Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 18, 1846, Image 2

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    J H__E . A 0 U LA A l i
Wednesday, March 18, 1816.
Democratic Whig Candidate Tor
Canal Commissioner
rryli D 1 It SMITH, of Cain brie county, bar been
appointed Deputy Surveyor for Ble:r county.
T. - 1 - Capt. Jona Ehrenwtr, of liarree townahin
h« been appointed Areociate Judge of this county,
in the plate of lion. Joseph Adams.
State Legislature.
In consequence of the high water, we are again
without a Harrisburg letter. We learn from the
papers of last Thursday. that the Central Railroad
bill was taken up on Wednesday, and passed
through Committee of the V 1 hole, with amend
vents. It was then ordered to be re-printed, and,
together with the Right of Way, postponed until
Monday last.
rjThe Globe, we see by the last number, has
parsed into the hands of Wm. Lowry, EN, Mr.
Lewis is a practical printer, arid an old acquain
tance of ours, who, we believe, will make that raper
on interesting and dignified locofocosheet. We com
mend htm to the support of his party in this coun
ty, and wish him an abundance of pecuniary suc-
ryTle Governor he. appoin'ed Daniel Christy,
of Juniata, Robert Orr, of Armstrong, and Henry
WBride, of Westmoreland, Cotnmissionere to fix
the mite for the public buildings for Blair county.
Theae gentlemen are all considered favorable to
making Hollidaysburg the shire-town. Of course
that matter was arranged.
Township Elections.
We would again impress on our friends the ne
ceseity of attending to the election of township of
deers on Friday. We hope the ‘Vhigs will not
neglect to go to the polls. We would bo thankful
to our friends in the different townships if they
would forward us the returns of their several elec
tion.. A friend hes furbished us with a few ex
cellent suggestions in regard to the election of Ae ,
einwors, which may be found in another column.
Whig Candidate for Canal Commis-
A brief account of the proceedings of the Whig
State Convention will be found in our columns
slay. Nearly all the counties in the State were
represented, and the delegation, says the Intelligen
rer, embraced en amount of substantial worth and
intelligence never surpassed by any previous State
Convention in Pennsylvania. The beat spirit pre
vailed, and the strongest indications given that the
Whig party throughout the State intend making
another vigorous and determined rally in October.
The nomination of JAMES M. POWER is
'Token of in the very highest term.. He is a gen
tleman of distinguished abilities, being we under
stand 4 practical Engineer, and one that has had
groat experience upon our public works. We
therefore bespeak for Mr. Power the hearty and
united support of all who desire reform and re
trenchment in the Canal Board.
In speaking of the close of the Convention, the
Intelligencer remarks:—"Able and eloquent speeches
were made by Mr. Brady, Cowan, Conrad, McMi
chael and Chandler, and new vigor was instilled
into the hearts of the delegates. The speeches
were frequently intern opted by burst. of enthusias
tic applause. and the entire proceedings of the
evening afforded the most lively setisfaction.
Stronger determinations to activity and exertion
we have never witneseed in any convention ever
held in this borough, and those determinations we
treat, and have good reason to believe, will be
maintained, until victory is found perched upon
the IV h.g banner."
The l'reshet.
On Thoredey night last, a inoJerate warm rein
commenced falling, which continued during the
forenoon of Friday. In the afternoon, however,
the clouds thickened and the rain commenced de.
sending in torrents, accompanied with thunder
and lightning, which continued until about six
o'clock in the evening. At this time the Juniata
was rising very fast, all the little tributaries being
■ttelien beyond their channels. After dark it
again commenced reining, and continued until
about 10 o'clock, so that by morning the river was
higher than it has been known to be since the great
freshet of 1838. The damage to the Canal is not
yet correctly ascertained, but it is feared that it is
About 4 miles below this place there is a portion
of the canal bank swept away, end still further
down a few miles, we learn, there is about 20 feet
of the bank gone.
In the narrows, below Lewistown, we are in
formed, there is a serious break in the Canal; our
informant was not aware of the extent, the Canal
banks being entirely under water when he left.
It is said that three of the turnpike bridges be
tween Lewistown and Duncan's Island have been
swept away.
In consequence of this freshet, we have had no
mails from the East since last Friday evening.
I'. F.—After a portion of our edition was worked'
off, we learn that the two bridges at Harrisburg
across the Susquehanna have been carried away.
One wu the Railroad bridge, which it will be re
collected, wu burned down about 18 months ago;
only a portion of it was re-built.
Two spear of the bridge at Duncan's lal-na have
been carried away and also the bridge ecroee the
linet', at its mouth.
We regret to learn, too, that Fisher & Morgan,
if Duncanan Iron Work., have sustained damage
o the mount of $BO,OOO by the flood.
The Susquehanna is said to be several feat higher
ban it ass ever known to be at at any previous
ore. The dtmlg° to the renal is thought to bb
try ic•ar .
Yor the" Journal." 1 date he had the honor to nominate, Samuel D.
Assessors. , Kim, he was authorized by that getirleman to.'
.Is. Cr. tux :—Permit me to cell the attention of ' state, that his affection fur Whig Principle. was
the Voters nnd taxpayers of the Townships to the far superior to all personal considerations, and that
importance of selecting nimble persons to till the
office of Atutuots. I consider this the most impor- I ,
ne - I
pledged himself most heartly to the ardent sup
tent o ffi ce to be selected by the Townships. From i port of the nominee of the ‘Vhig party.
t:..e valuation of our property by this officer ell our i This announcement was received with unbound
taxes are rated, and as three are becoming burden- ', ,
Jed applause.
some, it is a matter of great consequence they ,Mr. Brady, from t i te comm i ttee appo i nte d f o r
should ho just and equal. The correct valuation of ! '
all kinds of property is at a ll t i me . difficult, an d 1 that purpose, then reported a preamble and series
about which men often differ very widely. Hence iof spirited resolution., from aulong Which we ex
men of the greatest experience, of the most mature ' tract the following:
judgment and correct opinions should be selected to '
fill the o ffi ce of Assessor. Too little attention her . i Resolved, That In again unfurling the Whig
, been paid to this subject. and persons sometimes banner, we inscribe upon its folds, the same mot
. are elected to value the property in a Township neath it to victory and triumph in the glorious days
I toes which emblezencd it when we marched be
l who are puzzled to put a correct estimate on the
of 1840, and when we rallied around it in the no
property in their own barn yard. In one of the less memorable struggle of 1844. Though pierced
Towns...ips of our county, the citizens living adja- 1 and torn in many a stubborn conflict, that Vold
cent to the line of the adjoining county, are about,
it is said, to petition the Legislature to be attached flag" has never been lowered or surrendered, anti
: shall wave over our heads to the latest moment of
I to that edit ining county, on account of the alleged : our pol i t i ca l ex i stence .
inequality and injustice of the assessment made of 1
their property in this county. Resolved, That the Whigs of Penniylvania sol
i .
emnly reiterate the expression of their unwavering
' A word to the wise in sufficient. _
devotion to the Tariffof 18421—a Whig measure
I ZiStipitniClai. , —the result of %A' hig policy—passed by a V% hig
a ,„ i Congress—and which Ira s covered the country
The H arr i s b urg
Angus cif
nth toot "---- ' withblessings and benefits; and we most earnestly
1 1 "About half past '2 o clock yesterday afternoon, the' invite and adjure every true hearted Pennsylva
svam boiler in the basement of the "Democratic : nian, of whatever party name, to unite with as in
Union" office burst, and carried away almost every- , endeavoring to rescue it from the disestrous over
thing around it. The floors of the first, second ; throw with which it is now menaced by the Na
' timid admini
and third . torte . were shittered by the head of the Be,o . re ~ stration.
1 o Phat we accept the issue made by our
boiler which was upright, and the no rth end of the , opponent., of hopeless, indefinite,remedy less TAX
, building bulged out perhaps a bet from the usual i ATION, with a still further incre i niToft N he b . u i r i t h lieti, ,
, position. A very considerable amount of paper on tlTiactTerttirlaurct,,konr
and eventual
remo ' val of the
was spoiled or injured, end much of the type in the
r blther: entirely; and espousing the last, wilt fear
, office was knocked into pi. All the window. in
1 tee
and con fi dently await the decision of the pea •
the basement and the windows and doom in the : pi e .
publication office were completely driven out. The ' Resolved, That inasmuch as the debt contracted
damn° to the building, stationary, materials, furni- I In the constuciion of our Public Improvement.
tare, Oz.
, may amount to near $2,000. Singular ,
rests alike upon all our citizens, and that all are
iequally taxed to defray the interest and charges of
enough, of the thirty to forty people in the building I management, it is •eminently just that the Whig
but too or three were at all injured, and they but , party should have a voice in regulating and con
slightly. Mr. Lenore was standing at the door of tr°l I klt
, y h
e e a n t b
di t t or is n
es to o on y t e h n e t il ,
, profoundly
the publication office end was cent into tRe
he street i
impressed with a sense ofthe importance and truth
with a war of pannela and glass, yet fortunately, , of the doctrines hereiribefore set forth end express
hurt but little. 'Therein an sldd Fellows Hall in ; ed , present to the People of Prnnsylvenia, of all
the fifth story , end the Wier would have gone ! parties, who are persisted !
the name of JAM ES M. POWL with. lZ, as a candidate
a like conviction,
there, probably, but it was "without the password." ,
1 to fill the office of Canal Commissioner, at the en
suing General Election, as a gentletuan every way
qualified to carry them out into auccesefni action,
well deserving all their confidence, and eminently
fitted to fill the station usefully and honorably; and
who, if elected, will do all in his power to redeem
the pledges and fulfil the peotnins made in his be
Family Poisoned
We learn, says the Register, that Mr. Wm.
Templeton and family, numbering some six or
eight souls, residing in Petersburg, Huntingdon
county, have recently been very seriously poisoned
in eating apple-butter kept in earthen-ware crocks.
One of the family, a young man of 25 or 26 years
of age, has died; the others we believe are likely to
recover, through the use of proper remedies. The
cause of their ailing wag not discovered until after
the death of the young man, and then only through
the intervention of an intelligent neighboi.
M.. PL1A51.31.-The following paragraph,
from the Richmond Compiler, shows that Mr.
Pleasants had some intention of not killing Mr.
Ritchie, and this accounts for his opponent's escape
from tho shots he tired at him. The Compiler
seys:—"ln his dying moments he stated, what Ito
one had before suspected, that he had drawn the
bell front ono of his pistols after his friend had left
him, the night previous to the combat, in order to
diminish the danger of his adversary, whilst thee°
to which he himself was to be exposed, he must have
felt, made it almost impossible to escape."
Whig State Convention.
This body met on the llth inbt., and organized
by the appointment of GEO. DARSIE, of Alle
gheny, as President, assisted by a number of Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. After the usual pre
liminary business had been gone through with, the
Convention proceeded to ballot for a candidate for
Canal Commissioner, with the following reatill:
Samuel D. Karns had 33 cote'
James M. Power, 91
Joseph Konigmacher 13
William Tweed 4
Ner Middleswarth 3
Chester Butler 6
Jonathan Knight 1
Joseph W. Patton 2
E. M. l'iddlo
George Croft I
John Linton 1
:Neither of the candidates having the majority,
there wee no election.
A number of the candidate. were then with
drawn, and the Convention proceeded to a
Samuel D. Karns had 45 vote.
James M. Power 49
Joseph Konigmacher 6
Again no election; when Mr. Konigmacher was
withdrawn, and the Convention proceeded to a
Samuel D. Karns had 44 votes
James M. Power 58
James M. Power having • majority of all the
vote. polled, was declared duly nominated as the
Whig candidate for Canal Commissioner.
Mr. Kunkel submitted a resolution approving
the nomination, and pledging it the support of the
Convention; which was adopted.
A resolution was then adopted requesting the
Chair to appoint a State Central Committee; two
Committees were also appointed, one to report a
preamble and resolution., and the other to inform
Mr. Power of hie nomination, when the Conven
tion adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Revert o'clock, P. M.
The Convention met agreeably to adjournment,
The Chairman announced the following
John P. Sanderson, of Lebanon.
Samuel D. Karns, of Dauphin.
Joe. lfonigmacher, of Lancaster.
Jame,Ntartin, of Dauphin.
James Fox, of do
Morton M'Michael of Philadelphia:
George Erety of do
'l'heo. D. Cochran, of Lancaster.
H. Jones 'Brooke, of Delaware.
John R. Ellie, of &marmot.
Wm. Butler, of Mifflin.
Jno. B. Johnson, of Erie.
Jno. J. Slocum, of Luzern.
Edger Cowan, of WesUnoreland.
W. J. Howard, of Allegheny.
Mr. Mageehan rose and addressed tho Conven
tion in a few rosnarks, in the course of which he
fisted that wit, tthetanding the defeat et the candi
After the reading of the resolutions, Mr. Smy
ear, of Adams, submitted to the Convention the
following letter, which was read and greeted with
rounds of applauso:
ILtantanune, March 11th, 1846.
To the President bf the Democratic Whig Con
vention now in session:
Si nr—l desire through you to return my most
grateful thanks to the members of the Convention
who supported me as a candidate for the oflice of
Canal Commissioner. Although not favored by
a majority of the votes of the body over which you
preside, I beg leave to say that my zeal in the cAuse
is not Impaired, nor my desire for the successiTthe
nominee, the less. In voting for Whig candidrites,
we substantially vote for Whig principles; the two
ere inseparable, and as I ant determined to support
Mr. Power with all honorable energy, I have only
to entreat of my friends to "go and do likewise."
I am, respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
A letter of like import was also presented and
read from Mr. Konigmachet, in which he pledged
himself, and his friends of the "Old Guard," to the
support of Mt. Power.
The conoideration of the resolutions were then
1 1 resumed, and a number of able and animating
speeches made; after which the preamble and reso
lutions were unanimously adopted, and •the Con
vention adjourned, with three cheers for Jae. M.
Power, the Whig candidate for Canal dOthtnis
goner, and three chews for Karns.
Important Decision.
The following report of a case tried at the late
Bessie. of Montgomery county, we clip from the
Olive Branch. We understand that the decision
wee in accordance with the law forbidding all shoot
ing or hustling matches, or any thing of that char
acter, as well at private as public houses. We
copy it fur the information of any who may be ig
norant of the existence of the law. •
' , Commonwealth vs. John Godahalk. The de
fendant was indicted for keeping a gaming house.
It appeared that upon two or three occasions a
company of his friends had been invited to his (a
private) house, to a hustling match fee five and ten
cents each. Defendant plead guilty, but in exten
uation, said ho was not aware of its illegality, it
being quite a common amusement among the Ger
mane, of whom be was one.
The court fine him $3O, and sentenced him to
10 days imprisonment.
The lVashington correspondent of the N. Y.Tel
'graph says
“The really important and decisive intelligence
regarding the state of the Oregon matter, will not
leave England until the 4th of April. The steam
er of that date will bring the despatches that are to
terminate the controversy for weal or for woe—we
shall read the last chapter. The overture or propo
sition which was transmitted to Mr. McLane on the
lot rust., from the administration hero, will have
been laid before the Ministry, and their final purpose
will have been taken, in time to communicate the
result as I have stated."
BUFFALO Girt EtacTios.--A I the recent char
ter election in the City of Buffalo, the Whigs
made a clean sweep, electing their Mayor, S. G.
Haven, Esq., &lan Barnard, Esq., Justice of the
Peace, and seven out of ten Aldermen, and ■ pro
portional number of ward officers, by majorities
averaging about two hundred. This is doing very
well in a city that east a majority of about 400 for
Polk, and who one year since elected the entire
tocofoco ticket. It is said the locofecog in that city
have been troubled with the dry-rel ; if so, we can
addjudging by the way that Irate have changed
owners, that some who eottened to their interests
here are also' touched with that taint.—Errs Gaz.
a - y The Rhode Telend Rimini election is to lake
pla,e no N‘ ednesdalc, the lit of April.
:3723E ;
At his residence to this borough, on Sebbrith
morning, the lath inxt., ISAAC Dattl.AND, Esq.,
in the 65th year of his age.
In the death of this truly excellent men, a wife
has been bereaved of one of the most affectionate
husbands, eight children have lost one of the best
of parents, and society one of its most estimable
members. Mr. Dorland lived in this borough the
greater pert of the time from 1791, and by the cor•
redness of his conduct always had the confidence
of those who kneW his many virtues. He war
Postmaster in this town for about sixteen years,
end the citizens of this borough, and throughout
the county gave thq best evidelice of the esteem in
which they held him, by giving him important
busineie to ttibsect.
The deceased although 'tory Moral and exemplary
did not make h pbblic professiin cf religion moil
January 1843, at which time he i united .with the
Prbsbytdriah Chtirch in this borougt. he was an
ornariient to hie profession, and showed to all about
him the excellencies of the religion he professed.—
He was always happy to go to the Temple of
Heavenly Father, and fervently unite wills hie chil
dren in the Performance of all those duties which
Ho requires of hii woraltippers, .aa his disposition
little inclined him to ecstasy and rapture, so his
piety shone with a mild and steady lustre, perfectly
free from the false fire of enthusiasm, and equally
from a luke-warm formality. There Were few men
in whom it appeared more natufal, or mole man
ifestly as a principle with the inmost texture of hie
Mr. Dorland retained the full use of his reason
until he expired. For the last three days of his
illness, it was evident to all that he could not live
long. He stated to his much beloved Pester, and
some other friend. who concerned with him about
religion, that he had the moat unbounded confidence
in God, and that he was willing to die, if God
should be pleased to remove him out of this world.
‘Vithout a struggle or a groan he gently breathed
hie bet, and there is no doubt with those who
know him well, that his happy spirit °was carried
by heavenly messengers to the paradise of God."
'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
henceforth: sea, saith the Spirit, that they may
rest from their labours; and their works do follow
On the 27th ult., near Sipesville, Cromwell
township, this county, RACHEL, youngest daugh
ter of Benjamin and Sarah Cornelius, aged one
year two months and eight days.'
Yen, thou hest parted Rachel, thou art gone,
Gone in thy innocence, meek suffering one;
Thy weary spirit breathed itself to sleep
So peacefully, it seemed a sin to Weep.
On Tuesday morning the 17th init., ALICE C.
youngest daughterof Dennis and Mary Buoy, aged
seven months.
Public Discussion.
A discussion wilt take place in the Old Court
House on Friday, the 27th March inst., at half past
six o'clock, on the klowing question:—“Has the
present age a good social, niorid and inteficchial
Deny —A. K. CORNYN.
308 N SCOTT, 331;
Will attend with promptness and fidelity to all
business with which he may be entrusted in Hun
tingdon or the adjoining counties.
His office is the one formerly occupied by James
Steel, Esq., nearly opposite Jackson's Hotel.
Huntingdon, March 18, 1846.
ALL those having unsettled accounts
in "Iluntingdon Mill," will please
call and settle them beim e the first of
pri alio no longer time can be given.
M. CllO%l , NOVER.
March 18, 1846.
OTICE is hereby given to all persons
concerned, that the following named
persons have settled their accounts in the
Register's Office at Huntingdon, and that
the said accounts will be presented for coa
firmAtion and allowance at an Orphans'
Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for
the county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday
the 15th day of April next, viz
1. Esther Beyer, William Beyer, and
John Beyer, Administrators of John Beyer,
late of Porter township, dec'd.
2. Robert McNeal and James McNeal,
Adnersof James M'Neal, late cf Tell town
ship, dec'd.
3. David H. Moore, Adm'r of William
McKellip, late of Frankstown township,
4. Jacob H. Stiflier, and Isaac Yinglin,
Admr's of Peter Keath, late of Allegheny
toventhip, deed.
5. Caleb Swoope, Adm'r of Lawrence
Swoope, late of Cass township, deed.
6. David Beyer, Adm'r of Samuel Utley,
late of Snyder township,
7. Andrew Wise, Adrifr of tatharine
Loudersl.l6le, late of Henderson township,
8. Andrew Stewart, acting Adm'r of Dan
iel Stouffer, late of West township, dec'd.
9. Peter Hoffman, Adm'r of Peter HAff
man, late of Walker township, deed . ._,
10. Thomas M. Owens, Adm'r et Tim
othy Dill, late of township, dec'd.
11. Daniel McConnell, Adm'r of John
Scullin, late of West township, deed.
12. Hiram Williamson and Samuel Mil
ler, Admr's of Elizabeth Grafius, late of
West township, dec'd,
13. Thomas Weston, Adm'r of Nathan
Green, late of Warriorsmatk township,
dec'd. _ _ .
14. Peter M. Bare and David But ket,
Aclnn's of Benj min Bare, late of Cromwell
township, dec'd.
15. William Templeton, Adm'r of Mary
'Templeton, late of Tyrone township, deed,
16. Rebecca Heffner, Administratrik of
Adam Heffner, tate of Walker township,
decd. _ _
17. Peter C. Swoope, and John S. Patton
Admr's of John Swoope, late of Walker
township, dec'd.
18. James Carmont, acting Executor of
John Carmont, late of Barree township,
_ .
19. Daniel McConnell, acting Executor
of Henry McConnell, late of Bair township,
tlec'd, and John McHwaine, Eitecutor of last
Will and Testament of said dec'd.
20. Jacob Long, acting Executor rf Peter
Long, late of Allegheny township, dec'd.
21. Daniel Africa, Guardian of the minor
Children of John Wi ight, late of Hender
son township, dec'd.
Register's Office,
Huntingdon, March 13, 1846.
Orphans' Court Sale
BY virtue of au order of the ()when.. Court of
Huntingdon county, will be exposed to public ale
on the inanition tract, un
Friday the 10th of April next,
the following described Real Estate, late the estate
of George Buchanan, Esq., late of Hopewell town
ship, dec'd, to wit
A tract of land situate in Hopewell township
aforesaid, containing about
Three 11undred Acres,
be the same more or leu, adjoining lands of James
Entrekin on the N. E., Mary Raymond on the S. W.
the Raystown branch of the Juniata Ott the S. E.,
being the mansion tract of the said George Buchan
an, deed, on which is erected' a good two story log
house and a bank barn with an Orchard of fine
bearing fruit tyre., and about ,200 acres cleared
thereon, jp k good state of cUllivatinh, besides a
house and barn on one end of the same, a tenant
i house and a stone blacksmith shop.. Also—One
other tract adjoining the aboie, containing 200
I acres, be the same more or less, lying on the Alli
grippus ridge, in said towtishiP.
I ALSO, A.tract of unseated land in Tod town
ahips adjoining lands of John Jtivage and others,
containing 363 acres, be the same more or less.
Terms pf Salp—One half of the purchase mon
ey to lie paid on confirmation of the sale, and the
I residue in one year thereafter with interest, to be
i secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purcha
um. By the CoUrt,
I ACC% MILLE'R, Clerk.
CAMPBELL, Trustee.
March 18, 1846.
1 N. B. The above sole woo postponed on account
of the high mater, on the day first mentioned.
(nome taste and try,
skrl am sure you will buy,
some very superior molasses; at the cheap
Huntingdon, March 11, 1896.
ERSONS wishing to purchase any kind
t$ of WOOLLEN GOODS, will find that
they can be had at very reduced prices, at
almost cost, at the Cheap Cash Store of
Huntingdon, March 11, 1846.
The subscriber offers at private sale, a
tract of land, situate in the upper end of
Mifflin county, containing about 75 acres,
on which there is a VERY EXTENSIVE
bank of
of excellent quality. The bank is about one
mile from the Pennsvlmnitt Canal. Sev
eral hundred tons of the Ore have been
Fir particulars refer to
McVeytown, March 11, 1846.
initsitingdon Academy.
The winter session of the Huntingdon
Academy will close on Friday the 20th inst.,
at which time there will be an e;:ammation
on the various subjects that have been stu
died during the session. The following are
the principal subjects on which the students
will be examined t Enlish Grammar, Ge
ography, Arithmetic, Algebra, Philosophy,
Cheinistry, .Creek, (Homer,) and Latin
The TrusteeS, Patehts, and public are
invited to attend. The exercises will cont
inence at 9 o'clock in the morning.
The Suminer session will commence atter
a vacation of two we. ks. on the oth of April.
Persons wishing to send their iionS to the
Academy should imke application as soon
as posSil4le. Parents may be assured that
every attention will be given to their chil
dren, both in regard to their improvement,
and morals.
Huntingdon, March 11,1846.
To the creditors of Kemp& Cunning
ham, and (I Joseph kimp and Jeremiah
Cunningham, and all persons interested.
The undersigned, appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas, of Huntingdon county,
to marshal and apportion the assets in the
hands of James Gardner, assignee &c. will
attend at the Ptiblic House of John Dough
erty, (the United States Hotel) in the bor
ough of Hollidaysburg, on Thursday the
2nd day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A, M.,
when and where all interested arc notified
to attend.
Huntingdon, March 11, 1846.
auditor's Aolice.
The creditors and all interested in the as
sets in the hands of Randall Alexander and
Nathan Rickets of Shirley township, in the
county of Huntingdon, are hereby notified
that the undersigned, appointed by the Court
of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county,
to audit and apportion the ttssetts in the
hands of said assignees—will attend at the
Public House of Thomas Wallace, in the
Borough of Huntingdon, on Friday the
third day of April next, for the purpose of
auditing, &c., when and where all persons
interested are notified to attend.
Huntingdon, March 11. 1846.
audaor's Abtice.
All persons interested will take notice
that the undersigned, Auditor appointed to
make distiibUtion of the proceeds of a
Sheriff's sale of Thomas McNamara's in-
terest in the Portage Iron Walks, among
his creditors, will attend for that purpose at
the Prothonotary's ffite, in Huntingdon,
op Friday the 3d day of April next, at 10
o'clock A. M., when and where all persons
arc required to present their claims, or be
debarred from coming in upon said fund.
Huntingdon, March 1846.
auditor's A Mice.
ALL persons interested, are notified that
the undersigned, appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, as Auditor to
marshal the assets and apportion amongst
the creditors Etc., the remaining assets in
the hands of Albert J. Gather, Administra
tor of James Archurs late of the borough of
Hollidaysburg, deed, will attend to Audit
and apportion 6cc. , at the American House
in Hollidaysburg, on Thursday the 2d day
of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M. when and
where all interested may attend.
J %imp D. REA, Auditor.
Huntingdon, Maroh 11, 1846.
T. 311. 03131111EIRD
Of alerehuthlize, &e., ret,
of the efteral Tbsenehl,
aunty of Hontingelo,
froirid by 04.. Corratahlre
ipe and &row& e•la Me
at, Cl January Swims.
1846, ;is . :
Al egUrsy tovmeAip.
Tod totsns4
Reuben Troller • 1$
A moa Clark 14
, Minor/mark faranaktit
'Benj. F. Patton It
lAbednago Stephan/ 14
Walker township.
'Jame/ Camp6/11 • 111
!Simon Ake 14
Samuel Confer .' 14
Joseph Patton 14,
William IValker 14'
Bell & Higgins 13
Elias Baker 19
Michael Thompson 14'
Ante. township. 1
John Dougherty 14
Martin Be .! 13'
Benjamin F. Bell 19
John Bell 13 1
Cretan] McCement 13,
Barree tosansAip.
James Maguire 191
John R. Bunter 19
Benjamin Hinman 19
Rood & Cottle 19
West tatemship.
John Watt 14
M ilea Lewis . 1111 .
Woodberry imemship.
,Adolphus Patterson • 13
IMatthew Orlody • 14
Philip Meta • 14
iJos II Hewitt & Co. • 12
;George W. Daniels • 14
'Smith & Wampler 13
James M. Johnston 14
Daniel H. Royer & Co 13
Royer & Schmucks, 18
11Sarnuel Royer & Co. 18
'Birmingham BormigA.
!James Clark 18
IJamcs 18
I G aisport Bata.
(Lloyd & Graft 12
ilarnee Flowers 16
Robert Lytle Sr. 14
Hollidaysburg Bunt,
Iluseph Dysart • 13
l'A M'Corraick dc Bro. 18
Thomas H. Hours 12
Michael R. Bo:Waugh 18'
;Learner & Rhodes • 18
'Robert Williams 18
liGeo: Bingham &
Blair township.
W. Anderson & Co • 14
Daniel McConnell • 141
Alex. Knox ec. Son 13'
Peter O'Hegan • 14
Cass township.
Robert 6 . Peir 14'
Jrrrfee Hthderecin a 14'
A J Wigton & relll's 14
Samuel leen 14
Thoninn Orbiion 13
_ Dublintownship.
A (.3 Blair & Co: 13,
..flanklin township.
Shoib, Stewart & Co. 12
John S. leen 141
James Williams 191
C. Wigton At. Sons 131
George bhoenbergcr 121
Martin Gates • • f 4,
Frankstown township.
McNeal, Lytle & Co 14
James Condron 13'
Michael Wolf I'2
Wm West (Grocer)' 14
J Hyston • (Grocer) 14.
Ilitston totonship:
Peter Brideriberget
James Entrekiii • It
John B Given • f3l
(Dry Cloode) — • 19
James Gardner & Ca 18
David Goodfellow 18
Gilbert I. Lloyd la
'William Hall 24
Peter McNally 14
Joa,Deiser (Grocer) • 14
George Bingham & co
(Groceries) 18
Lloyd & Graf t ,. • '
Wholesale.dc ffAstill 13
W Patfeeson •
(Clrocer) 13
W John Hays do ISk
Jhf Lindsey do 14
Samuel eon
ammer do
rley do
Confare do 1 . 4
J ~Ste chminviM o rbady n r'lGS. : HGT: , :i 1 r: o ).) yder do 1;111114414!
Marks Goodman 14
William Couch 14
James Saxton 12
C& H Newingham 14
George A Steel 18
Thos Heed & Son 18
William Dorris 18
Swoope & Africa 10
B E & W McMurtrie 19
William Stewart • 13
A fa Harrison 14
John N Prowcll 18
Rothrock & Jones 1$
Fisher 4. McMurtrie 1U
Geo Hartley
Petersburg Boro.
A & N Cresswell 18
Jos M Stevens 18
Bhirleyaburg Bora.
!David Praker 14
John Luta • 14
Henry Previews Is
Allen 0 lirriertt 13
• These Marked time (•) sell liquors.
Henderson totOnsilip:
Milliken & Kessler 13
Mejahen & Irvin 13
Jackson township.
John WMy ton • 131
J A Bell & Brother • 131
Rawle & Hall 13 1
Joseph Ennis 14 1
Marc,, township. 1
George H Steiner 13
Hugh McNeal 19 1
James M. Kinkead 13j
Alfred H. Spang 13
Porter township.
Sae! Hatfield & Son 13
Green & Co. 13
Moore & Swoope 13
Bucher & Porter 13
Gerarnill & Porter 13
Michael Siegler 141
Snyder township.
Lyon, Shorb & Co.
Bald Eagle Fur. 13
Same Tyrone Forge. 12
John Kratzer 131
&Oleg township.
Sarni H. Bell 13
Springfield township.
Madden & Blair 14,
Wni Madden 14
Tyrone It p.
Titssey & Patton 131
John Maguire 13
Joseph Morrow 11,
WO TICE is hereby given that the As
sociate Judges and Cortmissioners
meet at the Cominissionets' Office in the
borough of Huntingdon, on the second MoW•
day and 13th day of April next, for the pur
pose of heating any of the merchants erd
braced in the above list, their agents or at
torneys (if they think woper to attend,) as
to the amount of their sales during the pre
vious year.
Those of the 12th class are estimated to
sell to the amount of $lO,OOO and less than
$15,000, and pay 12 50 license. 'Those hf
the !nth class, to the amount of $3OOO Lind
less than 10,000, and pay flO PO license.—
Those of the 14th class, to do amount less
than $5,000, and p;sy 7 U 4 license. When
liquors are sold, filtyper cent in adiition to
tlic rates aboVe specified to be charged.
Licenses are to be taken out for one year
from the Ist day cf. May next.
JOHN F. MILLER, 5-Gonnu'rs,
Comtnissiorv;rs' Office,
Huntingdon, March 11, 1346_
liwitingdon County, SS.
• The Commonwealth of Pennsyl.
rania lo Delilah McCrum, GREET.
LNG: --Whereas, Rotert Meettnn,
did on the 22nd day of August, A. D.
• 1845, present his petition to our
said Judges of the Court 01 Common
Pleas, of the county of Huntingdon afore
said, praying for the causes therein set
forili, that he might be divorced from the
bonds of Matrimony, entered into with
you the said Delilah McCrum. He do
therefore command you the said Delilah
McCrum, as often before commanded,
that set ting aside all other business and
excuses whatsoever, you be and appear in
your proper person before our Judges at
Huntingdon, at our County Court of Coin
mon Pleas, there to be held in and for
said county, on the second Monday of
April next, to answer the Petition or Li
bel of the said Robert McCrum, and to
shew cause, if any you have, why the said
Robert McCrum, your husband, should
not be divorced from the bonds of Mat
rimony, agreeably to the act of General
Assembly, in such cases made and provi
ded, hereof fail not. Witness the Hon.
A. S. Wilson, Esq., President of our said
Court at Huntingdon, the S let day of
January A. D. 1845.
JAMES STEEL. Prothonotary.
The defendant will take notice as above
commanded. JOHN ARMITAGE. shy:
Huntingdon, Mardi 4, 1846
Tat, LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
QV of Execution, under the nqw law,just
printed, and fur sale, at thisofllce.