Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 18, 1846, Image 3

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BY virtue of sundry writs of Levari
Facies, Venditioni Expunas and
lieri Facies in my hands, 1 will expose to
sale at the Court House in Huntingdon,
on Monday the 13th day of April, A. D.
1846, the following described real estate;
and continue the same from day to stay,
until all is sold, The terms of sale are
cash, and no sale will be absolute unless
the money be paid at the time, viz:
All that tract or parcel of land in Alle
&why township, containing about 575
acres, be the same more or less, about 275
acres of which is cleared and cultivated.
The said land is now used and tenanted
as two se crate farms, and tieing the re
maining part or residue of the real estate
now owned by Bernard ()Triers heirs—
said land is good limestone and is bounded
on the east by lands of Adam Black, on
the west by Aaron Burns' heirs, on the
north by George Cowen, and on the south
by Alexander llysart--having thereon
arenSistl 2 farm dwelling houses and 3
bag,Ttis • .
Beir.etN taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Bernard o'Friel,
dec"d 7 ,--tow in the hands of his Executors.
Bnould the hate of the above property
be stopped, 1 will then sell all the right,
title and interest of James ()'Friel, one
of the sons and heirs of Bernard O'Friel,
dec'd, in and to the said described land,
by virtue of an alias Testatum writ of
s end. Exp. issued out .of Allegheny
County Distiict Court, vs. said James
10'1 , 1 iel.
AL S-0
_ .
All that tract, piece or parcel ul land,
satiate kin-the. Juniata River about 24
miles belt the borough tit Huntingdon,
in IlenAersiG.township, .other
l'ands of defendarit, lands of 'Jacob 'Fuck- .1
ler, and others, lying un both sides of the
Itiniata canal, and on both sides of the
Turnpike,-roatl„ aboVt 184
Acres, Ise the same more or less, about 150
acres of which are cleared and in good
gultipation, havitig thereon erected a log
dwellin ,, house, 1
highotcd two
double log barns, and other out bel!dings
and improvements:, Saul 'tract , Of. .land
los two apple Oil:laird - a, and a good opting
of Wateriliereon.
. Aiso—A tract, piece or f3ar'eel tti ridge
iand, , Composed of two adjoining ; surveys,
situnte in,llenderson township, adjoining
the last described tract., !Mid bf Jacob
Fockler, - Rupert, and others, con
taining in all about 222 acres; be the same
more or less, about s'o acres of which are
cleared, and a dwelling Moose 14 stories
high, thereon erected.
ALSO that certain lot of ground,
iiituate on the corner of Hill anti Bath
streets in the borough of Huntingdon,
numbered 95 in the town plot of said bo
rough, fronting 50 feet on AM street, and
185 feel back along Bath street to Wash
ington street, having thereon erected a
large two story stone dwelling heuie anti
kitchen and a frame warehouse and sta
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
mild as the property of Jacob Miller.
Two certain adjoining lots of ground
situate in the Borough of Hollidaysburg,
numbered 251 and 252 iwthe town plot of
said borough, being each 51) feet in front
on Mulberry street, and extending back
170 feet to Strawberry alley—having
thereon erected a large one story brick
building, known as St. Mary's Catholic
Church of Hollidaysburg.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
' old as the property of the Catholic
Church of Hollidaysburg, in the handi of
the building tommittee.
./L SO,
A lot orp4cce 'of ground situate on the
corner of Walnut street and short alley
in the borough of thaltithysburg, Hunting
%ion county, troe.ling 40 feet 'MI said
Walnut street and extending back at
'right angle's to same along short alley 180
feet—haying thereon erected a double
stone house, two StOrtes • ltigh, - fronting on
Walnut street, and a row of small stone
buildings fronting on said slfdrt *Hey,
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Mahoney.
ALSO, . , ,
That well known Tan Yard prOperiy,
formerly owned by John Market, situate
near the town of Warriorsmark. in War
riorsmark township, Huntingdon county,
containing about tour acres ut good inead•
ow land, with a tan house, a bark mill, a
two story plastered dwelling house, a
cumber of tan vats, and a well of good
water thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
SOW as the property of John Spanoglc, jr.
AU that certain lot of ground, situate
in Huston township, Huntingdon county,
adjoining lands of Samuel Rhudei, Joseph
Roller's heirs, and others, containing
about two acres, and having thereon erect
ed a two story frame dwelling house, and
a frame stable. Being the same real
estate which was decreed to Adam Row.
Drs b, peoceedings it► the Orphans' Cuurt
of said county.
Seized, taken in execution, add to be
sold as the property of Peter Bowers,
dcc'd., in the hands of John Bowers, his
All that certaitt tract of land iitttate on
.the aouthernly aide of the Allegheny Per•
tage Railroad in the toivnahip of" Blair,
containing about 165 acres, be the same
more or less, adjoining lands of John
M'Cahan, Bell & Higgins, William Rol
lidaY's heirs, George Buchanan and oth
ers,liaving a two story log holm, a double
log barn, an apple orchard, and acres
cleared thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
suid ac the property of Solomon M'Cul•
loch, with notice to John Dougherty and
other terrc tenants.
aL SO,
All the right, title and interest of Jo
seph 'rcout in and to all that certain tract
of land now claimed by Thomas Trcut,
situate in Antes township, Huntingdon
county, adjoining lands ot . Ed Ward Bell,
Esq., Gideon D. Trout, and others, con
taining in ail{ abbut 00 acres, he the same
more or fess, abdut 100 . acres. of which are
cleared; having thereon erected ttvo sto
ry log . dwelling house and A hunt: barn.
Seized; taken lh execution, and, to be
sold as the prtipet;ty of. Joseph :front.
withlinticito Thomas Ttotit dnd Gideon
D. Trdut; terre tenants.
All that 'cettaln tract of land situate in
the totiMihip of FrankstoWn; adjoining
lands of,. Robert Elliott, tiieurge Elliott,
Jacob Koorer, containing
about 20 acres, be lite same more or less,
about 80 Bergs of which are cleaxed; flay
ing thereon erected a large two.stor,y i4as
tered dwelling houte and c bank barn.
Ulm canal and Juniata river padses thrdegh
the said land, and it, exceike t nt
well of water and a good apple orchard on
it. •
Seized, taken in eie l cutioit, and t o Le
sold as the property of Christian (lost;
dec'd., now in the hands of George and
Samuel Goat his Executors.
ALSO, . . .
All that tract, piece or parcel of unim
proved and unseated land in the to% nship
of Jackson, (late Ilarree,) surveyed in the
name of Robert Simpson and containing
about 400 acres, be the same inure or less,
adjoining lands surveyed in the name of
George Dill, John George, William Steel,
and William Priestly.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of David Milliken.
All that certein tract, piece or parcel
of land, situate is the township of Hen
derson, Huntingdon county, containing
about two hundred acres, be the same
more or less, about 50 acres of which are
cleared, adjoining lands of James Simp•
win, Robert Simpson, and others. Said
ind is now tenanted by Hiram Grady,
and has a double log barn and a lug dwel
ling house thereon erected.
Seized , , taken In execution, and to be
sold as the property of Foster Simpson,
deed., now in the hands of Robert Simp-
son, his administratOr.
The, etst ern half part, of Lob Rio. in
the borough of hooting SO
feet on the north side of , Walniit street,
and extending hack .180 I'o., bolinded-on
the east by a lot owned by the Public
Scholl! dual tuittee; and on the Vest by the
other half of said lot which ismii'hett by
Henry Learner% t lavitt a small brick
dwelling house, a stable and a slaughter
house ,thereon, . ; .‘ . •
Seized, taken in execution, , and, to be
sold 'as the property of Simon Brotller
ALSO, . . ,!•
All the right, title and interest of John
Farrinsworlh in Wild to a tract of 344
acres and 123 perches and, allowance ol
land, situate in A ,, tes (or Snyder) town
ship, Huntingdon county, adjoining hands
-of Stephen Vunecoyoc, Lyme, Shorb dt Co.
and other land claimed by defendant and
others; having about Ito acres of cleared
land and 2 log dwelling houses thereon.
_ .
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Fartinsworth.
All the right title and interest of the
defendant, David Yingling, in and to a
tract, piece or parcel of la nd in Allegheny
township, containing 50 acres, be the
same more or less, about 30 acres of which
are cleared. Slid land adjoins John Rough,
James R. Johnston and others, and has a
two story log dwelling house and a barn
and small orchard thereon.
Seized., taken itt execution, and to be
sold al the property of David Yingling,
who was sued with tllias Yingling, dec'tl.
All that small piece or naivel of land
situate in the township of Dlair t in Hunt
ingdon county, containing about twelve
acres more or less, cleared and under
fence, lictutideil by town of Newry, end
land nt James Cotirad on the east, and ,in
the south by land of said Conrad, on the
west by Alexander. Knox and on the north
by the Johnstown road.
Also, a small tliec'q or liay.cel or land
separated, from the above by the Johns
town road, adjoining H Harbison on the
west, Robeit M'Namara on the north,
and the town df Newry on the essi; con
taining shout acres More or less, lying
waste or in commons.
Ahd, The followiiig A several a4joining
vacant lota in the town of Newry, being
each 50 feet in front on south side of Alle
gheny street and extending
. back 200 feet
to south alley, the. same being numbered
respectively 33, 34, 35, and 36 in the plot
of said town. . .
Seized, taken eitecution and to be
sold as the property of Peter Cassidy.
Al s'o,
Lot No. 62, in the recorded town plot
of the borough of Williamsburg, being 50
feet in front on north aide of second at.,
and running back 175 reit to an alley,
having thereon erected a two story log
houie and a log stable.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Wray Maize.
All the fiAt, title and interest, of
Charles B. Ct'i . ilaltatt, in and to lot Ne.
19c2, in the borough of Ifutitinstilou. front.
itin , ' so feet on north side of Mifflin street
and running back along Montgomery at.
200 feet to Church street. having thereon
erected a brick building formerly used as
a Presbyterian church.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold us the property of Charles B. Cilia
All that lot of ground situate id Gays
port, lititingdrin 'county, fronting 15,t0 feet
on the South w6t side og . ,Pledftirtl street,
and extending from said
. siteet along
Newry street 151) feet to an al.ey, thence
along said alley 454 feet to Mrs. Limgen
ccker's lot, and thence along said lot 180
feet more or less to Bedford street, having
a two story brick dwelling house and a
frame stable thereon erected. •
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the propeitti• of John Lytle. •,
Sheriff 'EI Office, Huntingdon,
March 18, 1846.
131113RIPPIO 13.A.L18.
MN virtue of sundry writs in my hands,
slail I will sell on the premises, in Cass
vine, Huntingdon county, on Tuesday the
24th• day of March inst. , at one o'clock,
P. M., the following described real estate,
All that certain lot piece or parcel of
ground, sitdate in Cassville, purchased
from Caleb Corbin by Dr. Jacob M. Cover
by Articles of agreeMent, being a triangular
lot, and fronting about 253 feet on main
street, and running batik along Water street
and 'Cross street to a point; having a new
bricit store:room, a liew stone dwelling
housb o.l4l , three small buildings and a log
house, and a stable thereon erected. By
agreement of the defendant and Caleb Cor
bin in writingo this lot will be, sold in three
several perceltito•sdit purchserS; accord
ing to lines Measured offon'the grodnd „Anil
to enable the same to be done it is agreed
in the said writing, which is filed of,ree.prd,
that the Sheriff's Deed. for the same chat'
paSs the interest of C4lo.C.orbin in the sev
eral lots us well as f interest of the defen
. dant,,aud that;,*alcb Corbla's claims for
purchase money stall lie paid out of the
proceed:, of tale. . •• .
A lot of ground in the said town of tags
vine, situate on , the east side • of Water
street, containing three acres more or less,
adjoining a lot of Elias Wilson, •lands, of
Lewis Stever, and a lot 'claimed Ipy
las Miller, having thereon erected one two
story frame dwelling house and two other
small houses.
_ _ . _
Two lots of ground situate in the southern
end of the said town of Cassville, contain
ing about 2 acres of land, adjoining Robert
Speer on the north, Daniel K•irfotan ..on the
south, John S. Garret on the east,. and oth
er land of J. M. Cover on the west.
A small tract, piece or parcel of land ad
jlining or near to the said town of Cassvi Ile,
adjoining lands of Robert Speer, Jamt s En
trekim and a lot of Joshua Greenland, Esq.,
containing 10 or 11 acres or thereabouts,
abuut 5 acres of which is cleared and culti
Seized, taken in execution , and to be sold
as the property of Dr. Jacob M. Cover.
Terms Cash.
Sheriff'sPflice, Hunting- /
don, March 4, 1846. S
To thb heir! and Irgal Representatives of
Nathan Oreen,, late of Warriorsmark
timnship, Huntingdon county, deceased.
BY virtue of a writ of partition or valua
tion issued mit of the Orphan's Court of
said county.; I wi f t I,procecd on.
• riurra:ogi 9t1:• April next,
by Jury of Inquest convents on the premises,
to make partition .or valuation of the real
nstate . of said deceased; situate ill sail tivn
ship. JOHN MOUT AtE,
don,lVlarch 4, 1846.
GREAT sitßa:.atzTs!
Can be had at •the Chair Shop or Thos.
Adams, at his old stand, opposite Geo.
Jackson's Hotel, whei•e he wends keep
ing CHAIRS of different kinde, and
ities, warranted good, and cheaper than
ever has been sold in Huntingdon.
Call and See!
N. B. Wanted to learn the Chair Ma
king business, a boy about 15 or 16 years
ut age, of good mural character, and to
come on or before the 10th day of Apr ii
nest. A.
Huntingdon, March 4, 1.846
Xotice to the heirs of David
Johns, decd.
THE heirs of said dec'd will take iiotiee,
that the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon
county, on the 16th day of January, A. D.
1846, granted a Rule on the heirs andlegal
representatives of the said. David Johns,
late of Shirley township, in said county,
dec b d., to appear at the next Orphans '
Codrt to he held at Huntingdon on the sec
ond Monday of April next, to show cause,
if any. they have, why the real estate of the
said deed. shopld nor be sold.
Feb. 18, 1846.-6 t.
Notice to Creditors.
ALL persons interested are hereby no
tified that the atcount of Geo. Jackson,
Assignee of John McComb, under a vol
untary ass:gninent, has been filed in my
Office, and will be presented to the Cool t
of Common Pleas, of Huntingdon county,
on the second Monday it April heat, for
confirmation, ohen and Where the same
will Be confirmed and allowed, if no suffi•
cient cause be shown to theoitrary.
n i
Huntingdon, March 4 1846.
Pa.—Office at his old residence in Main
street, a few doors West of the Court
House. A. W. IL will attend to any bu
siness entrusted to him in the several
courts of Huntingdon and atljoiningcoun
ties. April3o, 1845.—tf.
. .
yrpUSTIC ES' ,Blanks of all kinds, for sale
•t .h;.
To the Hon. Abraham 8. R ilson, Esq..
President, and his Associates, Judges of
the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
for the county of Huntingdon :
The Petition of Joseph Forest, Respect.
fully sheweth : , • . .
That your Petitioner has lately purcha
sed that commodious house, lately occupied
by Mary Scullin, as a tavern In the,borough
of Petersburg, in. the county of thinting,
clon,;which is well calculated far a Public
House of Entertainment, and from its neigh
borhood and situation, is suitable as well as
necessary for the. accommodation of
I public; and the efifertainiilent of strangers
and travellers. That he to well provided
with stabling for horses, and all convenien
ces necessary for,the entertainment of stran
gers and travellers. He therefore prays
your Honors to grantiliiin a License to keep
an Inn or Public House of Entertainment
there: And your petitlonevivill pray, titc
_ _
March 18, 1846.
VI e„the undersigned, citizens of the bor
ough of Petersburg, being pertonally ac
quainted with Joseph Forest, the above La
med Petitiodet; and•iiko having a knowledge
of the house for ivhich the license is pi ayed,
do hereby certify that such house is neces
sary to accommodate and.entertain stran
gers and travellers, that fit: is a l:erson of
good repute for honesty 01;1 temperance,
and that he is well Provided ivith house room
and conveniences for the lodging and ac
commodation of strange.ra , and travellers
We therefore beg leave to recommend hiut
for a License, agreeably to his Petition.
Benjamin Brubaker Aleianciet'Harnilton
Herman Reel Michael Dwier. •
Barnabas Zeigler, Jr. George W. barkley
Daniel Updike JamesSneath.
Abraham Snyder E. B.Brind:c
David Irwin
John Jenker
3. 13. Updike.
To the lion. A. S. Wilson, President,
and Associate Judges of the Court of
Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the coun
t'.ol. liiinitagdon, at April Session, 1846.
The Petit on of Wesley P. Green, Res
pectfully sheweth: That your petitioner
occupies a commodious House, situate in the
Borough of Birmingham, on the road lead
ing from Waterstreet to Clearfield, which
is well calculated for a public House of en
tertainment. and from its neighborhood and ,
sitdation is suitable as well as necessary for
the accommodation of the Public and the
entertainment of travellers and strangers,
that he is well provided with Stabling for
hoi`aes, and all conveniences necessary for
the entertainment of strangers and t ravel-
He therefore respectful'y prays the
CoBrt to grant him a License to keep an inn
or Public House of entertainment there, and
your petitioner will pray, &c.
March 18, 1841. . •
'Vk e, the undersigfied; 'elti'sens of the Bor
ough of BirminghatNcomity aforesaid, be
ing acquainted ~ vith Wesley P.
Green, the above petitioner , and also hav
ing a nowledge of the house for which the
Licenst, is prayed, do. hereby certify that
such house is becessa?i, to accothmodate
the'public and entertain strangers and trav
ellers—that he is a person of good repute
and that he islvellprovided with house room
and other conveniences for the Lodging and
accommodation of S,trangers and Travel:
lets. We therefore hieg leave to recommend
him for a License agreeable to his petitioth
Philip H. Crick •• D. C. Diekscid
Benjamin Gorsuch; Jr. John B. Forrest
Benjamin Young John McCullough
John Buttonstone Thompson Mettlin
John Cramer Jacob Yeager
Michael a Deitrich John Nivling
A. P. Kinney.
To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quar.
ter Sessions of Huntingdon county.
Tilts, the petition of John Niviing,
Respectfully Represents:—That your peti
tioner still occupies the well known Bir,
minghavn Hotel, situate in Market .streq,
in the Borough ot Birmingham, which is
commodious and welEcalculated for a Pub
lic House of entertainment, and from its
location issti itable as well as necessary for
the accommodation of the public and the
eittehainment ot strangers and travellers:
That he is well provided with stabling and
all conveniences necessary for the ;scam
rr:odation 4 eif strangers and travellers, and
that the said house was for several' years,
occupied and•licensed as such: He there
lure prays the Court to grant bins a license
to keep an Inn or Tavern, and he will pray.
_ _
March 18, 1846. • 7
We, the undersigned, citizens of the Bor
ough of Birmingham, do certify that we are
well acquainted with John . Nivling, the
above petitioner, that he is a man of gond
repute for honesty and temperance—zusi
that he is well provided with hoyac reorn
and conveniences for the accommetkation of
the public and the entertainment of stran
gers and travellek and that such house is
necestaiy in our Borotteh.
S. K Agnew
- . -
Brij. F. Young Thompson Mettlen
Wesley H. Green James Clarke
M. H. Deitrich Janes Thowson
Jacob Yeager
S. S. Dewey
John Calderwood John Bottenstone
Tb the -Honorable, the Judges of the Court of
Quater 5i...1008 of the Peace of the county of
The Petition of Zechariah• Pheasant, Respect.
fully Represents:—That he is provided with house
room, stabfing, and other conveniences and accom
modations necessary for keeping a house of Public
Entertainment, at• his residence in Union township,
in said county. Ho therefore prays your Honors
to grant him license to keep a house of Public En
tertainment at the said place, and as in duty he will
ever pray &c.
March 18, 1846.—pd. • •
We, the undersigned,citisensof Union township,
being personally acquainted with Zecherieh Pheas
ant, the above named, Petitioner end also having ti
Intpwipdge of the house for which the license is
prayed, do hereby certify that the house, to fleece
eery to,acconnotlato tile public and catertain stran
gers,ensl Arrivellers, and that ho is a man of good
repute to: honesty and ternrerance, and ;swell fro
vided with house room and conveniences for the
accommodation. of strangers and travellers. We
therefore beg leave to recommend him for a License,
Agreeably to his petition.... _
David Swopo Simeon Wright G. W. Pheasant
J. D. Barin Wm. Easton Moses Swope
Geo.Stever Benj. Greenland Eli Corbin
J. W. Wright John Steel J. H. Miller
Wm. Smith Jacob Porter P. Curfman
WM. Pheasant Nathan Greenland Jacob Walls;
J. Bumgartuer, Jr. Abrent Wright John bhobn!:.
To the Honorable, thandges Y . the Court
Common Pleas of Huntingdon coun
ty, now composing and holding a Court of
general Quarter Sessions of the Pence in
and ror said county, of April tern, 1846.
The Petition of Samuel Sieffey, of Jack.
son township, in the county of H untingdon,
Respectfully sheweth :
That your petitioner is desirous of keep
ing a Public House or tavern .in the house
he now lives in; being a torninbilious house
situate in said tivirrtship; on the road leading
from Pmegrove to Lewistown, which isrwell
calculated for a public house of entertain
ment, and from its neighborhood aiir,situa
tioh is uitable as well as necessary for - the I
accommodation of the public and the en
tertainment of Strangers and Travellers :
fie therefore prays the Court to grant him a
license to keep a Public House there, and
your petitioner will priv &c.
March 18,1846.
Mr e, the undersigned, citizens of Jackson
township, do certify thAt the above appli
cant, is of good repute for honesty and tem
perance, and is well provided with house
room and conveniences for the lodging of
strangers and travellers. We therefore beg
leave to recotirmend him for a license nice
abteto his petition.
William Mitchell, Jr. George Wilson
Samuel Mitchell Wm. Goodwin
Wm. Hoffman Nicholas Rudy
Wm. E. C, le M. Lightner
Daniel I). King John Rudy
Chhristopher Fox Gco. Rudy
Henry Worlbourn Henry Rudy
Wm. Mears Wm. SasSamari
Wm. I). Rank!n Win. Tully
Christian Hartman Samuel Harr
7'0.,4he Honorable, the Jo4ges of the Court
of Quarter Sisslons lfuntingdOn
The petition of.. Thomas Ni'allace,
respeinfully represents : That he still
occupies that.well known Tavern House,
situated in the ~ b orough of Huntingdon,
county afortsaid, and nbw occupied as
such by the said Thou, Wallace ; that he
is provided with House room, and conve
niences for the accommodation of strab•
gees and travellers, and he therefore prays
your Honors to grant him a license for
that purpose.
Huntingdon, March 11,1846.
We the undersigned, citizens of Hun
tingdon, do hereby certify that Thomas
Wallace, the above applicant, is of good
repute for honesty and tetnperaine, and
that lie is well provided with house roam
and conveniences for the lodging and ac
commodation of strangers and travellers,
and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary
to accommodate the public and entertain
strangers and Travellers.
J. Wilson John N. Prowell
D. Buoy Juhn Allbright
Jan, CressZvell
C. S. Black
Oliver Stevens Jacob Africa
Wm. Stewart J. K. &Milan
Jacob G. Hauck Jus. Clark
Ta The Honorable, the Court of Quarter Session,
of the Peace, of the County of Huntingdon:
The Petition of John Whittaker,
respeetfully slieneth : That your petition
er bcCupies a boinniodious house, situate
on Allegheny, streeti,in, the borough' of
Itingdon, which calculated for
a public houit of entertainment; and
from its location, is suitable as well as
necehsary for the. accommodation of the
public anii.tbe entertainment of strangers
and trayellers—that he has occupied the
said house, as a licensed Inn for the last
twen,ty eight years, and that he is desirous
of coiltinuing the same. fle, therefore,
respectfully prays the court to grant him
a license to keep an Inn or Public House
of entertainment there, and will ever
pray, 4.c. JOHN WHirrAKER.
Huntingdon, March 4, 1846. ,
We the undersigned, citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon aforesaid, being
personally acquainted with John W. hit-.
taker, the above named petttidner, and
also having knowledge of the house Fur,
which the license is prayed, to hereby
certify that such house is necessary r pi
accommodate the public, and entertAin
strangers and travellers—that he is a per
son of good r'pute for liisnesty and tem•
perance, and that he is well proVided with
house room and other conveniences for
the lodging and accommodation of strah 7
0-e rs and travollers • we, therefore, beg
reeve to recommefid ' flir a license, agree
a')le to his petition. ;
Thomas Wallace; Thomas Fisher,
Stewart„ John N. Prowell,
Peter Nolf, Lewis Schnider,
Jacob Akita; Isaac Lininger,
William Rothrock, iueo. jacksoo,
Jon. Cresswell. Samuel Moore.
To the Court of Quarter
.Sessions o/ the
County of untengdon:
of Peter Livingston of
the Borough of Huntingdon, in the coutl•
ty of Huntingpoti, slieweth : That he
keeps a Public. House, called an Inn dr
Tavern, in the said Borough of Ountin4-.
don, and that thg said lO.n or Ttl.vern is
necessary. to accommodatp the public and
to entertain strangers and• travellers.
PETER i i iviNusToN.
Htintinitlon, March 4, 1846.
.L •
We, the undersigned,
,citizein of the
Bordugh Iluni!rigolini,, hereby certify
that the llodse now kept by Pekr Pving.
%ton, as on Inn or Tavern, in the Borougl
of nuntingiltib is necessary to
modiite thp pnblic, end entertain man•
gers and trateilpi•s; and that the said
Peter Livingston is of good repute for
hone •y and temperance,. and is well pie
pared with house room and conveniences
for the accommodation of strangers and
George Gwin; Dennis Buoy;
S. S. Wharton, William A. Sttxtrib,
Owen Boat; • Jarrett Salton,
livid CutestSA . , Saines Clark,
J. William4On, C• A. Newingalnu
Thnioas Viaher, Jacob Stivdpr.
To (he
.llonorable, Me
,:ifidgee of the
Court of Quarter • Sros:on, of t4e Petrel:,
in and for the county of linntingd on l
-The Petition of the undersigned, a
cititen the borough of Ilamtingdon
Respectfully Reprtaents
That he is well proviied with house
room, and other, conveniences fur the I nc.
conunnulation of Strangers and Travn.”,:cs
at his Ulnl stand, in the borough of Hun
: tingdon, %stunt e he ha* for ninny years
past kept house of Public Entortivii•
went. lie thei:efure prs3s you flmors to
giant hino a.consinuatioh of his license to
keep an Inn or Tavern in said liOuse for
tine pteient year. Anil he will ever pray.
Ifuntingdon, 31aKch 11, 1846.
NVe,, the nuntertni,,, ,, pcd,' citizens of Ike
borough 61 IluntingOn, do herehy certify
that we are W,eff aCipainted Uitin Alex
ander Curmon, the aboe petitions r, that
such Inn or Tu'.ern as pray ed . lor by hint
at said place is necessary to azi-oinriwilate
the, public and en.'ertain strangers and
travellers ; that the said pettn.oher is
man of, giu:d repinte fur lione,ty and tetra •
perane, and is well provided with bourn
room and conveniences for ( he aecnnunno
dattoll of strangers et:t! trivel!ets.
Frederick Krell Peter Livingston
John Williamson •Nathanirl
Simui.l Steel John 0. Stewart
E. M. Jones William Cook:la
Win. Steel John B. White .
Adam Mousing tar . Jas. Clark
P.lcaior Cox
. _
to the Honorable, the fudges of the Court
ol Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions of
the Peace; /or the county of Huntingdon.
The Petition of Michael Sister, res
pectfully %hewed': That he occupies that
commodious Howie in the borough of Al
exandria, immediately at the locks on the
Pa. Canal, and is well known As, and
calculated for, a Public Ifouve of enter.
tainment-7and that the said House is suit
able is well as necessary to accommodate
and entertain strangers and, travellers--
that he is provided with stabling, and all
other conveniences necessary Jar a Pub
lic Huuse—that he has occupied the same
as a licensed Lin for the last eight years.
He therefore respectfu!ly prays the Court
to grant him a license to keep a Publi:i
Inn or 'Tavern in said house, and he wilt
pray &c. • MICHAEL SISLER.
/arch 4, 1846.—pd.
7fVe the undersii7ed, citizens of the
said borough, being personally acquainted
with Michael Sister, the above named ap:
plicant, and also having a knowledge of .
the house for which the license is prayed,
do hereby certify that sufit Inn or Tav necessary to accomtnuilate the-pub
lic and entertain strangers and tratellers,
and that the said Michael Sister 'day*
of good repute foy honesty and temper
ance—and that he is well provided with
house room; _stabling. sod ,conveniences
for lotlgipg and-AcConttnotlation of stran
gers and travellers. . fte therefore beg
leave to, recommgn't„ him for a license
agreeably to,his petition.
Samuel Spyker, Qarens Patterson,
John N. Swoope, H. Fockler, .
Peter s hnitz, Francis Conner,
JuhnHebert tkarti4tin
John tiper,Jr. Daniel Pipei•
Samuel Isenberg Benj. Kaugh;.
Caleb Yocum, W. A. Uiven;..
Jacub Baker, Stephen 'finger,
James Yocum,' J. 11. Kennedy,
N. Creaswell.
ATAtor's Notice,
The undersigned, Auditor appointed:
by the Orphans' Court nt Humtingdon co.;
to examine mid if rieces,sary to restatw:
and settle the account al lohn Borst, Ad-.
ministrator, de boots non of Samuel Mc-.
Clelland, late of West township, in the
said county, dec'd, and to distribute the .
balance remaining in the. hands of the,
Adro'r, to and amongst,, the respective
claimants—will attend fior that purpose,
at the Register's Office in 'Huntingdon;
on Tuesday the Slut dts o.f March next,
When and where ill Peigons intirested
may attend it• they thinft prop-r.
• JACOB MILLER, Auditor.
March, 4 4t.
,• • P
AudilpOs Nolibt
The undersigned,
..,kuilttor, appointed
by the Court of Corhinon Pleas, to inaka
ilistlibution of the intineys retnathing in
the hands of the Sheriff; uttappropriated,
arising.froin the sale of the personal prop-,
erty of §. 4' J. FickeS, amongst those
_ .
. • Saturdoi; the 21st cloy of March next.
at 1 o'clock. P. M., at his office in Hun •
ting,ilon, for ,Ilearin.g . of claimants and
making such,diiitributiun.
. JACOB MILLER, Auditor.
°Rite or Register & Recorder
duntiogdon, Feb. 25, 1646
Oa han , s Court Sale.
BY Nit Cue of on order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county; will be expo
sed to public sale at the house of James.
MeMurtric, in West township
On Friday the 20111 day of March next,.
the following desmibid Real Estate, late
the estate of William Hutchison, late of
Barter towhship deed, to wit :
A tract of land situate m , Barter
ship aforesall„containing about one hit•
dyed and tWenty acres, be
_the same more
or less, adjoining lands of William Oalts,
Di% M. Massey, A. Hell, and others, with
two log houses, a log barn and other build
ingo-thereon erected, about forty acres of
which. arc cleared—subject to Mary Hut ,
chisnies dower.
TERMS : One half of the purchase mo
ney to he paid on confirmation of the sale,
the hatance itionc year thereafter, to be ac,
cured by the bond and mortgage of the
purchaser. Be the Conti,
•• .•
__ . .1...W011 MILLER, (t' k.