IF_~s+'i~cs;.s.u~e AE JOURNAL 14UNTINGDON: ‘Vednesday, March 11, 1816. Our thanks ate due to the Hon. Jong DLAacaAun, for a valuable public document. ci•• The Aqueduct across Shnver's Ford will be completed, ft is thought, by the beginning of the coming week. We observe that our transportation men aro putting their stock upon the canal and preparing to commence the business of the season. r;;YPhe Message of President Fisher, to the F. S. Senate at Huntingdon, will he read with ht Iciest. It contains, as does every thing coining from the pen of this gentleman, sound, statt'smlll like doctrines, and lofty, brilliant idea.. Let all read it. It will he found on our first page. ccynts Anor.yriox or Cserr., Puxisitmssa will come up for discussion in the U. S. Senate at Huntingdon, on to-morrow evening. It is expect ed Geo. Triplor, Esq. will address the Senate on this question, es well as the able anal eloquent gentlemen who hare on all occasions participated and enlivened the debates of this useful end inter esting association•. Let there be a full house—a perfect jam. Stato Legislature. We net without our usual Legislative letter this week, and are es yet unaware of rho cause. It is possible, however, that our correspondent did not write on account of the entire barrenness of Legis lative news. We see by the papers that nothing of interest has transpired in either House since our last, with perhaps the exception of the passage in the House of the Judicial division of the Revenue bill, the provisions of which reduces the salaries of the Supreme and Distnct Court Judges. Tin tuna of the Liver.° members was taken up during nearly the whole week with the nomination of a Commissioner candidate. There has nothing been done in the House in regard to either the Central Railroad or the Right of Way. As the Locofoco Convention has adjournod, we shall likely have some news iu regard to these two great projects for our next paper. Srarso.—The weather for the butt few days has been delightful; and the way Mr. Sol has been walking into winter's white marble, is a caution to ell who have been caught at a distance from home MI runners. At this present writing the bnow has utmost entirely disappeared. crythe citizens of Mifflin county hold a meet ing at Lewietown on tho 24 'nat., and past a aeries Tome. dexta It• an, Eel. presided. The press and the people of “Little Mifflin" de serve thank. for the firm and patriotic manner in which they have stood op to the interests of Penn sylvania on these railroad questions. Spring Illections. We hope our Whig brethern will consider the importance of the election of Judges and Inspec tors of election., which are to be held in the re ppeclive townships on Friday the 20111 day of March inst. The partial success of the Locofocoe last fall, enabled them to divide our county, in the hope that they could place it under the rule of Lo c.ifecoism for the future. Lel them never realize that hope. There is still a NVhig majority of from sIX to SEVEN HUNDRED in the old county, as appears by the returns of the last Gubernatorial and Fresidential elections. Every friend of the country should be at hie post, ready to du his duty et the spring elections, so as to prevent Lindero ism from obtaining tire custody of the ballot boxes; for there to no doubt but that the "li/toiler/I" will tree every effort, no matter how foul, to make a demonstration next fall, and carry the county if possible. Let it be remembered that au important election takes place in October, for member. of Congress, Canal Commissioner, and county offi cers; and recollecting that, let every man be on the alert early. TyThe Globe not being in the hands of any re sponsible person, and the title to it not eltegether .'clear and unguationable," the public will ofcouree not expect tut to reply to any thing that may be said of us by the long-eared tribe that for the prefs en! manage that eieitly concern. Tits MeTr vs.—The editor of the Clinton Demo crat, in speaking of the division of this county,thu■ unwittingly lets out the secret motive which in duced the Locofscos all over thy State to support the measure. Hear him: oOur friend of the Huntingdon Journal is per fectly rabid in consequence of 0110 of the members from that county supporting the measure, and he deals in sundry not very amiable epithets in refer ence to the gentleman, \\ h a t i s wrong s ; r ! wiii old Whig and anlimasonic Huntingdon be Demo cratic hereafter? Ha! ha!" The interrogatory contained in the above, we will le/ the people answer et the polls, in October Hest. Correct asce.—Jarnes K. Snowden, Eng., State Treasurer of Pennsylvania, announces the receipt from an annonyntous source of two hundred and fifty dollars, which the writer ratites to he due to the State for taxation certain property which descended !natty years ago to collateral heirs. ..The Huntingdon Journal charge; Mr. Owin with going against his own interest."—Regiskr. Not as, Mr. Jonce. We never even invected ihn of going against outer; Want." • I( torr or War IN Vim,' ra.—The bill remov rig tiomp of the reattictiona un the lialtimoro and thin Itaifroad Company liar parted [lto Setiala of :Nat a, it passed the Hutt.. Anonymous Writers—M. win on the Tariff. We do not often pay any attention to annony mous correspondents of papers; but wo are inclined to noticoscommunioation of a decidedly LOW . .co character in tho last liollidtlaburg Registe6ehich is prolesaedly a Whig, paper. The comMunica lion, we have reason to believe, was, penned by the editor of that paper, and we are somewhat for tified in this belief by the fact that our brother of the Register is blamed with often giving publicity in that shape to obnoxious pieces, whicc it would be too inconsistent to let appear as editorials. The communication alluded to states that we eulogized Mr. 141°11111.0v for having Morris town- Alp divided, end abuse the traitor Gwin, whom it characterize. as "the representative of the people and not of a faction;" and the writer hesitates not in pronouncing the traitor Gwin and Mr. Patterson "faithful and worthy representiveie and adds, "they. are entitled to the continued confidence of every citizen of the new county of Blair es well as of the unprejudiced 'of the county of Huntingdon." If it were not for the course pursued by the Register for the lest nine months,tve might well be astonished at treeing such a communication in that paper; but knowing that its chief avocation during . the time specified has been to abuse Whigs and eulogize Locofocos, we aro not at all surprised at this feeler which it has now put forth.. We assert, without the fear of contradiction, that no /Mg would write such a communication, nor tvohtd any Whig publish ii, the assertion of the author, who j signs himself "NV," to the contrary notwithstand- Alexander Gwin "entitled to the thanks and continued confidence" of the Whigs of Blair and Huntingdon counties!! Tell it not in Oath—pub hell it not in the streets of Askelon! Is Whiggery a weathercock which changes with every Wind? Or is it a nose of wax, to ho twisted into any and every shape in the hands of the demagogue? Whigs of Huntingdon and Blair what think you of it? Have you abandoned the Tariff? Do yen now hate what you always professed to love? Alexander Gwira, who hoe persecuted the Whigs all the days of his life—who would persecute them yet even unto death, hr recOrathended to the "con tinued tredidetce" of the Whigs! Alexander qltelt), the open advocate of FREE TRADE—the avowed enemy of the distribution of the proceeds of the Public Lands—Alexander Gwin, whoskulk ed behind the Speaker's chair when the vote was taken on the Tariff Resolutions as they came from the Senate into the house of Representatives, and sneakingly DODGED the vote in favor of the Tar iff, unencumbered with Locofoco measures, but whose cowardly heart, rankling with vengeance against the Tariff and the Whigs, had Locofoco ardor enough to prompt him to sneak into his seat and vote for loading those resolutions with fault tien. of James K. Polk, the "better Tariff man"— with hearty approbation of the Sub-Treasury scheme, and Quixotic hostility to a National Bank —this is "the representative of the people and not of a faction," who is entitled to the thanks of the Whigs. and ‘vh., toeyrve coun ties," through a Whig paper, (God sat e the intuit!) by its astute editor or an equally astute anony mous correspondent, in order to enable this honest! fair! and popular!!! "representative of the people," to carry his love for Locofoco measures and his hostility to Whig principles into the hall of Con- - Whet think you of it, Whigs of the iron region! Are you ready to be turnad over to the support of such a creature, who has rendered himself odious to every friond of Pennsylvania interests, by his abominable course towards the tneasUres which protect 01l those interests? And Whet say you Whigs of Blair county, are you ready fora bitterer dose than was prepared for you last fall? Aro you, bona. the Locofocos, to gratify a spirit of persecution sad revenge, granted your petitions, ready to swallow this creature whole? or will you not rather in defiance of the wishes of those who control what professes to be your organ, cast this traitor front you, and as in times gone by, support those entertaining principles in accordance with your own? We believo you will. A nthracito Yurnacos. We sce by a statement in the last Harrisburg Telegraph, taken from the liailroad Journal, that ' there is now 34 Anthracite Furnaces is Pennsyl vania, all of which are in blast, except 7. Those in blast are capable of turning out 1300 tons of iron per week, or 67,600 tons per annum. Those erecting, and preparing to be put in blast, can pro duce 500 ton. per week, or 26,000 tons per an num—making the product of the whole 1800 tons per week, or 93,600 tont per annum. The quan tity of coal required to smelt a ton of iron, upon the average, is 2i tons, which would wake a week ly consumption of 45,000 tons of cool, amounting to 234,000 tons per annum, in these works, merely to run the ore into pig metal. Of the 27' furnaces all except four have been put in blast since the, passage of the Tariff of 1812. It is true that sev eral others were built before that period, and blown in, but were soon compelled to suspend operation. In speaking of this subject the other day, en in telligent friend of oars remarked, that the revenue which the State would derive from having one hen tired of those Anthracite furnaces located upon the banks of her canals, would pay the interest upon the State debt. Tax•pupers of Pennsylvania, are you prepared to sea tha destruction of thu present Tariff; which, if let alone, will in a few years, produce the very result of which our friend speaks? Witten is Tits Hamm PA RTY.—The London Bpectator, speaking of the President'. Message, says: "The American President's Message, which woo looked to with some anxiety, pritdoced no ill effect on the market. On the whole, it is considered fa , voroblu to the pacific settlement of the negociations pending on the Oregon ten itory, and with regard ton revision of the TAB I EF, IT CANNOT nor ACT FAY°. HL Ir TO Hai rlsir Evrcitzsrte .Pcitrc does not crmirol Mr. Gtvin."—Regester. I lave scm, of your tniglitior6 1.1'4 out that it require. dalara to do that! th, Mr. Joliet'? loeofoeo State Convention. This body, which met in Harrisburg on the 4th inst., appears to have been rather a boisterows af fair. The Harsisburg Intelligencer says: "The hbur of ineetint. ; of the Convention wlts three o'clock in tire afiernoon, and the rogliett bed I scarcely arrived, when Gen. Porter Wilson, of ' Huntingdon, at She tap' of his voice, ruminated a Mr. HALE so President of the Convention; and at the same instant another delegate vociferated the name of Gen. ROGERS for President. Thus the melee commenced. Both nominees took the stand, the friends of each shouting et the top of their voices—. Hale !'—'Rogers l'—‘Rogers! —'Hale!!!'—'Rogers!! f—intermin g led with bar rel., shouts, hisses, groans, clapping and stamping —the voices of the chairmen appealing to the Con vention for 'order!'—'order!'--'order!'--and ma , king on much clamor themselves as any body else— and the various speakers, prominent amongst whom we recognised Messrs. Brewster, Frazer, Brown, I Reader, Wilson, Black, Rumford, and others of equal celebrity, mounted upon the desks and tables, trying to make themselves heard by shouting at the top of their lungs, altogether presenting such a I scene of disorder and confusion as beggars descrip tion. After some ten minutes or more of this "con fusion worse confounded," the tumult subsided in a degree, and Mr. Charles Brown of ' , Buckshot" memory, suceeeded in making himself heard, and proposed that n vote be taken by yens and nays on the appointmeht of the President, which was finally agreed to, and resulted es followst—Rogere; St; I I Hale, CC" On the morning of the sth, the Convention was permanently organized by the appointhleht of Br Champneys, of Lancaster, ea President. The anti-Foster men then offered resol'ution's in quiring into the expediency of adjourning until June, and in favor of rotation in office, all of which were voted down; the State Administration havint a large majority in the Convention. Resolutions in favor of the one term principle were then offered, and opposed by Brown of Phila delphia, and Joshua F. Cox, the eenegato Whig of Somerset county, and others. They were replied to, says the by Mr. Reynolds of Mifflin, and very ably Chi: suc cessfully by Sam'l. Black, of Allegheny, tad Gen. Wilson of Huntingdon. Mr. Black wax exceed ingly happy, sarcastic and severe. The adminis tration men fairly winced under the battery of sar exam and wholesome truth which he levelled against them. Mr. B. made by tar the most effective speech in the Convention, which was evinced by the repeated and hearty plaudits with which it was greeted by the audience. The ono term principle, however, was VOTED nowt, and the Convention proceeded to the nomi nation of a candidate for Canal Commissioner, which resulted in the choice of Wm. D. Fusion, Jr., by a vote of SO to 40, the latter being divided amongst a number of other candidates. Mr. Fos ter is a member of the present Board and has been charged with using the patronage of his office to secure his own nomination• nr thsh ~...t. ..e But the worst act, says the Pa. Telegraph, was left for the last. A resolution was reported in fa vor of a revenue tariff with discriminations, in the language of Polk and Walker, for protection of all the interests of the country. Mr. Mumma, a delegate from Dauphin county, moved to amend the resolution by one asserting that the Cont , ention approted of the Tariff of 1812, and were opposed to its modification or repeal. A debate sprung up on tide motion, in which the cloven foot of free trade was fully exposed to view, The Wolkerites made every attempt to dodge the question, and finally suceeeded in laying both the resolution and the amendment oh thy table. Thus ended the labors of tho Convention, which, by re fusing to give an expression of opinion in favor of the present tariff has done more to prostrate Penn sylvania, than a hundred Conventions can ilo to !mild her up. The question will now naturally arise, chn Pennsylvania Ire whipped into the support of a man uninitiated through the influence of his own OFFICIAL PATRONAGE, and by a Conven tion that refused to sustain the Tariff of 1842? The Tariff; The Washington correspondent of the North American says:—"An estimate has been made within a few days, of the actual veto that can be relied upon for the existing Tariff, and 95 is tho total ascertained. In addition to the Whig Coto, 10 aro expected front Pennsylvania, 2 from Mary land, 2 from New Jersey, 2 from New York, and 3 scattering. There is an inclination in the Com mittee of Ways and Means to report McKay's bill, which Was prepared 'oy Gov. Wright two years ago, and it would very probably command the Democratic votes I have enumerated. At the final test thorn will be several absentees, attd I still hold to the conviction that whatever bill emanates from the Committee, will be carried by a majority of twenty votes or thereabouts. Later News from Europe. lly the arrival of tho packet ship Toronto, at New York, wo have rocoivod four days later ad. vices from Europe. The news is interesting. The prospect of tho repeal of the Corn Laws grows stronger. The markets are steady, and in wheat thero in no change since ate Cambria'. advice.. The cotton market is steady, the sales largo, and prices well supported English funds were oh (ho tile, the news re ceived from the United states being considered sat isfactory. Ireland confirmaa in a Mato of great eveitement, and O'Connell has brought theaubject of the fem. ino in that country before Parliament. Pats.--On Wednesday lost the born of Mr. Inane Waugh, of Coo!spring tp., was destroyed by fire. The fire was used in dreseing flax, very im prudently, near the barn, and by sonic means com municated with it. Ono of Mr. \\laugh's slough tore, aged about IH, war very badly burned; but it is thought may recover. A quantity of Hay, some Oats, and about 100 dozens of broken flax were destroyed.--cer The Late Pnet . at Irt!.:, hal 0:1 Ca, I Correspondence of the Harrisburg Telegraph. We mentioned in our last that a hostile renting, CONGRESS. had taken place between John 11, Plensanta, editor I ,•,,,. ' NA'ssiiisoxox, 3farch 5„1846. of tiro Richmond . s: Whig, and Thee. Ritchie, editor . r DxAn Std:—The, New Jersey election case oc °film Miriam, As wee fenre4, Mr.! ileasantre cupied the house on Monday, Tuesday and yes heir died the 'tvounds.receivedAri the . conibat: t terday. f The follewing is tlken Rpm the hmend Times: ' This case sias finally disposed of, by deciding in 4e. D. ,. ... or Pasesa ec hr favor of John Hunk, wli:g, and against Mr. rodeo, THE COIIONER ' S Ism nsT.—On Friday nn Inquest Loco • the vote being 96 to 96, the Speaker gave was held upon the body of John H. Pleneantft, de- ' eensed, before Coroner Robert 'l'. Wicker, the ex-'' the casting vote in favor of Mr. Runk. i un i mi ti on before t h e Jury occ upyin g fleet ly th e Mr. Sawyer of Ohio, then rose to make a per- , whole day. Their verdict was, that' hos. Ritchie, ! canal explanation. A letter bad appeared in the Jr., was guilty of the murder of Mr. Pleasant. in a i New York Tribune, vetting forth that lie, (Mr. 5.,) mutual combat Mid .between them on the 25th 1 . dail y bri ng i ng the ....u. ult., and that Peter Je ff erson Archer, Washington 7. t , T. the ha bit 9, onlY to 1 .. 1 bread and cheese, and eating it back of the Speak- G:eenhow and Willinm Scoot were present, aiding Speak and nbetting in said combat and in eaid murder. er's chair. Some other things wore eiid about hie The Coroner has issued his warrant to arrest Isola 1 picking his teeth with a jack-knife. lie recom pantes found guilty by the inquisition. . mended no course of action to the House ; he This affray grow ant of a card published by merely wished to elate the (has. After he sat Ritchie, pronettrieltig Mr. Pleasants "a rank cow down, Mr. Brinkerhooff of 0., rose and submitted ord. They met armed with pistols and swords, l a resolution to the effect that the letter writers and and after firing several shine, they cldsed, using reporters for thelNew York Tribune be expelled their swords and Inflicting several Revere wounds from the House. Which was agreed to by a largo upon each other. Mr. Pheasants received a wound I majority. in the abdomen, which caused hie sleuth on the i Title may ho Tbry right, but f we look back in 27th alt.; having left an aged mother and two chil- the session a little, we will find that one of the ed dren, who wore dependent upon him for their itore of the Union, and an officer of this House, moans of sustenance. endeavored to browbeat Mr. Inchon of Mass., for making some enquiries, iti his place, relative to . the public printing. Ile, (Mr. H.,) Was charge:l with falsifying, a far more serious one than that laid at Mr. Sawyer's door, and a motion to expel said edi tor and officer, was laid on the table. Kicking dead heroes, displays greet courage. In the Senate the Oregon debate hoe occupied the week thus far, and continues to be the grand ob ject of attraction. Although the Oregon question line been discussed over and over again, and every inch of ground occupied &sem of times, yet the interest is as great as ever. On Monday Mr. Breese occupied the Senate in a profound and well studied speech, in which he endeavored to show, beyond cavil, that our title to Oregon up to 54 deg. 40 min. was clear. He re viewed the speeches of the several Senators who had preceded him, and differed with the moat of ' them in regard to the relative naval strength of the United States and England. He looked upon England as the weaker nation by far, owing to the number of dependencies she is forced to keep in aubjection, and hooted at the idea of her doing us comparable injury. On Tuesday Mr. Dayton took the floor, and was strong in-favor of compromise. Up to 49 deg. he *as satisfied our title was the best and he woe wil , IMg to maintain that ; but between 49 deg. and 54 deg. 40 thin, he believed the territory was a fit sub ject for atbritation and compromise, and was there fore ill favor of that mode of adjustment. He took R passing survey of Mr. Breese's speech, and thought differently fr o m hid, in regard to the naval force of the two rations, On Vt'edireeday Mt. Haywood followed Mr. Dayton, in One of the most sarcastic and forcible speeches I ever listened to •, . ,,, Nowc A leade ,. ;}:; ,( l oar title to 49 deg. was good, and he would light for it , but not an inch further would ho go without negotiation. He belabored Mr. Cass and Mr. Allen most unsparingly i their faces meantiin crimsoned with passion. He quoted from Mr. Aiien'a speech, and burlesqued his bombastic talk about war, un til Mr. A. could stand it no longer, who springing to his feet said he wished the Senator froth N. C., would not qudte him falsel;;; 51r. Haywood said lie did not carry the Ohio Senators speech in his pocket, but was cure hi quotes] right. Before he had concluded the Senate adjourned. Mr. Haywood resumed and concluded his re marks this morning, in the Senate. Ho regarded this whole debate as n grand electioneering scheme, got up for the purpose of forcing certain gentlemen prominently forward for the Presidency. He ridi culed the idea of bringing the resolution of the Baltimore Convention, relative to Texas and Ore gon, before the Senate of the United Stales. He went on to say if that resolution was administered as a pledge, it was forgotten in the letter to Mr. Polk informing him cf his nomination. As soon alike had finished, Mr. Hannegan rose, laboring apparently under the influence of much passion, and was proceeding to inquire whether the Ser-ator from North Carolina professed to represent' the views of the President in his speech, when lie was interrupted by Mr. Allen, who seemed unable, to resist the strong excitement which agitated his whole system, and who, in a boisteroua tone of Voice, and in the most insulting manner, demanded a categorical reply to the interrogatory propounded by Mr. Hannegan—ho demanded it for the coun try, and not for himself or the Senate. Mr. Hay wood, whd manifested admirable calmnees and col lection, refused an answer, when Allen renewed the demand, in a tone of absolute fury, to which Mr. Haywood signified he would neither give sat isfaction, nor suffer himself to be catechised by any member upon that floor—he also gave4llen to un derstand in the plainest terms, he would be asha mcd of himself if, holding the position of Chair than of the Comnlittod on Foreign Affairs, the place of all others supposed to enjoy confidential inter course with the Executive department, ho was com pelled to ask publicly, the eentiments of the Pres ident. He thought it proved there was no love lost between the parties, and no confidence wasted. Mr. Hannegan then obtained the floor, and in dulged in a strain of personal reflection, for which he was called to order. Ho charged the . South with Punio faith, in departing from the Baltimore Resolutions, and said if the President deviated from Rho purpose of maintaining, at every hazard, our right to 54 40, ho would sink to the lowest deep of degradation that ever fell to the lot of a public man—that he would stand diegraced before the world, and despised by his own country. Take it all in all, it was a moat extraordinary scene for ' the Senate Chamber, and shown how far men will allow themselves to be carried by partizan zeal. The Committee on Naval Affairs, threngh Mr. Stanton, reported a bill relative to coast and harbor defence on a plan submitted by Captain Tsylor, the dicing bell man. JCDOB Waoawuun has come bei . de tho public with ei long address, explanatory of the causes which led to his rejection by the U. S. Senate. It appears that the Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania remonstrated against hie confirma tion, and Judge Woodward seems to think their influence was the cause of his 'ejection. Judge Woodward thus speaks of their honors on the Supreme Bench of this State: "From the time I voted for the limited tenure in the Reforni Convention to this day, I have heard nothing but reproaches of myself from Chief Jus tics Gibson, Judge lingers and Judge Burnside. It wcnhl not comport with the temper of this letter to write down the hard speeches and abusive epi thets, adjectives being omitted, which I have been compelled for years to hear from these distinguish ed men. Aid since t h e President honored me with the nomination which they so much court, their wrath seems to have burst all bounds. Self respect forbids me to notice in detail the many un kind things they have said of. me, btit it is time for dram distinctly to underittand, that if thorn be not voluntary and total reform in that regard, such no tice will be taken of the matter as may possibln in their cases, abbreviate the tenure already And again: I remember one tirlieported cas'o Weil, for it turf ed upon a constitutional question which I had ruled in an opinion filed. Whilst it was tinder review in the Supremo Court, Judge Rogers is said to have ejaculated that my constitutional opinions were "monstrous." I think, however, the °biter dictum of his Honor must have referred to the limited ten , ure, for they affirmed the opinion I had filed. NAIIVE CONVE,TION.--The Native Americans held a Stoic Convention in dila place on Tuesday the f2.lili ult., anti re-nominated Capt. MonToN as her can didate for Canal Commissioner. Dele gates were in attendance from six or sm flt‘V,it:i nit 1 1 ,- W/1PX,.14,, , ,c.hve,efi u r Nti world, to see these infatuated men, con. tinning in their efforts to build up a par ty. We should think that the rebukes they have already met nith would con vince them that they labor in vain. Such Whigs we trust, as have b nled ofTin the i hope of accomplishing aginary good through this organizatiot , f will see the folly of longer adhering I :ii it, and return to the support of their cherished princi ples. The friends of list tariff must be convinced by this time, that it is only by adhering to the Whig ..;:ganization, that any good can be done for the country through flits great meosure. Let them rally then, to the Whig, Standard.-1/ae risburg Intelligencer. The Lancaster Examiner copies a paragraph from a Pittsburg paper, in which it is threatened that.the Counties of Al legheny, Beaver, Armstrong, and one or two othersovill combine together in resist ing all payment of taxes for State purpm. ses, should the Right of Way be refused to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and appends to it the following rather signifi. cant continent : .This alarming threat on the part of our Western friends induced us to look into official &contents, to see what would be the consequences if they should actu ally carry out their threat, and .no longer sutler themselves to a drain of their means to swell the wealth and arrogance of all that is mean, sordid, selfish and merce• nary.' It appears from a report of the Auditor General, that in the period of four years, ending in 1844, the counties named by the American paid into the Treasury, abort 413160,000, of taxes for State purposes, whilst in the same period of time they drew out over e 284,000 for School purposes ! We would suggest to our nullifying, friends of the West, that they further spite the 'mean, sordid, sel fish and mercenary" East, lay refusing longer to maintain their schools at its ex pense. The 'bondholders' would take such a course dreadfully to heart:" MYRTORIOL'iI DEATIG-A respectable young Irishman, named Patrick McOwen, lef his employ er's house in Newark township, N. J., on the 9th ult., to go to Morristown, and was expected to re turn next evening, but he did not come, and the next morning ho was found in the barn of Mr. Van Marcum, in whose service ho was, senseless, and lived but three hours after he was found. He had some wounds on the head, but the verdict of the Coroner's Jury was to the effect, that it was impos sible to decide whether they were inflicted by the hands of violence, or caused by a fall front the hay :oft. 60'510jOr THOM es &roe tcroN, Governor of the State of Delaware, died suddenly on Alonday evening at New Castle, while sitting in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court, ,conversing on business. Covrorr.---There wore received at New Or- leans in ono day, on the 21st ult., 10,114 bales of cotton. There was a leme at the Presidential mansi last evening. It was well attended, but not nu so fuahjoiinhte so some of its predecessors. A !Mall building, in which gas was generated, for the use of Brown's Hotel, won destroyed by fire this mqtAing. It is Ay great pity this'occurred, gas being en or. petiment as yet with us. It is to be hoped Mr. Brown will repair the damage and. ,, go it again." • In coriclbsion, I will observe that , your readers must pay no attention to the denials of father Hitch ie, of rumors sent from bete. He will stultify self twenty tithe, a day if bard run. Yours truly, 8. . IVEARRISD, • On the sth inst., by the Itoy. J. 8. Lee, MN ENOCH 8. WALT, of Prirree township, to Um RUTH TICE, of Petersbuit • Gn the sdme ay, by johnlkht, Esq., Mr, MOSES HAMER, to Wm ELIZABETH CO • ZENS, both of Walker township. . • On the same day, by the same, Mt eAMUEL lIOLLINGSHEAD, to Miss JANE WILSON, both of Huntingdon. • On the same day, at Thome Forge, by the Rev. S. H. Reid, Mr. WM. AKELEY, to Miss MA. RIA NEVILLE, both of this county. On Thursday, the 26th ult., by the Rev. J. M'Keehan, Mr. WM. H. GORSUCH, to Mist ELIZA JANE BOOHER, both of this county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. WM, GRESINGER, to Miss SUSAN ANN HARM DCSJ,LAR, both of this county. DIED, On the night of the 2d lust, Mrs. MARGAREI FLENNER, of Walker tawnehip, aged about 6 yearn. (eak omo taste and tty, _ \„wl am sure you will buy, some very superior molasses; at the Cheap Casit StORE of JOHN N. PROWELL. Huntingdon, March 11, 1846. Tla.) ERSONS wishing topnrchase any kin( i 47 of Wootimx Goons, will End tha they can be had at very, reaUced prices/ a' almost cost, at the Chextp•Cash Store rlf JOHN, N. PROWELL. Huntingdon, March 11, 1846'. TO IRON-MASTERS, The subscriber offers at private sale, • tract of land, situate is the upper end o Mifflin county, on which there is a VERY T EXENSIVE bank of IROX• ORE of excellent quality. The bank is about one mile tram the Pennsylvania Canal. Sev eral hundred tons of the Ore have been manufactured. particulars refer to A • ROTHROCK McVeytown, March 11, 1846. Hunting don Academy. ! The winter session of the Huntingdonl Academy will close on Friday the 20th inst. 4 at which time there will be an examination{ on the various subjects that have been stu died during the session. The following ar vi oubj, 011 which the student will be examined t English Grammar, Gel ography, Arithmetic, Algebra, Philosophy: Chemistry, Creek, (Homer,) and Latin. (Virgil, and Cesar.) The Trustees, Parents, and public are invited to attend. The exercises will com mence at 9 o'clock in the morning. The Summer ses:ion will commence-atter a vacation of two wet ks, on the 6th of April. Persons wishing to send their sons to the Academy should mac, application as soon as pos6ilde. Parents may be assured that every attention will be given to their chil dren, both in regard to their improvement, and morals. GEO. W. WILLIARD, Principa Huntinzdon, Mardi 11,1848. ,[1,4 hie To the creditors of A - em Pei Cunning, ham, and of Joseph k nip and Jeremiah Cunningham, and all persps interested. The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Cdnimon Pleas, of Huntingdeni county, to marshal and apportion ;he assets in the hands of lames Gardner, assipnee &c. will attend at the Public House of John Dough erty, (the United States Hotel) in the bor ough of Hollidaysburg, on Thursday ttie 2nd day of April next, at 10 o'cl'oct, A, it when and where all interested are notified to attend. JOHN CRESSWELL, Auditcf, Huntingdon, March 11, 1846. auditor's . 7 1olice: The creditors and all interested ;ittlre as. sets in the hands of Randall AleXandet ad Nathan Rickets of Shirley township, in the county of Huntingdon, are hereby notified that the undersigned, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to audit and apportion the assetts in the hands of said assignees—will attend at the Public House of Thomas Wallace, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Friday the third day of April next, for the purpose of auditing, &c., when and where all persons interested are notified to attend. THOS. P. CAMPBELL, Auditor, Huntingdon, March 11, 1846, and Wor Xotiec All persons interested will take notice that the undersigned, Auditor appointed to make distribution of the proceeds 01 x Sheriff's sale of Thomas McNamara's in. terest in the Portage Iron Works, among his creditors, will attend for that purpose at the Prothonotary's iffice, in Huntingdon,' on Friday the 3d day of April next, at 10 o'clock A.M., when and where alt persona are required to present their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. JOHN CRESSW ELL, auditor. Hiatingdon, March 1846. slieditorl s olicea ALL persons interested, are notified that the undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, as Auditor to marshal the assets and apportion amongst the creditors &c., the remaining assets in the hands of Albert J. Garber, Adminiatra ter of James Archurs late of the borough o: Hollidaysburg, dec'd, will attend to Audit and apportion &c. at the American Hoes, in Hollidaysburg, on Thtirsday the 2d da of April next, at 10 o'clock A. M. when tuk! where all interested may attend'. J kM4F.S D. REA, Auditor. Huntingdon, Marcrll, 1896. !, kt