1% r. WEBSTER'S EB3 1:;; , 1:.03 2 The Hon. Jo , lip 111. Clayton's resolution calling for fora'. correspondence on the Oregon Question being called up-- Mr. WEBSTER rose and said : I shall advise my honorable friend, the member from Delaware, to forbear from passing this. resolution for a few days. There is no doubt that there are letters from'Mr. M'Lane ; but, as the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations opposes this motion, I am td presume that the Executive Government finds it incon venient to communicate those letters to the Senate, at the present moment. Yet, it is obvious, that as the Senate is called on to perform a legislative act, it ought, before the hour of its decision _comes, to be put in possession of every thing thing likely to influence its judg ment ; otherwise, it would be required to perform high legislative functions on mere confidence. There is certainly some em barrassment in the case. If the Execu tive Government deems the communica tion of the correspondence inconvenient, it can only be because neg otiation is still going on, or, if suspended, is expected to be resumed. So far as negotiation is con• cerned, the conitnunication,or publication, of the correspondence, may very proper ly be thought inconvenient. But, then, the President has recommended the pas sage of a law, or resolution, by the two Houses of Congress. In support of this recommendation, he himself sent us, un. asked, at the commencement of the ses sion, the correspondence up to that tiine. Now, if that was necessary, the rest is necessary. If we are entitled to a part, we are entitled to the whole. In my opinion, the mistake was in call ing on Congress to authorize notice to England of the discontinuance of what has been called the joint occupation until negotiation had been exhausted. Negotia tion .hould have been tried first, and when that had failed, and finally failed, then, and not till then, should Congress have been called upon. I now go on the ground, of course, the the notice far discontinuing the joint on. cuparicy is properly to be given by author ity of Congress; a point which I do not now discuss. It is said, indeed, that notice is to be used as a weapon, or an instrument, in ne‘otiation. I hardly understand this.— It is a metaphor of not very obvious ap. plication. A weapon scents toimply, not a facility, or mereaid, but the means either of defence against attack, or of making an attack. It sounds nut altogether friend ly and pacific. I doubt exceedingly whether, under present circumstances, notice would hasten negotiation; and yet such are those circumstances, that there may be as much Inconvenience in standing still as in going forward. \ The truth is, that great embarrassment arises from the extreme pretensions and opinions put forward by the President, in his inaugural address, a year ago, and in his message last December. But for these, notice would have been harmless, and perhaps would have been authorized by both Houses without much opposition, and received by England without dissatisfac• non. But the recommendation of the no tice, coupled with the President's repea ted declarations that he held our title to the whole of the territory to be " clear ' and unquestionable," alarmed the coun try. And well it might. And if notice were required, in order to enable the Pre sident to push these extreme claims to any and every result, then notice ought to be refused by Congress, unless Con gress is ready toliipport these pretensions at all hazards. Here lies the diflirulty. Congress is not prepared, and the country is not prepared, as .I believe, to make the President's opinion of a dear and un questionable right to the whole territory fan ultimatum. If he wants notice for a purpose, he certainly must see that it becomes a grave question whether Con gress will grant it. It was a great, a very great mistake, to accompany the recommendation of notice with so positive an assertion of our right to the whole territory. Did the President mean to adhere to that, even to the ex tremity of war? If so, he should have known that, after what has happened in years past, the country was not likely to sustain him. Did he mean to say this, and afterwards recede from it ? If so, why say it at all ? Surely the President could not be guilty of playing an small a part, as to endeavor to show himself to possess spirit, and boldness, and fearless ness of England, more than his predeces sors, or his countrymen, and yet do all this in the confident hope that no serious collision would arise between the two countries. So low an ambition, such pal try motives, ought nut to be imputed.— When the President declared that, in his judgment, our title to tine whole of Ore gon was " clear and unquestionable," did he mean to express an ollicial or a mere ,fpersonal opinion I If the latter, it cer tainly hail no place to an official commu nication. If the former—if he intended a solemn official opinion, upon which he was resolved to act officially, then it is a • very grave question how far he is justifi ed,without tiew lights, or any change of circumstances, to place the claims of this country, in this respect, on other grounds Than those en which they had stood under predecessors, and with the concur• tree of all branches of the Government, r so:many years; for it is not to be !doubted that the United States Govern *sent has admitted, through a long series of years, that England has rights in the wthwestern parts of this continent Which are entitled to be respected, Nlr. President, one who.has observed attentively what has transpired here and in England, within the last three months, must, I think, perceive that public opin ion, in both countries, is coming to a'con• elusion that this controversy ought to be settled ; and is nut very diverse, in the one country and the other, as to the gen eral basis of such settlement.—That basis is the offer made by the United States to England in 182 G. There is no room to doubt, I think, that this country is ready to stand by that offer, substantially and in effect. Such is my opinion at least, and circumstances cer tainly indicate that Great Britain would not, in all probability would not, regard such a proposition as unfit to be consider ed. I said, some weeks ago, that I did not intend to Discuss titles at length, and certainty not to adduce argument against our own claim. But it appears to me that there is a concurrence of arguments, or considerations, in favor of regarding the 49th parallel as the just line of demarca tion, which both countries might well re spect. It has, for many years, been the extent of our claim. We have claimed up to 49 degrees, and nothing beyond it. We have o ff ered to yield ,every thing north of it. It is the boundary between the two countries on this side the Rocky Mountains, and has been since the pur chase of Louisiana from France. Ido not think it important either to prove or disprove the tact, that commis sioners under the treaty of Utrecht estab lished the 49th parallel as the boundary between the English and French posses sions in America. Ancient maps and de scriptions so represent it ; seine saying that this line of boundary is to run "in definitely west," others saying, in terms, that it extends to the northwestern ocean." But, what is more important, we have considered this boundary as estab• !jolted by the treaty of Utrecht, at least on this side of the Rocky Mountains. It was on the s!rength of this that we drove back the British pretensions, after we had obtained Louisiana, north, from the head waters of . the Mississippi to this parelfel of 49 deg. This is indubitable. We have acted, therefore, and induced others to act, on the idea that this boundary Ivas actually established. It now so stands in the treaty between the United States and England. If, on the general notion of contiguity, or continuity, this line be continued "inde finitely west," or is allowed to run to the " northwestern ocean," then it leaves on our side the valley of the Columbia, to which, in my judgment, our title is main tainable on the ground of Gray's discov ery. 'rim Government of the United States has Lever offered any line south of forty nine, (with the navigation of the Colum bia,) and it never will. It behooves all concerned to regard this asa settled point. As to the navigation of the Columbia, per manent'y or for a term of years, that is all matter for just, reasonable, and friend ly negotiation. But the 40th parallel must be regarded as the general line of boun dary, and not to be departed from for any line further south. As to all straits, and sounds. and islands, in the neighboring sea, all these are fair subjects fur treaty stipulation. If the general basis be agreed to, all the rest, it may be presumed, may be accomplist cd by the exercise of a spirit of fairness and amity. And now, Mr.lt 7 ;sident, if this be so, why should this settlement be longer de layed 7 Why should either Government hold back longer from doing that which both, I think, can see must be done, if they would avoid a rupture 7 Every hour's delay is injurious to the interests of both countries. It agitates both, disturbs their business, interrupts their intercourse, and may, in time, seriously affect their friend • ly and respectful feeliag towards each other. Having said this, Mr. President, it would be needless for me, even it it were proper, to add more. I have expressed my own opinions plainly and without dis guise. I think I see clearly where this business must end, if it is to end without serious collision ; and I earnestly hope that those In whose hands power is, on both sides, will exercise that power promptly, in removing the great evils pro duced on both sides by the pendency of this unfortunate, disturbing, and danger ous controversy. It is not a case in which either Govern ment should stand on !natters of form or etiquette. The interest at stake are too important for that. It is not humiliation, it is not condescension even, for either Government to signify to the other its readiness to do at once what it sees must be done ultimately. Thus far, the dis pute does not touch the honor of either Government. Let, then, the propitious moment be Seized ; let candor, and fair ness, and prudence rule the hour : and let these two great nations he restored to the full enjoyment of their vast, useful, and harmonious intercourse. R err WEAVING.-- Yankee Ingenuily.—gr. Bigelow, an ingenious American artisan, has in vented a power loom for weaving grain carpets which is already in use by the Lowell Company, who have set fifty looms in motion, and expended nearly ono hundred thousand dollars in this branch of manufacture. 'rho carpets produced aro of the fined quality. Mr. Bigelow has also completed machine for the manufacture of Brussels carpeting, which has every prospect of success. Ho has also invented a machine for the manufacture of Mar seilles quilts, a species of work seldom attempted in this country. It is said that be has received an offer of .080,000 from England for the patent. The office of the City Treasurer at Mobile, Ala., was entered by burglars on the night of the 19th ult., and robbed of $3,000. For the "Journal." Geographical Acrostical Enigma. I am composed of 15 letters. My 1,5, 7,7, 5 is a town in Thibet. Ny 2,5, 11, 5, le a river in Liberia. My 3, 10, 13, is a river in Europe. My 4, 13, 3, 11, 7, ie a river in Hindoostan. My 5, 12, 5,1, ie a sea in Mitt. My 6, 11, 15, is a town in Belgium. My 7, 14, 8, 13, 14, is a river in Europe.. My 8, 11, 3, 10, 13, 5, is a river in Asia. My 9, 10, 5 ,ie a town in Hindoostan. My 10, 7,5, 9, 14, ie a river in the U. S. My 11, 12, 5, 1, is a river in Asia. My 12, 14, 3, is a river in the U. S. My 13, 4,1, 14, in a river in Africa. My 14, 12,8, 14,:a a Lako in N. America. My 15, 14, 13, 4,7, 14, 8, is a river in Asia. My whole is the name of an American Author ess. M. For the ' , Journal." ACROSTICAL ENIGMA. Tam composed of seventeen letters. My 1,4, 7, 8 is a town in Barbary. hty 2, 15, 10, 12,8 is a town in the Sahara Des ert. My 3, 10, it; a river In Europe. My 4,9, 17 is a river in Asia. My 5, 17, 10, 1 is a town in S. W. Europe. My '6, 9, 15, 10 a river in Europe. My 7, 16, 15, 2,8, ;6, 7 is a Strait in Europe. My 8,4, 7, 1 is a town in Barbary. My 9,4, 1, 12 is a Cope of Africa. My 10, 3,7, 15, 16, 10 is o city in Europe. My 11, 4, 15, 16, 10, Lis a Sound in N. A. My 12, 15, 2, 15, 14, 16 is a mountain in Aida. My 13, 6,2, 15, 5 is a river in the Southern States. My 14,15,16,2 is a town in the S. E. of Europe. My 15, 4, 12, 1, 6 is a county in Tennessee. My 16, 4,15, 1,6, 12 is a river in Europe. My 17, 5, 9,12 is an Island in the Mediterranean Seo. My whole is the name of a distinguished Gen eral, now dead. Warriorsmark, March 28, 1846. A. A. Mc. Answers next week. Answers to the Enigmas of lest week, L—BATTLE OF WATERLOO. 2.— WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. MARRIED, In Williamsburg, on Thursday the 2ml instant, by tho Rev. Win. J. Gibson, Mr. ALEXANDER RUTLEDGE and Miss SARAH FEAT, all of Blair county. Where is Prederick Lawyer? INFORMATION is wanted of th e.pres ent place of residence of FREDERICK LAVVVER, son of Michael Lawyer, de ceased. It is thought he lives in either Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Hunting don or Bedford counties, in this State,— Should this meet his eye, or any persor cog nizant of him, information is desired to be communicated to A. STEWARI', Martins burg, •Va. ri'Newspapers in the interior of Penn sylvania are respectfully requested t o notice the above. April 8. (3o 0 ( 12EB3a1 DI&B.I20 ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOLLIDAYSBURG, l'A., Will attend to all business entrusted to his care in Blair, Huntingdon, and Indiana counties. Hollidaysburg, April 8, 1846. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Estate of ANNE NORRIS, (late of Springfield township, Huntingdon county, deed.) VVOTICE is hereby given thnt letters 4NI testamentary upon the last Will and Testament of said cited, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate arc re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are requested to present them prop erly authenticated for settlement, to . JAMES NORRIS, Executor. LYDIA GILL, 5 Executrix, April 8, 1846.--Ot. paid. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of THOMAS G. PATTERSON, (late of Shirley township,dee'd.) Tr_ ErrERS of Administration on the lalasaid estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it, will present them properly authen ticated, for settlement, without delay, to JOHN SHARER, Administrator. Mount Union, April 8,1846-6 t. Dissolution of Partnership. Williamsburg, March 25, 1846—0 m. We, the undersigned, having the above named Mills in our own practical use, and having tried them well, we fully con cur in the above statement. David Ake George Ake JOHN SHARER David Good Wm. Ake Samuel Rhodes M. Brenaman Shirley township, March 12, 1846, The partnership heretofore. existing un der the firm of Leas & Sharer in the For warding and Commission business has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the said firm Will please call and make payment. WILLIAM 13; LEAS NOTICE. The co-partnership heretofore existing under tee firm of Stevens, Snyder ; & co. was this day (March 12, 1846,) dissolved by mutual consent, The business of the late firm hh ill be settled by Charles Sny der—Samuel R. Stevens and George W. Geer having withdrawn. S. R. STEVENS, MIAS. SNYDER, 'G. W. GEER. . _ 07" The business will be continued by Charles Snyder, in the town of Hunting don, as formerly, and he solicits a share or public patronage. C. 5. Huntinplon, March 25, 1845.-Im. A. W. BENEDICT, ATTORNEY AT LA IP—HuNTmcnoN, Pa.—Office at his old residence in Main street, a few doors West of the Court House. A. W. 13. will attend to any bu siness entrusted to him in the several courts of Huntingdon and adjoiningconn , ties. 411130, 1845.—tf. GEORGE TAYLOR, Attorney 41 to practice in the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra tors accounts, Serb/ening., &c.—Office in Dimond, three doors East of the " Ex change Hotel." feb2B, '44. IVIISTIOES' Blanks of aft kinds, for sale 40 at this Office. A CARD. To lite Civilized World. V, B, PALMER, lIR American Newspaper Agent, duly 44. authorized and empowered, by the pro prietors of most of the best newspapers of all the cities and principal towns in the United States and Canada, to receive sub scriptions and advertisements, and to give receipts for them, respectfully notifies the public, that he is prepared to execute orders from all parts of the Civilized World, em bracing Individuals, F irms, Societies, Clubs, Reading Rooms, Corporations, Incorporated Companies, Governments, &c.. at his sev eral Offices in the cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Boston, and where communications and enquiries, post paid, may be directed. Address V. B. PALMP.R, Philatia., N. W. cor. and Chesnut street. " Baltimore, S. E. cot. Baltimore and Calvert street, " " New York, 'Tribune Buildings, opposite City Hall. " " Boston, 20 State street. BAs no other person or persons are in any manner connected with the subscriber, in the American Newspaper Agency, all letters and communications for him, should be carefully directed as above, and to no other person. This caution has ,become ne cessary, in order to avoid mistakes, and put the public on their guard against all preten ded Agents. V. B. PALMER, American Newspaper Agent. April 1, 1846. PUBLIC NOTIOE.—V. B. Palmer, the American Newspaper Agent above named, is the only authorized Agent, for receiving subscriptions and advertisements for the "JOURNAL" in the cities of Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and Boston, of which public notice is hereby given JAMES CLARK Huntiugdon, April 1, 1846. BRIG.IDE ORDERS. The militia composing the 2d Brigade 10 D. P. M. are hereby required to train by Company, on Monday the 4th day of May, and the Volunteer; and Militia by Battalion tor inspection as follows, viz: Ist Reg. 1 Bat. on Monday the 11th day of May. lot Keg. 2 Batt. on Tuesday the 12th day Of May. 2 Reg. 1 Batt. on Wednesday the 13th day of May. 2 Reg. 2 Daft. on Thursday the 14th day of May. 5 Reg. 1 Hatt. on Friday 15th of May. 5 Reg. 2 Batt. on Satuiday 16 th day of May. 3. Reg. 2 Batt. on Monday the 18th day of May. 3. Reg. 1 Batt. on Tuesday the 19th day of May. 4. 2 Batt. on Wednesday the 20th day of May. 4. Reg. i Batt. on Thursday the 21st day of May, 4tli Volunteer Batt. commanded by Maj. Williams ,on Friday the 22d day of May. 2. Volunteer Batt. commanded by Maj. Stephens on Saturday, the 23d day of May. 6. Beg. 2 Batt, on Fuesday the 26th day of May. 6. Reg. l Batt. on Wednesday the 27th day of May. 7th Company of the 6th Reg. on Friday the 29th clay of May. Union Grays on Saturday the 20th day of May. Ist Volunteer Battallion commanded by Maj. Bell, on Tuesday the 2d day of June. JOHN BURKET, Brigade Inspector, 2. B. 10. D. P. M. Brigade Inspr'S Office, Walk erville, Centre Co, March 27, 1846.5 A New Patent Wind Mill for cleaning Grain. THE subscribers having purchased Culp's Patent for the counties of Hun tingdon, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata, would avail themselves of informing the Farmers that it is the greatest improve ment ever made on Fanning Mills ; for simplicity, cheapness, within ralnlity there is none to equal it, and as for cleaning speedily and well, it alike surpasses all others. We manufacture in Williamsburg, Blair county, where we will always have them on hand, and will receive and attend to orders promptly. We v ill haul the Mills through the above mentioned district during the ensu ing season. lIUYETT Ea GARVIN, Cr.„7" Lewistown Gazette, will please publish, the above 6 months, and charge this office. Huntingdon dfcadenig. Instructions in this Institution, will commence on Monday the 6th of April next. It is hoped that Parents, or per sons wishing to send' their children to the Academy will feel it important to have them in attendance at the opening of the session. The student always labors under disadvantage by not being present at the commencement of Vie tetra. Much might be said why this Academy ought to re celVe a liberal patronage from the inhaba itants of Huntingdon, and county ; but we deem it unnecessary for the present. - Parents wishing to place . their sons in the family of the Principal, may be assured that every thing will be done for their comfort, and improvement, both in tow tat cultivation, and morals. GEO. 14i. WILLIARD, Principal JOAN SCOTT, JR. aTTORA IF .12' .L.911P, HUNTINGDON, PA Will attend with promptness and fidelity to all business with which he may be entrusted in Hun tingdon or the adjoining counties. Hie office Is the ono formerly occupied by James Steel, Esq., nearly opposite Jackson's Hotel. Huntingdon March 11, 1846. COURT AFFAIRS Trial List for .Ipril Term FIRST WEEK. C. Garber's Ex'rs vs. Spering, Good et Benjamin Clarke vs. Christian Shontz Martin Gates vs. Robert Moore Andrew P Wilson vs. Michael Buoy Leslie's Assignees vs. A P Wilson &Jos Jones William B Zeigler vs. Hiram Williamson It Williams & co. vs. John M'Comb L Beygstresser'sAd. vs. E. Shoemaker Com'th. of Penn's. vs. Alex. Ennis et al Thomas Williams vs. Christian E Crane Todd 8t Lemon vs. Gen,.W Patterson William M'Gary vs M'Namara & Royer Curtins' Am's for use vs. J W & W Myton Henry Neff's Adm's vs. John G Fleck J. Dickey's, Adm's vs. Andrew P Wilson William Stewart vs: John Wray Coast. A Johnston for Royer vs. R. Lowry 's Adms William S. Morrison vs. C Hartman & wife Jas. Martin's Adms vs. J Dougertr(lnk.) D Yingling for use vs. Wiliam Nelson SECOND WEEK John M'Cahan vs. W Dorris, Gar'she C H Leas & co vs. Jacob Drake et al J Entrekin's Ex'rs vs. Geo Smith's Adms Com'th of Penn'a vs. Wm Price et al John Miller for use vs. D Goodfellow's Ad David Branstetter vs. Robison & Nowlin Leonard Kimball vs. John M'Cahan J Higgins & co fr use vs. Israel Graffius John F Lowry vs. M'Brite, Royer co I4ingafelter vs. Zariah Leff J D Davis for use vs. John Dougherty Williams for Williams vs. J P Jones Joseph Rollin vs. Geo W Patterson Stopher for use et al vs. Johnst. - .r. & Hays Henry K. Swoope vs. Geo W Patterson Potts for M'Nite & Leas vs Lightner, Car- others et al Ewing for Gates .vs James Ewing Potts for McNite & Co vs Li&l.'ater & Co. Same vs. Same Blair for Kirk vs. Elcchange B ank Com'th for Buchanan & wife vs. J BWeaver Thomas Bradford vs. Daniel Africa Esq Shirleyshurg horn. vs. Abraham Long Alex & Mary M'Aninch vs. W P Laughlin Alex M'Aninch vs. John Deviney William Eden vs. David Words Wm Pollock for use vs. G Sipes (Garnishee Com'th for Grimes vs. SFrampcon et al John M'Pherran vs. Iligrins Dorsey et] ktmmerling for Johnson vs. Lowry Royerctl Joseph Cornelius vs. J•Bc I) N Carothers Samuel Caldwell vs. Jos Higgins &co Robert Moore vs. John Love Carver & Love vs. J Leonard's Adms Huntingdon county vs. Tulin Potts George Umbrella vs. Ludwig Kiester Hewit as'nee of Hewit vs. J Brotherline Miller Hand & Eagle vs. Walter Graham William Glass vs. Dr W It Findley allverit 'nation WHEREAS by precept to me direc ted dated at Huntingdon, the 24th day of Jan. A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, under the hands and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil son, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Huntingdon, Minn and Union, and the Hon. Joseph Adams and James Gwin, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingtlon,justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments, and presentments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the state are made capital or felonies of death and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall hereafter be committed or be per petrated for crimes aforesaid—l am com manded to make Public Proclawail ou 3 throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Oyer .and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and 13th day) of April neat and those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within the said county, be then and there in their ptoper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examina tions and remembrances, to do those things which to their offices respectively appertain. - Dated at Huntingdon the 24th day of Jan. tn the year of our Lord one thousa6d eight hundred and forty six , and the 60th yearof American indepen , lence. JOHN ARMITAGE, Shr'ff. Shoff's Office, Hunting don, Z don, Jan. 25, 1846. S Proclamation. WHEREAS by precept to me direc ted by the Judges of the Common Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, 'near ing test the 24th day of Jan. 1846, I am commanded to make Public Pro , elamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a court of Commor a Pleas Will be held at the court house, in the Borough of fluntingdOn, itt the ct",unly of Huntingdon, on the third Monday (and 20th day) of April, A. D. '846, for the trial of all issues in said boort which remain untleter• mined before the said Judges when and where Jurors, IVitneSses anti suitors, in the trial of all said issues are required Dated at Huntingdon the 2Ath day of Jun. A. D. one thousand eight hun dred and forty-six and the 69th year of American Indepentlenee. JOHN ARNIHAGE Slr'jf. Sheriff's office Hunting don, Jan. 25, 1846, S• NOTICE. thosehiviniunsettled accounts in "Huntingdon Mill," will please call and settle, them belnie the first of April, as no longer time can be given. . • M. CHOWNOVER, March 18, 1846. - REGZELTIM'S NoTZCZ 1 Vs.:pc/TICE is hereby given to all persons 41%1 concerned, that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the egister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be prmented for con firmation and allowance at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon. in and fin. the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 15th day of April next, viz 1. Esther Beyer, William Beyer. mid John Be er, Administrators of John Beyer, late of Porter township, dec'd. 2. Robert McNeal and James McNeal, Adm'rs of James M'Neal, late nt Tell town ship,-deed. 3. David If: Moore, Adm'r of William Mcßellip, late of Frankstown township, dec'd. 4. Jacob H. Stifller, and Isaac Yinglin. Admr's of Peter Keatli, late of Allegheny township, dec'd. 5• Caleb Swoope, Adm'r of Lawrence Swnope, late of Cass township, dec'd. 6. Thvid Beyer, Adm'r of Samuel Utley, late of Snyder township, dec'd. 7. Andrew Wise, Adm'r of Catharine Louderslagle, Ilte of Henderson township, dec'd. 8, Andrew Stewart, acting Adm'r of Dsn iel Stouffer, late of West township 4 deed. 9. Peter Hoffman, Adm'r of Peter Hoff man, Tate of Walker township, deed. 10. 'Thomas M. Owens, Adm'r of Tim othy Hill, late nt - township, dec'd. 11. Daniel McConnell, Adm'r of lnhn Scullin, late of West township, dec'd. 12. Hiram Williamson .and Samuel Mil ler, Admr's of Elizabeth Grafiva, late of West township, dec'd. 12. Thomas Weston, Adm'r of Nathan Green, late of Warriorsmatk township, dec'd. • 14. Peter M. Bare and Davkl But ket,. Atimr's of 13enjimin Bare, late of Cromwell township, deed. 15. William Templeton, Aclm'y of Mary 'Templeton ,late of 'Tyronetownship. dec'il. 16. Rebecca Heffner ' Administratrix of Adam Heffner, late of Walker township, 17. Peter C. Swoope, and John S. Patton Admr's of John Swoope, late of Walker township, dec'd. 18. James Carmont f acting Executor of John Carmont, late of Barree township, dec'd. 19. Daniel- McConnell, acting Executor of Henry McConnell, late of Blair township, tlec'd,.afid John Mcilwaine, Executor of last Will and Testament of said dec'd. 20. Jacob Long, acting Executor f Peter Long, late of Allegheny township, dec'd. 21. Daniel Africa, Guardian of the minor Children of John Wi ight, late of Hender son township, dec'd.l JACOB MILLER, Register. Register's Office, Huntingdon, March 12, 1846.1 LEA 7 HER, MOROCCO AND FINDING STORE. No. 20, North 2nd street, Harrisburg. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring counties, that he still continues to carry on the above business in all its branches, all of the best quality, and as low as can be bought anywhere, for Cash. His stock consists partly of Sole Leather, Upper Leather, Calf Skins, water proof Kip, Harness Bridle, &c. &c. Men's Morocco, Women's Straights, Kid, Bindings, Linings, &c. &c. Shoe-thread, wholesale orretail, sparables, glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, boot web, cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slick bones, files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys, jiggers, shoulder irons, hoe keys, senm sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels, heel slickers, shank wheels, coil's, shoul der sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip-, pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gouges, pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c. &c., and everything else in his line of busi ness. Call and see before buying elsewhere. VV M. L. PEIPER. reb. 11, 1846, TO IRON-MASTERS. The subscriber offers at private sale, a tract of land, situate in the upper end of Mifflin county, containing about 75 acres, on which there is a VElilt EXTENSIVE bank of IROX ORE of excellent quality. The bank is about one mile from the Pennsvlvritia Canal. Sev eral hundred tons of the Ore have been manufactured. For particulars refer to 1• ROTHROCX. McVeytown, March 11, 1846. • Jewelry ! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry! ! 3 - pUST received, a stock of the most magnili ra tient Jewelry q;7'.. , ever 4 came up the like. ',„Lv • Consisting of Coto PAT * TENT LEVERS, Ladies GOLD ANCROR LE• VER S, fU II jewelled, SILVER rATENT LEVERS, double and single cased,Sitima A NCIIOR LEVERS, fUlljeWeird, double and Wag/erased ENGLISH WATCHES, IMitatiOnLeVerS, QUARTI En and FRENCH WATC'AES, &c. Also Gotil Fob Chains, and Seals the most fashionable patterns. Gold Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains; Rey'S. Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases, Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket Becks, Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instrum( its, Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Teased Salt Spoons, Sugar I'ongs,Lowends pzatt Silver Pencils, Bazors pf the fittest quality, HENRY CLAY penknives, a superior ant • tie, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Hair Brusly: 9 . Tooth Brushes, Platina Pcints, &c. &c. All the above articles will be sold cheapet than ever heretofore. Clock and \Vlach repairing clone as usual, very cheap for cash. _ Marge . assortmcnt of eight clay and titir • ty hour Clocks will he Sold very cheap. All watches sold will be warranted for ono year, and a written guarranice given. that it not found equal to warranty it will (during that period) be put in order without expense. or it injured, may be exchangtd fur any other watch of equal value. The warranty s considered void, should the watch, with which it is given, be put into the hands of another watch maker. D. BUOY Huntingdon. April 10, 1844. LANK 130 N Del to Constables forStav 44. of Execution, uticler,tlte new law,just printed, and for salt, aCtlt is office.