Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 26, 1846, Image 1

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jrantilg Ittii)opaper—Ocimteti tO Gettcrat Matti/Mt, ATititttioint, VoMiro, kiteraturc, Itioraittg, Afirtriaturc, Ainitainent, kr., kc.
'vraDa. tea. x3®a a3mt.
c2cli• o
The "JoungAr." will be published every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
reamges are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
(0. V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act
as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Balti
more and Boston.
Philadelphia—Number 59 Pine street.
Baltimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal-
vert streets.
New York—Number 160 Nassau street
Boston—Number 16 State street.
The Infalliable Remedy.
For Rheumatism, Spinal difections, Con
tractions of the Muscles, Sore Throat
and Quinsy, Issues, Old Ulcers, Pains
in the Breast and Chest, Ague in the
Breast and Face, Tooth iche - , sprains,
Bruises, bet Rheum, Burns, Frosted
Feet, and all Nervous diseases.
THE following certificate of the resto
ration to health and the perfect cure
of a deformed and crippled child, who was
thought to be beyond the reach of hope,
shows that, no matter how appalling
the case may be, there is a remedy in
IIUN1"S LINIMENT, that will conquer
the most desperate cases, and that, if the
disease be curable,this cerebrated external
remedy will do it. It has never failed in
giving immediate releif if timely applied,as
proved by the abundance of high and un
impeachable testimony, the particulars of
which are to be found in the pamphlets
which are to be had of every agent.
Ossinsing, June 10, 1845.
GEORGE E. STANTON, Esq.--Sir--I feel
, called upon by the tie of gratitude, to offer
the following testimony in favor of Hunt's
Liniment- My grandson, Clarke E.
Evans, who is now ten years of age, has
been for the last eight years a cripple, caus
ed by falling from a chair when he was two
years old, and wrenching his spine. From
the time of the occurrence, we have tried
every means to restore him to his natural
shape, but all without avail. We took him
to New York and placed him under the
care of a physician of skill, and after re
maining there some time, we brought him
horde no better than when we took him
there: For several (lays at times he was
so helpless that he mild only walk by plac
ing his hands upon his knees for support,
giving him the appearance of a deformed
hunchback. flewas also taken to Newburg
and prescribed for without any better suc
cess. At times he would be strong enough
to go out doors, but atter playing an hour
would come in perfectly exhausted, and for
several days would be again perfectly help•
less. We had lost all hope of ever again
( seeing him restored to his natural stre ngh or
shape—but a kind Providence placed your
external remedy in my hands. I have
used four bottles, and 1 am rejoiced to say
that the boy is now as straight and strong
as any boy of his ago. Any of my neigh.
bore will testefy to the truth of this state
ment. 1 take sincere pleasure in stating
these facts for the benefit of those who are
Buffering under the like calamity.
Yours, respectfully,
This is to certify, That lam person
ally acquainted with the subscriber, Mrs.
Shute, as well as the boy alluded to. and
frankly bear witness to the deformity of
which he was seriously afflicted, aparently
fur lilc.—Dated Sing. Sing, June 9, 1845.
Justice of the Peace.
o:rFor particulars of cures, see the cer
tificate accommpanying each bottle.
110ADLY, PHELPS 4 , CO., 142 Wa
ter street, wholesale Agents. Orders ad
dressed to them, or to the proprietor,
Sing-Sing, will be attended to.
Dated March 19, 1846.
For sale by Thomas Read 4 , Son, Hun
tingdon, and the principal Stores and
Druggists throughout the country.
July 15, 1846.
Huntingdon, Pa.
Will attend with promptness and fidelity to all
business with which he may be entrusted in Hun
tingdon or the adjoining counties.
Hie office is the one formerly occupied by James
Steel, Esq.,
nearly opposite Jackson's Hotel.
Huntingilon March 11, 1946.
or TII
Of Massachusetts, on the WHEAT TRADE of
the Country, delivered in the House of Repro
sentatives of the United Slates, February 20,
The House being in ComMalec or the Whole
on the state of the Union, and having under con
sideration the bill making appropriation for the im-
Provement of harbors and rivers—
Mr. HunsoN, of Massachusetts, obtained the
floor, and, after a few preliminary remarks, said:
The present, Mr. Chairman, is an important era
in the history of our country. The President, at
the opening of the session, recommended the aban
donment of that policy which is coeval with our
Government—a policy under which the nation has
grown and prospered. We have also been told by
the Secretary of the Treasury that we must aban
don all protection of domestic industry, in order to
procure the repeal of the English Corn laws. The
British ministry approve of the policy recommend
ed, endorse the doctrines of the American Secreta
ry, and order his report to be published and laid
upon the desks of the members of Parliament, as a
valuable document to promote British interests. An
effort has been made on both sides of the Atlantic
to change fundamentally the policy of this country,
by the introduction of a system which would check
the prosperity of the people, paralyze every interest,
and so greatly impair that very commerce which
these improvements are calculated to promote.--
We see Sir Robert Peel and Sir Robert Walker in
what the gentleman from South Carolina (Mr
RHETT) calls a disastrous conjunction," to bring
about this result—a result truly disastrous to our
beloved country, but to Great Britain a 4. consume
minion devoutly to be wished."
As the subject of the Corn Laws has been pre
sented for consideration by both Governments, I
propose to call the attention of this committee to
this subject, and to the effect which the repeal or
modification of these laws would have upon the
commerce of our country. And I regard this ques
tion as strictly pertinent to the subject before
The grain of the West must had its way to the
Atlantic through the very channels which this bill
is designed to improVe. The wheat trade is an Im
portant item in our commerce, and everything which
affects that trade will reader these improvements
more or less necessary.
The subject of the corn trade of United States
has of late attracted the attention of our people;
and, although it is one of importance, I am confident
that its importance has been greatly over rated.--
From the language which is sometimes employed,
wo might naturally infer that wheat and flour con
stituted a great portion of the exports of the coun
try. But a recurrence to official documents will
show that, for a series of years, our export of wheat
and flour does not exceed one-twentieth of our
whole export.
I propose, Mr. Chairman, to take a brief view of
the wheat trade of the United States. And here I
will state, once for all, that I shall use the term wheat
to include j/our ; and, in all my estimates, I snake
a barrel of flour equal to live bushels of wheat.—
Tho Wheat crop of the United States, in 1840,
according to the census returns, amounted to 84,-
823,000 bushels, and in 1814, according to the re
port of the Commissioner of Patents, to 95,607,-
000 bushels. Of this, 96,000,000 bushels, which
is about the average for the last five years, we have
exported about one-thirteenth, or 7,400,000 bushels.
Nearly one-tenth of the whole crop will be required
for seed. In Great 13ritain the estimate has been
about three bushels of seed to the acre, but with us
two bushels to the acre would be a fair average for
all parts of the country. Now, if we should take
from the whole crop the amount required for seed,
and the amount exported, it would leave for home
consumption 79,000,000 of bushels. This amount
divided among our population, say 19,000,000,
would give 3 9-10ths Is every man, weasels, and
iri the country. But it is manifest that the
consumption of wheat is not equal in every section.
The black population at the south consume but lit
tle wheat, and the agriculturalists In the New tog
land States make considerable use of Rye and In
dian corn for bread ; though the consumption of
wheelie becoming every year more general. Au
far as I am acquainted, in all communities which
purchase their breadstuff, wheat is the principle
article of consumption ; and we may safely ostirnate
this consumption at one barrel of flour or five bush
els of wheat a year per head. This class will in
clude the manufacturers and mechanics—those en
gaged in mining, in commerce, in navigation, in all
its forms; and if we add to those those engaged in
the various professions and callings, other than agri
culture, and all those residing in tho wheat growing
sections of the country, it will constitute about
three-fifths of our entire population ; and these will
consume about 58,800,000 bushels of wheat, leaving
for the other two-fifths 20,200,000 bushels, being
about 2i bushels per head. This calculation, being
general, will not hold good in every case. A sol
dier's rations, for example, would amount to 9
bushels of wheat per year, and some of our pop
ulation engaged in the fisheries would consume as
much. Flour is also largely consumed in our man
ufactories in the form of starch and sizing. The
manufactories at Lowell alone consume between
four and five thousand barrels of flour annually.
I have been thus particular, Mr. Chairman, for
the purpose of showing that the greater part of our
LE:r27'LlliZlCEl=D E iDeb..i) atlurto.v.aas‘2l ang42.Cea
wheat is consumed at home, and that the home mar-
bet is the great source whence the wheat growers
derive their support. The quantity of Wheat which
we have sent abroad, for the lust 12 or fifteen years,
will not exceed 6 or 7 per cont, of tho quantity
produced, as will be seen by the following table
made up from the commercial documents:
[Here follows a table showing the Imports and
Exports of Wheat and Flour, in bushels, together
with the value of the .1110 from 1831 to 1844 in
clusive. We have only room for the average,
which is as follows : Exports, 5,505,152 bushels,
Value sf, 233,633. Imports, 425,442, Value $437,-
897. Excess of exports cter imports 6,006,390
Herd, sir, it will be seen the our average export
of wheat to all foreign cduntries, for the last four
teen years, amounts to only 5,505,162 bushels; or
if we deduct the average imports, it will amount to
silly about 5,000,000 bushels. It will also be seen
that our exports do not keep pace with our populd ,
lion. In 1831, wo sent abroad, with a population
of 13,000,000, 9,441,000 bushels, being 23 quarts
per head upon our population ; but in 1844, with
a population of 10,600,000, we sent abroad 1,751,-
000 bushels, being only 13 quarts per head.—
Here is a falling off in our surplus of nearly fifty
per cent. But as ills unfair to reason from a single
year, and 1831 being one of art unusually large
crop, we will take an average of three years. Take
the years 1831, '32, and '33, and we have an aver
age exports of 6,220,000 bushels ; while the years
1841, '42, and '43, give an average 0f.6,967,000
bushels, being an increase of 11 per cent., while
our population has increared about 33 per cent.—
For the last ten years, our surplus for export has
not increased in the ratio of our population ; and
the same causes which have operated for the last
ten years, will be likely to operate for years to come.
We have had, and, if peace continues, shall be
likely to have, a large flood of foreign emigration to
the country. But as these emigrants generally set
tle upon new lands they do not, for the first year
or two, add to the wheat product of the country.—
On the contrary, while clearing their lands, and
building thelr cabins, they are consumers, and con
stitute a considerable market for the grain of the
West. And while the new wheat lands are being
brought into the market, the old Wheat lands of the
Atlantic States are becoming exhausted,. and so
yield a less crop. it is died true, that as population
increases in the Wust, and settlements become more
dense, a larger per cent. of the people leave the
pursuit of agricultitro t end engage in other calling.;
and hence the demand will increase as rapidly ns the
supply. We must also expect deficient crops from
time to time. The past year is ah example Of this.
In some parts of the country, the drought of the
past season haft greatly reduced the wheat crop ; and
the disease of the potato will increase the demand
for wheat at home as well as abroad.
I have no disposition to undervalue the wheat
trade of the country. It furnishes an important
item in our exports. But, at the same time, I must
be permitted to say, that its importance is frequently
exaggerated. From language which is frequently
employed, I should be led to conclude that wheat,
next to cotton, was the great export from the coun
try ; and that these, with perhaps tobacco, consti
tuted nearly our whole export. But, by reference
to the commercial document, from year to year, it
will be seen that, for fifteen years, our wheat and
flour have not amounted to more titan about one
twentieth of our export. That tho commits, may
see tho relative importance of the wheat trade, I
have prepared a table from the commercial docu
ments, which I will read :
[Mr. H. here read his statement, which is printed
in the pamphlet speech, and then argued as follows:]
This summary view of certain article of export,
shows that the value of wheat and flour sent to all
foreign countries, for the last fourteen years, will
average $6,233,000 a year. During the same pert
ml, beef and pork, including all the avails and
product of cattle and swine, have amounted to $2,-
990,000, and the product of the fisheries to $2,050,-
000; each of these articles being nearly half as
touch as our enti , c export of wheat. And even cot
ton piece good, the product of our despised manu
factures which are represented as being injurious to
commereo, have amounted on an average, to $2,-
674,000, nearly half as much as the wheat sent
from the country. But if wo add to cotton piece
goods all Other manufactures exported, we have a
total of $7,987,000, annually, being more than the
value of wheat exported.
But, sir, this is not all. I haie follorred the clas
sification of the commercial document; but every
gentleman secittaiitteti with the subject knows that
there aro articles, some of which aro strictly, and
others substantially, manufactured articles, which
are not, in that document, placed under the head of
manufactures. In the commercial document of last
year, I find the following articles, with their values
placed under other heads:
Spermaceti candles $190,402
Staves, shingles, boards, hewn tint
bar, masts, spars, &c. 2,022,498
All manufactures of wood 919,100
Naval stores, tar, pitch, rosin and
Ashes, pot and pearl
Hero we have a total of more than five millions of
manufactured articles, which, in the commercial do..
consents, are placed under the head of products, of
the forest end of the fisheries. Add these to the
articles set down as manufactures, and wo have an
export of more than thirteen millions, the product
of our infant manufactures.
I have no disposition to disparage the wheat trade
Of the country. It is on important trade, and one
which should be cherished with the greatest cam.
But devotion to any cause should never lead us to
overlook an important fact. I rejoice that we aro
able to export wheat at the average rate of $6,000,-
000 a year; and I rejoice, also, that our infant man
factures are able to send forth to foreign countries
fabrics to twice that amount. lat in favor Of the corn
trade of the country; &, for that very reason, I wish to
infant the wheat growers that the reposed change
in the British corn laws will probably operate
against them, and may prove highly detrimental to
their interest.
I am confident, Mr. Chairman, that there is a
great wilspprelienslen on thin subject of trade.—
Some gentlemen mom to take it for granted that
Great Britain is the principal, and almost the only
market for our broadstur. But nothing can be
more false. I host data, dtown front the official
documents of the Government, which confute any
such hypothesis.
[Hero follows a table of exports of wheat and
flour for fourteen consecutive years, which we con
dense as follows: Average export per year to
Great Britain 944.536 bushels; to British North
American Colonies 1,166,048; to Cuba 386,155; to
Brazil 896,711; to all foreign countries 5,505,162.]
Here we have the authority of the commercial
document, mode up at the Treasury Department,
showing the direction of the trade in question.—
And what does it prove? Why, sir, that the total
average of the export of wheat, for the last fourteen
years, is 5,505,000 bushels, and that the average of
export to Great Britain is only 914,000, being
about one sixth of the whole. Our trade with
Great Britain in this article is greatly overrated .
For the last fourteen years, we have sent to England
only 8 per cent. more than to Brazil; and, fur the lust
three years, Brazil has taken fl per cent. more than
England. Our trade with Canada, for a number Of
years past, has been greater than with England
itself. For the lasts seven years, we have sent into
the British North American colonies 12,556,909
bushels; and to England at the some time, 7,764,-
600 bushels; showing a greater demand in Canichi
than in England by 69 per cent. 1 ant a*dre that
It will be said that Most of the whect sent into Can.
ada finds its wry ititO Greet Britain. I admit it;
and shall endeavor to skew hereafter, that, in this
indirect trade, We tcliY enjoy a sort of Monopoly, by
the tVeretion df thb pi esent corn laws of Greet
Britain, but of Whieh wo should be deprived by a
repeal of those laws. This is, in fact, the point to
which I Wish to call your attention—the great ques
tion for the committee and the country to consider.
But let us now inquire into the capacity of the
English market. What amount of wheat; of for
eign growth, does ehe consume annually ? I have
cornpiled the thltotving table from the parliamentary
reports of Great Britain :
Amount of wheat and wheat flour, imported into
Great Britain, for home consumption from
1929 to 1943, inclusive, distinguishing foreign
from colonial.
Foreign. Colonial. Total.
Year. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels.
1829 11,504,768 68,840 11,572,608
1830 13,338,304 484,472 13,832,776
1831 10,952,352 1,101,568
18:2 1,510,160 1,551,880 g,062,040
1833 10,560 001,648 672,208
IE3I 2,320 517,172 519,792
1075 960 227,140 228;100
1836 8,360 232,196 210,850
1837 1,686,176 293,000 1,979,176
1838 14,550,621 237,176 14,787,800
1839 21,502,8.12 101,936 21,653,3515
1810 18,291,000 910,302 19,201,188
1841 19,105,264 2,070,808 21,192,072
191222,202,512 1,711,618 23,017.160
1843 7,586,472 1,053,012 9,540,384
Average, 9,489,518 703,911 10,904,050 j
There, It will ho seen, that, for the last fifteen
years, the °vertigo import into Great Britain is 10,-
961,896 bushels. It will also be seen,by An inspection
of the table, that her demand has been exceedingly
variable, ranging from 228,400 to 23,917,100 bush
els. Nor is this all. Lt 1835 and 1830, she actu
ally exported a largo amount to this and other
fountains. In price, too, there has been a great
fluctuation. In 1930, the average price of wheat
in Great Britain was $1 07, and itt 1839, $1 92
per bushel. But not to rely upon single years. In
1829, '3O, and '3l, she imported on an aVerage,
12,492,700 bushels; in 1834,'35; and '36, an ave
rage of only 329,900; and in 1840, '4l, ehtl '42,
an average of 21,434,000. From this view of the
subject, it will be seen that but little &Pontine°
can be placed Upon that market. At one time she
requires a considerable supply of foreign grain ; at
another she raises more than she consumes. In
1830, '37, and '3B, she supplied us with an average
of 445,403 bushels a year direct; and we obtained
nearly half as much more from her Canadian pos
sessions. The demand of the English market is
not only fluctuating, but, as a general It uth, wo may
say that her supply at home is gaining upon her
demand, rather than otherWiso. In 1829, '3O, and
'3l, with a population of about 23,000,000, she con
sumed, as we have already seen, en average of 12,-
482,700 bushels; and in 1843, with a population of
about 27.000,000, she consumed 9,540,300 bushels
of foreign wheat.
Tooke, an experienced English writer, it:forms
us that, from 1832 to 1838, the crops in Great Bri
tain and Ireland were so abundant, that wheat was
fed out to cattle; sheep, and swine, and CVO] used
for distillation. This induced the farmer to sow
less: and for several succeeding years, the winters
were unfavorable for the crops, and the season of
liarveot woo unpropitious, so as to increase the de-
wand ftir foreign grain. Every man acquainted
with English agriculture knows that great improve-
Ments are constantly taking place in tier mode of
cultivation. Bogs and swamps arc being reclaimed,
barren hill sides aro being converted into fruitful
fields, and her waste places ore made to blos
som like the rose. She has also adopted an impro
ved mode of seeding. Until quite recently, the
wheat growers wero in the habit of sowing about
three bushels of grain to the acre. Butlll r. Drum
mond, a late English write•, says that, by the intro
duction of a no* machine for sowing wheat, which
distributes the grain equally over the whole surface
of the ground, they have found that a less quantity
of seed will answer equally well; and that this im
provement alone will save to the United Kingdom
five or six millions of bushels, and thus supply at
least one-third of het deficiency. Under these cir
cumstances, it is not probable that her demand for
foreign grain will materially increase. Her own
supply will increase with her demand. The means
of the mass of her people aro limited; and we cannot
expect that, under any circumstances, she will take
a quantity of foreign gran much, if any, larger than
she does at present.
But suppose that her demand increases, where
will rho obtain her supply? Where has she ob
tained it in years past? In 1841,'42, and '43,
when she made her largest importations, averaging
18,300,000 bushels, or about 04,000,000 for the
three years, her supply was obtained from the fol
lowing nations, in the following proportion :
›cl . . 4 F=: , sP=sVg F
g ;fE
c •
AU. •
pAiarntO *(!) 5 F
„" .; '
- :,c2m • F f
E g T
* §
ErArMEE - E §
Here, sir, we have a vie% of the demand and sup
ply of the English market fur three successive years.
And does it appear that that market is to be regar
ded as ours? And is the United Stites the enly
country on which Great Britain is to depend fur her
breadstuff? A glance at this table will show dt
once that our supply, when compared wills that of
the continent, dwindles almost to insignificance.—
Russia supplies nearly an tech as the United States ;
Denmark a trifle more; Prussia almost six times as
much; Germany and Holland nearly the ce limes as
much ; Prance and Italy each nearly twice as much ;
and the British North AM nieret colonies more than
twice as muds as this boasted granary of the world.
To show the relative importance of our trade to
Great Britain, it is barely necessary to say that, of
every hundred bushels sent to thu English market,
we supply only live.
We have seen that the importations of wheat into
(treat Britain has been exceedingly fluctuating,
ranging from 225 000 to 25 017 000 bushe!s. A
fair estimate of the English demand, for a term of
yvors to come, may, I think, be put down at 15,-
000 000 bushels annually. And where n•ill she
obtain her supply! From the United States?—
Why have they not supplied that market in years
past I Will it be said that the corn laws have opc
rated against us? Put those laws have been general
Pr their operation. Why have not these restrictions
operated against the natiohs on the continent? The
thirty-three millions of bushels brought front the
north, luring the three years, and the twelve mil
lions from the South of Europe, have been subjected
to the sante duty an the three millions front the Uni
ted States. And if they can supply more than
nine tenths of the wheat under the present law—
they can do the steno Under a less restricted dispen
sation; or a system of perfect free trade.
I say, sir, for years to come we may fairly estimate
the demand in Great Britain at 15,000,000 of bush
els annually ; and, judging from the past, we may
say that the United States will supply 1,000,000,
and the continent the other 11,000,000. And there
can be no doubt but that the continent can furnish
that supply, and even more if it were required.—
In 18.10 the British Government called upon their
consuls, at some of the principal marts of the corn
trade, to inform them what amount of grain could
be sent to the English Market in case the English
duty were reduced to a nominal sum. The sub
stance of their replica will be seen in the following
table, (submitted, with their report, to Parliament
in 1841
St. Petersburg. 1,510,000
Dichau 210,000
Warsaw 2,400,000
Odessa 1,200,000
Stockholm 8,000
Dantzic 2,520,000
Konigsburg 520,000
Stett,io 2.000,000
.Q7;zsonaz›act. tmc. e)ebazj
From these twelve poi is it appears that a supply
of 17,779,700 bushels of wheat could be obtatned
annually ; and it further appears that 7,298,000
bushels of rye, 0,820,500 bUshels of barley, end
6,445,700 bushels of oats, could be supplied. In
this list is not included Riga, Rotterdarn, Antwerp,
and several other important ports for the corn trade.
In anawer to the inquiry, whether the quantity
could be increased if there were a steady demand
in Great Britain, the consul at St. Petersburg says :
There are extensive tracts of land in the provin
ces that now supply St. Petersburg, which would
720 doubt be brought into cultivation were a steady
and certain market for wheat opened in this place.
In years of abundance the quantity which could bo
exported would be three tittles as great as is stated
is the table." From Riga the consul writer
When the foreign demand is very urgent the dis
tant provinces of Smolensk, Kaluga, and Orel, send
supplies to Riga. The principal wheat districts aro
too remote from the ports to enable the fainters
to get their crepe to the market sufficiently early
fur exportation the same year; and, therefore, they
cannot profit so decidedly by the occurrence of a
bad harvest in England as those in the neighborhood
of some other of the Baltic ports." Front Memel,
the reply is: In knit or five yearn about a fourth
more of grain will be cultivated.' From Warsaw,
the answer is—'that the quantity of wheat grown
in Poland has increased considerably for the lest
Six years—and the production Might no doubt be
further gradually increased if there were a steady
demand for fcreigh corn in Vnglantl."l'lle consul
from Elsinore repoita as follows : case of a
eteadi aiid regular demand in England for foreign
corn, the quantity produced in Denmark would,
without difficulty, and in a chart space of time, ho
materially in&eased.'
Thus it appears thr t the nations upon the Baltic
1 1 can, in addition to the 17 or 18 millions of bushels
of wheat set down in the table, contribute a still fur;
thee supply. Csie of the great difficulties under
which the north of Europe has labored, is the want
of communication with the Baltic. The consuls,
in their statements, frequently allude to the fact
that large sections of wheat lands in the interior
are neglected, for the want of cheap and ready com
munication with the seaports. But this difficulty
is lost being removed. The numerous plans for
railroads, which hem been adopted in Russia, Ger
many, and all the northern and interior States, will
bring large quantities of wheat lands into cultivation
and so enable them to supply a still larger amount
cif grain, should the English Market require it.
It also appears, by returns made to Parliament,
that the English East India possessions supply a
portion of her breadstuff. In 1842 they sent to
E,tgland 170,000 bushels of ehtert, and, as the bus
airless interecitirse increasers, the supplies will in;
From this glance at the subject—it appears that
the whole demand of the English market could be
supplied, and more than supplied, from the eastern
continent. If the United Stites should withhold
evbry bushel, there would, in ordinary cases, be no
lack of grain for the English market. But we aro
told that the repeal of the English corn laws would
increase the consumption, and hence a larger quasi•
tity would be required in that market. As a general
rule a reduction of price will increase the consump
tion of an article, and this principle will apply to
the subject before us, as well as to any other. But
still there are causes which will, in my estimation,
mud to counteract this effect. If the price of wheat
is reduced in Great Britain, as her dependence is
mainly upon her own crops, it will tend to reduce
the pace of labor, and hence diminish rho ability
of the laboring classes to purchase. This may
operate to the full amount of the reduction, and so
prevent any increased consumption. Any thing
which promotes general prosperity will increase the
ability of the people to purchase, and whatever par;
alyzes business necessarily produces a diminished
consumption. The price of wheat depends upon
many causes other than the operation of enactments:
In 1842 Sir Robert l'eel adopted an important
change in the corn laws of the Kingdom, a change
by which the duties were reduced at once about ono
half. This law took effect in April, 1842, and yet,
in the first entire year after this change had taken
place, viz: in 1843, the import of wheat fell MT
more than one-half, the import of 1843 being only
9,540,000 bushels, while the average importation
for the three years preceding this change of the law
was 20,692,000 bushels. Ido not suppose that
this falling off in 1843 was produced by the reducz
tion of duties, but this example clearly Stows that
the quantity of foreign grain consumed in Great
Britain is controlled by laws more efficient than the
corn laws. Judging from this mtperiment, we have
no reason to belieoe that the opening of her ports
would Isaac any considerable effect upon the demand
for foreign grain. [Cdtrczysidtv NEST WEEK.]
friend, that man has been talking about you so
again ! Ile has boon telling some of the awfullest
lies you over heard. Why he railed about you for
an hout!"
“And you !lewd it alt, did you I"
" Yes."
" after this just bear its mind that it takes
two to make a slander--one to tell it—aud ono f.)
liOcit 4 , it.'