THE JOURNAL, s . ..----- i ~.0 4 kt,lf 1 1 00, - I e i l l . c.b. l i, It cp„..fir . i) 3 7,..w.,,,,,5„..74, , ,- A.- , i ,-J-: 1 , , `4l i cv -tv: P, kc - , ve , ';•,,, e to I t HUNTINGDON: Wednesday, April 8, 1846, Domocratic Wing Candidate For Canal Commissioner JAMES M. POWER, OF MERCER COUNTY. Hon. John Blanchard has our thank. for valuable documents. John Morrison, Esq., of the Stste Senate will also accept our thanks for his kind attentions. TSIAS Ssyrrerts.—Gen's. Houston and Rusk have arrived at Washington and taken their seats in the U.S. Senate. IZ-Hon. Andrew Stewart, will please aecept our thanks for a copy of his speech on the subject of "Internal Improvements and the Tariff." We aball give our readers the Tariff portion of this speech in our next. The subject Is handled in a masterly manner, and shows the farmers, who Mr. Walker and his free-trade echoes have been attempt ing to humbug, on which side of this great ques tion it is their in.erest to stand. cj-The Union star is out in favor of the Hon. Jae. Pollock, as the Whig candidate for Congress i n the glorious old Thirteenth Congressional Dis• trict. The true-hearted Whigs of that redeemed district could not do better. The Season--• Spring. The earth, but Into so cold and dreary, bound in her snowy robes, has now broken from her thraldom and in again clothing herself in the pleasant vest ments of Spring. prightly fall the vivifying sun hems upon the meadows, fields and wild woods, sending forth the green swards, buds, leaves and flowers. The iry fettersare broken, and the streams leap out like playful childhood. The human heart beats lightly, and gentle thoughts are awakened by the balmy breath of Spring, and the notes of the feathered songaters, humming their lays of love" from amid the infant leaves. This is the season when the toil of the husband man commences. Even now we see the hardy tiller of the soil, upon the hills and in the valleys around us, pursuing his path in the newly made furrow.— May his labors bo repaid abundantly by the fruits of the earth; and may all the fend and innocent hopes of those who are rejoicing in the "early summer" be fully realized. cry The citizen. of Newry, we learn, are making strong efforts to have that place eelected as the County Town of Blair. Newry, we ere informed, is a smart place. GiThe "GRAND Tweets or Hexon,"connected we believe with the Sone of Temperance, 611 a su perior Degree, wee Instituted in Philadelphia a ehort time since. Rather a lofty title, this. No matter, however, what titles they emanate, so long as they pursue their laudable and tfeaven•inspired object of reforming the poor inebriate. azrTwo men named Jacob Root and David Wentz, were drowned in the Susquehanna, near Harrisburg on Sunday, the 25th ult, They were attempting to cross with a flat-boat laden with flour. but the current proved too strong, and they were wrecked on ono of the piers of the bridge. The balance of the crew, 5 in number, were saved. Licensed Poison! Professional Mur- der !!---Alias Cure All fil On Monday morning our good citizens were treated to petty humbugry in the shape of high sounding circulars or handbills trumpeting forth the praises of a certain Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's Sugar Coated Sweet Pills, which the world is informed cure all diseases to which flesh is heir to, from the bite of a mad-dog down to all the et ceteras usually upon the tongues of Quacks—together with Hume's Bitter Compound Syrup of Hore-hound, which seems to differ from Dr. G. Benjamin Smith's im mortal Elixir only in taste. These affairs aro deci dedly small—so much so that they do not pay for advertising, and are, of course, great humbugs. CONGRESS. In the Senate the Oregon debate is still under way, and may now be fairly denominated the “mon ster debate." Since our last several speeches have been made, the most important of which, wo give to our reader. in to-day's paper, delivered by that clear-headed and veteran Statesman—tho Hon. DANIEL WEBSTER. Thin speech breathes throughout the very spirit of patriotism, and will empty repay an attentive perusal. We make no apology for the space n occupies, an we feel assured that we could giro our readers nothing that would be more acceptable. In the House, the Sub-Treasury bill has been under discus ten, for several days, but no vote hits, a. yet, been taken upon it. P. S.—Since the above was in type we learn by the mail of last evening that the Sub-Treasury bill bee pruned the House of Representativee by a vet e of 122 to 66. Mr. Benton made a strong speech the other day in favor of settling the Oregon quoe lion on the 49th degree. CCP A great NAT/ORAL PAIR will be held in Washington City, in May next, for the exhibition of specimens of American manufacture. This fair is got up as an off-set to the exhibition of British goods by one of her agents, now at Washington. The object wits starlet , by a prr'ion of the Penn sylgeni., delegation, whose card we palish in to day's paper. (0- At toe late election in Rhode laland, the Law and Order ticket prevailed by an averaged wajorily of 200. Borough Election. The folliwing is a list of the borough officers elected on Monday last: CHIEF BURGESS— William Dorris, Jr. ASSISTANT' BURGESS—. Arthur H. Clarke, and Jse,,b Snydor. TOWN COUNCIL— Adam H. Hall, J. K. Henderson, William 11. Peighlal, J. Sewell Stewart, William Africa, William A. Saxton, David Blair. TOWN CLERK— C. Ashman Millen ASSISTANT. ASSESSOR— Peter Swoope, SUPERVISORS-- John Flenner, and William H. King. H. CONSTABLE-- Alexander Groin. CLERK OF MARKET— John Albright. The above is understood to be an improvement ticket, and was elected by a triumphant majority. The Burgess and Assistants and the gentlemen composing the Town Council, are all intelligent, energetic, popular and influential young men; and we may therefore look for an efficient and spirited administration or our borough affairs, during the present year. Old men for counsel and young men for action." It will be seen, too, that notwithstanding Alex. Gwin, Esq. turned traitor to hia friends and neigh bors, and went in for the division of the county, our citizens, with their usual magnanimity, turned out on Monday last and triumphantly elected him to the dignified ! responsible !! and lucrative!!! office of HOG CONSTABLE, of this borough— only seven votes being cast against him. Well, we see there is no such thing as keeping great men down, The Market, There appears to be but little change in the mar kets. In Philadelphia flour is selling at $4,811- or dinary brand, and $4,871 for fair. Wheat per bushel, $l,OB, a sl,lo—Rye, 72 a 75 cts.---Coru 64 a 66 cts.—Oats 41 cents. In Baltimore—Wheat, prima red is quoted at $l,lO a $1,12. Family flour, white wheat $l, 10 a $1,20 per bushel. UVITED STAT. BAWK.--The Philadelphia Pi. State. Gazette nays :--Wo have it in our power to state that during yesterday an arrangement was made by which the claim of the 'United States against the Bank of the United States was provi• ded for, and the Bank's assets are now freed from the lion of the Government, and its affairs can now be more readily settled. This arrangement is one that is calculated to be of very great benefit to those now anxiously awaiting a speedy settlement of the affairs of this unfortunate institution. Godey's Ladys' S ook. The April No. of this periodical is upon our table. It is published by L. A. Godey—and edi ted by Mrs. Sarah I. Hale. The contents of the present number are unusually interesting, and the embelishments very fine. The first is an original design by Earley, of Washington's first interview with Mrs. Curtis, engraved in Ellis' best manner. The second is an inimitable Fashion Plate, colored in this country, to suit the pure tastes of our fair countrywomen. This work is eminently entitled to tho support of the Ladies, and gentlemen also, who may desire a neat Literary publication to pre- sent monthly to their wives, daughters, sisttrs or sweet-hearts. Those desiring to patronize the work, will address L. A. Wiley, No. 101 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. A LUCKY EDITOR. -The happy editor of the Bingham (Mass.) Patriot, has not only, in spite of his being an editor, persuaded a pretty girl to take him for better or worse," which were bliss enough for one life, but his lady neighbors; in admiration of the mutual courage of the contracting parties, hare sent in a few donations toward the house fi lingo of the adventurous couple. Tho editor announces that he will keep his office open a few weeks longer," to receive farther donations, and acknowledges al ready the receipt of the following, viz:—A hand some centre table, a parlor stove ; a set of china ware; a solar lamp ; a handsome carpet; crockery ware in abundance; nest of boxes; pails and buck ets, together with a variety of small articles. sn". As we are in the same interesting situation, about to commence house-keeping, we hope our fair readers will not all come at once with their dona tions! Don't, Ladies, if you please. Late from Texas. The steamer Galveston arrived at New Orleans, on the 25th ultimo, with Texas dates to the 23d. Speaking of the "Army of Occupation" from Cor pus Christi, and the order that no one but those attached to the service should move with it, the Civilian says:—We understand that the order for bidding persons from accompanying the army has been pretty rigidly enforced, some persons who had violated it by following its march with whiskey to sell to the soldiers having been arrested and sent back in irons, and the barrels containing their liquor broken open and their contents destroyed. The news from Austin, the seat of Government, is to the 11th ult. The proceedings of the Texas Legislature a.- far are not of general interest. The Telegraph states that the corn planted this season, in many of the fields in the vicinity of Richmond on the Brno., is already several inches high. We hope that some of our Northern friends, while breaking roads through the snow drifts, will think and ponder upon this. KIDNAPPING. -A respectable colored man, na med Jerry Phi may, was kidnapped and carried off from Columbus, Ohio, on Friday night, the 27th ult., by a company of men from Frankfort, Ky. The case is one of aggravating character, and has produced considerable sulk:merit at Columbus. Irottrn [Urbana] Cilizer. Eanattatraga.--The shock of an Earthquake was sensibly fell at Maysville, Ky.,shout 12 o'clock an the night of the 22nd ult. Pennsylvania Legislature. Correrpondence of tho Huntingdon a'ournal: HARRISBURG, April 3, 1846. .111 y Dear Captain The Revenue Bill, en titled "an act to provide for the reduction of the Public Debt" has been the principal topic of dis cussion during the past week. The Bill constitutes the State Treasurer, the Auditor General and the Secretary of the Commonwealth " Commissioners of the sinking fund" established by the Act, with power to apply the funds coming into their tends to the purchase of the funded debt of the Common- Wealth. at its market price in trust for the benefit of the State, and for this purpose it sets apart certain moneys coming into the Treasury, specifically to the creation of the sinking fund, together with a three mill tax ad valorem to be levied, annually, hereaf ter on the following articles, viz: All chips, brigs, schooners, and all other sailing vessels; steamboats, stages, hacks, cabs, and other vehicles used for transporting passengers for litre; all canal boats, Locomotive Engines, and Rail Road Cars (except those which are used exclusively on the Canals and Rail Roads belonging to the State) owned, u - ed or possessed within this State ; also on all annuities except those granted by this Commonwealth, and on all property, real, personal or mixed, held in trust or vested fur the use or advantage of any other per son or corporation, excepting religious or benevo lent purpose.; and on all goods, chattels, and per sonal properly of every kind, possessed or had in charge by any person or corporation res agent, at torney or factor, to be held, used or disposed of for the use of any other person or corporation. And also a specific tax of ten cents per ton at the pit's mouth on all Anthracite Coal mined within this Commonwealth. A protracted debate was had upon striking out the tax upon Anthracite Coal; but the motion was not agreed to. A motion was then made to tax Bituminous Coal at the rate of 2i mills per bushel ; which motion was also disagreed to. Mr. Johnston of Erie, moved to strike out the tax upon ships, brigs, schooners, and stesmboats, which, after con siderable debate was also disagreed to. Motions were made to odd a tax upon Whiskey, Ale and Beer, and also upon transfers of stocks—upon Lon Ore, Lumber and other articles, all whirls however were voted down, and the Section passed almost in the shape in which it came from the Committee of Ways and Means, taxing the articles mentioned ahem It is the 7th Section of the bill and was carried by a vote of 94 to 37. The Bth Section which requires every person to deliver a statement in writing of all his money at interest, notes, bonds, mortgages, judgments, con tracts, &e., being under consideration, Mr. For sythe moved to amend by adding a Proviso, , t that where any mortgage or judgment is entered against any property, it shall be the duty of the Assessor to deduct the same from the assessed value of the es tate so mortgaged, and the tax shall be levied only on the balance of said estate;"—which was agreed to. Subseauently, however, a motion was made to reconsider the vote, which being agreed to, the amendment was voted down. A bill has passed finally in both Houses appro priating $55,000 toward the expense of repairing the damage done on the Public Works by the late freshet. 'Phis is about one half the sum estimated as accessory by the Canal Commissioners. The balance which may be necessary will be provided for in the General appropriation Bill which passed the House, "before the flood," and is now pending in the Senate on Second reading, having been the principal subject of debate in that body during the past week. Considerable time was spent in the House in discussing the new shape which has been given to that ;gni: finis known as the "individual liabil ity." Mr. Barrel has been at work, and the whole Committee on Banks in the bargain during the whole of last summer, and all his spare time this Session, in perfecting that beautiful idea, and whether any one will be mean enough to deny him the glory he has and apply to him the adage monfes parluriunl &c. remains to be seen. But at all events he says he has got thecreature as near per fection as possible. The democracy accordingly attached it to the Bill to recharter the Western Bank of Philadelphia, and passed the Bill. It is admitted that all former attempts to introduce the principle (if such a humbug, deserves the name of principle) have been failures, yet it is now confi dently asserted that the no plus ultra of perfection has been attained, and I suppose this rigmarole of some 6 or 7 sections, is to be the sine qua non in all future grants of 'Bank Charters by the Democ racy, If I might be permitted to express my own opinion in opposition to that of the Honorable Chairman of the "Ways & Means" I should say that the whole thing is still a humbug, calculated to give fraudulently disposed institutions a false credit, when, in truths and in fact, if the creditors attempt to put their fingers upon these individual stock holders, they will find thorn where the Irishman found the flea,—not there. A Bill has passed in both houses authorizing the Harrisburg Bridge Company to borrow money to enable them to rebuild their Bridge. lam afraid however they will not soon effect it. The rope has been obtained for establishing a Ferry at the Sito of the old Bridge. It is to be put up to-ino.row. A great number of private Bills were passed to each House during the week, relating to all sorts of local matters, which coat the State a vast amount of money, for the benefit of just about as many individuals as there are bills. Amongst the num ber, wan a bill to divorce a young couple who got married "in fan"! Hartutsnuito, April 4, 1846. Dear Sir :—This morning about 9 o'clock David Hummel, Jr., an esteemed citizen of our borough committed suicide, by hanging himself on tile garret of his resi dence on Second sheet. lie complained of being unwell at break Fast and did not rise. After some time his wife west up to call him again, when his clothes were found is the chamhei . , but he him4di wad missing. She became alarmed and called in one of the neighbors, and they proceed. ed together to the garret, where he was found suspended by the neck to a rope which had been attached to one of the girders as a swing for the children. Ile was in a sitting posture, reclining back wards upon the rope. If he had been sitting upright the rope would not have been stretched. No cause is assigned for the rash act except that he is supposed to have been laboring under partial insanity at the time. lie was well enough last night, however, and though partial derangement may have been the immediate cause of the act yet some causes might perhaps be assigned beyond, and causative to that state of mind--domestic troubles perhaps. The House of Representatives passed the Revenue Bill to-day. If any person fails to render a full account of his prop erty to the Assessor, he is to forfeit one half the portion unteturned, to the Com monwealth, and the other to the informer. It also taxes Anthracite Coal, ships, steam boats 4.c. anti increases the collateral in heritance tax from 21 to 5 per cent. and does many other curious and outrageous things, or proposes to do them, for the bill will be tnmahawked terribly in the Senate. Mr. Magehan says the bill was petty larceny at first, but is now highway rub bery. Fours &c, Tho Tariff of 1842. We find the following in the National Intclli• gencer: House of Representatives, March 24, 1846. With a view to furnish correct information in regard to the character, prices and extent of Amer ran Manufactures, ns well as to correct misrepre sentations on that subject, the undersigned respect fully invite the Artisans, Mechanics and Manufac turers of the United States to send specimens of their various productions, with their prices, to he compared with the British Manufactures sent front Manchester, and now being exhibited in the teem of the Committee on the Post Office nod Post Roads," to Influence the action of Congress in re lation to the proposed modification of the Tariff. And r e w Stewart, John Strohm , James Thompson, Mar IL Ewing, Richard Brodhead, Jacob Erdman, Alexander Ramsey, Abm. Moses Ill'Clertn, John Blanchard, James /flack, James Pollock, J. S. Yost, C. Darragh, Jos, Buffington. The object, says the U. S. Gazette, is eminently a good one, and we hope there will be a liberal con tribution. The Locofocos have had, for some time back, an exhibition of British goods, which they are doing their best to protect, and it is time that the manufactures of this county should place in the hands of the Whig members their substantial evi dences of the progress of the productive arts in this country, and to show the legislators for the nation the objects they ought to protect for the sake of the country. We have sometimes thought that a good many of the voters in the Representative Hall of Congress were hardly aware of the magnitude of the interest, with the stability of which they are every now and then foolishly trifling; or conscious of the merits of protection to American industry. It seems that if " protection" could only be gath ered under the wing of Locofocoism, as a Locofoco measure, it would bo well enough ; but as it unfor tunately happens, like a good many others of a sim ilar character, to be the offspring of the Whigs, why it must of course be opposed and utterly ex terminated. Tho New York Express says—lt has often been urged by the friends of the Tariff, that the Manufacturers of England were in the habit of sending their old stock of goods to this country to sell, and that the inevitable effect was to injure our Manufactories. This has often been denied, but a Into number of the London Globe makes the fol lowing confession :-- "Foreign exchange, however, is still on the ad vance, which is owing to the largo a.nounts being required to be remitted to Europe against the Into large importations, which were principally on En glish account, with orders to sell immediately and to remit, by first opportunity, advances on account. It :s a very common business with large houses in England to " ship all their "dead stuff" twice a year to this country, and let it be sold for what ever it may bring. Every spring and fall a new style of domestics is brought to country dealers.— If they were to reduce the prices and thus get rid of the stock left on hand at home, it would bo inju ring their country customers. To avoid such an injustice, and at the same time to realize on "dead stock," they recal it to life by shipping it to the United States and other foreign markets, but prin cipally to the United States, on account of its meet ing a sure and speedy cash remitting market." • Hero the Globe admits all that has been charged respecting the British manufacturers. If they will chip their goods here to clear off their old stocks and maintain prices at home, what is to prevent them under a 20 per cent. Tariff from flooding us with goods and ruining our Manufactured This they con afford to do if they can secure our mar kets after they have killed oil our factories. "PRETTY' Wonx esu E/011T DOLLARS, Der." —Congress has been in session nearly four months, and has actually passed eight public Irwe, the last of which was approved by the President on the 24th tilt. Two laws in a month—prodigious labor for eight dollars a day, besideshandsome perquisites in books, &c., which members vote to themselves to be paid for by the public. And this is the course of men who at home arc for , t retrenchment and re form." Truly, profession and practice arc mightily at variance. But then, if they have given few laws, they have furnished many speeches—and words appear to bo more current with puliticiens thanacts. Whilst they continue to receive eight dollars por day, and the treasury remains able to ry them, this snail-pace legislation may be expected to be con tinued; but reduce the pay every week one dollar, after Congress shall have been in session three months, until the per diem be reduced to two dol lars, and we shall see greater despatch in business, and less nonsense uttered on the floor of the House. —Ballitracre Clipper. VERT LATE FROM THE ARGENTINE IIr.FCOLIC• —Gur correspondent in Pensacola, has sent the following important letter to us, says the N. York Herald. It contains some intelligence of interest from the River Plate: Pensacola, March 20, 1846.. The U. S. Frigate, Raritan, arrived hers on the 19th inst., in forty-three days from Rio, officers and crew all well. She put in here for water and pro visions prior to joining the gulf squadron, under Commodore Connor. She sails in a few days. I presume you have later news than that brought by her. The British steamer Cycleps left for England, to procure more reinforcement to carry en the war against the Argentines. Franco and England have discovered that the Argentines are not so easily whipped as they anticipated. Roses is hard to beat; some of the true, unadulterated Castilian blood flows in his veins. God grant he may suc ceed in annihilating the unholy combination, end not antler a man to remain to tell the tale. The brig Porpoia is looked for hourly, from thesquadron at Vera Uruz—probably she may bring some news. Wo clip the following from the Bradford Argus, of the 28th ult., published at Towanda, Pa:— MELANCTIOLT DISASTEII!—THE OWEGO MAIL LORT—Fovn on Firm Nilso' DnowNLD!-- Instead of the Owego Mail to-day, (Friday) the Post Master of this place received the following letter, dated ATHENA PA., 8 o'clock, P. M., March 26. "There is a rumor in town this evening of the loss of the Owego Mail, near Johnson's Mille, one mile this side of Owego, about 3 o'clock, A. M. this morning, and that four passengers and the dri ver and team were all drowned! True or false, you have it as I got it. No Owego mail has been received here as yet to-day. So says our P.M. C. F. WELL., Jn. The Stage driver who left Athens this forenoon, confirms the above melancholy news. Plll 'lemons Timm MEXlCo.—Rumors of dire report, says the New Orleans Bulletin, touching the af fairs of Mexico, and the progress of political and military intrigue there, thicken on us. La Pattie, n Spanish paper printed in this city, states that a letter written from Corpus Christi about the begin ning of this month, asserts that Gen. Taylor, in conformity with instructions, has been testing the qualities of his men, with a view of procuring them to march to Matamerns,under pretence of being deser. tern, and obtaining admission into the Mexican army. In this manner, says the letter, the American Gov ernment may introduce thousands of men among the Mexican troops, and in the process of time, when Gm Mexican forces ere composed mainly of soldiers of the United States, the annexation of all Mexico will be proposed, and in case the people re sist, the troops with Americansentiments and Mex ican uniforms, will affect their conquest, and Mexi co will come to the same end as Texas. How TIE BnlTran 11.}:wAnns THEIII Fnrafns —A London paper—the organ of the Anti-Corn Law League—contains the following paragraph : "The council of the League some time ago pre sented to M r. Calhoun and Gen.M'lluille, the Free Trade leaders in America, splendidly bound copies of the League as a mark of its esteem and sympa thy, and of the sense it entertained of their able and indefatigable advocacy of Free Trade •princi ples, We are happy to learn that the Council has ordered similar tokens to be prepared fur presentation to President Polk. and the Hon. Mr. Walker, the Secretary of the United States' Treasury." How our modem democrats must exult at these demonstrations of British sympathy and approba tion ! The English Manufacturers who constitute the League, and who hope soon through the agency of their Free Trade friends, Calhoun, M'Duffie, Polk and Walker, to be able to break down Amer ican industry and convert this country again into their "best customer," can well afford to bestow such marks of favor when they are to be so richly repaid. a The British Party," eh P—York Rep. Tirrell the Wrlstrderer. This villain, whom our readers will recollect, iias recently arrested at New Orleans, upon the charge of having mur dered Mrs. Maria Bickford, was tried last week in Boston, and acquitted. The reason given for the finding of this strange and unaccountable verdict, by the jury, was, that there was no doubt about his guilt, but that the evidence was not of a character to justify any other verdict.— He was immediately arrested upon the charge of setting fire to the house, but as his conviction, for that offence will de pend upon the same evidence as in the case of murder, a similar result may be anticipated. Tirrell was a married man —his wife is said to be very handsome, and attended the whole trial, accompanied by her Oaughter, a child of three years of age. Since the rendition of the verdict, the Boston Star has come into the possession of reliable facts, which go to show, that Tirrell confessed to his wife, shortly after the murder, that he had committed it,— The gallows has therefore, been cheated out of its victim, through the conscien tiousness of twelve men, who believed him to be guilty, yet lacked the manli• ness to say so. A Scales Couux.—While a Mr. Estes was giving his testimony in a case trying at the Justices' Court, in Van Duren county,Mo., in a trifling suit, a Mr. Anderson called him a liar. The insult was resented. Anderson being the stronger man, got Estes down, and was dealing heavy blows upon him, when Estes drew a pen knife and stabbed him some half dozen times and he fell back a life less corpse. ESiOll was admitted to boil, and it is rumored that Ile has since disappeared ; some sup pose for the purpose of evading justice, while others think that he has been summarily dealt with by Anderson's friends. A BAstinox.--Tho Lehigh Bulletin relates that a Mr. Macungie of that county, on his return irons a trip to this city, while riding along was accosted by a white female, and requested to carry her band box. Ho complied and offered her a seat in his wagon into the bargain, but she refused. As re quested, lie carried the box to the next tavern, hand ed it out, and waited for the lady to come up.-- After his own and the patience of the innkeeper was exhausted by her delay. the box was opened and lied in it--not a new cap or bonnet--but a jet black child, fast asleep! It is perhaps unne cessary to state that ihe"lady" never canto to hand, and the infant wax taken to the poor house of Le high county. LATER FROM i R vA O R IVIL I I— E — N WA G R L I A I N; D. The ship Yorkshire, at New York, brings one dap later intelligence from Liverpool, whence eke sailed on the sth ult. The correspondence between"6...l Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Packenham, which it will be remembered had reached England only three dais before the coiling of the last steamship for the United States, was still the subject of itseuseiore among the journals, and had produced a great of fervescence. The Switzerland hod arrived out with the Oregon notice resolutions, that had passed the House of Representatives. They increased the war feeling in London. The English and French funds were depressed in consequence of the flues. The relations between England and the U. Steles 'e had increased the bulk of the despatches for the Governor-General Of Canada, and also . for the Gov ernors of the other N. American provinces, which were sent off on the 3rd ult., from the Colonial office. The cotton market had slightly improved. Mr. bt'Lsne, the American Minister, had been pre vented from dining at Sir Robert Peel's, in conse quence of continued indisposition. The news is very important. A. an evidence of the the warlike feeling predominating on the other side of the water, we give the following extract of an article in the London Times of March 4th.— We italicise the most important part of the extract: la " The news from America, published this morn ing, took the city completely by surprise, and pro duced a fall of almost 1 per cent. in Console, from which they had bet nightly recovered at all in the course of the day. The closing price of yesterday for the Account was 9l', to 95, and the concluding price of to-day 96i to I, but they were done at 961. With the exception of this very marked effect, it has been unusually difficult to collect in detail any opinions respecting this news. People here are mostly disposed to regard the whole as a confine tion of that tone of bravado which the House of Representatives, under the auspices of the Presi- 4 dent, Mr. Polk, has hitherto maintained; end to hope, therefore, that the same feeling will not be I exhibited in the Senate. But the most anxious question discussed here to-day has turned upon what course is likely to be taken by the govern ment, should the notice to abandon the Oregon ter ritory be actually given—that is, whether such no tice would be followed by en immediate hostile manifestation, or whether that would lie reserved till the twelve months lied expired. From obser vations that hare dropped from Sir Robert Peel, it is erroneously inferred that, in however cour teous a manner this notice might be conveyed, it would be immediately resented and therefore the feeling which the news has produced runs, on the whole,a very uneasy one. The Astor Nouse in Now York on Piro. About 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening, the Astor House, in Broadway, New York, was discovered to be on fire. The Tribune says : The fire broke out simultaneously in several parts of the house, and was, unquestionably, the work of an incen diary—and one of the boldest and most reckless, who over plotted against life and property. A cham bermaid going into room No. 203, in the upper story, at half-past 6 o'elock, discovered a fire be tween the mattresses of the bed, which had just begun to kindle, and which was extinguished with out difficulty. At the same moment, however, the alarm of fire was given in three or four other parts of the house, and in an instant the vast human hive was a acene of indescribable confusion.— f Ladies rushed from their rooms screaming and sob bing piteously—servants bullied up the broad, stairs as if the whole tier of bells bad been violently rung at once—huge trunks and carpet-bage with single gentlemen half visible beneath, darted swiftly through the gloomy corridors, and the admirable order and harmony usually prevailmg throughout the establishment. became a completely inverted chord producing the direst and most appalling dis cord. The engines were noon on, the spot, and a large crowd gathered around in Broadway, the Park, Barclay, and Vesey sts. There was no name but a dense black smoke issued from all parts of the roof. The wind was high, and had the flame., burst out, and the fire got fairly under way, nothing could have saved the Astor and the American House. As it was, the fire was speedily extinguished. The water did considerable damage. About half the roof fronting on Broadway, will have to be renewed, and several of the rooms on the upper tier were more or less injured—with their contents—by fire or water. The damage is estimated by the pro prietors, at between $B,OOO and slo,ooo—insured. Red 'Vim,- at Hager:llmm, 111d.—Wo learn from the Hagerstown News that the Rev. Mr. Lea. hey, who stated that he was formerly a monk of La Trappe, delivered a lecture against Catholicism, in that town on Friday night week, to gentlemen only. After he got into that portion of his lecture which was " not fit for cars polite," a quantity of assafectida and red pepper was thrown into the stone, compelling the whole mass to rush into the open air for breath. when the lecturer wan arrested under a writ for grossly immoral conduct, but left the town without an examination before the time appointed fur a hearing next morning. Murder.—Finley W. Hamilton, an old resident of Green Bay, Wisconsin, was killed in that tows on the night of the 9th ult., by four men, who had a grudge against him of a year's standing. He wan attacked in the street, knocked down with an axe and Mobbed three or four times. Two of the murderers have been arrested, and are in confine ment at Green Bay. The Milwaukio Sentinel states that thu deputy sheriff of Brown county arrived at Milwaukie, on the 16th ult., having tracked ano thee, who in a Dane, to within seven miles of that city. MURDZROI3S ASSArr.TnT A PATPER ON A STOW. Allll.—A desperate and well executed effort was made on Tuesday of last week, by a pauper at the county Poor House, at Carlisle, by the name of Ramsey, to take the life of tho Steward. Hie con duct becoming insufferable, the Steward ordered him to the cells, which he refused ; by exertion, however, he was confined. The door not being locked immediately, he rushed against it, succeeded in gaining his liberty, and struck at the Steward wills a kn ifs, who received five or six severe eta be in different parts of his body. Ramsey was secured and sent to prison. NEwsrAPEn SuseaNs ION .—:The Washington Times, which made the libellous charges against several United States Senators, announces its own suspension. c*. The canal is now open from Hollidaysburg to Columbia. •