Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 25, 1846, Image 1

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Salting fWtipaper —Mental to ektiteretl*ittelligentr, antrttoing, Vottttro,Eiteratitre, fetoralito, Otto, .)s!titto,3lltictittltre,antuscmtut, S.C., Sir.
'Q'Plat)IL.S=22 O S:S s OD a dq)e.
The "Jen" will bo published bsery . Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 60.
.. . _
. _
I , fd subscription received for a shorter yielded than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar ,
t mirages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, w ill bq
inserted tined times for $1 00, and for every subse,
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
even as to the time an advertisement is to be confirm.
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged dc
GI. V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to act
as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
advertisements in Philadelphia, New York, Ba
more and Boston.
Phiforieiphia—Number 59 Pine greet.
Baltimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore and Cal.
vert wrote.
New York—Number 160 Nassau atreet.
Boston—Number 16 State street.
Bargains! Bargains!!
d o I? HUNTINGDON, being desirous to
retire from the mercantile business on
account of the delicate state of his health,
pfrers his large and entire stock for sale Fit
cost and carriage: A reasonable credit will
be those who will purchase over
twenty dollars worth ?
. • ,
To any persOn or pei•ions wishing to engage
in the atoresnid business, the subscriber
would prefer to dispose of his stock whole-
Sale. He would also rent his store rootti.
which as good and - convenient a business
stand as there is in the borough of Hunting
don.. His stock is - of entire fresh goods and
Ittid the latest arrivals from the city, consist
ing of
doods 9 „
such as Cassimers, Satinetts, road Cloths,
Silks, Mouslin de Luines, Cullicoes, Brown
and Bleached Muslins, Woolen Shawls, Silk,
Gingham and Linen handkerchiefs, all of
pifferent qualities. Alio, all assortment of
Hosiery and a very large assortment of
Boots and. Shoes,
all kinds and quality , Also, a large as
sortment of •
Orwensware and Hardware,
of the newest and most approved styles.
Also, a.largo and carefully seletted assort
tnent of all Max of • •
• Groceries,
(he subscriber is sfipplied writ}~ all
the i.arietj , belonging to store-iteeping, the
particulars of which are too tedious to men
tion: . .
. •
Horses, or any kind of grain or lumber,
will be taken in exchange for goods, at cash
prices. Any person wishing any further in
ormation, will please call upon the subscri
Huntingdon, Jan. 7, 1845.
N. B.—A large lot of the best quality, bf
LIQUORS, consisting of Brandy, (lin ,0110
Wine, and also a large lot of the same at
other prices to suit purchasers, will be sold
in exchange for country produce.
NOTloE.—Thoce who have unsettled
accounts on the books of the subscriber,will
please settle them soon, or they will find
them in the hands of the proper officer for
Jan. 7, 1815.
tHE subscriber respectfully inform his
triends and the public in general, that he
'are prepared to manufacture cloths, satti
tletts, flannels, blankets, cat'peting, &c., at
the Well kiiown establisliffient, formerly cc-
Copied by Jereiiialt Whitehead, situated in
the town of Williamsburg, Huntingdon co.
Pa. His machinery will be in good order,
and having none but good work'theb lb his
employ, he will assure all who niay favor
him with their custom that their orders
Wlll be eitectited in a iatisfabtory style on
the shortest notice. •
Hs will ,card wool into rolls at the low
price of 61 cents per pound card and spin
12 cuts per pouncl, 16 cents per pound,.
manufacture white flannel from fleece. 31*
cents per yard ; manufacture brown flannel
from 11 .ece, 40 cents per yard; he will
find sattinett warp and manufacture satti
netts of all dark colors at 4$ cents per yard;
cloths} wide, 50 cents per yard ; common
broad cloth, $1 25 per yard ; blankets, e 3
per pair; plain girthinkcarpet, 50 cents per
yard; he will card, spin, double and twist
stocking yarn at 20 cents per pound.; color
ing carpet, coverlet and stocking yarn, from
15 to 31 cents per pound.
Country Fulling.
Cloths of all dark colors, 22 cents per yd;
flannels, 81 cents per yard ; blankets, 7 cents
per yard ; home dye tlannels 61 cents per
yard ; home dye cloths, 16 cents per yard.
Arrangements have been made at the fol
lowing places, where cloths and wool will be
taken and returned every two weeks.
At the house of John Nail, Hartslog Val
ley ; Jacob M'Gahan_, M" .R Connellstown J.
Entrekin's store,Coffeeßun ; John Givin's
store, Leonard raver Jacob Cypress and
Matthew Garner, Woodcock Valley ; Gem
mel dc Porter's store. Alexandria ;
Graharti's store, Canoe Valley ; Dysart's
Mill, Sinking Valey ; Davis Brook's Mill,
Blair township ; James Candion's. store,
Frankstnwn ; Geo. Steiner's store, Water
street ; James Sa*ton's store. Huntingdon.
Persons wishing to exchange wool forman
utactured ?tuffs can be accommodated.
V" All kinds of country produce taken in
exchange for work.
Ana 97. 10. 154.%
THE subscriber will offer at public sale
at the Court House in the boroUgh of Hun
tingdon, on NVedneday of the April court,
being the 15th day of April next— •
A Debt and certificate thereof, of the
Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana turn
pike fioail Company, due to Christian
Garber, deed, amounting to Seven thou
sand, One
,hundred and Nineteen Dollars
and. INlity-five cents, uith interest there
on from the lith of January 1841. Abuut
one. hail, of the interest has been paid
yearly by John S. !sett, Esq., Sequestra
tinr tit said Road.&c.
ALSO—A debt due by said company
to Garber & Dorris, amounting to Nine
teen hundred and Ninety•seven dollars
and tlitrtysfour cents, t':ith interest there
on from the 10th day of January 1841,
which interest has been paid in part, as
above, &c.
There are several houses and lots of
ground in the Borough of Hollidaysburg,
and several lots of ground in Frankstown,
belonging to the estate of Christian Use.
her, dec'd, which will be sold at private
sale, as soon as a liberal offer is made for
them. The lots in Frankstown front on
the turnpike road on Main street, and ex
tend across the canal, they adjoin each
other and lay principally on the North
and West of the lock, and are the only
convenient lots in that town where
wharves could be built on the Canal.
Ex'r. of C. Garber, deed
Huntingdon, Feb. 11, 1846.
No. S 9, North 2nd sired, Harrisburg.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the
citizens of Huntingdon and neighboring
counties, that lie still continues to carry on
above s business in all its branches, all of
the best c,uality, and as low as can be bought
anywhere, for Cash:
his stock consists partly of Sole Leather,
Upper Leather, Cay Skins, waterproof
Kip, Harness Bridle, dec. &c.
Men's Morocco, Women's
• Straights, Kiel, • Bindings,
Linings, tee. &c.
Shoe-thread, wholesale or retail, sparables,
glass-paper,, bristles, boot weh,
cork soles, lacers, awl blades, '.felyes, ham
tilers, awl hafts, brushes, colts,,slick brines,
rasps, instep leather, breaks .and.keys4
jiggers, shoulder irons, shoe keys, seam
sets; strip awls, welt- keys, French wheels,
heel slickers, shank wheels, coil's, shoul
der sticks, long.stickm, measure straps, nip
pers, pincers, punches, peg floats, gonges,
pattent, peg hafts, size sticks, tacks, &c.
&c., and everything else in his line of busi
ness. Call and see before buying else Where.
Feb. 11,1 14G.
_ _ _
Of Z (disable Real Estate.
WILL, be sold at public sale *stile prop
erty of Andrew Iti,beson, clee'd,'.in the prem
ise,., :respectively,
Oa Friday the 200 i day of March next,
!hose two valuabl: adjoining farms situate
to Tyrone and Warriorsmark townships,
now in the occupancy of John /sett, lying
and being on the little ieniata river. The
farm in Warriorsmari has three dwelling
houses thereon erected and a stride barn.—
The land is good limestone, about 209. acres,
and about 100 acres of which is cleared and
in a good state of cultivation, having a good
apple orchard thereon. The balance is well
timbered with white-oak, chesnut and pine.
The farm in Tyrone township contains
400 hundred acres, and has a dwellinghouse
and stable thereon. On both these farms
there is sufficient water power for turning
ally kind of machinery, and iron ore being
abundant on the farms it affords very eligi
ble sites for iron works or mills on both sides
of the stream.
TERMS—One third of the purchase mo
ney to be paid in hand and the balance in
two ennui annual payments, with interest to
be secured by the bonds and mortgage of
the purchaser.
The above two farms are separated by the
little Juniata river, the Mansion tract being
m Warriorsmst k and will be sold sepArate
ly or together, as may suit purchasers.
!. tors.
Hall. "Register" and "Standard" please
insert ts. and charge adi,ertiaers.
No. 120 Chestnut sit., south side,. 4
doors below Fourth st.,
Respectfully informs the citizens
of Huntingdon County, that he
has refitted and opened the above
4- establishment, where he is pre
pared at all times, to furnish Bea
ver, Nutria and. Mole Skin Hats, equal to any
manufactured in this country. Also, a su
perior quality of Caps, for officers of the
Army and Navy, mgether with Dress, Ri
ding and Sporting Caps a new and splen
did style of Childrens' and Boys' Caps, with
a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for La
Just received, per Steam Ship Great
Western, the approved style of LADIES'
RIDING St also, a beautiful assort
ment of Cltildrens' French Caps.
I am determined that my hats, in point of
beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed
by those of any other Establishment in any
City in the Union.
Philadelphia, Dec. 24. 1845.
zle), ALE-E3ce.3
WriOTIC.E is hereby given to all persons
concerned, that the following named
persons have settled their accounts in the
Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that
the said accounts will be presented for coo
firmation and iillowance at an Orphans'
Court to he held at Huntingdon, in and for
the county of Huntingdon, en Wednesday
the 15th clay 4f April next, viz r
1. Esther Oeyer, NV): lint Beyer, and
John Bever, Administrators of Joint Beyer,
late of Porte': tovusbip, dec'd,
2. Robert Mc/Leal and 'Jollies McNeal,
Adm'rsof James M'Neal, late of Tell town
ship, deed.
3, David H. Moore, Adm'r of William
lacKellip, late of Frankstown township,
deed. .
4. Jacob it Stiflier,; nod Isaac Yinglin,
Admr's of Peter Keath, late of Allegheny
township, deed.
5• Caleb Swoopc, Adm'r of Lawrence
Swoope, late of Gass township,
e. Vavid Hefter,. Adrn'r of 3arntlel Utley,
late of Snyder township, clec'd.
7. Andrew Wise, Achn'r of Catharine
Looderslagle, hte of Henderson township,
8. - Andrew Ctewart, acting Adri'r of Dan
iel Stouffer, late of West township. deed.
9. Peter Hoffman, Adm'r of Peter Hoff
man, late of Walker township, deed.
10. Thomas M...owens, Adm'r of Tiin
ally Hill, late pl township,.deed.
11. Daniel McConnell, Adtn'r of John
Scullin, late of West township, decd. •
12. Hiram Williamson and Samuel Mil
ler, Mimes of Elitabeth Grallus, late of
West township, deed,
13. Thomas Weston, Adm'r of Nathan
Green, late of Vtrarriorsmaik township,
deed. •
14. Peter M. Bare and bavid Butler,.
Admr's of Bei Bare, late of Cromwell
township, deed..,
15.liatn Templeton, Adm'r nt Mary
Templ&m .late of Tyrone township. deed.
16. lithecei Heffner, Administratrix of
Adam Ile ffner, • late of Walker township,
17. Peter C. Swoope, and John S. Patton
Admr's of John Swoope, late of IValker
township, clec'd.
18. James Carmont , acting Executor of
John Carmont, late of Barree township,
19. Daniel McConnell, acting Executor
of Henry McConnell, late of Blair township,
deed, and John Mellwaine. Executor of last
Will and Testament of said dec'd.
20. Jar.Cib Long, acting Executor I f liter
Long, late of Allegheny township, deed.
21. Daniel Africa, Guardian of the minor
Children of John WI ight, late of Hender
son township, dee'd.
• Register's Office,
Ituntingdon, March I.!, 1846, 1
At , TICE.
'T. the heirs and legal iiepresentatives of
Nathan Green, late of Warriormark
township; Huntingdon Cou:iii:Clet;;;;c1:
B Y virtue of a wr; , of bartition,(lyalua
tion issued nut of the Orphan's C :tat of
said county. I will proceed on•
Thursday, 9,th next,
by Jury of Invest cOnvend on the premises,
to make partition or 'valuation of the real
estate of sa!d 'deceased, Atuate in said town
Sheriff's Office, Hunting- /
don, March 4, 1846. 5
Can he had at the Chair Shop of Thos.
at his old stand, opposite Geo.
Jackson's Hotel, wlie!-e lie intends keep
ing CHAIRS of different kinds and qual
ities, warranted good, and cheaper than
ever has been, sold in H unti nation •
Call and See!
N.B. Wanted to learn the Chair Ma•
king business, a boy about 15 or 16 years
of age, of good moral character, and to
come on or before the 10th day of April
next. 'l'. A.
Huntingdon, March 4, 1646. -
Xotice to the heirs of Datid
Johns, deed.
THE heirs of said dec'd will take notice,
that the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon
county, on the 16th day of January, A. D.
1846, granted a Rule on the heirs and legal
representatives of-the said David Johns,
late of Shirley township, in said county,
dec'd., to appear at the next Orphans'
Court to he held at Huntingdon on the sec
ond Monday of April next, to show cause,
if any they have, why the real estate of the
said.dted. should not be,sold.
Feb. 18, 1846.-6 t.
Notice to Creditors.
ALL persons interested are hereby no
tified that the account of Geo. Jackson,
Assignee of John McComb, under a vol
untary aisignment, has been hied in my
Office, and will be presented to the Court
of Common Plep, of kuntingdon county,
on the second Monday of April nest, for
confirtnation, when and where the same
will be confirmed and allowed, if no sufli•
cient cause be shown to thil
JAMES STEP', Prot'y .
Huntingdon, March 4 1846.
Having re
turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com
menced the practice of LAW in the Borough
of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at•
tend to all business entrusted to his care.—
He will be found at all times by those who
may call upon him, at his office with Isaac
Fisher, E4q., adjoining the store of Thos.
Read & Son, near the Diamond.
Huntingdon, April 30, 1843.
W,r.orn Morris's Nitiional Pro:v.
..I.r.srr not on earth—'twill pierce thee to the heart .
A broken reed at best, but oft a spear,
On whose sharp point peace bleeds and hope ex.
The world smiled on me at my birth—
Beneath a rose-hued sky,
Rocked on the summer waves of love,
My childhood glided try.
My boyhnod paused in thrilling dreams,
In longings for the strife,
The glory and the pageantry,
The tournament of life.
At manhood's, age, a being proud
• It id passionate, I Otond—
Cold, lands wore mine, and through My reins
Went looping princely blood.
Then Pleasure held her goblet high,
And called on me to drain
Tho glowing wino quelled by the gods--
Till madness fired my brain;
r. he mocked and tortured by deloy—
Then at my freniied. call,
She offered to my burning Hp
Thecup, and it was ge;l.
won a friend by generous deeds;
(The with an open brow-- .
Fe tumid his very life to mine
With many a holy vow.
Then fell the.bolt,-I was betrayed!
ry cod, Millie:. art;
By words that, like ba:bed arrowa, still
Are quivering in my heart.
At last unto my bcsom came,
In gentlest guise, young Love;
It crept into its resting place,
A sweet and quiet dove.
I warmed it ir. my inmost heart,
Closed from the world's chid air;--
'twas a rapture caught from heaven,
To feel it nettling there!
But ah, ono morn, from visions blest,
I wakened with a moan, . •
There wr, c rOure at my lures:,
And th:it young dove had flown!
Then Fame held forth her laurel crown,
Front her prowl height afar;
I longed for it. as dues a child
At evening, for a star.
I toiled, I suffered—humble joys
I careless flung aside,
Saw peace take wing, and in the dust
How down my manly pride.
At last, at last it bound my brow,
That green immortal wreath!
Exulting, glorying 1 stood,
Defying time and death!
Yet soon I would have given worlds
To fling it off again—
For thorns were hid among the leaves,
That pierced me to the brain!
Row is my life a storm-wrecked bark,
Dashed by time's surges high
Upon a hare, cold island rock,
Beneath a northern sky.
There, in that realm where hearts congeal,
Tho spirit's frozen zone,
A joyless, cheerless, loveless age—
! stand alone—alone.
[Prom Me Harrisburg Telegraph, Extra, of the
lath intant.)
41SERA.' .i.Loon IN THE 3t7 P-
Destructiim of the Harrisburg Bridges, the Bridge
at Clark's Ferry over the Susquehanna, and
Me Bridge over the mouth of the Juniata--the
Duncannon Iron Works, and the Bridge over
Sherman's Creek, below Duneannon—slop
page of the • Anthracite • Furnace—probable
destruction of the Public Works, arc. 4c. .
The rise.of. the Water M the.fitisqueltanne, Which
commenced on Friday last, has been tha most des
tyuctive flood that has ever been witnessed since
the first settleMent of the catintry on its border..,
Harrisburg, at the time of witting, is approachable
en. the bast, South and Wyk, only by water com
munication, and, standing on an elevated place, it
presents the appearance of a town sinking. into the
sea—the bcuses in the lower part of it beirig sub
merged in water, in some instances, nearly up to
the second story. The ground. about it, lower
than the main part of the town, are covered with
water, generally so deep as to obliterate all traces
of fences, bridges and streams.
Paxton creek is entirely lost in the mighty con
gregation of water., and' the Susquehanna, from
shore to shore, covering entirely the large island
which lay in its centre, which connected the two
divisions of the old Harrisburg Bridge, presents a
current of fierce turbulent waters, bearing on Itd
bosom an indescribable and innumerable mass of
flood wood, timber, &c„ that has been torts from
its resting places, as trophica of its irresistible
teivrcen len and eleven o'clock, on Saturday
evening the piers of the Old Harrisburg Bridge,
(that celebrated structure, the first built over the
Busquehanna—built by Burr on the A rch principle,
at a cost of $105.000, commenced in 1313 and
completed in 1817,) which had buffeted many a
raging flood, began to give way on this side of the
island and to yield to the mighty current and its
battering ram of ice, and on Sunday morning be
tween three and four o'clock, two of the middle
span of arches fell and were swept down the stream.
These were noon followed by two othere, leaving
but a single span neat to Harrisburg, which also
fell about two o'clock, P. M., and tloatcd majestically
The west part of the Harrisburg Bridge, extend
ing from the island to the Cumberland shore is still
standing—but whether it has sustained injury in
yet unknown.
Of the new Railroad Bridge, wh:ch was beini;
constructed by Mr. Kirkbride, all the piers were
finished and four spans of the frame work were
erected on them. Two spans of this 'went just be
fore the Harrislityg Bridge, and the other two spans
were swept off by the Duncan's Island Bridge
footing ageinst them in its descant. Thus the
Harrisburg Fide of the river is entirely stripped of
all bridges, or vcstage of them, the piers being
only discernable by the whirl of ths wilier as it
passes over where they were.
Two spans of the canteen and of the hriilgo al
Nunn s Island, erected in 1337—ear of the finest
structures in our country, have aloe been carried
away. Also, the bridge over the mouth of the Ju
niata, from Dunean's Island to the Perry county
shore ; and the bridge over Sherman's creek in the
village of Duncanon. 'rite dam across the same
stream, with the extensive nail factory and rolling
rail!, at the same place, has also been carried away,
and the works of Fisher & Co., are reported es
having suffered greatly, in the destruction of build
hip, machinery, etc. The nail factory is said to
ho entirely destroyed. The loss at this place Can
scarcely be estimated.
Front the high water of the Juniata, as well ea
the Susquehanna, and a knowledge of its effects in
termer floods, it is feared that the entire Main Line
of the Canal will be rendered unnavigable for a.
great part, if not for the whole of the opening sea
son ; and if the destruction by the flood has ex
leaded up the North and West Branches cf the
Susquehanna, niece canals may he so damaged as
to be irreparable the present year. It is a sad day
fcr the hopes .of Pennsylvania, and one that we
fear may be fe:t !!,..'so who hive pieced depend
ence en her ability to de justice to all.
All communication between Harrisburg and the
West 613 of _the Susquehanna is entirely cut off,
and must remain cc until the waters subside and a
ferry is opened. The trains of the Cumberland. (
Valley Railroad erri,ed yesterdey morning and
afternoon, on the Viest side, mid Hew their whis
tles, but after finding that all cominunication was
cut oft they moved West again with their load. of
The casting house of the Anthracite furnace of
lix•Gov. Porter, was covered with water, which ,
tae es high es the heerth, and into the furnaces of
the boilers. The furnace Was stopped ; but it is
supposed that the bloat will be resumed tc.inorrow.
Parte of buildings, water wheels, canal boats,
rafts, lumber, logs, etc., have passed down on the
bosom of the flood. One canal boat was brought
to shore a short distence below town, in which
were upwards of one hundred barrels of flour.—
The loss to individuals as well as to the State, and
to companies, will in many instances be severe;
and it is not unlikely that hundreds who,have been
toiling for months in preparing lurn!'cr fur market,
have been stripped and left destitute, A t.preeent
the looses can only be conjectured, end wo hope
that they will not equal the present expectations of
our community.
It is feared that great damage tee also bon done
to the Wiconisco Canal—but nothing certain
A great portion of the town of Portmouth, nine
miles below Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna, nt
the junction of the Swatara, is said to be under tva.
tor, and the houses creured from floating awe by
The following is a statement of the rise of the
Susquehanna at Harrisburg, which contained more
water than the terrible ice flood in the winter of
1785, or the memorable pumpkin flood of 1787 :
At 3 o'clocli, P. ft., on Priday the 13th, the
water in the Susquehanna %vas 5 fent above law
watermark. On Satprday, the 14t1t at 7 o'clock
A. M. 11 feet ; at 113 o'clock it was 133
ire;; at 2 o'clock I'. M. it was fifteen feet; at 5
o'clock it was 163 feet ; at 63 o'clock it was 17i
feet; at 83 o'clock it was 183 feet; at 103 o'clock
it was 18 feet 11 inches ;on Sunday morning the
15th, at . 4 o'clock A. M. the water had risen to 20
feet 1 inch ; at 9 o'clock to 20 feet 3 inches; and
at 9 o'clock to 20 feet 4 inches; at 10 o'clock it
stood at the same; at 12 o'clock N. it had fallen
three fourths of an inch ; at 1 o'clock P. M. an
inch and a half ;at 2 o'clock two inches and a quar-
ter ; at 5 o'clock it had fullest 53 inches; and at 6
o'clock it had fallen 7 inches. It has since contin
ued to fall gradually.
We should fail to do justice to the fearlessness
and resolution of woman did we net Mention that
two ladies from New England, who arrived here on
Saturday last, cn their way to Missouri, tmaccont
panted by any gentleman, summoned the resolution
this morning to get into a skiff into which the mail
was placed, to cross over to tho island, (a risk of
their !Ives that few of ode citizens could have been
induced to'rnn) which they reached in safety, and
from thence to the Cumberland side by the western
division of the bridge. The bank of the river was
lined with spectators to witness the result of the
perilous enterprise.
Who Flood at Dunoanou
Mr. Roswell 'Woo dward has jut came down
from Duncanon Iron Works, and states the freshet
there to have been most terrific; far exceeding any
thing that has over occurred for the last half cen
The bridge over the Juniata gone; two spans of
the Suaquehanna bridge also gone; the lower part
of Duncan's Island under crater•—houeea deaetted
by the inhabitants both there end at the town of
Petersburg. At Flu the Sow Mill swept away and
the dam broken. At Duncannon a breach wee
made in the dam, and four out of fourteen furnaces
ware undermined and destroyed. The Rolling
Mill and Nail Factory escaped without material
injury; but one half of the Puddling mill is destroy
ed and the other half injured; and two hundred
workmen thrown out of employ. The estimated
dainag; at Duneannon is "0.000 dollars.
The bridge at the mouth of Slierntan's acnk I a
destroyed; and the Susquelienne division Canal
above Duncan's talend ea far •_s is known is de
stroyed, if not entirely obliterated. The Acquiluet
across the Juniata was standing. It was thought
that the Juniata division was not seriously injured.
as the water in the Juniata was not as 'high all it
wee in IClS—the damage being done by the back
water from the Susquehanna. There woe no ice
on the Juniata and but little drift weed came down
Too Wally Lovers will Pnasrie a
Young Susan had lovers so many, Plat ehe
Hardly knew on which to decide•,
They all spoke sincerely, and promised to he
All worthy of ouch a sweet bride.
In the morning she'd goesip with William, and [lien
.The noon would be opent with young Mail,
Tho evening with TO= go emonget all the men,
the never could tell which to maul.
Heigh ho! I'm of aid
Too man; lovers, will pu=de a maid.
Norr,Vrilliam grew jealous, and no went away;
Harry go: tired of wooing;
And Torn having teared her to fix nn the day,
Received but a frown for no doing;
So 'mongst all her lovers, quite left in the lurch
She pined every night on her pillow,
And meeting one doy a pair going to church,
Turned away, and under a w!l:cw,
Heigh ho! I'm afraid
Too many lovers will puzzle a maid.
Eloquent Extract
"Generation After generation," soya an eloquent
writer, "have felt es wo,feel, end their fellows were
as active in life as we now are. They paned away
vapor, while nature wore the same aspect of
bunt) , as when her creator commanded her to be,
The heavens shall be asdnight over our graves as
they are now around our paths. Timworld will
hate :II: same attraction for our offspring yet un
born that else had once for ourselves, and that alio
has now for our children. Yet a little while, .d
all this will have happened. The throbbing heart,
will he stifled, and we shall beatteit. Our funeral
will wind on its way, and the prayers will he said,
and our friends will all return, and we shell he left
behind to darkness and the worm. And : it may be
for seine abort time that we shall be spoken of, but
the things will creep in, and our names wilt
soon he forgone,. L l ays &di continue to move on.
and laughter and song will be heard in the place in
which we died ; and the eye that Mourned for us
I will be dried, and glisten again with joy ; and even
I our children will cease to think of us, end will not
remember to lisp our names."
New Agricultural .Wrinkle,;
A funny story is told of an old friend of ours—
one who, sick and tired of the care and bustle of
city life, has retired into the country, and. "gone to,
farming,"as the saying is. His land, albeit well
situated, and commanding sundry romantic preo
poets, is not no particularly fertile as some we have
seen, and requires scientific culture end liberal
manuring, to induce an abundant So much
by way of erplarir:tits.n.
,Once upon a time, as the story books any, our
friend, being on a shot' visit to this city, attended
an auction sale down town, and it so happened
that they were selling damaged sausages at thy
time. 'l'heie were some Bor 10 barrels of them,
end they were "just going at Oily cents a barrel,"
when the auctioneer, with all apparent seriousneae,
remarked that they were worth more than that to
manure land teith.—Hero YOU 1111 idea for our
farmer friend. "Silt y -two and a half," our
friend. '.Sixty-two and a half,—going at eaxty.
two and a hall—gone!" ,
Our friend got them—end how to get them to
his country seat as quickly as possible was lilt first
movement, for it was then planting time and the
sausages, to nee s cowman expression,. were "get.
tingna.better fast,' and it wait deSllllllll.l to have
them under ground as soon as possible.
He was about to plant a field of several acres r,
cunt—the soil of the pine wood species, end s'
here was just the place fur this new expetiment in
agriculcure, this new wrinkle in the science o
. . .
Ono nlink" of hausage being deemed amply auffi
cknt, that amount was placed in each hill, accom
partied by the usual number of kernels of corn en,
an occasional pumpkin seed, and all Isere rircel)
covered over in the usual style.
Now, premising that ecceral days lied elope,:
since the corn was planted, the equal of the etcT
Anil be told in it dielogeo between ear friend en•
one of hie neighbors:
Neighbor. Well friend, Itees you planted yo u
Friend.—Yes, several days since.
Neighbor.—J' it up yet!
Vriend.—rp ! yes, up and gone, the most of It.
Neighbor.—How is that!
_ .
Friend.—Well, • you Iwo I boUght a lot of ba
nged sausage. in Orleans, the other day, the eu.
tioneer a : eying they would make eseellent manure
If nothiztg elec.. Well, when 1 planted my corn,
put a sausage in each hill. Some days afterward
I wont out to the field to sea hew my corn woo ri , ll
ing on, and a pretty piece of business I have mid
of trying agriculttarel experiments.
Nelghbor.—Why, what it the matter!
- -
Friend.—Natter! why the first thing I saw upo
reaching the field, woe the ------ 101 of dcg
digging and ;watching all over it! There wr,
my drip, end your dogs, and ell theneighbors'ilog
besides about three hundred strange dogs I nor
set my eyes on before, and every one hurt et it a
ter the huried *mumps. Some bow or other it
rascally whelps had scented eat the buainess, on
they have dug op every hill, by this time. If
could set every aloof then on that auctioneer, I
be sittiArl.— 0. l'iccuunc.