Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 01, 1846, Image 3

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    1 .17177:.rne Again in Ar=7..
Prom the Pensacola Gazette of the 14th and
21st ult., we learn that on Saturday previous, as a
party of three men were hunting about ten miles
from East Bay, en arm of Escambia Bay, some
fifteen miles from that place, they were tired upon
by the Indians.—One of the party ,a Mr. Pitts, was
instantaneously killed, and his brother severely
wounded. The other, Mr tlifetnr, received no in
jury. and in company with the wounded man, suc
ceeded in escaping. As soon as intelligence of the
murder reached Col. Crane, commanding the fortifi
cation, at Pensacola, he despatched a detachment
of men under the command of Lieut. Donaldson,
up Santa Rosa Sound, to cut off this body of rov
ing I ndians,but the troops returned without finding
any trace of them.
For the "Journal."
I am composed of sixteen letters.
My 1,8, 12, 4, is a garden vegetable.
" 2,1, is the fifth Jewish month.
" 3,6, 10, 13, is much done by Dry Goods
clerk's and school boys.
" 4,2, 14, 12, is often found in the Journal.
" 5, 10, 9, is what we all should shun.
" 6, 14, 5, is a measure.
" 7, 10, 13, is used by boatmen.
" 9,6, 2, 13, is very unpleasant s ensation.
" 9, 10, 13, is a great national calamity.
10, 5, 12, is a beverage much used in Eng
" 11, 6,2, 4, is a wild fowl.
•' 12, 10, 11, is what we all do.
" 13, 16, 6, is a wild animal.
" 14, 2, 11, 12, is what we never should be at
" 15, 3, 11, 6, 13, is an amphibious animal.
" 16, 9, 14, is not a very musical bird.
My whole is one of the most important events
that boa happened in the eighteenth century.
An answer to the above is requests d. I'INCH
I am a name of twenty letters.
My 13, 19, 3,4, 2, 18, is a town in Maine.
1, 14, 11, 16. 9, 20, is a county in Penn's.
44 7, 17, 4,6, 10, is a town in Italy.
3,6, 18, 18, 14, is a town in the Chinese
44 1, 14, 15, 6, is a town in !largo°.
4 4 7, 14, 10, 5,4, 3,6, is a town on one of the
H 19, 1,8, 12, 8,9, 9, is an Wand in Poly
44 7, 14, 16, 5, 19, 10, is a county in Arkansas
H 9, 15, 17, 9. is a county and county town
in Pennsylvania.
- .
My whole is the name of an executive officer ;
and one, who was next, in the hearts of his coun
trymen, to Washington.
Answer next week. H. B.
AEswers to the Enigmas of last week,
Philadelphia Market.
March 25,1946.
FLOUR & MEAL—The market since Friday
has been at a stand, holders of Flour, owing to the
limited receipts, ask $4 87} for standard brands,
white buyers refuse to pay over $4 75, at which
\ rate there are several purchasers in the market far
shipment. Small sales for city use at $4 87+ a 5
for good, and $5 127 1 ass 25 for choice and extra
retailing kande. Rye Flour—Small sales at $350
and one at $3 561. Corn Meal—Some small lots
P,enna. were taken at $3.
GRAIN.—But little arriving by water; we no
tice a sale of 1000 bus. Penna. red Wheat in store,
at 108 c. Rye—we quote southern 73a75c, Penne
75 a 77c. Corn--Sales of good southern yellow
65 a 66c, white 62r, Penn'a 64 a 65c, Oats--
Are held for higher prices; we hear of no sales.
iron—The market steady with further sales of 500
tons charcoal forge at $3l, end 200 tons anthracite
at $26, on the usual terms.
PROVISIONS—Arrive freely; sales of 300 Ibis
mesa Pork at $l2 a 1271. Bacon dull and prices
drooping; tales of Ham 3 at 71 a Bc. Shoulders bi
a 6c. 260 bbls, in pickle, sold at Cie, short time,
and lots in bulk are held at 6, 5 and 4c for Hams,
Sides and Shoulders. Lard in good demand with
considerable sales at 7 a lie, for bbl. and kegs.
Butter very dull at 10 a 13c.
SEEDS.--Strictly prime Cloverseed only will
sell. We quote at 15k a si. Flaxseed—Small
sales of domestic at $1 27 a 1 30.
WHISKEY is dull. We quote Wide 22 a 22}
cts.; Ithis.23ic.
On the 26th ult, by the Rev. William T. Dunker,
RET WHITE', both of Walker township, Huh
tingdon county.
On the sth ult., by the Rev. P. Haninger, Mi.
POSTLETH WAIT, the former of Huntingdon,
end the latter of Mifflin county, Pa.
In Harrisburg, on Friday the 20th ult., after a
abort illness, Mr. GEORGE OGELSBY—Iate
Hardware Merchant—of the firm of Knitter &
in Cie 48th year of his age. He was a man of strict
business habits, correct deportment and unblemished
reputation, and has left a numerous circlo of frtenda
and relatives to mourn his lore.—Telegraph.
At hie residence, in St. Louie, Mo., on the 11th
uh., Dr. THOMAS COFFEY, formerly of Hun-
Aingdon county, in the oh year of his ago.
Dissolution of Partnership.
'The partnership heretofore existing un
der the firm of Leas & Sharer in the For
warding and Commission fiusi3CSS has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent. All
persons indebted to the said firm will
please call and make payment.
Shirley township, March 12, 1846.
• The copartnership heretofore existing
under the firm of Stevens, Snyder, & co.
was this day (March 12, 1846,) dissolved
by mutual consent. The business of the
late firm will be settled by Charles Sny
der—Samuel It. Stevens and George W.
Geer having withdrawn.
Otr The business will be continued by
Charles Snyder, in the town of Hunting
don, as formerly, and he solicits a share of
public patronage. C. B.
Huntingdon, Morel) 25, 1846.-Im.
To Ike Civilized World.
r , HE American Newspaper Agent, duly
authorized and entfloavered, by the pro
prietors of most of the best newspapers of
all the cities and principal towns in the
United States and Canada, to receive sub
scriptions and advertisements, and to give
receipts for them, respectfully notifies the
public, that lie is prepared to execute orders
from all parts of the Civilized World, em
bracing Individuvls, Firms, Societies, Clubs,
Reading Rooms, Corporations, Incorporated
Companies, Governments, &c, at his sey
eral Offices in the cities of Phi laclelphia,
Baltimore, New York and Boston, and where
communications and enquiries, post paid,
mar be directed. Address
V. U. PALMO.R. Philada., N. W. cor. 3d
imd Chesnut street.
" " Baltimore, S. E. cor Baltimore
and Calvert street.
" " New Yoik, Tribune Buildings,
opposite City Hll
" BoAim, 20 State street.
ri - As no other person or persons are in
any manner connected with the subscriber,
in the American Newspaper Agency, all
letters and communications for him, should
be carefully directed as above, and to no
other person. This caution has ;become ne
cessary, in order to avoid mistakes, and put
the public on their guard against all preten
ded Meas.
V. U. PALMER, American Newspaper
April 1, 1846.
PUBLIC NOTICE.—V. B. Palmer, the
American Newsptnier Agent above named,
is the only authorized Agent, for receiving
subscriptions and advertisements for the
"JOURNAL" in the cities of .Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York and Boston, of which
public notice is hereby given,
Huntingdon, April 1, 1846.
The militia composing the 21 Brigade
10 D. P. M. are hereby required to train
by Company, bn Monday the 4th day of
May, and the Volunteers and Militia by
Battalion tor inspection as follows, viz:
Ist Reg. 1 Bat. on Monday the 11th day
of Ma y ,
Ist 12cg. 2 Batt. on Tuesday the 12th day
of May. _ _
2 Rey;. 1 Batt. on Wednesday the 13th day
of May.
2 Reg. 2 Batt. on Thursday the 14th day
of May.
5 Reg. 1 Batt. on Friday 15th of May.
5 Reg. 2 Batt. on Saturday 16th day of
3. Reg. 2 Batt. on Monday the 18th day
of May.
3. Reg. 1 Batt. on Tuesday the 19th day
of May.
4. Reg. 2 Batt. on Wednesday the 20th
day of May.
_ _
4. Reg. 1 Batt. on Thursday the 21st day
of May.
4th Volunteer Batt. commanded by Maj.
Williams ,on Friday the 22d day of May.
2. Volunteer Batt. commanded by Maj.
Stephens on Saturday, the 23d day of May.
6. Reg. 2 Batt, on Tuesday the 26th day
of Mat•.
6. }Gk. I Batt. on Wednesday the 27th
day of May.
7th Company of the 6th Reg. on Friday
the 29th day of May.
Union Grays on Saturday the 30th day of
Ist Volunteer B.ittallion commanded by
Maj. Bell, on Tuesday the 2d day of June.
JOHN BURKET, Brigade Ins
2. B. 10. D. P. M.
Brigade Inspr's Office, Walk-
Orville, Centre Co, March 27, 1846.5
A New Patent Wind Mill
for cleaning Grain.
THE subscribers having purchased
Corp's Patent for the counties of Hun.
tin Hon, Centre, Miffli n and Juniata,
would avail themselves of informine, (he
Farmers that it is the greatest improve
ment ever made on Fanning Mills ; for
simplicity, cheapness, and durability there
is none to equal it, and as for cleaning
speedily and well, it alike surpasses all
We manufacture in Williamsburg, Blair
county, where we will always have them
on hand, and will receive and attend to
.orders promptly.
We will haul the Mills through the
above mentioned district during the ensu
ing season.
Williamsburg, March 25, 1846-6 m.
We, the undersigned, having the above
named Mills in our own practical use,
and having tried them well, we fully con
cur in the above statement.
David Ake
David Good
George Ake
Wm. Ake
Samuel Rhoda
M. Brenainan
Kr Lewistown Gazette, will please
publish the above 0 months, and charge
this office.
Hunlitegdon . dcademy.
• Instructions in this Institution, will
commence on Monday the Gth of April
next. It is hoped that Parents, or per
sons wishing to send their children to the
Academy will feel it important to have
them in attendance at the opening of the
session. The student always labors under
disadvantage by not being present at the
commencement of the term. Much might
be said why this Academy ought to re
ceive a liberal patronage from the inhab
itants of Huntingdon, and county ; but
we deem it unnecessary for the present.
Parents wishing to place their sons in the
family of the Principal, may be assured
that every thing will be done for their
comfort, and improvement, both in men
tal cultivation, and morals.
GEO, W. wiLmAaD, Principal
.PITTORA Er IT .L.llll
Will attend with promptness and fidelity to all
businees with which ha may be entrusted in Hun
tingdon or the adjoining counties.
Ills office is the one formerly occupied by James
steel, Esq., nearly opposite Jackeen's Hotel.
Huntingdon, Marcia 18, 1846.
Trial List for dlpril Term,
C. Garber's Fix'rs vs. SperiiT, Good et itl
BCllj4llllill Clarke vs. Christian Shantz
Martin Gates vs. Robert Moore •
Andrew P Wilson vs. Michael Buny
Leslie's Assignees vs. A P Wilson 8c Jos Jones
William B Zeigler vs. Hiram Williamson
R Williams & co. vs. John M'Comb
L Bergstresser's Ad. vs. E. Shoemaker
Com'th. of Penn'a. vs. Alex. Ennis et al
Thomas Williams vs. Christian E Crane
Toda & Lemon vs. Geo. %V Patterson
William M'Gary vs M'Namara & Royer
Curtins' Am's for use vs. J W & W Myton
Henry Neff's Adm's vs. John G Fleck
J. Dickey's Adm's vs. Andrew P Wilson
William Stewart vs. John Wray Const.
A Johnston for Royer vs. R. Lowry's Adms
William S. Morrison vs. C Hartman & wife
Jas. Martin's Adms vs. J Dongertv (Ink.)
D Yingling for use vs. William Nelson
John M'Cahan vs. W Dorris, Gar'she
C H Leas & co vs. Jacob Drake et al
J Entrekin's Ex'rs vs. Geo Smith's Adms
Com'th of Penn'a vs. Wm Price et al
John Miller for use vs. 1) Goodfellow's Ad
David Branstetter vs. Robison & Nowlin
Letinard Kimball vs. John M'eahan
J Higgins & co fr use vs. Israel Grant's
John F Lowry vs. M'Bride, Royer co
L Lingafelter vs. Zarian Leff
J D Davis for use vs. John Dougherty
Williams for Williams vs. J P Jones
Joseph Rollin vs. Geo W Patterson
Stopher for use et al vs. Johnston & Hays
Henry K. Swoope vs. Gen W Patterson
Potts for M'Nite & Leas vs Lightner, Car
others et al
Ewing for Gates vs James Twig
Motto for McNite & Co vs Lightner & Co.
Same vs. Same
Blair for Kirk vs. Exchange Bank
Com'th for Buchanan &wife vs. J BWeaver
Thomas Bradford vs. Daniel Africa Esq
Shirleysburg horn. vs. Abraham Long
Alex & Mary M'Aninch vs. W P Laughlin
Alex M'Aninch vs. John Deviney
William Eden • vs. David Woods
lVm Pollock for use vs. G Sipes (Garnishee
Corn'th for Grimes vs. S Frampton et al
John M'Pherran vA. Higgins Dorsey et 1
Kimmerling for Johnson vs. Lowry Royeretl
Joseph Cornelius vs. J&1) N Carothers
Samuel Caldwell vs. Jos Higgins & co
Robert Moore vs. John Love
Carver & Love vs. J Leonard's Adms
Huntingdon county vs.' Tulin Potts
George Umbrella vs. Ludwig Kiester
Hewit ns'nee of Hewit vs. J Brotherline
Miller Hand & Eagle vs. Walter Graham
William Glass vs. Dr W R Findley
ilprovliil motion
wIIEPEAS by precept to me direc
ted dated at Huntingdon, the 24th
(lay of Jan. A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and forty-six, under the hands
and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil
son, President of the Court of Common
Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties
of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and
the Hon. Joseph Adams and James °win,
his associates, Judges of the county of
Huntingdon,justices assigned, appointed,
to hear, try, and determine all and every
indictments, and presentments, made or
taken fur or concerning all crimes, which
by the laws of the state are made capital
or felonies of death and other offences,
crimes and misdemeanors, which have
been or shall be committed or perpetrated
within said county, or all persons who are
or shall hereafter be committed or be per
petrated for crimes aforesaid—l am com
manded to make
Public Proclamation,
throughout my whole bailiwick that
Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Court House, in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and
13th day) of April neat and those who
will prosecute the said prisoners, be then
and there to prosecute them as it shall be
just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coroner and Constables within the said
county, be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said (lay,
with their records, inquisitions, examina
tions and remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices respectively
Dated at Huntingdon the 24th day of
Jan, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty
six , and the 69th yearof American
Shetff's Office, hunting- ?
don, Jan. 29, 1846. • 5
WHEREAS by precept to me direc
ted by the Judges.of the Common
Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 24th ttay of Jan. A. I). 1846,
I am commanded to make Public Pro
clamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,
on the third Monday (and 20th day) of
April, A. D. 1846, .for the trial of all
issues in said court which remain undeter
mined before the said Judges when and
where all Jurors, Witnesses and suitors,
in the trial of all said issues are required
Dated at Huntingdon the 24th day of
Jan. A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred and forty-six and the 69th year of
American Independence.
. Shlr.
Sheriff 's . office Hunting
don, Jan. 25, 1846.
ALL those having unsettled accounts
in "Huntingdon Mill," will please
call and settle them before the first of
April, as no longer time can be given.
March 18, 1846.
Ely virtue of sundry writs of Levari
Facias, Venditioni Exponas and
Fieri Facias in my hands, I will expose to
sale at the Court House in Huntingdon,
on Monday the 13th day of April, A,
1846, the following described real estate;
and continue the same from day to day,
until all is sold. The terms of sale are
cash, and no sale will be absolute unless
the money be paid at the time, viz:
All that tract or parcel of land in AlIe•
gheny township, containing about 575
acres, be !i.e same inure or less, about 275
acres of which is cleared and cultivated.
The said land is now used and tenanted
as two separate farms, and being the re
maining part or residue of the real estate
nnw owned by Bernard O'Friel's heirs—
said land is good limestone and is bounded
on the east by lands of Adam Black, on
the west by Aaron Burns' heir,, on the
north by George Cowen, and on the south
by Alexander Dysart—having thereon
erected 2 farm dwelling houses and 2
barns, 4.e.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Barnard O'Friel,
dec'd—now in the hands of his Executors.
&mold the sale of the above property
be stopped, I will then sell all the right,
title and interest of James O'Friel, one
of the sons and heirs of Bernard O'Frlel,
dec'd, in and to the said described land,
by virtue of an alias Testatum writ of
Vend. Exp. issued out of Allegheny
County District Court, vs. said James
All that tract, piece or parcel of land,
situate on the Juniata River" about 2i.
miles below the borough of Huntingdon,
in Henderson township, adjoining other
lands of defendant, lands or Jacob Fock
ler, and others, lying on both sides of the
Juniata canal, and on both sides of the
Turnpike road, containing about 184
acres, b 3 the same more or less, about 150
acres of which are cleared and in good
cultivation, having thereon erected a log
dwelling house stories high, and two
double log barns, and other out buildings
and improvements. Said tract of land
has two apple orchards, and a good spring
of water thereon.
ALeu—A tract, piece or parcel of ridge
land, composed of two adjoining surveys,
situate in Henderson township, adjoining
the last described tract, land of Jacob
Fockler, Rupert, and others, con
taining in all about 222 acres, he the same
Inure or less, about 50 acres of which are
cleared, and a dwelling honse 1i stories
high, thereon erected.
Also--All that certain lot of ground,
situate on the corner of Hill and Bath
streets in the borough of Huntingdon,
numbered 95 in the town plot of said bo
rough, fronting 50 feet on Hill street, and
185 feet back along Bath street to Wash
ington street, having thereon erected a
large two story stone dwelling house and
kitchen and a frame warehouse and sta
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Jacob Miller.
Two certain adjoining lots of ground
situate in the Borough of Hollidaysburg,
numbered 251 and 252 in the town plot of
said borough, being each 60 feet in front
on Mulberry street, and extending back
170 feet to Strawberry alley—having
thereon erected a large one story brick
huild;ng, known as St. Mary's Catholic
Church of Holt idapbu rg.
Seized; taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of the Catholic
Church of Hollidaysburg, in the hands of
the building committee.
.9L SD,
A lot or piece aground situate on the
corner of Walnut street and short alley
in the borough of Hollidlysburg, Hunting
don county, fronting 40 feet on said
Walnut street and extending sack at
right angles to same along short alley 180
feet—living thereon erected a double
stone house, two stories high, fronting on
Walnut street, and a row of small stone
buildings fronting on said short alley.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Mahoney.
That well known Tan Yard property,
formerly owned by John Bucket, situate
near the town of Warriorstnark. in \Vat.-
riorsmark township, Huntingdon county,
containing about four acres of good ,uead•
ow land, midi a tan house, a bark mill, a
two story plastered dwelling house, a
number of tan vats, and a well of good
water thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Spanogle, jr.
All that certain lot of ground, situate
in Huston township, Huntingdon county,
adjoining lands of Samuel Rhodes, J oseph
Roller's heirs, and others, containing
about two acres, and having thereon erect
ed a two story frame doelling house, and
a frame stable. Being the. same real
estate which was decreed to Adam Bow
ers by proceedings in the Orphans' Court
of said county.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold. as the property of Peter Bowers,
dec'd., in the hands of John Bowers, his
All that certain tract of land situate on
the southernly side of the Allegheny Por
tage Railroad in the township at Blair,
containing about 165 acres, be the same
more or less, adjoining lands at John
M'Cahan, Bell & Higgins, William Hol
liday's heirs, George - Buchanan and oth
ers, having is two story log house, a double
log barn, an apple brchard, and aci es
cleared thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he
sold as the property of Solomon M'Cul
loch, with notice to John Dougherty and
other terve tenants,
• q r, .SO,
All the right,. title and interest of Jo
seph Trout in and to all that certain tract
at land now claimed by Thomas 'Frost,
situate in Antes township, Huntingdon
county, adjoining lands of Edward Bell,
Esq., Gideon D. Trout, and others, con
taining in all about 230 acres, he the same
inore or less, about 100 acres of which are
cleared; having thereon erected a two sto
ry log dwelling house and a bank barn.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Joseph Trout.
with notice to Thomas Trout and Gideon
D. Trout, terre tenants.
All that certain tract of land situate in
the township of Frankstown, adjoining
lands of Robert Elliott, George Elliott,
Jacob Roofer, and others, con t a i n i ng
about 290 acres, be the same more or less,
about 80 acres of which are cleared; hav
ing thereon erected a large two story plas
tered dwelling house an da bank barn.
The canal and Juniata river passes through
the said land, and it has en excellent
well of water and a good apple orchard on
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Christian (lost,
deed., now in the • hands of George and
Samuel Goat his Executors.
All that tract, piece or parcel of unim
proved and unseated land in the township
of Jackson, (late Barree,) surveyed in the
name of Robert Simpson and contawin e s
about 400 acres, be the same more or less,
adjoining lands surveyed in the name of
George 11111, John George, William Steel,
and William Priestly.
in ,
Seized, taken execution, and to be
sold as the property of David Milliken.
A' SO,
All that certain tract, piece or parcel
of land, situate to the township or Hen
derson, Huntingdon county, containing
about two hundred acres, be the same
more or less, about 50 acres of which are
cleared, adjoining lands of James Simp
son, Robert Simpson, and others. Said
land is now tenanted by Hiram Grady,
and has a double lug barn and a log dwel
ling house thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Foster Simpson,
deed., now in the hands of Robert Situp
son, his administrator.
The eastern half part of Lot No. in
the borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting SO
feet on the north side of Walnut street,
and extending back 180 feet, bounded on
the east by a lot owned by the Public
School committee, and on the west by the
other half of said lot which is owned by
Henry Learner; having a small brick
dwelling house, a stable and a slaughter
• house thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Simon Brother
All the right, title and interest of John
Farrinsworth in and to a tract of 544
acres and 123 perches and allowance of
land, situate in Antes (or Snyder) town
ship, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands
of Stephen Vanscoyoc, Sh orb & Co.
and other land cla imed by defendant and
Where; having about 120 acres of cleared
land and 2 lug dwelling houses thereon.
. .
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property ofJohn Earrinsw•orth.
.4L so,
All the right title and interest of the
defendant, David Yingling, in and to a
tract, piece or parcel of land in Allegheny
township, containing 50 acres, be the
same mole or less, about - 30 acres of which
are cleared. Slid land adjoins John Bough,
James R. Johnston and others, and has a
two story log dwelling house and a barn
and small orchard thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he
suld as the property of David Yingling,
who was sued with Elias Yingling, dec'd.
All that small piece or parcel of land
situate in the township of Blair, in Hunt
ingdon county, containing about twelve
acres more or less, cleared and under
fence, bounded by town of Newry and
land ut James Conrad on the east, and on
the south by land or said Conrail, on the
west by Alexander Knox and on the north
by the Johnstown road.
Also, a small piece or parcel of land
separated from the above by the Johns
town road, adjoining II Harbison on the
west, Robert M'Namara on the north,
and the town of Newry on the east, con
taining shout 3 acres more or less, lying
waste or in commons.
Also, The following 4 several adjoining
vacant lots in the town of Newry, being
each 50 feet in front on south side of Alle
gheny street and extending back '2OO feet
to south alley, the same being numbered
respectively 33, 34, 35, and 36 in the plot
of said town.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of
_Peter Cassidy.
Lot No. 62, in the recorded town plot
of the borough of Williamsburg, being 50
feet in front un north side of second St.,
and running back 175 feet to an alley,
having thereon erected a two story lug
house and a log stable.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Wray Maize.
ALSO, _ . _
All the right, title and interest of
Charles B. Callahan, in and to lot No.
10:2, in the bar ou t r;11 of flan ti %don, front
ing 50 feet on north aide of Mifflin Rivet t
and running back along Montgomery et.
200 feet to Church street, having thereon
erected a brick building formerly used au
a Presbyterian church.
. . .
SelzCr!, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Charles B. Calla
All that lot of ground situate in Gar
port, Ilutingdon county, fronting 120 feet
on the south west side of Bedford street,
and extending from said street along
Newry street 190 fret to an alley, thence}
along said alley 454 feet to Mrs. Longen
ecker's lot, and thence along said lot ISO
feet more or less to Bedford street, having
a two story brick dwelling house and a
frame stable thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Lytle.
All that tract piece or parcel of land,
situate in the township of Allegheny, in
the county of Huntingdon, containing
about 150 acres, be the same more or less.
about 75 acres of which are cleared and
cultivated—adjoining lands of Moser
Farber, Jacob Stiller, Aaron Burns' heir*
and others—having thereon erected a log
double dwelling house, and a log barn
and other improvements.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Daniel Clapper.
JOHN A !OUTAGE, Shcrifi:
Sheriff's Office, Ii untingdon,
March til; 1846.
Orphans' Court Sale,
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public cite
on the mansion tract, on
Friday the 10th of April nest,
the following described Real Estate, late the estate
of George Buchanan, Esq., late of Hopewell town
ship, decd, to wit :
A tract of land situate in Hopewell township
aforesaid, containing about
Three Hundred Acres,
be the same more or less, adjoining lands of James
Entrckin on the N. E., Mary Raymond on the S. W.
the Raystown branch of the Juniata on the S. E.,
being the mansion tract of the said George Buchan
an, dee'd, on whirls is erected a goal two story log
house and a bank barn with an Orchard of fine
hearing fruit trees, and about 200 acres cleared
thereon, in a good state of cultivation, besides a
house and barn on one end of the same, a tenant
house and a stone blacksmith shop. Also—One
other tract adjoining the above, containing 200
acres, be the same more or less, lying on the Atli
grippus ridge, in said township.
ALSO, A tract of unseated land in Tod town
ship, adjoining lands of John Savage and others,
containing 353 acres, be the same more or less.
Terms of Sale—One half of the purchase mon
ey to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
residue in one year thereafter with interest, to ho
secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purcha
sere. By the Court,
T. P. CAMPBELL, Trustee.
March 18, 1846.
N. B. The above sale was postponed on oecoUnt
of the high water, on the day first mentioned.
e9t~ttllor~s dl Mee.
The creditors and all interested in the as
sets in the hands of Randall Alexander and
Nathan Rickets of Shirley township, in the
county of Huntingdon, are hereby notified
that the undersigned, appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county,
to audit and apportion the assetts in the
hands of said assignees—will attend at the
Public House of Thomas Wallace, in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on Friday the
third day of April next, for the purpose of
auditing, &c., when and where all persons
interested are notified to attend.
THOS. I'. CAMPBELL, Auditor.
Huntingdon, March 11, 1896.
.Inditorla ✓l lice.
ALL persons interested, are notified that
the undersigned, appointed by the Orphans'
COLT t of Huntingdon county, as Auditor to
marshal the assets and apportion amongst
the creditors &c., the remaining assets in
the hands of Albert!. Garber. Administra
tor of James Archurs late of the borough of
Hollidaysburg, dec'tl, will attend to Audit
and apportion &c. at the American House
in Hollidaysburg, on Thursday the 2d day
of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M. when and
where all interested may attend.
I +Nips I/ REA, Auditor,
Huntingdon, March 11, 1846.
The subscriber offers at private sale, a
tract of land, situate in the upper end of
Mifflin county, containing about 75 acres,
on which there is a VERY EXTENSIVE
bank of
1R0.1 4 ORE
of excellent quality. The bank is about one
mile from the l'ennsvlvrnia Canal. Sev
eral hundred tons of the Ore have betu
For particulars refer to
McVeytown, March 11, 1846.
To the credilOlBo:f kemp& Cunning •
ham, and of Joseph KJ mp and Jeremiah
Cunningham. and all persons int errstrd.
The undersigned, appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas, of Huntingdon county,
to marshal and apportion the assets in the
hands of James Gardner, assignee &c. will
attend at the Public House of John Dough
erty, (the United States Hotel) in the bor
ough of Hollidaysburg, on Thursday the
I'.nd day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A, M.,
when and where all interested are notified
to attend.
Huntingdon, Ma; ell 11, 1846.
ffel,orao tasto and try,
AFI am sure you.will buy,
some very superior molasses, at the cheap
Cash STORE of
liuntingclon, March 11, 1846.
Office in Main street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry ettablislinicnt.
February 14,