Pen.ion, Land, and General agency At Washi-gton Office on 1014 se„ 5 doors north of Penn. avenue" IEORGE PECELLIPS, late of Nair tile Treasury Department, will attend to the prosecution and collection of claims before Congress and the several Executive Departments of the Government ; such as pre-emption and other land claims; claims invalid, navy, revolutionary, widows, and half-pay pensioners ; for revolutionary ser vices, whether for commutation, hal f-pay, or bounty lauds ; for services during the last war; to the settlement of accounts of dis bursing or other officers of the Govern ment; to the interest of bidders for contratts ; ob taining remission of fines or forfeitures for alleged violations of the revenue laWs ; col lecting of private claims; and all business brought before Congress or the public offices requiring the services of an agent. Charges will be moderate, varying accor ding to the nature of the bi_siness. All let ters must be post paid. G. M. P. will also attend to the sale and renting of houses, lots, &c., collection of rents, negotiating loans, &c. He has the pleasure of refer' ing, amongst others, to the following persons: Maj:ir General Winfield Scott, United S. Army. Brigadier General Nathan to wson, Pay master General U. S. trmy. Brigadier General George Gibson, Com missionary General S Army. Hon. A. K. Parris, Second Comptroller of the Treasury. Hon. John W. Davis, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Hon. Simon Contemn, U. S. Senate. Messrs: Gales tic Seatim, Washington. James G. Taliaferro, Harrisonburg, Hon. H, S. Kauffman, Texas. ‘Vashlngton, May 13:1846 EAGLE LINE. Illtl Eagle line of Cars and Pioneer Pack et Boats, run daily between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and afford the public the most easy and commodious conveyance be tween the East and the West. The EAGLE LINE OF C ARS leave Harrisburg daily. at 7} o'clock, A. M., and 14 P. M., via Mid ilttown Lancaster and Downingtown, to Phil,delphia. Fare to Philadelphia, 8400, to Lancaster, $1 50. Pioneer Line of PACKET BOATS to Pittsburg, leave daily at 3 P. M., via Lew istown, Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg.— Pare to Pittsbu , g, $8 00. PACKET BOAT for Northumberland, Danville and Williamspert, leaves daily at 3P. M. Fare $2 OD. STAGE for Reading doily, (Sunday ex cepted,) at BA. M. Fare $3 00. STAGE for Gettysburg, leaves Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday, at Ti A. M. Fare $2 50. Prom Harrisburg to Baltimore Stage fare from Harrisburg to York $2 00, Stage and Railroad to Baltimore, $3 00. WILLIAM COLDER & CO. May 13—:if The _Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The undersigned Commissioners named in Hi, Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act to incorporate the Pennsylvania 1211 road Company," passed the 13th day of April, one thousand eight hundred anti forty-six, being duly qualified according to the provisions of said act, HEREBY GIVE NO nu. that in pursuance of said Act. BOOKS of subscription Lathe Capital Stock of said Company will be cpened at the times and plates hereinafter designated ; in the cities of Philadelphia, Lancaster and Pitts burgh, and in the Boroughsof Harrisburgh, Bloomfield, Lewist. wn, Mifflintown, Hun tingdon, Hollidaysburg, Ebensburg, Blairs ville, and Greensburg!), and to he kept open six hours, that is to say. from 9 o'clock, A. M. to three o'clock P. M. in every juridical day, for the term of ten days from the times respectively hereinafter mentioned, viz: In PHILADELPHIA, at the Merchants' Exchange, on Monday, the 22d day of June next. _ In Lancaster, at the House of Henry Kendig, Swan Hotel, on Monday, the 22d day of June next. In Harrisburg,at Buehler's Hotel, on Mon day, the 22d day of June next. In Bloomfitld, at Wm. Lackey's Hotel, on Wednesday, the 24th clay of June next. In Lewistown, at James Turner's Hotel, on Friday the 26th clay of June next. At Mifflintown, Juniata county, on the 26th day of June next, at Wilson's Hotel. In Huntingdon, at Adam H, Hall's Hotel, on Tuesday. the 7th clay of July next. In Blairsville, at Samuel McAnulty, Ho tel, on Wednesday, the Ist of July next. At Hollidaysburg on the 6th of July next, at Lowry's Hotel. At Ebensburg, Cambria county, on Tues day, the 30th day of June next, at the house of . Wm. Kettell. In Greensburg, at Rohrer's Hotel, on Monday the 6th day of July next ; and In Pittsburg, at the St. Charles Hotel, on Wednesday, the Bth of July next. Thos. P. Cope James Mathers David S. Brown John White T hos. Tustin Reuben Mullison l'Aliot Cresson Wm. A. Smith Thos. Sparks Jacob Bro: m C. G. Childs Henry Flannery B. M. Hinchman Henry Welsh H. M. Watts Joseph Milliken Algernon S. Roberts Samuel Hepburn Wm. P. Smith F. W. Rawle Philip M. Price Edward Duff James Magee John S. Cash Abbot Green Robert Allen Joel K. Mann Moses Montgomery I,lla J. McCahan John C. Bucher ft. C. Hall Gen. W. Toland Chas. Kugler J. Gen. Miles David R. Porter H. Buehler Jas. McFarlane J. Pringle Jones Joseph B. Ard John S. Littell Edward Bell Horn R. Kneass J. Fisher Learning E. A. Penniman Robert Toland James Irvin Wm. Ayres Christopher Mason Geo. Muhollan, Jr Gen. W. Carpenter Sam]. C. Ford Wm. English Beni. L. Berry 5.-nj. Crispin Edward Davtes Robert Flinn, Jr. Henry Gilpin John B. Myers Thos. P. Hoopes John K. Kane Edward F. Gay Chas. Macalester. William Laughlin May 27, 1846. TOLANK BONDS—Judgment and corn sigiason-....f0r sale at this office. I.: If =GIB ho Wants Great Bargains', Dr. Wan. Swoops, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun tingdon and vicinity, that he has lately re turned from the city of Philadelphia with an entire NEW STI)CK of Goods, which he offers for sale a few doors east of the new Presbyterian Church and directly opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, Main street. He is fully determined to SELL CHEAPER than any establishment in Huntingdon, or further, than any in Huntingdon county.— The stock consists of a general assortment of SPEUVG, SUMMER and IIiNTER , DRY-GOODS; such as Oroad Cloths of various colours; Cassimeres single and double millet! ; a good as sortment of Vestings , Sattinettes and Flannels; all descriptions of Woollen & Summer goods; Consisting in part, of Silks, .Lawns, Shawls, Ginghams, tialicoes, lialsarinvs, Hal saline Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Hosiery, Muslin, Suspenders, Rib bons, Linens, Checks, "Pickings, Sun shades, Parasols, Summ• r Goods, for men and boy's wear ; Also, a carefully select ed assortment of Queensware, and Hardware, Composed of Iron, Steel, Saws, Scythes, Sickles, Hammers, Axes,Nails, Traces. ' Shovels Locks, Hinges, Screws , knives & Folks, Shovels & Tongs, Looking Glasses, etc., etc. ALSO, Groceries Stich as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Tolsacco, Oils, (fish and Sperm,) Molasses of different qualities, Fish. &c. rpm' articles kept at this store will be disposed of on very reasonable terms for CA'FH, or in exchange for all kinds of coun try produce. rf-He hopes that persons before purcha sing elsewhere, will give him a call. Huntingdon, May 27,1846. WAR! WAR! MORE WAR!! In Texico, Mexico, and Origonico! GREAT EXCITEMENT!! Latest arrivals of Spring and Summer Goods, At the Cheap Cash Store of JOHN N. PROWELL, Directly oppomte Wallace's hutel, Hunt ingdon, Penn'a. A Splendid assortment of LADIES' and GEN• TLEMENS' DRESS GOODS, . . . Consisting in part of CLOTHS of every des. - cription, Cassimeres, Vestings, Satinetts, Sheetinas, Tickings, Linens, Checks,' Ginghams, Calicoes, Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Balsarines, Balsarine Lawns, Shawls, Hosie ry, Ribbons, Suspenders, Table Diapers, 4c. Also, Grace, ries and Queensteare, In short everything that is necessary for the wants of the public. As his stock has be en selected with an eye single to the interests of the community, persons would do well to call and naming his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for past favors, he still hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. N. B.—}l t would wish to be distinctly un derstood, that he can sell a little cheaper than any store up town. All you nave to do to satisfy yourselves of this fact is to give us a call. All kinds of marketing, such as Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Wool, Rags, &c.. taken in exchange for goods. May 27, 1843 PETERSBURG HOTEL, JOSEPH FORREST, begs leave to announce to his friends and the pub lic, that he has removed to Petersburg, having purchased the well known Tavern Stand, finmerly kept by John Scullin, dec'd, which he has fitted up m the best style, and re-opened as a PUBLIC HOUSE. He is therefore prepared to give the best accommodation• to all who may favor him with their custom. It is the deter mination of the proprietor to keep such a house as will render every satistitction to the public. H is RI=L 4 Uf2. U.:a UM will at all times be furnished with all the delicacies of the season. Bull-frogs will be served up at any time when desired, as well as fresh fish of every kind. U.-3am aim will be furni,hed with the choicest liquors procutable in the Eastern markets, and ima =lb U aa h large and commodious, and will con stantly be attended by careful and obli ging hustlers. This Hotel is situated about six miles from the town of Huntingdon, nn the main road from Huntingdon to Bellefonte, and on the nearest route from Alexandria to Lewistown. (;;:r Permanent and transient boarders can at all times be accommodated on the most reasonable terms. Petersburg, April 29, 1848—tf. CALVIN BLYTHE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, vv , / ILL practice in the several Courts of 'iv/ the City and County of Philadel- phia His office is at No. 35, South FOURTH St., between Chesnut and Walnut streets. Philadeldhia, Oct. 1, 1845. 301111 . SCOTT, M. TTORA .'IT Lair, HUNTINGDON, PA., Will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may be entrusted in Hun tingdon or the adjoining counties. His office is the one formerly occupied by James Steel, Esq., nearly opposite Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon March 11, 1846. SLEEPER and FENNER, MANUFACTURES OF Umbrellas, Parasols & Sun-Shades, NO. 126, MARKET STREET, South side, below Fourth, Philadelphia, Invite the attention of Merchants and Manufactor ere to their very extensive, elegant, now stock, pre pared with great care, and offered AT THE LOWEST rossrn. CASH PRICES. The principle on which this concern is establish ed, is to consult the mutual interest of their cus tomers and tt,emselves, by manufacturing a good article, selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remuneration, in the amount of sales and quick returns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manufac ture, they are prepared to supply orders to any ex tent, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Mer chants, Manufacturers and Dealers. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PREMIUM HAT STORE. BERTRAND ROSS, No. 120 Chestnut St., south side, 4 doors below Fourth st., PHILADELPHIA, f t Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon County, that he has refitted and opened the above establishment, where he is pre pared at all times, to furnish Bea ver, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any manufactured in this country. Also, a su perior quality of Caps, for officers of the Army and Navy, together with Dress, Ri ding and Sporting Caps : a new and splen did style of Childrens and Boys' Caps, with a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La dies. . _ Inst received, per Steam Ship Great Western, the approved style of LADIES' RIDING HAI S; also, a beautiful assort ment of Childrens' French Caps. I am determined that my hats, in point of beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of any other Establishment in any City in the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1845. A. Card. CLEMENS & RAKER, Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturers of Copa Varnish; also, sole Agents for the Franklin Window Glass Works. TE - pAVING been long engaged in the man ufacture of Copal Varnish, as well as other kind°, we are now prep ared to offer to purchasers an article which in quality can not be surpassed in the Uninn. Alsr, receiving weekly, from the above celebrated works, Window Glass of every size. _ _ _ Constantly on hand, a full assortment of White Lead of the most approved brands; togethe r with a large stock of Drugs, Med icines, Paints, Oils, Indigo, Dye Stuffs, Col ors, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Dutch Metal, Cam els' Hair Pencils, Paint Brushes, Pallet Knives, &c., comprising every article in this line. All which will he sold at the lowest possi ble prices, by CLEMENS & BAKER, No 187, North 3d st., one door above Wood, Philadelphia. Sept. 10,1845. cl2.lanui:. - ) Et Dr. 7. U. DORSEY, HAVING removed from Williamsburg to Huntingdon. would inform the community that he designs to continue the practice of medicine, ard will be thankful for their pat ronage. Residence and office formerly oc cupied by R. Allison, Esq. N. B. Having been successful in accom plishing the cure of a number of cancers, (tor which vouchers can be had if required) he feels confident of success in the most ob stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no charge will be m:ide. Huntigdon, April 23, 1845, EXTENSIVE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, rinHE GREATEST BARGAINS IN 11, ready made clothing are to be had at M. TRACY'S Old Established Pioneer Line, No. 292 Market street, Philadelphia; who has just finished one of the largest and most complete assortments of Spring and Summer Clothing in the city, consisting of Super Black Cloth Dress Coats, from 010,00 to $14,00 10,00 to 14,00 . 1 Frock ,1 1 ' Blue " Dress 11,00 to 14,00 Superfine•l t a s l i ) , i n t ,e C r l e o t t t h e I: , 8 7 ,0 0 0 0 t t o o 11'. 6 1 , ( 0 )g ' 1 Tweed 4,00 to 5,00 1 . 2,50 to 3,50 4,00 to 5,00 Croton 44 French Cassimere Pants 4,00 to 6,00 44 Fancy Drillings 44 2,00 to 3,00 Fine Satin Vests, from 2,25 to 3,00 Extra fine Satin Vests, from 3,50 to 5,00 Marseilles 1,00 to 2,50 Gentlemen's Fine Cloth Cloaks, from 13,00 to 18,00 SHIRTS, COLLARS, SUSPENDERS, STOCKS, &c., &c. All garments at this establishment are warranted both in fit and finality of work manship ; they are all got up expressly for the retail trade, consequently more care is taken in the selection of the goods as well as the style of cutting. The proprietor of the establishment is a practical tailor (hav ing served a regular apprenticeship to the business) and has none but practical work men in his employ. Gentlemen in want of CLO THING may depend upon being suited in every respect, as we are determined not to be undersold by any competitors. All goods are purcha sed for CASH, which enables us to sell a little lower than those who deal on the credit system, it being a self-evident fact that the " nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." Also, al ways on hand an extensive assort ment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. _ _ . M. TRACY, No. 292 Market Street, Philadelphia, April 29, 1846. arOonie taste and try, WI am sure you will buy, %ome very superior molasses, at the cheap CASH STORE of JOHN N. PROWELL Huntingdon, March 11, 1846. Bargains! Bargains!! SELLING OFF AT COST! ! WILLIAM STEWART, I F HUNTINGDON, being desirous to '1!) retire from the mercantile business on account of the delicate state of Ins health ) offers his large and entire stock for sale at cost and carriage. A reasonable credit will be given to those who will purchase over twenty dollars worth. To any person or persons wishing to engage in the aforesaid business, the subscriber would prefer to dispose of his stock whole sale. He would also rent his store room, which as good and convenient a business stand as there is in the borough of Hunting don. His stock is of entire fresh goods and and the latest arrivals front the city, consist ing of Dry Goods, such as Cassimers, Satinetts, Broad Cloths, Silks, Mouslin de Laines Callicoes, Brown and Bleached Muslms, Woolen Shawls, Silk, Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs, all of different qualities. Also, an assortment of Hosiery and a very large assortment of Boors and ,Shoes, of all kinds and quality • Also, a large as sortment of wensware and llucrdware, of the newest and most approved styles. Also, a large and carefully selected assort ment of all kinds of Groceries, in short, the subscriber is supplied with all the variety belonging to store-keeping, the particulars of which are too tedious to men tion. _ . Horses, or any kind of grain or lumber, will be taken in exchange for goods, at cash prices. Any person wishing any further in formation, will please call upon the subscri ber. Huntingdon, Jan. 7, 1845. N. B.—A large lot of the best quality of LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and Wine, and also a large lot of the same at other prices to suit purchasers, will be sold in exchange for country produce. NOTICE.—Those who have unsettled accounts on the books of the subscriber, will please settle them soon, or they will find them in the hands of the proper ,fficer for collection. WTI.smwART. Jan. 7, 1845. NOTICE. ALL persons who know themselves indebted to the subscriber for medicine & medical services rendered are respect. fully requested to pay olf their accounts soon if possible. His distressed condi tion (having lost his all by the Iste fire) compels him to make this call, so that he may be enabled to build up some place to shelter himself and family, and start in business again. JACOB HOFFMAN. N. 13. The subscriber intends to con tinue the practice of medicine. Those who wish to call on him for medical ad vice or medicine may find him at the Drug Store of Thos. Read & Sun, Market Street, Huntingdon, Pa. TEMP EROA CE ROTEL. HARRISBURG, PA. zu HE undersigned respectfully announ -1~11 recto his friends and the public that he still continues at his old stand, Second street; Harrisburg, Pa., where he is ready to accommodate all who may tavor him with a call. As his house has been for some years back conducted on the Temperance pribciple, the pi oprietor expects to receive a liberal share of the patronage of temper ance men generally, visiting the Seat of Government. , IMEUSS3 Uga will always be supplied with the best the market will afford, and no pains spared to suit the palate of the epicure, The great est care will be observed in regard to the cleanliness &comfort of his sleeping apart ments. LlElam Eit3llEntbaamo is commodious, and attended by a careful and obli b ing ostler and every art angement made to make his house a pleasant stopping place forthe traveller. Charges very moderate to suit the times. JOHN KELKER• 31 arches, Jewelry SILVER WARE. THE subscribers offer an assortment of Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of their own Importation, Silver Spoons, Forks, Tea setts and every article of Silver work of their own manufacture. Also watch chains, Seals and Keys, Fine Gold Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Guard chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Specta cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens ; together with a general assortment of La dies, jewelry, Plated castors, Cake Baskets, i thindle Sticks, Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans, Brittania ware in setts and single pieces; Silver Purse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pius, Fancy head ornaments, &c. &c., forsale at the lowest Cash prices.—Watches Repaired. 3. & W. L. WARD. No. 106 Chestnut street, opposite the Franklin House. Philadelphia, August 5, 1845. CHEAP FUR CASH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Boot, shoe. and Cap More. No. 21 MARKET STREET, (between Front & Second Sts., North Side.) PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber has on hand a large and complete assortment of the above named articles, to whiclfhe respectfully invites the attention of the inhabitants of Huntingdon county, consisting of Men's, Boy's and Youth's coarse Wax. Kip, Calf Skin. Seal and Morocco BOOTS and BROC ANS , Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes in all their varieties ; also, Ladies' and Gentlemen's GUM OVERSHOES of every kind, together with Men's Boy's and Children's C APS of every description. Persons will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purcha- sing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH PRICES. _ _ _ SAMUEL GOLDEY, PERSONS wishing to purchase any kind of Woot.Law Goons, will find that they can be had at very reduced prices, at almost cost, at the Cheap Cash Store of JOHN N. PRO WELL. Huntingdon, March 11, 1846. crIUEF332V A LIEUQII...i.:II TpUST received, astoc 4P. of the most magnifik cient Jewelry 7'" ever ' 12 • 7 came up the Pike ". 1 1 1 Y , L, Consisting of GOLDPAT TENT LEVERS, Ladies GOLD ANCHOR LE- VERS, ,fu 1 1 jewelled, SILVER PATENT LEVERS, double and single cased,StLVER ANCHOR LEvßnsfulljeweled, double andeinglecafted ENGLISH WATCHES, IDelatio/1 Levers, QUARTZ ER and FRENCH WATCHES, &C. &c, Also sold Fob Chains, and Seals of the most fashionable patterns. Gold Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's, Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases, Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket Books, Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instruments, Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea and Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality, HENRY CLAY pen knives, a superior arti • cle, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Hair Brushes. I Tooth Brushes, Platina Points, &c. &c. All the above articles will be sold cheaper than ever heretofore. Clock and Watch repairing done asusual, very cheap for cash. _ . . X large 'assortment of eight day and thir ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap. All watches sold will be warranted for one year, and a written guarrantee given. that it not found equal to warranty it will (during that period) beput in order without expense, or if injured, may be exchanged for any other watch of equal value. The warranty is considered void, should the watch, with which it is given. be put into the hands of another watch maker. D. BUOY. Huntingdon, April 10, 1844. Steam Turning Shop AND LATH MILL. THE subscribers hr. vin„ entered into co partnership, under the Firm of John and W. R. Baker, in cat rying on the Steam Tur ning Shop and Lath Mill in Alexandria, would respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to &Pall manner of turning in wood, also, Iron Shafts from 10 to 70b lbs. Cabinet Makers can be supplied with all kinds of turning. Chairmakers by sending their patter ns can be supplied with Chair Bottoms, Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagonm: kers by sending their patterns can be supplied with Hubs, and fellows, of any size and thickness and whatever wood they choose— plastering lath furnished at the shortest no tice, and all at the lowest market prices.— Persons at a distance wishing to furnish their own stuff, can have it hauled away and delivered without extra charge. JOHN BAKER, W. R. BAKER, Mexandria, Jan. 28, 1846—tf. LEA 7 HER, MOROCCO AND FINDING STORE. No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg, THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring counties, that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches, all of the best quality, and as low as can be bought anywhere, for Cash. His stock consists partly of Sole Leather, Upper Leather, Calf Skins, water proof "Kip, Harness Bridle, &c. &c. Men's Morocco, Women's Straights, Kid, Bindings, Linings, &c. &c. Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, sparables, glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, boot web, cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slick bones, files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys, jiggers, shoulder• irons, shoe keys, seam sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels, heel slickers, shank wheels, cats, shoul der sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gonges, pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c. &c., and everything else in his line of busi ness. Call and see before buying elsewhere. IA M. L. PEI PER. Peb. 11, 1846. ZSAAC FIBBER, ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal business as may be en t•nsted to him . Dec. 20, 1843. A. k. ATTORNEY AM LAW—Huntingdon Pa. Offs e in Main street, two doors East of Mr. Adam Hall's Temperance House. ---- 3:I3EWELL STEWART, ATILVIRIMT laTro HUNTINGDON, Office in Main street, three doors west of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry stablishment. 8. W. BENEDICT, ATTORNEY AT LAW—HuNrINGDOrr, Pa.—Office at his old residence in Main street, a few doors West of the Court House. A. W. B. will attend to any bu siness entrusted to him in the several courts of Huntingdon and adjoiningcoun tie& Api 11 30, 1845 .—tf. GEORG]] 'NAYLOR, attorney At Law.— Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra tors accounts, ticrivening, Btc.—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the Ex change Hotel." feblB. '44. 301114' VITZZLZADZION Having re turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com menced the practice of LAW in the Borough of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at• tend to all business entrusted to his care.— He will be found at all times by those who may call upon hint, at his office with Isaac Fisher. Esq., adjoining the store of Thos. Head & Son, near the Diamond. Huntingdon. April 30, 1843. 03TNVEIIIRai ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., Will attend to all business entrusted to his care in Blair, Huntingdon, and Indiana countiee. Hollidaysburg, April 8, 1846. Bolting Cloths. ir,HE subscribers have just received a large and general assortment of Rot- TING CLOTHS, from the most approved Manufactories, which they will sell low for cash, and warrant to answer the purpose. CARSON & M'NAUGH Mercersburg, Franklin county, May 6, 1846. S. WASHINGTON HOTEL. Corner of Market street and Market Square, E3A.P.R113134P.0, PA. H E subscriber having taken this pop -44, ular Hotel lately kept by Mr. Wm. T. SANDERS, begs leave to inform his friends and tlt= public generally, that he is now well prepared to accomodate them in a manner to insure satisfaction to all who fa vor him with their custom. The house has been re-furnished, altered, and greatly im proved in many respects, and no pains will be spared to make visitors comfortable du ring their sojourn. HIS TABLE will be constantly supplied with all the delicacies of the season : and his servants are attentive, careful and accommodating. There is extensive S'l ABLING attached to the premises, E. P. HU('HES, Late of the Mansion House. Harrisburg June 4, 1845. Tux subscriber takes this occasion of re turning his thanks to his numerous friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed up on him during his proprietorship of the Washington Hotel. He also takes great pleasere in bespeaking for his successor a continuance of public favor, who is w :11 qualified to give general satisfaction as a landlord, and every way worthy of the pat ronage of Lie travelling community. WM. T. SANDERS. WILLIAM D. PARRISH, No. 4, North sth st., 2 doors above Market PHILADELPPHIA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Paper, Rags, School Books Blank Books and Stationary HAVING considerably increase his facil ties tor business, now offers to country mer chants, on still more favorable terms than formerly, a complete assortment of Writing. Printing and W rapping Papers; also Figured Wall and Curtain Papers, and Window Shades of a great variety of patterns, which he can sell at manufacturers prices. Also, Bonnet Boards, White, Blue and Brown ; and all the Ssandard School Books, Blank Books, and Stationary in general, at the lowi st W holesalel prices. Rags! Rags 1 Rags Cash paid for Rags in any quantity, or Rags taken in trade tor goods at the lowest cash prices. Country merchants are y..•- ticularly invited to call. Printers of country newspapers supplied with their piper low for cash, by applying at WILLIAM D. PARRISH'S Paper and Rag Warehouse, No. 4, North Fifth street, 2 doors above Market street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, August 20th, 1845. COi!IE THIS WAY! UMMTCPUEIZaI3N:7IMI Carriage Manufactory. HENRY SMITE JOST RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, and the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular. that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its various branches, at his old stand, in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting don, nearly opposite the "Journal" print• ing office, where he has constantly on hand every description of Coaches, Carriages. - Buggies, Sleighs and Dearborn's, which he will SELL Low FOR CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE. _ _ He would also inform the public that he manufactures and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of C 1 1 a 1 R S made and finished in the most durable and improved style, by experienced workmen. The public are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves. HENRY SMITH. Huntingdon, Nov. 5, 1845—tf. We recommend to all our friends visit ing the ray to coil at the Pekin Company's Store,and lay in a supply of their (leli cious Peas. THE PEKIN TEA COM PANY, No. SO SOUTH SECOND STREET. Between Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. Have constantly on hand, and for sale, Wholesale and Retail, A VARIETY OF CHOICE FRESH TEAS, AT LOWER PRICES, According to the quality. than they can be bought for at any other establishment in the city. . . Tiss, exclusively, are sold at this house, and several varieties which can not be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas which do not give entire satisfaction can be returned and exchanged, or the money will be refunded. The citizens of Huntingdon county are respectfully invited to give us a call. G. B. ZEIBER, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. October 1, 1845.-Iy. Carpetings, Floor bloths, &c., At the" Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawberry Street. Philadelphia. ITE would call the attention of persons in want of New Carpet, dec. to the fact of our being enabled to sell goods at very low prices, because, in our present lo cation, our rent and other expenses are very light ; and we offer for this station an excel lent assortment nt Carpetings, Beautiful Imperial, Ingrain, and Venetian ofi every variety. A l so, rloorOil Cloths, _ _ _ From 2 to 24 feet wide, cutto fit rooms, hallsl &c. , and Hearth Iluip„Table Covers, Flora Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, &c., wholesale o retail, at the lowest prices. 67 A supply of low priced carpets, fr 31 to 30 cents per yard, always on hand. ELDBRIDGE & BROTHE . No 41, Strawberry street, one door shell Chesnut st. near Second st. Phila'd, Sept. 10, 184.5. tir