Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 01, 1846, Image 1

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jfamitg Stetuopaper—ThUoteti to General lintelligenct, Volitico,Riterature, arto, sbrienceo, !agriculture, nmuoement, c., &t.
"C27'acill. =II. ® o ari.
The "locate.," will be published every Wed
aesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months. $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
111, months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
tea,ges are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
Inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
aj Y. B. PALMER, Egg., is authorized to act
as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Balti
more and Boston.
Philadelphia—Number 59 Pine street.
Baltimo;e—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal
vert streets.
Nero York—Number 160 Nassau street.
Boston—Number 16 State street.
Bargains ! Bargains!!
gra F HUNTINGDON, being desirous to
` 0 " , retire from the mercantile business on
account of the delicate state of his htalth ,
offers his large and entire stock for sale at
cost an" carriage. A reasonable credit will
be given to those who will purchase over
twenty dollars worth.
To any person or persons wishing to engage
in the aforesaid business, the subscriber
would prefer to dispose of his stock whole
sale. He would also rent his store room,
which as good and convenient a business
stand as there is in the borough of Hutting
don. H is stock is of entire frt sh goods and
and the latest arrivals from the city, consist
ing of
Dry Goods,
such as Cassirners, Satinetts, road Cloths,
Silks, Mouslin de Lainef Callicoes, Brown
and Bleached Mush., Woolen Shaw is, Silk,
Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs, all of
different qualities. Also, an assortment of
lic,iery and a very large assortment of
Roots and Shoes,
of all kinds and quality • Also, a large as
sortment of
Qwensware and Hardware,
'of the newest and most approved styles.
Also, a large and carefully selected assort
ment of all kinds of
in short, the subscriber is supplied with all
the variety belonging to store-keeping, the
particulars of which are too tedious to men
Horses, or any kind of grain or lumber,
will be taken in exchange for goods, at cash
prices. Any person wishing any further in
tormation, will please call upon the subscri
Huntingdon, Jan. 7, 184.5.
N. B.—A large lot of the best quality of
LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, Gin and
Wine, and also a large lot of the same at
other prices to suit purchasers, will be sold
in exchange for country produce.
NOTICE.—Those whn have unsettled
accounts on the books of the subscriber, will
please settle them soon, or they will find
them in the hands of the proper officer for
collection. WM. STEWART.
Jan. 7, 1845.
THE subscriber respectfully inform his
friends and the public in general, that he
are prepared to manufacture cloths, satti.
netts, flannels, blankets, carpeting, Arc., at
'the well known establishment, formerly oc
cupied by Jeremiah Whitehead, situated in
the town of Williamsburg, Hubtingdon co.
Pa. His machinery will be in good order,
and having none but good workmen in his
employ, he will assure all who may favor
him with their custom that their orders
will be executed in a satisfactory style on
the shortest notice.
T.Xesni.arxlcs ts
He will card wool into rolls at the low
price of 61 cents per pound ; car:l and spin
'l2 cuts per pound, 16 cents per pound;
manufacture white flannel from fleece. 311
cents per yard ; manufacture brown flannel
from fl ece, 40 cents per yard ; he will
find sattinett warp and manufacture satti
netts of all dark colors at 45 cents per yard;
cloths 1 wide, 50 cents per yard ; common
broad cloth, $1 25 per yard ; blankets, S 3
per pair; plain girdling carpet, 50 cents per
'yard ; he will card, spin, double and twist
stocking yarn at 20 cents per pound ; color
ing carpet, Loyerltt and stocking yarn, from
15 to 31 cents per pound.
Country EnUing.
Cloths of all dark colors, 22 cents per yd;
flannels, si cents per yard , blankets, 7 cents
p er y ar d ; home dye flannels 64 cents per
yard ; home dye cloths, 16 cents peryard.
Arrangements have been made at the fol
lowing phces, where cloths and wool will be
taken and returned every two weeks.
At the house of John Nail, Hnrtslog Val
; Jacob M'Galittn, M'Connellstown ; J.
Lotrekin's store, Coffee Run ; John Gwin's
'store, Leonard Weaver, Jacob Cypress and
'Matthew Garner,Wooticock Valley ; Gem
mel & Porter's store, Alexandria .; Walter
Graham's store, Canoe Valley ; Dysart's
Mill, Sinking Valley ; Davis Brook's Mill,
Blair township ; James Candron's store,
Frankstown ; Gc n. Steiner's store, Water
street ; James Saxton's store, Huntingdon.
Persons wishing to exchange wool forman
ufactured stuffs can be accommodated.
117 . All kinds of country produce taken in
excitange for work.
Williamsburg, Aug. !7, 19, 1845.—tf.
OTIOE is hereby given to all persons
concerned, that the following named,
persons have settled their accounts in the
Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that
the said accounts will be presented for con
firmation and allowance at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for
the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday
the 15th day of April next, viz
1. Esther Beyer, William Beyer, and
John Bever, Administrators of John Beyer,
late of Porter township, dec'd.
2. Robert McNeal and James McNeal,
Adm'rsofJamesM'Neal, late of . Tell town
ship, dec'd.
3. David H. Moore, Adm'r of William
McKellip, late of Frankstown township,
4. Jacob H. Stuffier, And Isaac Yinglin,
Admr's of Peter Keath, late of Allegheny
township, dec'd.
5• Caleb Swoope, Adm'r of Lawrence
Swoope, late of Cass township, deed.
6. David Beyer, Adm'r of Samuel Utley,
late of Snyder township, deed.
7. Andrew Wise, Minn. of Catharine
Louderslagle, late of Henderson township,
8. Andrew Stewart, acting Adm'r of Dan
iel Stouffer, late of West township,
9. Peter Hoffman, Adm'r of Peter Hoff
man, late of Walker township, deed.
10. Thomas M. ()wens, Adm'r of Tim
othy Hill, late of townsh.p, dec'd.
11. Daniel McConnell, Adm'r of John
Scullin, late of West township, deed.
12. Hiram Williamson and Samuel Mil
ler, Admr's of Elizabeth Grafius, late of
West township, dec'd,
13. Thomas Weston, Adm'r of Nathan
Green, late of Warriorsmaik township,
14. Peter M. Bare and David Burket,
Adrw's of Benjamin Bare, late of Cromwell
township, dec'd.
15. W;liiam Templeton, Adm'r of Mary .
Templeton late of Tyrone township. dec'd.
16. Rebecca Heffner, Administratrix of
Adam Heffner, late of Walker township,
17. Peter C. Swoope, and John S. Patton
Admr's of John Swoope, late of Walker
township, dec'd.
18. James Carmont, acting Executor of
John Carmont, late of Barree township,
19. Daniel McConnell, actin;; Executor
of Henry McConnell, late of Blair township,
deed, and John Mcllwaine. Executor of last
Will and Testament of said dec'd.
20. Jacob Long acting Executor r f Peter
Long, late of Allegheny township, deed.
21. Daniel Africa. Guardian of the minor
Children of John Weight, late of Hender
son township, dec'd.
Register's Office,
Huntingdon, March 12, 1846.
No. 29, North 2nd street, Harrisburg.
THE subscriber respectfully inforrns the
citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring
counties, that he still continues to carry on
the above business in all its branches, all of
the best quality, and as low as can be bought
anyw het e, for Cash.
His stock consists partly of Sole Leather,
UppPr Leather, Calf Skins, water proof
lin Harness Bridle, &c. &c.
Men's Morocco, Women's
Straights, Kid, Bindings,
Linings, &c. &c.
Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, sparables,
glass-paper, boot-cord, bristles, boot wets,
cork soles, lacers, awl blades, knives, ham
mers, awl hafts, brushes, colts, slick hones,
files, rasps, instep leather, breaks and keys,
jiggers, shoulder irons, shoe keys, seam
sets, strip awls, welt keys, French wheels,
heel slickers, shank wheels, collis, shoul
der sticks, long sticks, measure straps, nip
pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gouges,
pattent peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c.
&c., and everything else in his line of busi
ness. Call and see before buying elsewhere.
Feb. 11, 1846.
THE subscriber will offer at public sale
at the. Court House in the borough of Hun
tingdon, on Wednesday of the April court,
being the 15th day of April next—
A Debt and certificate thereof, of the
Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana turn
pike Road Company, due to Christian
Garber, dec'd, amounting to Seven thou
sand, One hundred and Nineteen Dollars
and Eighty-five cents, interest there
on from the Ilth of January 1841. About
one had of the interest has been paid
yearly by John S. Isett, Esq., Sequestra
tor ot said Road &c.
ALSO—A debt due by said company
to Garber & Dorris, amounting to Nine
teen hundred and Ninety-seven dollars
and thirty-four cents, with interest there
on from the 10th day of January 1841,
which interest has been paid in part, as
above, &c.
There are several houses and lots of
ground in the Borough of Hollidaysburg,
and see orallots of ground in Frankstown,
belongi• 2; to the estate of Christian Gar ,
ber, de. d, which will be sold at private
sale, as soon as a liberil otter is made for
them. The lots in Frankstown front on
the turnpike road on Main street, and ex
tend across the canal, they adjoin each
other and I,ly rincipally on the North
land West of the lock, and are the only
convenient lots in that town where
wharves could be built oo the Canal.
Ex'r. of C. Garber, ilec'd.
Huntingdon, Feb. 11, 1846.
viau7szTzal;3sctagmciE;tsrs g LlPeta.. AQ.vpuzaua aoa4lMsc.
No. 120 Chestnut St., south side, 4
doors below Fourth st.,
Respectfully itift , rms the citizens
of Hontingdon County, that he
has refitted and opened the above
li establishment, where he is pre
pared at all times, to furnish Bea
ver, Nutria and Moleskin Hats, equal to any
manufactured in this country. Also, a su
perior quality of Caps, for officers of the
Army and Navy, together with D ress, Ri
ding and Sporting Caps : a new and splen
did style of Childrens' and Boys' Caps, with
a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs fur La
Jnst received, per Steam Ship Great
Western, the approved style of LADIES'
RIDING HAI S; also, a beautiful assort
ment of Childrens' French Caps.
I am determined that my hats, in point of
beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed
by those of any other Establishment in any
Citi, in the Union.
Philadelphia, Dec. 24, 1845.
To the heirs and legal Representatives of
Nathan Green, late of Warriorsmarlr
township, Huntingdon county, deceased.
BY virtue of a writ of partition or valua
tion issued out of the Orphan's Court of
said county, I will proceed on
Thursday, 9th. April next,
by Jury of Inquest convent! on the premises.
to make partition or valuation of the real
estate of said deceased, situate in said town
ship. JOHN ARMIT AGE, Sh'ff.
Sheriff's Office, Hunting- I
don, March 4, 1846.
Can be had at the Chair Shop of Thos.
Adams, at his old stand, opposite Geo.
Jackson's Ilotel, where he intends keep
ing CHAIRS of different kinds and qual
ities, warranted good, and cheaper than
ever has been sold in Huntingdon.
Call and See!
NB . Wanted to learn the Chair Ma
king business, a boy about 15 or 10 years
of age, of good moral character, and to
come on or before the 10th day of April
next. 'l'. A.
Ilmitingdori, March 4, 1846.
Jr otice to the heirs of David
Johns, deed.
THE heirs of said dec'd will take notice,
that the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon
county, on the 16th day of January, A. 1).
1846, granted a Rule on the he'll; and legal
representatives of the said David Johns,
late of Shirley township, in said county,
deed., to appear at the next Orphans'
Court to be held at Huntingdon on the sec
ond Monday of April next, to show cause,
if any they have, why the real estate oft he
said &TM. should not he sold.
Feb. 18, 1846.-6 t.
Notice to Creditors.
ALL persons interested are hereby no
tified that the a ccount of Geo. Jackson,
Assignee of John McComb, under a vol
untary assignment, has been filed in my
Office, and will be presented to the Court
of Common Pleas, of Huntingdon county,
tin the second /Monday of April mxt, for
confirmation, when and where the same
will be confirmed and allowed, it no suffi
cient cause be shown to the contrary.
J3lllE5' STEEL, Prut'y.
Huntingdon, March 4 1846.
(z:La...121.... 8
HAVING removed from Williamsburg to
Huntingdon. would inform the t ommunity
that he designs to continue the practice of
medicine,and will be thankful for their pat
ronage. Residence and office formerly oc
cupied by R. Allison, Esq.
N. B. Having been successful in accom
plishing the cure of a number of cancers,
(tor which vouchers can be had if required)
he feels confident of success in the most ob
stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no
charge will be made.
Huntigdon, April 23, 1845,
Having re
turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com
menced the practice of LAW in the Borough
of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at•
tend to all business entrusted to his care.—
He will be found at all times by those who
may call upon him, at his office with Isaac
Fisher. Esq., adjoining the store of Thos.
Read & Son, near the Diamond.
Huntingdon, April 30, 1845.
IMERSONS wishing . to purchase any kind
i i ,rOf WOOLLEN Goons, will find that
they can be had at very reduced prices, at
almost cost, at the Cheap Cash Store of
Huntingdon, March 11, 1846.
duditoes drotice.
All persons interested will take notice
that the undersigned, Auditor appointed to
make distribution of the proceeds of a
Sheriff's sale of Thomas McNamara's in
terest in the Portage Iron Woiks, among
his creditors, will attend for that purpose at
the Prothonotary's ffice, in Huntingdon,
op Friday the 3d day of April next, at 10
o'clock A. M., when and where all persons
are required to present their claims, or be
debarred from coming in upon said fund.
Huntingdon, March 1:, 1846.
[From the Guide to Holinear)
Madame Guyon was imprisoned about ten years
in the Hostile and other French prisons. During
this period she employed herself chiefly in writing.
Her Life, four volumes of Poems, and other wri
tings, were the result- The following is a transla•
tton of one of her Poems. It illustrates her state
of mind in her afflictions :
IL Little Bird I am.
A little bird I am.
Shut trom the fields of air
And in my cage sit and sing
To him who placed me there;
pleas'd a prisoner to be,
Nought have I else to do ;
I sing the whole day long,
And He, whom most I love to please,
Both listen so my song;
Ho caught and bound my wandering wing
But still ho bends to hear mo sing.
Thou hest an ear to hear ;
A heart to love and bless ;
And, though my notes were e'er so rude,
Thou wouldst not hear the less ;
Because Thou knowest, as they fall,
That love, sweet love, inspires then ail.
My cage confines me round ;
Abroad I cannot fly ;
But, though my wing is cloeely bound,
My heart's at liberty ;
My prison walls cannot control
The flight, the freedom of the soul.
Oh, it is good to soar,
These bolts and bars above,
To Him, whose purpose I adore,
Whore providence I love ;
And in Thy mighty will to find
The joy, the freedom of the mind,
Love's Emblems.
Love's meetest emblems are the flowers,
The blushing flowers of Spring--
Then bring me, dear, to charm my hours,
Sweet leaves and blossoms bring.
I ask not gems of costly toys—
Their brightest ray is cold ;
And outs are simpler, purer joys
Than can be won by gold.
The gems endure, the roses fade,
Vet something in the heart
Still tells that Love is best portrayed
By Nature—not by Art.
The dews that tremble on the leaf,
But make its tints appear
More beautiful than aught so brief,
Except Love's smile oral tear.
Their odors too, a sweeter bliss
To soul and soul convey
Than aught beside the early kiss
Of Loves unclouded day.
Then bring me dear, to charm my hours
Sweet leaves and blossoms bring;
Love's meetest emblems are the flowers—
The blushing flowers of Spring.
Later From China.
Further Encroachment of the Brilish—Unheat
thiness of Hong Kong—News front Tahiti.
Advices from Canton, and Hong Kong papers to
the 27th November last, have been received at New
York. These papers contain items of news not
before known, and they exhibit in some degree the
constant endeavors being made by the English to
gain a firm foothold, not only adjacent to, but also
on the territory of Chinn. The retention of Cho
sen, the right of free entrance into Canton, and the
privilege to be accorded on the part of the Chinese
Government for all Chinese vessels to resort to
Hong Kong, are the principal objects now sought
to he obtained.
The extreme unhealthiness of Hong Kong, has
caused the British to turn to Chusan, which they
have held possession of, contrary to agreement, and
on the 13th of November last, Keying, the Impe
rial Commissioner, come down from Whampoa, ' to
settle all matters between the two Governments,
preparatory to the surrender of Chusan to the
Chinese." The language of the Canton Register
is such, however, as to make it probable that the
British authorities will not yit Id up the Island, un
less the privilege of foreigners entering Canton, and
Chinese vessels resorting to Hong Kong, is gran
ted, Keying, however, seems to be rather too shrewd,
and so far as diplomany goes, has the best of it.
The French steam frigat Nemesis arrived at
Shanghai, on the 27th October, having on board the
French Ambassador and suite.
The U. S. ship of the line Columbus and the
sloop of war Vincennes arrived at Batavia, the first
on the 23d, and the lust on the 25th October, bound
to China, whither they sailed on the 28th.
The British Admiral, who arrived at Tahiti in
September last, saluted the French Protectorate flag,
very much to the chagrin of the natives. The de
spatches received there, however, stated that the
Protectorate extended only over the Islands of Ta
hiti and Eimeo. Queen Pomare is represented as
being in deep distress, having lost her young
daughter Victoria. She refused food (or three days
after the death of her infant.
The merchants at Hong Kong complain loudly
of the heavy imposts, ground rents and taxes im
posed upon thorn ; and declamations are made that
if no changes for the better are effected, the Euro
pean residents will be obliged to abandon their pro.
party, and remove elsewhere. The settlement of
Hong Kong Ives proved to bo a decided failure,
Toni Paine the Infidel.
William B. Reed, Esq., recently delivered an
elocinent lecture before the Mercantile Library asso
ciation of Philadelphia, upon the Life and Times'
of Torn Paine, the Infidel, of which the Inquirer
gives the following interesting sketch
„ Thomas Paine wan a citizen of tho world, and
of course alien to every part of it. Born in Great Bri
tain, he was an exile and an outlaw. Naturalized
in America, he renounced her moderate republican
Um, for the exaggerations of French democracy.—
A citizen of France, he became ex-q[ficito an inmate
of the Conciergerie ; and was glad, not grateful,
to escape with a bead upon his shoulders. Buried
in an American village, the grave was violated, and
the bones of the restless cosmopolite were exhumed
and carried abroad, in solemn mockery of the relics
of holy men of old. Mr. Reed proceeded, without
derogating from the actual value of Paine's servi-
Con during the revolution to define and mark their
worth, and to correct the notion which in life he
was so anxious to cultivate that he was by common
consent regarded as a great benefactor to America.
Thomas Paine, the child of humble though repu
table parents, was born at Tbretford, in the county
of Norfolk, England, in 1737. His father was a
member of the Society of Friends, and his mother
was an Episcopalian. According to his own story,
Paine was an infidel in the nursery. Mr. Reed al
luded to this statement of the deceased, as given in
his ” Age of Reason," and commented upon it in a
truly beautiful strain. The old man of sixty, ho
said (for such he was when these sad words were
written) travelling back in memory to the hours of
infancy, and persuading himself at the age of seven
years that he was a reasoning infidel. The boy
standing upon the garden steps, with the flowers
and singing birds around him; with the sound of
familiar prayer in his cars, seriously reflecting on
thoughts of blasphemy. And fifty years after
wards, the childess, friendless man, who never
knew the softening influence of domestic relations
amid scenes of blood and carnage, at which even
his heart, bold as it was, would sicken—for he wrote
his Age of Reason in the midst of the Reign of
Terror—boastfully recorded his persevering obdu
rate scepticism of all in God's written word, which
could not ire compassed either by his childish or his
matured intelligence • • • • •
On the full of Robespierre, when the prisons were
opened, Paine, with a few other survivora,worn out
wills distress of mind and disease of body, was set
at liberty. Soon after lie published the second part
of his Age of Reason, the blasphemies of which,
said Mr. Reed, are enough to sicken the heart.—
Subsequently, in 1902, Paine returned to the U.
St,tes. He at last took refuge on his farm near
New Rochelle, where he lingered in obscurity on-
tit his death, in 1309, at the age of seventy-two.
Alluding to his death-bed scene, Mr. Reed closed
his lecture in the most impressive manner. Paine
dreaded being left alone, or being left in darkness,
and screamed like a terrified child for his nurse and
the light. He insisted on his nurse reading aloud ;
but it was not so much in older to lake solace from
what she read as to be satisfied by the sound of her
voice, that she was at hand. About ten years after
Paine's death, Cobbett made a pilgrimage to New
Rochelle, disinterred the mouldering bones, and re
moved them to Great Britain. It was, said Mr. R.
a piece of indecer.t and ineffectual mockery. The
bones of the scoffer were looked on by such of the
British people as knew anything about them, with
no more regard than the anatomical student bestow
ed on the unknown carcase before him. And thus
ending the story of ono who was endowed with abil
ities that might have made an impression on the
world, and have left a memorable trace behind them
—an actor in scenes of commanding interest—a
patriot in a certain thought a narrow sense—but
withal. infirm in the only high purpose which con
secrated man's career on earth, and post in the
aspirations which alone dignified humanity—the
aspiration for a reward which the "world neither
gives nor takes away,"—the mingling of the high
est human qualities—the love of vhrtue and of truth,
with a meek and humble sense of the power with
which God had endowed us, and the love of free
dom, with a decent reverence for authority and ex
ample, which constitute the perfection of bunion
character—that of the conservative and Christian
Which of their weapons bath conquest got,
Over their wit, the pipe or else the pot!
For even the derivation of the name
Seems to allude to, and indicate the same;
Tobacco as To 13Accito—one would say,
To cup God Bacchus dedicated aye."
It has lung been contended by the enemies of the
"filthy weed" that it originally derived its name
from its immediate connection with tippling. Hard
chewers generally are, or at some period of their
lives have been drinkers. The fumes of liquor
and the fog of the cigar, always mingle in the bar
room. We have undeniable testimony that the
habit of using Tobacco has excited a denim for a
stimuklor which could not be satisfied with any
thing but Alcohol. Indeed when we examine care
fully into the matter, we find that the amount of
habitual drunkenness arising from this cause is truly
startling. One wilier estimates it at one tenth of
the dis s ipation which curses our land. Then we
say, es chew the noxious weed.
Man. Edward Everett, will NO inaugurated ae
President of Harvard College, on tho let of May.
NZFQrattcoUcE> cm . e 3 ethaz
a Convict Shot ! !
A convict named John Gibbs, inborn it will tot
recollected was convicted lest fall of a series of
bold and daring burglaries in. this borough, and
sentenced to nine years imprisonment at hard labor
in the County jail, was shot dead by Mr. Watson,
keeper of the prison, on Sunday morning, the 2T,tl
ult. The facts of the cave are to follows: about 6
o'clock Mr. Watson went into the passage, as usual,
to serve the prisoners with breakfast; when he came
to the cell occupied by Gibbs he opened the outer
door, and the convict instantly put his arras through
the hole in the inner door, drew back the bolt, and
rushed into the paasege towards Mr. Watson. The
latter drew a revolving pistol, and ordered him to
stand back, or he would shoot, and finding hint stilt
advancing, he drew the trigger, but it missed fire.
Gibbs then clinched the keeper, and threw him cn
his back, hot Mr. Watson turned himself so that he
got his feet against the prisoner's breast, by which
means be pushed him off and again attempted to
fire, but without effect. Gibbs closed on him a se•
cond time, and threw him, when a deadly struggle
took place—the convict using the moat desperate
efforts to wrench the pistol from the keeper's ham?.
In the course of the struggle the convict said :--
Give me the pistol. and I will let you alone; if
you don't I will kill you—or if you make any noise
I'll kill you." An alarm, however, would have
been of little consequence, as the door leading to
the passage was locked on the inside. Watson
knowing this, and seeing that the issue was life or
death, struggled manfully for s few moments, when
he got his arm around the convict, and discharged
ono of the loads of the pistol m Isis back. Gibbs
instantly relinquished his hold, and both regained
their feet, when Watson fired again, and the shot
took effect in Gibbs' left side, in the region of rho
heart. He then returned to his cell, followed by
the keeper. When he was inside he again turned
upon the keeper,who fired the third time; the ball
passing directly through his breast, when. the con
vict fell, and in a few moments expired.
i Gibbs was a light mulatto, aged about 40 years,
twelve or fifteen of which he hot spent in the Ens.
tern Penitentiary. He was a most desperate and
hardened villain, and has several times threatened
to take the life of Mr. Watson. It is but a few
weeks ago that he made and ingenious but untiuc
eeasful attempt to evcape. It is evident that hie
intention was to take advantage of the stillness of
ithe Sabbath morning, wrest the keys from the kee•
! per, force him into his cell, and thus make his es
cape; but fortunately he was foiled, and Mr. Wet
son deserves credit for sending to his final account
such a black hearted and bloodthirsty villain who
Iconstantly placed the likes of all in jeopardy who
came in contact with him.
Thu Coroner held ar. inquest, and rile jury
turned a verdict of "justifiable homicide."
After the rendition of the verdict the body VIR9
suffered to lay an hour in front of the jail--a sick
ening sight to gratify a morbid curiosity--after
which it was removed to the almshouse for burial--
and thus ends a career of crime and infamy.—Mr.
risburg Argus.
F'snsrmt's DscoirTEn.—The editor of the
Maine Farmer says he is willing that the farmer's
daughter, if she has the means to do it, should
play upon the piano or the guitar--that she should
read poetry, and make herself as polished and refi
ned as the graces themselves, but begs her to re
member that this is but the mere sparkling of the
diamond—while the substance, the real worth of
the gem, is in the solid m atter of domestic knowl
edge, and that no young lady's education is finished
however accomplished she may be, until she can
darn a slacking, milk a row, and make a cheese.
caWhen General Burgoyne was once at a play.
which was most indifferently performed, he called
one of the actors and asked him the name of the
piece. "lice Stage Coach, sir," replied Buskin.—
"The next time yuu play it," said the General, "I
must ask to be an outside passenger."
NOT Poon.—The Boston Mail speaks of two
young men in Maine, whose names are Rich, mar
rying two sisters named Wing, and then moving
off to Illinois. This verifies the old proverb, that
" Riches take to themselves Wings and fly away.'
"Why is the Ohio River like an unfortunate
drunkard?" " Because it takes so much "Mo
nongahela," that passes along " Wheeling" re
ceives "Licking" at Cincinnati, and " Fcl.4" at
Louisville."—N. 1 Mi rror.
C•z.vEs.—"You are from the country, are you
not, sir?" said a dandy clerk in a book store, to a
handsomely &assail quaker who had given him
aortae trouble,
"Well, here's an Essay on the Rearing of
.That," said Aminadah, aa he turned to leave
the store, "thee had better present to thy mother."
Scaacc.—Unbustled ladies, pure and undefiled
christiuns, disinterested friends, common honesty,
sound potatoes, first rate butter, and rich Printers.
PLarcry.--Old maids and dried apples.
t•-,4 paper in the West abuses a profeasional
gentleman as a briefless lawyer. The Louisville
Journal takes his cotemporary to ink, and admon
ishes him never to alum a man without a cans•.
Long 'bland in desirous of bring knificd
the name :7itato