Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 20, 1846, Image 4

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BY virtue of sundry writs of Ven•
ditioni Exponas to me directed, I
will expose to public sale, at the Public
House of Joseph Hammer, in Hollidays
burg, on Thursday the 4th day of June
next, at 10 o'clock A, M., the following
described real estate, viz:
Lot No. 22 in the Town of Frankstown,
fronting. 50 feet on the north side of the
Turnpike Road and running back 175
feet to an alley, adjoining a lot of Joseph
Jones on the east, and Cf. W. Horton on
the west—l aving a two story log dwelling
house and a back building thereon erect
Lot No. 13 in the said town of Franks
town, fronting, 50 feet on the south side
of the T urnpike Road and running back
to the Juniata River about 175 feet more
or less, adjoining a lot of 1)r. Alexander
Johnston on the east, and an alley on the
west—having thereon erected a large two
story brick building and a stable partly
frame and partly
One vacant lot of ground lying in Com.
mons, at the western end of the Town of
Frankstown, fronting 50 feet on the south
side of the Turnpike Road and running
hack to the canal, adjoining Richard Yo
cum and others.
A corner Lot in the town plot of AIle•
gheny town or Collinsville, in Allegheny
township, numbered 32, fronting 50 feet
on the public road and running back 170
feet, adjoining Dr. A. Johnston on the
north, and an alley on the south—having
a frame blacksmith shop thereon erected.
Lot N 0.26, in the town plot of said Al
legheny town or Collinsville, adjoining
Michael Ililemon on the south and an
alley on the north, fronting 50 feet on the
public road and running back about 200
Seized, and taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Martin Den.
linger, dec'd, in the hands of David Deo
linger, his Adm'r de Lords non, &e.
All the right, title, and interest, of Geo.
Machamore, of, in and to, a tract, piece,
or parcel of land, situate in Huston twp.,
in Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of
Frederick Snowberger, John Hoover and
others, containing about 25 acres of land
more or less, some of which is cleared,
and a small log dwelling house and a
halt barn and a small apple orchard
About two acres of land lying near to
or adjoining the above, lands of John
Hoover, Peter Shoenberger, Hipple,
and others, being part of the farm claimed
by Hipple—and which is alleged to
be owned by Defendant by virtue of an
agreement with Hipple, for work
done by Machamore for Hi pp l e.
. . .
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of George Mach.,
All the right, title, and interest of Geo.
W. Robbins, of in and to all that certain
lot of ground in Hollidaysburg, now oc
cupied by him, being Lot No. 77 in the
town plot of said town of Hollidaysburg,
fronting 60 feet on the north side of Mut
berry street and running back 180 feet
to Strawberry alley--having thereon erect
ed a two story dwelling house fronting
on said Mulberry street, &C.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of George W. Rob
__ •
All the right, title, and interest of Jas.
O'Friel, in and to all that tract or parcel of
land in Allegheny tp. containing abouts7s
acres, be 11 . . c same inure or less, about 275
acres of which is cleared and cultivated.
The said land is now used and tenanted
as two separate farms, and being the re
maining part or residue of the real estate
now owned by Bernard O'Friel's heirs—
said land is good limestone and is bounded
on the east by lands of Adam Black, on
the west by Aaron Burns' heirs, on the
north by George Cowen, and on the south
by Alexander llysart--having thereon
erected 2 farm dwelling houses and 2
barns, 4•c.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of James O'Friel.
All that certain lot of ground in the
town plot of Allegheny town in Allegheny
township; numbered Ss, fronting about
50 lest on the south east side of the Great
Road lead'ng through said town , and ex
tending back to Michael Merman's land,
about 200 feet more or less, bounded on
the east by William Glass, and on the op
posite side by John Harps—having a two
story log house, a log stable and a good
well of water thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Thomas Geist.
aL so,
All that certain lot of ground, situate
in Huston township, Huntingdon county,
adjoining lands of Samuel Rhodes, Joseph
Roller's heirs, and others, containing
about two acres, and having thereon erect
ed a two story frame dwelling house, and
a Irame stable. Being the same raal
estate which was decreed to Adam Bow
ere by proceedings in the Orphans' Court
of said county.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Adam Bowers.
All that certain tract, piece, or parcel
of land situate in the township of Wood
berry in the county of Huntingdon, con
taining 149 acres be the same more or less,
adjoining lands of Samuel Dean, Joshua
Roller, Samuel Sparr and John K. Neff,
about 75 acres of which are cleared and
cultivated—said land is good limestone
land and is in good condition for cultiva
tion, dm.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of William Spear.
All that certain piece, parcel, or part
of a tract of land situate in Antes town
ship, commencing at the N. B. col ner of
the land bought by Solomon 13eamer, from
fief matins Orr, as surveyed by James
Wilson, Esq., then S. 31 deg. W. 57 deg.
5 p., thence N. 65 deg. W. 128 p., thence
N. 81 deg. E. 22 deg 3 p., thence S. 65 deg.
E. 64 p., thence N. 51 deg. E. 50 p., more
or less, to the line of said survey, and
thence along the same about 64 perches
to the beginning=—containing about 27
acres, more or less—adjoining Bald Eagle
Ridge, Armstrong Crawford and others,
and the remaining part of said survey—
about 2. acres of said land is under fence
l and the balance is timber land—having
a small log house and a stable on it.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Solomon reamer.
All those 4 certain tracts of unseated
land situate in Allegheny township, on
the spurs of the Allegheny mountain, one
thereof contains 408 acres 155 perches,
surveyed in the name of Samuel Black,
another contains 384 acres 72 perches in
the name of Christ'her Illack,another con
tains 900 acres 19 perches in name of Rota.
ert Black, and the other contains 405
acres 154 perches, in the name of William
Seized, and taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of Zechariah G.
The Terms of the sale are CASH.
Sheriff's 061ce,
May 6,1846.
Boot, Shoe, and Cap Store.
(between Front & Second Sts., North Side.)
THE subscriber has on hand a large and
complete assortment of the above named
articles, to which he respectfully invites the
attention of the inhabitants of Huntingdon
county, consisting of Men's, Boy's and
Youth's coarse Wax. Kip, Calf Skin, Seal
and Morocco BOOTS and BROC ANS ,
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Boots and
Shoes in all their varieties; also, Ladies'
and Gentlemen's GUM OVERSHOES of
every kind, together with Men's Boy's and
Children's CAPS of every description.
Persons will find it to their advantage to
call and examine my stock before purcha
sing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell
Philadelphia July, 24 1845.
U atches, Jewelry
THE subscribers offer an assortment of
Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of
their own Importation, Silver Spoon s, Forks,
Tea setts and every article of Silver work
of their own manufacture. Also watch
Seals and Keys, Fine Gold Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Guard
chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Specta
cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens;
together with a general assortment of La
dles Jewelry, Plated castors, Cake Baskets,
Candle Sticks, Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans,
Brittania ware in setts and single pieces;
Silver I'urse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pins,
Fancy head ornaments, &c. &c., forsale at
the lowest Cash prices. —Watch es Repaired.
J. & W. L. WARD.
No. 106 Chestnut street, opposite the
Franklin House.
Philadelphia, August 5, 1845.
A New Patent 'Wind Mill
for cleaning Grain.
THE subscribers having purchased
Culp's Patent for the counties of Hun•
tingdon, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata,
would avail themselves of informing the
Farmers that it is the greatest improve
ment ever made on Fanning Mills ; for
simplicity, cheapness, and durability there
is none to equal it, and as for cleaning
speedily and well, it alike surpasses all
We manufactere in Williamsburg, Blair
county, where we will always have them
on hand, and will receive and attend to
orders promptly.
We will haul the Mills through the
above mentioned district during the ensu
ing season.
Williamsburg, March 25, 1846-6 m.
We, the undersigned, having the above
named Mills in our own practical use,
and having tried them well, we fully con
cur in the above statement.
David Ake George Ake
David Good Wm. Ake
Samuel Rhodes M. Brenaman
Estate of JOHN FORREST, deed, late
•of Barree township, Huntingdon county.
Letters testamentary having been granted
to the undersigned, on the last Will and
Testament of John Forrest, dec'd, late of
13arree township, Huntingdon county, notice
is hereby given to all persons having claims
against said estate to present them proper
!), authenticated for settlement, and all those
indebted to make immediate payment to
April 29, 6t. pd.
TDERSONS wishing to purchase any kind
4..7 of WOOLLEN GOODS, will find that
they can be had at very reduced prices, at
almost cost, at the Cheap Cash Store of
Huntingdon, March 11, 1846.
T. M. e1ii311112230
Umbrellas, Parasols & Sun-Shades,
South aide, below Fourth, Philadelphia,
Invite the attention of Merchants and Manufaettr
era to their very extensive, elegant, now stock, pre
pared with great care, and offered
The principle on which this concern is establish
ed, is to consult the mutual interest of their cus
tomers and themselves, by manufacturing a good
article, selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and
realizing their own remuneration, in the amount of
sales and quick returns.
Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manufac
ture, they are prepared to supply orders to any ex
tent, and respectfully solicit the patronage of Met ,
Chants, Manufacturers and Dealers.
_ __ .... ,
No. 120 Chestnut St., south side, 4
doors below Fourth st.,
Respectfully informs the citizens
- of Huntingdon County, that he
has refitted and opened the above
establishment, where he is pre
pared at all times, to furnish Bea
ver, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any
manufactured in this country. Also, a su
perior quality of Caps, for officers of the
Army and Navy, togethert with Dress, Ri
ding and Sporting Caps a new and splen
did style of Childrens and Boys' Caps, with
a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La
Jnst received, per Steam Ship Great
Western, the approved style of LADIES'
RIDING 1-lAI S; also, a beautiful assort
ment of Childrens' French Caps.
I am determined that my hats, in point of
beauty and quality, shall not he surpassed
by those of any other Establishment in any
City, in the Union.
Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1845.
A Card.
Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturers of Cope:
Varnish; also, sole Agents for the Franklin
Window Glass Works.
TETAVING been long engaged in the man
ufacture of Copul Varnish, as well as
other kinds, we are now prepared to offer to
purchasers an article Which in quality can
not be surpassed in the Union.
Alsr, receiving weekly, from the above
celebrated works, Window Glass of every
Constantly on hand, a full assortment of
White Lead of the. most approved brands;
together with a large stock of Drugs, Med
icines, Paints, Oils, Indigo, Dye Stuffs, Col
ors, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Dutch Metal, Cam
els' Hair Pencils, Paint Brushes, Pallet
Knives, &c., comprising every article in this
All which will be sold at the lowest possi
ble prices, by CLEMENS &BAKER,
No 187, North 3d st., one door above Wood,
Sept. 10,1845.
ZI3Ji:I.UIV:;:4 2
HAVING removed from Williamsburg to
Huntingdon. would inform the community
that he designs to continue the practice of
medicine, and will be thankful for their pat
ronage. Residence and office formerly oc
cupied by R. Allison, Esq.
N. B. Having been successful in accom
plishing the cure of a number of cancers,
(tor which vouchers can be had if required)
he feels confident of success in the most ob
stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no
charge will be made.
Huntigdon, April 23, 1845,
To the Civilized VPor•ld.
MAHE American Newspaper Agent, duly
4sIL authorized and empowered, by the pro
prietors of most of the best newspapers of
all the cities and principal towns in the
United States and Canada, to receive sub
scriptions and advertisements, and to give
receipts for them, respectfully notifies the
public, that he is prepared to execute orders
from all parts of the Civilized World, em
bracing Individuals, Firms, Societies, Clubs,
Reading Rooms, Corporations , lncorporated
Companies, Governments, &c., at his sev
eral Offices in the cities of Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York and Boston, and where
communications and enquiries, post paid,
may be directed. Address
V. B. PALM4R,Philada., N. W. cor. 3d
and Chesnut street.
Baltimore, S. E. cor Baltimore
and Calvert street.
" " New York, Tribune Buildings,
opposite City Hall.
.1 13oton, 20 State street,
rrAs no othe; person or persons are in
any manner connected with the subscriber,
in the American Newspaper Agency, all
letters and communications for him, should
be carefully directed as above, and to no
other person. This caution has become ne
cessary, in order to avoid mistakes, and put
the public on their guard against all preten
ded Agents.
V. B. PALMER, American Newspaper
April 1, 1846.
PUBLIC NOTICE.—V. B. Palmer, the
American Newspaper Agent above named,
is the only authorized Agent, for receiving
subscriptions and advertisements for the
JOURNAL" in the cities of Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York and Boston, of which
public notice is hereby given,
Huntingdon, April 1, 1846.
Estate of THOMAS O. PAT7'ERSON, (late
of Shirley township, dcc'd.)
ETTERS of Administration on the
said estate have been granted to the
undersigned. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against
it, will present them properly authen
ticated, for settlement, without delay, to
JOHN SHARER, Administrator.
Mount Union, April 8, 1846-64 pd.
LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
4:14 of Execution, under the new law,just
printed, and for sale, at this office.
Patent' Cooking Stove.
ITWOULD respectfully inform the pub
lic, that I shall continue as heretofore,
to act as Agent for the sale and delivery of
the justly celebrated Hathaway Cooking
Stove, manufactured by A. B. Lung & Co.,
who have at a heavy expense secured the
exclusive right of Patentee of Huntingdon
and other counties. .
No bombastic eulogy is deemed essential
to add to the already acquired celebrity of
this stove. It is necessary, however, to ob
serve that the high reputation this stove has
gained by practical use, has induced the man
ofrcturers of other and inferior articles, to
borrow (not to use a harsher term) the name
of HATHAWAY, and prefix it to an "Im
proved," in order to make their inferior
trash go off as genuine, and thereby impose
upon the public. 1, myself, sell the only
REAL. HA rHAWAY stove that is or can
be sold in this county, and would therefore
admonish the public against the imposition
above alluded to. lam happy in being able
to say, confidently, that during the last three
or four years, in which I have been con
stantly dealingin and putting up these stoves,
1 have found them to give universal and
unbounded satisfaction. Any communica
tion in relation to stoves addressed to me at
Lewistown, Mifflin county, (my place of
residence) will meet with the earliest posi
ble attention.
A few good sound horses will be taken
in exchange for stoves.
Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Nov. 19, 1845
Bargains! Bargains !!
HUNTINGDON, being desirous to
VO retire from the mercantile business on
account of the delicate state of his health,
offers his large and entire stock for sale at
cost an•i carriage. A reasonable credit will
be given to those who will purchase over
twenty dollars worth.
To any person or persons wishing to engage
in the aforesaid business, the subscriber
would prefer to dispose of his stock whole
sale. He would also rent his store room,
which as good and convenient a business
stand as there is in the borough of Hunting
don. His stock is of entire frt sh goods and
and the latest arrivals from the city, consist
ing of
Dry Goods,
such as Cassimers, Satinetts, Broad Cloths,
Silks, Mouslin de Laines, Callicoes, Brown
and Bleached Muslins, Woolen Shawls, Silk,
Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs, all of
different qualities. Also, an assortment of
Hosiery and a very large assortment of
Boots and Shoes,
of all kinds and quality• Also, a large as
sortment of
-Queensware and Hardware,
of the newest and most approved styles.
Also, a large and carefully selected assort
ment of all kinds of
in short, the subscriber is supplied with all
the variety belonging to store-keeping, the
particulars of which are too tedious to men
Horses, or any kind of grain or lumber,
will be taken in exchange for goods, at cash
prices. Any person wishing any further in
formation, will please call upon the subscri
Huntingdon, Jan. 7, 1845.
N. B.—A large lot of the best qua lity
LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and
Wine, and also a large lot of the same at
other prices to suit purchasers, will be sold
in exchange for country produce.
NOTICE.—Those who have unsettled
accounts on the books of the subscriber, will
please settle them soon, or they will find
them in the hands of the proper officer for
collection. WM. STI!WART.
lan. 7, 1845.
ALL persons who know themselves
indebted to the subscriber for medicine
& medical services rendered are respect-
fully requested to pay off their,accounts
soon if possible. His distressed condi
tion (having lost his all by the late fire)
compels him to make this call, so that he
may be enabled to build up some place to
shelter himself and family, and start in
business again.
N. B. The subscriber intends to con- 1
tinue the practice of medicine. Those
who wish to call on him for medical ad
vice or medicine may find hits at the
Drug Store of Thos. Read St Son, Market
Street, Huntingdon, Pa.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned, auditor appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
to marshall the assets in the hands of John
Swoepe, Administrator of William Dodds,
late of Shit ley township, dec'd., and dis
tribute the same among the creditors of said
deceased, will attend for that purpose at his
residence in Shit ley township, on Saturday
the 13th June next, at 1 o'clock in the after
noon—of which all interested will please
take notice.
May, J 3, 1846. Auditor,
HARRaßurto, PA.
HE undersigned respectfully announ
!' rest° his friends and the public that
he still continues at his old stand, Second
street; Harrisburg, Pa., where he is ready
to accommodate all who may favor him
with a call. As his house has been for some
years back conducted on the Temperance
principle, the proprietor expects to receive
a liberal share of the patronage of temper
ance men generally, visiting the Seat of
will always be supplied with the best the
market will afford, and no pains spared to
suit the palate of the epicure, The great
est care will be observed in regard to the
cleanliness &comfort of his sleeping apart
is commodious, and attended by a careful
and obliging ostler and every arrangement
made to make his house a pleasant stopping
place for the traveller.
Charges very moderate to suit the times.
Diseases of the Lung's and Breast.
It has cured thousands upon thousands—
of all classes—in cases of the most danger
ously consumptive character; and physi
cians of the greatest eminence throughout
out whole country now unhesitatingly re
commend it as
Messrs. SANFORD & PARK—Dear Sirs:—
With regard to Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry, for which you are wholesale agents,
we have sold, since last October, eighty
two bottles at retail, and have heard t rom
a great portion of them as producing the
desired effect. . . .. .
Several important cases an this vicinity,
which came under our personal knowledge
have been cured!—where other remedies
have been tried for years without effect.
In fact, we think it one of the most inval
uable remedies for consumption of the lungs
and all other complaints for which it is re
commended; and do think, that the suffer
ing of the afflicted demand that you should
give it a general circulation, and make its
virtues known. Yours, truly,
W EAGLY & KN EATER, Druggists.
Wooster, 0., May 20, 1843.
[From the Cineinnalti Daily Timegoof
May 30th 1843.
“Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.—We
should judge from Messrs. Weagely &
Knepper's letter, published this day among
our advertisements, that this popular rem
edy for coughs, lung complaints, and dis
eases of the breast generally, was really a
valuable medicine, and worthy of serious
attention trom the public. We are infored
by the wholesale agents, that they are al
most daily receiving similar letters from all
parts of the West.
We would advise out• readers who are
laboring under an affection of the lungs, to
make immediate trial of this truly excel
lent medicine. The most intelligent and
respectable families of our city have adopt
ed it as a favorite family medicine ; and
persons:predisposed to consumption who
have used it, speak in the highest terms of
its efficacy."
CO- Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice
in Huntingdon county :
Dear procured one bottle of Dr.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. • of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child
of Paul Schweble, in which many other
remedies had been tried without any Teller.
The Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my
opinion the child is effectually cured by its
use. Yours, &c
Dec. 23, 1841.
Q It is unnecessary to remind all who
would get the true article, to inquire partici
ularly for "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry," and take nothing else.
Price one dollar per bottle.
For sale in Cincinnati, by
General Agents.
_ _
Also, by Thomas Reed & Son, Hunting
don ' • Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg; Gem
millec Pnrter, Alexandria.
Dec. 17, 1845.
cl:t ''UFZY I I.W`aI`ZI" 2 1
...1.„ ¶?SUST received, ostoc
*, 90 of the most magmfik
: ..ek cient Jewelry 07".. ever
, o. ~. ~,,
came up the Pike."„a
( ) "a "4, C ' I ' fG r
c,, . ~: ons sting o OLD AT
m a . TENT LEVERS, Ladies
. 1',..4 • -'-'-'.' , —"" G 0 L D ANCHOR LE
. _ ~_
VERS, full jewelled,
St LVER PATENT LEVERs, double and single
casecI,SILVER ANCHOR LF.vEus Jo lijeweled,
double andsinglecased ERG LISH WATCHES,
Imitation Levers, QUARTIER and FRENCH
WATCHES, &C. &C. Also
Gold Fob Chains, and Seats
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles,Guard Chains, Key's,
Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &o. Mineature Cases,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket 80, ks,
Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instruments,
Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, 'lea and
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality,
HENRY CLAY penknives, a superior arti •
die, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Hair BrOshes.
Tooth Brushes, Plating Points, &c. &c. All
he above articles will be sold cheaper titan
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash.
A large assortment of nigh t day and thir
ty hour Clocks will he sold very cheap.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantee given. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense,
or it injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch at equal value. The warranty
s considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given, be put into the hands of
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, Aprillo, 1844.
Steam Turning Shop
THE subscribers having entered into co
partnership, under the Firm of John and
W. R. Baker, in carrying on the Steam Tur
ning Shop and Lath Mill in Alexandria,
would respectfully inform their friends and
the public generally, that they are now pre
pared to do all manner of turning in wood,
also, Iron Shafts from 10 to 700 lbs. Cabinet
Makers can be supplied with all kinds of
turning. Chairmakers by sending their
patterns can be supplied with Chair Bottoms,
Backs, and Rungs. Coach and Wagonms kers
by sending their patterns can be supplied
with Hubs, and fellows, of any size and
thickness and whatever wood they choose—
plastering lath furnished at the shortest no
tice, and all at the lowest market prices.—
Persons at a distance wishing to furnish
their own stuff, can have it hauled away
and delivered without extra charge.
A:exandria, Jan. SB, 1846-tf.
Corner ol Market street amt Market
ZRz 7RG, P
H F. subscriber having taken this licit},
4116 ular Hotel lately kept by Mr. Wm.
SANDERS, begs leave to inform his friends
theand public generally, that he is now
well prepared to accomodate them in a
manner to insure satisfaction to all who fa
vor him with their custom. The house has
been re-furnished, altered, and greatly im
proved in many respects, and no pains will
be spared to make visitors comfortable du
ring their slourn.
HIS TABLE will be constantly supplied
with all the delicacies of the season : and
his servants are attentive, careful and
,There is extensive S'l ABLING attached
to tiriptemises, E. P. HUCFIES,
• Late of the Illanition House.
Harrisburg June 4, 184.5.
- subscriber takes this occasion of re
turning his thanks to his numerous friends
for the very liberal patronage bestowed up
on him during his proprietorship of the
Washington Hotel. He also takes great
pleasere in bespeaking for his successor a
continuance of public favor, who is well
qualified to give general satisfaction as a
landlord, and every way worthy of the pat
ronage of the travelling community.
No. 4, North sth st., 2 doors above Market
Paper, Rags, School Books Blank
Books and Stationary,
HAVING considerably increase his facil
ties for business, now offers to country mer
chants, on still more favorable terms than
formerly, a complete assortment of Writing,
Piloting and W rapping Papers; also Figured
Wall and Curtain Papers, and Window
Shades of a great variety of patterns, which
he can sell at manufacturers' prices. Also, )
Bonnet Boards, White, Blue and Brown ;
and all the Ssandard School Books, Blank
Books, and Stationary in general, at the low
est Wholesale prices.
Rags Rags! Rags
Cash paid for Rags in any quantity, or
Rags taken in trade for goods at the lowest
cash prices. Country merchants are par-
ticularly invited to call.
Printers of country newspapers supplied
with their piper low for cash, by applying at
Paper and Rag Warehouse, No. 4, North
Fifth street, 2 doors above Market street,
Philadelphia, August 20th, 1845.
Carriage Manufactory.
citizens of the borough and county of
Huntingdon, and the public generally, and
his old friends and customers in particular,
that he still continues the
Coach Making, Business
in all its various branches, at his old stand,
in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting
don, nearly opposite the "Journal' print
ing office, where be has constantly on hand
every description of
eft Coaches, Carriages,
te4Stel. ifuegics, Sleighs and
rte. •
-zr---.3lstailifattit Dearborn's,
which he will SELL LOW FOR CASH or
He would also inform the public that he
manufactures and keeps constantly on hand
all kinds of
made and finished in the most durable and
improved style, by experienced workmen.
The public are respectfully invited to call
and judge for themselves.
Huntingdon, Nov, 5, 1845—tf.
We recommend to all our friends visit •
ing the city to call at the Pekin Companyis
Store,and lay an a - supply of their deli
cious Teas.
Between Market and Chestnut,
nave constantly on hand, and for sale,
Wholesale and Retail,
According to the quality, than they can
be bought for at any other establishment
in the city.
0:7" Tess, exclusively, are sold at this
house, and several varieties which can
not be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas
which do not give entire satisfaction can
be returned and exchanged, or the money
will be refunded.
The citizens of Huntingdon county
are respectfully invited to give us a call.
Agent for the Pekin Tea Company.
October 1, 1845.-Iy.
Carpetings, Floor Glottis, &c.,
At the.. Cheap Store," No. 41, Slrawberrp Street•
vv? E would call the attention of persons
`/' in want of New Carpet, &c. to the
fact of our being enabled to sell goods at
very low prices, because, in our present lo
cation, our rent and other expenses arc very
light ; and we offer for this set son an excel
lent assortment of
Beautiful Imperial, Ingrain, and Vent tian ot
every variety. Also,
Floor 011 Clothe,
From 2 to 24feet wide, cut to fit rooms, halls,
&c. and Hearth Bugs,Table Covers, Floor
Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, &c., wholesale or
retail, at the lowest prices.
Ir 7" A supply of low priced carpets, from
31 to 50 cents per yard, always on hand.
No 41, Strawberry street, one door above
Chesnut st. near Second st. Phila.!.
Sept. 10, 1845.