Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 25, 1846, Image 2
THE JOURNAL, H UN TING DON: Wednesday, March 25, 1816. Democratic Whig Candidate For Canal Commissioner JAMES M. POWER, OF MERCER COUNTY. rrj"" The Canal Commissioners have appointed John NI. Cunningham Collector of Tolls at Hun- Ungdon. At'Key, Collector of Tolls at Lewis. Public Discussion: It will be aeon by a notice published in our col , arum, that a public diriconion it to take place be tween J. Fewell Stewart rind A. K. Cornyn, on Friday evening next, on the tendencies of the Times. This is an interesting subject, end one that we are all interested in; we would therefore suggest to all who con make it convenient, that if they desire to know whether the present ago is on the advance or retrogade, to beat :he Court House on Friday evening, es the subject is in the hoods of gentlemen whose attainments will enable thetn to do it ample justice. ti ICTORI. Election of Sudge and Inspectors. The first Gun from Old Hintingdon sinre .she has been mutilated by Mr. Gwen and his Locolaco albes. The election in this district on Friday la=t fur We make the following extract from a letter to Judge and Inspectors, rewind in a glorious victory the Canal Board, from Mr. Ole's, the Supervisor of for the Whigs. A result so cheering to the friends j the line from tire Rope Ferry to Augw• s Dam, of the good cause, has not taken place here, we be• dated Mifffintown, March 19, 19IG: hers, since the palmy days of Jacksoniem. It is “I our happy to inform the Board, that I hove jinn returned from a survey of the damage on this the more cheering because of the means il a i:/ c ia r i 3 o r n ra , l by n t o he lat r e flo i nd. ari My estimate to repair the enemy to retain their power, the Judge and the j as Inspector being againet us, and the W big Inspec- about $5,000, including ne mater c i jo artoo t l o s, it ice ‘ . vi 'l ll 'l c re o r s i t . for being abeent, the Locerfoccer, in true partizan is little or no damage done shove Lewis-town; the etyle, but in defiance of the known wishes of the har t '''' s below that place suffered the most." voters and the law, nppointed the most anscrupu• lie goes on to say, that the line under his su perintendence will he ready for navigation try the lours Locofocn to fill the vacancy; so that the whole election board, with the exception of one clerk, who beginning of next week. has no voice in the matter, were rank Locefoc3e! j We have no reliable information in relation to the main line of canal west of the mountains to :Nor is this all: this same tweeter had a pile of Pittsburg, but from the reports of the flood at the Locofoco tickets close by the ballot boxes—end , latter point we judge that the injury there cannot thus was enabled to act in the double weeny of j an officer of the election and electioneerer for the j be very great. We, Be xecn Locofoco party, retiring the whole day. Vet not. { A letter front a reliable source, dated Lock Haven, withstanding all this, and the fact, too, that the I jj states that the schute at the Dunnstown Dam has Locofecos had scoured the town the day previous, been very much injured, and rendered immitigable dtstributing their tickets and urging their party Cam: , turn for the present. The canal for some distance be out, our candidate for Judge, H. F. low that place has suffered considerable damage. ante, who was opposed by hisLocofoco brother, received a majority of 4 votes in this hitherto Loco- ii p N N Di vision A D fc ll) f h o a r s nu s u u s in that d loco borough, and a majority of 3in so mach ref the the l S b u n setha er n v it is TDi n vi t s h int o hitherto Locofoco township of Henderson, as be- I very considerably. From Milton on the West longs to the tint election district, a d all the vote s j Branch Divieion dot, that stream, and the Sus cast in that pa,rt of gallant walk, which belong. j (a nal lanve to Dunean'a Island, the hanks of the brea T e. ryzi d i:h i t i vas he washed, and have aev to the same district. Our candidate for Inspector, ' stet serious A. 'W. Benedict, Esq., was of course elected, run- chanical work is all standing, ttvitlh' but the theex ceptTeon rung G votes ahead of the Locofoco Inspector in I of two small culverts, near Liverpool which have this borough. i been washed out. Hi impression is, that the re- The following is the whole vote given for each I pairs can he made in twenty days. NOUTII BRAN VII. cendldate in the district: In regard to this Brunch we have no reliable Judge—M. F. Campbell, (whig) ' ‘ t information, as to the extent of the damage, but John Pt. Campbell, (Loco) ; we have every reason to believe it is of a 121 se rious Inspectors -- A. W. Benedict, character, as the river at Wilkesbarre is stated to A. S. Harrison, 124 I have been higher than it had been for the last fin fie far na wo have heard from other districts in j years. the county, rho indications are very favorable to In addition to the above, the loss to private prop the Whig cause. It is evident that the people ere erty in every direction, has been very great. awakening to the absurdity of Locofoco doctrines, and the hypoctiey of all their professions, The result of the election last fall and the eubsequent division of our county, has no doubt opened the eyes of many; and we feel assured that the adhe rents to Locofocoism in thin county may prepare themselves next full for at least EIGHT II I;N -DRED majority front the mangled remains of old persecuted, but ever faithful Huntingdon; and also to see their corrupt party torn to fragtnents in the State. The handwriting is on the wall, end it re. quires no astrologer to interpret it. Let every Whig be at his post, fully prepared, on the eecond Tuesday of October next, and the strength of Lo cofocoism will be prostrated in the duet. Mounts Towmuaie..—We have just received a letter from a friend in Morris, enclosing the returns of their township election. It is all 0. K.--the whigs electing every thing, but constable and one inspector end one Auditor. Robert Kinkead, Esq. woo elected Judge, and Geo. Davis, end Joseph Isenberg, Inspectors. Nathaniel Lytle was elected Justice of the Peace. In the new township of Catharine, in Blair county, the Locos made an effort to elect the offi cers, but we are informed by a gentleman who cell ed at our office from that township, that the whip rallied and made a clean sweep--electing all whip officere. Well done, Kale. Borough Officers, The following is a list of the new borough offi cers elect--the MIKI.IIOII being for the township of Henderson and the borough of Huntingdon, viz: Constable.—Thos. L. States. Overseers of the Poor.--W m. 1.. Snyder, and Wm. H. King. Moo/ Direetors.—Geo. Taylor, Wm. B. Zeig ler and James Gvrin. Assessor.—Jumes Simpson. Assistant Asseaaors.—Daeid Black and Paul °flatly. Samuel R. Boggs was elected constable in Hen• Jerson township. Gov. Shunk, in hie profound wierlom, hes vetoed the bill chartering a Cotton Manufactory in Lon- caittr. The Late Flood. Our readera will find on our first page a graphic account of the late extraordinary flood on the Busi queltaana, taken from the Pa. Telegraph extra. Tt exceeds everything since the memorabb flood of 1783. The damage to our canala,we are happy to learn, is not so great as was at first anticipated. We dip the following front the Pa. Reporter, the editor of that paper having received the information whfch it containe front the Secretary to the Canal Roar& DIM %WAHL DIVIFION. We are informed that a letter has been received from the Supervisor on the Delaware Division, dated at Easton, on the 17th inst., in which he states that ho has examined the lino from Bristol to Easton, all the way through, and from liristol to Newhope the damage done by tho :ate flood to the State Canal is but slight and can be repaired in ten days, at an expense of not over $BOO. Front Now hope to Easton, the canal has been considerably trace damaged; but much loon than was anticipated before the teeter fa. 'Fite chief part of the injury on this portion of the lino is to the bunks of the canal by washing—the protection walls and me chanical work stood well, and are not much in jured. ITo states that ho has made srrangements for completing the repair needed at tiro earliest , practicable moment, and expects to have the nevi gation opened in about four weeks after the date of lain letter. Evil- sax DIV/Moly. The Supervisor on the Eastern Division from Columbia to the Rope Ferry on the Juniata, fifteen miles above the junction at Duncan's Island, re ports that he has examined his line thoroughly, and that ',with the exception of two Tensor the Clark's Ferry Bridge gone,) the damage has been slight— and that he has made arrangements which will en mire the opening of navigation on his division, frorn this placo to the Rope Ferry, by the middle of next week. The breach near Columbia, owing to the difficulty of procuring suitable material to repair it, will perhaps require emno days longer. JUNIATA On the Schuylkill, near Philadelphia, a boatman named A uguatua Bechtel was drowned, in attempt. ing to recure a canal boat which got °shift loaded with plank. A correspondent of the U. S. Gazette, writing from Milton dated lith inst., gives the intelligence of the death of Thomas Foltner and son, formerly of that place, and a young man named Gandy.— They were attempting to cross the mouth of Tur tle Creek, in Union county, on the West Branch, to secure some property belonging to the Farmers' Company store, of which Mr. Fulmer had charge, whin the mill dam a short distance above gave way, and brought a volume of six or seven feet of water upon them, overturning their boat, and bury ing them beneath the foaming element. Mrs. Foliner had secompanicd them with alight to thu creek, to light them over, and witnessed her sad bereavement; her frantic cries, and calls to her husband and son to come to her, were truly heart- rending. The body of young Gundy was found on Saw day but the bodies of the father end eon have not yet been recovered. It is supposed they wero car ried out into the river. A letter to the came paper dated Danville, March 16, mates the freshet on the North Branch to have been very distructive. The bridges at Danville, Cattawissa, end the old Northumberland bridge, which crossed the North Pranch to the Sunbury side were all swept away. After closing the letter the writer adds the following postcript 'ride poople of Suubury were engaged! on Saturday to secure their by an enbankment front bring overflowed ; but it is rumored this morning that the em j thinkinedit broke through, causing a great toss of property, and the !instil several lives. The new Nortliumberlanil bridge, octave ascertained through a spy glass, is yet standing. We learn from the Pittsburz American, i that the water in the Allegheny river use on Sunday before last to 23i feet, but soon began to fall. There was no rise in the Monongahela. Null tinn . e was done. It will be seen by the following, that the freshet its our neighboring States has also been very great. The Williamsport (Md.) Times al Sat urday says— The Potomac river is :ising very rapid ly—great fears are entertained a 4 to the safety of the banks of the Canal. The Conococheague is also swelling to an im mense height. From the Albany Evening Atlas, Satur• clay. . . . A FRKSIIET.—The heavy rain which fell during the %%hole of last night, raised the water in the river about three feet since yesterday afternoon, so that it now covers the pier and docks, and is still ri sing very fast. The ice commenced mo ving opposite Troy at 10 o'clock this tour ning, the pressure front above started it here at 1.2 o'clock, but it moved but a abort distance. It is reported that the Alohauk is broken op at Schenectady, and a heavy rain has fallen at Utica, which will doubtless soon clear the river. The New VIII k mail ,hich leached here yes terday was landed by steamboat at Pough keepsie, . . 5 o'clock, P. 11 P. S. The whole body of the ice is now in motion at a rapid rate. It is now rain• in; hard '[RE•r.—The western train ar rived at I!, o'clock. It waited at Syracuse I . ol' the Rochester train, which did not ar rive. At Oii,kany the canal Acqueduct is pat tly carried away, and the railroad track covered with water, ice, thither, &e. All the bridges on the. Oriskany for a distance of 16 wiles, have been carried away. The down train could not get through, and the passengers and baggage were carried across, what was left of the acqueduct, and put on hoard a train which went up from Utica. Yours, S. E. (l'A ItTER, Pennsylvania Legislature Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal., March 21, 1846. My Dear Coptuin :—The world is jogging along here since the flood" with so much quietness and composure, that scarcely anything remains to dis- tinguish the present generation from the antedilu riuns, except the risked, and partly dilapidated, piers of tho bridges, which were, but are nut, be tween this side of the river and (ho Island. The inhabitants ere"marrying and giving in marriage" as though nothing had happened ! And the peace able looking Susquehanna rolls past us so serenely and quietly, that if you were here to sea her you would scarcely believe that less than a week ago she was roaring and foaming at so terrible a rate. The bridge from the Island to the Cumberland shore being uninjured, a Ferry is established communica ting therewith, and travelling is uninterrupted. Tho damage to the Public Works though serious I is not so great as was at first apprehended, and the Legislature have instituted an inquiry through the Canal Coinini sioners, to ascertain the precise ex ' tent of the some, with a view to making immediate provision for its repair. It is thought that not more than threo weeks will be required to put the Main Line and the West Branch in navigable order, but ;the North Branch has suffered more severely and will require perhaps longer. The travelling along the River is considerably impeded by the great des truction of Bridges across its tributaries. The Rail Road for three or four miles below Harrisburg is not yet in travelling condition, having been to tally submerged, and portions of it travelled WE The passengers are taken to and from Highspire in Stages. The Legislature has not done much during the past week, except that a number of local Bills were passed & some others of more magnitude discussed. A Bill passed both houses authorising the rebuild ing of the Catawissa Bridge, which was destroyed by the recent freshet. The Committee on Banks of the House has reported adversely on every ap plication fee new Bank Charters, and in like man ner upon most applications for the renewal of old ones. They are perfectly savageroui on this sub ! jeer. . . The Bill to incorporate the Pennsylva nia Rail Road Company, passed final rea ding in the Rouse on Thursday last, after having been daily under consideration since Monday, after the morning orders had been gone through with. It passed nith sonic amendments which require its return to the Senate fur concurrence therein. The principal amendment was one authorizing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum to be allowed all !stockholders on the amount paid in by them until 50 miles of . the Road shall be finished by the Company—the object be ing do equity between those who pay ; their moliey at the out set and those who eome in at the eleverth hour, when profits are to be realized. The Bill was debated in Senate, on the amendment, and this morning it was postponed until Monday. The Right of truy.—The Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Bill came up in or der yesterday on second reading in the House anti a warm discussion was had upon it; Mr. Hill of Montgomery being the one who spoke against it. It was advoca ted yesterday and to-day by Messrs. Burs rel, Magehan, Galloway, Bartholomew, Poinroy of Fraukli n, and others. An amendment was offered by Mr. Kunkel providing that this act should nut go into effect until the Ist of May 1847, and to be null and void then it . $3,000,000 of the stuck of the Penn'a. Rail Road Company be subscribed, and ten per cent paid in, and 25 miles at Harrisburg and as many i at Pittsburg of the said Road be bona fide put under contract for construction on or before that day. The friends of the "right of way , ' warmly opposed this amendment, and the vote being taken it was agreed to. Yeas 50, Nays 48. L send you the yeas and nays as I consider the nays here as constituting the entire " Right of way" force in the House. It' so the Bill cannon pass. The following is the rote un Mr. 11:b amendment, viz Yr, ‘s—ill essrs. Armstrong, Bachman, Bentz, Bird, Boyer, Burnside, Campbell, Connor, Daly, Dolts, Knee, Fenton, For. sph, Funston, •Owin, Haley, Hallowell, (Montg'ry.) Hineline, Huffman, Ja cobs, James, Keller, Kline, Kunkel, Lad. ley, Larkin, Levan, Matthias, Merrifield, M 'Cut M'Curley, Owen, Piollet, flu - pert, Shuman, Snyder, Steel, Stetler, Steuart, (Lycoming) Taggart, Thomas, (Chester) Tice, Trego, Weest, Webb, Wilson, Wortnan, Worrell, Patterson, Speaker— 50. NA y5-Messrs. Barber, Bartlmlomew, Bossier, Bigham, Boughner, Brough, Brackenridge, Bright, Barns, Burrell, Chesnut, Clark, Cochran, Cross, Donald son, Edie, Eldred, Fassett, Galloway, Gray, Haymaker, Hilands, Hill, (Fayette) lees, Johnson, Knox, Magellan, Means, Mitchell, Morrison, Murphy, M'Abee, M'Cordy, M11'141;1;1nd, Nick. olson, Power, Putnroy, (Franklin) Pome roy, (Mercer) Pike, Rider, Robinson, Samuels, Starr, Stewart, (Franklin) Strouss, Thomas, (Susq.) You Holt; I Wadsworth-48. The Bill was debated until adjourn ment to-day without any further vote he• lug taken—its friends being evidently afraid at this time to risk a vote on the lat sect:on. A new county proposed to be erected out of parts of Bei km, Montgomery, and Chester, and to be called "Jackson" was killed in the House—raised again by re• consideration, and postponed until the Ist of May. The Committee on Banks have been at work busily in execulini , thoae devoted institutions. 'they have reported adversely on something like a dozen ap plications for a renewal of Charters or the granting of new ni n It is under stood that they intend going the "entire swine" on this subject. The Bill to re , peal the Charter of the Lehigh County Bank has been referred back to that Com , mittve with instructions to examine Moses Y. Beach and others as witnesses. It will be remembered that the Committee on Banks had an investigation in relation to this Institution, and - Dr. Samuels, the Chairman made an ellborate report in favor of annulling the Charter. The Bill for an out let lock on the Del-1 aware Division of the Penn'a Canpl, has been discussed trout time to tinittin the Senate and is warmly pressed by seine Senators. It is opposed as strongty by others on the ground that it will take trade not only from the Public Works but to New York instead of Phi Pa. Alter further debate today, the subject was postponed until Monday next. A number of private and local bills were passed during the week, the details of which would be altogether uninteresting to your readers. [i.e weather fur the last few days has been serene and beautiful—to day the wind is high and a little fresh. Rafts are beginning to run upon the river,--a num ber bare passed down. PIII. arrival of the Hibernia rozaaaN NEWS. The Ledger of this morning, ( %larch 20,) has received by their special and ex traordinary express from Halifax, the tor eigu news by the steamer Hibernia, twen ty-two days later from England. The e xpress was run a distance of one Moo sand miles, by horses, steamboats, and locomotives, and is without exception, the greatest newspaper enterprise on re cord. By this means, the news which is important, arrived in Philadelphia as soon ' as the steamer reached Boston. We hare only room for a synopsis of the principal news. The very important ! Tariff Bill of Sir Robert Peel passed the House of Commons by a majority of nine. ty-seven—a majority . so decided as to have considerable weight with the House of Lords, in their reception of that great measure. The aggressions of the Midst, in India, are likely to cost them much treasure of blood and money. A battle has been fought between them and the Native itroops, in which, though the former were I successful, yet they lost over three thou. sand troops, including Lord Sale and Sir J. McGaskill. The Pilot boat Romer, which carried • out the correspondence between Mr. Hu ' chanan and l'akeuhum had not arrived w hen the Hibernia left. The Cotton market remains firm as per last advices. In the Ceram market there has been no alterations. There has been a rise in Wheat at Dant zic. American provisions remain the same. The correspondence between Mr. Bu• chanan and Mr. Pakenham had reached England by the Patrick Henry. It haul produced an unfavorable effect, and Cot , • ton advanced an eighth. The great debate on Sir Robert Peel's ' financial scheme, which extended over three weeks, and iellbrded food for twelve ' nights' incessant oratory, was brought to • a close on the morning of the 28th ult., ' by a envision which gave the Mioistera majority of ninety-revert. Appointments by the Colonel. Adjutant.—Charlos Cowden, Sallsburg. Serg'i. Major.---G. Ashman Millar, Hunting. don. Quarter Mauler.--Benj. J. Kough, Sallsburg. Surgeon.--Dr. Henry Orlady, M'Connellstow•n. Surgeon Mates.—Dr. Miller Stewart, Manor Hill; Dr. J. P. Wilson, Masseysburg. D. BUOY. Col. of 2d Beet. 2d 10th div. P. M. lthig t the late Charter election' in Cle,eland and Detroit the Whiga achieved Inu4t aisnal vietort. C0N9211,785 B The "Tiinee," a paper at Washington, said to be in the interest of Coss, Allen, and the ultra-Oregon men, has madu come very serious charges against members of the Senate, charging them with being engaged in a corrupt coalition with the British Min icier, and that the resolutions offered by Judge Col quitt were the first fruits of this unholy alliance.— Senators Colquitt and Crittenden, on Monday last, noticed the etarge, and used the strongest language in denunciation of the writer—Judge Colquitt re mdrking that "the thoughts incorporated in it could never have been conceived hut _by a scoundrel's head, could never hare been written but by a ecoun- drel's pen." The "Times" still persisted in its attacks upon Senator Co'quit awl others—when, on Thursday last, Mr. Jarnagin called the attentiun of the Sen ate to the articles in the "Times," and thought that the grave charges contained therein ought to be investigated. Be read from the article a passage which asserts that the Senate dare not go into an investigation of the charges. After further remarks he offered the following resolution : Resolved, That a committee of five members be appointed to inquire and report what measures, if any, are proper to vindicate the character and honor of the Senate against the charges of corruption published in a newspaper printed in Washington City, called the Daily Times, on the sth, 9th and 10th inst., with power to examine witnesses and to rend for persons and papers. After some remarks by Senatora Calhoun and Benton, the resolution was unanimously adopted. The committee are Jarnagin, Benton, Dickerson, J. M. Clayton and Turney. On Monday the 16th, the committee appointed , to make investigation into the truth of the charges published in the Times, made report. We clip the ; following from the correspondence of the U. S. Gazette: Mr. Benton from the Committe of investigation made a report which he read from the Secretary's desk. The report briefly stated the course the com mate° had pursued in their investigation of the charges made against Senators. They had called upon the Editor and publisher who had made a statement in writing of what they expected to prove and by whom. The Editor and publisher had de dared that they know nothing of the facts which I the charge contained personally. The persons to whom they had referred as witnesses had been summoned and examined, but could not state a single word in Burton of the charge made, end the committee pronounce it "utterly and entirely false," "utterly untrue," "an absurd fabrication;' "despicable, false, and vulgar." The committee consider the publication of the report and the evidence, as sufficient punishment of the authors of this unfounded calumny, except that their reporters be excluded from the usual seat assigned to reporters in that Chamber. Mr. Turrey eat,], as a member of the Committee ho concurred in every word of the report. The charge was unsupported by the least evidence. Mr. Jarnagin explained why it was that Mr. Benton drew up and presented the report instead of himself. When the author of the article made his statement of what he expected to prove and by whom, he found himself referred to as ono who was to prove the dinner at Mr. Packenham's. Ho was therefore swain as a witness, and the committee imposed the task of preparing the report upon Mr. Beaton. Mr. J. read ono or two passages from the state ment of Mr. Robinson (the Editor) in which Sen ators upon the other side were referred to, as Mr, McDuffle, Mr. Speight, Mr. Colquitt, and several others. After which Mr. Calhoun took the floor and made a powerful speech in favor of settling the Oregon Question by compromise on the 49th de gree. Wo have only room for the following ex tract Never had there been a period, said Mr. C. so distinguished for advance in the useful arts. We have become masters of two great agents of nature, subdued them to our will, and made them subservi ent to our purpose—steam and electricity. That progress which we have been making can only bo arrested by war ; and shall that war grow out of this controversy? Ho was against a war with Eng land. Declare it, and the struggle of empire will commence. It will hero struggle for mastery. Wo arc now breaking down the barriers of Commerce, and the two nations if peace is preserved, will run a glorious career aide by side, mutually beneficent to each other in the fulfilment of a glorious destiny. He was opposed to war because peace, peace was preeminently our policy. Time, under the guid ance of wise councils would do everything for us. Yes sir, under the guidance of "masterly inactivity." He then gave a very interesting illustration of "masterly inactivity," which was in substance, that we should have time and nature, which are stronger than man's will, to labor for us when they are ac complishing every thing. All we should do, was, to remove obstacles, but in doing so, to touch care fully and lightly. This was "masterly inactivity," an expresssion he said which it had been attempted to ridicule. We ware now increasing at the rate of 600,000 a year, and our increase would soon be 1000,000 a year, with this rapid increase our nation must soon become great and powerful, if we did not cut off the increase and multiplication by war. In another generation, wo should have 80,000,000 of people, if peace prevailed. Senators now pres ent, might see when their heads were as gray as his, 45,000,000 of people in the U. 8. Ho was therefore, an earnest advocate for peace. Mr. Berrien obtained the floor and moved the adj ournment. DErLOOADLIS OccunnErrcc.—On Thursday af. ternoon last, Mrs. White, wife of James A. White, Baltimore, in a fit of mental derangement, during the absence of her nurse, obtained a razor, and cut the throat of her infant child, ten days old, which was reposing in bed with her. She also seized an other little daughter, 6 years old, and inflicted sev eral gashes on her throat. The child, however, escaped out of the room, and it is thought will re cover. Mrs. W. has since recovered her conscious• nt.'s, and ie in great mental agony at the melan• VICTORS I I VICTORS !! ! THE OLD °R(CK•BOUND STATE" OF NEW HAMPSHIRE REDEEMED! The news from New Hampshire is of the most gratifying character. This groat and unexpected Whig victory will strike terror to the hearts of the free-trade Administration at Washington. The annexation of Texas and the threatened destruction of the Tariff are said to he the principal eau• es of this great political revolution. The following is taken from the Boston Atlas, of Monday, the 10th inst: °We have received returns from nearly the whole of the State. The result is more favorable than even the most sanguine have dared to hops for. Williams, the radical pro-slavery candidate, is beaten—by a majority of nearly two thousand. Woodbury, the dough-faced substitute of the Rad. icals for the independent Hale, is beaten, by a larger majority against him than ever. We have returns from nearly the whole State, 210 towns, leaving only eleven, all of which are small ones, to be heard from. In these, Williams runs a few hundred votes better than Woodbury. The Con gressional vote stands as follows in these towns: Goodwin, (W.) 16,954 Hale, (Ind.) 11,690 Scattering, • 42 Total of the "tacit" vote, Woodbury, Majority against 'Woodbury, u,789 • This will not, probably, be much reduced by the remaining town.. The Whigs and Independents have chosen one Councillor, the Radicals two, and there are three vacancies, which will be filled by Whip or inde pendents, giving the anti-Radicals the majority of the Council. This is the !Nat time, for many yeare, that the. Whigs have chosen a Councillor. The Whigs and Independents have elected at least three Senator., and we hope four—the Radi• cal. probably three. The Serrate consists of twelve members, which, when filled, will stand nine anti- Radical. to three Locos. In the Serrate of the last year, there was but a single Whig! After correcting our returns for member. of the Howie, we find that, so far es heard from, the House stands: Whig, Independent', Radicals, We have, therefore, 143 anti-Radicals to 161 Locofocos. But eight representative districts re. main to be heard from. These will probably beet( represented by Radical Locofocos, which will still leave us a clear anti-Iladical majority of twenty-OW. Coos county, fur the first time within the "recol• Icction of the oldest inhabitant," has elected a is name is Hervey Hobart, and he represents the town of Columbia. Well dune, New Hampshire, In addition to the property offered for sale by Sheriff Armitage, publidied on our fourth page, that officer will offer the billowing - at the same time:and place: All that tract piece or parcel of land, situate in the township of Allegheny, in the county of Huntingdon, containing about 150 acres, be the same more or less, about's acres of which are cleared and cultivated—adjoining lands of Farber, Jacob Stiller, Aaron Burns' Heirs and others—having thereon erecteet a log double dwelling house, and a log barn and other improvements. Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of Daniel Clapper. Ilmolingdon dead( my. Instructions in this Institution, will commence on Monday the 6th of April next. It is hoped that Parents, or per sons wishing to send their children to the Academy will feel it important to have them in attendance at the opening of the session. The student always labors under disadvantage by not being present at the commencement of t'►s term. Much miglst be said why this Academy ought to re ceive a liberal patronage from the inhab itants of Huntingdon, and county ; but we deem it unnecessary for the present. ! Parents wishing to place their sous in the family of the Principal, rosy be assured that every thing will be done for their comfort, and improvement, both in inert -1 tat cultivation, and morals. GEO. W. WILLIARD, Principal A New Patent Wind Mill for cleaning Grain. THE subscribers having purchased Culp's Patent fur the counties of Hun tingdon, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata, would avail themselves of informing the Farmers that it is the greatest improve. ment ever made on Fanning Mills • for simplicity, cheapness, and durability t here is none to equal it, and as fur cleaning speedily and well, it alike surpasses all uther‘ NVe manufacture in Williamsburg, Blair county, where we will always have them on hand, and will receive and attend to orders promptly. We . m ill haul the Mills through the above mentioned district during the ensu ing season. ... I - lUYETT & GARVIN NVilliamsburg, March 25, 1846-6 m. We, the undersigned, having the above named Mills in our own practical use, and having tried them well, we fully con cur in the above statement. David Ake David Good George Ake Wm. Ake Samuel Rhodes M. Brenatnan Oz Lewistown Gazette, will please publish the above 6 months, and charge this office. NOTICE. The copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Stevens, Snyder, & co. was this day (March 12, 1846,) dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the lute fire► will be settled by Charles Sny der—Samuel R. Stevens and George W. Geer having withdrawn. S. R. STEVENS, CHAS. SNYDER, G. W. GEER. CO— The business will be continued by Charles Snyder, in the town of Hunting don, as loin - icily, and he solicits a share of public paticonew. C. 8. 29,186 Y5„9%