Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 25, 1846, Image 4
COME THIS WAY! LIE = 14 1:1 4 UR 5Zl' EM LL ''' Z.Mi Carriage Manufactory 31131intir SMITH INVOST RESPECTFULLY informs the 411Acitizens of the borough and county of Huntingdon, and the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its various branches, at his old stand, in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting don, nearly opposite the "Journal" print• log office, where he has constantly on hand every description of _!t_rt, Coaches, Carthiget, t-.4." . .:11trc=e 47.. Buzgies, Sleighs and r• , •• : Dearborn's, wlach..he will SELL LOW Von CASII or COUNTRY rnoincr.! He would also inform the public that he manufactures and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Cii.llllS, made and finished iu the most dumble and improved style, by experienJed workmen. The public are respectfully invited to call and judge for themselves. HENRY SMITH. Huntingdon, Nov; 5, 1845—tf. We recommend to el our friends bisit ing the czty to call at the Pekin Company's Store,and lay en a supply of their deli cious Peas. THE PEKIN TEA COMPANY, No. SO SOUTH SECOND STREET, Between Market am/ Chestnut, PIILADALPHIA. Have constantly on hand, and for sale Wholesale and Retail, A VARIETY OF cnowE FRESII tLAS, AT LOWER PRICES, According to the quality, than (hey can be bought fur at any other establishment in the city. fees, exclusively, are sold at this house, and several varieties which can not be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas which do not give entire satisfaction can be retained and exchanged, or the money will be refunded. The citizens of Huntingdon minty are respectfully invitpd to give us it call. 6. B. ZEI Agent for the Pekin 'tea Company. October 1,1845.—1 y. Carpetings, Floor Uloths, &c., Ai the" Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawterry Street, Philadelphia. F. would call the attention of persons in want of New Carpet, &c, to the fact of our being enabled to. sell goods at very low prices, because, in our present lo cation, our rent and other expenses are very light ; and we offer for this SCESOII an excel lent assovtment of Arpetings, Beautiful Imperial, Ingrain, anti Venttlan of every variety. Also, r oor Gil Cloths, From 2 to 24 feet wide, cot to fit rooms, halls, Etc: , and Hearth Rugs. Table Covers, Floor Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, &c., wholesale or retail, at the lowest prices. 17 A supply of low priced carpets, from :11 to SO cents per yard, always on hand. EIXIIRIDGE & BROTHER, No 41, Strawberry street, one door abctre . - Chesnut st. near Second st. Phila'd. Sept. 10, 1845. WASHINGTON HOTEL. Corner of Market street and Market Square, 41.7.11.IESETTRO, PA. H E subscriber having taken this pop , War Hotel lately kept by Mr. Was. T. SANDERS, begs leave to inform his friends and tit! public genet ally, that be is now well prepared to accomodate them in a manner to insure satisfaction to all who fa vor him with their custom. The house has been re-furnished, altered, and greatly im proved in many respects, and no pains will be spared to snake visitors comfortable du ring their sojourn. HIS TABLE will he constantly supplied with all the delicacies of the season : and his servants are attentive. careful and accommodating. '['here is extensive ABLING attached to the pi emises, E. I'. HUf= HES, Live of the Mansion House. Harrisburg June 4, 1845. THE subscriber takes this occasion of re turning his thanks to his numerous friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed up on him during his proprietorship of the Washington Hotel. He also takes great pleasere in bespeaking for his successor a continuance of public favor, who is well qualified to give general satisfaction as a landlord, and every way worthy of the pat ronage of the travelling community. WM. T. SANDERS. WILLIAM D. PARRISH. No. 4, North sth st., 2 doors above Market PHILADELPPIIIA. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Paper, Rags, School Books Blank Books and Stationary. HAVING considerably increase his facll - for business, now offers to country user' chants, on still more favorable terms than formerly, a complete assortment of Writing, Printing and W rapping l'apers; also F loved Wall and Curtain l'apers, and Window Shades of a great 'variety of patterns, which he can sell at manufacturers prices. Also, Bonnet Boards, White, Blue and Brown ; and all the Ssandard School Books, Blank Books, and Stationary in general, Itt the low est lAiholesale prices. Rags 1 Rags 1 Rags Cash paid for Rags in any quantity, or Rags taken in trade for goods at the lowest cash prices. Cuuntry merchants ure par ticularly invited to call. Printers of country newspapers supplied with their WILLIAM 1) low for ca .PA sh, b RR y a lS pp H'lyS ing at Paper and Rag Warehouse, No. 4, North Fifth strut, 2 doors above Market street, Philadelphia. . „ . LIST OF RETAILERS Of liferd:andexe, &e.,reiurncd by the Constables of the several Townships and Boroughs in the Gounty of llantinselon, at January Sessions, 1846, viz : Allegheny township. Tod township. cLssa. Reuben Trailer • 13 Samuel Confer 14 Arno. Clark ]4 Joseph Patton 14 Warriorsmark toumehip William Walker 14 Benj. F. Patton 14 Bell & Higgins 13 Abednego Stephens 14 Elias Baker 12 Walker township. 'James Campbell * Simon Aka West township, John IVatt 14 Milos Lowis 13 Woodberry township. Adolphus Patterson • 13 Michael Thonipeon 14' Antes township. John Doughorty 14' Marlin 801 l 13 Benjamin F. Bell l3' John Bell 13 ' i Graham MoCamant 13, 'Matthew Orlady • 14 'Philip Metz • 14 !Jos R Hewitt & Co.. 13 !George W. Daniels " 14 Smith & Wampler 13 James M. Johnston 14 Daniel H. Royer & Co 13 Royer & Sehmueker 13 I'Samuel Royer & Co. 13 ,I Birmingham Borough. James Clark . 13 James Bell • 13 apporl Boro. Lloyd & Lira 12 {limes Flowers 14 I;Huhert Lytle Si.. 14 Barrie townahip. James Maguire 13 John R. Hunter 121 Benjamin Hartman 13! Reed & Cottle 13 Blair lownahip. W, Anderson & Co • 14 Daniel McConnell • 14 1 Alex. Knox & Son 13 Peter O'Hagan • 14 Can township. Rohert Speer 141 James HenderoOn • 14 Cromwell township. A J Wigton &Broth's 14 Samuel Isett 14 Hollidaysburg Aar° Thomas Orbieon !Joseph *art 13 IA M'Cormick & Bro. 1$ Dublin tounuhip. A C Blair & Co. l 3 Thomas ft Moore 12 Michael R. Douelaugh 18 'Learner & Rhodes • 13 Robert Williams 18 'Geo. Bingham & co. (Dry Goods) 12 James Gardner & Co 18 David Goodfellow 13 Gilbert L Lloyd 13 William Hall 14 Peter McNally 14 Soo Deicer (Grocer) 14 , George Bingham & co I (Groceries) 13 Lloyd & Graff, Wholesalb & Retail 12 ;:0 W Patterson • Franklin township. Shotb, Stewart & Co. 14 John S. Isett 141 James William. 13 C. Wigton &Sons 131 George Shoenborger 12 Martin Gate. 14 Frankstown township. McNeal, Lytle & Co 14 James Condren 13 Michael 'Wolf 13 Wm West (Grocer) 14 liyeton • (Grocer) 14, Huston township. Peter Shoenherger 121 Hopewell township. 1 James Entrekin • 12 John B Given • 11 Henderson township. Milliken & Kessler 13', McCahan & Irvin 13' Jackson township. John WMy ton a 13 J A Pell & Brother • 13 Rawle & Hall 13 Joseph Ennis 14 Morris township. George H Steiner 131 Hugh McNeal 13 James M. Kinkead 13 1 Alfred H. Spang 13 Porter township. Sam'l Hatfield & Son 13 Green & Co. 13 Moore & Swoope 19 Bucher & Porter 13 Genital & Porter 13 Michael Sisslet 14 1 Snyder township. Lyon,.Bhorb & Co. (Grocer) 18 Wm Nelson (Grocer) 14 David Hammer do :4 John Gorley do 14 John Hays do 14 3 E McDiu (Druggist)l4 J M Lindsey do 14 Jacob Snyder do 14 Samuel Conran) do 14 Henry T Coffey do 14 liantingdon Bora. Stevens, Snyder & eo 13 1 Marks Goodman 14 William Couch 74 Jame. Saxton 12 IC & H Newingham 14 I George A Steel 18 Thos Reed & Bon 13 I William Dotris 13 i Swoope & Africa 13 BE & W IVlcMurtrio 12 William Stewart • 13 A 8 Harrison 14 , . Bald Nagle tur. l3' Barna Tyrone Purges 12 John Kratzer 13 Shirley toWnship. Bam'l H. Bell 131 Springfield toWnehip. Madden & Blair 14 V'm Madden 14 Tyrone twp. Timmy & Patton 13 John Maguire 13 Joeeph Morrow 14 John N Prowell 13 Rothrock & Jones 10 Fisher McMurtrie 13 Geo Hartley Petrrsburg Bore. A & N Creuwell 13 Jos M Slovene 13 S/iirlryeburg Born. !Davit) Pinker 14 l'John Lutz • 14 Henry Brewster ta Allen 0 Brown 13 Those marked thou ;•) sell liquots. ImOTICE is hereby given that the As sociate Judges and Commissioners will meet at the Commissioners' Office in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second Mon day and 13th day of April next, for the pur pose of hearing any of the merchants em braced in the above list, their agents or at torneys (if they think proper to attend,) as to the amount of their sales during the pre vious year: Those of the 12th class are estimated to sell to the amount of $lO,OOO and less than ' $15,000, and pay 12 50 license. Those of the 13th class, to the amount of $3OOO and less than 10,000, and pay $lO 00 license.— T hose of the 14th class, to an amount less than $3,000, and pay 7 00 license. When liquors are sold, fifty per cent in ad lition to the rates above specilled to be charged. Licenses are to be token cut for one year from the Ist day cf May next. JOSEPH ADAMS, 2 As Judges. JAMES GWIN, S MORD. CHI LCOTE, JOHN F. MILLER, Gomm'rs, WILLIAM BELL, Commissioners' Office, / Huntingdon, March 11 , 1846. S Huntingdon County, 1111. ~, otio The Commonwealth of Penney,- canto to Delilah McCrum, GREET= r—Wherees, Rotert Mcerum, ), did on the 22ndday of August, A. D. 1845, present his petition to our said Judges of the Court id Common Pleas, ol the county of Huntingdon afore said, praying for the causes therein set j forth, that lie might be divorced from the bonds of Matrimony, entered into with you the said Delilah McCrum. Ile do therefore command you the said Delilah McCrum, as often before commanded, that setting aside all other business and excuses whatsoever, you be acid appear in your proper person before our Judges at Huntingdon, at our County Court of Com mon Pleas, there to be held in and for said county, on the second Monday of April next, to answer the Petition or Li bel of the said Robert McCrum, and to shew cause, if any you have, why the said Robert McCrum, your husband, should nut be divorced front the bonds of Mat rimony, agreeably to the act of General Assembly, in such cases made and provi ded, hereof fail not. Witness the Hon. A.S. Wilson, Esq., President of our said Court at Huntingdon, the Slst day ol January A. D. 1845. JAMES STEP', Prothonotary. The defendant will take notice as above commanded. JURY ARMITAGE, 84f. Huntingdon, March 4, 1840 qtb LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay slilA of Execution, under the now law, just SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias, Venditioni Exponas and Fieri Facias in my hands, I will expose to sale at the Court House in Huntingdon, on Monday the 13th day of April, A. D.' 1846, the following described real estate; and continue the same from day to day, until all is sold. The terms of sale are cash, and no sale will be absolute unless the money be paid at the time, viz t All that tract or parce l s of land in Alle gheny township, 'containing about 575 acres, be tl.e same more or less, about 9,75 acres of which is cleared and cultivated. The said land is now used and tenanted as two separate farms, and being the re maining part or residue of the real estate now owned by Bernard ()Triers heirs— said land is good limestone and is bounded on the east by lands of Adam Black, on the west by Aaron Burns' heirs, on the north by George Cowen, and on the south by Alexander Dysart—having thereon erected 2 farm dwelling houses and 2 barns, 4•c. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of Bernard O Friel, dee'd—now in the hands of his Executors. Snook! the sale of the above property be stopped, I will then sell all the right, title and interest of James O'Friel, one of the sans and heirs of Bernard O'Friel, dec'd, in and to the said described land, by virtue of an alias Testatum writ of Vend. Exp. issued nut of Allegheny County District Count, vs. said James A LSG All that tract, piece or parcel of land, situate on the Juniata River about ei ►Hiles below the borough at Huntingdon, in Henderson township, adjoining other lands of defendant, lands of Jacob Flick ler, and others, lying on both sides of the Juniata canal, and on both sides of the Turnpike 'tad, containing about 184 acres, be the same Mort or less, about 150 acres of which are cleared anti ih good cultivation, having thereon erected a log dwelling house I stories high, and two double log barns, and other nut buildings and improvements. Said tract of land has two apple orchards, and a good spring of water thereon. ALso—A tract, piece or parcel of ridge land, composed of two adjoining surveys, situate in Henderson township, adjoining the last described tract, land of Jacob Fockler, Rupert, and others, con taining in all about 222 acres, Se the same more or less, abont 30 acres of 'Which are cleared, and a dwelling home stories high, thereon erected. ALSO —All that certain lot of ground, situate on the corner of Hill and Bath streets in the borough of Huntingdon, numbered 95 in the town plot of said bo rough, fronting 50 feet on Hill street, and 185 feet back along Bath street to Wash ington street, having_ thereon erected a large two story stone dwelling house and kitchen and a frame warehouse and sta ble. Seized, taken in execution, and to be said as the property of Jacob Miller. ALSO, Two certain adjoining lots of ground situate in the Borough of Hollidaysburg, numbered 251 and 252 in the town plot of said borough, being each 00 feet in front on Mulberry street, and extending back 170 leet to Strawberry alley—having thereon erected a large one story brick building, known as St. Mary's Catholic Church of Hollidaysburg. Seized, taken in execution, and to be• sold as the property of the Catholic Church of Hollidaysburg, in the hands of the building coMmittee. ALSO, A lot or piece of ground situate on the' corner of Walnut street and short alley in the borough of Hollid iysburg„ Hunting don county, fronting 40 feet on said Walnut street and extending back at right angles to same along short alley ISO feet—having thereon erected tr double stone house, two stories high, fronting on Walnut street, and a row of small stone buildings fronting on said short alley, Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Mahoney. ALSO, That nen known Tan Yard property, formerly owned by John Bucket, situate near the town of Warriorstuark. in War riorsmark township, Huntingdon county, containing about four acres of good mead• ow land, %%WI a tan house, a bark mill, a two story plastered dwelling house, a number of tun vats, and a well of good water thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Spanogle, jr. . _ _ ALSO, All that certain lot of ground, sittiate in Huston township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Samuel Rhodes, Joseph Roller's heirs, and others, containing about two acres, and haying thereon erect ed a two story frame dwelling house, and a frame stable. Being the same raul estate which was decreed to Adam Bow. era by proceedings in the Orphans' Court of said county. Seized, taken in execution, sod to be sold as the property of Peter Bowers, dec'd., in the hands of John Lit:mete, his administrator. Also, All that certain tract of land situate on the southernly side of the Alleghetiv Por tage Railroad in the township of Blair, containing about IGs acres, be the same more or less, adjoining lands of John M'Cahan, Bell tic Higgins, William Rol lida.T's heirs, George Buchanan and oth . log barn, an apple orchard. and acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Solomon M'Cul loch, with notice to John Dougherty and other terve tenants. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Jo seph Trout in and to all that certain tract of land now claimed by Thomas Trout, situate in Antes township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Edward Bell, Esq., flideon D. Trout, and others, con taining in all about 230 acres, be the same snore or less, about 100 acres of whirls are clearest; having thereon erected a two sto ry log dwelling laOse and a bank barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Joseph 'Front, with notice to Thomas 'Trout and Gideeni D. Trout, terre tenants. . . _ . All that certain tract 01 land .sittiate in the township of Frankstown, adjoining lands of Robert Elliott, George Elliott, Jacob Koofer, and others, containing about 290 acres, be the same more or less, about 80 acres of which are cleared; hav ing. thereon erected a large two sun y plas tered dwelling house and a bank barn. The canal and Juniata river passes through the said land, and it has en excellent well of water and a good apple orchard on it. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Christian Gast, deed., now in the hands of George and Samuel Grist his Executors. ALSO, _ All that tract, piece or parcel of unim proved and unseated land in the township of J ackson, (late liarree,) surveyed in the name of Robert Simpson and containing about 400 acres, be the 50111 e more or less, adjoilling lands surveyed in the name of George Hill, John George, William Steel, and William Priestly. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of David Milliken. ALSO, All that Certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate m the township of Hen derson, Huntingdon county, containing about two hundred acres, be the same more or less, about 50 acres of which are cleared, adjoining lands of James Simp son, Robert Simpson; and others. Said land is. now tenanted by Hiram Grady, and halivaillbakeog barn m, • ai a log dwel ling f fr house ther cted Seized, taken • cu on, and tb be sold as the proper rote'. Simpson, decd., now id the ids of - Robe r t Simp son, his administrator. A LSO, The eastern half part of Lot No.— in the borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting 80 feet on the north side of Walnut street, and Wending back 180 feet, bounded on the east by a lot owned by the Public School Committee, and on the west by the other half of said lot which is owned by Henry Learner; having a small brick dwelling house, a stable and a slaughter house thereon. Seized, taken in execution. and to be sold as the propetty of Simon Brother line. ALSO. All the right, title and interest ot John Farrinsworth in and to a tract of 544 acres anti 12.3 perches and allottance ot land, situate in A"tes (or Snyder) town ship, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Stephen Vanscoyoc, Lyon, Shorti & Co. and other land claimed by defendant and others; having about Ito acres of cleared land' and 4 log dwelling houses thereon. _ . Seized, taken in execution, and tJ be Sold as the property or John Farriusworth. .StI.SU, All the right title and interest of the defendant, David Yingling, in and to a tract, pith: or parcel of land in Allegheny township, containing 50 acres, be the same 'lmre or less, about 90 acres of which are cleared. Slid land adjoins John Hough, James R. Johnston and others, and has a two story log dwelling house and a barn and small orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of David Yingling, who was sued with - Elias Yingling,,,dec'd. dISO, All that small piece or parcel of laud situate in the township of Blair, in Hunt ingdon county, containing about twelve acres more or less, cleared and under fence, bounded by town of Newry and land of James Conrad on the east, and on the south by land of said Conrail, oh the west by Alexander Knot and on the north I by the Johnstown road. Also, a small piece or parcel of land separated from the above by the Johns--1 town road, adjoining Harbison on the west, Robert M'Namara on the north, and the town of Newry on the east, con taining about S acres more or less, lying waste or in commons. Also, The following 4 several adjoining vacant lots in the town of Newry, being each 50 feet in front on south side of Alle gheny street and extending back £OO feet to south alley, the Caine being numbered respectively 93, 34, 33, and 36 in the plot of said town. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Peter Cassidy. ALSO, Lot No. 62, in the 'recorded town plot of the borough of Williamsburg, being9o feet in front on north side of second st., and running back 175 feet to an alley, 'having thereon erected a two story log house and a log stable. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Wray Maize. ALSO, All the right, title and interest of Charles B. Callahan, in and to lot No. lug 5.0 feet on north side of Mifflin street and running back along Montgomery at. 200 feet to Church street, having thereon erected a brick building formerly used as a Presbyterian church►. Seized, tnken in execution and to be sold as the property of Charles 11. Calla han. ALSO. All that lot of ground situate in Gays• port, Ilutingdnii county, lronting 120 feet on the south west side of Bedford street, and extending front said street along Newry street 190 feet to an alley, thence along said alley 45i feet to Mrs. Longen ecker's lot, and thence along said lot 180 feet more or less to Bedford street, having a two story brick dwelling house and a Frame stable thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be cold as the propeity of John Lytle. JOHN A ItNIITAGE, Sherif. Silvia 'a Office, fluntinblon, March hB, 1846. Orphan's Court Sale, FOY virtue .of an order of the Or phans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to politic sale on Monday the 6th if Apri! next, at the house of JAMES NI'MURTRIE, Inn-keeper, in West township, EIGHT TRACTS, of Unseated Land, late the property of Jacob K. Neff, dec'd,. situate in said township, one totitainihg 400 tired acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry Canon : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a. warrant in the name of David Stewart : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of A. Johnston : Ono containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Hugh Johnston: One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Henry West : One containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of Thos: McCune : One containing 420 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of James Dean : and one containing 400 acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name of John Adams. TERMS :—One halt of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of thq sales, respectively, and the residue within one year thereafter, with interest t t be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Clerk. Attendance given by JOHN NEFF, Jan. 21. 1845—ts. Executor. biseases of the Lung's and Breast. It has cured thoilsands upcn thousands— of all classes—in cases of the most danger ously consumptive character; and physi cians of the greatest eitlinence throughodt out whole country now unliebitatingly re commend it as SELDOM KNOWN TO FAIL. TESTIMONIALB. Mem , : SANFORD & PARK—Dear Sirs:— With regard to 1)r. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, for which you are wholesale agents, we have sold, since last October, eighty two bottles at retail, and have heard d - froth a great portion ci'them as producing the desired effect. Several important cases in this vicinity, which came under our personal knowledge have been cured: —where other remedies have been tried for Years withoUt effect. In fact, we think it one of the most inval uable remedies tor consumption of the lungs and all other complaints for which it is re commended t and do think, that the suffer ing of the afflicted demand that you should give it a general circulation, and make its virtues know'. ,_Yoursi truly, WEAGLY & KNEPPER, Druggists. Wooster, 0., May 20, 1843. [From the Cincinnatti Daily Times of May 3011: 1845. “Wiedar'i Balsam Cherry.—We shduld judge from Messrs. Weagely & Koeppel's letter, published this day among our advertisements, that this popular rem edy for toughs, luhg bomplaints; and dis cuses of the breast generally, was really a valuable medicine, and w,rthy of serious attention trom the public. We are infored by the wholesale agents, that they are al most daily receiving similar letters from all parts of the Wert. We would advise our readers who are laboring under an affection of the lungs, to make immediate trial of this truly excel , lent medicine. The most intelligent and respectable families of our city have adopt ed it as a faYorite family medicine ; and persons predisposed to consuthption who have used it, speak in the highest terms of its efficacy.” 3 Read the following from Dr. Jacob Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in Huntingdon cbunty Dear Sir:-1 procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Read, Esq. , of this plate, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asthma oh a child of l'aul Schweble, In which Many other remedies had been tried withiiut any relief: The Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my ophdon the child is effectually cured by its use. Yours, &c JACOB HOFFMAN, M. 1). Dec. 28, 1841. 1:0 - • It is unnecessary to remind all who would get the true article, to inquire partic ttlarly for "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry," and take nothing else. Price one dollar per bottle: For sale in Cincinnati, by SANFORD & PARK, General Agents. H Also, by Thomas Reed & Son, unting , don ; Mot. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg; Gem mill & Porter, Alexandria. Dec. 17, 1845. NVlSTlCEle.lilanks of all kinds. boreal. To Purchaser —Guaratilec: 4l l4 Trig undersigned agent of the Pattentee. of the Stove, The Queen of the West," understanding that the owners, or those concerned for them, of other and different patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to bring suit against nil who purchase and use any of GUILDS PATENT COOXINC STove —The Queen of the /Vest." Nou his is to inform all and every person who shot purchase and use said Stove that he sci II inl dernnify them from all costsor damage, rom any and all suits, brought by other E esk tees, or their agents, for any infringrot Tit bit' their patents. Ile gives this notice so tt:at persons need not be under any fears because. , they have, while consulting their own inter ests and convenience, secured the supetior advantages of this . 1 Queen" not only of the tiiest, but of the East. ISRAEL GRAFPIUS. July 24,1844. . . "QV 1N or wit WEB* , EielaGia"*4o 4 4 Put sale by f. gRAFICS & SON, Air i andria, Huntingdon county, Pa,, cheap for cash ur country produce at the market [nice. The Qoeen of the West" is an- • provement on Hathaway's celeb:nted lint Air Stove. There has never yet ap peared any plan °la Cooking Stove that possesses the advantages that this • one has. A much less quantity of fuel is ta• quired for any amount of cooking or ba king by this stove than by any other. . Persons are requested to call and see before they purchase elsewhere. July 3,1844. eilt ELIA DKr." ca) •cst 10'12DLLI`ZIE —....0e,.... I. GRATIUS & 80111 ) • irpnspEcTruLLl inform the citiciis 444 of tittotingdon county, and the eerierally, that they continue to. carry on the Copper, Tiw Sheet-sron Businers, hi all its branches, in Alcatandria. , wlrera they manufacture ,and constantly keep' on hand every description of ware in their line; such as New and Splendid Wood Stoves 12, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long R3DIATOR STOVES,• New Cooking Stoves of all kineleania Also four sizes of Cog Stoves, ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND STOVESFINISHED A l l kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG, ON BOXES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW' WARE; all of which is done in a workman like manner. Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fullr, serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale, uilailesale and refai, Persons favoring this establishment with their custcm may depend on the; orders executed with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn and oats taken nt market price. Alexandria, July 3. 1844. NOTICE.The subscriber respectfully requests all persons indebted to him for work &hie .at the old establishment, pre vious to the Ist of November last, to call and settle their accounts without delay. ISRAEL GRAFIUS. July 3, 1844. CHEAP lOR CASH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Boot;'Shoe, and Cap Store. tTo. :21 MARRET STREET, (between Pront & Second Sts.. No; Side.) PHILADELPHI . A subscribe; 11a56171;.,,ai - laro and complete assortment of the above natned articles, to Which he respectfully invites the attention of the inhabitants of Htintingdon county, consisting of Men's, Bny's and Youth's coarse Wax, Kip, Calf Skin, Seal and Morocco BOOTS and UM' ADIS , Ladies' Misses' anti Children's Boots and Shoes in all their varieties; also, tiadies' and Gentlemen's GUM OVERSHOES of every kind, together with Men's Boy's anti Children's CAPS of every desCription. Persons will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock befbre }Media • sing elsewhere, as I am determined - to sell at the LowEsT POSSIBLE CASH PRICES. SAMUEL GOLI)E Philadelphia July, 24 :845. ►i fetches, Jetcar# A NI) SILVER WARE. THE subscribers offer an assortment ri Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of their own Importation, Silver Spoons, Forks, Tea setts and every article of Silver work of their own manufacture. Also watch chains, Seals and Keys, Fine Gold Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Guard chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles,Specta cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Go ld Pens ; together with a general assortment of La dies, jewelry, Plated castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks, Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans, Brittania ware in setts and single pieces; S & ilver Purse Clasps, qinbs . , Hair Pins, Fancy head ornaments, &c. c., for sale at • I the lowest Cash prices.—Watcheaßepaired. J. & W. L. WARD. _ _ No. 106 Chestnut street, oppositeihe Franklin House. Philadelphia, August 5, 1845 t/ALVIN ELYTHiii ATTORNEY AT LAW, WitlLL practice in the several gourti of we the City and County of Philadel - phia His office is at No. 35, South kotrwru St.. between Chesnut and Walnut streets. Philatlelclhia, Oct. I, 1845. ksAAo riallia,a, ATTORNEY AT I.aiw.--Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal business as may be en mated to him . .Dec. 20. 1843. A. K. CORNITIV, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Huntingdon Is Offi ein Al a in ptreet, two doors East of