again gone into operation. Samuel C. Ford is President of the Bank. cc,' It is amusing to see some of the Locofoco papers endeavoring to extricate themselves from the charge of deceiving the people into the belief that Polk was a Leiter Tariff man than Clay. How they flounder and sink deeper into ridicule. Indeed it is humiliating in the last degreo that Pennsylva nia should have in het bosom such recreant sons as some of the Locofoco editors are. The fact that the voters were deceived and defrauded out of their votes, and the interests of the State betrayed to ruin by the Locofoco leaders is too palpable to 1w denied in positive terms, even 63 , them; and therefore they try to get out of their dilemma by pretending that the Whigs, who always supported the protective policy, are also deceitful in their ad vocacy of that doctrine. How rediculous it is for these Locofocos who, as their brethren of South Carolina say, " were TOO IGNORANT and STUPID to know what were the ISSUES invol ved in the Presidential election" to pretend now to be so acute And sharp sighted as to be able to see into the very recesses of the hearts of the Whigs and discover that they are not for the Tariff of 1942 1 at heart—that their professions of friendship for that Tariff are hypocritical. As long as the Whig speeches and votes aro recorded in favor of the 1 Tariff of 1842 they will be conclusive evidence that Whig hearts are right also. We rise to explain,—Tho " or.n Trucks" of tho Globe, which we alluded to two weeks ago, were perpetrated by the " illustrious predecessors" of the present editors of that paper. If further ex planation is necessary we must refer them to the files of that paper during the campaign of 1844. There our neighbors will learn fi om the Globe that " James K. Polk is a better Tariff man than Henry Clay" " The Tariff of 1812 is in no danger."— "Whig rke., &c., The "True. Aosim" are that the responsibility of the passage of the British Tariff of 1846 rests upon the Whigs —that the Whigs are hypocritical in their profes sions of friendship for the Tariff of 1842, &c., &c. Verily, we may say," TUB GLOBE AT ITS 01.11 Title. AGAIN." " How awkward it looks to see a man walk along the streets, with both hands crammed in his pockets. Phila. Times. Very awkward, indeed. But, friend Times, it is absolutely necessary to do so in the Quaker city, if you have any desire at all to keep your pocket book. cicY As the following is a very common want" we give it publication, for the purposo of keeping it before the people." We cut it from an exchange : Printers and Editors want--every man to do what is right, and give them their dues." But tee milt further want—Every good Demo. cratic Whig in Huntingdon county to come up boltlly, register their names as subscribers to the Journal, and as all good Whigs generally do —plank down two doll3rs eash—in advance Our books are now open, gentlemen. Y. S.—We have no objection to taking the names of coins good paying Locofocos as subscribers. co- crow a chapter of " Wants," we .jip the following: " rho Merchant wants—cash, and cash cue• towers." And how is the merchant to obtain " cash and cash customers , " We'll tell hire, (anti our word for it, it will not fa I)--advertise liberally. Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, thinks that if Mr. Polk were penning down Om Ohio or Mississippi Rivet, and the bout should get suagghd and he he forced to " take water," not a Locnfoco friend of his could be found who would "gibe him a plank," so deep and bitter is the feelings against him on account of his veto of the bill tanking ap propriations for clearing out and otherwise impro ving the Western rivers and Ha born. Remarkable Case of Arson.—On Sunday before last, a woman at Batavia, N. Y., was committed to prison for burning her husband's barn. She states that it was her intention to burn his house, and then hang herself. After firing the barn, site re turned to the house, and in making preparations to fire that her schemes were frustrated. Her name is Mrs. Russell Disbrow. Sho is 25 years of age, has three children, the eldest eight years, and the youngest ten months old; the eldest by a former husband the youngest by Disbrow. She) talks freely of the whole transaction, affects to conceal nothing, attributes all to domestic difficulties, and fancies that the law can inflict no greater unhappi ness, than she experience,: since her second mar riage. A Goon ONE.-Tho Vilage Record says, an honest Democratic Tariff man remarked the other day, that he would not be surprised if the Whig Senators did pass the bill to repeal the Tariff of 1842—the Whigs would do anything! But if they did, Mr. Polk would veto it !.f That's rich decidedly. He says that Mr, Polk is in favor of universal protection--of protecting all classes'— that he is a better Tariff man than Mr. Clay. Better and better He says ho knows it—he read it in the West Chester Republican in 1844—and the Republican won't lie." Tns lintTrsit Tamer.—The Canadians are re. joicing over the repeal of the Tariff of '42. The Montreal Courier remarks: " As englishmen, we, of course, are pleased that the tariff is abolished, as taken in cenjunction with our abolition of the corn laws, it will open on immense market for us, but if we were Americana, we should certainly be tariff men.' " Mn. POLICB Uiviran Scares is sta• ted that some $3,000,000 of Treasury Drafts have been already put in circulation in the West and South. They are issued in $5O and $lOO notes , beautifully engraved, and aro said very much to re semble bank rags.' OREGON Tenni - roar.—A bill passed both Hou, sex of Congress, providing for the establishment of a Territorial Government in Oregon. Tho seat of Government is to ho located West of the Rocky Mountsina, sod ,lavery is to be forcer deluded. Remember Annexation ! Don't let the act nor the coneequenees pase out of the pUblic mind. Remerdber that we are involuted in a most ex pensive and disgraceful War, which had its origin in the Itinexittion of Texas. Remember that the Protective Polity has been broken down by the votes of tho 'Nies SenatOrs, and could not have been without them. Remember that Mr. Polk's vetoes on the River and Harbor and French Spoliation bills ore justified in good part by the alleged need of all the money in tho Treasury to carry on the War caused ity the Annexation of Texas. Remember that the Debt or Texas is yet to he paid, end that she has a semi-official guaranty that Uncle Sam will pay it. It amounts to many Millions. Remember that the Inhibition by Congress of Slavery in the Texas territory north of 36 30 has been utterly scouted by Texas herself, and that Slavery will exist there under the Constitution of Texas in defiance of the Joint Resolutions consent ing to Annexation. Remember that it is the purpose of the A nnexa tionists to carve three or four more States out of Texas, and make them all Slave States. In short, remember that the whole drama of an nexation has been ono of unparalleled rapacity, deceit, and gigantic iniquity, against which every honest man and lover of Freedom should sternly and indignantly protest and struggle to the end.— The north has just united for once and planted her foot on the landmat k of No more Slave Territory ! Considering that Texas herself has utterly disregar ded and set at defiance one of the plainest provi sions of the Annnexing Resolutions, let 110 carry the principle to its inevitable results, and insist on hay ing no more Slave States 1 This is the true ground is our ground, and shall be ever more.—Ncto York Tribune. Tho Tariff, its Friends, and tenn- sylvania. It is really amusing to see the twistings of the Locofoco press. Some time since, the principal portion of them were loud in their outcry against the McKay Bill, as destructive of Pennsylvania in terests, and injurious to the country at large. But the bill passed, and passed against the vote of all the Locofoco Representatives of the State creep. ting one, (Mr. Wilmot.) Mr. l'olk approves of the bill, while he vetoes those which he does not like, thus showing that the President holds himself responsible for the act. Well, which horn of the dilemma do our friends of the Locofoco press seize upon? Do they applaud the vote of their party Representatives in Congress against the Tariff and denounce Mr. Polk for encouraging, and then sign ing, the bill ? Do they condemn the bill, and those who passed it, and call for the old law of 1842, and applaud those who tried to preserve ill Not at all, They receive, with demonstrations of continued re spect. the Representative that voted against the bill, which they said would be ruinous to the interests of :Pennsylvania. Sound Representatives, these who knew the right, and dare not maintain it against Executive influence; and then they applaud with atilt greater emphasis, because of a more elevated position, Mr. Polk, who signed the bill and made it a law. Hurrah for the men that sought to sustain the Tariff of 1842, for the good of Pennsylvania ! And hurrah for the men that put down the tariff of 1842, to the injury of Pennsylvania! But espe cially, and above all things, hurrah for the beauti ful party that paralyzes the industry of the country, that despises system even for doing wrong, provided that more wrong can be done by erratic move_ meats It appears that Mr. Wilmot, also, who voted and spoke against the tariff of 1842, and for the bill of 1846, is just as great a favorite as those who took the opposite course.—U. S. Gas. Orrtee•normens 7 , 8. WORKINGMEN !-" Thank God, we're not all iron -masters," said a little legal official at a locofoco meeting last week. This dis interested remark by an officeholder elicited from the faithful a roar of applause, which was increased by Judge Stewart bellowing out, as he flourished his fists in the air, "yes, WE wOOT NO PROTEC TION from the gown nment !" There is one thing however which the Judge does like, but forgot to mention. lie does not like to hire his " l'ittsburg team" to the government at jive dollars a day and all expenses paid ! Farther than this he asks no I protection But the Judge must recollect that the mechanics and workingmen are seldom allowed to hold offices with fat salaries, and they therefore require Protection and will have it. What do you say, Mechanics! Shall British and French work shops supply the United States by your consent? Will you beggar yourselves to eni ich officeholders? —Carlisle Herald. GEN. Score.—We have just seen a letter, says the National Intelligencer, from an intelligent officer of the army on the Lower Miss. to a friend in this city which says Gen. Scott'scalculations for opening the campaign against the interior of Mexico are con. sidered, in a high military quarter to he sound and ju• dicious. The writer adds, that the Kentucky and Tennessee horse volunteers, supposed . by Gen. S. to gindispensible, are not likely to reach tho Rio Grande before the middle of October. CO' Wm. M. PRICE, formerly U. S. District At torney for the district of New York, committed suicide week before last, by shooting himself through the head, at tho Pistol Gallery of tho Gymnasium its that city. Since his return from France, whither he went with the celebrated defaulter, Swartwout, he has endeavored to reinstate himself in practice, and the position in society which ho formerly occu pied, but none of his former clients would entrust him with their business. The consequence was that ho became embarrassed, and was not able to support his family. Despondency ensued, and he committed suicide. POTATO R..—Frotn various sections of the country we hear of the progress of this disease in the Potato. Tire Albany Argus tays—"r he new crop, it is feared will encounter even a worve fate than the crop of the last year.' Arrival of the Caledonia. NINE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE, The steamer Caledonia, which left Liverpool on the 4th inst., was telegraphed front Boston at an early hour last evening. The Liverpool papers are filled with the accounts riT the visit of Prince Albert to that place, and the magnificent doings on the occasion. An improvement had taken place in the menu facturing districts, in consequence of the probability of the passage of the new Tariff Bill owing to the Tariff having passed the House, the most popular branch of Congress. The value of iron has risen in anticipation of a large export to the United States. Louis Bonaparte, Ex King of Holland, died at Le g hdrii br apoplexy, on the 24th ult., aged 67. The Pope of Rome has granted a general amnes ty to all political offenderir. The debate on the sugir &Celled two days and the Good scheme triumphed by a majority of 245 to 135—nearly two to one.. This result virtually places sugar on the same category as corn by an easy declension on the high road to Free Trade. Sir Robert, Peel gave the Ministers mew= sure a generous rapport, and the greatness of the majority may be traced to that circumstance: Another attempt had been made on the life of the king of the French, while seated at a window in the Palace of the Tuilleries to listen to n concert performed by the National Guards on the 30th ult. A. man in the crowd drew a pistol and fired two shots at the king. Ho missed him of course, and also those in the vicinity, ar.d ms immediately ar rested. ills natne was Joseph Henn. He said he was weary of life, and resolved on this crime as a means of meeting death. A Paris paper, the Courier F rattero, says that the Mexican Government has demanded of Franco and England their mediation to fat an end to the war with the United States. At Berlin, on the 22d, Mr. Wheaton, the Amer ican minister, took his leave of the king of Prussia, and Mr. Donelson was received in private audience, and presented his credentials. . . . . . A further fall In the vnlue of Grain has taken place, and harvest operations are proceeding rapidly. The quality of the Wheat is finer, and the yield greater than lost year. Since the Great Western sailed, the arrival of produce has been great. Few public sales are at present advertised. Business transactions on the 28th ultimo, were very limited. Wheat declined 2d to 3d per bushel, and Wheat 5d per bbl. from the quotations of that day sen night. Indian Corn was in demand for exportation to Ireland. The success of Lord John Russell's sugar bill has given the Whigs new life and their prospects are rather flattering. Wilmqt and Smith's Times says:— , ‘ Of course, all fears of an immediate dis solution are at art end. The session will be wound up with eclat by the Whigs ; and in the present temper of parties they may go to the polls before Parliament meets again with a chance of success, and a long continuance t f office." Ts K ENGLISH Cnor.F:RA. Within the last few days there has been an enormous increase, at the various metropolitan hospitals and dispensaries, of tnglish Cholera in a very acute tin tn. A FACT.—Somebody says that man's who!n duty is summed up in these few words--" 13e merry and wise." No person eon be merry without taking a good newspaper ; and, certain it Is, that ho catinot be wine without paying for it to advance ! TELtORAPII TO E UROPE.—The folks now talk of having a line of magnetic Telegraph from this country to Europe, by the way of Bhorring's Straits, across which it may be supported by moored buoys, without impeding the navigation. What next? A TRACT BUILDING A CERTACH.-A correspon dent of the American Messenger states that a tract was carried about a year since, into a destitute neighborhood in Virginia, where it fell into the hands of a young man, who read it, became inter ested, started a Sabbath School, then a prayer mee ting, and then a subscription to build a church.— 'rhe house was built, and last fall the people applied to the Washington Presbytery to recommentlic them a preacher. TOKEN Or GRATITUDE.--l'ho Presbyterian Board of Education, in Philadelphia, acknowled ges the receipt of $26 55 from the church of Lodi ana, in India. The Board say in view of this, that foreign missions will ultimately reward the church for all her toil and expenses in behalf of the heathen. CO IT IS A FACT which speaks loudly in favor of tho Tariff of '42, that while thousands of petitions were sent in from all the Free States for its contin uance, not a solitary one from any source has l been presented for modification or repeal! This ' shows plainly enough that the people wanted no change, and least of all such change as the present Free Trade Bill gives them. it It is said that the aggregate amount of a'l the Appropriation Bills that havo passed the pre sent session of Congress, is something like $6l, 000,000! Pretty fair work that for ono year, and a democratic " economical" Administration ! fl" The Chambersbuig Whig mates that orders for iron to the amount of $lB,OOO have been with drawn front Wharton's Iron Works, in Southamp ton township, since the paaaage of the new Tariff law. " Thank God, wo are nat all iron masters!' GOV Ell NOR RSON, or Texas, who has been ill since his arrival on the Rio Grande, died a few days ago, as we leant front Washington. Ills death Is generally lamented by his friends. HOW jr WORKB.—The now Revenue Lnw, al though it may affect all other incomes, will not curtail the spoils of the locofoco office-holders. They will receive their pay as usual, and as the value of money increases, and that of property ureter ;es, speculate advantageously on the general thstres , No wonder, then, these birds of prey carol t,eir merriest notes as an overture to the ea !amity they anticipate. Like the owl whose hoot hags were interpreted to the oriental conqueror, they " thank the Sultan for sending them so many ruined villages." Locofoco Ticket. AtistmuLT.--BEN.I. PArPON. Gommissto.n.—BEND. GROVE. JAMES.G.LIGHTNER. AuDirons,—GEORGE JACKSON, (of J.) DAVID BURKET. JAMES MURPHY. T. P. Campbell, Esq., Col. J. W. Myton, and R. F. Hazlet, wore appointed Congressional Con• ferees, and inetructed to support Gen. Wilson. CAN'T SOCK yr.—They say they have a place out West, where it is su warm that they are corn• ',flied to put their hoe cakes in a caste bank to keep them from Antiquarian Researches. The Norristown Herald very rn , achic• vously digs up the following scraps of po litical history : I nteresting Reminiscences. In the Norristown Herald of September 22, 1824, we find the following announce ment, which may be interresting to the "democracy" of the present day : Federal &publican Ticket." " AIFEMBLY.—WiIIiam Lehman, John M. Read, Joitzs K. Karen, George M. Stroud, John R. C. Smith, Win. Meredith. The above is the Federal ticket of the city of Philadelphia for the year 1824. In the same paper of September 8, 1824, we find the lollowing : Lancaster.--The Federal republican delegates have nominated JANIF.F; BUCHAN AN for Congress. In the Herald of October 25, 1822, it is said that Though the Democrats succeeded in choosing a Governor in Delaware, Louis McLane the Federal Republican candi date P.n . Congress has been elected by an overtvlielmoing majority.'' If the Demotrats—inen who have been Democrats all their lives— will take the trouble to look around them in their imme. tliate neighborhoods, and look at the lea ders of the oh called Democratic party of the present day, they will find that those leaders generally, both at home anti abroad in the days of Jefferson and Madi son and Snyder, when Democracy meant something, were rank black-cockade Fe deralists! '1 his is a fact which every man can demonstrate for himself. ,it holds good in this immediate neighborhood, and thi oughout the State and the country. So with regard to the measures anti principles of the party. The Democratic party have deserted all their old land. marks, and advocate the rankest Federal doctrines ; whilst the Whigs with HENRY CLAY at their lead, advocate the truo Democratic principles. Who was the leader of the Democratic party in Con gress during the war of 1814 P—IIENRY CLAY ! and a gallant and able leader he was too. Ile, by his mighty intellect and indomitable spirit and energy, upheld the Democratic administration of Mr. Madi son, and carried through the war to a suc cessful and glot ions issue; whilst James BUCHANAN and his Federal allies were warring against the Democratic pat ty.— HENRY CLAY is now as good a Democrat as he ever was, and the measures and prin ciples he now advocates, and which the W'hig party advocate, are true Democra tic measures, which ought to receive the support of every true Democrat in the country. Democrats need not fear there: fore, that by voting with the Whig party they are deserting their principles. Not so. Whig principles are Democratic nrm• elides, and he who wishes to sustain Dem ocratic principles, in the present organisa tion of parties, must vote with the Whig party, for Whig measures anti 'Whig nen. —Pa Intelligencer. WHIPPING-11;i. The Pennsylvanian, which is cam of the organs of the Administration, holds this language : " But there is no middle ground to take in such a crisis as this. fie that is not with the Democracy of the Union, what ever else may be said to the contrary, is against ;t. Let us be understood. Our ineanin,, ,, is clear, that while the State of Pennsylvania has its own notions in regard to protection, she is not the less a member of the great political church liar does it follow that she should divide from het friends even in thought. Those who ad vise a different course—those who ask her to separate from the Democratic party of the Union, on this subject —are either her worst enemies, or their own." This is plain enough, says the Philadei. phia Inquirer. The administration hav determined to resort to the policy at " whipping-it," All who have the inde pendence and moral nerve to advocate Protection to Home Industry, as opposed to the doctrines of the National Adminis tration, are to be denounced as traitors to the party. Senator Cameron and his friends will please to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. THE SOUTHERN WHIG RESPONSE.-TIUS Raleigh (N. C.) Register says, in relation to the British Free Trade Bill i—Already has the cry of Repeal been sounded from the Keystone State, and an enraged, be trayed, and indignant People will seize upon the word until it shall ring front Maine to Mexico, proclaiming with an ir resistable voice, the condemnation by the People of The Union of a measure that breaks down her interests and prosperity to build up the fortunes of foreign capita lists and foreign Governments. We catch up the sound of Repeal here in North Car olina, and send it back to the People of Pennsylvania—Greeting : and we expect to send two Senators to the U. S. Senate who will do all in their 'power to crush this odious law in the bud. The spirit is already at work in the land, and a resota• Limn formed with— Both strength of limb and trolley of mind, Ability of means, and choico of friends, To quit us of it thoroughly." CLARION COUNTY, The Locorucos of Clarion county, in county meeting, adopted the following resolution: Resolved, That we were for the tariff of 1842, that we now are, and that we %it! continue so to be.