Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, August 12, 1846, Image 1

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    tir\Tl\ AiAt
gaming Stinopaper—Thuotcri to Gout al littattscucr, 3biuttioing, Volttico, littcrAWL - c, Ateralith, art', s;ciencen,Martrulturr, Mmustmetit, Sze.
V7collo 4ZMZI a ZZ9'ea),. acE).
The"Jovitx.u." will lie published every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
. .
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all dr
rearages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for. $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement ism be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
ory V. 8. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act
as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Bald
more and Boston.
Philadelphia—Number 59 Pine street.
Baltimore. -S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal-
vert streets.
New York—Number 180 Nassau street,
Boston—Number 16 State street.
The Infalliable Remedy.
For Rheumatism, Spinal Itffectrons, Con
tracttons of the Muscles, Sore Throat
and Quinsy, Issues, Old Ulcers, Pains
in the Breast and Chest, Ague in the
Breast and Face, Tooth Ache, Sprains,
Bruises, bald Rheum, Burns, Frosted
Feet, and all Neroous diseases.
THE following certificate of the rest°.
ration to health and the perfect cure
of a deformed and crippled child, who was
thought to be beyond t'te reach of hope,
shows that, no matter holy appalling
the case may be, there is a l'emedy in
HUNT'S LINIMENT, that will conquer
the most desperate cases, and that, if the
disease be curable,this cerebrated external
remedy will do it. It has never tailed in
giving immediate releif if timely applied,as
proved by the abundance of high and un
impeachable testimony, the partictilars of
which are to be found in the pamphlets
Which are to be had of every agent.
Ossinsing, June 10, 1845.
GEORGE F. STANTON, Esc.—Sir—l feel
called upon by the tie of gratitude, to otter
the ful!owing testimony in favor of Hunt's
Liniment- My grandson, Clarke E.
Evans, who is now ten years of age, has
been for the last eight years a cripple, caus
ed by falling from a chair when he was two
years old, and wrenching his spine. From
the time of the occurrence, we have tried
every means to restore him to his natural
Shape, but all without avail. We took hint
to New York and placed him under the
tare of a physician of skill, and after re•
rosining there some time, we brought him
home no better than when we took him
there. For several days at times he was
so helpless that he mid only walk by plac
ing his hands upon his knees for support,
giving him the appearance of a deformed
hunchback. Ile:was also taken to Newburg
and prescribed fur without any better suc
cess. At times lie would be strong enough
to go out doors, but atter playing an hour
would come in perfectly exhausted, and for
1 severest days would be again perfectly help.
less: %Fe had lost all hope of ever again
seeing him restored to his natural strengh or
ahape—but a kind Providence placed your
external remedy in my bands. I have
used four bottles, and 1 am rejoiced to say
that the boy is now as straight and strong
as any boy of his age. Any of my neigh.
hors will testefy to the truth of this state
ment. I take sincere pleasure in stating
these facts for the benefit of those who are
sullisring under the like calamity.
Yours, respectfully,
This is to certify, That I sin person
ally acquainted with the subscriber, Mrs.
Shute, as well as the boy alluded to. and
frankly bear witness to the deformity of
which he was seriously afflicted, aparenily
for lite.—[toted Sing. Sing, June 9, 1845.
Justice of the Peace.
0z particulars of cures, see the err
itficate accommpanying each bottle.
HOADLY,. PUMPS 4. CO., 142 Wa
ter street, wholesale Agents. Orders ad
'dressed to them, or to the proprietor,
Sin-Sing, will be attended in.
Dated March 19, 1846.
For sale by Thomas Read Son, Hun
tingdon, and the principal Stores and
'Druggists throughout the country.
July 15, 1846.
Huntingdon, Pa.
TTO R.l E 1r air Zia INS
Will attend with promptnese and fidelity to all
, business with which he may be entrusted in Hun
tingdon or the adjoining counties.
His office is the one formerly occupied by James
Steel, Esq., nearly opposite Jackson's Hotel.
Huntington March 11, 1846.
Wm OWN BRIG= matt
Give me the home of my childhood's hours,
Where I wandered gay and free;
Let others roam o'er the dancing foam,
My home, my borne for me.
VW wandered far from that much lov'd spa,
'Mid stranger licence to dwell,
i3ut hoiv I love my native grove,
Yet tears of absence tell.
'Tie there the robbin builds her nest,
'Tis there the wild fowls play,
'Tie there I've oft retired to rest
Fatigued, at the close of day.
The flowery fields, the forest deli,
The cave, and the old oak tree;
The little brook, the time-worn well,
Are all most dear to me.
I've Walked the palaces of pride,
Where the beams of beauty shine,
Have sought in pleasure my grief to hide *
And quaffed the rudy wine.
But I never have gazed on a scene no cleat,
As the home my youth can be,
From all I turn as gloomy and drear,
When compared to my home to me.
'Tie there my father dwelt of yore,
'Tie there my friend. remain,
'Tie there they are buried who once I loved,
And never shall see again.
Give me the home of my childhood's hours,
The forest, the meadows, the lea,
Tho' others may roam o'er the dancing foam,
My own bright home for me.
Front the Ohio Casket.
Twilight •serene, I love thy hour
Of calm repose, of tranquil rest,
When no dark cloud is seen to lower
Around the bright horizon's crest.
love to watch the that faint gleam
Of other stars, although less bright,
As one by ono they fain would seem
TO eclipse that one, with lesser light.
love the hour when Nature seems
So sweetly to embrace repose,
When Life with *inny brightness beams,
And naught retitinds me of its woes.
love to sit stone and geie
Till the last ray of light's exibtet,
Till long have fled the Sun's bright ray—
It is the hour I love to titian.
'Tin then, on other &Ye and pears,
bn scenes and visions long since flown,
rood Memory lingers—e'en though teeth
Beret forth at thobght of hopes crerthilign.
THE Eximoiiioil or porn
Foreign Correspondence of the toston Atids.
Rome, June ID, 1840.
The nine days' funeral honors rendered to the
deemed Pope were concluded on the lath by a
Latin eulogy, delivered by 13ishop Rosani. Tour
days previous, the body had been removed to thii
vaults, and a magnificent temporary mausoleum
erected in the centre of St. Peters directly under
the dome. It was at least forty feet high, and en
difTernnt gradations were scores of lighted wax can
dles, paintings representing the principal events of
his life, and statues emblematical of what it should
have been, for Temperance and Justice had promi
nent places. On the sides were Latin inscriptions,
that towards the door reading thus:
I.APEATI. ry nuco
ISTA . rwsznitA .
Meanwhile a large body of workmen had put up
a board fence, at least fifteen feet high, around the
apartments in the Quirinal Palace, to be occupied
by the Electoral College of Cardinals, and built up
the outside windows with bricks and mortar, su as to
effectually prevent all communication. The 14th
was cold and rainy, yet a large concourse assembled
at the church of St. Sylvester to see fifty-one Car
dinals start in proem Bien, proceeded by the papal
crucifix, and escorted by a large military force, all
the clergy chanting the anthem Vent, Creator.
After they had taken possession of the apartments
destined to be their prison until after the election
was consummated, the diplomatic corps were ad
mitted to make their foul communications. and it
is trait! that Count Rossi declared, in the name of
his master Louis Philippe, that the French Gov
ernment would in no care use their veto, for they
were powerful enough not to require it; but at the
same than he impressed upon the minds of the
Cardinals the troubled elate of Italy, and warned
them that an unwise choice tnight call in the Aus
trian and French troops. At ten o'clock a bell
was rung as a signal of departure; at half past ten
the muster of ceremonies walked through the corri
dors, warning all of who remained, with atm
omnes, and at eleven the door was closed, the keys
being in the possession of the meridian of the con
clave, commanding a guard of 2,000 men.
The provisions of the imprisoned Elector. were
carried to the door, end passed in by a revolving
(Rawer after having been thoroughly etamined, for
fear they might contain some information. All an
ticipated a sitting of at lessen fortnight; but on the
everting of Monday a signal was given Within, to
the guard and loungers in the ante-room, slghifying
that en election had been completed, while the re
volving drawer brought out a suit of the fortunate
candidate's clothes, that his pontifical robes might
be prepared. Now, as all the Cardinals wore the
same dress, the only clue was the size; the shoo
was very small—it was recollected that Cardinal
Gizzi had a tiny foot, and in an hour all Rome knew
that be was Pope, while couriers left to carry the
news to his family.
But there were other Cardinale who had small
feet, and one of them, the Bishop of Imola, had re
received a majority, after several ballottinge. The
heads of the various orders went to hie seat, and the
oldest asked, Acceptananc electionern de to can-
URTUrfEi" , a l l - 3 1, MM1 1 .726 M.stai&ll:lo:34. atia--ams.
hirice factam in sammunt pontificem !" ac
cept" was the reply, and instantaneously the cano
pies over the chairs of the other, I 'ordinals fell by
machinery, that of the Pope alone remaining. lie
selected the name of Pies IX,and was the yoimg
est Cardinal in the college, having been born in '
1792, at Sinigalik hear Ancona. where he was
christened Johan Maria Mani Ferretti. Inheriting
the title of Count With a handsome fortune, he was
one of the most fashionable young men at Rome;
but, when about twenty-one, was disappointed In
a love affair and took orders. He was placed over
the Tata Giovanni, a charitable hospital folinded
by a master mason fee the.tlestitute members of his
craft, and in the reign of Pius VII. sent on auditor
of the Papal Legation to Chili, being the only Car
dinal living who has been on the American conti
nent. Roaming, he was placed at the head of the
largest hospital in Rome, in 18'..7, received the mi
tre, and in 1832 was transferred to the 13ishoprie of
Imola. He was named Cardinal in 1840, and I
must say that I haVe not heard a whisper against
his character.
Ott the morning of the 16th the piaci
.of the
tauirmal was literally pecked with people, watching
the centre Walled-tip window which looked out
upon the balcony. About half past nine it was
knocked down from within, and Cardinal RIAltlO
Bronze, coming to the front of the balcony. said in
• loud ipice:--a Annunlio vobis gaudium mar
num ; Papatii habemus emittentissimum ac rev
irendisiiinuM dominant MAST., gui sibi impo
suit nomeri Pico Morena " Stepping One aide,
the Pops appeared in bi pontifical robes, resplend;.
ent with embroidery, borne in ti chair on men's
ishouldere. The tiara was on his head, and behind ,
him two attendants, carrying the fiabelli, or pee•
cockt.feather fans. When he had arrived at the
front of the balcony, he rose up, stretched both his
arms, which until then were crossed upon his breast,
and uttered a prayer, of which the billowing trans
lotion was made by an American prelate:
a May the holy apostles Petet and Paul, in whose
power and authority we place confidence, intercede
for us with the Lord. We ask, through the pray•
era and merits of the blessed Mary, ever virgin, of
the blessed John the Baptist, of the blessed altos=
ties, and all the saints, that the Almighty God may
have mercy upon you, and that, all your stns being
forgiven, Jesus Christ would bring you to eternal
life. May the almighty and merciful Lord bestow
upon you indulgence, absolution, and remission of
all your sins, opportunity of true and faithful re
pentance, hearts ever penitent and amendment of
life, grace, and consolation of the Holy Ghost, and
final perseverance of good works."
a He then extended his right hand in front and
on either side, making the sign of the cross, after
the mention of each of the Trinity, as he continued
a And may the blessing of Almighty God, Father,
t Son. j - and Holy Ghost, t descend upon you and
remain forever. Amen."
The kneeling crowd received this benediction
with a reverential awe that actually imparted itself
to the spectators, and, take it altogether, it was as
solemn a sight as I recollect to have witnessed.
borrespontlenco of the Daily Chronicle,
. Mimosa iie Tns titsvial: AT kinftlYiATT.-
A correspondent at Cincinnati fuinislies us with
the following partictilara of this cold blooded mur
CINCINiIATI, Onto, July 29,th 1846.
boi. Alexander:—The Peoples' Pheatre lost
night was the scene of one of the most bloody and
premeditated murders on record. Jack Reeves, the
prompter, was stabbed throUgh the heart by yciung
Cook, who Married Miss Carnahan, the danietisii:
It appears Miss Carnahan, or rather Mrs. Cook,
(who is considered as accessory to the murder) had
interfered with Mr. Reeves several tithes at nicht
by crowding the "prompt side of the stage."—
Reeves repeatedly requested her to Rave, and lastly
he said that if ehe did not, he would slap her face.
She complained to her husband, and yesterday Cook
told the managers they must get another prompter
in Reeves' place, as they would not have him to
morrow, for. by G—d he intended to kill him that
night. This remark was not nonce& and last
night when the first piece was over, Cook went
from the box office into the Theatre and made the
attack on Reeves with a large knife. Reeves in de
fending himself had his hand severely cut; finally
Cook stabbed him through the heart; Reeves ex
dial thing "1 am murdered," the only words he uttered
after the blow. Seine ohe told Mrs. Cook her h.-
band had killed Reeves—she screamed fire,"
which alarmed the audience. Cook rushed into
the box oilier,, where Smith and Meatayer were
counting the money. Smith said, Cook, what's
the matter l' Cook replied, fire!' fire!' Smith ,
gathered up all the paper money ma left the office;
Cook collected all the specie, left the office and ran
home, changed all bin clothes, his bloody shirt he '
placed inside of a pillow slip, which as he went Obi
ha dropt into a tub of water in the 'dill. Ile is not ,
apprehended as yet. The Mayor's Proclamation
is issued, and the police are in pursuit. Great ex ,
citement prevails t it le morning. What effect it will
have on the Theatre is not known. The body of '
the unfortunate Reeves to laid out on the stage, and
will be removed into Shire's dwelling when it is
placed in the cofEin, to be interred at 3 o'clock this
afternoon, in the Catholic ground, No perform
once at the garden to-night.
TEE LAFIT Murata STORY.--The following an
ecdote from the Knickerbocker will do immediately
after dinner
A matte► of fact old gentleman in New Eng
land, whose wife was a thorough Destructionist"
was awakened out of his sleep by his poasesred rib,
one stormy March night, with—
„Husband! did you hear that noise? It's Ga
briel a coding it'd the sound of hie chariot
wheels I"
Oh, pshavr, yon old fool !" replied the good
man, "do you s'pose Gabriel is euch an ass as to
come on wheels in such good sleighing as this'l—
-1 tell you that it's the wind—turn over and go to
Bill Dean-An Army story
tiendall of the Picnyuno, who has recently joined
the Texas Rangers, writes the folloWing good one"
from Matamoros
MATAMORAS, June 13, 1846.
Ravi nags may be found among the Texas Vol
uuteers, yet the funniest fellow of all is a happy
go-lucky chap named Bill Dean, one of Cheavel•
liar's spy company, and said to be one of the best
"seven up players . ' in all Texas. While at Cor
pus Christi, a lot of us were sitting out in the stoop
of the Kinney House, early one morning, whoa
along carne Bill Dean. He did not know a single
soul in the crowd, although he knew we were all
bound for the Rio Grande: yet the fact that the
regular formalities of an introduction had not been
gone through with. did not prevent his slopping
slicirt in his walk and accosting us. His speech or
harrangce, or ivhatevcr it may bo termed, will lose
much in the telling, yet I will endeavor to put it
upon paper in as good shape as possible. "Oh,
yes," said he, With a knowing leer of the eye, "oh
yes, all gain' down among the robbers en the Rio
Grande, are you ? Fine times you'll have over the
left. I're been there myself, and done what a good
many of you won't do—l coma back; Mit if I
didn't see nateral h—ll—in August at that—l am
a tea pot. Lived eight days on one poor haWk
and three blackberries—couldn't kill a prairie rat
On the whole route to save us froM starvation.—
The ninth day cone, and we Struck e. emnll strealt
of good luck—a horse gi've out and broke down,
plump cut in the centre of an open prairie—not n
stick in sight big enough to tickle a rattle snafu,
with, let alone killing hint. Just had time to cave
the critter by shootin' hint, and that was all, for in
three minutes longer he would have died a natural
death. It didn't take us long to butcher him, nor
long to cut off some chunks of meat and stick 'cm
on our ramrods, but the cookie' was another mat
ter. I piled up a heap of prairie grass, for it was
high and dry, and sot it on fire, but it flashed up
like powder and went as quick.
a But," put in one of his hearers, "but how did
you cook your horse meat after that 7"
°How V'
4, Yea how ?"
Why, the fire caught the high grass close by
and the wind carried the flames streaking across
the prairie. I followed up the fire holding my
chunk of meat directly ovet the hottest part of the
blaze, and the way we went it was a caution to any
thing short of a locomotive's (loin's. Once in a
While a little flurry of wind would cone along, and
the fire would get a few yards the start; but I'd
brush upon her, lap her with my chunk, And then
we'd have it again, nip and tuck. You never seed
such a tight race—it was beautiful, '
gg Very well," we've no doubt," ejaculated one
of the listenerri, interrupting the mad wag just in
season to give him a little breath: g' but did you
cook your meat in the end?"
gg Xot bad I didn't. I chased tire d—d fire
d mile dtid a half, the almightiest hard race you
over licet'd tell on, nod never gave it up until I run
her right plump into a wet marsh: there the fire
and chunk of horse meat came out even—a dead
heat, especially the meet."
But wasn't it cooked?" put in another of the
" Cooked !no l—just crusted over a little. Yoe'.
don't cook broken down horse•flcsh very easily, no
bow ; but when it comes to chasin' up a prairie fire
witha chunk of it, I don't know which is toughest,
the meat or the job. You would have laughed to
split yourself to have seen nie in that race—to see
the fire leave me at times, and then to see fife a
brushin' up on her agin, humpin' and rimiin' my
self as though I was runnin' agin some of these big
ten mile an hour Gildersleeves in the old States.—
But I'm a going over to Jack Haynes' to get a cock
tail and some breakfast—l'll see yon all down
among the robbers on the Thu Grande."
And so saying. Bill Dean stalked oil: I Haw the
chap this morning in front of n Mexican fundu,
trying to talk Spanish with a Creascroind endeavor-
in 4 to convince him that he was a " d—d reb
i!or." Such is one of Dill Dean's stories—if I
could only make it as effective on paper us he did
telling, it would draw a laugh from those fond of
the ludlcrons.
POVA.Td OP :JOLT tv Doves, N. 11.—The Dover
Enquirer, in a notice of the festivities of the Fourth
I of July, lit that town, has the following:
"'r he exercises at the grove closed at abunt three
o'clock and we then thought that the people would
be content to rest till the time for the display of fire
works should arrive. Not so, however, far Some
lovers of fur. had a dvertised that a greased pig
would be let into a ring on Franklin Square, and
that if any man would catch the pig, shoulder him,
and carry him from the ring he should have the
porker, and the thanks of a generous community
for his pains. Of course we went to the pig race,
and found the Square densely crowded with people,
and every window commanding a view of the street
was filled with rosy faces. In a few urinates the
pig was led forth--not a young, sticking pig, as we
in our ignorance had supposed, but an ancient hog
of the feminine gender, apparently "the mother of
many children." Many attempted to shoulder her
hat nearly all gave up the attempt after being well
covered with grease. Piggy trotted round in tri
umph for an hour or so, but at last a man making
a desperate effort, shouldered her anti left the ring
covered with pork grease and glory,"
tours, U.
irwrontr.s.—Mr. WeLeh, the Paris correspondent
of the National Intelligencer, speaking of the effect
of Gen. Taylor's victories, soya:
" Before the end of the sitting of the Depteie4
en the 17th inst., two eminent members of the
Chamber (of the opposition.) went to Versailles,
whore I then was, to congratulate me on the Rio
Grande occurrences, and to describe the effect of
the intelligence on the Chamber. Lively satisfac
tion pervaded the issentbly; most of the Conserv
atives even betrayed that feeling ; Mr. (iuizot, two
of the colleagues, and a few of his party, the near
est and most devoted, were alone ehap.fallen; their
disconcertion served to amuse the rest. It was ad
ded by my visitors that should war between the U.
States and I:lngle:id ensue, twenty thousand French
volunteers, under the command of experienced
officers, would at once endeavor to reach your
shores for the purpose of joining in the inters., ion
of Canada. This does not pass from no en an in
citement to war, which I deprecate as much as any,
under the proper reservco of honor and right; but
it is meant as evidence of the disposition of the
French in general. They are far from being rec
onciled to the British. With a few exceptions, I
have not, in my lung and various intercOuree With
Frenchmen encountered any ore entertaining for
the British, as a nation, other isoutiments. Veteran
officers of the garrison of Versailles, with whom I
have chatted at the reading room, which t frequetit
there, on the operations of Gen. Taylor, pronounce
the most flattering judgment in respect to boldness;
chill, and the entire professional process,"
A Goon ONT..—Son:e time since, two or three
young gentlemen of —, called upon a Mr. D.
who preps red Mt Egg Nog for his friends, and they
all drank pretty freely. Mrs. D., a very amiable
lady, becoming somewhat displeased retired.
At length Mr. D. lighted his friends to bed—he
was, however, unwilling to go to bed himself for
felt a little unsteady, and recollecting that some ono
had said, 4 ' to drink sweet milk will destroy the
effect of spirits,"—he stepped to the room door, and
inquired of his wife if there was any milk in the
There is some on 03c, table," she replied.
He examined, but could clod nono; returning to
the doer, he said,
Mary, oh, Mary, didn't you sa!, , there was some
milk here 1"
41 Yea, there is some on the table."
After a second unsuccessful search he went to
the room door and said,
Mary, my dear, is that Milk in any thing, cr Is
it just lying loose ?"
Humble Lire
There is a hapiness in humble life:—
who can doubt it ? The man owns
but a few acres Of land and raises an abun
dance to supply the necessary wants of his
family heed ask for nothing more: 11 he
is satisfied with his condition (and there
are thousands so situated who are,) then
no thawi3 store happy. No political 'nave
ment disturbs his repitse, no Speculating
mania chases the balm serenity from his
st:hising in the Church throw
shadows ',sleuth the golden sky, Hie
family is the world to him. Who 6;05
not for such a life of talmsesi t.n sereni
ty? Athid o.le cares and anxiety of busi•
ness, whit would not exchange hiS pros
pects and Lis honors for the repose of him
who if happy and contented on his spot of
ground far from the noise . and bustle of a
city lile? 11 there is a situation congenial
to the true spirit id man, and the growth
of virtue, it is amid the rejoicings of na
ture--in the calm retirement et rural life.
Portland Tribune-
Death of Sersnly
,five Oregon Erni.
g (Lat.— -We learn from the St. I.ouis Re
publican, that the St. Joseph's party, f &hi
igrauts for Oregon, who lelt in 1845, en
dured great hardship on their tedious
journey, being out forty (lays more than
usual. They lost 75 of their number by
death. They were often fir days without
water, and short of pro, i.ions, which
brought on as hat is called the "camp le
Me. JUDGRLtiNdi —On the 10th inst:
about forty ladies of the village of Utica,
Michigan, secretly assembled, proceeded
to a bowling alley, armed with axes, hatch
ets, hammers, &c., and completely demol•
irked it. They hail viewed, this insidious
lire td their domestic peace for some time,
with an anxious and jealutts eye; and hay
ing waited in vain for some legal proceed.
ings against it, determined for once to take
the law into their own hands. They went
at it with touch spirit and energy—hack
ed the bed itf the alley--tore down the
walls—raised the i•nof to the ground, and
finished with trampling upon and breaking
to peices the roof. Tile Wilding was eigh
ty feet long, and this work of destruction
was accomplished in little less than an
hour: We wonder• if the husbands of
these lathes knew they were out ?—Sat.
Eve. Pest.
bcatists.— A. letter writer from Mate
morals suggest, that Dentists visits the
fields of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Pal
ma, for the very fine teeth of the Mexican
dead. Who but a Yankee would have
ever though vi such a creculdlion?
`ZOZOIIa ar, a as. 4 s2ID. elo€ls CL)
Improve Your Fruit
livrovirrn.—This is an important, though
very simple operation in the, busines of
tree growing. It is mush less understood,
throughout the country; than grafting,
though easier performer!. Every person
engaged; inure or less, lit the culture of
trees for fruit or Ornament, should, know
how to insert a bud. , It is more applica
ble tti the propagation of all stone fruit.
•than grafting ; it cant be performed too, on
stnaller, stocks, and as a general thing,
makes liner trees. , ,
Muds (if rare, scarce trees, can be more
easily procured than grafts, and can be as
easily transmitted from one place to an
other, and particularly now that Espresses
I:.e in operation in every direction. Fur
the benefit of those,whoimve let to learn,
we give (I.e ((Mowing directions and illus
trations from "Downing's Fruit and Fruit
Trees of America."
The proper season for bpddini fruit
trees, in this country, : from the first of
July to the first of 90,)tember ; the difftr.
ent trees coming into season as fullows
Plums, Cherries, ApriA,ots on,Piums, Ap.
ricots, Pears, Apples, Quinces.Vectarines
and Peaches. Trees of considerable size
will re'rluire budding earlier than young
seedling stocks. But the operation is, al,
ways and oily, performed when the
of Ike stock p freely from the wood,
and when the buds of the current. year's
growth are somewhat plump, and the
young wood is growing firm. young
stocks in the nursery, if thrifty, are usual
ly planted nut in rows in the spring, and
budded in the same summer or autumn.
Before commencing. you should prt►vide
yourself with a budding knife ah►ut 1#
inches long having a rounded blade at one
end, and an ivory handle terminal ing in a
thin rounded edge called the liaft, at the
In choosing your buds, select thrifty
shoots that have, nearly done growing, and
prepare what is called a slick of buds by
cuttin g elf a few of the imperfect I4da at
the lower, and as miy yet bc too soft
at the upper ends, leavilig . only smooth
well-developed single 1.'0,13; double bus 6
being fruit buds. Cut off the leaves allow
ing about half an inch of the foot-stalks to
remain for conveniently inserting the buds.
Some strands of bass matting
_about tSI or
1-i inches Log, previously soaked in water
to render them stilt and pliable, (or its the
absence of these ion woollen yatn.) must
also be at hand for tying the buds.
Shield or 1' budding is the most ipproi•
ed mode in all countries. A new variety
of this method now generally practiced its
this country, are shall describe first, as be
ing the simplest and best mode for frt.if
American Shield Budding.--1 - laying
your stick of buds ready, choose a,smootb
portion of the stock. When the latter is
small, let it be near the ground, and if
equally convenient, select also. the north
side of the stock, as less exposed.. to the
sun. Make an uptight incision in the bark
from ar, inch to an inch and a halt Jong,
and at the top of this make a cross cut, so
that the whole shall form aT. From the
Stick of buds, your knife being very ,sharp,
cut a thin, smooth slice of wood and bark
cCutatoir, a bud. With.the ivory halt
. 4)1
your bud ding knife now raise the bark on
each side of the incision just wide enough
to admit easily the prepared bud. Taking
hold of the toot stalk of the leaf, insert
the bud under the bark, pushing it gentiS,
down to the bottom of the incision. , If the
upper portion of the bud projects above
the horizontal part of the T. cut it stnooth
ly 011 now so that it may completely fit.—
A bandage of the soft matting is now tied
pretty firmly over the whole wound, cora;
mericing at the bottom. and leaving, the
bud and the loot stalk of the leaf only ex
posed to the light and air.
After treatment.--In two tiveks alter
the operation you will be able,e wheth
er the bud has taken by its plumpnesi and
freshness. 1f it has failed„you may, it
the batk parts readily, make another
trial; a clever budder will not loose over
six or eight per cent. If it has succeeded . ,
after a fortnight or more has elapsed the
bandage must be loosened, or if the stock
has swelled much, it
,should be re moved
altogether. When budding has been per
formed very late, we have occasionally
found, it an advantage to leave the band•
age on during the winter.
Coon FourrnoyanT.--The most adint •
rable instance of prudential loretliought we
ever. heard of occurred ip, thi ton a few
days since. Three Irishmen were map
eil in, taking down a viall in Mount Ver
non treet. The wall fell uon and bur
ied them. A lady from the opposite side
of the street, rushed out, and calling to
those who were rescuing the poor fellows,
said—" Bring them in here. Bring them
in here. I have every thing ready.
have been expecting this all day." The
men were carried into her house, and true
enough. she had every thing ready," band
ages, lint, 'satiation', and all. If this be
not an instance of coo! forethought, we
knoW not what it Y, sun.