MILITARY ORiAliiii. General Orders, Jlo. 1. HEAD QUARTERS, ARAI GENERAL'S OFFICE, } Harrisburg, May 23, 1846. The Commamler-ih•Chief announces to the cit izen soldiers orthe Commonwealth of Penneylva. nie, that he has received a request from the Presi- Aent of the United States, to cause to be enrolled, and held in readiness for muster in the service of the United States, Six REGIMENTS OF fxr.txrnr, tinder the Act pf Congress of the 13th May, 1846, entitled " An Act providing for the prosecution of the existing war between the United States and the Republic of Mexico." Each regiment to consist of 1 Colonel, 1 Lieu tenant Colonel, 1 Major, 1 Adjutant, (a Lieuten• ant of one of the companies) 1 Sergeant Major, 2 Cleaner-Master Sergeants, 2 Principal Musicians, and 10 companies. Each company to consist of 1 Captain, 1 First Lieutenant, 1 Second Lieutenant, 4 Sergeants, 4 Corporals, 2 Musicians, and 64 Privates. The Act of Congress contemplates that this ser vice shall bo filled by volunteers: therefore, The offers of existing companies of volunteer in• fantry, comprising the requisite number of men, may be accepted under their present organization, subject to a new inspection. The citizens of the State, who are desirous to tender their services to the country in the present emergency, will forthwith enrol themselves in coin ponies of infantry, in accordance with the provis ion of the Act of Congress, and the orders of the President hereto annexed. Tho companies to be organized, inspected, anti their officer. chosen in conformity to the laws of the State. They may, howeve- under the special circumstances, be inerected, elect officers, and make the offer of their services becro they are uni formed. The companies, when completed, will make the tender of their services to the Governor, in writing, and deliver the original muster rolls to the proper Brigade Inspectors, who will return the same to the Brigadier Generals, and the latter to the Major Generals, who wilt transmit all the offers of volun teers, and enrolments of companies in their re spective divisions, without delay, to the Adjutant General at Harrisburg. ft is expected that the enrolments. organization and inspection of the companies will be had, and the offers of service made, prior to Monday, the 22d June next. Offers of services from volunteers, will be accept ed with the view of accommodating each military division, in proportion to its numerical strength. . . When the offers of a number of volunteers suffi dent to fill the six regiments are accepted, and their services shall be required by the President of the United States, orders will be issued for whic . h they VI hold themselves in readiness, fixing con venient points of rendezvous for the troops to as semble, to .be arranged into regiments, elect regi mental officers according to the laws of the State, and be mustered into the service of the 'United States. The confidence of the Vommander-in-Chief, in the patriotic zeal of the citizen soldiers of the Com monwealth, in unlimited. The country has called for their services—the war has commenced—ener gy and decisidn in its prosecution will insure the speedy restoration of peace. By order of the Commander-in-Chief, GEO. W. BOWMAN, Adjutant General, P. M. General Orders, No. Z . APPOrNTMENT UT THE aovzimort: . J. Henry Petrekin, Esq., to be Aid-de-Camp' to the \ Gorernor, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Col. Petriken will act an Assistant Adjutant Gen eral until Within ordets, and all Communications connected with the formation of the ilia regiments of Volunteers, W be seised under the directions con tained in General Orders, Mo. 1. will be directed to the Adjutant General at Harrisburg. All other business connected with the Adjutant General's Office will be attended to at Bedford, as before the issue of this Order: GEd. W. If OIVIvIAN, Adjutant General, P. M, CI.. D►. LA I'M/A.-This Mexican General paid a visit tb the St. Charles Hotel in New Orleans, on the 18th init., and was introduced to Gen. Gaines and to Gov. Johnson. The General speaks no other language thafi the Spanish, but through the aid of Mr. Denis Priettr, who acted es. Interpreter, says the Picayune, a pleasing anti lively converel- Unit took place. Gon. Do la Vega expresses him self as extremely well satisfied with his position, and stated that he felt as if he was among his own friends, rather than as a prisoner of war. We are glad to find that every means is employed to ren der the position of the General as comfortable as possible. This is no more than what is due to the distinguished merit of so bravo and Meritorious an officer. The Picayune also says:—Our readers canna have forgotten the minutes which we published of an interview between Gen. Worth and Gen Vega. It was held on the west bank of the Rio Grande on the 28th of March. Their next meeting was in this city yesterday, when Gen. Worth called to pay his respects to the unfortunate Mgxican General.= The surprise of each must have been great at meet• iug under circumstances so different from what either anticipated When they conferred together on the banks of the Rio del Norte. The short interval which had elapsed was pregnant in events of the utmost interest to each of them, STABBING 1* Couat:—The New Or leans Delta, of the 20th inSt., Says :—Mr. John L. Lewis, the sheriff, arrested Al phonse 'loco, and Bysinthe A. Morantes, for committing a breach of the peace in Probate Court yesterday morning. It ap pears that for several days past, a raisins .derstanding had existed between them, arising from the gale or a negro woman, made by Morantes to Toca. fhe day be fore yesterday they met opposite die St. Donis llotel; when several hard words and personal thteata were exchanged. They met again yesterday morning iu the Probate Court, when atcordiug to Mr. To. ca's account, Morantes attacked him With a disk, alid stubbed him in his shoulder; the Steel entering to the depth of about three inches. W hen arrested, Morantes had also a six barrel revolving pistol, fully capped and loaded. The matter Will come up before Recorder Genois in a day of two; ineanWhile the prisoners were order ed to give security, each in the sum of $lOOO, to keep the peace. Mr. Toca's wound is by no means dangerous. • LE)flareal e At hie residence in Wllliameburg, on the 25th ult., Majt JOHN 0. FLOOD, aged upward. of 40 years. Philadelphia Market. from Me U. S. Gazelle, ? May 27, 1846. S Pour—We are advised of some further sales of ordinary brands at $4; holders, however, generally ask more. Nothing doing in Rye Flour or Corn Meal. Grain—Over 800 bu. prime Pa. red wheat sold for 95 cents, part for shipment. Rue—South em brought 62c. Corn—Sales of 2500 bu. good Southern yellow at 58c, white 60c; and Southern Oats at 39c. LIST OF RETAILERS Of Merchandize and Liquors in Hunting don County, Returned by the Conga- Ides at January Sessions 1846, and classified by the associate Judges and Commissioners ,togethe r with the amount of their respective Licenses for the year commenciug Ist May 1846, viz: The undersigned, Treasurer of said county of Huntingdon, in accordance with the several acts of Assembly, publishes the following list of Re tailers of Foreign Merchandise, within tho said county for the current year, as classified and return; ed to him by the Associate Judges and Commission , era of the county. Any perdoh doing business, whose name is not in the following Hot, as well at those who are bound to pay any fractional part of a license, are requested to have their names regis• tered agreeably to law, without delay. Stich as are designated by a [ o ] have taken out their licenses, and those who have not are required to do so, on or before the fourth Saturday, (and 20th day) of June inst., after which day suits will be instituted without respect to persons, against all delinquents. Those Marked thus [t sell liquors. CLASS. Allegheny township. John Maguire Samuel Cdnfrr 14 Joseph Morrow Joseph Patton 14 Tod trop, William Walker 14iReubin Trezlert la Bell & Higgins • 131 Amos Clarke 14 Warriorsmark iwp Elias Baker' Michael Thompson 141Lieni. F. Patton -14 Antes trop. Abednego Stevens 14 John Dougherty 14 Walker hop. Martin Bell 13 James Campbell t 13 Benjamin F. Bell 13 Simon Ake 14 John Bell • 131 1Vext twp ... _ . Graham McCamant 141.1 . 0hn Watt - 14 B r.•ee twp. Mile. Lerdo 14 Same. Magu're 13 1. Woodberry ltop. _ John IL Hunter 13 Adolphus Pederson t 13 Benjamin Hartman 14 M. Orlady t 14 Reed & Cottle 13 Philip Metz t 14 Maw hop. IJos. R. Hewitt & co. f 13 W Anderson & co. t 1410eorge W. flannels f 14 Daniel McConnell t 14 Smith & Wampler 13 Peter O'Hagan t 'Moms M. Johnston 14 Met. Knox & Son • 13ID. H. Royer & co. • 13 Cass hop. Royer & chmucker " 13 Robert Speer 14 Royer &co. 13 _ . . Birmingham Boro. James Ifenderaon Cromwell Irpp. James ClSrke A. J. Wigton & Br's 14 ;lames Bell Ga.yaßort Boro, Samuel Isett Thomas Orbison WGraff Dublin lwp. !Jame. Flowers 14 A. C. Blair & co. 13lRobert Lytle, Sr. 14 1 Franklin lwp. Hollidaysburg Boro. Short, Stewart & co. 12 Joseph Dysart 13 John S. !sett . 14 A. McCormick & Bro. 13 James Williama 19 Thos. B. Moore* 12 C. Wigton & Sons 13 Michael R. Bonslough 13 Geo Shocnberger * 12 Learner & Rhode. t 13 Martin Gates 14,Robert Williams 13 , F ra „kw,,,, s t op, Geo Bingham & to. 12 . McNedl, Lytle & ed. 14 James Gardner de co. 13 Jame. Condroir 15 David Gtiodfellow la Michael Wolf 13 Gilbert L. Lloyd 13 William West 84 William Hall 14 John Heston 1- 14 Peter McNallf 14 Huston trop. Joseph Deiser . 14 Peter Shoenberger 12Geo. Bingham & co. 13 help • Hopewell . Lloyd & Graff • 12 i James Entrekin t :2 Geo. W. Patteniori fl 3 Johrtl3. Given t 13l William Nelson 14 Henderson trop. (David Hammer 14 Millikena & Keselet 13 John Gorely 14 McCahun &Irvin 13 John Hays 14 William Buchanatl 14 J. E. McGiri 14 • Jackson twp. J. M. Lindsey 14 John W. Mytont 13 Jacob Snyder 14 J. A. Bell & Bro. t I.f. Samuel Confa'ro 14 Rewle &'Hall 13 Henry I'. Coffey . 14 Joseph Ennis 14 Huntingdon ijoi.o, Morrie. ltbp. I Stevens, Snyder & co. 13 George 11. Steiner 13 Make Goodman • 14 S. P. Wallace &co. 13 Janice Saxton • /2 i lames M.,lltinkearl 13 C. & H Newingham 14 Alfred 11. Spang 13 G,eo.,A Sceel • • II Porter nap. Thomas Head & Son 18 S. Hatfield & Son 13 William Dorris " 18 . Green & co. 12 Swoops & Africa • 13 Moore & Swoop) 13 lb E. McMurtrie " 12 3 Barber & Porter * 1' Fisher & McMurtrie 4 12 mini & Porter 13 • William Stewart t 13 Gemini Michael Sissler 141 John N. Prowell• 13 Snyder (top. Rothrock &Jones 14 Lyon, Shorb, & co. Petersburg Dor°. (Bald Eagle) 13 A. &N. Cresswell• 13. Lyon, Shorb; & co. , oseph M. Stevens 13 (Tyrone) 12 Slilrleysbuig Itoro. John kratzer 13 David Freaker 14 . Shirley twp. J ohn Lutz t 14 Samuel H. Bell 13 lienry Brewster 13 Springfield /up Allen P. Brown . 13 Madden & Blair 141Dennia (Manner 14 William Madden 141 Long & Doyle 13 Tyrone twp. Springfield hero. Tummy Patton 13IBenjamin Leas,l4 JOSDPH LW, Treasurer of Huntingdon Windy. Treasurer's 011 ice, Hun tingdon, June 3, 1846. 5 PUBLIC SALE. illy Virtue of authority given to this MAP Executors of James Entrekin, de ceased, late of Hopewell township, they will offer at public vendue or uutciy on the premises, on TIIIIRSTPAY, June 25, 1814, the following described Real Estate situate in Williamsburg, Blair county, viz: A Lot of ground fronting on Second street 50 feet, and extending back along High street 175 feet, (being a corner lot.) having there on ere6ted, a LOU and FRAME Weatherboarded HOUSE, two (11 U stories high, and Stable. 'there is alto connecteff with said Lot a valuable WATER PRIVILEGE, being the right to take and use continually as much water as Will run through a a two inch augur hole, from the large and never luiliag dpring running through said Town. The l'en►cs will be such as to suit pm , chasers, and will be made known on the day of sale. JAMES EN'I'REKIN, JAMES STEEL, June 34346. Executors. lEWErire ho Wants Great Bargains? Dr. Wm. Swoope, Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun tingdon and vicinity, that he has lately re turned from the city of Philadelphia with an entire NEW S 1 OCK of Goods,, Which he offers for sale a few doors east of the new Presbyterian Church and directly opposite the residence of Mrs. Allison, Main street. He is fully determined to 51111141 CHEAPER than any establishritent ir. ituntingaon, or further, than any in Huntingdon county.— The stock consists of a general assottinent of SPRING, SUMMER and WINTER DRY-GOODS; such as Broad cloths of various colours; Cassimeres single and double Milled a good as sortment of Vestings , Sattinettes and Flannels; all descriptions of Woollen & Summer goods; Consisting in part, of Silks, Lawns, Shawls, Gingliams; Calicoes, Barsarincs, sarine LaIAA, Gingham Lawns, Hosiery, Muslin, Suspenders , nib bnns, Linens, Meeks, Tickings,Sun shades, Parasols, Summer Goodsfor men and boy's wear ; Also, a carefully select ed assortment of ,Queensware, and kardware, Composed cf Iron, Steel, Saws, Scythes, Sickles, Hammers, Ares, Nails„ '!'races. Traces. Shovels, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Knives & Folks, Shovels & 'Fongs, Looking Glasses, etc., etc. ALSO, Groceries 3 Such as Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Tobacco, Oils, (fish and Sperm,) Molasses of different qualities, Fish. Std. &c. r r mi articles kept at this store will be disposed of on very reasonable terms for CA9I, or in exchange for all kinds of coun try produce. irr•He hopes that persons before purcha sing elsewhere, will give him a call, Huntingdon, 27,1846. eLAse. WAR! WAR! MORE WAR!! In TexiCci, Malin, and Origohico! GREAT EXCITEMENT!! Latest arrivals of Spring and Summer Goods, At the Cheap Cash Store of JOHN N. PROWELL, Directly opposite Wallace's hotel, Hunt ingdon, Penn'a. A Splendid assortment of LADIES' and GEN• TLEMENS' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in partofCLOTHS of every des- Cription, Cassimeres, Vestings, Satinetts, Sheetings, Tickings, Linens, Checks, Ginghams, Calicoes, Lawns, Gingham Lawns, Balsarines, Balsarine Lawns, Shawls, Hosie ry, Ribbons, Suspenders, Table Diapers, 4.c. Also, Grocer riea and Queenswares In short everything that is necessary for the wants of the public. As his stock has been selected with an eye single to the interests of the community, persons would do well to call and examing his stock before purchasing elsewhere: Thankful for past favors, he still hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronage. N. 11:--He would wish to be distinctly un derstood, that he can sell a Mlle cheaper than any store up town. All you nave to do to satisfy kourselves 01 this fact is to give us a call. 111 kinds of cgarketing, suds as Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Wool, Rags, fcc., taken in eichangs fog goodsi May r it, 1441 Anditor's Notice. 'the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and to whom has been reterred the account of Tlmmas Weston, surviving Zecutor of Nathan Green; late Of Wamorsmai k Township, deceased, add the exceptions thereto filed hereby gives notice to all per sons interested, that he wilt attend for the purpose of auditing said acconnt at his Office in the iforough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 24 day of June next, at lb o'clock, A:. M. JNO. CRESWELL; AUditbr. May 27, 1846. Aitaitor 9 ,9 Notice. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and to whom has been referred the account of Livingston Carmora & Jas Carmont, Ex ecutors of John Carmont, late of Barree township deceased, and the exceptions there to filed, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend for the pur pose of Auditing said account at his office in the Boroulth of Huntingdon, on Monday the 22d day of June•neit, at 10 o'clock A. M. .114 0., CRESSWELL, Auditor. Mar 27, MO. anditoris d%otice. The undeastgned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and to whom has been referred the account of Jesse Moore and Alfred H. Spang, Ad ministrators of Charles Courier, late of Frankstown township deceased, and the ex ceptions thereto filed, hereby gives notice to all persons interested that he will attend fin the purpose of auditing said account at his office in the Borough of Huntingdon en Friday the 19th day of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. JNO. CRESSWELL, Auditor. May 27, 1846. ESTItATS Came to the residence of the subscriber, living in Sinking Valley, Tyrone township, Blair county, about the Bth inst., one cow and heifer. The cow is about eight years of age, of a dark red colour, with some white on the right thigh and hip, and a small piece broke off the lett horn. The heifter is about one year old, of a red color. The owner or owners, are requested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. JOHN H. BRIDENBAUGH, May 27, '46-3t, pd. , fnLANK BONDS—Judgipent and cona. .IWlnini.—for sale at this office, The Pennsylvania Railwiaci Company. The undersigned Commissioners named in the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Company," passed the 13th day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-silt, being dilly qualified according to the provisions of said act; HEREBY GIVE 11;0 ficz that in pursuance of said Act, BOOKS of subscription to the Capital Stock of Said Coitiliany will he etiened a t the times and places hereinafter designated ; in the cities of Philadelphia, Lancaster and Pitts burgh, and in the Boroughs of Hatrisburgh, Bloomfield, Lewistown, Mifflintown, .Hun tingdon, Hollidaysburg, Ebensburg, Blairs ville, and Greensburgh, and to be kept open six hours, that is to say, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to three o'clock P. M. in every juridical day, for the term of ten days from the times respectively hereinafter mentioned, viz: In PHILADELPHIA, at the Merchants' Exchange, on Monday, the 22d day of June next. In Lancaster, at the House of Henry Kendig, Swan Hotel, on Monday, the 22d day of June next. In Harrisborg,at Buehler's Hotel, on Mon day, the 22d day of June next. In Bloomfield, at Wm. Lackey's Hotel, on Wednesday, the 24th day of June next. In Lewistown, at James Turner's Hotel, on Friday the 26th day of June next. At Mifllintown, Juniata county, on the 26th day of Rine next; at Wilson's Hotel. In Huntingdon, at Adam IL Hall's Hotel, on Tuesday. the 7th day of July next. In Blairsville, at Samuel McAnulty, Ho tel, on Wednesday, the Ist of July next. . At Hollidaysburg on the 6th of July neitt, at Lowry's Hotel, At Eberksiiiirg,Cigibria minty, bn Tues day, the 30th day of June next, at the house of VVm. Kettell. In Greensburg, at Rolirer's Hotel, on Monday the 6th day of,July next; and In Pittsburg, at the St. Charles Hotel, on Wednesday ; the Bth of July next, Thos. P. Cope James Matbera David S. Brown inlin White T hes. Tustin -Reuben Mullislin Elliot Cresson Wm. A. Smith Thos. Spat ks Jacob Broom C. G. Childs Henry Flannery R. M. Hinchman Henry Welsh H. M. Watts Joseph Milliken Algernon S. Roberts Samuel Hepburn Wm. P. Smith F: W. Rawle Philip M. Price Edward Duff James Magee John 5: Cash Abbot Green Robert Allen ' Joel K. Mann Moses Montgomery John J. McCahan John C. Bucher R. C. Hall Gen. W. Toland Chas. Kugler J. Gen. Miles David R. Porter H. Buehler Jas. McFarlane J. Pringle Jones Joseph B. Ard John S. Littell Ed ward Bell nom R. Kneass J. Fisher Learning B. A. Penniman Robert Toland James Irvin Wm, ,vres Christopher Mason Geo. M 11110166; Jr Geo. W. Carpenter Semi. C. Ford Wm. Eng lish Benj. L. Berry Benj. CriTin . Edward Davies Robert Flinn, jr. Henry Gilpin John B. Myers • Thos. P. Hoopes John K. Kade Edward F. Gay Chas. Macalester. William Laughlin May 21, 1848. A OTIGE. JOHN OATENKIRK, of Allen rifle ,Milllin county, would caution the public against trusting his wife Rebecca Oatenkirk, on his account, as she has left his bed and board without his knowledge or consent and he will therefore pay no debts of her contracting: May 27, 1846—St. Shew's Ragnerrian Rooms. Mr. Show would respectfully announce that he has fitted up room. at • No. 117 Balnmnre Street. With a light expressly adapted to taking Daguerreotype Miniatures, Upon the most improved sysiem Ho would especially call the mien - Lion of country operators to his facilities for furnishing Daguerreo type Aapparatus, Plates, Cases and Chemicals of the very best quality, and as cheep dean) , estabfish nient in the United States. Baltimore, May 27, 18413.-4nt ito the heirs and legal repreieniatives of Leona Smalley, late of the toicaship of Shirley, iit the county of Huntingdon, dec'd. BY virtue of a Writ of partition or valuation issued out of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, and placed in my hands, I will convene a Jury of Inquest on the premises lately occupied by said dec'd, near the mouth of Aughwick Creek, and proceed to make .partition or valuation thereof, on Saturday the 2Sth of June; 1846, when and where you may attend if you think proper. JOHN ARMITAGE Shy. Huntingdon, May 26, 1846.-6 t. To the heirs and legal representatives of athan Green, late of tke.lawnsfp o/ Warriorsmark, in the county of Hun. tingdon, deed. . At the term of April 1846, of the Orphans Court of Huntingdon coml.; ty, a Rule was granted upon all the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, to come into said Court on the second Mon day of August next, and accept or refuse the real estate of said deceased at its valu • ation. JOHN ARMITAGE, Slir'ff. May 19, 1846 6t. i3ctDiaaaiml• AU persons interested will tape netice that 1 Din ket and Christian Stoner, committee of Robert P. Wallace, heretofore declared an habitual drunkard, have filed au account of the execution of said Trust in the Prothonotary's Office of Huntingdon county, which will be presented to the court of common pleas of said county for confir mation on the second Monday of August next. JAMES STEEL, May 22, 1846.-.4t. Prothonotary. atanufacturers. THE subsdribers would inform their for mer customers that they ,hale tecenq re ceived at their establishment in Chambers burg, a large quantity of IVIACHIA II CARDS; and will keep, as heretofore, a full supply of the very best quality. Call and examine for yourselves. W. & S. SEIBERT. ALrXANDRIA FOUNDRY, L 11. Grafius, 1 411ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens ‘it i 4. of Huntingdon county, and the public generally, that they continue to carry on the Copper, Tin and Sheet-Iron Bnainees, in all its brandies, in Alexandria, where they manufacture and constantly keel) on hand every clescr iptkin of warem theirltne; such as New and Splendid Wood Stoves 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long. RSDIATOR STOVES,, 2 stzEs COAL STOVES FOR PARLORS, NEW AND SPLENDID PARLOR STOVES FOR WOOD—THREE SIZES EGG STOVES—.dIeo, IRON RAILING for front of Houses-- C AST GRATES for cellar win dows--SELF SHARPENING PLOUGHS, right and left handed--NEW BULL PLOUGH ,with cast and iron. shear, and the LIVINGS CON PLOUGH,--DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOUGHS Or corn and seeding lii fall grain—COPPER PUMPS, for wells any length, and Tin inside and out-- FORGE HAMMERS, from 5 to 16 cwt. New Cooking Stoves of allkindcanl Ala° foul. sizes of Coal. Stoves, ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVES FINISHED' All kinds of castings done. for Forges, Saw mills and Threshing-machines. Also wsc- ON BOXES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW WARE ; all of which is done in a workman like manner. • Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pre. serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale, wholesale and retaa, Persons Favoring this establishment with their custom may depend on having their orders executed with fidelity and de6patch. Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta ken in e:kchange. Also wheat, rye, corn and oats taken at market price. Alexandria, May 20, 2845. "QUEEN OF TEE WEST" CM CID ,acp,ao )meas•ercx)„, For sale by 1:,:k El. GRAMS, Alex andria, Huntingdon county,Ps., cheap for cash or country produce at the , market price. The iliQuderf of the West" is an im provement on Hathaway's celebrated Hot Air Stove. There has. never yet ap. peared any plan of a Cooking Stiltv.A that possesses the advantages that this: one has. A much less quantity of fuel is re quired for any amount of cooking or ba king by this stove than by any other. Persons are requested to call and see before they purchase elsewhere. May 20, 1846. - . To Purchessers—Gitaeantbe:. THE undersigned agent of the Pattentee, of the Stove, '. The Queen of the West," understanding that the owners, or those concerned for them, of other and different patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against all who purchase and use any of"GUILDS l'aTEw'r Comm' STOVE —The Queen of the West." Now this is to inform all and every person who sisal purchase and use said Stove that he will inl demnify them froin allcostsordamage_, from any and all suits , brought by other Paten tees, or their agents, for any inftingment of their patents. lie gives this, notice so that perions,neecl not be under any fears beFause they have, While consulting their own inter ests and convenience, secured the superior advantagei of this Queen"not only of the Hest, but of the Batt. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. May 20,1846. Dissolution of Partite The subscribers doing business under the firm of I. Grafius & Son, in Alexandria, Huntingdon connty, dissolved partnership by mutual consent on the 3rd day of April last. All persons having accounts with said firm will Settle the same with I. Grafius,up to the above date. I. GRAFIUS &SON, Alexandria; May 20. 1846. Pen.icia, Land, and General .9E64, At WasluPttoil; , . Office on 1014 at,, 5 doors north of Penn. avenue. MORCIII M. PHILLIPS, late of the Treasury Department, will attend to the prosecution and collection of claims before Congress and the, several Executive Departments of the Government; such as pre-emption mid other land claims ; claims invalid, navy, revolutionary. widows; and half-pay pensioners ; for revolutionary ser vices, whether, for commutation, half-pay, or bounty hinds ; duringthe last war; to the settle,inent of accounts of dis bursing or other officers of the Government; to the interest of bidders for contratts ; ob taining remission of fines or forfeitures for alleged violations of the revenue laws ; col lecting of private claims;' and all business brought before Cpngress orthe public offices requiring the services of .an agent. Charges will be moderate, varying accor ding to the nature of the business. All let ters must be post paie. G. M. Povill also attend to the sale and renting of houses, lots, &c., collection of rents, negotiating loans„&c. . He ha;'the pleire of refer: ing, amongst others, to the following persons: Major General Winfield Seott, United S. Army. ,Brigadier General Nathan Towson, Pay master General U. S. Army. Brigadier General George Gibson, Corn rfilssionary General U. S. Army. Ho'n. A. K. Parris, Second Comptroller of the Treasury. Hon. John W. Davis, Speaker of the floysti of aepresentatives. Hon. Simon Cameron, U. S. Senate. Messrs. Gales Ec Seatim, Washington. lameso. Tallaferro, HarrisonbUrgi La. Hon. H. S. Kauffman, Texas. Washington, May 13;1846 tgo 11342D1M W 2361 1;3o ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA., Will attend to all business entrusted to his care in Blair, Huntingdon, and Indiana counties. Hollidaysburg, April 8, t 846. EAGLE LINE. r$ HE:Eagle line of Cars and Pioneer Pack et Boats, run daily between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and, afford the , public the most easy and commodious conveyance be tween the East and the West: • • • The EAGLE LINE OF C leavo Harrisburg daily, at 7i o'clock, A. M., ant! I P. M., via Midiletown LancaSter and• Downingtown, to Philadelphia. Fare to Philadelphia, $4OO, to Lancaster, $1 50. Pioneer Line of PACKET BOATS to Pittsburg, leave daily at 3 P. M., via Lew kstown, Huntingdon and Hollidaysburg.— Fare to Pittsburg, $8 00., • .. PACkET BOAT tnr Northunib*Oand, Danville and Williamspert, leaves dthly at 3P. M. Fare $2 00. ! • _ , _. STAGE for Reading daily, (Sunday ex cepted,) at BA. M. Fare $3 00. STAGE for Gettysburg, leaves Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday, at 7. A. M. Fire $2 50. From Harrisbtiii to Baltimore Stage fare from Harrisburg to York $2 00, Stage and Railroad to Baltimore; $3 00: WILLIAM COLDER & CO. _ _ May 13—:it Bolting Cloths. rir,HE subscribers have just. received a • large and general assortment of 1301,- Tint CLOTHS, front the most approved Manufactories, which they will se❑ low for cash, and warrant to answer the ptirp'tise.• tARSON & M'NAUGH lON. Mercerso.g, Frat,klin county, May 6, 1846. Xotice. the tindersigned, appointed auditor by the court of cominonphw of ,Huntingdon co,, to distribute the money in tine hands 'of Altt Sheriff; arising from the sale of the per sonal property of Jou!) Stoehr—will attend for that purpose at his office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 6th June, 1846, at 1 o'clock P. M.—of which all con cerned will please take notice. A. W. BENEDItYI', . Auditor. PETERSBURG NOTEL.' . Itostritt tORREST, begs leave to 'JP announce to his friends and the pub lic, that he has removed to Petersburg,. having purchased the well known Tavern Stand, formerly kept by Jehn Scullin, decid, which he has fitted up in the best style, and re-opened as a Alay 6,1846 PUBLIC HOUSE. • .• • Ike is theretpre prepared to give the best accomntodafida• to all who may favor him with their custom. it is' the deter mination of the proprietor to keep such a house as will render every satisfaction to the public. His ~ z: rxc, zD will at all times be furnished with all dm delicacies of the season. Bull-frogs will be served up at any time when dewed, as well as ft esh fish of every kind. LLICLas =3En.a. will be furnished with the choicest liquors procurable in the Eastern markets, and UZaas Gt3atsallpaticiaga. Is large and commodious, and will con stantly be attended by careful anti oftli ging hustlers. This Hotel is situated about six miles from the town of Huntingdon, on the. Main mid from Huntingdon to Jitellelonte,. and On the neiredt Coate from Aletandria to Lewistown. • ' • o* Permanent and transient boarders. can at all times be accommodated on the most reasonable terms. • Peteriburg, April 29, 1846—tf. ErECUTOES' NOTICE. Estate o/ JOHN FORREST, dec'd t .late of Barree township, Huntingdon county. Letters testamentary having beepgranted' to the undersigned; on the last Will and Testament of John Forrest, dec'd, late of Barree township, Huntingdon county, notice , is hereby given to all persons having claims agenst said estate to present them proper-. ly authenticated for settlement, and all those indebted to make immediate payment to JOSEPH FORREST, t Executors. SAMUEL, COE N April 29, 6t. pd. NEW DILGUERRXELN ROOMS, No. I 16 Chesnut street. rhiladelphid. _ _ T. B. Simw, who hashrep ofrater and , conductor of die Plumbe Dagaernan Gallery for years past, having opened :roodis at the above place, would invite all to examine his specimens. Perfect colored likenesses guaranteed at $t so. Constant and full supplies of Apparatus., Plates, Cases, Chemicals, and everything used in the business, for sale at the lowed rates, wholesale and retail, and all warrant ed good. a. sari., SURGEON DENTIST, Huntingdon, Pa.. 3OUN •COTT, JR. dITTORA El' IT lifiy HUNTINGDON, PA., 'Wig attend with promptness and fidelity to , oil htwifiess with which he may be entrusted in Hur.. dergdon of the adjoining counties. His o ffi ce is the one formerly occupied by mos Steel, Es., nearly opposite Jackson's Hotel: Huntingdon March 11, 1846, sows wszazatiticriii Having re turned to Huntingdon• county, has re-come, menced the practice of LAW us the Borough of Huntingdon, wheedle will carefulltat tAnd,to aB business entrusted to his care, fee will be found at. all times by those.who may call upon him, at his oflico with Isaac Fisher, Esq., adjoining the, store of Thos. Read & Son, near the Diamond. Huntingdon, April 30, 1893. LANK BUNDS to Constables forra y •of Execution,. under the new law, just s printed,' and for sale, at this office.