Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 12, 1846, Image 3

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    Arrival of the Hibernia.
BOSTON, August 3d, 1896.
The Hibernia was telegraphed at an
early hour this morning. She brings to
the United States the Oregon Treaty rati
fied by the British Government, under the
seal of the new Foreign Minister, Lord
This document was signed by his Lord
ship and Mr. McLane on the 17th ult. at
the Foreign Office, and afterwards convey
en for despatch by the Hibernia by his
Excellency Mr. McLane, the American
Minister Co Great Britain.
' In the House of Lords, on the I7th of
July the Marques of Lansdowne rose and
said that It was his duty to lay before their
Lordships and that House, the Treaty
which had just concluded between her Ma
jesty and the Government of the United
States in reference to the Oregon Territo
ry. He had the satisfaction of informing
their Lordships that ratifications had that
day been exchanged. . .
A similar motion was made in the House
of Commons by Lord Palmerston, who
appeared at the Bar and stated that he
had a paper to present by command of her
The new ministry has got to work, and
the business of the country is again in a
state of progression. All the members
have been• returned without Opposition ex
cept Mr. Macauly and Lord Ebington.
In every quarter a disposition exists to
give the new appointments a fair trial—
ln consequence of the excitement now
passed, the country needs repose, and
with the exception of the Sugar duties,
there is no prominent question likely to
embarrass the ministry, or test their capa
The affitirs'of this session of Parliament
will be wound' up probably by the middle
of August. The great movement to reitn.
Nurse Mr. Co!den for his loss of health
and money, is progressing apace. There
seems every chance that the hundred thou
sand pounds fixed upon as the maximum
Of the amount to be given to him, will be
Efforts will be made to raise a spl► mild
Monument to Sir Robert Peel, by means
of penny subscriptions throughout the
British empire, as an expression of the
nation's gratitude.
The proceeding in the House of Par
liament possess considerable interest.—
Lord Brougham led to the assault in the
inatter of the Judges Salaries.
Earl Gery shun ed that if blame attach.
ed to any one, it Was to the Lord himself'.
Mr. Doncombe wished to hear from the
noble Lord himself a distinct avowal of his
V \ iews on the leading topics of the day.
Lord John Russell declined this categor•
kat analyses, but while doing so, said suf
kicient to paint the morale of his future
oreeras Minister, to the principles of Free
Trade, to which he avowed his unswerving
attachment. Justice he would literally
carry out; but with respect to the kstab
fished Church in the country, the Premier
thought it imprudent to meddle in this ear
ly stage of the business.
The same evening, Lord John Russell
declared that lie would make his views
respecting the sugar duties known on Mon-
The Manufacturing districts are busy,
and confidence prevails. The season con.
tinues all that w•e could desire.
The Cotton market is firm, with good
btehdy business, and prices hate an up-
Ward tendency. The latest arrivals from
the United States show that the last crop
Will not exceed 2,100,000 bales and that
the prospects of the crops for the !present
•ear owing to the lateness of the spring,
and not particularly promising.
4 The timber trade is in a most flourish
- log condition.
Frotti the Army.
We have a little later mteligence from
the army. The steamship Fashion arrived
at New Orleans from Brazos on the 25th
ult. She brings verbal reports that there
was a geueral movement of the troops up
the Rio Grande.
Gen. Taylor remained at Matamoros,
sending troops forward as last as his means
of transporting them would allow:
Advices had arrived of the taking of Ca.
tnargo without firing a shot. When the
U. S. troops arrived at that place Carra
jabal was on the opposite side of the river
St, Juan, but offered no resistance.
Oen. Taylor had received advices by
scbuts that there were only about SOO
troops in Monterey.
The general impression was that there
would be no resistance of erect to the U.
S. troops this side of that city on account
of the quietude of the enemy.
The Impression is also gaining ground
in the army that negotiations for a peace
are in progress.
It was said that Paredes was afraid to
leave the capital on account of suspected
attempts at revolution in his:absence.
• There was a report that !Or. Lumsden,
of the Picayeue, together with his party,
had been cut olf by the Indians, but it was
not generally credited.
The volunteers were still suffering from
diarrhoea, but otherwise enjoyed good
cc? The ttiol of Gonoral GAINES id proceeding
Lefoic a Naval Court of Inquiry, at Norfolk.
The nomination of Col. PAGE, es Collector of
the Port of Philatlelphie *as confirmed by the Sen
ate on the 4th inEtant.
Washington Union in noticing the reports of,pro
pose's for peace from Mexico, &c., says :—Wo aro
not advised that any messenger has arrived from
Mexico, or that any overture has been made by hcr
to the government at Washington. What prospect
there may be for peace. and at what period it may
be effected, we cannot undertake, to conjecture;
though it lii certain that the President .wilt make
good his repeated declarations :J conclude a peace,
as soon di he can do eb coneistently with the rights . ,
of the United States. if we wish to obtain peace,
and to secure the objects of the war, we must talk
less and do . more. We most prosecute the war
with all ti e r energies. We must see our smaller .
vesselli, which draw less water, arriving on the coast
of Mexico, to which they are destined in the gulf,
to blockade the smaller ports, to seize their small
towns, shd cut off every artery of their commerce.
Tho Mei l icans must see their ports in California
seized arid occupied by our squadron and our troops.
We must strike other blows at the Mexican strong
holds, and their troops, if they will oncc more re
main in the field lo measure weapons with us.—
When Santa Fe, and Coahuila, and Monterey aro
taken, or about to be taken, by our various detach
ments, and Mexico can see nothing but commercial
distraint in her sea-coast—When she zees California
about to bo lost to her, and her strongest places in
Upper Mexico about to bo occdpied by our arms,
she may begin to calculate the costs or the War, and
to manifest a more decided disposition to make
peace with us by a direct negotiation. But, we re
peat, the beat way to secure a peace isnot by talking
too much of its attainment. We mist advance
into her country, satisfy her people by our kind
treatment that we do not go among them to plun
der their property, to abuse their religion, or to vici
late their liberties; but that so long as her govern
ment refuses us justice, war--energetic,
war—is to be the redline of her people. It is in
this way only that we are to obtain a Betided and
permanent peace.
GEN. SCOTT.--SOMO of the Canada papera are
copying with much gusto, the attacks of some of
our Locofoco papers upon Gen. Suitt. The De•
troll Advertiser says:
..These Britons bitterly remember Lundy's Lone;
Chippewa and Fort Brie, and they are delighted
to find Americans abusing and blackguarding the
heroes who there struck down tho British flog."
This may be natural enough for some of the baser
sort of Britains and renegades in Canada, though
it will be despised by tho more gallant spirits even
there; but what shall we say of men on American
soil, claiming to be Americans, within sight of some
of the most renowned fields of American valor, who
like a pack of hounds or sneaking, cowardly wolves,
attempt to hunt dawn a man whose whole life has
been consecrated to the service of his country, and
whose achievements both in war and peace, illu
mine many of the brightest pages in our nation's
history. Tho gallant soldier has been caught in
the toils of mousing wily politicians, but they may
push the matter too far. The people aro generous
as well as just.—Briffalo Corn.
Every man of sense in our ranks must see the
selfish and sordid considerations that aro now mo
ving the Whig leaders. They invite us to join
them to show our attachment to the Tariff. Have
tee riot shown it already . 1
Who doubts but that the Democracy have shown
thelr attachment to the Protective policy already?
They have shown a love for it quite as strong as
that usually exhibited by a bear, when in possession
of its victith—hugged it until the vital spark has
GEn. Scorr.—Gen. Scott has been
quite indisposed fora tew days; but has re
covered sufficiently to be abotit. The
Washington correSpoittlent of the 11. Y.
Tribune says, ..1 said some tittle ago that
the predictions and calculations he made
about the Mexican war would all turn out
tilts. I atn now certain that this will be
the case; though the General was ridiculed
by a lot of Military gr'eenliorhs, tor calcu
lations on so late an invasion of Medico,
times and facts will prove the foresight
and the wisdom of this brave and distin
guished soldier. The panders and Syco
phants or power have laughed, as they
supposed over his grave. He still Bes
in the hearts of his countrymen.
FROM rise CAMP.—We understand
says the Washington Union, that the thir
teen small steamers have ascended the Rio
Grande, and arrived at Matamoros, for the
ttansportotion of Gen. Taylor's troops;
and that four more are expected—two
from Charleston and two from Philadel.
phia. A letter from Mr. Whiting to the
Quartermaster General; in this city, has
just been teemed from Matamoros, da
ted July 17th, which says s—'One of the
boats which went up to Camargo, returned
this day. She reached there without much
difficulty—not more than is encountered
below this. The troops on board of her
took quiet possession."
THUNDER STonst.—There was a terrific
thunder storm at Chambersburg on Wed-
nesday last, during which, William Wad
dles, Esq, of Mercersburg was killed.—
Several buildings were struck by lightning,
and a number of persons were struck
down and seriously injured.
In this borough, on Thursday morning the 6th
instant, JOHN PEEBLES CARMON, (Printer)
agcd 21 years, 6 months and 25 days.
The deceased was the only son of his mother;
and she a widow." Being in delicate health ft om
early childhood, and left without tho care and pro
tection of a father, he Bras nurtured by a fond mother
like a tender plant; but that insidious destroyer,'
Consumption, preyed upon him, painting the rain
bow hues of promise and hope before him, until ho
had marked him for his own. In his feebleness,
however, the sufferer awakened to the reality of his
situation, and hurled his thoughts from the world
and its vanities, and fixed his affections upon higher
objects; and at length parted in pence, welcoming
Death with a serenity and joy, in tho comfortable
hope of the resurrection to eternal life, and the en
joyment of the blessed promises of the Gospel, in
the world beyond the grave. To his bereaved
parent and relatives and friends It is consoling to
feel that their loss is Isis gain.
August 8, 1846. 6.
On Tuesday, the 4th inst., in this.borough,.DA-
VlD L., infant son of William and Ann Snyder,
aged 5 months.
The Markets.
PHILADELPHIA, August 7, 1846.
FLoon & MEAL:•,Trices fur Flour are steady;
sales for export of sound old stock at $3,871, and
fresh ground at $4,12i a 4,25 per bbl. for good
Dreads. Rye f lour is dull at $2,75, with sales at
a sifide less. Corn Meal—Sales at $2,50 per brl.
GRAIN-Sales of prime red Wheat at 90 cts per
bushel. Corn—Sales of round at GO and flat yel
low at 58 cts. Oats—New Southern 33 as.--
Molasses and Sugar are inactive. Whiskey—Mod
erate sales at steady rates.
goes of foreign goods aro now storing under the
provisiohs of the late act of Congress; to remain
there until the let of December next, when they
will be admitted at the redtieed ditties of the new
Tariff —North American.
Atinsinisirators 7 Notlce.
Estate of JOHN KENNEDY, deed, late of
the Borough of Alexandria.
- 141iT cam?, is hereby given that Letters
111 of Administration on said Estate
have been granted to the undersigned.--
All persons knowing theinseßTA indebted
to said estate are requested to make pay
ment without delay; and those having
claims or demands against the same, are
requested tl present them properly authen
ticated, to
August tg, 1346. Administrators,
inforniiation Wanted
Mr. FREDERICK SMITH of Union town
ithip; Union county, left this place in cord
pony with the undersigned on Monday the
3rd inst. to attend the Perry County Court,
held at Bloomfield, and while thel.e he
suddenly disappeared on the fallowing
Tuesday at about 10 d'cldck in the fore
noon, and although diligent search was
imMedialelv made, n• trace whatever
could be iliicOvered of him. Mr. F.
Smith had on at the time of his disappear•
once, a blue cloth coat, stripped cotton
pantaloons, a black fut hitt. He is sixty
one years of age and somewhat feeble and
has for some time been affected with mel
ancholy. Any information concerning
him will be thankfully received. Letters
to be directed to John Smith, New Berlin,
Unitas County, Pa.
Editor Union Star.
New Berlin, Aug. 6, 1846.
Public Discussion
A public debate between the Rev. A. K. Beur.of
the Baptist Church, and the Rev. N.J. Gilmer
of the Presbyterian Church, on the subject of
Christian Baptism, will take place in Logan's Val
ley, (Antes twp.) in or near the Presbyterian
Church, commencing on Tuesday the 25th August
inst. The discussien will he confined to the follow
ing propositions, and will continuo two days, from
10 o'clock, A. M. to 3 o'clock P. M., on each pro
position. _
PROPOBITION-7'he immersion in
water of Me whole person of a proper subject, is
alone Christan Baptism.
NEGATIVE—W. J. Gibson.
"SECOND PROPOSITION—The infant of a be
liever is a fit subject of Christia Baptism."
Thu pnblle tire invited to attend.
Moderators, chosen by the agreement of the
August 12, 1841
Irn HE PaMphlet Laws of the last Session
of the Legislature of Penn'a, have
been received at my office, and aro ready
for delivery to those persons entitled to re
ceive them. JAMES STEEL, Prot'y.
Huntingdon, sth Aug, 1846.
CAMP 1113333T1NG.
MY Divine permisssiOn, a Camp Meeting
Lw&i, for Juniata Circuit, Methodist Protes
tant Church, will beheld on the old ground
at Mill Creek, 5 miles below Huntingdon,
to commence Thursday Augdst 13th, 1846.
The public generally, are invited to attend.
By order ot.Comtnittee„, •
G. W. STEPHENS, Chairmari.
iitalswitivst iroircat
vcr , OTICE is hereby given to all persons
41N1 concerned, that the following named
persons have settled their accounts in the
Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that
the said accounts will be presented for con
firmation and allowance at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for
the county at Huntingdon, on Wednesday
the 12th day of August next, viz
1 Jacob Geesy and Isaac Slippey, Admin
istrators of Canard Geesey, late of Franks
town township, deceased.
2. Sarah Summers and Jacob Summers,
Administrators of Henry Summers, late of
Hopewell township, deceased.
3. Peter Sorrick and Michael Hetrick,
Executors of the - last Will and Testament
of Nicholas Hetrick, late of Woodbury
township, deceased.
4. Isaac Slippey, Executor of the last Will
and Testament of Sarah Gcesy, late of
Fratikstown township, d:ceased.
5. Nancy Duck, Administratrix of George
DUCk, late of Woodberry township, dec'd.
6. Sarah Coulter, Administratrix ofJosesh
A. Coulter, late of Tell township, deceased.
7. Miller Ciossin, Administrator of Michael
D. Rudy, late of Antes township, deceased.
8. S. F. Henry; Administrator of Thomas
Gray, late of Alleglieny township, deceased.
- -
9. Isaac Taylor, Administrator of Batron
De Forrest, late of Tad township. deceased.
10. David Snare, Administrator of Wil•
ham Elder, late of Hopewell township,
11. William Reed, Administrator of John
Kuhn, late of Morris township, deceated.
12. John Porter, Administrator of John
Jacob Bucher, late of Porter township, de
13. JaMes Conrad, Guardian a henry T.
Cassidy and Davicl P. Cassidy, Minor ,ckil
dren of James Cassidy, late of Blair town
ship, deceased.
J(COB MILLER „Register.
BEGIsTEIt'S 01 , 1%c1;: k
Huntingdon, 10th July, ILIB.
r:ocilizdcmo u p izissacs..
_ _
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church
purpose holding a sale of useful and Fancy
Articles, the proceeds to be given in aid
of the funds of the Church.
The time of holding the Sale, Monday
10th of August, at 71 o'clock, to continue
for several days.
The place, the large upper room in the
Old Court House. Admittance 124 cents.
Huntingdon, Aug. 5, 1841
That rendet.s it in most cases unnecessary
to extract Teeth, cvcn when they become
PhURGEON DENTIST, would announce
to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Hunt
ingdon, that he has taken Rooms at the re
sidence of Mrs. elm k, where he will be
pleased to offer his professidnal setvices for a
few clays only.
He has the pleasure of saying that after
much expense and scientific research;, he
has obtained the long sought for, and riich
desired desideratum with the Dental Prd
fession, viz:
Which is a substance suitable for filling teeth
which are too far gone by decay to admit of their
being filled with gold, silver, or any other hard sub
stance. The principal advantages that this has over
all other substance is, it being of the consistency of
paste, is easily introduced into all the irregularities
of the cavities without producing the least pain,
and thbn moulded so as to give the tooth its origi
nal form, In the course of a few hours it becomes
hard like stone r and will remain firm and incorrup
tible--preventing further decay--restoring the tooth
to its lost usefulness in Masticating food.
Dr. S. has also the pleasthe of saying that he has
discovered an
. r
That will immediately allay the Most violent
tooth ache, and distroy the nerve of the tooth with
oin producing the least pain. This is also a valua
ble discovery, inasmuch as all the preparations hith
erto resorted to for the purpose of destroying the vi
tality of LIM nerve, have produced the Most excru
ciating pain for at least ten or fifteen hours. Most
of the teeth that aro usually extracted may be savr
ed by .first killing the nerve, after which they may
be filled.
. The full set of Paris instrumOnts with .vhich Di.
0. extracts teeth, has never been exceeded in per
tiet adaptation to difficult and almost hopeless cases
by thy btheFinxention.
Ariificial teeth set on pivot or gold plate from
a single tooth to full set.
Particular attention will vivo be paid to filling
with gold or silver. Teeth cleansed and polished in
a beautiful style. Terms moderate and ill oppera
tient; warranted.
0:j Patients waited upon at Iheir Houses if re
quested. Examination and advice gratis.
Premium colored Daguerreotype Likenesses, ta
ken by D. Stocking, from Boston, in the latest and
most approved style, without ergot d to weather.—
Ladies and gentleman aro respectfully invited to
call and examine the specimens. To those who
wish to engage in the business, instruction, appar
atus, plates, cases and chemicals will be furnished
on reasonable terms.
August 5, 1846.
Of Valuable Real Estate!!
MOI7 virtue of authority given in the last
Will and'! estament of James Entrekin,
Esq., deed, the undersigned Executors of
the said deed will offer at public sale the
following described Real Estate, at the
Lower Mill, as it is called, on James Creek,
near the late residence of said deceased, on
'Finney, the 25th of August, 1848,
-- - -
at 1 o'clock P: M. of said day, viz
No 1.
A tract of Land,Veingthe part of the old
Mansion tract, lying on the south side of the
Raystown branch of the Juniata River, con
taining _ _
200 Acres,
more or less, thereon erected a a two story
• Log House and a good Log Barn.
The said land ispart of two sur
veys, and most. of it is first rate
bottom land and in a tolerable state
of cultivation
No. 2.
A Tract of land, containing 100 acres,
More or less, on which is erected a
Grist Mill 4. Dwelling Rouse.
The Mill is situated on the waters of James
Creek, and is known as Entriken's Lower
Mill ; it is one of the best water powers in
that vitinity. There is about thirty acres
cleared. This is a very desirable property.
No. 3. .
tract of land adjoining the last mentioned
tract, containing 190 acres, more or less, and
principally timber land.
Also, a Tract of ridge land adjoining the last
mentioned tract, in a state of nature ; it is
well timbered and is good land, and well
calculated to make an excellent farm. It
contains 315 acres more or less.
No. 5.
Also, a Tract of land surveyed in the name
a Wm. Barrack, a part of which is clear.
ed and pretty well cultivated. There is a
tolerable house and barn erected on it—it
contains 275 acres more or less.
No. 6.
Also, a Tract of Land Containing
.90 acres,
more or less, adjoining the, last described
tract, all of which is well Withered.
Also; a Tract of Land known as the'old mill
tract, containing 200 acres more or less—ad
joining the fast mentioned tract, a part of it
cleared and there is erected on it two small
houses, and a frame 01 a new Ilath, raised
to thesquare.
No. 8:
Also; one other Traei.of Land surveyed in
the name of George Myers, containing 200
acres more or less, on which is erected a
kg house and barn; a part cleared and in a
tolerable state of cultivation.
Purchasers, wishing to examine the prop
erty are invited to call and examine the prem
ises, and any information desired can be had
by applying to Jas. Entrekin at Coffee Run.
'rhe above property will be sold free from
alt incumbrance—and the Terms will be
easy; and made known en the day. of Sale.
JAS. EN:ritEklN,
. Exr% of Jas. Entrt kin, deed.
June 24, 1846—ts.
1 100 Nr( llONDs—Judguiuni and awn
4intutt--tur :tale at this unicc,
be sold at Sale on TOES-
DAY, the Ist day of September next,
on the premises, that well known tract of
land situate in Porter township, Huntingdon
county, Pa., on the waters of the little] uniata
River, known as the property of Israel
Cryder, deed, bounded by lands of Conrad
Bucher, George Hyle, deed, and others,
containing about
r 3 8 A e 111 E S
of first rate land, about 220 acres of which
arc cleared. Thewprovenients are a large
and commodious tt'vii story dwel
ling liaise, and good stone barn,
litof a large Also, it.*agon
shed • and other out
•l'he property alSo con- ~ A 04,,
tains two large Men/tans of Fruit .fir
Trees, and a FIRST-RATE CIDER Pf
MILL, and several springs of ex- . -
cellent LIMETSONE WATER. Ther aso
erected on the same property a Woolen
F: story or Pulling Mill, with all the neces
sary implements, which said Factory, to
gether with about 25 acres of land 4djoining
the. same, will be sold separate. froth .the
other property, and the brlance will be sold
to suit Purchasers.
The terms will be made known on the day
of the sale by the undersigned, residing on
said property.
Surviving Ex'r of load Cryder, dec'd.
June 27, 1846.—t5.
.7C:;b l ;2-U'Clt3l._.
At a Court of Common Pleas, held at Hun
tingdon, in and for said county, on the sec
ond Monday of April, A. D. 1845. 11efore
the Judges thereof:
On the Petition at the instance of William
Hammond, the Court grant a rule on Tho
mas H. Stevens, late of the town of Urbana,
in the State of Ohio, dec'd, and his Repre
sentatives and all other persons interested,
to come into said Court, on the second Mon
day of August next, and slim cause it any
they have, why satisfaction should not be
entered on a certain Mortgage Recorded in
Record Book Z, page 834, of said c9iin'l , ,
given by said Wm. Hammond to the said
Thomas H. Stevens, to secure the payment
of the remains therein mentioned, which
said monies the said Wm. Hammond all, ges
!Wm all been paid.
All persons interested will take notice
dr the foregoing Rule. .
Sheriff's O ffi ce, July 15, 1846.—t1t.
II P: V/ MT oi niM,
ho Wants Great Bargains?'
Di. Wm; Swoope ,
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, that he has latelj , Te
turned from the city of Philadelphia with
an entire NEW Si' OCK of Goods, which
he offers for sale a few doors east of the new
Presbyterian Church and directly opposite
the residence of Mrs. Allison, Main street.
He is fully determined to
than any establishment in Huntingdon, or
further, than any in Huntingdon county.—
The stock consists of a general assortment
DRY -GOODS • such as
Broad Cloths of various colours; Cassimeres
single and double milled a good as
sortment of Vestings , Sattinettes
and Flannels; all descriptions of
Woollen & Slimmer goods;
consisting in part, of
Silks, Lawns,.
Shawls, Ginkhams, •
Calicoes, Balsarines, Bal.
sarine Lawns, Gingham Lawns,
Hosiery, Muslin, Suspenders, Rib
bons, Linens, Checks, Tickings, Sun
shades, Parasols, Summer Goods, for men
and boy's wear ; Also, a carefully select
ed assortment of Queensware, and
Composed of Iron, Steel, Saws, Scythes,
Sickles, Hammers, Axes, Nails, Traces,
Shovels, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Knives &
Forks, Shovels & Tungs, Looking Glasses,
etc., etc. ALSO,
Groceries : Such as Coffee, Sugar,Teas,
Tobacco, Oils, (fish and Sperm,) olasses
of different qualities, Fish, &c. &c,
rpAll articles kept at this store will be
disposed of on very reasonable terms for
CASH, or in exchange for all kinds of coun
try produce. . , ,
fie hopes that persons before purcha
sing elsewhere, will give him a call.
Huntingdon, 27,1846.
In Texico, Mexico, and Origonico!
Latest arrivals of Spring and
Summer Goods,
At the Cheap Cash Store of
Directly opposite Wallace's hotel, Hunt
ingdon, Penn's.
A Splendid assortment of LADIES' and GEN
Consisting in part of CLOTH of every des-
Cassimeres; Vestings, Satinetts,
Sheetings, TiCkings, Linens,
Checks, Gingham?, Calicoes,
Lawns, Gingham Lawns,
Balsarine Lawns, Shawls, Hosie
ry, Ribbons, Suspenders, Table
Diapers, 4.c. Also, Groceo
ries and Qneensteare, ,
In short everything that is necessary for the
wants of the public. As his stock has be en
selected with an eye single to the interests
of the community, persons would do well to
call and examing his stock before purchasing
elsewhere. Tljanktul for past favors, he
stillhopes to receive a liberal share of public
pa,con age.
. li.—lle would wish tube distinctly un
derstood, that ,he can sell a little cheaper
than any store .up town. All you have to do
to satisfy yourselves of this tact is to give us
All kinds of marketing, such as Butter,
Eggs, Bacon, Won% Rags, tkc.; taken in
ei'lliange for goods.
May 27, l'Ac.
The Centria Raft Road
TpS a thing as yet existing only in men's
imaginations, but the late arrival at
NEFF'S confectionary, of the finest assort
ment of
Fruits, CandieN, `Ltc.,
ever received in Huntingdon, ts.a reality that
can't be contradicted., Here you can . buy
candies of every description, Nuts, water,
soda, sweet and butter Crackers,, bunch
Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Oranges Lemons,
sarsaparilla and lemon Syrup Cigars of all
qualities; Scoth Herring and ITV Cheese,
and in short all articles usuallykept in an
establishment of this kind. Rossell's cele
always on hatitt during the sumsner. • Lem
onade made in such a style that whoever
drinks once, will never think of cabin else
where for this delicious beverage. The
foyers of
can always be accommodated with the very
best that can be made, and parties supplied
upon the shurtest notice.
The citsit principle is strictly adhered
to; therefore I will sell, CAN SELL, and DO
SELL CHEAPER than any ; other establish
ment in Huntingdon, o; 0. further" than any
in Huntingdon county. Let those who doubt
call and see;
gj' Don't forget the place :—One Door
cast of the Exchange Hotel, Market Square.
Huntingdon, July 8, 1848.
OSEPH FORREST,, begs leave to
tl announce to his friends and the iptib
lie; that he has . removed to Petersburg,
having litirchaaed the well known Tavern
Stand, formerly kept by j,ohn
dec'd, which he has fitted up to the best
style, and re opened as a
He is therefore prepared to give the best
accommodation. to all who may .favor
hini with th*pir citswo: lt,ls the deter
mination of the preprietor to keel such a
housees win teniF:r every satiifaCtiOn to
the public. His
Will at All. times be furnished with all thq
delicacies of the season. Bull-frogs will
be served up at any time when desired; as
well as flesh fish of every kind.
UnextEr. .
will be furnished with the choicest liquors
procurable in the Eastern markets, and
L F .act3 Imaeauzaatiago
Is large and commodious, and will con
stantly be attended by careful and obli
ging hostleA7s... . • , . ,
This Hotel is situated about six miles
from the town of Huntingdon, on. ,tho
main road from Huntingdon to
and on the nearest routo from Alexandria
to Lewistown.
(j Permanent and transient boarders
can at all times be accommodated on the
most reasonable terms. , .
Petersburg, April 29, 1846—tf.
Steani TOrmihig Shop
THE subscribers having entered into Co.
partnership, under the Firm of John and
W. R. Baker, in eat rying on the Steam Tur
ning Shop and Lath Mill in Alexandria,
would respectfully inform their friends and
the public generally, that they are now pre
pared to do all manner of turning in wood,
also, Iron Shafts from 10 to 700 lbs. Cabinet
Makers can be supplied with all kihds of
turning. Chairmakers by sending their
pastel ns can be supplied with Chair Bottoms,
Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagonm; kers
by, sending their patterns can be supplied
With. Hubs, and fellows, of any size and
thicknesi and. whatei , er wood they choose—
plastering lath furnished at tho shortest no
tice, and all at the lowest market pribes.:—
Persons at a distance wishing to itirniSh
their own stuff, can have it hauled away
and delivered without extra charge.
Alexandria, Jan. 28, 1846-tf,
No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg.
- -
THE subscriber respectfully intorms the
citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring
counties, that lie still continues to carry on
the above biiSinesi in all its branches, all of
the best quality, and as low as can be bought
anywhere, for Cash. •
His stock 'consists partly of Sole Leather,
Uer Leather, Calf Skins, waterproof
Kip, Harness Bridle;' &c. &c.
Men's Morocco, Women's
Straights, Kid, Bindings;
Linings, &c. Lkic. • ,
. .
Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, sparables,
glass-paper,boot-cord,,bristle,s, boot weh,
cork soles acers, awl blades, knives, ham
mers; awl hafts, ornshes, colts, slick bones,
flies, rasps, Instep leather,breaks and keys,
Jiggers, shoulder irons, hoe keys, sean l / 4 -
sets, strip awls, welt keys, Tench wherS,
heel slickers; shank wheels, collis, shoul
der sticks; long sticks, measure straps, nip
pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gouges,
pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c.
&c., and everything else in his line of busi
ness. Call and see before buying elsewhere.
Feb. 11,1846.
Bolling Cloths.
TiHE subscribers have just received .a
• large and general assortment of BoL-
TiNG CLOTHS, from the , most approved
Manufactories, which they will sell - low for
cash, and warrant to answer the purpose.
county, May 6, 1846.
pTERSONS wishing ta purcbaSe,any kind
QC - of Wool,Lui f ouiis„ Will find that
they can be had at very reduced prices, at
almost cost, at the Cheap Cash Store of
Huntingdon, March 11, 1846.
largo aupply of JUSTICES' BLANKS, on,
Wei superior paper, just printed, and for Nati if
titia office.