Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 19, 1846, Image 3

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    'Message from the President.
To the Senate and House of Representa-
I invite your attention to the propriety
of making an appropriation to provide for
any expenditures which it may be neces•
sary to make in advande for the purpose
of settling all difficulties with the Metican
Republic. It is my desire to terniinate,
as it originally was to avoid, the existing
war with Mexico, for a peace just and
honorable to both parties. . .
It is probable tliat the chief obstacle to
be surmounted in accomplishing this desi
rable object, will be the adjustment of a
boundary betwen the two Republics,which
shall prove satisfactory and convenient to
both, and such as neither will hereafter
repent. In the adjustment of this boun
dary, we ought to pay a full equivalent
for any concession which may be made
by Mexico.
Under the circumstances, and consid
ering the other complicated questions to
be settled by negotiation with the Mexi
can Republic, I deem it important that a
sum of money should he put under the
control of the Executive, to be advanced,
it need be, to the Government of that Re
public immediately after the ratification
of the treaty. It might he inconvenient
fur the Mexican Government to wait for
the whole sum, the payment of which may
be stipulated by this treaty until it could
be ratified by the Senate, and an appro
priation to carry it into effect made by
Indeed, the necessity for their delay
might defeat the object altogether. The
disbursement of this money would, of
course, be accounted fur not as secret ser
vice money, but like other expenditures.
Two precedents for such a proceeding
exist in past history during the adminis
tration of Mr. Jefferson, to which I would
call your attention. On the f.'.6th of Fe
bruary, 1803, an act was passed appropri
sting too millions of dollars for the
purpose of defraying any extraordinary
expenditures which may he incurred in
the intercourse between the the United
States and foreign nations, to be applied
under the direction of the President of
the United States, who shall cause an ac
count thereof to be laid before Congress
as soon as may be ; and on the 13th of
Frebruary, 1806, an appropriation was
made of the same and on the same terms.
In neither case was the mohey actually
drawn from the Treasury ; and I should
hope a result in this respect might be sim
ilar on the present occasion, although the
appropriation may prove to be indispensi
ble in accomplishing this object. I would
therefore recommend the passage of a law
appropriating two millions of dollars, to
be placed at the disposal of the Executive
for the purpose I have indicated. In or
der to prevent all misapprehensions, it is
my duty to state that, anxious as I sin to
tei'minate the existing war with the least
possible delay, it will continue to be pros•
ecuted with utmost vigor until a treaty
of peace shall be signed by the parties,
and ratified by the Mexican republic.
Captain May's own Discription of
his Charge.
Having had the pleasure of a long con
versation with Capt. May, we finally ask
ed him to give us a description of his
charge, that we might get at the exact
particulars. The gallant Captain twisted
about his long beard, evidently somewhat
confused, and after considerable hesitation
said: —"Why you see, the fact is any of
the boys would have given their lives, to
have had the chance to have charged the
batteries, only [ was the lucky one in get
ting the order, After the old man gave
the order, f rode down the road, my men
following of course, where we met Ridge
ly, he blazed away, and let me pass, and
we just rode over the guns, and that is all
about it."—N. 0. Tropic.
Two young men says the Danville Demo
crat, named Eli Wagoner and John Carr,
of Darry township, were arrested and put
in jail on the 10111 inst., on suspicion of
having, some time in September, 11345,
murdered a young girl, nrmed Margaret,
daughter of Archbald Carr, of the same
township, the body of whom is said to have
been found in a neighboring woods a few
days since. Margaret Care, who was a
cousin to butt► prisoners, has been misting
since September last, having disappeared
under the most singular circumstances.—
She was believed to have grate to
We refrain from detailing the many ru
mors that are (afloat in regard to tlii,
strange afrair, as we do not wish to prtje
dice public opinion.
buryport Herald says, a fetter from au
'American, who is making a tour of Aus •
tria and Italy, says railroad laborers theft.
receive 25 cts. a day, and consider them
iselyes well paid. Women, who perform
nearly all the drudgery of agriculture, the
young men being in the army, receive I 5
cts. a day. The roads are kept in repair
by women, break the stone and mend the
roads for about 8 cts. a day. The general
fare is a piece of rye bread for breakfast ;
for dinner a soup about as substantial as a
mixture of warm water and salt, a boiled
sausage, and rye bread : in the evening
their frugal meal is solaced by the compas
. ny of beer, which is used in excess to the
exclusion of tea and coffee.
Now; it is this kind of labor, an d
such wages the Locofocos here wish the
. Americans to enter into competition with.
Who's ready for It?
(•••Thera will bo a Sunday School cel
of McConnelstown, next Saturday.
Arrival of the Great Western.
The news brought by the Great Wee tern
is six days later than that received bythe
last steamer.
The harvest in the south of France is
baking some progress, but the result does
not seem to be very satisfactory. The ex
traordinary heat of the temperature in June
and July has caused a notable deficiency in
the crops.
The Queen has been pleased to approve
of Mr. James Flora, as Consul at Manches
ter for the United States of America.
It appears that the failure in the apple
crop is likely to be genera! throughout Eu
It is stated that the Russian government is
in consternation at the apprehended total
failure of the present harvest.
The "leariied blacksmith," Mr. Elhim
llurritt, continues to excite much atteauw
in England. Hu hue been lecturing suc
cessfully in Manchester.
The Chamber of Commerce at Liverpool
had addressed a highly complimentary letter
to llr. McLane. for hie exertions in bringing
about a settlement of the difficulties between
the United Suites and Great Britain on the
Oregon territory. The letter from the
Chamber says
Although the consciousness of huving
bored to promote the welfare of mankind, is
in itself a great reward, it cannot fail LO at'-
ford you additional pleasure to learn that
those who havo anxiously watched the pro
gress of the .nogotiaticri9, now happily ter
minated, have duly appreciated the patience,
ability, and temper by which your conduct
has been diatinguislied.--Whilat you have
carefully maintained the hronr of the United
:Antes, you have largely contributed to save
both nations from tire horrors of war. The
lliglisst renown h;:ionga to suchl ,
their true value will not he rztiaiP.:r,. •
succeseal terin:r
tion alone.
Mr. McLane appeared greatly pleeser,
with so gratifying a compliment erig.ii:turg
from that important body, and expressing as
it did, the strong feelings of respect enter
tained for his character, and of the high sense
of the efficient services rendered both to
America and England, in the peaceful settle
ment of this question, of which Lord Aber
deen had also previously, in the House of
Lords, borne honorable testimony.—To this
address Mr. McLane made an excellent re
ply from which we extract the following :
I agree with you, gentlemen, in thinking
that the temper manifested by both nations in
the settlement of the question ought to be
an example to the world at large, and, may I
not add, that it affords a sure guarantee of
the cordial amity by which our tuture inter
course will be distinguished. It is gratifying
to reflect that the terms upon which the
question, at one time apparently so critical,
has been adjusted, have been generally satis
factory to the governments and the people of
both countries, leaving nothing behind to
disturb the harmony of our future relations.
It is also worthy of congratulation, that by
the convention recently concluded the only
remaining queston growing out of the treaty
of 1783, has been finally settled, and that
hereafter our people, though of separate na
tions, acknowledging a common origin and
history, speaking the same language, alike
boasting constitutional liberty, regulated by
law, and intimately associated in commerce
and the arts, may start forward in a new cii
reer of international intercourse, without ap
prehension from any ancient cause of preju
dice or ill will. No one, I assure you, more
fervently hopes that the future may remain
as free from any fresh cause of disagree.
HER OWN REQUEST.—The following extra•
ordinary case occurred a short time since in
Wurtemburgh; we find it related in a fur.
eign journal:
Adam Gayring, a man sixty four years of
age, of honest and upright dealings; loved
and respected by all who knew him, presen
ted himself on the Bth ulth., before the au
thorities at Heidenheim, and stated calmly
that he had just killed his wife. His &elm.
ration was immediately taken as follows:—*
"My wife," he said, "as every one knows,
has been suffering ter a long time from ill
ness, and at times the pains she had to en
dure where euch as to affect her reason; she
latterly gave up all hopes of recovery, and
continually repeated that not only was life a
torment to her, but that she feared that if I
died before her, she would be reduced to mis
ery. This morning, after we had read to
gether the 4th chapter of the Book of Judg
es, (they were devout people and read the
Bible every day,) she requested me to drive
a nail into her tomplo, no Joel did to
so such L• tlerdi 5..-etauLt liar ,!:ur.
and would put au end Li, her 6,111i711:gb; cite
said she forgave me but.irelkand .6r
of which she absolved me before tiuu ; m u
man. A nail, she said, would um
great hemorrhage; and would loam: ou,
slight wound. "An soon as lam dead," nau
added, "you elm olusu um wuunu, put: utt
cic:an cup,
all about ii
uutl G
110 011 C M
took a w:11 !;u ,•
to litr left tomrlo with a
St. Lout
nail was too wcoj.. um
than took a gnut!!
quested me to C7ill c rtt once with
did, iy kurr,.'ng• in
the '''! r ct ,ny wd'o ifi et toy
.1 ".`,1.111i!19 it itt -tAir
..~,,: ~ u
dre~ ~,:•1, :~~
there were two wounds, end the
the skull wss knockQd in,, c.
temple. Beside the bed V. liS
which was a bible, the nail, drill, and ham
mer alluded to. On the ground was a ba..
em of water, in which the murderer, accor
ding to hie own declaration, washed his
hands before presenting himself to the au
Gayring is now in prison; lie is perfectly
calm, and convinced that he acted well in
fulfilling the wishes of his wife by putting
an end to her sufferings. Some Wurtein
burgh papers state that the inhabitants of the
village of Gussenstadt, where the murder
was committed, left their work as soon us
they heard of the murder, and spent the day
in the church, fasting and praying for the
soul of the departed,
FLOOR dc MeAr..—prices for Flour are steady!
eales for export of sound old stock at $3,67i, and
fresh ground at $4,121, a 4,25 per bbl. for good
brands. Ryo Flour is dull at $2,75, with sales at
a shade less. Corn Meal—Sales at $2,50 per brl.
Gnsix—Sales of prime red Wheat at 90 eta per
bushel. Corn—Sales of round at 60 and flat yel
low at 58 cts. Oats—New Southern 33 eta.—
Molasses and Sugar are inactive, Whiskey—Mod
erate sales at steady rates.
C.11.11P Jil E ETV% G.
The United Brethren in Christ, will
hold a Camp Meeting on the farm of Jas.
M. Kinkead, Yellow Springs, commen
cing on Friday, August 28, 1846.
August 19, 1846.
llnifgliw;rolors/ Notice.
Edale of JOHN KENNEDY, dec'd, late of
the Bo (nigh of Alexandria.
..~, . T .
Informat;on Wanted
Mr. Fftsuitatroc SMITH or Unita.
ship, Union county, left this place in um—
'any with the unde"signed on Monday the
2rd inst. to attend the Perry County Court,
at Bloomfield, anti while there he
~ u ddenly disappeared on the following
Tuesday at about 10 o'clock in the fore
noon, and although diligent search was
immediately made, no trace whatever
could be discovered of him. Al , . F.
Smith had on at the time of his disappear
ance, a blue cloth coat, stripped cotton
pantaloons, a black fur hat. He is sixty
one years of age and somewhat feeble and
has for some time been affected with mel
ancholy. Any information Concerning
him will be thankfully received. Letters
to be directed to John Smith, New Berlin,
Union County, Pa.
o:hc Or,,gor,
Editor Union Star,
New Berlin, Aug. 6, 1846.
Public Discussion
A public debate between the Rev. A. K. BELLof
the Baptist Church, and the Rev. W. J. Gissosr
of the Presbyterian Church, on the subject of
Christian Baptism, will take place ir. Logan's Val
ley, (Antes twp.) in or near the Presbyterian
Church, commencing on Tuesday the 25th August
inst. The discussion will be confined to the follow
ing propositions, and will continue two (Ilya, from
10 o'clock, A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M., on each pro
FIRST PROPOSITION-7We immersion in
water of the whole person of a proper sulject, is
alone Christ:an Baptism.
NE G , T ,-I ,l '. I. Gibson.
"Sec.', PROPOSITION—The infa,t of a be
liever ,s a fit subject of Christia Baptism."
ArvinmaTivt---W. J. Gibson.
NEOATII E-A. K. 8011.
The public are invited to attend.
Moderators, chosen by the agreement of the
August 12, 1840.
!HE Pamphlet Laws of the last Session
• of the Legislature of Penn'a, haVe
bcen received at my office, and are ready
for delivery to those persons entitled to re
ceive them. JAMES STEEL, Prot'y.
Huntingdon, sth Aug, 1846.
No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg.
THE subscriber respectfully informsthe
citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring
counties, that he still continues to carry on
the above business in all its branches, all of
the best quality, and as low as can be bought
a9ywhere, for Cash.
Hi , -•! .• partly of Sole Leather,
.•r, Calf Skins, water proof
Bridle &c. &c.
%, • , m
•cco, Women's
• , &.•
kauW unyLinug al
;ally ua-
~ 1~ .
iiid re.
Ft 4). 11, 1846
Sitsnu TurnivAp; Stzap
TI4. •
ha‘. in:•,•••,, , i-• • .. ,
•• • . Lire firrri t.
• '.• tt tidater, in curt•vingch the &•gym
Lath . .1.111 ia
3r: 'c
etMily inform them.,. • ... „,..
i.e p.1'1:1 1.1.:.t they 4,
pared to do all manner of turnip
also, )iron Shafts from 10 to 700 lb,. Ca:.:,.
Makers can be supplied with all kinds :
turning, Chairmokers by sending thei,•
patterns can be supplied with Chair Bottoms,
Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagonmi kers
by sending their patterns can be supplied
with Hubs, and fellows, of any size and
thickness and whatever wood they choose—
plastering lath furnished at the shortest no
tice., and all at the lowest market prices.—
Persons at a distance wishing to furnish
their own stuff, can have it hauled away
and delivered without extra charge.
x•tudri,t, ?;ti. 28, 1846-tf.
The Markets.
PHILADELPHIA, August 16, 1846,
te• •:
• v
AO 71 CE.
k , s i , 4111
..,ck I),,nes
r •
I%M. L. 1,1
That renders it in most cases unnecessary
to extract Teeth, even when they become
RdURGEON DENTI:I', would announce
to the Ladies and UentleMen of Htint
ingdon, that he has taken Rooms at the re
sidence of Mrs. Ulamk, where he will be
pleased to oiler his professional services for a
few days only.
He has the pleasure of saying that after
much expense and scientific research, he
has obtained the long saught for, and mitch
desired desideratum with the Dental Pro
fession, viz :
is u substance suitable for filling teeth
which :ire too fur gono by decay to admit of their
being filled with gold, silver, or any other hard sub
stance, The principal advantages that this has over
all other substance is, it being of the cnsisten: y of
paste, is easily introduced into all the iriegiilarities
of the' cavities without produeino the lent pcdn,
and then minified so cc to give the t,oth its otigi.
nal form. In the course of a f..s.‘ , hours it ',come,
hard like stone, and will rtmain firm end ine,;;;p:
tibk.—proventing further dceay--restoring the toc!E
to its Ityq.udefulness in masticating mood.
Dr. S has also the rleasuro of sayit4 that he lu
to TAT CT 2.414' I§ , §
immediately allay the moat
tooth tithe, and distroy the ner4 of the tooth with
out produen,g Ma least pain. This is also a valua•
ble Mammary, inasmuch no all the preparations hith•
ono re,orted to for the purpose of destroying the vi•
tality of the nerve, have produced the most exern•
elating pain for at leant ten or fifteen hours. Moat
of tho teeth that are usually extracted may be say.
ad by first killing the nerve, after which they may
be filled.
The fk
f Puri, inatrwurrt, with which Dr.
8. extriiet; teeth. has nevc . .. been ~ exedcd in per
fect adaptatien to difficult and t.linai , t hopelerz cease
by any other invention.
Artificial teeth set on pivot or gold plate fetus
a sing!, knelt to fitll
Plirticular attintirm mill alqo NI rid to fill::,;
with g old cr silver Teeth elennied and pe!i,h7tl
a beautiful style. Terms moderate and all upper,.
a - yNtiont,
,up,r. at their Houma if r
quested. Examinathin :Ind advice grail,
Premitini colored Daguemetype Likenesses, ta
ken by D. Stocking, from Boston, in the lair st and
most approved style, without regard to weather.—
Ladies and gentleman are respectfully invited to
call and examine the specimens. T.) those who
wish to engage in the business, instruction, appar
atus, plates. cases and chemicals will be furnished
on reasonable terms.
August 5. 1846.
qf Valuable Real Estate!!
MY virtue of authority given in the last
-. l llAil Will and . 1 estament of James Entrekin,.
Esq., dec'd, the undersigned Executors o f
the said dec'd will offer at public salt the
following described Real Estate, at the
Lower Mill, as it is called , en JfilTh's Creek,
near,,the late resident_ '• • on
TUESDAY. the 25th of August, 1846,
. 1 . I '•'' z:
etrt of the old
IVlansion ti,cc, lying on south side : , f
Raystown branch of the Juniata Ri••• • ,
200 teres,
more nr less, thereon erected a t w .
Log House and a good L
The said land is part of two sar
i, „ vet's, and most of it is first rate
bottom land and in a tolerable state
of cultivation. _ _
No. 2.
A Tract of land, containing 100 acres,
more or less, on which is erected a
Grist Mill c. Dwelling House.
The Mill is situated on the waters of James
Creek, and is known as Entriken's Lower
Mill ; it is one of the best water powers in
that vicinity. There is about thirty acres
cleared. This is a very desirable property.
No. '3.
A tract of land adjoining the last mentioned
tract, containing 190 acres, more or less, and
principally timber land.
. .
No. 4.
Also, a Tract of ridge land adjoining the last
mentioned tract, in a state of nature ; it is
well timbered and is good land, and well
calculated to make an excellent farm. It
contains 315 acres more or• less.
No. 5.
Also, a Tract of land surveyed in the name
of Wm. Barrack, a part of which is clear
ed and pretty well cultivated• There is a
tolerable house and barn erected on it—it
contains 275 acres m ore or less.
Also, 1 Tract of Land containing, 90 acres,
more or less, adjoining the last described
trust, all of which ii, well timberea,
No. 7.
,and know:, the old rmll
:f , it
A Is°, n 't'ract
t tt t. , .. • !
4 :'•' ,,
• t iu a
~ .
x}ernine thr prop•
V 1' .";
i. • • t 1 bad
_ . . 'ii:e• Run.
. il t eCirOM
• t • . • i.VIII 111.;
_... ~ ~ . c
_. _.. ~,_ ~~~ 5i i J
't~ ~.
0 s ,
-• •• 'William,:lL iiti • •
';i• ~,rrn the oonunin'
• rue the practice of
Jiankful for their pat
nonage. ltc;;Lionce a:1,1 {ace formerly Oc
cupied by R. Allison, Esq.
N. B. Haying been successful in accom
plishing the cute of a number of cancers.
(tor which vouchers can be had it required)
he feels confident of success in the most oh.
stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no
charge will be made.
IyILL be sold at Public Sale on TuEs-
DAY, the Ist day of September next,
on the premises, that well known tract of
land sittiate in Porter township, Huntingdon
county, Pa.; on the waters of the littleJuniata
River, known as the property of Israel
Cryder, deed, bOnded by lands of Coma
Bucher, George Hyle; deed, and othersd
containing about .. •
338 ACRES, •
of first rate land, about 220 acres of which
are cleared. The improvements are a large
• tunl commodious two story dwel
ling house, and good stone barn,
of a large size. Also, a wagon
lJ shed and other obt buildings.
The property also con- .4„„
tains two large . Gaol/tans of Fruit
Trees, and a FIRST-RATE CIDER • w rlk•
MILL, and several springs of ex- p
cellent LIMETSONE WATER. There is also
erected an .the same . propel ty a Woolen I
F.. crow or Fulling Mill ; with all, the neces-
nary implements, - which said Factory, to
gether with about 25 acre; of land adjoining
the frulle, will •be sold separate from the
other ;)r , ,perty, and the balance will be sold
tonit . .
tnnde known on the day
Idersigned, residing on
The terms
1 the sale by
,aid property.
Ex'r Lrae! Cryder, dec'd.
S 7, 184-6.-1
17 a ) e
: of C. ninon Pleas, held at Hun
.td for said county, on the sec
' April, fs.. D. 1346. Before
.\t a(
and Mr,ila
the Jo/Ig,,
On the Pctiti,n at the instance of William
Hamm the CluM grant a rule on Tho
mas H. F.iteven,, late of the town of Urbana,
in the State of C i,io, dec'd, and his Repre
sentative: aol ati Ler pers,:ins interested,
to come, into srid ttaurt, on the second Mon-
day of August teat, and show cause it any
they have, why satisfaction should not be
cnr cc; a certain Mortgage Recorded in
• ' : paga 334, of said county,
'••• Wm. Hammond to the said
Stevons, to secure the payment
cf a,c remains therein mentinhed, which
said monies the said Wm. Hammond alleges
have all been paid.
All persons interested will take notice
of the foregoing Rule. _
Jl l / 4 10:"ARMITAGE, Sherif.
Sheriff's °n ice, July 15, 1846.-6 t.
IZT /to fillvi4 ON 14/Tai Bargains?
38r. Wm. Ewoepo,
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has lately re
turned from the city of Philadelphia with
an entire NEW STOCK of Goods, which
he offers for sale a few doors east of the new
Presbyterian Church and directly opposite
the residence of Mrs. Allison, Main street.
He is fully determined to
7.71 any establishment in Huntingdon, or
further, than any in Huntingdon county.—
The stoels:consists of a general assortment
: , RI-GOODS; such as
hi Cl , tics of various colours; Cassimeres
Anil double milled ; a good as
- im-ht of Vestings , Sattinettes
roil Flannels; all descriptions of
Woollen & Summer goods;
consisting in part, of
Silks, Lawns,
Shawls, Ginghams,
Calicoes, Balsarinvs, Bat
sarine Lawns, Gingham Lawns,
Hosiery, Muslin, Suspenders, Rib
bons, Linens, Checks, Tickings, Sun
shades, Parasols, Summer Goods, for men
and boy's wear ; Also, a carefully select
ed assortment of QueensWate, and
Composed of Iron, Steel, Saws, Scythes,
Sickles, Hammers, Axes, Nails, Traces.
Shovels, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Knives &
Forks, Shovels & Tongs, Looking Glasses,
etc., etc. ALSO,
Groceries I Such as Coffee, Sugar ; Teas,
Tobacco, Oils, (fish and Sperm,) Molasses
of different qualities, Fish, Bcc. fcc.
rpm I articles kept at this store will be
disposed of on very reationable terms for
CASH, or in exchange for all kinds of coun
try produce.
( IHe hopes that persons before p2rfha
sing elsewhere, will give him a Cal/.
Huntingdon, 27,1846.
In Texico, !Weald.", and Origonico!
Latest arrivals of Spring and
Summer Goods,
A thr Cheep Cash Store of
xectly opi),:tite Wallace's hotel, Hunt
,4 •,rid CEP
2' i, :11E 11"S' DRESS GOODS
Vestings, Satinetts,
Ti cit ings, Linens,
cotes;, Ginghams, Calicoes,
:Lawns, Gingham Lawns,
Lawos, 4i,hawls, Hosie
ry. Suspenders, Table
Priapei,4, if e. Also, Groc6
rics and Queonswarc,
• • :.,L everything that is necessary for the
• .• f the ptihlic. As his stock has ben
•ut an eye single to the interests
Inanity, persons would do well to
n:ing his stock before purchasing
Thankful for past favors, he
stuff hopes to receive a liberal share of pnblic
N. B.—He would wish to be distinctly un
derstood, that he can sell a little cheaper
than any store up town. All you have to do
to satisfy yourselves of this fact is to give us
a call.
All kinds of marketing, such as Butter,
Eggs, Bact,n, Wool, Rags, &c., taken ia
exchaixe irmod
The Central Rail Road
TrS a thing as yet existing only in men'a
imaginations, but the late arrival at
NEFF'S confectionary, of the finest assort
ment of ; •
• • . .
Fruits, Candies, ace:,
ever receivedffintintdon, is a reality that
can't be contrailicted. Here you can buy
candies of every description, puts, water,
soda, sweet and butter :Crackers, bunch
Raisins, Prunes; Fib ' Oranges Leiflon%
sarsaparilla and demon Syrup; Cigars of all
qualities; Scoth Herring and fresh Cheese,
and in short all articles usually kept in an
establishment of this kind. Russell's cele •
always on hand during- the summer. Lem
onade made in such a style that whoever
drinks once, will never think of calling elset
Where for this delicious beverage. The
lovers of
IC R .1 .11
can always be accommodated witli the very
best that can be made, and parties supplied
upon the shortest notice.
The CASH principle is strictly adhered
to; therefore I will sell, CAN SELL, and DO
SELL CHEAPER than any other:establish
ment in Huntingdon, or further" titan any
in Huntingdon county. Let those who doubt
call and see.
trY Don't forget the place:—One Door
east of the Exchange Hotel, Market Square:
liuntihgdOn, July 8, 1846.
irOSEPII FORREST; begs leave to
*JP announce to his friends and the pub
lic, that he has removed to Petersburg;
having purchased the well known Tavern
Stand, formerly kept by John Scullin,
dec'd, which he has fitted up in the best
style, and re-opened as a
Ile is therefore prepared to give the best
accommodations to all who may favor
him with their custom. It is the deter
mination of the proprietor to keep such
house as will render every satisfaction to
the public. His
rU' LEI ,
will at all times be furnished with all the
delicacies of the ier,son. Bull-frogs will
be served Up at any ttifie when desired, as
well as flesh lisp of every kind.
will be furnished with the choicest liquor 6
procurable in the Eastern markets, and
Is large and commodious, and will con=
stantly be attended by careful and obli
ging hostlers.
This Hotel is situated about six milesi
from the town of Huntingdon, on the
main road from Huntingdon to Bellefonte,
and on the nearest route from Alexandria
to Lewistown.
0::r Permanent and transient hoaNei's
can at all times be accommodated on the
most reasonable terms.
Petersburg, April 29, 1846—tf.
Bargains! Bargains!!
F EIUNTINGDON, being desirous to
'7) retire from the mercantile business on
account of the delicate state of his health;
offers his large and entire stock for sale at
cost and carriage: A reasonable credit will
be given to those who will purchase over
twenty dollars worth.
To any person or persons wishing toengage
in the aforesaid business, the subscriber
would prefer to dispose of his stock whole
sale. He would also rent his store room;
which as good and convenient a business
stand as there is in the borough of Hunting
don. His stock is of entire fresh goods end
and file latest arrivals froiii the thy, consist
ng of
Dry Gooch,
eich as CaSsimers, Satinetts, Broad Cloths;
Silks, Mouslin de Laines, Callicoes, Brown
and Bleached Muslins, Woolen Shawls, Silk;
Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs, all of
(lament qualities. Also, an assortment of
Hosiery and a very large assortment of
Boots mut ShoeS,
• - -•--
Of zil kinds and quality• Also, a large as
sortment of
emetasware and liaillware,
of the newest and most approved stVlcs.
Also a large and carefully selected assort
ment of all kinds of
in short, the subscriber is supplied with all'
the variety belonging to store-keeping, the
particulars of which are too tedious to men
Horses, or any kind of grain or luMber;
will be taken in exchange for goods, at.eash
prices. Any person Wishing an), further in
formation, will please call upon the subscri
Huntingdon, Jan. 7, 1d45,
N. B.—A large lot of the best quality pf
LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and,
Wine, and also a large lot of thcc•,, smile at
other prices to suit purchasers, OiII be sold
in exchange for country prodece:
every des•
NOTICE.—ThoSe who have unsettled
accounts on the books of the subscriber, will
please settle theM soon,
or they will find
them in the hands of .the proper officer for
collection. WM. STEWART:
Jan. 7, 1845.
Rollin g Cloths.
HE subscribers have just receifed e
large and general assortment of B.
TING CLOTHS, from the most approved
Manufactories, which they will sell IoW f.
cask, and warrant to answer the purp,
Meccersburg, Franklin 2 .
coutty,'May 6, 1846. 5
ERSONS wishing to pdribaseany km(
of WOOLLEN Goons, will find tha
they can be had at very reduced prices, P
almost cost, at the heap Cash Store of
Huntingdon, March 11, 1846.
2i3U na6:33
large supply of JUSTICES' BLANKS, o:
superiur paper, just printed, wail for dale *0
this utlke•