Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 18, 1846, Image 4

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in .Huntingdon County.
WHEREAS, by an act of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, entitled "An act to amend an
act directing the mode of selling unseated
lands for taxes and other purposes," pas
sed 13th March, 1815, and the other acts
upon that subject, the Treasurers of the
several counties within this Common
wealth are directed to commence on the
2nd Monday in June in the year 1816,
and at the expiration of every two years
thereafter, and adjourn front day to day
if it be necessary so to do, and make pub :
lic sale of the whole or any part of such I
tracts of unseated land, situate in the
proper county,. as will pay the arrearages
of the taxes which shall then have remain
ed due and unpaid for the space of one
year before, together with all costs ne
cessarily accruir , by reason of such de-1
linqueney, &c. accruing by
LAW, Treas- I
urer of the county of Huntingdon, do
therefore hereby give notice that upon
the following tracts of unseated land, sit
uate as herein described, the several
sums stated are "the arrearages of the
taxes, respectively, due and unpaid for
line year : and that, in pursuance of the'
direction of the aforesaid act of Assem
bly, I shall, on Monday the Bth day of
June next, at the Court house in the bor
ough of Huntingdon, commence the
_ _ _
of the whole or any part of such tracts of
unseated lands, upon which all or any
part of the taxes herein specified shall
then be due, and continue such sale by
adjournment until all the tracts upon
which the taxes shall remain due and un
paid, be sold
Treasurer of Huntingdon county
Treasurer's Office,
Feb. 26, 1846, S
Amount of taxes due and unpaid on thE
/ollowing tracts of unsealed lands, up
to and including the year 1844.
Acres pr. Warranteesorowners. Taxes.
Allegheny Township.
John MontgoMery
Washington Hannuit
John Black
George Householder
James Blackford
Daniel Black
Jeremiah Black
Richard NoLeman
Peter Harris
Aaron Harris
Samuel Black
Christopher Black
Robert Black
William Black
Andrew Herris
William Herris
Martha Hansom
John Douglass
Isaac Webb
Timothy Bell
Valentine Bell
William Bell
David Bell
Arthur Bell ,
Abraham Bell
Antes Township,
James Coffey
Gill Robbins
John Long
James Smith
Patrick Bosh
James Lamb
Esther Moore
Sarah McEwt n
Elizabeth Hamelton
James McCracken
Alexander Spear
Othrreal Spear
Thomas Hamilton
Richard Miller
Jesse Stroud
Jesse Black
Moses Rowland
Jesse Kelly
Patrick Stroud
1 Patrick Boreland
Patrick Wolf
Patrick Peters
Martin Black
1 Martin IN olf
Barree Township.
400 Adam Buchanan
400 George Hill
400 Thomas Ralston
400 David Ralston Jr.
400 Ephraim Jones
400 David Ralston
400 George Hess
399 13 John Spencer
23 William Robb
400 John Russel
400 John Ralston
1 Lot Mary Hall
2g2 George 'lrwin6
400 James Fulton 4 08
150 George Betts 2 47
300 Jacob Wicrensall 4 93 j
120 Henry Johnston 1 961
400 Samuel Marshall 5 44
400 Robert Caldwell 9 18
400 Matthew Simpson 5 441
400 Joseph McCune 4 96j
400 John Galbraith 5 44 •
400 John George 4 96
400 William Steel ' 754
400 Robert Crazor 0 4 80
400 Adam Strickler 5 44
400 William Wills 4 80
400 George Engles 4 80
403 W. M. Rjddl'e 346
413 Hillary Baker 4 40
400 Andtew Boyd 3 44
388 103 William Trotter 5 19
393 George kandre 5 36
398 Henry Steever 479
100 Batton 32
400 Robert Simpson • 814
70 George Green 23
Blair Township.
100 Joseph McCune 3 30
400 - McDowell 5 28
Dublin Township.
416 88 Titus Harvey 171
424 John Forrest 1 94
Cromwell Township.
140 75 Joseph Gruhh 163
408 155
384 72
400 19
405 134
439 34
425 37
443 64
362 58
374 57
392 28
346 SO
358 87
859 90
299 75
400 90
401 53
401 66
433 363
433 153
433 153
433 153
433 1.53
433 153
433 153
433 153
433 153
433 153
433 153
433 153
453 153
433 133
433 163
433 163
433 163
433 163
433 163
433 163
Henry Matthias 14
Cass Township.
400 78 Samuel artsock E 4
402 112 Hugh Morrison • 64
370 67 Dorsey Belt 59
S7B 76 John Nash 99
SBS 64 Edward Nash 61
400 106 Hance Morrison 1 64
Frankstown 'township
405 65 James Coffey
117 118 Silas Moore.
12 Alex. Dysart
14 WiMani Nesbitt
Michael Wallace
I). West
Daniel /Pest
David est
ALefrallt est
Agness ft est
Adam tf eat
Aaron West
Andrew 11 est
Tobias it est
Jonathan West
Jeremiah West
James West
John West
Joseph West
Franklin Toionship.
9.0 John Canon
71 Mordecai Massey
67 L. Wakefield
43 Henry Hill
24 Thomas Smith
71 Jacob Keith
Jacob Schuyler
Hollidaysburg Borough.
Lot No. 132 - Fisher
(3 do. Silas Ake
Henderson Township.
SVilliam IVorrell
378 37 Benjamin Gibbs
331 31 Adam Foulke
Lewis Igon
Sarah Elliott lo
300 11 John Hollingsheail 114
402 132 Johh Van Dyke 1 ;12
Matthias West 661257 Dorsey Belt (part) 20
314 Christian Snyder . 27
43 39 Andrew — Bell 57
40 Charles Kelly • 70
Hopewell Township.
392 70
Porter township,
M. Wallace's heirs 8 84
E. B. Dorsey
Jacob Neff
7tl 407 Samuel Fisher 1 46
4051 William Smith i 22 49
$ 30
I J 2
1 S 2
Shirley Township.
405 158 Henry Kline £ 15
411 80 Peter Werts 1 13
440 30 Jacob Cannote 294
420 30. Richard Pendleton 312
439 136 Agness Gardner
406 P. Lockart 2 48
406 Henry Harris 2 50
367 87 Samuel Jarvis 190
233 88 William Savory 1 141
240 120 Benjamin. Brown 79
433 104 George Hughes 2 45'
431 141 John Taylor 41
442 57 Alex. Hamilton 2 50
415 80 Thos. Edmiston 283
418 165 Edward Tayler 3 00
410 44 Jacob Tayler 46
400 George Albortia 29
Samuel Taylor
SC/ 66 . _
76 George Foraoythe 2 45
Samuel H. Bell 1 56
115 Richard Calhoun 43
118 Ruhannah Calhoun 79
Thomas Cromwell 3 44 '
Thomas Cromwell 1 89
Thomas Cromwall 2 21
Edward Nash 1 60
John Ping 1 08
Aaron Staines i 43 ,
John Pay well 4 76
Peter Cornelius 16
Gabriel Bell 1 41
Stephen Drury 1 38
George Denzell 3 20
Frederick Bell 1 59
John Green 1 17
George Green 2 33
Nathan Ord 3 61
Jacob Drake 1 50
Abraham Wright • 1 55
Abraham Green 1 53
Isaac Green 1. 72
Thomas Gteen 1 as
John Green 1 47
George Green 28
John Evens y 1 02
Joshua Cole 1 13
Thomas Green, Sr. 1 17
Zachariah Chainey 112
Tell Township.
John Caldwell 66
Robert Allison, Esq 1 66 ,
'Pod Township.
Samuel Meredith 2 591
Augustus Hornach 1 76
William Harrison 213 ,
John Philips 8. 65
George Buchanan 301
Robert Irwin 2 44
Nathan Layering 122
Jonathan Pew 1 53
Joseph Brown 2 01
John Mute (or Mood) 65
David Lapsly • 91
Margaret Johns I 30
Joseph Ilylands 5 69
William Galbraith 54
George Eddy 164
John Singer 1 72 ,
NVilliam Sheaff 1 93
Philip Wagner 1 07
Benjamin Rush 1 CO
Philip Sten 1 56
Jonathan Jones 1 43
Owen Jones 1 43
Thomas Denton 1 20
Stephen Mowans 159
itichard Mowans 141
William Mowans 1 35
James Mowans 1 11
Isaac Mowans 1 27
383 64
401 41
415 140
431 60
426 15
365 91
420 112
100 04
1 419
S 44
9 18
9 18
3 44
9 18
5 44
8 94
S 42
3 44
5 44
344 31
236 133
233 59
390 26
311 57
447 145
353 63
310 10
389 8/
97 156
497 134
520 80
439 80
333 40
08 58
438 58
371 152
448 Frances Mowana 138
402 Frances bluwans Jr.
400 Sarah Hdrtsock 109
406 Sarah Hartaock I 03
405 Jacob Barrack 102
400 I%_laty Barrack
400 Pete'r Hartsuck 1 02
400 Isaac Hartsock
400 Samuel Nlorrisca • 1 02
400 Elijah liartsock
402 Hugh Morrison Ir IOS
401 Polly Chambers .1 03
455 Robert Chambers 16
400 James Chambers .. 102
SamuelChambors *1 OS
e 3 3 Neal Clark
300 John Downing 79
50 It. Callender 's heirs 14
400 John Chambers 1 02
400 Isaac' Huston
475 John Musser
196 Andrew Sills
C); / John Sills
400 John Treed
Mary Freed
404 BettyChanibers • 1 03
S:ffig Chambers
369 Nancy Chambers • 93
400 Sarah 13arrick 32
466 Nancy Da vis
_ _
300 NichOlag Crum
1 SI
205 George Noblough
400 Johanna Huston 1 02
95 Richard Clark 30
nrcinc Township.
400 152 pobert Murray 3 52
441 65 William llyshrt 365
592 5 James Gray 94
3 16
3 80
John Cars)li 1 07
445 48
Union Township,
353 75 Frederick Rope 70
380 James Arrostrotg 486
5 02
aubirt Coi
3 99
1 89
Mg John Tayler
Richard 11 . owniaii • 91
300 Margaret Jones 25
212 Jacob Snyder 1.7
111 134 Samuel Cornelius 34
435 109 Arthur Pea 4 69
421 130 Archibald Fee II 67
385 44 John Bell f 61
403 65 Thomas Bell , 94
426 43 Robert Moore 68
309 154 Robert Bell .s 65
400 78 Frederick Sell 84
400 78 Abraham Sell 64
400 78 Abraham Morrisott 64
395 Margaret Sella 63
1 15
1 60
181 78 Robert Fea r‘' 29
414 37 David Fea 4- d 6
355 116 William Fra a 56
420 67 George Fea • 67
155 34 Rebecca Rhodget 24
140 Rebecca Smith 28
430 24 Joan Van Dvke 53
456 John Boyles 1 42
435 33 Peter Shank 72
426 15 Stephen Drury 158
431 60 Gabriel Bell 1 41
West Township,
Robert Watson 4 20
John DorlAnd
NV Reed
.....tin iteet,
Warrioramark 7ownship
288 71 J. Keith 3 68
478 111 Robert Cooper 456
334 W ilhath lieckrtian 3 20
122 Si John Hall I 17
81 132 Joshua Lewis 77
Walker Township.
William Wallacc 4 92
Eli Lloyd • 50
Ann Cowen 3 96
John Carson
422 59 Hugh Laurish " 365
412 78 Rudolph Laurish .3 57
Snyder Township,
409 151 Barney Kerr 269
402 08 John Smith 264
400 128 Samuel Marshall 7 92
249 32 Thomas Kerr • 30
237 20 Thomas Sutton 75,
238 92 George Stotit 72
234 Robert Stewart 75
456 William Stout 1 46
419 47 Daniel Stroup 99
froodberry Toiinship.
100 William Muntgomen 96
205 John Shonetelt 1 31
Steam Turning Shop
'I'HE subscribers having entered into co
partnership; under the 'irrh of John and
W. R. Baker, in carrying on the Steam Tdr
nmg Shop and Lath Mill in Alexandria,
would respectfully inform their friends and
the public generally, that they are now pre
pared to do all manner of turning in wood,
also, Iron Sha.ts from 10 to 700 lbs. Cabinet
Makers can be supplied with all kinds of
turning. Chairma kers by sending their
patterns can be supplied with Chair BC,ttoms,
Backs, and Rungs. Coach and W.
.011111: kers
by sending their patt, rns can be supplied
with Hubs, and fellows, oF any size and
thickness and whatever wood they choose—
plastering lath furnished at the shortest no
tice, and all at the lowest market prices.—
Persons at a distance wishing to furnish
their own stuff, can have it hauled away
and delivet ad without extra charge.
W.A. 13AKER,
Metandria, Jan. 28, 1846—tf.
Having re
turned to Huntingdon county, has re-com
menced the practice of LAW in the Borough
of Huntingdon, where he will carefully at•
tend to all business entrusted to his care.—
He will be found at all times by those who
may call upon him, at his office with Isaac
Fisher, Esq., adjoining the store of Thos.
Bead Ec Son, near the Diamond.
Jewelry ! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry! !
Jr.. ITUST received, astock
, o`. 111 of the most magniti
c .ip cient Jewelry a?... ever•
0 came up the Pike."..a
1.. ' ,(- Consisting of GoLn PAT
. 4 ~ .,1 1( -v , ,
' ./ i • ; -2.4 TENT LEVERS, Ladies
*:, ' G 0 L D ANCHOR LE
\JvEas, full jewelled,
SILVER PATENT LEVERS, double and single
rased,SiLvaa ANCHOR LEvERs, ulljeweled,
double and singlecased ENGLISH WATCHES,
Imitation Levers, QUARTIER and FRENCH
WATCHES, &C. &C, Also
1 02
1 02
1 02
Gold Fob Chains, and Seals,
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's.
Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases,
Silk Purees. Coral Beads, Pocket Books,
Musical Boxes, Mathematical instrumccr,
Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea end
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs,Losrends pattent
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality,
HENRY CLAY penknives, a super for arti •
die, Steel Pens, Sdy ('lasses, Hair Brushes.
Tooth Brushes, Platina Points, &c. &c. All
the above articles will be sold cheapct than
ever I•eretolore.
1 02
1 02
G 2
.1 09
Clock and \Vatch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash.
A large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantee given. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense,
or if injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
s considered void, should the watch, with
whiih it is given, be put into the hands of
anotner watch maker.
1 03
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844.
Patent Cooking Stove.
WOULD respectfully inform the pub
. 44 lic, that I shall continue as heretofore,
to act as Agent for the sale and delivery of
the Justly celebrated Hathaway Cooking
Stove, manufacturnd by A. B. Long & Co.,
who have at a heairy expense secured the
CXCII:3I7C right of Patentee of Huntingdon
and other counties.
No boMbastic eulogy is deemed essential
to add to the already acquired celebrity of
this stove. It is necessary, however, to ob
serve that the. high reputation this stove has
gained by practical use, has induced the man
utecturers of other and inferior articles, to
borrow (not to use a harsher term) the name
Of HATHAWAY, and prefix it .to an "Im
proved," in order tq make their inferior
trash go off as genuine, and thereby impose
upon the public. I, myself, sell the only
REAL HA THAWAY stove that e: or can
be sold in this county, and would therefore
admonish the public against the imposition
above alluded to. lam happy in being able
to say, confidently, that daring the last three
or four years, in which 1 have been con-.
stantly dealingin and putting up these stoves.
1 have found thefa to give universal and
unbounded satisfaction. Any communica
tion in relation to stoves addressed to me at
Lewistown, Miffiin county, (my place of
residence) will meet with the earliest post
; ble attention.
V' A few good sound horses will be taken
in exchange for stoves. ,
. .
Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Nov. 19, 1845
Spanish Hides
2000 Dry. Laplata Hides , --firstqualitY.
5500 Dry La Guira do. do.
3000 Dry Salted La Guira, do. i
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do. '
40 Bales Creen Salted Patna Kips
30 Bales dry Patna Kips.
120 Barrells Tanner's Oil. r,
Tanner's and Currier's Tools.
For salse to the country Tanners atthe
lowest prices and upon the best terms.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for
which the highest paices will be paid in
Cash or in exchange for Hides, Kips & Oil.
3 60
No. 21 South 3cl Street,
Oct. ly.
4 s 6
OPHE subscriber conti: to manufac-
Wwleture, in Harrisburg, irench Burrs of
all sizes, and of the very best quality, much
cheaper than ever, and on very favorable
Letters addressed to nil will receive the
same prompt attention as if personal appli
cation were made.
ALL persons who know themselves
indebted to the subscriber for medicine
& medical services rendered are respect
fully requested to pay olitheir accounts
soon if possible. His distressed condi
tion (having log his all by the late fire)
compels him to make this call, so that he
may be enabled to build up some place to
shelter himself and family, and start in
business again.
N. B. The subscriber intends to con
tinue the practice of medicine. Those
who wish to call on him for medical ad
vice or medicine may find him at the
Drug Store of Thos. Read & Son, Market
Street, Huntingdon, Pa.
(Za Aii.U/T:D 8
Dr. S. 13. DOD.SET,
HAVING removed from Williamsburg to
Huntingdon. would inform the community
that he designs to continue the practice of
mediene,and will be thankful for their Pat
ronage. Residence and office formerly oc
curned by R. Allison, Esq.
N. B. Having been successful in accom
plishing the cure of a number of cancers,
(tor which vouchers can be had if reqUired)'
he feels confident of success in the most ob.
stinate cases, and should he fail in curing no
charge will be made.
Huntigdon, April 23, 1845,
Attorney At Law.--Attends to practice in
the Orphans' Court, Stating Administra
tors acccrints, Scrivening, &c.—Office in
Piniond, three doors East of the "
1 P 9.601:1
LE s=@:l'' Ma I;is 12°U7 LIE
Carriage Manufactory.
wpUST RESPECTFULLY informs the
41Acitizens of the borough and county of
Huntingdon, and the public generally, and
his old friends and customers in particular,
that he still continues •the
Coach Making Business
in all its various branches, at his old stand,
in Main Street, in the borough of Hunting
don, nearly opposite the "Journal" print.
log office, where he has constantly on hand
every description of
Coaches, Carriage:,
(t,21 . 4,',7,:r ; Buggies, Sleight and
which he will SELL now FOR CASH or
He would also inform the public thnt he
manufactures and keeps constantly on hand
all kinds of
• C I f.l 1 R S,
made and finished iu the most thimble Find
improved style, by experienced workmen.
The public are respectfully invited to call
and judge for themselves.
Huntingdon, Nov 6, 1845—tf.
We recommend to all our friends visit
ing the city to cal/at the Pekin Company's
Store, and lay in a supply of their deli
pious Peas.
Between Market ant) Chestnut,
Have constantly on hand, and for sale,
Wholesale and Retail,
According to the quality, than they can
be bought for at any other establishment
in the city.
07:r TEAS, exclusively, are sold at this
house, and several varieties which can
not be obtained elsewhere. Any Teas
which do not give entire satisfaction can
be returned and exchanged, or the money
will be refunded.
The citizens of Huntingdon county
re respectfully invited to give us a call.
Agent for the Pekin Tea Company
Octoser 1,1845.—1 y.
Cdrpetings, Floor liloths, &c.,
Al the' , Cheap Store," No. 41, Strawberry Street.
'OE would call the attention of persons
in want of New Carpet, &c. to the
fact of our being enabled to sell goods at
very low prices, because,. in our present lo
cation, our rent and other expenses are very
light ; and we offer for this season an excel
lent assortment of
. _ .
Beautiful imperial, Ingrain, and Vemtian of
every variety. Also,
Toot oil Cloths,
From 2 to 24 feet wide, cut to fit rooms, halls,
Etc. , and Hearth It ugs,Table Caters; floor
Baize, Stair Rods, Mats, Etc., wholesale or
retail; at the lowest prices.
Ij' A supply of low priced carpets, from
31 to 50 cents per yard, always on hand.
No 41, Strawberry street, one .door above
Chesnut st. near Second st. l'hila'd.
I Sept. 10, 1845. . . .
Corner of Market street and Market
1 - 11.P.P.ISETTP.G. PA..
•i H E subscriber having taken this pop
ular Hotel lately kept by Mr. Wm, T.
SANDERS, begs leave to inform his friends
and th.p. public generally, that he is now
well prepared to accomodate them in a
manner to insure satisfaction to all who fa
vor him with their custom. The house has
been re-furnished, altered, and greatly im
proved in many respects, and no pains will
be spared to make visitors comfortable du
ring their sojourn.
HIS TABLE will he constantly supplied
with all the delicacies of the season : and
I his servants are attentive, careful and
There is extensive ABLING attached
to the premises, E. P. HU(11-11 , ,S,
Late of the ilaniiOn House.
Harrisburg June 4, 1845.
THE subscriber takes this occasion of re
turning his thanks to his numerous friends
for the very liberal patronage bnitowed up
on him during his proprietorship of
. the
Washington Hotel. He also takes great
pleasere in bespeaking for his successor a
continuance of public favor, who is well
qualified to, give general satisfaction as a
landlord; and every way worthy of the pat
ronage of the travelling community.
No. 4, North sth st., 2 doors above Market
Paper, Rags, School Books Blank
Books and Stationary.
HAVING considerably increase his facil
ties for business; now offers to country mer
chants, on still more favorable terms than
formerly, a complete assortment of Writing,
Printing and Wrapping Papers; also Figured
Wall and Curtain Papers, and Window
Shades of a great variety of patterns, which
he can sell at manufacturers' prices. Also,
Bonnet Boards, White, Blue and Brown ;
and all the Ssandard School Books, Blank
Books, and Stationary in general, atthe low
est WholesaleV prices.
Rags ! Rags ! Rags
Cash paid for Rags in any qUantity, or
Rags taken in trade for goods at the lowest
cash prices. Country merchants are par•
titularly invited to call.
Printers of country newspapers supplied
with their paper low for cash, by applying at
Paper and Rag Warehouse, No. 4, North
Fifth street, 2 doors (bole Market street,.
Auutat 20tb, HitY,
To Purchaser—Guarantee.
TR it undersigned agent of the Patteritee.
of the Stove, The Queen of the West,"
understanding that the owners, or those
concerned for them, of other and different
patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to
bring suit against all who purchase and use
—The Queen of the if 'est." Now his is
to inform all and every person wh ; said
purchase and use said Stove that he wi 11 inl
demnify them from all costsor daningo corn
any and all suits, brought by other } .$
tees, or their agents, for any infruignit 'l7f
their patents. He gives this notice so
persons need not be under any fears because
they have, while consulting their own inter
ests and convenience, secured the superior=
advantages of this ,' Queen" not only of tho
nest, but of the East
July 24, 1844
Citti CID coast:lmo. 615 v•
For sale by I. GRAFIUS & SON, Alex
andria% Huntingdon county, Pa.,
cheap for case or country
produce at the
market price.
The " Queen of the West" is an im
provement on Hathaway's celebrated
Hot Ale Stoive. There has never yet ap
peared any plan cf . a Cooking litovelhat
possesses the advantages that this one
has. A much lens qatiotitTof fuel is ra•.
quired . for any amount of cooking or ba
king by this stove than by any other. •
Persons are requested 4o call and sea
before they porthase elsewhere.
July 9, 1t344.
I:JP CO LC - .9 Na) LLit 1-2°
". 0 e«..
iIIoESPEC'FFULLY inform the citinens
of Huntingdon county, and the publid
generally, that they continue to carry on
Copper, 7'in and Shect•tron Business,
in all its branches, in Alexandria. whtra
they manufacture and constantly !seep nn
hand every description of ware in theirlinel
such as
New and Splendid Wood Storel
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long.
Jew Cooking Stoma of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stove
All kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines, Also WO
WAP.E ; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
Alga, Copper, Dye, Wash, Faller, ?re
serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail.
Persons favoring this establishment with
their custcm may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity apd.despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and Pewter : tar
ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, cora
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, July 3. 1844.
NOTICE.—The subscribei• respectfull
requests all persons indebted to him fot
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to the Ist of November last, to call and
settle their accounts without delay.
July 3, 1844,
Boot, Shoe, and Cap Store;
(between Front & Second Sts., North Side. )
THE subscriber has on hand a large and
complete assortment of the ..above, named
articles, to which he respectfully invites the
attention of the inhabitants of Huntingdon
county, comkting of Mcn's, Boy's aid
Youth's coarse Wax. Kip, calf Ski t, Seal
and Morocco Bours and BROU ANS ,
' Ladies' Misses' and Childs en's Boots and
Shoes in all their varieties.; also, Ladies'
and Gentlemen's GUM OYEASHOES bf
every kind, together with Men's Boy's and
Children's CAPS of every description.
Persons will find it to their advantage to
call and examine my stock before purcha
sing elsewhere, as I am determined to .sell
Philadelphia July, 24 1845.
H (itches, Jeivar#
THE subscribers offer an assortment of
Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches of
their omit Importation, Silver Spoons, Forks,
Tea setts and every article of Silver work
of their own mane facture, Also watch
chains, Seals and I(eys, Fine Gold Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Guard
chains, Gold and Silver Thimbles, Specta
cles, Pencils, Diamond pointed Gold Pens ;
together with a general assortment of La.
dies, jewelry, Plated castors, Cake Baskets,
Candle Sticks, Fancy Bags, Purses, Fans,
Brittania ware in setts and single pieces;
Silver Purse Clasps, Combs, Hair Pins,
Fancy head ornaments, &c. Btc forsale at
the lowest Cash prices.—Watchcs Repaired.
J. & W. L. WARD.
No. 106 Chestnut street., opposite the
Franklin House.
Philadelphia, August 5, 1845.
CALVIN =artltz,
VIM. practice in the several' Courts of
the City and County of Philadel:
His office is at No. 35, South Fotta•ru St.,
between Chesnut and Walnut streets.
Philadeldhia, Oct. 1, 1845.
xs.A.Ac rzszollt,
ATTORNEY AT Law.--Has removed to
Huntingdon, with the intention of making it
the place of his future residence, and wilt
attend to such legal business as may beiri
rnsted to him . Deo. 20, 1849.
A. K. CORN Viif,
ATTORNEY AT LAW-41untingdon r..
ofp c in Main atrect, two doors East of
Mr. Addlll 111111', ik