Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 19, 1846, Image 2

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Wednesday, August 19, 1816
Whig Candidate for Canal Commissioser,
(subject to the nomination of the W/iig conferees.)
David Blair, Esq., of Huntingdon.
Robert Cummins, of Jackson, for 3 years.
Daniel Tague, Esq., of Cromwell, 2 years.
L. G. Hessler, of Brady, for 3 years.
Goo. Wilson, of rell, for 2 year..
Wm. Hutchison, of Warrioreroark, 1 year,
Congressional Conferee,.—JuDox Ken, of
Walker, JOHN Hurer•r, of Porter, and Joon Wu
-1.1..805, Esq., of Huntingdon, who ere to meet
the Conferees of the other counties in this district,
at Brown's Mills, on Tuesday the Let of September
next, at 3 o'clock, P. N.
ElZrCirculate the Documents.,..rp
The " Journal" will be furnish:
ed to subscribers for three months
at FIFTY CENTS, in advance.
We make this proposition for the
accommodation of those who may
desire a paper until after the elec
6j. Our regular eubecribera will confer a favor
upon ua, by mentioning the above proposttion to
their neighbor..
(CY' The Editor will be absent from his post for
a short time. Those calling at the office upon
business, will be attended to by the persona enga
ged in the office.
Hear, Oh! Pennsylvanians.
The Charleston (South Carolina) Mercury, a
thorough-going free trade Polk and Dallas paper,
who was NOT cheated in 1844, thus ridicules the
honest sons of Pennsylvania, for being made the of
dupes of the designing, in that memorable cam
paign. The Mercury Beget—
., It is indeed a notable pretension to set up that
Pennsylvanians were too IGNORANT AND
STUPID to know what were the ISSUES INVOL
yes in the Presid antis! election, it is therefore dis
honest and treacherous for Congress to adopt any
measure but such as their IGNORANCE or STU
PIDITY may dictate or approve."
c} The President has vetoed the bill providing
for the payment of the French claims: For nearly
half a century this debt hes remained unpaid, dis
honored; and now when tardy justice has ac
knowledged the cleitn, the President by his veto,
turns away the public credit°. s from the doors of
the government, and renews the stein of injustice
and dishonor which the act of Congress had wiped
from our national character.
ccy The barn of Mr. George Snavely, in cum
berland cou.ity, a few miles west of Harrisburg,
burg, was struck by lightning on the Bth inst., and
consumed with all its contents, including the whole
of his 8011111110 f harvest. The loss is heavy, but thu
amount we have not learned.
in' The bill appropriating two million of dollars
to pu rcbasi3 a peace with Mexico, was defeated in
the Senate. After the introduction of the clause
prohibiting the introduction of Slavery into Ca Mr.
nia, the Southern Locofocos went against thy
0:7. In the U. S. Senate on the Bth instant, Mr.
Atchison of Missouri, was elected President pro
import, on the 81h ballot; the Whigs and one or
two Locofocos voting for him. The whole number
of votes given was 49, of which Mr. Atchinson
received 25.
Z^ There was a seyere thunder storm in West
Cheater and its vicinity on the 9th instant, which
did considerable damage by prostrating fences, up
rooting tress and unroofing buildings.
GI- The Locofoeos of Perry county came out
spunkily for the REPEAL, of the British Tariff,
and denounced Dallas as a TRAITOR next to
Arnold, at a County Meeting held at Bloomfield,
week before last.
al. The Hon. Robert C. Grier, who was recently
confirmed as Associate Judge of the U. S. Supreme
Court, was sworn into office on Monday before last,
and entered upon the discharge of his new duties
cry The Whig Press throughout the State have,
without exception, raised the standard of " Repeal,"
and speak encouragingly of the prospect of devel
oping such an expression from the honest-hearted
people of the State et the October elections, as
shall alarm the miserable demagogues, that hove
been so long deluding them,
cc" The Locofoco leaders are becoming alarmed
at the symptoms of wide-spread defection in their
ranks since the passage of the British Tariff Bill,
end their presses teem with most doleful appeals to
the " faithful" to remain firm in their devotions to
lion. James Cooper. The Whig Nominations.
The speech of this gentleman, before the Whig The Convention which met in this place was
meeting in this place, on Wednesday night, althoughighly respectable, and conducted their business in
it come short of some speeches we have heard him
'n orderly manner. The Ticket which they subs
melte, was yet an able exposition of some of the mined to the Whigs of the county, wilt be found
leading measures now before the country. at the head of this paper. Wo are pleased to find
that it meets with general satisfaction.
He commenced by an allusion to the action of
DAVID BLA IR. Esq., the candidate for Assam
the Convention which had that day submitted a
bly, is worthy of the distinguished honor conferred
ticket to the Whige of this county; and
passed a I upon hint. He has done the Whig party good
merited encomium upon the successful candidate I
for the nomination on the Assembly ticket; and
service and they aro no doubt pleased at the oppor
urged every Whig to yield a hearty support to the tunity afforded them to repay him with their votes.
We know him to be a gentleman of sound princi
whole ticket.
pies, unblemished character, and possessed of much
He then spoke of the Presidential campaign of I
and perseverance. We huvu as little doubt i
1844 ; the stupendous fraud that was practiced upon I
that he will make a respectable and useful member, I
the people of Pennsylvania, and upon the North I
and East generally ; the reward of the credulity of as that he will be triumphantly eleetee.
the Locofoco party—the assault which James K. I
Esq. the candidates for Commissioner, are also ex
Polk "the better Tariff man" made upon the Whig
celient men, of sterling integrity, and are known
Tariff of 1842, and the death blow which " Dallas
and respected as such by most of the voters. They
too" gave it. The speaker then reverted to the are farmer., and the latter is also a Justice of the
scenes and the times we had shortly previous to the Peace for his township. They are gentlemen of
passage of the Tariff act of 1842, when the coo undoubted honesty and capacity. The divorsifig
promise act had rat down to its lowest rates of du- I interests of the county may safely be committed to
ties; a period of distress and ruin, when the buai- their hands.
nese of the country was languishing and sinking WM. HUTCHISON, LEONARD G. KESS
under the pronto of foreign competition; when LER, and GEORGE WILSON the gentlemen
the National Treasury was bankrupt; when the placed on the Ticket for Auditors, are certainly
agents of the Administration went through' this without exception. They ere good accountants
country and through Europe, begging loans from and faithful Whigs.
capitalists, on government bonds, and could not . The Congressional Conferees were unanimously
accomplish the object of their errand. The Whig instructed to support Honest JOHN BLANCH
party came into power and the Tariff of 1842 was ARD. This renders it almost certain, that our
paned—the country roes from her degradation— present able and efficient member will receive the
the badinage of her people revived—sod prosperity unanimous nomination of the Conference.
and happiness shed their blessings and benefits upon To this Ticket the Whigs of Huntingdon county,
the land. But, by falsehood and deception, the Loco- if they but do their duty, can give 600 majority,
feces again obtained the reins of government—the which will secure not only the whole County Ticket,
same path in to be travelled over once more, and but also elect an able and unexceptionable Tariff
the scenes of Martin Van Buren's administration Whig to Congress from this laox and COAT. Die
are to be re-enacted. The Tariff of '42 has been irkt. Therefore, let every Whig be faithful and
destroyed—low duties have again been established perform his whole duty
—the country is to be flooded with foreign manu
factures; and, in return for them, the specie is to
be drained from the pockets of our people, to enrich
foreign capitalists; and we ars to be again afflicted
with a worthless paper currency. To aid the
bringing about of such a state of things, the Sub-
Treasury bill has been passed and signed by the
President; and a law has been passed (the Ware
house system) by which foreign goods may be ate
red hero for an almost interminable time, to cont•
pete more effectually with our own manufactures,
as the duties on these stored manufactures will not
be required to be paid till they aro sold. Mr.
Cooper alluded to the manner in which the new
Tariff bill was paused--the opponents of it chal
lenged its friends to point out how and where the
Tariff of 1842 operated unequally or unjustly ; but
Locofocoism was mum—they could not point out
any inequality or injustice in that wholesome meas
ure; but they destroyed it solely out of hostility to
the North. They are jealous of the growing pros-
perity of the free states, brought about by the pro
. tected industry of our people. They wish to re
duce them to the condition of the slaves of the
south, or the pauper laborers of Europe.
The speaker also adverted to the course of the
Administration in reference to the war with Mex
ico, and condemned their treatment toward. Gen.
Scott. The popularity of this brave man excited
alarm in the bosom of the President and his cabinet,
and at once their blood hounds were let loose upon
him to destroy his reputation. But the country
claims his name and his fame as her own, as one of
the richest gems in the crown of her glory ; and she
stands forth in defence of her rights. Let the Ad
ministration beware. The speaker concluded by
relating two anecdotes illustrating the indignation
of the people at the ill-treatment of Gen. Scott.--
During his speech he was frequently cheered ; and
when lie dwelt upon the services of Gen. Scott to
his country, the feelings of the audience were man
ifested by rapturous and long continued applsuse.
Clinton County Whig.
We are pleased to see that this papal; the publi
cation of which had boon suspended since last June,
is again revived by its former publisher, H. E. SIPA.
DIARER, under the editorial control of Woe. P. Cove
Ten, who was formerly connected with the same
paper. Tho Whig will no doubt again rank among
the ablest and most spirited Whig Journals in the
State. We hope the Whigs of Clinton and adja
cent counties will afford it adequate support.
The Elections,
The S.,...thern and Westeni mulls bring cheering
intelligence an te, the result of the recent electiobe.
The Fkies are evidently brightening, and a good
prospect is intern us. Annexed is u summary of
the returns as far as received
the Whig candidate for Governor, is re-elected,
heating Mr. Shepherd, Locofoco, from 6,000 to 10,
000 votes! Clay's majority in 1844 was only
3,945. Both branches of the Legislature are deci
dedly Whig, which secures too good and true U.
S. Senators. All honor to the old North State.
KENTUCKY.—As usual—Whig all over, and
no use of details. The home of HENRY CLAY
could not be otherwise.
INDIANA.—The returns from about one•half
the State exhibit decided Whig gains over 1844,
when Polk's majority was 2,314. The gains havo
not been sufficient to elect the Whig caneidate for
Governor. The Whigs have a net gain of 11 Rep
resentatives, which, without any additional gains,
will give them a majority of 12 in the House, and
a majority on joint ballot of 10 or 12. Last year
Locofoco majority 10.
ILLINOIS.—But few returns. The State, of
course, has gone heavily for locofocoism.
MISSOURI.—Returns from the city and county
of St. Louis indicate that the Natives have am,
ceeded in electing their ticket, excepting the mem
ber of Congress,.
The statue of STEpn EN Gin Ann, chiselled
by Gevecot, for the city of Philadelphia, has, we
learn, arrived at New York in the ship Elizabeth
Bruce from Havre. It is intended to he plue.l in
Girard College.
The attention of the Court was occupied all last
week by the trial of two cases.
The case of the Commonwealth vs. Joseph Stew
art, a prosecution for an alleged obstruction in tho
road leading from this place to the Warm Springs,
was again tried, & determined in favor of the defend
On Wednesday morning a jury was called and
sworn in the case of the Commonwealth vs. James
Bailey, for Arson, the alleged burning of the barn
of Nano Vandevander, Esq., in ',Volker township,
some scar. ago. There were about fifty witnesses
examined in this case. One or two of them swore
that the defendant confessed that he had destroyed
the property, others that, he had made threats that
he would destroy it, previous to the time when it
was burned. On the other hand, the defendant
proved an alibi. The jury retired at noon on Sat
urday, and remained out till evening, when they
returned with a verdict of acquittal.
The Grand Jury disposed of a good deal of small
business in a summary way by ignoring the bills.
I. WEEKLY NORTII AMERICAN," in the title of a
spirited weekly, just started by (hunks( & Corr
man, editors of the Daily North American, Phila
delphia. It is a large and well printed paper, and
sent to subscribers at the low price of one dollar
per annum. We commend it to any of our read
ers who can afford and desire to take a paper from
Philadelphia, in addition to their County paper.—
The following, on thin subject, we take from the
leading article in the first No. of the weekly:—
Every Whig owes it, en a first duty to the princi
pies which he sustain., to subscribe to the local paper
of the county in which ho :cables. This should
be done, not as a favor, but in a spirit of duty, fit
such we conceive it to be. The country editor is,
at best, but poo ly repaid for his exertions--hie
' condition should therefore be made one of manly
independence. as best comporting with the dignity
of Isis position, and tending more effectually to en
courage his future exertions. It is as on humble
adjunct to the country Whig press that the Weekly
North American is offered to the party. Every Ed !
itor in the interior has a claim upon his fellow
Whigs of his county, which should not be over
looked; we have no such appeal to make. • Our
purpose is to do good if possible; to assist our
brethren of the interior--to api owl abroad our prin
ciples and advance our erred ; but wo wish distinctly
to he understood as disclaiming any interference
with the local circulation of our co•laborers of the
country press. We call upon all true Whigs to
uphold the local paper which supports their political
views, and charge them to consider it their impera
tive duty—that done, we shall ba ',lasso! to num
ber them among our readers. Your M^al payer
must be your fuel care; our columns can make no
impression on those who neglect the most impor
tant means to advance our principles.
STATE ELECTIONS were held on the 3d inst., in
Alabama, Kentucky, Indiana, lllinoie, and Missou
ri; and took place in North Carolina and Tennes
see on the sth inst. The remaining elections this
year will he held as stated below:
In Vermont, on Tuesday, September Ist
In Maine, Monday, 14th
In Georgia, October 3d
In Arkansas, It
In Maryland, Wednesday, " Sth
In S. Carolina, Monday, 12th
In Pennsylvania, Tuesday, " 13th
In Ohio,
In Mississippi, .i November 21
In Michigan,
In New York, " If 3d
In New Jersey, II
In Massachusetts Monday, , I Dth
In Delaware, Tueeday, " 10th
Locofoco Ticket.
The Locofocos, on Thursday last, placed in nom-
ination the following ticket, to be supported by the
faithful portion of tho Democracy :
Auerroas,—GEOßGE JACKSON, (of J.]
T. P. Campbell, Esq., Col. J. W. Myron, 1/11,1
R. I' Ifailet, were typuitited Congrobeion..l Cot•
Whrg County Convention.
This body assembled iu the Old Court House,
on Wednesday last at 2 o'clock P. M. and organ ,
ized by appointing JOHN HUYETT, Esq., of
Porter township, President; GEO. Hinson, Esq.
of Clay, and Wee. CIIIUSTY of Porter, Vice Pres
idents; Win. H. Peightal of Huntingdon, and
Jame, Maguire of Burnie Secretaries.
The following gentlemen then nppeared, pro
duced their credentials, and took their seats as mem
bers of the Convention, viz:
Barree.—Sainuel Coen, James Maguire.
Brady.—Thomas McCahan, Richard Plowman.
Cass.—John Stever, Caleb Greenland.
Clay.—Jacob Garrett, George Hudson.
Cromwell.—E. B. Orbison, Aaron Stains.
Dublin.—Thos. W. Neely, Wm. Clymaus.
Franklin.—David Stolieb'Mker, G. W. Mattern.
Henderson.—Fainnan ( anipbell, ;3. R. Boggs.
Hopewell.—Sebastian Keely, R. C. Lytle.
Jackson—Henry Lee, b. 8. Bell.
Morrie.—Porry Moore, Wm. Hileman.
Porter.—John Huyett, Wni. Christy.
Shirley.—John Shaver, Geo. Bauman.
Springfield.—Win. Madden, Wm. Ramsey.
Tell.—Tho's Cistna, Geo. Wilson,
Tod.--Jno. Lies, David Aurundt.
Union.—George Stover William Smith.
Warriorsmark.—John Beck, Dr. D. Diller.
West.--Samuel Myton, Sr., Semi! Ewing.
Walker.—John Snyder, Alexander Doan.
Murray's Itun.—Jos. McCracken, E. Plowman.
Roxberry,—lsaac Woolverton, Eli Harrie.
Huntingdon.—Wm. H. Poightal, John F. Miller.
Alexandria.—John Swoop°, Samuel Huey.
Shirleysburg.—Benj. Leas, James Clarke.
Birmingham.—N. W. Green, John Nevling.
Petersburg.--James Stevens, Thomas Stewart.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot for a
candidate for Assembly, which on the second bal.
lot resulted in the nomination of DAVID BLAIR,
The Convention then proceeded to ballot for
County Commissioners, which on the third ballot
resulted in the nomination of ROBERT CUM
MINS for three years, and DANIEL TAGUE,
Esq. for two year..
The Convention then proceeded to ballot for
Auditors, which on the first ballot resulted as fol
lows: LEONARD G. KESSLER, for threeyears,
GEORGE WILSON, for two years, and WM.
HUTCHISON for one year.
Mr. Peightel offered the following resolution
which was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That inasmuch as we sincerely believe
that the Whig ticket formed tlib day is composed
of men who possess every qualification, in an em
inent degree, necessary to enable them to discharge
the duties of the respective offices to which they
have been nominated, we therefore mutually pledge
ourselves to use every honorable means to secure
their electimi.
On motion of Benj. Lytle it was resolved that
the Hon. John Ker, John Huyett, and John Wil
liamson, Esq., be the Congressional Conferees to
represent this County in the Conferee meeting
which is to nominate a candidate for Congress in
this District. Adopted unanimously.
Mr. Peightal submitted the following which was
adopted by acclamation :
Resolved, Flint the Conferees just elected be in
structed to go for the nomination of our present
able and worthy representative, John Blanchard.
The Convention then adjourned sine die.
From the Army.
At the last advice' from the Rio Grande, the
Army under Gen. Taylor, was gradually moving
up that river to Camargo, with a view of making
a demonstration upon Monterey. Nothing of in
terest had occurred since our last dates, excepting
the disbanding, by order of the War Department,
of all the Louisiana and Alabama volunteers in
consequence of their not having volunteered for 12
months. So strong was the indignation of the
troops at this treatment from the War Department,
that they unanimously declined tendering their ser
vices for 12 months, when solicited to do so by the
disbanding officer.
ez). Our administration is an exceedingly inde•
pendent one, both of law and instructions. When
it desires to do something, it asks for a law to au
thorize it—but if what it asks should not be gran
ted, it does not make the slightest apparent differ
once, for it carries out its ideas, either with or
without law. The N. Y. Courier and Inquirer of
Friday, gives a very good illustration of this in the
TREASURY DRAYTS.-It {VW bo remembered that
about a fortnight since, Mr. Lewis, in the Senate of
the United States, brought forward a bill authori
zing the issue of treasury drafts. This bill, after
debate to which it was ably and zealously opposed,
among others by Mr. Benton, was rejected by a
very deeialve vote.
Yesterday, to our certain knowledge, treasury
drafts of POO, drown upon the Canal Bank at Now
Orleans, and made payable to u paymaster in the
army there, were circulating in Wall Street.—
And they hurt dale en June hest !
Now here is a singular state of things. Not only
are these drafts thrown upon the public without
authority, but in the face of an express denial of
authority on the part of congress. The question
arises—and It may be one of serious import here
after—whether these drafts will be paid. Certainly
not without an appropriation from congress; and
when that appropriation shall come to be made, we
imagine the enquiry will be instituted into the au
thority by which they were issued.
Tits Von r. or TILE Pseer.E.--A t a Democratic
meeting recently held at Sunbury, resolutions wore
adopted against the British Tariff Bill, and denoun
cing Vice President Dallas as a traitor. Charles
W. Higgins, one of the most distinguished Demo
crats of the State, addressed the meeting, end stated
that the Democratic party of Pennsylvania were
deceived in Mr. Polk, and voted for him believing
him to be in favor of the Tariff of 1842. The fri.
lowing is among the resolutions:
Resolved, That the watchword of the Democracy
of the North, from this time forth until the over
throw of the British Tariff Bill of 1848, shall be
. 4 repeal." And we hereby pledge ourselves to sup.
poi t no man for any office, who will not openly
avow himself opposed to that iniquitous measure,
end in favor of giving fair and just protection to
home industry and domestic manufactures.
1:0' RALPH Isaac IxoensaaL, of Connecticut,
Las been appointed, by and with the advice of the
Senate, Minister to Ruseia.
cr y Mr. Gonau, the Temperance Lecturer is ty
Ira Nu:ly !!! at Libcr , y, Va.
The Whigs of Old Huntingdon
in Motion.
Pursuant to previous public notice, thi largeat
and most enthusiastic meeting of the Whip of Old
Huntingdon, since the campaign of 1844, convened
in the New Court House on Wednesday evening
last, to respond to the nominations of the County
Convention, made on the afternoon of the same
day, and to give in their yearly adherence to the true
and tried principles of the Democratic Whig party.
On motion of A. W. BENEDICT, Esq., the meet
ing was organized by appointing Dr. JOHN
McCULLOCH of Petersburg, President; Jorge.
I. GRAFIUS, and JAcen GAnnzzT, Vice Presidents;
Ccorgc Wilson, William Madden, John Watson
and Jas. Clark, Secretaries.
On motion, J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., Gen. S.
Miles Green, Wm. Hutchinson, David Aurandt
George Hudson, John Crotzly, Aaron Stains, Benj.
Line. John Conrad, Esq., George Stever, Henry
Brewster, Jacob E. Barr, Brice X. Blair, Wm,
Clymane, Benj. C. Lytle, T. H. Cremer, William
Christy, John Reod and David McMurtrie, were
appointed a committee to draft a preamble and retro.
Mena expressive of the sense of the meeting.
Hon. Jonas Coorsn of Adams county, being
in town, on motion, A. IC. Cornyn, Esq., Gen. S.
Miles Greed and Dr. D. Diller, were appointed
a committee to invite that gentleman to address the
After a brief absence, the committee returned,
and introduced Mr. Conran to the meeting; who,
after receiving an enthusiastic welcome, took the
stand and addressed the assembled multitude for
two hours, in a strain of most thrilling eloquence,
which was frequently interrupted by enthusiastic
When Mr. C. concluded, the committee, through
their chairman, reported the following preamble and
resolutions, which were adopted by acclamation:
Whereas the political sky is now clouded with
gloom and despondency, betokening a season of ad
vanity and disaster to all the business classes of the
community, who confided in and have been betray
ed by James K. Polk and George M. Dallas, now
disgracing the highest offices in the Union: and
Whereas it has become the imperative duty of
every Freeman to strike a bold and effective blow
for the redress of his wrongs, and for the speedy re
demption of his country from the hands of the
spoilers. Therefore,
Resolved, That the Freemen of Huntingdon
county, (though confined to a more limited field,)
are more eager than ever to do battle for the free in
stitutions of our country, and for the measures
which are felt and known to be conducive to the
public welfare.
Resolved, That in the prostration of the Tariff
of '42—the annexation of Texas, and consequent
war—the passage of the Sub-Treasury Bill, and
other kindred measures, by the late Congress, many
of the prophetic but disregarded warnings given by
the Whigs in the campaign of 1844, have been
fully realized.
Resolved, That we submit to the careful consid ,
oration of every deceived and betrayed Locofoco in
the country the old saying, If a man cheats me
once, it is his fault-8 he cheats me again, it is my
fault ;" as it will admonish them not to listen to the
song of the siren again.
Resolved, That the Locofoco songsters of '44,
who sang
" Oh give us Polk and Dallas too,
How happy we shall be."
will soon realize the full fruition of that "blissful
happiness" which destruction of business and pe
cuniary ruin will bring upon the country.
Resolved, That the Tariff of 1846 is a British
measure, brought about by British influence, and
will benefit British subjects in the same ratio that
it will injure American citizens. " REPEAL is
the word."
Resolved, That the destruction of the Tariff of
1842 is a severe blow to the whole country, gener
ally to the North and East, and particularly to
Pennsylvania, but " the unkindest cut of all"
came front George M. Dallas, the Keystone's rec
reant son, in giving the casting vote in favor of
that law.
6. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is
To have a thankless child."
Resolved, That notwithstanding the stupendous
fraud of the Locofoco leaders and the heartless
treachery of James IC. Polk'. the BETTER Tariff
man" and his equally rascally allies, wo still fondly
cherish the principles of the Tariff of '42, and will
use all fair and honorable means to reinstate that
wholesome Tariff.
Resolved, That the late Congress annexed Texas
chiefly to secure 2 free trade Senators and 1 free
trade member of Congress to enable them to pass
the British Tariff bill and to give the slave inter
est a preponderance of power.
Resolver?, That the new Tariff Bill—the Ware
housing Bill—and the Sub-Treasury Bill, passed
by the late Congress, all have a common tendency
to establish free trade ; drain the country of all her
specie; reduce the standard of wages of labor in
this country to that of European governments ; and
to entail misery upon all the working dames in the
United States• "REPEAL is the word t"
Resolved, That GEN. SCOTT is the man for
the crisis and the man for success. The Whigs of
the country hail him as their gallant leader in the
political campaign of 1848, knowing that he will
grace the Presidential Chair as much as he now
adorns the highest military office of his country.
Resolved, That in Gen. JAMES IRVIN we
have a man of sterling integrity, undoubted ability,
unbounded popularity, and sound political prin
ciples; and his nomination for Governor in 1847
will insure the success of the Whig party by an
overwhelming majority.
Resolved, That we have full confidence in the
honesty and ability of the Hon. J OHN BLANCH
ARD, our present Representative in Congress, and
that wo w ill use all fair and honorable means to
secure his re-nomination and re-election.
Resolved, That in JAMES M. POWER the
Whigs of Pennsylvania have a candidate for Canal
Commissioner who is in every way fully qualified
for the able and faithful discharge of the duties of
that office.
Resolved, That we respond heartily to the Coun
ty Ticket formed this day, in regular Convention,
and pledge it our undivided and ardent support.—
We can and will elect it triumphantly.
Resolved, That this mooting is highly honored
by the presence of the Hon. James Cooper, the
able and eloquent champion of Whig principles, a
gentleman who has 66 done the State some service
and they know it." High honors await him.
A motion was then made that the proceedings be
published ; which was adopted, and the meeting
adjourned. [Signed by the °Pers.]
Front Hie New Orleans Tropic.
Anecdotes of the Army.
A WonNum , Honss.--For some day. after the
battle of Reaaca de la reline, there was tied to one
of Puncan's gun carriages, a horse, woundgd in the
battle. He was an object of universal interest, and
was nursed by the men of the company, to which
he belonged, with the greatest care. The animal
WBB a noble looking specimen of his kind, add
seemed to understand exactly his honortible posh
lion, it even appeared, that the other horses envied
the attention bestowed upon him. A musket
had struck him just below the eye on the aide of ihv
face, and lodged behind the jaw. The wound wrii
regularly dressed, and tied up with a white hand
kerchief, giving to the animals head a most gro
tesque appearance.
Doos IN Tel Bitnnti.—Tery many of the offi
cers attached to the Only of occupation. own remar.
kably fine dogs, principally of the pointer and setter
species. Allot the battle of the ith began and the
firing became very intense, two dogs, refnarkable
for their intelligence, appeared to listen to the con
fusion fora while with great astonishment, and then,
evidently holding a caneulteffion, they started off al
great speed for Point Isabel, being the first anivale
at that place from the battle &ea
There was a brave dog, however, to redeem the
character of the epeciee. He posted himself in
ont of one of the batteries and watching with the
intensest gravity, the appearance of the discharged
bell, would start after it at full speed, expressing
great surprise that it was out of his eight ao sudden
ly. He would then wheel round, and watch the
appearance of another ball, and then again, com
mence the chase. He thus employed himself
through the action and escaped unharmed.
WINNING ♦ &Dom—Among the Texian Ran
gers winning a saddle means taking one from a
Mexican. On the Bth when Gen. Taylor charged
with his cavalry, a Mexican officer and hose fell
upon the field. A Texian dismounted amidst the
hot haste of the charge, and in an instant dimes;
transferred the splendid saddle of the offider to his
own horse, and teft his own in the place of it, coolly
remarking that if there was any difference in value,
the Mexican might call upon him for it.
MEXICAN elitirwmase.—The immense number
of the Mexicans killed, made it impassible fdr our
soldiers, detailed for the purpose, to bury thins fast
enough, and Gen. Taylor sent over to Matamoros
for twd hundred Mexicans to assist in the bririal.—
some twenty, miserable looking wretches came
over, in obedience td the demand, who Were sent to
hunt for the bodies in the out of the way pliers.—
After being gone a long time without retnrning,
they were sent after, and found busyohaving'eff the
manes and tales of the dead horses strown about;
the hair being an article of merchandise.
A NATO kearrosn.--Lieut. Cladbourne was
killed, when in the act of taking possession of •
battery, by two lancers. A brother officer, aimed
his death, by instantly killing both of the Mexican
soldiers with his own hand.
Gen. James Irvin.
The subject of the next Gubernatorial
election has already been agitated in vari
ous portions of the State ; and among the
distinguished Whigs of Pennsylvanin na
med in connexion with the office, there is
no one who enjoys the respect and confi
dence of the People to a greater extent
than Gen. JAMES IRVIN. He is truly
a self-made man, and has by his untiring
devotion to the interests of his native State,
earned for himself a name and reputation
of which any man might well be proud.—
As an evidence of the estimation in which
he is held by those who know him best,
it is only necessary to refer to the unpre
cedented vote received by him in his own
county and district, when a candidate for
Congress. That Gen. Irvin possesses a
degree of popularity in this section of the
State, exceeding that of any other man, is
admitted by all. We said one former oc
casion, and now repeat it, that Gen. Irvin,
as the nominea of the Whig party, would
command a stronger vote, by some thou
sands, East of the Allegheny mountains,
than any other man in the Whig ranks.
But there are other equally sound and
important reasons which induce us to ad
vocate the nomination of Gen. Irvin. He
stands conspicuously among the Statesmen
of the present day as the firm and unyield
ing advocate of a PROTECTIVE TAR
IFF, the true and favorite policy of Penn
sylvania. Indeed to Gen. Irvin is to be
attributed, in a very great measure, the
passage of the beneficent Whig Tariff of
IB42—the salutary effects of which have
been felt throughout all the ramifications
of business—and which, untouched by the
vandal hands of Locofocoism, would have
covered the whole country with benefits
and blessings. No State in the Union is
more deeply interested in the Protective
plicy than Pennsylvania; and it is impor
tant, therefore, that the Executive chair
should be filled by a man whose position
upon this question is " clear and unques
tionable." And that that man is General
James Irvin, no one acquainted with the
history of his public life, can for a moment
doubt. For his untiring devotion to Penn
sylvania interests, he presents claims opois
the people to which even party prejudice
must and will yield.—Clinton Whig.
Irr Mr. Shepherd, of Philadelphia, is
making arrangements to have all his coats
manuNcturetrin Belgium. He leaves for
Paris in a few weeks and will establish an
auncy there, and will receive his ready
made clothing much cheaper than they can'
be made here. As this is a tact which
Mr. S. publicly advertises, and declares
that he is encouraged to do it under the
new Tariff, we hope our neighbors of the
Keystone and Pennsylvanian will not call
our notice of the fact an effort at Whig
panic making.— Times.