sition, sad have received sufficient distinctions du ring my humble life. Not the least of these dui- Unctions do I regal d the late prompt war measures of Congress and the President, and the noble-hear ted Louisianians, and the other wliole-souled Wes tern•. and Southern men, in not only indirectly, but expressly, generously, and unanimously approving my conduct in having for many months urged the adoption of the principal measures which have re cently been carried as by acclamation. I do not wish to have the place of any General or other officer known to me. L sir, was born at a time and reared among men who had not learned the art of marching to distinction by trampling un der foot the claims of their dearest friehdsor brother soldiers. Very respectfully yours, EDMUND PENDLETON GAINES, Major General United States Army, Commanding the Western Division, lien. War. b. MAncr, Secretary of War, Wash'tn. Important from the South LATE AND INTERESTING FROM TAMPI. CO-ATTACK. UPON TEAT PLAcc.—The Norfolk (Va.) Herald, of the 2d inst., has been favoured with the following extract of a letter to a gentleman in that city, dated, U. S. SHIP ST. MARY, I Off Tampico, June 13th, 1846. The war grows apace. On the Bth inst. we disccvered the enemy erecting anoth er fmt ott the North sile of the entrance to the river, and at one o'clock P. M., we got the ship under weigh under topsail, stood in, and when within a mile of the fort and gun boats, the latter 8 in number, tonning about one hundred, opened a fire upon them both. Being on a lee shore and a shoal water, we tv,l.e not able to fire more than eight shot, before it becoin, ne cessary to claw off, which we did ;. out at 3 o'clock, returned, and continued the firiny: until we had fired 70 shells, and `29 anti solid shot. In the lost rencontre, the ..-nemy returned our fire, with oboe' 10 shot from 18 pound guns, 4 of which pas sed near us, 2 fell directly under our itfm , toot," one paNeil betv. - een the fore and main top•mast, and one over the foot, the others fell at a distance. Tlie first shen :itch burst over the fort ejected every soldier I. mn the neighttor hood; the whole of them Mking imiaediate ly to the woods. One of our shells pas ,ed one of the schooner's masts, and ex ploded beyond her, a fragmc at having struck the bowsprit and bull works, tearing beta consiilerably, as we have learned, since the fight. One corner of the cus.. torn house was knocked houSz On th, north side of the river, was fired by the explosion of a shell ; and a soldier at the Fort on guard, by the bursting of another shell, exchanged his musket for vacancy, it having been shattered, without, I believe; injuring his ' , doable person. Having driv en the party, from the embryo fort, we reb turned to our anchorage at (tall past three o'clock. We were nut satsfied,hoWever, with this engagement ; for yesterday we projected a plan for cutting out our gunboats, and ac cordingly at dusk, hoisted out all boats, ar. rived there, the launch having a 9 pound in the bows, and at 103 o'clock P. NI., gut under weigh, and brought the ship nearer the shore, about 14 miles oft. It takes a longer time to descirbe the minutiae ol this affair, than 1 can deVote to it nosti. We had desired to make the attack before the moon tose, but could not. At I I o'clock she was lifting her head above the horizon, when oar 5 boats left the ship, every thing being previously arranged by our gallant Captain.—Mind you, we not only had the difficulty of capturing 3 heavy gunboats with SO or more turn on each, and quell a Fort, of which we had to pass within 50 yards, but there was a dangi•rous bar to be crowed, but first to be found. IVe pulled into the shore with muffled Oars,a literally feeling our way, for at one time we would be quite in the breakers, and then too tar see-ward, with a strong tide beneath and a bright moon above us, every thing seeming to conspire against our daring expedition. In seeking our way to the mouth of the river we were obliged to pass near the shore fur a distance of 200 yards, and the noise consequent upon the difficulty of finding our way through a pas sage of which we knew nothing, betrayed us to the sentinels along the shore, who rapidly communicated with the encamp ment, and it conveyed intelligence to the gunboats, so that unknown to us, our foe was watching our every movement. However at about 1, A. M., we had die , covered the narrow enterance to the month of the river, and were pulling in, when,'. within 200 yards of the Fort, near which we had to pass, much to our surprise, as you may imagine, bang! went a dozen mus- ' kets, and the balls whizzed about our ears: We laid on our oars, and in 5 minuted af ter the firing comtnenced, the guns in the launch were trained and "let drive." A girt rather heavier, from one of the gun boats, succeeded to this ; the shot passed clear of us, and the gun in the launch was loaded and tired again, when the firing on shore ceased. There were also fired from the lauuch a few carbines. At this time we i,,hl not passed the point, and Oer getiinA inside w , should have been obliged to pull at least 830 yds before reaching the object of our expedi tion. Th. enemy being already on the alert and with superior force, it would have I been almost madness to proceed, s:,tl the ' object would not hav:: compensated for the ,sitc.fice we should hive made. Bettioes. .toe passage through which we had to pass was not wide enough to admit the boats ex cept in sing' • tile. FO t the gonimats 'would have rakco us fore and aft before we could hen come alongside of them, If we had passed the Fort I believe we should have carried the boats to a certainty. We hall with us 85 men and marines ; the I st and 2(1 Lieutenants, Master, and all the Mills, except two. We returned tO, the ship at 2, A.M., much fatigued and disap pointed. I will write -by this con veyance, and tell you of the next day's flight. Yours. Dreadful Shipw - reck—Thity Lives Lost ! A slip from the office of the Newport Herald and Rhode Islander, dated Satur day, '2 7 inst., gives the particulars of a most melancholy shipreck, which occur red in the Vineyard on the 26th. The slip says:— The news of the loss of the brig SCR ledge, Capt. Graham, of and from Plasm, N. S., from Fall River, was received here this morning, about half past o'clock, by the arrival of the schooner Dusky Sally, Capt. Wilder, of and from Hingham. On the arrival of the schooher at Stevens's wharf, the information rapidly spread to all parts of the town, and the fearfully appalling scene presented, was one the like of which our inhabitants have seldom had occasion to witness. On the deck lay the dead bodies of tho%e who had been picket up from the wreck, surrounded by their kindred and friends, who had been rescued from a watery grave, giving vent to their feelings in the most agonizing manner. The following particulars of the loss bf the brig, we received front the Captain, who was among the survivors :—The Brig Sutlegde, of and from Pietro', for Full Riv er, sailed on the 12th of June, with.s6 pas• sensor,--men, woman, and children. Oa the evening of the 26th, at 8 o'clock, it be ing thick and foggy came to anchor ; and at 2 o'clock next morning got under way, and about halt past 3 struck on a ledge of rocks, in the Vineyard, called the Sow and P igs, soon after which the tide having caus ed-her to slew round, she backed off the Ledge, filled, and went down ; bow first, in ten fathoms of water. Previous to her going doe n, the mate was sent below, for ward, to ascertain if the b,:g leaked, butlhe discoverd nothing that loolied like it.— The pump was then ordered to be sound ed, but before that could be done, water was reported in the forecastle. The boat was then got out, andlhe pas sengers rushed intoit, when the Captain have orders to shove her from the He then jumped overboard, and swain to the boat, and kept her as close to the brig as possible, picking up such as jumped into the water. Th e whole number picked up by the Captain's boat was 31 alive. The schooner Dusky Sally being near, sent her boat to assist, and succeeded in saving six more alive, who were in the water, and 5 more from the rigging of the sunken brig. Sixteen 'lend betties, 4 women and 12 chil tire, Were . alio picked up by the two boats, which, together with the survivors, were put on board the D. S., and brought to this place, as above stated. The captain also states that another vessel was at the same time picking up what was adrift from the wreck, &c. . . The passengers were all r oreignPra mostly Scotch, and, we understand, were on their way to Pennsylvania, were they expected to find etnpkiyment in the Min , . lug establishments.. The Demand from Mexico. The Washington Union, in the course of an article on the Mexican War, says that the objects . of the Administration are "reparation, justice, peace," and pro• ceeds: "1n view of these objects, before the war can close Mexico must relinquish (ter ab surd territorial pretentious—must provide for the lull payment of the indemnity o hich she ows to our citizens—must render us full justice in every respect—and, finally. must establish peace with us upon emit (ions and garantees which shall secure its permanance. 'this much of the purposes of the adminstratron we gain from the character of its recent action, and front all its public declarations. Beyond this point we do not intend to proceed. Nor do we believe, that the country will ask of this administration, at this juncture, to the midst of war, to say anything more of its plans of pacification. 11'e wage a war against the war party of Mexico to secure a jUst peace. No other than a just peace can be concluded. This nation will sanc tion no other. When Mexico shall plotter any terms of peace, she will he heard.— When she shall proffer suitable terms, they will be accepted. 'Fill this be done, our war will march steadily and vigorously Ott wit twill ascend the table lands of Mexi co...-. it will march from province to prov ince, and from stronghold to stronghold, until finally it shall dictate to Paredes, or to any successor, if need be, a compulsory peace, on proper terms, within the walls of his capita! I" Sons of Temperance. The following resolutions were ndopted at a reg- ular meeting of Standing Stone Division, No. 17, of the Sone of Temperance, held ott the evening of duly 4, 1846. Resolved, That the thanks Of this division are hereby tendered 'o the Ladies and citizens of Hun tingdon, who eo generously contributed to the din ner of which we have this day partaken, and ran dered their assistance in preparing the seine. Resolved, That the foregoing resolltion be pub lished in the papers of this place. . Extract from the minutes JOHN SCOTT, Jr., R. S. The Locnfocos of Washington County have nominated 'Wm. Hopkins, L q., for Congress, and Richard Donaldson and Samuel Barnot, &qrs., for Assembly. The Markets. PIIILADKLPIITA, July 2,1846. . FLOUR.-•=•Tha market is at a stand as regards export transactions, and the only sales aro some small Into at $3 75 a $3 87} for fair arid good brands Western and Penn's. Rye Flou and Corn Meal, steady, with enroll soles at $2 GO each.— Wheat—Prices hardly supported; we hear of no sales to•dey. Whiskey—Sales of hhds end ',his at 20 a 204 c. BALTIMORE, Idly 2, 1846, FLOUR.—Susquehanna Flour is selling at $3,- 87i; City Mills at 4 12i. Rye Flour. $2,87i. orn Meal $2 87i as 3. Wheat,B6 cents. Rye, 63. Oats, 29. Whiskey 21 and 22 cents in hhdr. and bble. The t'efsiral Med koad g a thing as yet existing only ►n men's itnaginAtions, but the late arrival at NEFF'S confectionary, of the finest assort ment of, rants, Candies, &c., ever received in Huntingdon, is a reality tha t can't be contradicted. Here you can buy candies of every description, Nuts, water, soda, sweet and butter Crackers, bunch Raisins, Prunes, Figs, Oranges Lemons, sarsaparilla and lemon Syrup; Cig,rs of all qualities; Scoth Herring and fresh Cheese, and in short all articles usually kept in an establishment of this kind. Russell's cele brated MINERAL WATER always tin hand during the summer. Lem onade made in such a style that whoever drinks once, will never think of calling else where for this delicious beverage. The loints of I C E.O R E at Can always be accommodated with the Yell , befit that can be made, and parties supplied up..o the shortest notice. The dAstt principle is strictly adhered tn; therefore I will sell, CAN SELL, and Do SELL CHEAPER than any other establish ment in Huntingdon, or " further" than any in Huntin6don ccunty. Let those who doubt call and see; Do,'t forget the place:—One Door east of the Exchange fowl, Mark et tiqqu•sre. EDWIN W. NEFF. }luntingdon, July 8, 1840. *2O ADWARDA IE9 SCAPED !rout the cu.totly of the JrAindersig,ned near Iluntingdttn Fite nace, on the 25t ult., THOM AS MOORE, under an arrest on behalf of the Com• monwealth. Said Moore is a man of about 25 years of age ; about 5 feet 10 inches in height ; lair complexion and dat k hair. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery into the hands of the subscriber, residing in Pe tersburg, Huntingdon county, or upon his delivery to the Sheriff of said county. SAMUEL TOM PSON, Constable of West Township. July 8,1846. PUBLIC SALE, Of Valuable Real Estate!! 114 Y virtue of authority given in the last Will and" estament of James Entrekin, Esq., deed, the undersigned Executors of the said dec'd will offvr at public sale the following described Real Estate, at the Lower Mill, as it is called, on James Creek, hear the late residence of said deceased, on TUESDAY, the 15th of August, 1848, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, vtz: No. I A tract of Land, being the part of the old Mansion tract, lying oh the south side of the Raystown branch of the Juniata River, con taining 200 Acres, more or less, thereon erected a a two story . Leg House and a good Leg Barn. . • the said land is part of two stir -11: veys,. and most of it is first rate bottom land and in a tolerable state of cuaivation, No. 2. A tract of land, containing 100 acres, more or less, on which is erected a Grist Mill 4. Dwellin g The Mill is situated oh the waters of James Creek, and is known as Entriken's Lower Mill ; it is one of the best water powers in that vicinity. There is about thirty act. cleared. This is a very desirable property. No. 3. A ti•act of land adjoining the last mentioned tract, containing 190 acres, more of• less, and principally timber land. No. 4. • Also, a Tract of ridge land adjoining the last mentioned tract, in a state of nature ; it is well timbered and is g.,od land, and well calculated to make an eicellent farm. It contains 315 acres more or less. No. 5. Also, a 't•ract of land surveyed in the name of Wm. Barrack, a part of which is clear ed and pretty well cultivated• There is a tolerable house and barn erected on it—it contains 275 acres more or less. Ni,. 6. Also, a Tract of hand containing 90 acres, more or less, adjoining the last described tract, all of which is well timbered. No. 7. Also, a Tract of Lind known as the old mill trim containing 200 acres more or less—ad joinirg the last mentioned tract, a part .4 it cleared and there is erected on it two small houses, and a frame of a new Barn, raised to the square. No. 8. Also, one other Tract of Land surveyed in the name of Ocorge Myers, contaboog 200 acres inure or less, en which is erected a L.g house and barn; a part cleared and in a to table state of cultivation: Purchasers; wishing to examine the prop erty are invited to call and t tarb,thi theprem ices, and ally intortnatrn desired caa b? hod by applying to Jas. Entrekin, at C nitre Run. The above property will be sold free from all encumbrance—and the 'Perms Will be easy, and made knon n n the day of Sale. JAS. ENTREKIN; MS. STEEL, Ear's of Jas. Entrain, dec i d.• June 24, JB46—ts large supply of JUSTICES' BLANKS, on triA superior paper, just printed, and for sale at tliis (Am IMPORTANT TO ALL COUNTRY HOUSEKEEPERS. You may be Sure of obtaining, at all times, pure and highly Ba rlt vored ' CZ.2 . 1.4:1k1M39 By the single pound or larger quantity, at the . . Pekin Tea Comp a n y's Warehouse, 30 South Second Street, between Market and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia. heretofore it has been very difgcUlt,.in deed, Almost impossible, always to obtain good Green and Back Teas. But now you have onl) to visit the Yekin.Tea Company's Store, to obtain as .delicious and fragrant Tea as you could wish 1 . 01% All tast_s can here be suited, with the advantage ut getting a pure article at a low price. June 21, 1846. PLUMBE NA TIONAL DAGUER RIAN GALLERY AND Piurro- GRAPHERS FURNISHING DE POTS; Awarded the Cold and Silver Medals, Four First Premium& and TWo Highest Honors, at the National, the a'laasachu• 'setts, the New York, and the P. onsylva nia respectively, tor the most DaguerreotypeS and best Apparatus eter exhibited. Portraits taken in exquisite slyle i with. out regard to weather. Instructions given in the art. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at the lowest cash prices. New York, 251 Broadway; Philadel phia,ls6 Chestnut St.; Huston, 75 Court, anti 5R Hanover Sts.; Balthnore, 205 Bal timore St.; Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue" Petersburg, Va., Mechanics Hall; Cincinnati, Fourth and Walnut, and 176 Main St.; Saratoga Springs Brand vviiy ; Paris, 127 Vieille Rue du Temple; Liverpool, 32 Church St. June 24, 1846. VA LU 1111.1.: It EAE ESTATE AT °PUBLIC SALE. ./Y ILL D „be et sold s tay o at Puil Sale September on T n U t E x S t . on the premises, that well known tract land situate in Porter township, Huntingdon county, Pa., on the waters of the littleJuniata River; km.wn as the property of Israel Cryclei., deed, bounded by landS of Conrad Bucher, George 1 - 1?le; deed, and others, containing. about , 338 ACIRES of first rate land, about 220 acres of Which are cleared. The improvements are a large and coMmodinus tWo story dwel ling house, and good stone barn, at a large size. Also, a wagon I shed and other out Luildings. The property also con • tains two large Gam-maps of Fruit 'lit Trees, and a FIRST-RATE ClbEa MILL, and several springs of ex cellent LtmiTsoNE WATNR. There is also erected on the same property a Woolen Factory or Fulling Mill, with all the neces sary implements, which said Factory, to gether with about 25. acres of land adjoining the same, will be sold separate from the other, property, and the balance will be sold to suit purchasers. The terms will be made known on the day of the sale by the undersigned, residing on said property. GEORGE S. CRYDER, Surviving Eer of brae! Cryder,doe'd. 1 June 27, 1846.—t5. rrHollidaysburg Register insert ts, and charge Ex'r. Valuable Real Estate At Orphans' Court Sale BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will he t xpos ed to public vendue or outcry, on Thursday the 31st day of July next, ht the public house of.S A M UEL WI EFFY, in Ja.kson township, EIGHT TRACTS at Unseated L; nd, late the property ut Jacob K. Neff, deed, situate in said township, one containing 400 acres, survey ed on a warrant in the name of Henry Canan One contain ing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of David Stewart : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name . of A. Johnson : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Heigh Johnson : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a wakrant in the name of Henry West One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Thas. McCune: One containing 420 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name at James Dean, and one containing 400 acres, stirVeyed on a warrant in the name of John Athims. . . TERMS—One-half of the purchase mo ney to be .paid on the confirmation of the sales, rcspectivly, and the balance within one year thereafter, with interest, to be se cured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By order of the Court, . . JACOB MILLER, Clerk. Attendance will be girt it by JOHN NEFF, Eer, June 17, 1846. Dissolution of Partnership. 'l'll E s , ibscriM.l s doing busities, imam the firm of Rothrock &Jones, in I lunting• don, dissolved partnership by mutual con sent on the 15th instant. All persons hay ing accounts with said firm, will please call and settle the sonic with E. M. Jones. WM. ROT, I ROCK. E. M. JONES. June 24. 1846. CAUTION. All petsons are cautioned against pur chasewg a Note of 825 I gave %Va l Eas tep, dated in July, 1843, payable in the fall of 1847, as I never received any val ue or eousideralion for said note, and am determined not to pay it unless compelled by a due course of law.. . J %COB WALLS. Union Township, June 23, 1846. $l. ViIVEZIENO - I eafT L./ W. iiur TU C. L)ux, P. CAMP MEETING A camp meeting will be field for Warriors Mark Circuit, at But%Me Run about 5 miles from Weik el rifle, near the road leading to Bellefonte, to com mence on Friday the 14th of August next. No person or persons need apply for permission to dispose of any a , tick of irafic, whatever, within tho limits p escribed by the law of the State of Pennsylvania. G. BERKSTRESSER. Sane, 24. IMO. Orphans' Court Sale In pursiMuce of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntiogdon county, will be ex posed to public Sale, as the property of Dr. William D. D., dec"il, at the old Court Hothio in the borough of Hunting don, on Saturday, the 11th day pi July test, al 10 o'clock A. M. the lollowing ground rents and real estate, viz: The annual ground rent reserved ,and falling duethe first Monday in September yearly, on Lots of grotind in the village of Smithfield in Walker township, in said county, as follows : 1 Dollar on one hall of Lot No One. Do. CI 1 Dollar ish one hall of Lot No. Two Dip. CI tt Ii 2 Dols. and 50 els. on Lot go 3. 1 Du!. and IC CI 4. 11 11 14 11 41 5 1 Dol. and 30 cts. on Lot No, 6. I MI, and 50 cts, on Lot No. 7. 1 Dol. and 50 cls: on Lot No. 8 Also the a”nual ground reserve out of the following Lots id the Village known .)y the name of " Port's town" in Hen !arson township, payable at the same • nue, viz t Two Dols. on two Lots held by the heirs of John Port, dec'd. One Dollar on one Lot held by John And also all the right, title and inter -st of the said Win. Smith, D. D. in and u the Lot of ground in the Borough of Huntingdon on which the Court Rouse is erected, with the appurtenances. TERMS OF SA LE.—One.half of the purchase money on confirmation of the -ale, and the residue in six months there. ,fter with interest, to be secured by Judg ment Bill. Attendance will be given by the under signed ur lii Agent, W. Cirbison, Esq. LECiNA RD KIMBALL, Adtt'fr, June, 10,1846. ALSO, At the sarhe time and place will be •diered for sale the undivided half of one hundred acres of land, being the upper nd of tract in the name of Samuel Find lay on Croaked creek, adjoining lands of John McCuhan and others. Terms of sale will be made known at the time of sale. LEONARD KIMBALL, Trustee. To the heirs and legal representatives of Nathan Green, late of the townsyip o/ [Varriorsmark, in the county of How tingdon, At the term of April 184 k of the Orphans Cottil of auntingdon coun ty, a Rule was granted upon all the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, to come into said Court on the second Mon day of August next, and accept or refuse the real estate of said deceased at its vain • ation. JOlliV ARMITAGE, Sheff. May 19, 1896 Gt. CAUTION. Ran away from the undersigned,living in the borough of Huntingdon, some time in April last, an incluited apprentice to the 11 ,, 0t & Shoemaking business, named AN DREW CLARK; had on when he went away a brown cloth coat, dark grey cassinet pants and broad rimmed hat. All persons are hereby forewarned against harboring said apprentice, as I am determined to en force the law upon any E ucif . person. Any person returning said apprentice to the un dersigned will be rewarded. The public are also cautioned against trusting said apprentice on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting: DAVID MILLER. June 10, 1846. Shew's Daguerrianßodlits. , , Mr. Show would respectfully O:nnounee that he has fitted up rooms at Sq. 117 11 , , Mninre &reel. With a light iiikessly adapted to taking Ditipperreolpe - . . Upon Me most improved system. , , He would especially call the attention of country operators to his facilities for furnishing Daguerreo type Aapparatus, Plates, Cases and Chemicals of the very best quality, and as cheap as any establish ment in the United States., Baltimore, May 27, 1846.--4 m. The true and gentiine'iWtsi;a's SAM of wild Cherry' is sold at establised agencies in all parts of the United States: A. New Patent Wind Mill I Price ate dollar per 6 oule Sold by for cleaning Grain. . THE subscribers having purchased Culp's Patent for the counties of Hun. •Ing,ilon, Centre, Milani and Juniata, mild avail themselves of informing the Farmers that it is the greatest improve ment ever made on Fanning Mills ; for •implicity, cheapness, and durability there :a none to equal it, and as fur cleaning speedily and well, it alike surpasses all miters. We manufacture in Williamsburg, Blair county, where we will always have them on hand, and will receive and attend to orders promptly. We will haul the Mills through the Move mentioned district during the ensu ing season. HUYETT & GA RVlrki. We, the.ondWsilTred,ll;viTtiiheal;ve named Mills in our own practical Use, u►d having tried them well, we fully con cur in the aboie statement. l)hvid Ak© Ifavid Qued Gorge Ake Wm. Ake Samuel Rhodes M. Brenaman WilliamtMurg, March 25. 1846-6 m LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay 4:11/ of Execution, under the new law, just printed, and fur sale, at this office. THE ri ----,(, REME•"" , 0 ''EA T , • Dusenses of the Longs anti firetiAt: ANOTHER ASTONISHING CURE WISTAR'S 13ALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, ALWAYS TRIUMPHANT! CUItE FOLLOWS CURE! IN us ONWARD VICTORIOUS CA REER ! DArrox, Feb 111.1), 1845, Mr. J. vy:Whituniure:—pear Sir. As you are the reg Oar atithor4ed agent in Dayton,, for the sale of -br. blister's Bat tam of IVild Cherry,A take this method of making:4 ittatelnent of facts to you t which I hope may Le published to the world) iti reference td en almoSt piiraculous CurF; wrought in oly case by means of the above Balsam. • . Latignage fails to ijesci•ibe the salutary t•frect it produced and the great benefit I derived from its use. , , . . The citizens of Dayton and viciuity, wcl( recollect, that on the Bth of August last, received seriou injury from the explosiod of a cannon. A portion of its contents en tered my right.side and .breast, and in all probability, snipe frauments.or splinters of the rem-rod passed through the 'plum' and pierced the lungs. After the lapse of six weeks, I wasat tacked with a distressing cough and vim; lent pain in my right side. Some ten days after this, when in a paroxysm of coughing, suddenly .an ulser broke, and a large quan tity of offensive matter, mixed with blood, was discharged, most of which found pas sage through the opening of the wound : from this opening there frequently passed. a quantity of air, supposed to issue from the lungs, During all, this time my sufferings were almost intolerable. My physicians, merinwhilt, paid the strieteat attetition to me and did all in their power for my recovery. But with all their skill they could uut reach the,seat of dis tress, after the lungs had become affected: I was Visited during this time by at least twolti physicians. It was . ndw reduced to it certainty, thci inflaMation of the lungs was rapidly taking place, and that this would terminate my lite in a short time; was In the Wiliest degree probabl?. At this critical state, a messenger wa dispatched to Cincinnati, and a celebrated physician, of that place was consulted. When he was made acquainted with tny, situation, he remarked that nothing could be done by medical aid, if the constiution itself was nut Sufficient to throw off the disease. My friends now despaired of my recov ery, and had ho earthly ground of hope to survive many days. Fortunately at this juncture I saw one of Dr. \Vista'. spainplt4 lets, entitled 'Family Medical Gazette' or treaties on Consumption of the lungs, and had often heartl,of dying men 'catching at straws;' !felt like doing so myself. By the consent of my physicians, I sent to You for a bottle of medicine describeiLviz tar's Balsam of wild Cherry," which re/ lieved me alinos.t inuneiliately.. After I had used some sor 6 bottles. Iso far re,- covered as to be up and about.. My cough ceased, and my lungs were restored to a healthy state r —all from the healing and balmy influence, and . powerful medical virtues of istar's Balsam. Yours truly, Cilgi.P.S R. SMITII/.. ()*— Read the following from Dr: Jdcob Hoffman, a physician of extensive pra6tice in Huntingdon county: Dear Sir procured one bottle of Dr. W tetar's Balsam of h% ild Cherry, from ThoinaS,..lteed, Esq.; of this place, and tried,it in a Case of obstinate Asthma on a child of Paul Bcl4eble; in which many other remedies had been tried without any relief. my balsam gave sudden relief, and in my Opinion the child is effectually cured by its use. Yours, dze, • JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. December 23, 1841. SANFORD & PARK, Cm innati,,Ohio. Also, by Thomas Reed & Son,. Hunting don ; Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg; Gem mill & Porter, Alexandria. Nlitt DAGVIIRR N ROOMS; No. 116 Chebnol I hiladelphiii. _ T. B. SH?w, who has Inca operator and conductor of the Plumbe Daguerriars Gallery for years past, has ing opened rooms at the above place, would invite all to examine his specimens. Perfect colored likenesses guaranteed at $1 50. Constant and full supplies of AppartitUs, Plates, Cases, ChemicalS, and everything used in the business, for sale at the lowest . rates, wholesale and retail, and all warrant ed gbod. Itipot THE subscribers would inform their for mer customers that they have recently re ceived at their establishMent in Chambers burg, a large quantity of . IVIANHINE CRDS Rod will Keep, as heretofore, A u b, of the very best quality. Call and examine for yourselves. 4 USTICES' Blanks of all kinds; foetal+ at this Office.