Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 13, 1846, Image 1

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ffttntttg eWopaper—Orbotrit to Geneva Kntetitarnre, ratts3ertfoing, Votittco, litteraturc, Atoralitp, Xrto, ctrttero,3l,grfrultttre, antitocult tit, t., kr.
•Q7i. con. 2azz a T®v au.
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What is affliction I The rod
By a merciful Father given,
To load our earth-bound souls to Gal,
To mansions purchased by the blood
Of His only Son, in Heaven.
When is affliction I 'Tis found
In sickness and cheerful health ;
When joy and peace in our homes abound,
And troops of friends our path surround,
In poverty or in wealth.
Where is affliction ? (Where not ?)
In the halls of the rich and proud,
In the regal palace and humble cot,
In earth's most distant and barren spot,
In the forest and city crowd.
Whence is affliction? See,
"Pis thy Father's gracious hand
That fills thy cup with agony,
The cup He has tasted once for thee;
To Him surrendered stand.
Why is affliction? To wean
Our hearts from earthly love,
To teach us on Him alone to lean,
And strive for joys as yet unseen,
Prepared for us above.
Then, mourner, weep no more,
Thou shalt thy loved ones meet,
When a few days or years aro o'er,
And with them worship and adore
' Around thy Saviour's feet.
gi The Rev. J. T. HEADLY, author of tho [nu
des upon " M'Donald," "Marshal Ney," and
others of Napoleon'. distinguished officer., which
appeared in the American Review during the past
year, and attracted considerable attention from their
brilliancy of style and extraordinary vividness of
description, has been writing a series of interesting
articles in the N. York Observer upon the "Sacred
Mountains." The last Observer contains No. 4of
the series, with Mt. Horeb as the theme. We have
transferred the sketch to our columns as a fair spe
cimen of Mr. Deadly's style.
The Sacred Mountains—Mt. Horeb.
Mount Horeb does not stand so isolated as Ara
rat or Sinai, and hence does not occupy so definite
a place in nature or history. One of the groups
that surround Sinai, it presents the same baron and
desolate appearance, and stands amid the same bleak
and forbidden scenery. These solemn summits rise
together in the name heavens, and the silent lan
guage they speak has the same meaning. Still,
Horeb has less distinguished characteristics than
Sinai, and the latter overshadows it as much in in
terest as it does in nature. The Mount of Terror
is monarch there in the desert, and all other sum
mits are but his body guard. They witnessed his
grand coronation when the law was given, and
shook to the thunders that honored the ceremony.
Mount Horeb has not been consecrated onto, but
thrice, and has a three fold claim for a place amid
the immortal list of Sacred Mountains. Moses
learned his first lessons round its base, and amid its
solitudes formed the thoughtful, stern and decided
character which rendered him fit to be the leader of
Israel. When in his impetuous youth he slew the
Egyptian that would trampel on his countrymen, he
fled thither to escape the penalty of the •tieed.—
When tho first gust of indignation had swept by,
. . . _
. .
and he saw the Helens corpse at his feet, alarm took
t.the place of passion, and hastily covering the dead
man in the sand, he fled to tho desert. Month af
ter month he wandered about Horeb, thinking of
Egypt and the royal court he dared not enter.—
Away from the temptations of tho place, and be
yond the reach of the conflicting motives that might
sway him there, he trod the deserts freeman.—
With naught but Nature and God to teach him,
his character must be simple and manly, and his
principles upright and pure. Amid the grand and
striking feature of mountain scenery, he could not
but learn to hate tyranny and love freedom, and
when, et length, his character was settled on a
b road and permanent basis,the Deity sent him back
to Egypt to deliver his people.
Wandering one morning along the elopes of
Horeb, he saw before him a solitary bush blazing
from the top to bottom, but still unconeumed.—
Every branch was a fiery branch and every leaf a
leaf of fire that glowed unwanted in the still flame.
As he stood amazed and awe struck at tho sight, a
voice whose tones were yet to be familiar to his car
exclaimed, "Take the shoes from off thy feet, for
the place on which thou standest is Holy Ground."
Hero Moses received his first commission, and here
was God's first outward demonstration to him in
behalf of his people.
In the exciting scenes through which he after
wards passed in Egypt, ho may entirely have for
gotten Horeb. But after the plagues, and death,
and flight, and pursuit, and Red Sea passage, and
overthrow of his enemies, had all been left behind,
and the host of Israel entered the desert, the familiar
scenery ho began to approach must have waked up
strange associations to his heart. At length the
well-remembered form of Horeb, rose to view,
where he lead wandered self exiled from his home.
A gloomy fugitive ho first sow that desolate Moun
tain in the distance ;—a leader of a mighty people,
and the chosen of God, tie pitched his tent the se
cond time at its base. Doubtless his first interview
with the Deity hero caused him to expect some
other revelations now that the commission ho had
given him had been fulfilled. How much his early
expelience had to do with his encamping on this
spot with the host of Israel it is impossible to tell I
but that he should expect the God who had first
sent him forth should here give him further instrue.
Lions was most natural. His expectations were not
disappointed, and Sinai and Horeb together became
the scene of the most wonderous events of human
Twice had Horeb been honored with the pre•
sence of Diety, which hod so consecrated it that we
find the angel of the Lord afterwards calling it
"Me Mount of God." It was however destined for
a third baptist. When Elijah, hunted by Jebexel,
fled for his life, he wandered across the desert to
this mountain. His prayers had brought rain upon
the parched and desolate earth, but his sword had
also drank the blood of the prophets of Baal, and
Jezebel had sent hint word that site would do to him
as he had done to her prophets, and so he fled into
the wilderness and sat down under a juniper tree
and prayed for death. Weary and discouraged, the
hunted fugitive lay down and slept, when the angel
of the Lord touched hint and bade him arise and
go to Mount Horeb. Elijah started for the desert,
and after travelling for more than a month, he at
length, worn and exhausted, came to the mountain,
and took up his solitary lodgings in a cave. How
many desolate days and lonely nights he passed
there we know not, but at length a voice from hea
ven said, Go forth and stand upon the Mount."
Jehovah was about to reveal himself. • But before
he reached the entrance of the cave he heard a roar
louder than the sea, that arrested his footsteps and
sent the blood back to his heart. The next mo
ment there came a blast of wind as if the lastchain
that bound it had suddenly been thrown off and it
had burst forth in all its unrestrained and limitless
energy. In the twinkling of an eve the sun was
blotted out by the cloud of dust, and the fragments
that filled the air were whirled in fierce eddies on
ward. It shrieked and howled around the mouth of
the cave, while the fierce hissing sound of its steady
pressure against the heart of the mountain was
snore terrible than its ocean like roar. Before its
fury and strength rocks were loosened from their
beds and hurled from the air—the earth rent where
it passed, and before its fury that steady mountain
threatened to lift from its base and ho carried away.
Amid this deafening uproar and confusion and
darkness and terror, the stunned and awe-struck
Elijah expected Cosec the form of Jehovah moving;
but that resistless blast, strewing the sides of Horeb
with wreck and choas was not God in motion t
"Twits but tho whirlwind of hie breath,
Announcing danger, wreck and death."
The hurricane passed by, and that wild strife of
elements ceased; but before the darkened heavens
could hear themselves Elijah heard a rumbling
sound in the bowels of tho mountain, and the neat
moment an earthquake was on the march. Stern
Horeb reeked to and fro like a vessel in a storm, and
its bosom partei with the sound of thunder before
the convulsive throbs that seemed rending the very
heart of nature.
Fathomless abysses opened on every side, and
huge precipices, toppling over the base, went thun
dering through tho darkness. 'l'he fallen prophet
lay on the floor of his cavern and listened to the
grinding, crushing sound around and beneath him,
and the steady shocks that seemed to reach the very
sent of nature, thinking that Jehovah at last stood
there. Surely it was his mighty hand that lay on
that trembling, tottering mountain, and tis strong
arm that rocked it so wildly on its base. No, " God
was not in the earthquake."
Twas but the thtinderings of his car,
The trampling of his steed from far."
The commotion ceased, and Nature stood "and
calmed her culled frame ;" but in the sudden omin
ous silence that followed, there seemed a foreshad
owing of 110030 new terror, and to ! the heavens
were suddenly on fire and a sheet of flame decend
ed. Its lurid light pierced to the depths of Elijah's
cavern till it glowed like an oven, and from base to
summit of Mount Horeb there went up g vast cloud
of smoke, fast and furious, while the entire sides
flowed with torenta of fire. The mountain glowed
with a red heat, and stood like a huge burning fur
nace under a burning heaven, and groaned on its
ancient seat as if in torture. But God was not in
the fiery storm.
Twas but the lightning of his eye,"
CDITS D LPen. o aaEn a taiiideiatt;.
that had kindled that mountain into a blaze and
filled the air with flame.
But this too passed by, and what new scene of
terror could rise worthy to herald the footsteps of
God—what greater onward grandeur could surround
his presence 7 That astonished prophet still lay on
his face wrapped in wonder, and filled with fear at
these exhibitions of Almighty power, waiting for
the next scene in this great drama, when suddenly
through the deep quiet and breathlesshush that had
succeeded the earthquake and the storm, there arose
"a still small voice," the liko of which never had
met his ear before. It was " small and still," but
thrilled the prophet's frame with electric power, and
rose so sweet and clear,
That all in heaven and earth might hear;
It spoke of peace—it spoke of love,
It spoke as angels speak above."
And God was in the voice. The prophet know
that He was nigh, and, rising up, wrapped his man
tle about his face, and went to the mouth of the
cave, and reverently stood and listened. Oh, who
can tell the depth and sweetness of the tones of that
voice which the Lord of love deemed worthy to
announce his coming. A ransomed spirits harp—
an angel's lute—a sereph's song, could not have
moved the prophet so. But while his whole being,
soul and body, trembled to its music, a stern voice
met his ear, saying. Whet donut thou here
Elijah?" The prophet poured the tale of his woes
and of Israel's sin into the Infinite bosom. His
wrongs wore promised redress and Israel deliverence,
and the hunted exile went boldly hack to his people,
and Horeb again stood silent and alone in the
" The Mount of God" needs no other title to
make it the fourth Sacred Mountain on the earth.
Interesting Debate.
SCENt—Small room lighted by three penny
candles, with four and twenty young men silting
round a-table—President raps his hammer on
the table and speaks:
Gentlemen of the Universal Eagle•winged Deba
tin' Society the President begs leave to renounce
himself in the cheer.—Tho question for debate are:
Which are the most nourishin' to the human race
—greens or taterat
Mr. Brown has the floor.
Mr. Brown—Mr. President. I argues taters
decidedly taters! Don't you know that Alexan
der the Great fit his most scrumptuoue battles atter
satin' a peck of tutors / Didn't Napoleon Bony
parte eat a bushel o' tutors afore he lit his last bat
tle with St. Helena on the prairie, west of the Al
legheny mountains? Therefore, I induce the fact
that taters is the most nourishin'. Let Mr. Smith
shifllicato that if he can ! [Sits down in a heat.]
Mr. Smith—Mr. President, tho gentleman says
taters--I say greens!--What was it that gave such
delightful moments of rural ease to Mary Queen of
Scots, when she was put in prison by George 11.
for not reading the Bible? History answers—
greens! Where would General Washington have
been afore the battle of Waterloo, without a pot of
boiled greens? Ask history! What is it makes
Bob Tyler such a great poet? Ask his father and
his father will answer greens! Mr. President, I
President--Gentlemen of the Universal . Eagle
winged Intellectual Debating Society, I puts the
question to a vote:--whirls is the most nourishin'
to the human race, taters or greens!
(15 voices)—Greens!
(8 voices)—Taters !
(I voice)--Both!
i'residen't—Here's a division, I have the casting
vote. I say that greens and titters is both the most
nouriahin' to the human race!
Gentlemen, the question for the next Monday
evening is—What becomes of a tadpole's tail when
he turns to a frogl
The meeting is adjourned.
A GENTLENIN.-- , Gentility is neither in birth,
manner, nor fashion--but in the mind. A high
sense of honor--a determination never to take a
mean advantage of another--an adherence to truth,
delicacy and politeness towards those with whom
you have dealing aro the essential and distinguished
characteristics of a gentleman." " People who
have risen in the world are too apt to suppose they
render themselves of consequence in proportion to
the pride they display, and their want of attention
towards those with whom they come in contact.
Ilia is a terrible mistake, us every ill bred act re
coils with triple violence against its perpetrators,
by leading the offending parties to analyse them,
and to question their right of assuming a superiority
to which they aro but rarely entitled." A gentle
man must never forget himself. Even when
thrown (at races, meetings, public dinners, or other
occasions,) into miscellaneous society, he can main
taM his own position without either succumbing to
the aristocracy or descending to the vulgarity by
which he may be surrounded. It has been said that
" there is a gentlemanly way of being a blackguard:"
we do not advocate the morality of the maxim, but
we quote it is order to show how well grounded is
the idea that gentility can be preserved under even
the most disadvantageous phrases of our actions.—
A true gentleman is one whose mind is elevated and
enlightened, whose education or acquirements are
liberal, whose manners aro easy and polite, and
whore conduct is honorable. As an honest mar.
is the noblest work of God, so is a gentleman the
finest achievement of civilization.
o• "I too coine from Greece," as the doughnu t
said to the Elgin marble„
From the Akron (Ohio) Concede,
Moderate Drinking.
"Look not upon the wine, when it
Is red within the cup :
Though clear its depth, and rich its glow,
A spell of madness lurks below."
Young man—you who occasionaLy indulge in
the use of ardent spirits—take the advice of ono
who has been taught in the school of bitter expe
rience, and set down that glass! Know you not
that it contains a poison more to be dreaded than
the Asp of the Nile? Sparklingly tempting though
it appear, within it lurks the elements of disease
and premature death—
It is more deadly than the dew
That from the Lipari drips,"
And thousands, besides the writer of this article,
know from actual experience, that it 1 , biteth like a
serpent and stingeth like an adder!" Set down
that glass, then, and flee from the wine sparkling
bar before the monster Intemperance irrevocably
twines his serpent folds about you! Touch not
the accursed stuff that has desolated the homes—
ruined the fortunes—broken the hearts—blasted the
prospects—destroyed the happiness—dethroned the
reason—killed the bodies--and damned the souls
of thousands of Gad's creation. And the demon
hearted Hum-seller—he who for paltry gold con
tinues to traffic in the brain-burning beverage—shun
him as you would the most poisonous reptile that
drags its slimy carcass over the face of the earth.
Moderate drinker ! Are you aware of the dan
gerous position you occupy 1 Beware! lest the
deceitful allurements of the wino cup eventually
overwhelm you in ruin ! One glass, occasionally,
may not affect you now—but it will pave the way
for more, and create within you an appetite that
will prove uresistable. You may rely upon your
strength of mind—sad boast, as thousands who
now fill the drunkard's grace have boasted—that a
a little won't harm you, and that there is no dan
ger of your becoming a confirmed inebriate. Fatal
delusion ! Alas ! so reasoned and so fell before
you thousands of the greatest and the best of minds!
So reasoned myriads of the proudest spirits that
ever walked the earth, and rivers of tears have flow
ed, millions of hearts have bled, seas of misery have
rolled over the heritage of humanity, and wailing
and mourning has gone up in all directions from
the troubled world in consequence." No, no, mod
erate drinker! There is no safety but in Total
Abstinence. I know that the presumption of youth
hopeth all things from itself—believes it has power
over eVery event—and too frequently dreams of se
curity in the midst of danger. And in the language
of Divine inspiration, I would urge you to "take
heed when you think you stand, lest you fall." Be
ware of the seducing flavor of the wine cup ; for
Intemperance, like a serpent is covered by the flow
ers under •which it makes its approach ! Avoid the
poison as you would a scorpion whose sting inflicts
certain death. It may be more richly flavored than
nectar, and sparkle in flower wreathed cups of pu
rest gold, but within it dwells the elements of de
bility, disease, and moral and spiritual death.—
‘"Yhough clear its depth and rich its glow," it is
not lean fatal in its effects than the noxious effluvia
from the poisonous Upaa tree•
4, Then dash the burning cup aside,
And spill its purple wine,
Take not its madness to thy lips,
Let not its curse be thine.
'Tis red and rich, but grief and µ•o
Arc hid those rosy depths below."
There is no safety in moderate drinking. " Ten
thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thou
sands" have tried the experiment, and have at last
died unregretted and been consigned to a drunkard's
dishonored grave! Again I entreat you to beware,
moderate drinker ! The habits of inebriety are
imperceptibly but surely stealing upon you;—the
occasions/ glasses with width you are now poison
ing yourself, will suddenly manifest their seeIIITIIP ,
fated power over you; and once fairly within the
serpent-folds of intemperance, no earthly power can
save you. From your present exalted position in
society, you will sink down, nowx, DOWN to the
lowest depths of moral degradation, a disgrace and
burden to your friends, and a nuisance to the com
munity in which you once shone as a star of the
first 'magnitude. Then if you would not become
a miserable slave to Rum, sign Ike Pledge stow--
and resolve never,NEVER, NE VElt again to indulge
in the brain•burning, soul destroying beverage of
hell! From this very hour plant your feet firmly
upon the rock of Total Abstinence, and you can
bid defiance to the art and cunning of those Agents
of His Alcoholic Majesty who would lure you to
the destruction of both body and soul.
Pure cold water—the only beverage furnished
by the great Author of our being—is the beat
drink; and you can partake of it with " a relish
that never bacchanalian enjoyed in a draught of
the tidiest wino from the ripest vine, that ever
bloomed beneath Italian's sky."
.0, who would drink wine when Nature hash
A beverage that flows front the fountain of
Heaven ,
The lily and the rose front that fountain drink
Then away with your wines, bright water for
me." Q.
The Mississippi valley is likely to supply the
world with pig lead. 'rho whole amount to be
brought to market this year will probably exceed
seventy million pounds.
Vrnotmrs.—The decline of this venerable State
indicated as it is by the successive returns of census
after cenaue, appears pictured in more impressive
colors still by the more minute and individualized
sketches of particular observers. A correspondent
of the National Intelligencer, wt:ting from Wilton,
near Richmond, says :
" It often items to me that as yet there are no
people hero, and I wish, therefore, to see them come•
I have to take up a spyglass to see the houses of
my neighbors, they are so far off; yet 80 near am I
to the capitol of about 24,000 inhabitants, that I
can see its spires and steeples, and almost hear the
horn of its laborers. Back of mo and below me
off the river as far as I have explored, I cannot find
much else but woods, woods, woods. I ride for
miles and miles in the forests, looking for people—
and yet this is the (trot settled and olchat part of
Virginia! The people have gone off; they have
settled in Georgia, Alabama, Kentucky, hlissouri,
Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida: and now, as if thew
were too many people left, a bribe is held out to go
'to Texas. It is a shame that this beautiful country,
so blessed in climate, and so little needing, only
the fertilizing hand of man, should be without peo
ple. Hero is a venerable river running past my
' door, older than the Hudson which is lined with
towns and villages—much older than the Ohio,
older in settlement and geography, I mean, but
where are the people? For a hundred and fifty
miles, from Richmond to Norfolk, the first explored
river running into the Atlantic ocean, the home of
Powliattan, and the scenes of the truly chivalrous
John Smith—where are Me people? Gone, I say,
to the South and Wee(; the trumpet is blowing
among them to go to Texas! Virginia has hero
depopulated herself to make homes elsewhere."
TAXES AT !—The Revenue
Taiiff, now before the House of Representatives,
contains a most remarkable provision, that if, after
this Tariff shall go into effect, there shall be a de
ficiency in the public revenue, a duty of TEN per
cent. on TEA and COFFEE may be levied by proc
lamation of the President !
This provision shows very clearly that the authors
of tho bill distrust its ability to provide sufficient
revenue for the wants of the country, although it
professes to be strictly a revenue tariff
It shows also that, in the event of such deficiency
the articles which are selected to bear the additional
burden 'aro not those which are consumed by the
rich, nor those which come in competition with
American labor. but tea and coffee, articles of uni
versal consumption, raised abroad exclusively, and
which therefore must be imported if used at all.—
Thus, instead of giving our own people the benefit
of the o incidental protection" to be derived from
revenue duties, those articles are to be taxed which
they do not reuse, and for which therefore, they
must pay so much the higher price.
And rather than do this by law, the Democracy
propose to give to tire President the power of tax
ing tea and coffee by proclamation ! He cannot
interfero with the established duties upon silks,
wines and other luxuries, They aro fixed by law
and by law only can be changed. But the articles
of universal consumption, those which every poor
man needs throughout the Union, may be taxed
ten per cent. by proclamation of the President!
'rho whole bill is in fair illustration of the actual
regard for the rights and interests of the people,
felt ivy that party which claims to be par excellence
"Democratic."—N. Y. Courier 4 Enquirer.
A GIANT CHAIN or RAILIIOAD.-A bill has been
ordered to a third reading in the United S. Senate,
to aid the State of Mississippi in tho construction of
a railroad from Jackson, through Brandon to the
Western boundary of Alabama. As it has received
the support of all parties, without reference to lo
cality or politics, and passed to third reading, ayes
29, nays 8, we presume there can be no doubt of
its finally becoming a law. The aid is to be given
by the grant of alternate sections of the public land
along the proposed road. Wo aro pleased to see
that there is a prospect amounting almost to cer
tainty, of the passage of this bill. The railroad
is a link of the grent chap between Charleston and
Vicksburg,and when completed, the communicatiori
front Portland, in Maine, to Vicksburg, will be en
tire, with a few trilling exceptions. It will be ono
of the noblest thoroughfares in the world, and as a
means of consolidating our Union, and bringing
its opposite extremes into closer fellowship, will
have an important political and social influence.—
It will he the means, too, of adding to the value of
parts of the chain of road now detached and com
paratively useless. Thus with a terminus on the
Mississippi river, the Vicksburg railroad will soon
become of great importance as the southern link of
the giant chain, which running through Mississippi,
Alabama and the Carolinas, will ascend along the
Atlantic sea-board through Portland and eventually
into Canada!
c ry A certain timid yonng person lately cut his
finger with a penknife, and ran in alarm to a well
known surgeon, who is more celebrated for his skill
than gentleness of manner.
The Surgeon looked at the finger, and then nail
ing a servant told him to run and bring him a plks
ter. .Run! run ! make all possible haste,' cried
O, heavens!' exclaimed the patient, in a trem.
bling voice, is the danger so great V
Yes,' answered the surgeon, • the danger is very
great'; for if he does not ruu fast, the wound will
heal Woe I can put on the plaster.'
I •
4 CCD.
VSPITILATION.--The custom, too t t g
cities, cf laving inclose, badly ventilate. , A T,iments,
is a fearful source of disease, and deatk. Dr. Reid,
of Edinburgh, estimates that ten cubic feet of air
required by each individual per tninute. This woule
make it necessary to change the air oh a sleeping
room ten feet square and ten feet high, or contain
ing one diction] cubic feet, once every one hour
and forty Min WM in order to Heathe wig:demonic
air. And let hew often it is that two persons, in
stead of one, are shut up a whole night in such a
room ! As a general remark, churches, theatres,
public houses of all kinds. and steamboat cabins,
are badly ventilated. How oaen aro fel: the un
pleasant effects of vitiated air in such places!—
Rooms eh raid always be so constructed as to admit
through them a free passage of air, or they are unfit
to be occupied.
Entirely too much is said, we think, about the
bad effects of night air, sleeping with windows
open, etc. There is no night air so bad as that of
a close room. We think the rule should be, always
to have plenty of fresh air by night and day; but
rooms should be so constructed as to admit of this
without danger. Ono should not sit or lie in a
draught of air anywhere. Rooms should be eocon
structed as to admit an abundance of air without
exposing one's person to currents. Shutting one's
self up in a tight room to avoid night air, is only
flying from an imaginary evil to a real one. Cur
rents of or when the body is somewhat heated,
should be avoided not less by day than by night.--
The rule we believe should be, to have always fresh
air, avoiding the exposure of the body to currents.
Mays eon THE LADlF.P.—ProllienOding.—EV
ely lady should study to carry herself gracefully,
and practice walking in her chamber, that she may
obtain a graceful gait. It has been said of the
American women, that while they are the moat
beautiful in the world, their carriage is worse than
that of any other nation.
Request tho gentleman with whom you are walk
ing, to keep the step with you, and do not walk with
either gentleman or lady who has not learned to do
tv o persons of dissimilar gates, walking side by
side, look particularly awkward.
An unmarried lady should not take the arm of
an unmarried gentleman (unlesa at night, or when
the pavement is slippery ;) if she takes his arm, it
is to ha presumed she is engaged to him.
A married lady may take the arm of has intimate
friends of the other vex. Two ladies should not
walk arm in arm unless one of them is much older
than the other.
A lady should never take theartns of two gentle
men at the same time. In the evening two ladies
may take the arms of one gentleman.
Gentlemen walk on the outsideof the street, ladies
always on the inside.
A gentleman may walk between two ladies, but
it looks better to see him walking on the outside of
the street.
Do not stop more than an instant in (ha attest to
conyerso with a friend; it is not polite to make
those who are passing, walk out of their way.
At AMUSING AFFIDAVIT.—The following is a
true abstract of e bona fide document, received by
an attorney of New York, to be used in defence of
his client, who was on his endorsement of a note.
The defence set up was that due diligence had not
been used against the drainer. The initials only
are fictitious:
A. B. C. Swears, are. If D. E. paid any more
debts than ho was compelled to by law, it was what
few " suckers" did at that time, so far as my
knowledge extends. I urn of the opinion that $260
could have been collected of him at the dote referred
to. My opinion is based upon the fact, that a large
amount hog been collected from him since that time,
and also upon the fact, that he then owned a num
ber of blooded horses, cattle, &c., worth much more
than $260.
Whether a suit would have availed the plaintiffs
anything, would have depended very much upon
the ability, industry and the politics of the attorney
employed. If the attorney had been a good Dem
ocrat, never hotted a regular nomination, wad was on
good terms with the court, he might have obtained
a judgment in season to have collected the mercy
out of the property of Mr. F., which would have
availed the plaintiff much, if he proved euccersful
in ge ing the moneyamt of the hand. , of the attor
ney and sheriff, which would have boon barely pos
sible. :Sworn to, 4:c.
Goon JOK.—The Knickerbocker tells n wry
good joke now and then. The substance of tha
last one is, that a Hoosier saw is man in Broadway
with au enormous moustache and. stared at him
fixedly, until the victim angrily exclaimed— •
What are you looking nt V'
" There!" shouted the Hoosier, '• I {mew you
had n mouth. Let's drink or fight—T don't care
which, myself!"
They drank.
A son of the Erwin Id Isld, meeting a coun
tryman whose face IV 111. not perfectly remembered,
after saluting hint most cordially, inquired his name
Wa said the other.
Welsh, Walsh,' said paddy, ' are ye from
Dublin , I know two ould maids there of that
name, was either of 'ens your mother
Womsa.—Of all other views a men may in time
grow tired, but in the countenance of woman
there is a variety w::ith sew weariness at defiance.
Thu divine right yf beauty," says Junin., "is
rho only divine right an Englishman can arknow,
edge, and a pretty woman the tyrant he is not au
thorized to resist.