THE JOURNAL, '\ e' ::Al l -4 . 1., , ' '- yrilts , ' r !•,,,,, ..,1 „ ; ,•,.."" ',, 4 , 11 , .. ?st;/ ' ' ' ''' UN TING DON Wednesday, April 1, 18.16. Democratic Whig Candidate For Canal Commissioner JAMES M. POWER, OF MERCER COUNTY 2 large gupply of JUSTICES' BLANKS, on ri=4 .. superior Impel, just printed, and for aak at this office cry Hon Simon Cameron Hon. John Blan chard, and Han. A len. Ramsey, have our thanks for Congressional Documents. Alen, John Morrison, end J. I'. Sanderson, Eagra., of the State `Senate, the first for various documents and the latter for a copy of Mr. Gib bon!' speech on the Right of Way. tzry Those of our readers who may change their plares of residence on tho first of April, will please give us notice. An important message from the President may be found under our Congressional head. It will he seen that the President recommends milita ry preparation, which has given a fresh start to the oft-repeated question, " Will there be War?" For our part we are willing to let time answer the ques tint), without troubling our readers with any pre mises on the subject. "Sufficient unto the day, is the evil thereof." Q` A communication in to-day's paper signed X. is published entirely on the responsibility of the author, as we know nothing whatever of the facts. The gentlemen alluded to can have the name, if they are wronged by his statements. crj• The 'Whigs have been doing exceedingly well all over the State at the late Spring Dections. In Philadelphia city they carried every thing es usual. The county divided between the Natives end locofocos. In Lancaster, the Old Guard" of true principles, the Whigs in several of the townships, beat the Locos and Natives combined. Our neighbor of the Register inform. us that the Whigs done nobly in Hollidaysburg, carrying e large majority for the Inspector and Assessor, and only losing the Judge by 14 vote.. (0-EZRA HOLDEN, one of the editors of the fdaturday Courier, died at lVashington a few days since, whither he had gone to take recreation from his labors, on account of the delicate state of his health. Est om AIL—We have received a perfect rower of enigmas during the:last week, from our young friend., and will therefore have to ask a suspension of these favors until we get through with the pub lication of the stock on hand. They shall all ap pear in good time. We would suggest to authors that they furnish but ore at a time. 11re1ancholy Occurrence. A Father kited by his own son! NVo are informed by one of our citizens, who came from Pennayivenia Furnace on Monday last, that a most melancholy and heart sickening occur• mica had tatter. place in ring.. township, Oen- ' tae County, a short distance frorn the Huntingdon County line, on Friday, the 27th ult. James Irvin, an old, respectable and induati ions man, was sudden ly launched into eternity by the hands of his own son, Henry Irvin. The son it appears had been drinking hard for time previous, and it is thought was laboring under mania polua, agile sp. peered to think that his father was meditating upon his life. On Friday he walked into tiro yard, picked up the a xis, felt its edge, and then went deliberately into the house end made a stroke at his father. which was received by the parent on his hand and arm, which ha threw up to defend himself. The eon then caught him with ono hand, while with the other he inflicted a number of severe wounds upon his head and face, which caused his death in the course of el: hours. The eon has been arrested, and lodged in the Bellefonte Jail. The Keeper and Kis Prisoner, An account of the fight between Mr. Watson,' the Keeper of the Dauphin County Prison, and his prisoner, John Gibbs, may he found on our outer page. No one need regret the result of this en counter, as Gibbs was a most desperate and harden ed villian--entirely beyond reformation, and ap peared determined to set all law at defiance, or die in the attempt. Mr. Watson has shown himself to be a faithful and fearless agent of the laws, for which he deserves the hearty plaudits of all right minded people. It appears from the testimony ta ken before the Inquest, that at one stage of the en gagement, when Mr. Watson evidently had the worst of the fight, Gibbs proposed terms of peace; to which Mr. Watson replied, while snuggling for his life, which all know who have any knowledge of the desperate character of Gibbs, was in great danger, "Irak no favors and I mil grant none." Language like this, under the circumstances, is wor thy the best days of the Republic, and clearly de monstrates that Mr. Watson, although a gentleman of but small stature, is possessed of a heart and nerve equal to any emergency. lied we a voice in the management of the Dau phin Prison, we would vote for an increase of the Kreper'ssalary forthwith, as conduct like his should not go unrewarded. Flits !—We are informed that the smoke-house of Mr. Samuel Miller, living on the farm of Dr. Jean, Wright, in Union township, in this county, was consumed by fire on the 26th ult. It contained about 500 lbe. meat, which, together with some plough., horse gear., &c. were all consumed, ma king the lose to Mr. Miller about $7O. Pennsylvania Legislattre. towing up stream before embarking, in order to make the island at the _proper Corresponaence of the Trlnnting4on . point. The II arrieburg Bridge Company, Journal. are about eatablielting a Hope Ferry at the tun] envns, March 28, 1840. "C . , / DO. Captain.—Anothee week has putted old Bridge. the glories of time, and although it would be 'no James M. Power. small jab to inform you of all that has been done The nomination of thin gentleman as the \\ at the Capitol, much more to chronicle a tythe of candidate for Canal Commissioner has met with what has been said, yet I think I may safely pre- ' the most enthusiastic response from the Whig diet that I shell give you all that has been accom- I prom of the State. The friends of Mi. Foster, who plisbed hero during the past week, which would be has been nominated through the influence of his interesting to your readers, in a pretty small cam own officialpaironage, and against the known wish pass. Sometimes, for want of time I out obliged of a large majority of the voters of his party, may to write a long letter; for be it known to you that well feel alarmed for his success, when opposed try it requires more time to condense into a nut shell I a man like Mr. Power. the important facts %Ouch transpire during a week, I The Philadelphia Inquirer says of our than it would to give the sense information more candidate : "Mr. PO %VIM is well known I diffuaely.—But I most proc-ced to the matter in hand. throughout the State as an upright, intel- The Bill grunting to the New York and Erie ligetit and accomplished gentleman. He Rail Rood Company the right of Way through to a I engineer, and is every way tike County in this State, hag been signed by the l competent to a proper discharge of the Governor, and is therefore n Law. I duties of the Ake to which lie has been The Bill to incorporate the Pennsylvania Rail nominated. We are told that lie Was kit Road Company to sonetruct a continuous Railroad from Harrisburg to Pittsburg, and thence to Erie if an orphan at only fifteen years of age, and that his father died i nsolvent. 'l'llough they deem it expedient, by any route the Company chooses to adopt, has at length been passed finally I now only about thirty-five, lie has suc h' both Houses, end sent to the Governor—the ceeded by dint of honest industry, close Rouse having receded from its amendments non- application, and untiring effort, in paying concurred in by the Senate, and having concurred ofi all his father's debts, in acquiring a in those added by the Senate. The Bill will doubt- c „„ ipe r .ene y, and in sustaining in respect less receive the approbation of the Governor in duo a , I•• l tl ' I. •I as .1 let s atm y. Such a man time. The Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Bill has been is entitled to the cotifidence and respect permitted to sleep in the Legislature during the of his fellow citizens. An individual who whole of the past week, which is a thing altogether has in:waged his own affairs with such wonderful, and looks very much as if its friends faithfulness and efficiency, is exactly the were afraid to calf it up. The fact is that the adop, p , rson best qualified to discharge with lion of Mr. Kunkel's amendment, last week, by a fidelity and capacity, the duties of the veto of 50 to 48, providing that the net shall not - go into effect before the Ist of June 1847, which important post of Canal Commissioner.— win tie after the meeting and final adjournment of A little of his energy of character exerted the next Legislature, amounts to a negation of the in the office, would speedily put a bright- Bill. The Bill lee passed the Senate and is upon err aspect upon the finanical conditimi of second readingin the House. It isnot dead; but our State. In brief, the nomination is a aleepeth. I good one in all respects, and tl e resolu• 'ells Bill authorizing the construction of an out let lock at Well's Falls (below " Black's Eddy") lions adopted by the Convention, which on the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Ca- we subjoin, breathe the true Whig spirit, nal, has been the theme of almost daily discussion, and will be cordially responded to by our during the past week, in the Senate. The Bill is political brethren hrougli out the Common still pending on second reading, and is in a fair way „,..„1,1,.” to pass the Senate. The United States Gazette says: "The Thureday a communication was received frotn the Canal Commisgonere, giving a detailed stale- gentleman nominated by the late Whig , ment of the damage done by the recent flood in the Convention, as the candidate for Canal Susquehanna and the Delaware Rivers, together i Cuiniiii , sitinee, is competent to discharge with an estimate of the amount which will be re- I the duties of the office in every depart quired to put the same in navigable order. The meat, and is, therefore, confidently re 13oard estimate that the repairs on the Main Line commended to the tax paying citizens, as from Harrisburg to Pittsburg will be completed by the 30th inst. (Monday next) and from Harrisburg a man qualified to administer the internal to Columbia by the 15th of April; and the West improvements of the Commonwealth, in Branch and Delaware Division by the same day; I a way that shall make them subservient the Susquehanna Division by the Ist of May next, i to the great good of the State, enabling and the N. Branch by the 20th of May. The her to meet the interests, and dimiuish whole cog of the repairs le estimated et $111,515, the principal of her enormous debt, and as follows: Eastern and Juniata Division to the Rope Ferry $26,700; from Rope Ferry to Holli- also to secure the best uses of the canal daysburg $5,200; Western Division from J o h ns .. and railroad for the business portions of town to Pittsburg $1,440; from "Junction" (at the people. tread of Duncan's Island) to Milton $20,000; from By the way, the candidate is JAMES Milton to Queenstown $10,175; N. Branch, from NI. POWER—not Powers, but Power— Northumberlaml to Lockawana $20,000 ; end Del- that which is wanted, or the proper use of aware Division from Bristol to Easton $28,000. A communication has been received from the which is most needed in this State. We State Treasurer in reply too resolution of the Son. must get and keep all kind of power on ate from which it appears that the amount of mo- our public works, motive power and steam ney in the Treasury on the 27th Met. was $93,- power, arid then we can do a power of 275,44. and that no part of the amount appropria- bated." tad at an early period of the Session for the commie not, of the Eastern and Western Reservoirs has been paid. I presume that appropriation will he suspended, for the purpose of securing a fund suffi cient to pay the expenses of the extraordinary re pairs recently rendered indispensible. Some seem to think these repairs will prevent the payment of the August interest on the Public debt ; but I think their feats are groundless, unless the Public works should he permitted to remain long idle. A Revenue Bill was discussed in the Howie al most every day this week, after the morning busi. nese had been gone through with. The principal subject of debate, was a provision in the Bill (which is on second reading) laying a tax of ten eta. per ten on Anthracite Coal, to be estimated at the pit's mouth. This morning a vote was taken on a motion to strike out this provision, when the House refused to do SO, by a vote of Yeas 31—Nayt. 56. So the House declared in favor of toning Anthra cite C.oal. Whereupon Mr. Kunkel, who was op posed to the same, moved to arnend by adding a pro vision laying a tax of 23 mills per huahel on bitu minous coal; which was the question pending when the House adjourned, to-day. The House of Representatives passed a resolution to adjourn sine die on the 9th of April. The See -1 ate has not yet agreed thereto;—their Committee to wham n Resolution on this subject wart referred, reported in favor of adjourning on the 15th of April. I My calculation is that they will adjourn about the 20th of April—not before; and unless they im prove their time better, important matters, will then be undisposed of. Several bill, have been passed authori zii.g, the reconstruction of bridges where the same have been destroyed by the late flood, and also the establi,liment of Fer• ries to meet the immediate wants of the community' ; amongst these is a Steam lose boat Ferry at Shamokin, and a sup plement us the Northumberland bridge company. Some fitly or more private Bills have been passed in each (louse du.. ring the past week, but the Calender gets no less ; and if the Legislature would sit till Christmas, the business would keep them going. The fact is each Senator bras his list of private Bills, and so has each metnber of the !louse, sod the result is th,it each llousr, being bent on the I passage of its own bills, neglects or fails to get the UMW bill through the other House, and at the end of the session, lots 0! beautifully transcribed bills, which have passed in one !louse only, will be found amongst the archievs of the Legislature. The Senate passed by it ante of two- thirds (20 to 7) the bill to incorporate the Conestoga Strain Mills Manufacturing Company of Lancaster, which Governor Shunk " in his profonnd wisdom I" vetoed a few days ago. the House passes the bib! in like manner, it will be a law in spite of the veto. The Governor seems to have a greater dread of. domestic, than foreign corporations, or he would have prevented the introduction of the N. Y. and Erie Railroad within our borders. The Susquehanna is quite high again, and a consider able quantity of lumber is passing down. The Ferrying here is rather tedious, the cu ri en( being so strong that it requires a great deal of pulp g or Acceptance of Mr. Powers By the following correspondence it will be seen that J 03105 M. POWER. Esq., the nominee of the Whig State Convention, has accepted said nomi nation, and henceforth will stand before the Free- I , men of this Commonwealth as a candidate fot that important and responsible office. The nomination is hailed with such universal joy throughout the State, that we can scarce have a doubt of success by the triumphant vote of the People opposed to political favoritism, extravagance, and in favor of retrenchment end reform. 11An , nisarnG March 12, 1846 Dear Sir : —The undersigned a committee ap pointed by the Democratic Whig State Conven tion, which assembled in this place on the 11th inst., take great pleasure in the discharge of their duty, to inform you of your nomination 1y that body as a Candidate to be supported by the Whigs of this State at the ensuing election, for the office of Canal Commissioner of Pennsylvania. We sincerely trust that it will be in entire accor dance with your feeling', to accept said nomination. Very respectfully, yours, &c., L. A. MACKEY, JAMES D. I)UNLAP, ED. C. MARKLEY. J. IL M'CRUM, ALEX. INLAND& To Js,trn M. rowan, Esq. WRIT GIIEENVILLZ, March 19, 1846, Gentlemen : —Your lettet of the 12th instant, is at hand, informing me of my nomination by the Whig Convention as a candidate for Canal Com missioner. This ill an honor a rich I neither asked nor expected. Since the Convention have seen fit to select me as their Candidate, I consider it my duty to accept the nomination. I remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. M. POWER. JAMES D. DUNLAP, Esq., L. A. Macxsy, Esq., and other.. The Central Railroad, We are gratified at being able to inform our rea ders, that this important bill haspassed both Houses and will now go to the Governor, who we doubt not, will give it his approval. If this road is made, and we doubt not that it will, Pennsylvania will then take the position that nature his designed she should assume among her sister States of the Union —that of No. I--and be emphatically and truly the " KET;TOZis of the Astor." For Mc Jburnal. Ignorance is the Enemy of Liberty ! The persons who concocted and prepared the ad vertisement, in the last week's Globe—headed, knowledge is power"—are William 1 Jacobs, Esquire, George W. Watson, and another person, whose connection with the transaction, I am not sufficiently sathfied of, to now give his name.— They are men,--in the language of a chaste and elegant writer—whose sins ate certain, but whose salvation is doubtful. March 30, 1946. X. az} , The nomination of Capt. Joon Rea Willi', for Awociate Judge has been confirmed. CONORESS. serve, both with Great Britain and Mexico,en lien. Wasataarosr, March 24, orable peace; whichnothing will so.le effectually pro le se unenimitv in ,our .nounot Mr. Johnson, of AA., presented resolutions adopt- In° . ~; , I ' and a 4rm of all ed by theAregislatitio of tonisianat calling upon manucl"nee K. POlija .. K. Congress, ip viemof the, preserA septet oenur for- Wash pion lrcl 24 )840. cigti relations, to sdopt measure. fee 'putthng The President, in the multiage, having glutted to Orleans in a condition of .llefence. estimates— r , Mr. Johnson moved that the resolutions be refer! 1 Mr. Webster desired to know what they wore, If red to the Secretary of War, with instructions to the Chairman of the Military and Novel Commit report s plan for the defence of New Orleans, and i tees, would inform him. file thought it proper for an estimate of the cost. The motion wan laid over the Senate to be placed in possession of the intelli until to-morrow. genre before the Committees. Mr. Allen said he desired to call the attention of I Mr. Benton said the Military Committee had not the Senate to the question "on what day they will acted upon the matter, and there were portions of be willing to terminate the debate and take the the information which lie thought ought not to be vote upon the question of notice, now before the communicated to the Senate. - Senate." Mr. Allen said the diseuesion lied now Mr. Fairfield appeared not to here a good remem occupied forty .five days, and there were 'Many tea. brance of the information of the President, but void sons, which he could not now mention, why it was that the ten war steamers had been proposed in re desirable to bring it to a speedy close. For himself, forence to this recommendation, or in concurrence ,he would desite to name Saturday next, as the day with the recommendation of the Secretary of the upon which the vote should lie token. Navy. Mr. Morehead mid ho did not know how far the Mr. Cass said his resolution had been sleeping • practice of the Senate would sustain the eugges the sleep of death, but he wee glad that an Execu tion of the Senator front Ohio. I tive Message, instead of British cannon, had awa- Mr. Allen said ho merely wished to direct the kened them to life. The Message was then laid attention of the Senate to the subject, that they upon the table, and ordered to be printed, after might fir in their own minds a period for taking which the Senate went into Executive session, and the vote, and he therefore had no objection to it s soon after adjourned, being passed over until to-morrow. In the House the Militia Bill was under conelde- The Senate then proceeded to the consideration ration, but no vote woe taken before adjournment. of the special order of the day, and the Oregon de. March 25.--In the Senate the debate on the Or bate was resumed. egon question was resumed. Mr. Sevier addressed Mr. Chalmers addressed the Senate et length the Senate in favor of the House notice. upon the eubject of notice, and in favor of that In the House the consideration of the Military measure. Bill was resumed. The bill having gone through committee of the whole, and being before the House, Mr. Brinkerhoff moved the previous question, which was withdrawn, and Mr. M'Koy addressed the House in favor of an amendment to the Bill, by increasing the rank and file at once to sixty men, and by giving power to the President to make each company 100 men. Mr. ltl'Key renewed the motion for the Previous Question, which the Heave refused to second, yeas 50, nays 91. Mr. Boyd moved to recommit the bill. Lost 96 A message was here announced from the Presi dent. 'rho reading was called for, end the message was found to be in answer to the resolution of Mr. Dayton. It is as follows: Message of the President To the Senate of the United States,-- In answer to the inquiry of the Senate, contained in their resolution of the I7th instant, whether, in my " judgment, any circumstances connected with, or growing out of, the foreign relations of thin country, require at this time an increase of our naval or military force;" and, if so, "what those circumstances are," 1 have to express the opinion that a wise precaution demands such an increase. In my annual message of the 2d of December last, I recommended to the favorable consideration of Congress an increase of our naval force, espe cially of our steam navy, and the raising of an ad- I equate military force to guard and protect such of our citizens as might think proper to emigrate to Oregon. Since that period, I have seen no tense to recall or modify these recommendations. On the ' contrary, reasons exists which in my judgment, rem- der it proper not only that they should be promptly carried into effect, but that additional provision should be made for the public defence. The consideration of such additional provision was brought before appropriate committees of the two Houses of Congress, in answer to calls, made by them, in reports prepared, with cry sanction, by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, on the 29th of December and the sth of January last; a mode of communication with Con gress not unusual, and, under existing circumstan ces, believed to be most eligible. Subsequent events have confirmed me in the opinion that these re commendations were proper as precautionary men sores. It was a wise maxim of the Father of his coun try, fief "to be prepared for war, is one of the most efficient means of preserving peace;" and that, "avoiding occasions of expense by cultivating peace," we should "remember, also, that timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently pre vent much greater disbursements to repel a." 'lire general obligation to perform this duty is greatly strengthened by facts known to the whole world. A controversy respecting the Oregon territory now exists between the United States and Great Britain; and while, as far as we know, the relations of tire latter with all European nations ore of the most pacific character, she is making unusual mad extra ordinary armaments and warlike preparations, naval and military, both at home and in her North American possessions. It cannot he disguised that, however sincere may be the desire of peace, in the event of a rupture these armaments and preparations would lie used ! against our country. Whatever may have been the original purpose of these preparations, the fact ' is undoubted that they are now proceeding, in part at least, with a view to the contingent possibility of a war with the United States. The general policy of making additional warlike preparations was 1.14- i tinctly announced, in the speech from the throne, as late as January last, and has since been reiterated by the ministers of the crown, in both houses of Parliament Under this aspect of our relations' ' with Great Britain, I cannot doubt the propriety of increasing our means of defence, both by land and sea. This can give Great Britain no cause of of• fence , nor increase the danger of a rupture. If, on the contrary, we should fold our arms in security, and at last be suddenly involved in hostilities for ! the maintenance of our just rights, without any ad ! equate preparation, our responsibility to the cowl t try would be of the gravest character. Should col lision between the two countries ho avoided, as I sincerely trust it may be, the additional charge upon the treasury, in making the necessary prepa rations, will not be lost ; while, in the event of such a collision, they would be indispensable for the maintenance of our national rights and national honor. I have seen no reason to change or modify the recommendations of my annual message in regard to the Oregon question. The notice to abrogate the treaty of the 6th of August, 1827, is authorized by the treaty itself, and cannot be regarded as a warlike measure; and I cannot withhold my strong conviction that it should be promptly given. The other recommendations are in conformity with the existing treaty, and would afford to American cit izens in Oregon no more than the same measure of protection which has long since been extended to British subjects in that territory. The state of our relations with Mexico is still in an unsettled condition. Since the meeting of Con geese another revolution has taken place in that, country, by which the Government has passed into the halide of new rulers. Thie event has procras tinated, and may possibly defeat, the settlement of the differences between the United States and that country. The Minister of the United States to Mexico, at the date of the last advisee, had notbeen received by the eliding authorities. Demonstra tMne of a character hostile to the United States continue to be made in Mexico, which has rendered it proper, in my judgment, to keep nearly two thirds of our army on our southwestern frontier.— , In doing this, many of the regular military posts I hare bees reduced to a small force, inadequate to their defence should an emergency arise. In view of these " circumstances," it is my 1" judgment" that " an increase of our naval and military force is at this time required," to place the country in a suitable state of defence. At the same time, it is my settled purpose to pursue such a eourbe of policy as may be best calculated to pre- to 00. Mr. 'Jamison, of Ca., proceeded to defend the bill as reported from his Committee. Mr. H. said ho should bring forward another bill, to give the President power to raise 50,000 men, and if the exigencies of the country required it, he was ready to vote :00,000 or 1,000,000. The motion for the Previous Question was now renewed, and seconded by a vote of 91 to 50. The amendment of Mr. hPliay was rejected by a vote of 105 to 76, and the amendment of Mr. liungerford (raising each company to eitlity men, if the President thought proper to do so, and to en lint the new troops for three years) was agreed to by a vote of 112 to 79. A motion was now made to lay the bill upon the table, and lost by a vote of 149 to 32. The bill i was finally passed, 164 to 15. The bill, if passed, would odd 29,000 men to the Army. Nows from Mexico. The Steamship Alabama arrived at New Orleans on the 16th instant, from Galveston. Tho Captain report, that Mr..T. P. Shatzell, our Consul at Mate moms, was actually put in prison by the Mexican authorities, charged with the crime of holding cor respondence with Gen. Taylor, of the U. S. Army, at Corpus Christi. The Corpus Christi (Texas) Gazette of a recent date mentions a number of rumors brought to that place by Mexican traders and others. One of these in that the Mexican forces were rapidly concentra ting on this side of the Rio Grande, and erecting breastworks. The Gazette says:— It is reported that the object of the Mexican Gov ernment in posting Generals Mejia, Garcia, Cana les and Col. Savericgo, on this side of the Rio Grande was simply to form a case for negotiation with the United States, showing that they had military occupation of the territory between the Notices and the Rio Grande, and that they had been forced to retreat before, or had been driven west from the Rio Grande by the advance of the United States Army. In this view of the case no fighting in anticipa ted. But it is also thought by others, that the march of Generals Ampudia and La Vega indi cates a determination in the Mexican Government to reinforce the troops on this aide of the Rio Gran de, with a view of disputing the advance of the American Army, and that a battle will ensue when ever and wherever the opposing forces meet each other. The Gazette says that the Northern States of Mexico, consisting of Tamaulipas, Nuveo Leon, Cohahuila, and Fortions of the States of Zacatecas and San Louis de Potosi, had it in contemplation to declare their independence of Mexico, and, like Yucatan, form a separate independent nation, with a government modelled after that of the United States. The editors of the Gazette think it possible that this event has already taken place, and add that they are in possession of a printed copy of the proclamation and the orders appertaining to the movement, which they refrain from publishing at present. Vassar. SUNK-Tint. Pause:vs DROWNSD.- The schooner-rigged canal boat " Peter," from the Schuylkill, which left Philadelphia about a week since, with a load of lime for St. Georges, on the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, and thence with a load of marl bound to l3ridgeton, N. J., with four persona on board, was foundered in the gale on Tuesday night, of Isst week, and sunk in the Dela ware in four fathoms water, about ten miles below ' Reedy Island, slaty or seventy miles below the city, by which the captain, Charles Ingle, of this city, and twn of the crew, Richard Loper, of Elsenbor ough Point, N. J., and a lad named Patrick, sur name not learned, about 16 or 17 years of age, were all drowned. Jobs Evans, of this city, one of the crew, was the only pereon on board eased, and he preserved his life by climbing to the masthead, where he set some six hours, from three o'clock of Wednesday morning till nine, when he was taken of by the schooner Hero, from Baltimore, and ' brought up to the city.-- Daily Chronicle. Great Lattic in India. Thinly-Thrre Hundred British and Mist Troops -frilkd ohs tiroAded, and Reported loss of Thit-Thouiand &Pis at illoodkee and Fero* ah. k , tl The Priilieh paitifinntalies the account done of the gniaiiest batO ever; anght by the Etrittsh in the Indian Empireoh witch they suatalned a lass of 3,300 men, including Sir J. M'lteekill and Mej. It road foot. AD Extraordinary Gaulle given the ofilcial ac. count of all the military operations of this great struggle. On the 12th, 13th and 14th of Decem her, the Sikh army crowed—the Sutlej, with, at the lowest-intimate, , 80,000• men. (of whorn , so,ooo. or 30,000 were cavalry) and about 160 cannon of the largest cahbre moveable in the field. • A fierce conflict ensued, in which the Sikhs lost the artillery attached to their division, in number 17 gone. It was in this stage of the battle that Sir Robert Sale and General hl'Keekill fell. The con. test proceeded languidly throuph the 10th end 20th, the armies on both sides being occupied with the buriel of their dead, and the re•organiration of their respective arriites. Imagination cbn scarcely depict the fury and the obstinacy of the two days' fight that must hews preceded the capture of the invader's camp with all its material and artilery, and the utter dispersion of the invading army on the 22nd of December.— , Their lose is variously estimated at from 25,000 to 35,000 in killed and wounded. Our loss in killed and wounded, it is to be feared, fells little short of 3,300, including 50 European officers. Tho new. of the reload of our Government to arbitrate the Gregon difficulty created n• little sen sation in England. The London Standard may. the President has abated none of that rabid violence which has characterized all hi. official proceeding. in regard to England," and adds that there can be no clearer indication of Mr. Polk's wiehes and intention. then is to be found in his answer to Mr. Packenham's offer. ANOTHER GROAT FIRE IN PITTNEVAH.--Serea. teen Houses Burnt.—The Pittsburg American at last weak goys: " We have to word another destruction of pro perty in our city by fire, which broke out thu mor ning about 4 o'clock, in one of the two bokeries on Seventh street, between Grant and Coat Lane, be longing to Mr. M'Lcaky, and another man whose name wo did not learn. The buildings 'acing frame, the lire obtained headway before the engines arri ved, and the destruction has been very great exten ding from Seventh to Prospect street, including in all sixteen honeys, most of them new, and many of them of the better class of frame building., with all the furniture and household property of every kind in as many as four of the houeee. The sufferer. are Mr. Murray, two houses; Mr. Smith, one; Mr. John Penmen, two houses, including all I his furniture, the fire spreading eo rapidly se to af , ford him no time to save any part of it; Squire Arthure, two houses; Joseph Wright, ono house; Mr. Houston, one home, and six others, the owner. of which we did not learn. Part of this was the site of the second great fire last spring, which had been rebuilt. We have no estimate of the lose, which is serious, from being the all of many of the eulibrers. Wo believe there was little, if any, cured." An Elopement Case. The N. Y. Tribune of Wednesday says We have heretofore referred to tho• case of the young lady, daughter of Mr. Cruse, of Keyport, Nl.,who eloped with an Irish gardener and came to ta city, where they were married by the Rev. Mr. Hoyt, of the Methodist Book Concern. We stated yester day that her father declared her to be of unsound mind. She was yesterday morning examined by two physicians, who agree with him in this decla ration, and have given certificates to that effect.,- She was taken before Judge Daly, of the Court of Common Pleas, on a writ of habeas corpus, and at dark had not been returned to the city prison. It is therefore believed that she has returned to Key. port with her father. 'fire young woman certainly appeared very strange, and it is to Le hoped that if undue advantage w as taken of her imperfect intel lect, that her father may succeed in obtaining re dress." Violence and Death. The Nashville Gazette states that on Sunday week, E. Z. C. Judson killed Mr. Robert Porterfield:, They exchanged shots. Judson was arrested; but the populace cried "hang shoot him"— aid a brother of the deceased, as well as others,did shoot at hint, but he escaped. Judson then ran off; hid himself in the City 'twat, and in endeavoring to escape, fell from the third story, but did himself but little injury. The Sheriff then took possession of him--and the people, says the Gazette, seemed willing to let the law have its course. Mr. J. C. Penticost woe shot by a stray boll in the melee. A letter written at Nashville on the 16th ultimo, and published in the Cincinnati Atlas says:— 0 Last night, about 10 o'clock, a mob broke into the jail and seized Judson. Maimed and almost naked, they threw him into the street, to be hang. lie begged for a minister--which was denied him— he feared not death, but requested to be shot, and begged that if there was any gentleman present that he would shoot him. They took him to the square and ran him up over the rail of an awning post ; the rope broke and he fell, when he was taken hack to jail, where he lies to die some time during the night. This affair grew out of a criminal :ntereoursa be- tween Judson and PorterfieliPe wife. His wife's dishonor when rendered fully apparent to him, el moat deprived Porterfield of his reason, who is rep reJented to be a moat amiable and tender husband; he was about 30 years of age. This fact, too, is what excited the populace to so great an extent. Hearn ins Mtraulat.—A negro named William Freeman, entered the house of Mr. Van Ness, a farmer and Supervisor residing near Auburn, N.Y. one night a few weeks since, and stabbed Mr. Van Ness, his wife, child and mother-in law, and also the hired man. The four former have all died.-- Freeman has been arrested and made a confession ; stated that his object was to obtain some money that he knew Mr. Van Ness had received a few days previous. Tun Tx lAL of Thomas Riehre, Jr. for causing the death of Mr. Plearant., au to take place On Wedneaday last before the Supreme Court at Rich. mond, Virginia. 'LI